海马玩模拟器模拟器this application has requested the runtime

this application has requested the runtime 听语音-土地公生活经验
this application has requested the runtime 听语音
this application has requested the runtime 听语音
运行程序,或者打开浏览器访问网站的时候为什么总是出现:this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.please contact the aplication's support team for more information. 就此问题下面来一一分析,希望对大家有所帮助。
打开开始菜单,在运行栏输入cmd,按回车键,打开运行命令窗口。 在命令窗口里输入: cd %windir%\system32 命令按回车键。这个命令的意思是说找到system32文件夹路径。 继续输入: Regsvr32 Msxml3.dll 再按回车键执行,这个过程运行完毕需要等待一段时间。一般以上总是出现:this application has requested the runtime这个问题就能解决。
一般如果是运行浏览器的时候出现:this application has requested the runtime这个问题那么就先重置IE浏览器,再看看是否还是报告这个错误。工具-》internet选择-》高级-》去掉√ 启用第三方浏览器扩展-》点击“还原高级设置和重置”。
有些程序在win7下运行,尤其是运行比较老款游戏的时候也会报错:this application has requested the runtime这个时候我们需要利用兼容性模式来运行该程序。右键点击该程序在桌面上的图标-》选择“属性”。 在弹出的窗口上选择“兼容性”,勾选“以兼容模式运行这个程序”,再点击确定。如果兼容模式能运行这个程序则说明该程序在win7下不能运行,所以才报错。
“程序浏览器”相关经验小木虫 --- 500万硕博科研人员喜爱的学术科研平台
MATLAB安装完成打不开,显示This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
版权所有 京ICP备号-2
迷上了代码!打开安卓模拟器时,出现this application has requested at least 1GB of physical memory这咋回事
应该是这个APP程序 至少需要1Gb的物理内存 可能是你的内存不够吧
那么 你问的就是1GB=
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This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way
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I use Qt 5 in Qt Creator IDE. When I compile and I try my program in Qt Creator, it works well. But when I try my program in Windows Explorer, I have an error message &Microsoft Visual C++ - this application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way&
How I can fix this problem ?
Maybe invite the application to a nice beer, so that it agrees to not request the termination.
No, honestly, you might need to copy some QT DLLs into the application folder.
I had copy all the dll the program had resquested (QTGui, QtCore, QtWidget, libwinphtread, libstdc++6, libGLESv2, libgcc_s_sjlj-1, icuuc49, icuin49, icudt49). I have fin d the dll in &mingw47_32& of Qt folder.
Did you copy the qwindows.dll as well (needs to be located in a subdirectory &platforms&) ?
I haven't &platforms& directory or qwindows.dll file...
Look at this link:
This is one reason why I prefer Linux, the finding of dlls is much more sane there.
Yes :). But Linux has own problems with deployment if you
need run apps whith different versions of libs. Besides not always you can choise target os.
Linux (and unix) builds versioning of libraries into the basic model, so unless you do something really weird or use non-standard directores, then no, you do not have these issues. Linux also uses rpaths build into the app, making the concept of a PATH not needed for most properly deployed software.
Anyway, just wanted to let people reading a thread like this know that this is a Windows specific problem.
Nothing more than just information :)
in windows better to copy &libEGL.dll& from qt bin folder.that will solve your problem.that means copy QTGui, QtCore, QtWidget, libwinphtread, libstdc++6, libGLESv2, libgcc_s_sjlj-1, icuuc49, icuin49,libEGL.dlls.
and copy these in debug or release folder.and make a folder name &platforms&
in that add &qwindows.dll& and also add another folder as &imageformats&and add &qgif.dll&,&qico.dll&,&qjpeg.dll& and related image dlls.put in a format that platform ,imageformats above dlls(dtgui,QtCore, QtWidget, libwinphtread, libstdc++6, libGLESv2, libgcc_s_sjlj-1, icuuc49, icuin49,libEGL.dlls.) and related exe file in one folder .sso that it will link perfectly i think..
good luck....:)
I have the same issue with Qt5 but i was not able to find the solution.. in the pc i developed the app.exe works ok... but in other pc's not...
i found the solution... a folder platform with files qwindows.dll and qminimal.dll must be include in the deployment directory..
Thanks to you and I have solved it.
I show the list of files and I'm using to QT 5.1.
├── Qt5Core.dll
├── Qt5Gui.dll
├── Qt5SerialPort.dll
├── Qt5Widgets.dll
├── icudt51.dll
├── icuin51.dll
├── icuuc51.dll
├── libgcc_s_dw2-1.dll
├── libstdc++-6.dll
├── libwinpthread-1.dll
└── platforms
├── qminimal.dll
└── qwindows.dll
I have the same problem and i have solved it.
Here is how i did it.
I have located a folder C:\Qt\Qt5.0.2\Tools\QtCreator\bin\
Locate your project folder &the project your have created project&
Locate your debug folder and drop the platform folder you have copied from your plugins folder
mine is located at C:\Qt\Qt5.0.2\5.0.2\mingw47_32\plugins (Default)
The platform folder contains the following .dll files
In a nutshell i have copied the platform folder into my debug project file folder and runs the application without any error message.
Check this out may be it will help
clouca is right.
I have try all methods. But I still failed. This problem upset me a lot. I think I have to give up Qt!
I have try all methods. But I still failed. This problem upset me a lot. I think I have to give up Qt!
Don't forget to remove debug-binaries once you want to roll out the release.
@wutonjie: Start a thread and explain your problem.
Don't forget to remove debug-binaries once you want to roll out the release.
@wutonjie: Start a thread and explain your problem.
Condition:in the pc i developed the app.exe works ok... but in other pc's not, error:This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way
This problem appears when the PC disappear some runtime dll ,
include some of windows,
So check the dll needed by the program, it will help to solve this problem
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