金立手机为什么下不了undead pixel下载slay

= =  青山幽谷笛声扬    白鹤振羽任翱翔  往事前尘随风逝    携手云峰隐仙乡
手指从键盘上滑落。 一滴清澈的眼泪,从眼角处,缓缓地流淌而出。 WAR3的剧情结束了,但它给人所带来的,却是永无止境的。 难忘最后的片尾,王子用力地挥舞起,将万年不化的冰封王座斩碎。 那一瞬,仿佛,已是永恒。 他俯身,将它拾起,随即缓缓戴上。 低沉而神圣的颂歌,回响在凄凉的死亡大陆上空,久久,不曾散去。 他的眼神里,不再带有一丝人类的感情,而是充斥着,那冰冷而强大的淡蓝色符文。 背叛,弑父,弑师,屠杀曾经深爱着的子民……他的行为,已经不仅仅能用“疯狂”两字来形容。 但是,他有错吗? 他所做的这一切,归根究底,都是为了自己的王国和人民。 然而,他所遭遇的……导师的不解,爱人的失落,父亲的怀疑…… 虽然,他有着荣耀的血统,辉煌的地位,高尚而洁白的灵魂。 但是,那些,都已成为过往。 将刺入父亲的胸膛的那一刻,我想,他的内心,应该是没有丝毫的怜悯。 正如他所说的—— :“没有悲伤,没有愤恨,没有痛苦,没有荣耀,没有羞愧,没有遗憾。” ,一个传奇式的人物,一个悲情的英雄。 至少,世人,是永远不会理解他的。
&&& 哀伤之霜雪冰刃 缠绕封冻之巅&&
突破理性极限 写下堕落的誓言&&
抛开荒诞的使命 踏上无悔的执着&&
撕毁虚伪的丑恶嘴脸 死亡之约侧显 力量坚毅最真实的一面&&
死亡的信仰与忠贞 告别哀泣悲鸣的眷恋&&
啊 来自地狱深渊亡灵的歌唱 诉说起不灭的永恒与信念&&
寒风吹带走彷徨 冻结残留破碎信仰&&
拔起诅咒之剑 陌生而熟悉的脸庞&&
曾经的荣耀辉煌 穿透昨日的胸膛 诅咒中闪烁泪光&&
倾诉 &&& 冻结孤独绽放的凋零 燃烧冷漠缠绕的霜冰&&
阴霾夜幕恐惧降临 蔓延堕落侵蚀&&
告别过去与宿命 契约之声默默倾听 享用灵魂片刻宁静&&
感受冰封召唤的引领 寻内心深处的声音&&
夕阳逆洒作别曾经 寒风唤回梦醒&&
寂寞爬满双鬓 握剑合十苍凉身影&&
一曲豪迈忠贞于亡灵&&& &&
孤独飘舞的披风 蕴含多少沉重 前进的步伐之中 无法磨灭的伤痛&&
告别史诗的歌颂 冲破命运的牢笼 追寻着梦想彼岸的王座冰峰&&
挥血祭下的黑暗遵从 暗潮深渊汹涌 将前世人生彻底抹冻&&
&&& 冻结孤独绽放的凋零 燃烧冷漠缠绕的霜冰&&& 阴霾夜幕恐惧降临 蔓延堕落侵蚀&&& 告别过去与宿命 契约之声默默倾听 享用灵魂片刻宁静&&& 感受冰封召唤的引领 寻内心深处的声音&&& 夕阳逆洒作别曾经 寒风唤回梦醒&&& 寂寞爬满双鬓 握剑合十苍凉身影&&& 一曲豪迈忠贞于亡灵
——“或许,在艾泽拉斯广袤的土地上,我只是一个被诅咒、被放逐的灵魂罢了。何谓光明,何谓信仰?不过是纵瞬间,自我的救赎与背叛。” &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
以下是部分资料: Uther the Lightbringer:Welcome, Prince .The men and I are honored by your presence.乌瑟尔.:欢迎啊,王子。我们都很荣幸你能来这儿。:Can the formalities, Uther. I'm not king yet. It's good to see you.:不必拘礼,乌瑟尔。我还不是国王。很高兴见到你。Uther the Lightbringer:You too,lad. I'm pleased that King Terenas sent you to help me.乌瑟尔.:我也是,小伙子。我很高兴泰瑞纳斯国王把你派来帮助我。:Father still hopes your patience and experience might rub off on me.:父亲还是希望你的耐心和经验可以帮助我。Uther the Lightbringer:It is a father's right to dream, isn't it?乌瑟尔.:望子成龙是父亲的权利,不是吗?(两人都笑了):Look, here's where we stand.Our scouts have confirmed that there is an orc encampment hidden somewhere over the next ridge.:从我们现在的位置,往那儿看。我们的前哨已经证实前方山头后面的某处有一座的营地。Uther the Lightbringer:As I suspected...乌瑟尔.:正如我所料...:It gets worse.They're preparing to attack the nearby village of Strahnbrad.As far as we know, the village is completely defenseless.:情况变糟了。它们正在准备攻击附近的Strahnbrad村庄。据我们所知,这个村庄毫无防御措施。Uther the Lightbringer:I need to move against the orc's base immediately.Can you handle Strahnbrad's defense on your own?乌瑟尔.:我要去对的基地进行打击。你能独自处理Strahnbrad镇的防守工作么?:Of course, Uther.Don't worry about me.:当然了,乌瑟尔。不用为我担心。Uther the Lightbringer:Good.Meet me at the orc camp once you've saved the village.Be careful,.乌瑟尔.:很好。当你救下这个镇之后就到营地来和我会合。一切小心,。
(来到小镇门口,两个兽人步兵砍死了一个逃出来的村民)Dean:Save us!迪安:救救我们!Grunt:He's escaping!Kill him!大G:他想逃跑!杀了他!Arthas:Damn!The attack has already begun!To arms,my brothers!阿尔塞斯:该死!兽人已经攻击了村子!准备战斗,弟兄们!(沿途灭掉兽人步兵,来到小镇左上方,一个兽人的奴隶主正在运送村民去做奴隶)Slave Master:Haul these wretches off with the rest of them!奴隶主:把这些剩下的可怜虫拉走。Grunt:Move'em out!大G:把他们带走!(冲上去解决奴隶主以后,回到小镇门口)Sylvia:Bless you, Prince Arthas!西尔维亚:祝福你,阿尔塞斯王子!Daniel:But what about the others who were taken away?:但是那些被带走的村民们怎么办?Arthas:Don't worry, son. We'll find them and bring them home safe.阿尔塞斯:别担心,孩子。我们会找到他们,并把他们安全地带回来。(跑来一个骑士):Prince Arthas, Lord Uther needs you at the orc encampment immediately!骑士:阿尔塞斯王子,乌瑟尔大人要您立即赶去兽人营地。Arthas:Never a dull moment...Let's get moving!阿尔塞斯:真是一刻不得闲...出发吧!
(阿尔塞斯赶到乌瑟尔新建不久的营地里,乌瑟尔迎面而来)Uther the Lightbringer: Ah, good timing, lad. I sent two of my best knights in to parley with the orc leader. They should be returning shortly.乌瑟尔.光明使者:哈,来的正好,伙计。我派了我手下最好的两个骑士去和兽族的首领和谈。他们很快就会回来。(这时营地外只有两匹马跑了回来,看来骑士是遇害了)Uther the Lightbringer: Damn. These orcs will never surrender.乌瑟尔.光明使者:该死。看来这些不会投降了。Arthas: Then let's get in there and destroy the beasts!阿尔塞斯:那么我们就攻进去消灭这些野兽!(以下是混乱之治中最重要的伏笔)Uther the Lightbringer: Remember, Athers, we are paladins. Vengeance cannot be a part of what we must do. If we allow our passions to turn to bloodlust, then we will become as vile as the orcs.乌瑟尔.光明使者:记住,阿尔塞斯,我们是圣骑士。我们所要做的不是去复仇。如果被愤怒所支配,变成杀戮,那么我们就会变得和那些无耻的一样了。Arthas: Yes,Uther.阿尔塞斯:我知道了,乌瑟尔。(一个骑士跑过来带走了两匹马)Uther the Lightbringer: Now, if you're feeling up to it, I want you to lead the attack.乌瑟尔.光明使者:现在,如果你认为可以胜任,我将让你来负责这次进攻。Arthas: Me? Well, of course!阿尔塞斯:我吗? 当然,没问题!Uther the Lightbringer: I'll remain here and ensure that none of the loathsome beasts threaten the camp.乌瑟尔.光明使者:我会留在这儿,确保那些可恶的无法威胁这座营地。Arthas: I won't fail you.阿尔塞斯:我不会让你失望的。Uther the Lightbringer: I know you won't,lad.乌瑟尔.光明使者:我当然知道,伙计。Blademaster of Blackrock Clan: Paladin fool! The warlocks of the Blackrock clan have spoken! Soon demons will rain from the sky, and this wretch world will burn!黑石氏族:愚蠢的圣骑士!我黑石氏族的巫师已经预言!不久恶魔将从天而降,这个可悲世界将会陷入燃烧的火海!Uther the Lightbringer: Yes, I've heard this rhetoric before. You orcs will never learn!乌瑟尔.光明使者:之前我曾听过这种荒谬的言论。你们从来都不懂得吸取教训!(两人交手,才发现这个是一个镜像)Uther the Lightbringer: It was only a mirror image. Damn it, what are these curs up to?乌瑟尔.光明使者:这只是一个镜像。该死的,这些野兽究竟想要做什么?(镜头转到黑石氏族的祭祀坑里,有些村民和步兵被网在坑里)Blademaster:The hour of doom approaches! Let this paltry sacrifice appease our demon masters! :劫数的末日就要来临了!让这些渺小的祭品来平息我们恶魔主人的愤怒!Unlucky Footman: You sick bastards! You'll never get away with..不幸的步兵:你这个病态的混蛋!你不得好死...(砍死了坑里的所有人)Arthas: Slay the orcs! Slay them all!阿尔塞斯:杀光这些!杀光他们!Uther the Lightbringer: You've done well, lad. This was a sound victory.乌瑟尔.光明使者:做得很好,伙计。我听到了胜利的声音。Arthas: I don't know, Uther. The orcs were sacrificing to townsfolk. I think they were trying to summon demons.阿尔塞斯:我不清楚,乌瑟尔。把村民当作祭品献祭了。我想他们正试图召唤恶魔。Uther the Lightbringer: Have faith, lad. These orcs are trying to hold on to dying traditions. We defeated their demons a long time ago. Let's head for home. It's been a long day.乌瑟尔.光明使者:要有信心,小伙子。这些坚持着他们的死亡传统。我们很久以前曾经击败过他们的恶魔。动身回家吧。这真是漫长的一天。
(古老的守护者有些激动地想要说服达拉然最强大的大师安东尼达斯)The Prophet: You must be wiser than the king! The end is near!先知:你应该比国王更明白!末日就要来临了!Antonidas: I told you before, I'm not interested in this nonsense!安东尼达斯: 我早就告诉过你,我对这种蠢话不感兴趣。The Prophet: Then I've wasted my time here.先知:我在这儿是浪费时间。(变成一只乌鸦而去)Antonidas: You can show yourself now, Jaina. He's gone.安东尼达斯: 你可以现形了,吉安娜。他已经走了。(一直在旁隐身,年轻但极有天赋的人类法师吉安娜·普罗德摩尔从旁边现形)Jaina Proudmoore: I'm sorry for eavesdropping, master, but..吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 很抱歉偷听你们的谈话,大师,但是... Antonidas: It's your inquisitive nature that I've come to rely on, child. That crazed fool's convinced that the world is about to end.安东尼达斯: 你那喜欢偷听的癖好我已经习惯了,孩子。那个疯子居然想让我相信这个世界的末日就要到来。(安东尼达斯用传送术带着吉安娜来到了高处,下方是两个女巫正在比试魔法)Jaina Proudmoore: I've heard the rumors of the plague spreading throughout the northlands. Do you truly believe that the plague is magical in nature?吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 我听到了一些有关于北方蔓延着瘟疫的传闻。您真的认为这是由魔法引起的么?Antonidas: It's a strong possibility. That's why I need you to travel there and investigate the matter. I've arranged for a special envoy to assist you.安东尼达斯: 很有这个可能。这也是为什么我让你去北方调查事实真相。我已经安排了一个特别的人来协助你。Jaina Proudmoore: Yes, master. I'll do my best.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 遵命,大师。我会尽我最大努力。Antonidas: I know you will, child. Farewell.安东尼达斯: 我知道,孩子。祝你成功。(安东尼达斯走了,只剩下吉安娜。下方一个女巫向对方施展了一个缓速魔法,却被对手变成了一只羊
Captain: Prince Arthas, we've been waiting here for hours. Are you sure this friend of yours is coming?卫兵队长:阿尔塞斯王子殿下,我们已经在这儿等了好几个小时了。您的那位朋友会来吗?Arthas: I'm sure. Jaina usually runs a little late.阿尔塞斯: 那当然。不过吉安娜通常都会迟到一会儿。(吉安娜从树林那边出现,背后有两个食人魔拳手追着她)Captain: We must help her!卫兵队长: 必须去救她!Arthas: Stay your blade, Captain. She can take care of herself.阿尔塞斯:收起你的剑,队长。她能保护好自己。(吉安娜召唤了一个水元素,轻松搞定一个食人魔,另一个食人魔慌忙逃走)Arthas: Gentlemen, meet Miss Jaina Proudmoore, special agent to the Kirin Tor, and one of the most talented sorceresses in tha land.阿尔塞斯:绅士们, 这位是吉安娜·普罗德摩尔,肯瑞托的特使,也是这片大陆上最天才的女巫之一。Arthas: Looks like you haven't lost your touch. It's good to see you again, Jaina.阿尔塞斯:看来你功力未减啊。很高兴又能见到你,吉安娜。Jaina Proudmoore:You too, Arthas. It's been awhile since a prince escorted me anywhere.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 我也是,阿尔塞斯。距离王子殿下上一次护送我,似乎没隔多久~Arthas: Yes, it has. Well, I guess we should get underway.阿尔塞斯:是啊。好吧,我们该启程了。(众人来到路口)Jaina Proudmoore:Our sources believe the plague originated in the region north of here. We should check out the villages along the King's Road.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 我们的资料显示,瘟疫的原发地在这一带的北方区域。我们应该沿着国王之路检查每一个村子。Sergeant: Lock your shields and defend yourselves! Their arrows won't get through!警卫: 撑起护盾,保护自己!他们的弓箭将无法穿透!Arthas: Skeletons? Slay them all, immediately!阿尔塞斯:骷髅兵?清除它们,马上!(剿灭完骷髅)Arthas: What were those creatures, Sergeant?阿尔塞斯:那些生物是什么,警卫?Sergeant: Undead, milord! This whole village has gone mad! We did our best to defend the villagers, but...警卫:是不死族,大人!整个村子都陷入了狂乱!我们已经尽全力防守,但还是...Arthas: We'll get to the bottom of this.阿尔塞斯:我们将结束这一切。(来到左边森林深处找到了泉水)Arthas: This must be the shrine that the old man spoke of. Any man who drinks from these Light-blessed waters will be healed.阿尔塞斯:这一定是那个老人所说的圣泉。只要喝了这些带有圣光的泉水都能恢复健康。(从泉水出来到达下面一处腐蚀之地)Jaina Proudmoore:It's as if the land around that granary is ...dying.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 那个谷仓周围的土地似乎将要...死去。Arthas: Could the grain itself be plagued?阿尔塞斯:这些谷物会不会被瘟疫的病菌感染。Jaina Proudmoore:Let's hope not. Those crates bear the regional seal of Andorhal, the distribution center for the northern boroughs. If this grain can spread the plague, there's no telling how many villages might be affected.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 希望不会。那几箱啤酒上有安多哈尔地区的印章,是分配中心给北方地区的。 如果这些谷物传播瘟疫,就不知会有多少村民会被感染。(来到城镇尽头,克尔苏加德正和他的寺僧站在谷仓前)Kel'Thuzad: We've been discovered, my brothers! Flee and continue with the operation!克尔苏加德: 我们被发现了,兄弟们。快撤,行动还要继续!Kel'Thuzad: I'm sorry I can't stay and chat, but... duty calls.克尔苏加德: 十分抱歉,我不能留下和你们聊天,实在是...职责所在~(克尔苏加德召唤完骷髅和憎恶离去,镜头转向憎恶)Jaina Proudmoore:That creature looks like it was sewn together from different corpses.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 那个生物看上去像是由不同的死尸缝合而成的。Arthas: Let's study it after we kill it, okey?阿尔塞斯:我想还是先杀掉它再来研究,你看怎么样?(清掉后)Arthas: Destroy that warehouse, now!阿尔塞斯:摧毁那个仓库,现在!(仓库摧毁后)Arthas: What was that? And who was that wizard dressed in black?阿尔塞斯:那是什么生物?还有那个穿黑袍的男巫是谁?Jaina Proudmoore:I believe that the robed man was a necromancer. Obviously, he and his lackeys are behind this plague.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 我觉得那个穿法衣的男人是个巫师。很明显,他和他的仆人们就是这场瘟疫背后的主使。Arthas: Well, it's a good bet we'll find him, and the answers we're looking for, in Andorhal.阿尔塞斯:这是个有趣的打赌,我们要在安多哈尔找到他,以及事情的真相。
(吉安娜和阿尔塞斯来到一个矿井前,一群寺僧来到那里建起了闹鬼金矿)Jaina Proudmoore:Look! It's those cultists who were with the necromancer! What are they doing to that mine?吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 快看!是和那个巫师在一起的邪教徒们!他们在对那个矿井做什么?Arthas: Let's not wait to find out! Attack!阿尔塞斯:先别研究了!进攻!Acolyte: Damn these intruders! They must not interfere with the master's plan!侍僧:该死的入侵者!他们无法阻止主人的计划的!(侍僧撤离了,阿尔塞斯冲上去一锤搞定了一个侍僧)Arthas: Let's build a base camp here. With those cultists creeping around, I'd rather not head in there without backup.阿尔塞斯:我们要在这儿建立一座基地。到处都是那些邪教徒,我可不想没有后援就盲目进攻。Jaina Proudmoore:I couldn't agree more.吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 我完全赞成。Kel'Thuzad: Hello again, children. I am Kel'Thuzad, and I've come to deliver a warning. Leave well enough alone. Your curiosity will be the death of you.克尔苏加德: 又见面了,孩子们。我的名字是克尔苏加德,我来这儿是为了带给你们一个警告。该适可而止了。你们的好奇心只会给你们带来毁灭。Arthas: Are you responsible for this plague, necromancer? Is this cult your doing?阿尔塞斯:看来你该对这场瘟疫负责,巫师?这些邪教也是你的杰作么?Kel'Thuzad: Yes, I ordered the Cult of the Damned to distribute the plagued grain. But the sole credit is not mine.克尔苏加德: 不错,是我命令诅咒教团散播受感染的稻谷。但教会所信仰的并不是我。Jaina Proudmoore:What do you mean?吉安娜·普罗德摩尔: 你这是什么意思?Kel'Thuzad: I serve the dreadlord Mal'Ganis. He commands the Scourge that will cleanse this land and establish a paradise of eternal darkness!克尔苏加德: 我为玛尔甘尼斯服务。他所操纵的这场灾难将会清洗这片大陆,从而建立起一个永恒的黑暗乐园!Arthas: And what exactly is this Scourge meant to cleanse?阿尔塞斯:那么,这场灾难到底打算清洗些什么呢?Kel'Thuzad: Why, the living, of course. His plan is already in motion. Seek him out at Stratholme if you need further proof.克尔苏加德: 还用问么,当然是所有的生命。他的计划正在运作中。如果想知道的更多,你可以去斯坦索姆找他。Arthas: All the granaries are empty! The shipments have already been sent out. We're too late!阿尔塞斯:所有的谷仓都空了!谷物已经被送出去了。我们来得太晚了!Kel'Thuzad: Naive fool. My death will make little difference in the long run. For, now, the scourging of this land...begins.克尔苏加德: 太天真了。我的死亡不会影响最终的结果。这片,大陆的灾难,现在...才刚开始。
(步兵和火枪手正在村庄里操练,和抵达)Jaina Proudmoore:Hearthglen,finally! I could use some rest!·普罗德摩尔: 哈斯格林,终于到了!我可以休息下了。: It looks like they're preparing for battle.:他们似乎在备战中。(两人走进兵营,一个步兵跑了上来)Footman: Prince ! During the night, a vast army of undead warriors emerged and began attacking villages at random!步兵:王子!昨天晚上,有大群不死族敌军出现,并开始毫无规律地对村子进行进攻!Footman: Now, it's heading this way!步兵:现在,它们正要向这里进攻!: Damn it. Jaina, I'll stay here to protect the village. Go as quickly as you can and tell Lord Uther what's happened.:该死。看来我必须留下来保护村子,。你要以最快速度去找到乌瑟尔大人,并告诉他这里的一切。Jaina Proudmoore:But...·普罗德摩尔: 可是...: Go, Jaina! Every second counts!:快,!分秒必争!(走到一旁用传送术走人了,走到一个防御塔旁,看到了用来装那些受感染谷物的空箱子): Wait..what did those crates contain?:等等...这些货箱里是什么?Footman: Just a grain shipment from Andorhal. There's no need to worry, milord. It's already been distributed amongst the villagers.步兵:只是些从安多哈尔运来的谷物。不用担心,大人,已经分发到村民那里了。: Oh no.:糟糕,不好...(村民开始从魔法中变成丧尸): The plague was never meant to simply kill my people. It was meant to turn them...into the undead! Defend yourselves!:这种瘟疫并不只是简单地杀死我的人民。而是要把他们...变成不死族!保护好自己!战士们!Footman: Prince , the undead forces have arrived!步兵:王子,不死族军队来了!: Hold your ground! We are the Chosen of the Light. We shall not fall!:坚守阵地!我们是被光明所选中的人,绝不会失守!(最后阶段,所有不死族开始总攻): This is impossible. Their numbers seem limitless.:这不可能。它们的数量似乎源源不断,无穷无尽。(不死族正在践踏人族基地,其实很好守- -,防御塔绰绰有余): Light, give me strength!:光啊,请赐予我力量!(迎面干掉一个小狗,乌瑟尔的骑士部队赶到)Uther the Lightbringer: For Lordaeron! For the King!乌瑟尔.光明使者:为了洛丹伦!为国王而战!(双方厮杀,局势扭转): Uther, your timing couldn't have been better.:乌瑟尔,你来得时机总是恰到好处。Uther the Lightbringer: Don't celebrate yet, son. This battle's far from over!乌瑟尔.光明使者:还没到庆祝的时候,孩子。战斗还没结束呢!(战斗结束后,乌瑟尔、和聚在一起,地上满是尸体)Uther the Lightbringer: I'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did, lad. If I hadn't arrived just then...乌瑟尔.光明使者:我很吃惊你居然能坚持那么久,小伙子。但如果我刚才没及时赶到的话...: Look, I did the best I could, Uther! If I'd had a legion of knights riding at my back, I would've...:看吧,乌瑟尔,我尽了我的全力!如果我能有一支骑士队做支持,那么我将会...Uther the Lightbringer: Now is not the time to be choking on pride! What we faced here was only the beginning. The undead ranks are bolstered every time one of our warriors falls in battle.乌瑟尔.光明使者:现在不是得意的时候!我们所面对的这些东西仅仅是一个开始。不死族的军队会从我们每一个倒下的勇士尸体上得到补充。: Then we should strike at their leader! I'll go to Stratholme and kill Mal'Ganis myself if I have to!:那么我们就应该去打击它们的领袖!不得已的话,我会去斯坦索姆,亲手干掉玛尔甘尼斯。Uther the Lightbringer: Easy, lad. Brave as you are, you can't hope to defeat a man who commands the dead all by yourself.乌瑟尔.光明使者:放松些,小伙子。尽管你很勇猛,但你不能指望只靠自己就去干掉一个能操纵死亡的人。: Then feel free to tag along, Uther. I'm going. With or without you.:是否愿意跟着去,悉听尊便,乌瑟尔。我要出发了,有你或者没有。
(一路小跑穿过树林)The Prophet: Greetings, young prince. We must talk.先知():您好,年轻的王子殿下。我们必须谈谈。: I have no time for this.:我没时间。The Prophet: Listen to me, boy. This land is lost! The shadow has already fallen, and nothing you do will deter it. If you truly wish to save your people, lead them across the sea... to the west.先知():听我说,孩子。这片大陆已经沦陷了!巨大的阴影已经降下,无论你怎么做都无法阻止这一切。如果你真的想要拯救你的人民,你应该带他们度过大海...去西方的大陆。: Flee? My place is here, and my only course is to defend my people!:逃走?这是我的国家,我的使命就是保护我的人民!The Prophet: Then your choice is already made. Just remember, the harder you strive to slay your enemies, the faster you'll deliver your people right into their hands.先知():你已经做出了选择。但你要记住,你越是努力地杀死那些不死族敌军,越会加速地将你的人民送给那些敌人。(先知变成乌鸦飞走了,从影遁中出现)Jaina Proudmoore:I'm sorry for concealing myself, . I just wanted to..·普罗德摩尔: 很抱歉我刚才在一旁隐形了,。我只是想...: Don't say it.:别说这个了。Jaina Proudmoore:I sensed tremendous power about him, . Maybe he's right. Maybe he does know what will happen.·普罗德摩尔: 我感到他拥有强大的力量,。或许他是对的。或许他真的知道将发生什么。: Nothing he can say will make me abandon my homeland, Jaina. I don't care if that madman has seen the future. Let's go.:无论他说什么都不会让我抛弃我的家园,。我根本不在乎那个疯子是否看到了未来。我们走吧。(两人一起赶往斯坦索姆)
(乌瑟尔和他的银手骑士们赶到了的营地,阿尔塞斯和已经安置好了营地): Glad you could make it, Uther.: 很高兴你能作出这个决定,乌瑟尔。Uther the Lightbringer: Watch your tone with me, boy. You may be the prince, but I'm strill your superior as a paladin!.乌瑟尔.:注意你的语气,孩子。虽然你是王子,但作为我仍然是你的上司!: As if I could forget. Listen, Uther, there's something about the plague you should know...: 我也许会忘记。听着,乌瑟尔,有些关于这场瘟疫的事你应该知道一下...(镜头转向街道上的市民,他们都变成了绿色明显是被感染了): Oh, no. We're too late. These people have all been infected! They may look fine now, but it's just a matter of time before they turn into the undead!: 不,我们来得太迟了。这些市民已经被感染了。现在他们看上去也许很正常,但他们变成不死族只是时间上的问题!Uther the Lightbringer: What?乌瑟尔.:什么?: This entire city must be purged.:我们要清屠整座城市。Uther the Lightbringer: How can you even consider that? There's got to be some other way.乌瑟尔.:你怎么能做出这样的决定?一定会有其他的方法的。: Damn it, Uther! As your future king, I order you to purge this city!:该死的,乌瑟尔!作为你未来的国王, 我命令你屠城!Uther the Lightbringer: You are not my king yet, boy! Nor would I obey that command even if you were!乌瑟尔.:你还不是我的国王,孩子。即使你是,我也不会执行这种命令!: Then I must consider this an act of treason.:那么我宣布你的这一行为属于叛国罪。Uther the Lightbringer: Treason? Have you lost your mind, ?乌瑟尔.:叛国罪?你失去理智了吗,?: Have I? Lord Uther, by my right of succession and the sovereignty of my crown, I hereby relieve you of your command and suspend your paladins from service.: 我有么?乌瑟尔大人,我以我王权继承人的权力,特此解除你的指挥权,以及的职务。Jaina Proudmoore:, you can't just...·普罗德摩尔: , 你不能就这样...: It's done! Those of you who have will to save this land, follow me! The rest of you... get our of my sight!:就是这样了!你们当中愿意拯救这片大陆的,跟着我!其余的...从我眼前消失!(银手骑士都离开了)Uther the Lightbringer: You've just crossed a terrible threshold, .乌瑟尔.:你已经跨越了一道危险的门槛,。(乌瑟尔离开了,这时,也转身离开): Jaina?:?Jaina Proudmoore:I'm sorry, . I can't watch you do this.·普罗德摩尔: 对不起,阿尔萨斯。我不能看着你去做这么残忍的事。(恐惧魔王玛尔.甘尼斯会出现)Mal' Ganis:I've been waiting for you, young prince. I am Mal'Ganis.玛尔.甘尼斯: 我已经等你很久了,年轻的王子。我是玛尔.甘尼斯。(玛尔.甘尼斯开始破坏民房)Mal' Ganis:As you can see, your people are now mine. I will now turn this city household by household, until the flame of life has been snuffed out... forever.玛尔.甘尼斯: 正如你所见,你的人民现在是属于我的。我会一户一户地将这座城市变成不死族,直到生命的火种...永远消失。: I won't allow it, Mal' Ganis! Better that these people die my hand than serve as your slaves in death!:我不会允许这种事情发生的,玛尔.甘尼斯!这些人死在我手上也好过死后做你的奴隶!: We're going to finish this right now, Mal'Ganis. Just you and me.:现在我们该做个了结了,玛尔.甘尼斯。就你和我,一对一。Mal' Ganis:Brave words. Unfortunately for you, it won't end here. Your journey has just begun, young prince.玛尔.甘尼斯: 你很勇敢。但不幸的是,这儿不是我们结束的地方。你的旅途才刚刚开始,年轻的王子。Mal' Ganis:Gather your forces and meet me in the arctic land of Northrend. It is there that we shall settle the score between us. It is there that your true destiny will unfold.玛尔.甘尼斯: 集合你的兵力,到诺森德的北极之地来找我。那里将是我们决一胜负的地方。在那里,你真正的命运将会揭开。: I'll hunt you to the ends of the earth if I have to! Do you hear me? To the ends of the earth!:如果我必须这么做我一定会追杀你到世界尽头!你听到没有?直至世界尽头! &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
为什么是双语的。。。= =||| 对话中人物性格很突出呢~顶一个~    轻风英语不错~
楼主真乃才人也!!.看到这篇文章,我久久不能平静,像楼主这样有才的人,真是贴吧少有的奇才!作为阿尔塞斯国王忠诚的粉丝,我真的很感动,还有楼主这样理性的人士!!... 啊,伟大的阿尔塞斯国王,我愿与你一同堕落!!!!!!!!!!!!阿尔塞斯国王万岁!!阿尔塞斯国王万岁!!阿尔塞斯国王万岁!!


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