3月龄的APP/PS1转基因小鼠 购买一般多少克?我的是27、/2克左右。

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Way: with immune group of way to detect the CBS take the degree of sulfur electrode method was used to detect app / PS1 double transgenic mice cortex and hippocampus in CBS enzyme activity and endogenous H2S. Results: compared with 3 month old transgenic mice, CBS neurons in 6 month old mice in the breakdown of order, number of neurons and CBS protein expression without significantly reduced, the CBS enzyme activity and endogenous H2S level without sig and CBS neurons in 9, 12 month old mice cortex and hippocampus breakdown of messy, number of neurons and CBS protein expression cuts, CBS enzyme activity and endogenous H2S level decreased significantly, in 12 month old mice is the most significant. Conclusion: 9, 12 month old app / PS1 transgenic mice cortex and hippocampus neurons in the CBS disaggregated clutter, reduction in the number of neurons, CBS protein expression of cuts, and the CBS albumen enzyme activity and endogenous H2S level also drops, to December mouse is the most significant. The second Department: exogenous hydrogen sulfide on the knack of APP / PS1 transgenic mice and the metabolism of APP affect the target: to discuss exogenous H2S could improved app / PS1 double transgenic mice of cogni cognitive function improved in brain tissue of mice with amyloid and amyloid beta 1-42 c mice cognitive function improvement can with H2S the metabolism of app from the amyloid material opportunities that beta opportunities to alpha channels that non amyloid material opportunities, so as to reduce amyloid beta, the first positive H2S on mouse over effect best dose. Methods: 4 and October APP/PS1 double transgenic mice were given intraperitoneal injection of 10, 20, 50 NaHS mol/kg for two months, and the contrast group were injected with equal amount of saline. Separation in mice at 6 months and 12 months of age, chapeau water maze (MWM) method to detect mice then the immune group of way to detect capase3 expression, in recognition of NaHS on transgenic mice neurons
secondly by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for the detection of a beta amyloids 1-40 and amyloid beta 1-42 degree, immune group of way to detect amyloid beta 1-42 initially with Western blot APP metabolism of beta opportunities BACE-1, PS1 proteinase and response products C99 and alpha channels ADAM10, ADAM17 proteinase and response product C83 expression. Results: 1 in the Morris water maze test in 6 and 12 month age NaHS treated mice and their comparison group comparison showed that the swimming speed, no significant difference (P & 0.05). In the directional flight test, with their peers and contrast group of photograph comparing, the platform in the 90s at preclinical and swimming distance and 6 months of age 50 mu mol / kg NaHS treatment mice show 2, 3 and 4 days ambush period and swimming interval decreased significantly (P & 0.05); and 10 and 20 mu mol / kg NaHS treated mice and the than in the group match, the ambush and swimming interval no significant difference (P & 0.05). With age contrast group of photograph comparing, the platform in the 90s at ambush period and swimming intervals in 12 months of age 50 mu mol/kgNaHS mice treated with 2, 3, 4 days decreased (P & 0.05); 10 and 20 mu mol / kg NaHS treated mice in the ambush and contrast group compared with no difference (P & 0.05). In the fifth day of the space search test, and age contrast group of photograph comparing, 6 and 12 months of age 50 mu mol / kg NaHS treated mice in the target quadrant were separated and shows the percent of time higher until more beyond the original platform times (P & 0.05). Capase3 expression was significantly reduced in the brain tissue of mice at 6 and 50 NaHS mol/kg in and December. Compared with the same age group, the levels of A beta -40 and A beta -42 were significantly decreased in the brain tissue of mice at 6 and 50 NaHS in December (p&0.05). At the same time, the size and number of A beta -42 plaques were also significantly reduced in the brain tissue of mice at and 50 NaHS mol/kg in 6 and December. The degree of A beta -40 and A beta -42 decreased in the 10 and 20 NaHS mol/kg treatment mice compared with the contrast group (no significant difference (p&0.05). The beta BACE-1 protein excretion enzyme expression decreased in June at the age of 50 mu mol/kg disposal of NaHS in the brain of mice (p&0.05). The expression level of BACE-1 protein decreased significantly in the brain tissue of December at the age of 20 and 50 mol/kg NaHS treatment in mice (p&0.05). With the above results and with the same age as contrast group of photograph comparing, beta opportunities in the metabolic products of C99 protein expression in 20 and 50 mu mol / kg NaHS treated mice also decreased (P & 0.05). Fifthly, and contrast group of photograph comparing, gamma enzyme excretion PS1 protein expression in 6 and 12 months of age 20 and 50 mu mol / kg NaHS treated mice brain tissue were significantly decreased (P & 0.05). The expression of PS1 protein in 6 and December at the age of 10 mol/kg NaHS treatment in mice are not significantly reduced (p&0.05). The degree of expression of the alpha enzyme excretion of active ingredients of ADAM17 in 6 month old NaHS treated mice did not change (P & 0.05), but with the same age contrast group of photograph comparing, ADAM17目录:英汉名词缩略语对照5-7摘要7-15ABSTRACT15-24前言25-30&&&&参考文献27-30第一部分 APP/PS1 双转基因小鼠皮质和海马中 CBS 蛋白的表达和活性及内源性硫化氢水平30-42&&&&1 动物来源及材料和方法31-34&&&&2 结果34-37&&&&3 讨论37-39&&&&参考文献39-42第二部分 外源性硫化氢对 APP/PS1 双转基因小鼠 APP 代谢的影响42-75&&&&1 材料和方法43-57&&&&2 结果57-70&&&&3 讨论70-73&&&&参考文献73-75第三部分 PI3K/AKT、MAPK/ERK 通路在外源性硫化氢对 APP 代谢的影响中的作用75-94&&&&1 材料与方法76-78&&&&2 结果78-89&&&&3 讨论89-92&&&&参考文献92-94全文小结94-95文献综述95-106&&&&参考文献101-106致谢106-107博士期间发表的论文107-108分享到:相关文献|您的位置: &
&&&&&&&&&  近日,研究人员发表论文,旨在探讨何首乌提取物二苯乙烯苷(TSG)对APP/PS1双转基因小鼠脑组织中淀粉样前体蛋白(APP)和早老素-1(PS1)基因的表达变化。研究指出,二苯乙烯苷可对阿尔茨海默病起到一定防治保护作用,其机制可能与APP、PS1基因受到明显抑制有关。该文发表在《中国老年学杂志》2016年第7期上。   3月龄APP/PS1双转基因小鼠50只,随机分为APP/PS1对照组、石
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