
《人鱼秘境第一季》西瓜影音全集在线观看 - 电视剧 - 奇热网|欢迎来到奇热网 - 本站最快更新西瓜影音电影,2017好看的电视剧当前位置:主演导演类型地区澳大利亚状态全集年份2013更新 16:03:05你是否也在寻找:【观影提示】:本站第一时间更新《人鱼秘境第一季》全集,如果你想最快观看剧集,请把奇热网添加至收藏夹。人鱼秘境第一季 - 剧情简介Zac is a teenage boy who decides to camp on Mako Island, unaware that three mermaids, Sirena, Nixie and Lyla, who are guardians of the island, are watching him. That night, when the full moon rises, the boy comes into contact with the magic water of the Moon Pool. The following morning, Zac wakes up discovering he has become a merman with a fish-like tail and the ability to control and manipulate water. His new-found merman abilities will cause problems for the mermaids.   The three mermaids, curious about living on land, are transformed into humans while in the moon pool during a full moon, now having the ability to live like humans.,相关影片更新至第6集连载至8集电视剧热点以下豆列推荐
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