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a stick or post pointed at one end for driving into the ground as a boundary mark, part of a fence, support for a plant, etc.
a post to which a person is bound for execution, usually by burning.
the stake, the punishment of death by burning: Joan of Arc was sentenced to the stake.
one of a number of vertical posts fitting into sockets or staples on the edge of the platform of a truck or other vehicle, as to retain the load.
Mormon Church. a division of ecclesiastical territory, consisting of a number of wards presided over by a president and two counselors.
to mark with or as if with stakes (often followed by off or out): We staked out the boundaries of the garden.
to possess, claim, or reserve a share of (land, profit, glory, etc.) as if by marking or bounding with stakes (usually followed by out or off): I'm staking out ten percent of the profit for myself.
to separate or close off by a barrier of stakes.
to support with a stake or stakes, as a plant: to stake tomato vines.
to tether or secure to a stake, as an animal: They staked the goat in the back yard.
to fasten with a stake or stakes.
stake out,
to keep (a suspect) under police surveillance.
to appoint (a police officer) to maintain constant watch over a suspect or place.
pull up stakes, Informal. to leave one's job, place of residence, etc.; move: They pulled up stakes and went to California.
before 900; (noun) Middle E Old English staca cognate with Dutch staak, German Stake, Old Norse -staki (in ly?sistaki candlestick); akin to 1; (v.) Middle English staken to mark (land) with stakes, derivative of the noun
1. pale, picket, pike.
something that is wagered in a game, race, or contest.
a monetary or commercial interest, investment, share, or involvement in something, as in hope of gain: I have a big stake in the success of the firm.
a personal or emotional concern, interest, involvement, or share: Parents have a big stake in their children's happiness.
the funds with which a gambler operates.
Often, stakes. a prize, reward, increase in status, etc., in or as if in a contest.
stakes, Poker. the cash values assigned to the various colored chips, various bets, and raises: Our stakes are 5, 10, and 25 cents: you can bet out 10 cents on a pair and reraise twice at 25 cents.
to risk (something), as upon the result of a game or the occurrence or outcome of any uncertain event, venture, etc.: He staked his reputation on the success of the invention.
to furnish (someone) with necessaries or resources, especially money: They staked me to a good meal and a train ticket.
at stake, in danger of being lost, as something t critically involved.
1520-30; origin uncertain
1. wager, bet. 5. winnings, purse. 8. bet, gamble, jeopardize.
UnabridgedBased on the Random House Dictionary, (C) Random House, Inc. 2016.
Examples from the Web for
Contemporary Examples
An honorable Congress knows in its bones that the full faith of the United States of America is at stake.
September 30, 2013
At stake right now is not who wins the next election -– after all, we just had an election.
January 25, 2011
But giving both a stake in the same system will make it less likely either would feel it beneficial to jump ship and go it alone.
November 19, 2012
Pulitzer became the president of the company, her husband vice president, and Collins the secretary with a 25 percent stake.
April 7, 2013
After September 11, 2001, much more was at stake in the international arena than your presidential dream.
October 6, 2008
Historical Examples
It was the greatness of the prize at stake that justified the cost.
George S. Merriam
We'll land that stake; an' p'raps the sharp division'll take a tumble.
W. A. Fraser
Dodds would have sent him to the stake without an opportunity for recantation.
George A. Birmingham
I looked down—at a broken wicket and a withered apple by the stake.
Alice Brown
Burrell, however, had too much at stake tamely to relinquish his purpose.
Mrs. S. C. Hall
British Dictionary definitions for
a stick or metal bar driven into the ground as a marker, part of a fence, support for a plant, etc
one of a number of vertical posts that fit into sockets around a flat truck or railway wagon to hold the load in place
a method or the practice of executing a person by binding him to a stake in the centre of a pile of wood that is then set on fire
(Mormon Church) an administrative district consisting of a group of wards under the jurisdiction of a president
pull up stakes, to leave one's home or temporary resting place and move on
verb (transitive)
to tie, fasten, or tether with or to a stake
often foll by out or off. to fence or surround with stakes
(often foll by out) to lay (a claim) to land, rights, etc
to support with a stake
Old English staca related to Old Frisian staka, Old High German stehho, Old Norse stjaki; see stick1
the money or valuables that a player must hazard in order to buy into a gambling game or make a bet
an interest, often financial, held in something: a stake in the company's future
(often pl) the money that a player has available for gambling
(often pl) a prize in a race, etc, esp one made up of contributions from contestants or owners
(pl) (horse racing) a race in which all owners of competing horses contribute to the prize money
(US & Canadian, informal) short for
at stake, at risk: two lives are at stake
raise the stakes
to increase the amount of money or valuables hazarded in a gambling game
to increase the costs, risks, or considerations involved in taking an action or reaching a conclusion: the Libyan allegations raised the stakes in the propaganda war between Libya and the United States
verb (transitive)
to hazard (money, etc) on a result
to invest in or support by supplying with money, etc: to stake a business enterprise
C16: of uncertain origin
Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition (C) William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd.
(C) HarperCollinsPublishers , , ,
Word Origin and History for
"pointed stick or post," Old English staca, from Proto-Germanic *stakon (cf. Old Norse stiaki, Dutch staak, German stake), from PIE root *steg- "pole, stick." The Germanic word has been borrowed in Spanish (estaca), Old French (estaque), and Italian stacca) and was borrowed back as . Meaning "post upon which persons were bound for death by burning" is recorded from c.1200. Stake-body as a type of truck is attested from 1907. In pull up stakes, "The allusion is to pulling up the stakes of a tent" [Bartlett].
"that which is placed at hazard," 1530s, from
(v.). Plural stakes, as in horse racing, first recorded 1690s (cf. ). To have a stake in is recorded from 1784.
early 14c., "to mark (land) with stakes," from
(n.1). Hence, to stake a claim (1857). Meaning "to risk, wager" is attested from 1520s, probably from notion of "post on which a gambling wager was placed," though Weekley suggests "there is a tinge of the burning or baiting metaphor" in this usage. Meaning "to maintain surveilance" (usually stake out) is first recorded 1942, American English colloquial, probably form earlier sense of "mark off territory." Related: Staked; staking.
Online Etymology Dictionary, (C) 2010 Douglas Harper
Slang definitions & phrases for
noun phrase
The group of unescorting males at a dance, thought of as a line beside the floor, studying the women as possible dance partners (1934+)
The Dictionary of American Slang, Fourth Edition by Barbara Ann Kipfer, PhD. and Robert L. Chapman, Ph.D.Copyright (C) 2007 by HarperCollins Publishers.
Idioms and Phrases with
The American Heritage(R) Idioms DictionaryCopyright (C) , 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.
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1.安卓 NDK-STACK tool
NDK-Stack 是一个非常易用的工具,它通过将信息显示到adb logcat中来辅助你分析堆栈追踪,然后用相应的值(哪篇源码的哪一行)来替代静态链接库中的地址。
在adb logcat的输出区,你可以看到类似下面的信息,但是在此之前我们必须先先对它进行解析。
31): *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
31): Build fingerprint: 'generic/google_sdk/generic/:2.2/FRF91/43546:eng/test-keys'
31): pid: 351, tid: 351
%%% /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher &&&
31): signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 0d9f00d8
r0 0000af88
r2 baadf00d
r3 0d9f00d8
r6 0000af88
r7 00013c44
ip 0000959c
sp be956cc8
pc 0000841e
pc 0000841e
pc 000083fe
pc 000191ac
pc 000083ea
adb logcat | $NDK/ndk-stack -sym $PROJECT_PATH/obj/local/armeabi
或者你也可以使用 -dump选项将指定logcat保存为文件作为输入,就像下面这样:
adb logcat & /tmp/foo.txt
$NDK/ndk-stack -sym $PROJECT_PATH/obj/local/armeabi -dump foo.txt
********** Crash dump: **********
Build fingerprint: 'generic/google_sdk/generic/:2.2/FRF91/43546:eng/test-keys'
pid: 351, tid: 351
&&& /data/local/ndk-tests/crasher &&&
signal 11 (SIGSEGV), fault addr 0d9f00d8
Stack frame #00
pc 0000841e
/data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine zoo in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/zoo.c:13
Stack frame #01
pc 000083fe
/data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine bar in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/bar.c:5
Stack frame #02
/data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine my_comparison in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/foo.c:9
Stack frame #03
pc 000191ac
Stack frame #04
pc 000083ea
/data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine foo in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/foo.c:14
Stack frame #05
/data/local/ndk-tests/crasher : Routine main in /tmp/foo/crasher/jni/main.c:19
Stack frame #06
NDK-STACK tool的logcat输出需要有一个初始化行,比如像下面这样:
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
当复制/粘帖追踪信息时,不要忘记把这个初始化行也给带上,否则NDK-STACK tool将不会正常的工作。
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(3)(2)(4)(1)(2)(9)(18)(46)(51)(5)(5)(2)Citigroup Inc. will sell its entire stake in Housing Development Finance Corp., India’s largest mortgage lender, for as much as 102 billion rupees ($2.1 billion), a term sheet obtained by Bloomberg News showed.


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