埃立特手机FN4508 4x4 Offroad Racing玩不了怎么办

152MB/ 休闲益智 /5.0
94MB/ 养成经营 /10
94MB/ 养成经营 /5.0
43MB/ 赛车竞技 /5.0
《4X4越野模拟2015(Uaz 4X4 OffRoad Racing 2015)》是一款十分真实的越野车模拟类游戏。游戏中玩家需要驾驶着各种各样的,在各种崎岖的道路上行驶,玩家可以选择山地、洞穴、村庄以及田野等不同的地图,更有因素的选择,真实还原驾驶的环境。喜欢这类游戏的玩家千万不要错过哦~!
网侠小编测评: 一款十分真实的越野车模拟驾驶游戏,考验玩家的驾驶技术。
4X4越野模拟2015电脑版安装方法: 首先下载本页面的a文件之后下载安装; 1、下载安装完毕后; 注意:默认推荐使用BlueStacks,如果你没有安装,蓝光会自动为你安装。 2、点击安装本地apk文件,选择你要安装的应用; 3、安装完成之后模拟器界面就会出现游戏图标,双击就可以在电脑上开始使用了。
4X4越野模拟2015电脑版特点: 1、游戏画面采用3D技术,十分真实。 2、游戏玩法简单,真实的驾驶体验。 3、提供了山地、洞穴等地图供选择。 4、加入天气因素的选择,更加真实。 5、十分考验玩家的驾驶技术。更多模拟类手机游戏内容,请进入专题:
4X4越野模拟2015pc电脑版(Uaz 4X4 OffRoad Racing 2015)
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4x4 Offroad Racing offers intense high speed race action with 7 simultaneous cars, jumps and crashes, 25+2 unlockable cars and 20 race tracks organized in 4 cups to master. The game takes place in a large and beautiful industrial park scenery with lots of options for epic jumps. In 4x4 you race for virtual cash. Spend the earned cash to unlock more tracks and cars. You earn cash by winning the tracks, crashing into other cars, racing best lap times or by doing epic jumps and earn cash for the airtime! The 20 tracks are organized in 4 cups: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. Win each cup to be able to unlock the next cup. When you unlocked and won all 4 cups you unlock the 2 bonus cars: A school bus and S.W.A.T. bus! Beside the 2 bonus cars, the game offers 25 more cars: 10 pickup trucks, 10 offroad buggies and 5 heavy trucks. All cars have different engines, weights, steering and handling behaviors - so if can't master a track, just go and buy a different car with a different behavior. Take a light and speedy buggy to be quick or kick other cars out by crashing into them with a heavy truck! There's 4 different steering methods offered to you: - accelerometer based steering and virtual pedals for gas and brake/reverse. - a 4 button control setup with virtual pedals and steering pads. - PC-game like cursor keys. - Fling ControllerChoose whatever steering matches best to you! You can even switch in-game the steering methods by tapping on the menu button in the top. Oh, and did we mention that the game supports you with 4 awesome hard rock music tracks that will kick your adrenaline level up high? And not only that: 4x4 Offroad Racing has an additional free driving track which - once unlocked - let's you freely explore the whole industrial park. Of course we put in some ueber epic jump ramps so that you can earn extra cash in free driving to buy and unlock additional cars and tracks. For an optimum steering experience 4x4 Offroad Racing supports the Fling analog joysticks for the iPad . Enjoy 4x4 Offroad Racing, a kick-ass racing game with lots of action!
版本 1.5 中的新功能
o Fixed missing start/finish and checkpoint graphics.
iPad 屏幕截图
免费类别: 版本: 1.5大小: 56.3 MB语言: 英语开发商: Martin Schultz兼容性: 需要 iOS 6.0 或更高版本。与 iPad 兼容。
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