植物大战僵尸英文版玩的时候出现 new user的一僵尸面膜哪个牌子好怎么办

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@植物大战僵尸 为什么我每次玩的时候都会出席这一关,求解决!
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爸爸去哪儿2游戏 立即参与
@植物大战僵尸 为什么我每次玩的时候都会出席这一关,求解决!
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——XP系统直接在游戏文件夹中,——或路径为C:\ProgramData\PopCap Games\PlantsVsZombies
如果不知道游戏文件在哪,请开始——搜索——文件或文件夹——在要搜索的文件或文件夹里输入“Plants vs. Zombies”如下图所示。立即搜索,然后就会出现一些与之相关的文件夹,因为我家有两个植物大战僵尸(一个英文版,一个汉化,还有一个年度英文版的压缩包,无视好了),所示会出现两个Plants vs. Zombies文件夹,这个你看你家的是哪个就点那个就好了(这个你总该知道吧)。点击那个游戏文件夹,会出现一大堆东西,其中就有那个传说中的userdata文件夹,也就是存档文件夹,点开它。点开那个存档文件后,又会出现一大推东西,然后就改你想要改的存档文件就好了(右键重命名总会吧)。
保存至快速回贴植物大战僵尸提示:failed to user write file是无法写入文件的提示,存不了档了……是植物大战僵尸贴吧置顶的年度英文版都已经玩了好几个月了,都没有问题,今天才出现的是不是我把什么临时文件删了?求恢复啊……我不想从头玩……小弟谢谢PVZ高手们了
算是新人拜吧。 英文原文出自的植物大战僵尸的Trivia,有限只翻译了2代的。渣翻,LZ才上大一,学生党。纯粹是出于兴趣+锻炼英语翻译以及娱乐大众的目的,还望各位轻拍。 排序是按照英文版植物获得的顺序,翻译完植物的有再做僵尸的。括号里的注释是英文中未提到的事情的补充(主要是有关中文版方面的)、有疑问的地方以及个人吐槽。就是这样
1楼声明: 本数据包由pv...
大家好这里新人音仿 新...
Player's House 玩家的房子(教学关卡)图片来自:§
It is seen to be located on Fan Street, a reference to gamecreator George Fan. It is also next to Werner Road, referencing art designerRich Werner.这栋房子似乎位于Fan大街,NETA自游戏创始人George Fan,同时也临近Werner路,NETA自艺术设计Rich Werner。§
A house resembling the Player's House can be seen on the map inevery world.§
Even though the level progress bar has a flag on it for as hugewave, Flag Zombie doesn't appear in Day1; this was later patched.旗子僵尸并没有在第一天出现,尽管进度条上有一个旗子标识。§
During the cutscene after the tutorial, a dinosaur fossil isvisible underneath the lawn, this was most likely done as a nod to the theme ofthe game.在本教程的过场中,在草坪下面可以看见一具恐龙化石,这很可能是在点出游戏主题。§
Except for the Pole Vaulting Zombie, all the Zombies encountered in the Day area in Plants vs. Zombiesreappear here.除了撑杆跳以外的所有1代白昼僵尸都在这里出现了。§
After completing this area, the player gets the Off the Green achievement.在完成这个区域后,玩家会获得离家远行成就。§
This is the only area on Plants vs. Zombies 2: It'sAbout Time that is not visible onthe overall map.这是PVZ2里唯一一个不在时空地图上显示的区域。§
The tricycle in front of the house is now red instead ofpink. 房前的三轮车现在是红色的而不是粉色。
Peashooter ·
This is one ofthe six plants seen in the trailer of Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time while fighting the zombies, the other fivebeing Bonk Choy, Bloomerang, Pea Pod, Wall-nut, and Sunflower.是六个在PVZ2预告片中在前院与僵尸对抗的植物之一,其他五个分别是:菜问、回旋镖射手、豌豆荚、小坚果、。·
Even though thePeashooter is the first plant, it is the second Seed Packet in the seed selection screen and in the Almanac.尽管是第一个获得的植物,但他在植物选择框和图鉴中都排在第二位(第一是小葵)。·
The Peashooter,along with the Sunflower and the Wall-nut, are the only plants whose costumeschange depending on the season.同和小坚果是仅有的三个拥有圣诞节装扮的植物(英文里装扮随季节变化应该指的是这三个的和圣诞节装扮不同)。·
Now, we can see the Peashooter's pea goingthrough its stem before it fires.在2代我们可以看到的豌豆在发射前通过他的茎(以及嘴)。装扮圣诞节装扮图片来自:
Sunflower 向日葵· Sunflower, Twin Sunflower, Marigold, Cactus, Flaming Pea, Ice Queen Pea, Power Flower, Power Lily, andMagnifying Grass arethe only plants referred to as a female.向日葵、双头向日葵、金盏花、仙人掌、火焰射手、寒冰女王射手、能量向日葵、能量花、这些植物被提到是雌性的(其中火焰射手、寒冰女王射手、能量向日葵是植物大战僵尸:冒险中的植物)。·
The Sunflower is one of the only two plants thatverbally speak, with the other one being the Squash.向日葵和窝瓜是唯一两个可以说话的植物(貌似窝瓜只会哼哼)。·
This is one ofthe six plants seen in the trailer of Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time while fighting the zombies, the other fiveare Bonk Choy, Bloomerang, Peashooter, Wall-nut, and Pea Pod.向日葵是六个在PVZ2预告片中与僵尸对抗的植物之一,其他五个分别是:菜问、回旋镖射手、豌豆射手、小坚果、豌豆荚。·
Even though theSunflower is the second plant, it is the first Seed Packet in the seed selection screen. The same thinghappens in the almanac.尽管向日葵是第二个获得的植物,但他在植物选择框和图鉴中都排在第一位。·
The Sunflower,along with the Peashooter and the Wall-nut are the only plants which costume change everyseason.向日葵同豌豆射手和小坚果是仅有的三个拥有圣诞节装扮的植物(英文里装扮随季节变化应该指的是这三个的万圣节和圣诞节装扮不同)。·
In Sunflower'salmanac entry, "Youtuber" is a parody of Youtube.§ In addition tothis, the word "tuber" in "Youtuber" is a kind of plant(root).在向日葵的图鉴介绍里,"Youtuber" 是视频网站Youtube的NETA。此外, "Youtuber"中的"tuber"意思是植物的块茎。(中文版的向日葵装扮是一只红色的太阳镜,与英文版万圣节和圣诞节装扮都不同,效果是种植后立即附带25阳光)向日葵万圣节装扮向日葵圣诞节装扮
Wall-nut 小坚果·
It is unknown howa zombie can eat an upgraded Wall-nut since it has armor which is made out ofmetal and metal cannot be eaten.§ Maybe the zombiejust throws away the metal.完全搞不懂僵尸是怎么把小坚果大招产生的金属外壳吃下去的。或许他们仅仅是把金属拨开丢掉了。·
This is one ofthe six plants seen in the trailer of Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time while
the other fiveare Bonk Choy, Bloomerang, Peashooter, Pea Pod, and Sunflower.小坚果是六个在PVZ2预告片中在前院与僵尸对抗的植物之一,其他五个分别是:菜问、回旋镖射手、豌豆射手、豌豆荚、向日葵。·
Its Almanac Entrymentions that Wall-nut is a retired bowler, an obvious reference to the Wall-nut Bowlingmini-games from the first game.他的图鉴介绍提到小坚果是一个退役的保龄球运动员,这很明显是参考了1代的迷你游戏。·
The Wall-nut nowhas three degrades.小坚果在2代有三个损伤点。·
The Wall-nut,along with the Peashooter and the Sunflower are the only plants which costumeschange depending on the season.小坚果同豌豆射手和向日葵是仅有的三个拥有圣诞节装扮的植物(英文里装扮随季节变化应该指的是这三个的万圣节和圣诞节装扮不同)。·
In 1.9 there's atexture glitch for Wall-nut's eyes along with Snow Pea, Threepeater and TwinSunflower.在1.9版中(指英文版,以后除了特别说明均为英文版),小坚果与寒冰射手、三重射手、双头向日葵的眼睛有BUG。(表示没看懂这个)·
Even though Wall-nut First Aid returns in this game, the Wall-nuts you have to protect in SaveOur Seeds are unaffected by it.尽管坚果包扎术回到了游戏,但该技能在西部的种子保卫战中对目标坚果是无效的。·
If the player has a Wall-nut boost, andplaces it on a already damaged Wall-nut, the boost won't activate.如果玩家拥有小坚果爆发金卡,并把他种在已受损的小坚果上并不会附带铁皮大招效果(这同样适用于中文版的坚果装扮)。(中文版的小坚果装扮是一只红色的蝴蝶结,与英文版万圣节和圣诞节装扮都不同,效果是种植后即附带一半(4000)的铁皮外壳)小坚果万圣节装扮小坚果圣诞节装扮(LZ最喜欢的装扮之一)图片来自:
Potato Mine 土豆雷·The Potato Mine in Plants vs. Zombies has two teeth, but in Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time, it hasone tooth only.土豆雷在1代有两颗牙,但在2代只有一颗。·
Potato Mine's redlight is permanently red instead of flashing red and turning to grey.土豆雷头上的红光是永久的而不是红灰闪烁(1代)的。·
The Potato Minecannot be placed on the bridged areas in Pirate Seas.§ If you tryplanting them there,a message will show up and say "Potato Mine cannot beplaced on planks".
They might do that because they're buriedunderground.§ Also, WhiteRadishes and Bamboo Shoots act the same. 土豆雷不能被种在海盗港湾中的甲板上。如果你尝试种植,会出现一条信息提示你“土豆雷不能种在甲板上”,这大概是因为这些植物需要种在土壤下。同理,白萝卜和竹笋也不可被种植在甲板上。·
During LastStand,the Potato Mine will not arm when the onslaught has not started but whenthe onslaught starts, the Potato Mine will arm.在坚不可摧里,土豆雷在部署阶段不会被启动,但游戏开始后,土豆雷会立刻按照种植的顺序依次启动。·
Potato Mine'scostume looks like Leonardo from Teenage MutantNinja Turtles.土豆雷的装扮看起来像《忍者神龟》里的李奥纳多。(中文版的装扮会缩短土豆雷冷却时间)·
If not armed,an Explorer Zombie will walk past the Potato Mine, instead of eating it or burning it.如果未启动,探险家僵尸会走过土豆雷,而不是吃掉或烧毁他。·
The Potato Mineis the only plant obtained in the Player'sHouse that does not havecostumes depending on the season.土豆雷是在玩家的房子(教学关卡)中唯一一个没有圣诞节装扮的植物。·
Both Potato Mineand Chili Bean multiply during plant food ability, exceptPotato Mine launches potatoes instead of clones of itself during its plantfood.土豆雷和巴豆(中文版还有功夫世界的白萝卜)的大招都是增殖,区别是土豆雷是发射土豆(2个)而巴豆是克隆自身(3个)·
A very rareglitch is in Pirate Seas - Day 8, where the Potato Mine's Plant Food abilitycan put the two Potato Mines on planks.在海盗港湾第八天有一个非常罕见的BUG:当土豆雷发大招时可以在甲板上放两个土豆雷。·
Potato Mineand Infi-nut are the only plants with a planting animation.土豆雷和全息坚果是仅有的两个拥有种植动画特效的植物。·
There are threeways a Potato Mine can explode other than a zombie directly activating it.§ Using PlantFood on a Spikerock or Spikeweed will pull all zombies to it and will make any armedPotato Mine they pass detonate. The same occurs with Iceberg Lettuce.§ Using PlantFood on a Infi-nut will make a shield, but armed Potato Mines willstill explode when a zombie starts eating the shield, even though it's not nearenough to activate it.§ Using Blover to blow away thrown Imps and Prospector Zombies will activate any Potato Mine they pass while being blown from thelawn. 除了直接被僵尸接触,还有三种情况会导致土豆雷被引爆。地刺王和地刺发大招把同行所有僵尸扯过来时,已启动的土豆雷会被瞬间经过的僵尸引爆,这对于冰冻生菜也是一样的。全息坚果发大招将会产生一道屏障,但已启动的土豆雷仍旧会被引爆当僵尸开始啃食屏障,即使距离足够远。被三叶草吹飞小鬼和旷工僵尸经过已启动的土豆雷时会将其引爆。土豆雷装扮
Ancient Egypt 神秘埃及图片来自:·
It is unknown how ice-related plants cansurvive in the heat.§
Winter Melon is an exemption because it requiresvery warm weather for it to grow in real life.真心不知道冰系植物是怎样在这个炎热气候里生存下来的。冰西瓜是个例外,因为在现实中西瓜的生长要求非常温暖的天气(您确定?这可是货真价实的“冰”西瓜啊)。· In the new map of the version 1.7 update, a parody of Superman can be seen near Level 17. Threezombies are trapped in square glass, being a reference to the Phantom Zone.在1.7版的埃及地图里,在第17关附近可以看到一个拙劣的NETA超人的场景。三个僵尸被方形的玻璃困住了,详情参见超人系列的幻影区。·
In the version 1.7 update, the sandstorm typeof surprise attack was removed at the Pyramid of Doom Endless Zone.§
This is because it would be very difficult for the player tocompensate if Sandstorms were to occur when numerous Gargantuars would attack.§
The surprise attack were replaced by the numerous Gargantuarsinstead.同样是在1.7版里,埃及无尽的沙尘暴突袭被取消。这可能是因为沙尘暴突袭与大量巨人的协同攻击会令玩家倍感困难的缘故。因此沙尘暴突袭被巨人代替。·
This area, the Player's House and Far Future arethe only areas which all tiles can be planted on all stages (excluding level 25of Pirate seas and Kung-Fu World in the Chinese Version).§
However, in Ancient Egypt's case, the tombstones mustbe removed first.神秘埃及、玩家的房子(教学关卡)还有遥远的未来是仅有的三个全场地都可以种植物的地图,这同样包括海盗港湾第25关和中文版的功夫世界。不过在神秘埃及,种植前必须移走该区域上的墓碑(功夫世界的兵器架也是同样)·
This is also the only area so far that hasmissions to appear "Don't plant on Dave's mold colonies",but this was only after version 1.7 update.在1.7版之前,神秘埃及的关卡是唯一拥有“不要种在疯狂戴夫的霉菌上”这一要求的。·
The only plant in the Chinese Version thatwasn't supposed to be in this world is Cherry Bomb becauseit's from Pirate Seas在中文版里,只有樱桃炸弹是不应该出现在这里的,因为他来自海盗港湾(可能是因为海盗房前的地台不够吧)。·
If the player waits and looks closely on theworld map, dust devils (a term for tornadoes in sandy areas) will occur onfarther pieces of land in the background.如果玩家看的足够仔细的话,沙尘暴将出现在更远的后场。(这段没太看懂)·
This is the only area that doesn't have an Imp untilversion 1.7 comes.在1.7版之前这是唯一一个没有小鬼的地图(当然木乃伊小鬼也是最有个性的小鬼)。·
In the Chinese Version, instead of thePower-Up Level being Day 5 (Since their Power-Up is the Exploding Pickle), thelevel is replaced by a Yeti Chase.在中文版的埃及第5天,金手指教学关卡被替换为暴走雪人。这是因为中文版用战术黄瓜替换了金手指。§
Odd how the older versions of the Chinese Version had the Int.Versions of the Power-Ups (Power Pinch, Power Toss, etc.) when they replaced itby the Pickle.在中文版的旧版本中,在被战术黄瓜替换前,埃及第5关依旧是金手指教学关(很奇怪吗?)。 神秘埃及关卡的早期概念图图片来自:
Cabbage-pult 卷心菜投手§
Like the Melon-pult and Kernel-pult, Cabbage-pult's basket haschanged. It is now more cabbage-like.就像西瓜投手和玉米投手一样,2代卷心菜投手的投篮变得更像是卷心菜。§
Cabbage-pult's leaf on its stem is gone.2代里卷心菜投手位于茎处的叶子现在没了。§
Instead of four leaves as its base, the bottom is now a piece ofcabbage.相比1代4片叶子,2代卷心菜投手的基部更像是卷心菜的一部分。§
"Harvest University" is a pun on Harvard University, an elite law school.”收获大学”是有关哈佛大学的一个双关语,一个精英法学院(没看懂什么意思)。(注意英文版和中文版的卷心菜装扮是不同的,中文版装扮的效果是可以同时朝同一行的两个敌人投射卷心菜) 卷心菜万圣节装扮
Bloomerang 回旋镖射手·
Bloomerang is a portmanteau of"bloom" and "boomerang".回旋镖射手是一个由“盛开的”和“回旋镖”组成的混成词。·
The boomerangs that the Bloomerang throws areactually its petals.回旋镖射手投出的其实是他的花瓣。·
Bloomerang fires very slow at first, thenfires at normal speed after firing the first boomerang.回旋镖射手一开始攻击速度较慢,在首次攻击后速度达到正常。·
This is one of the six plants seen in thetrailer of Plantsvs. Zombies 2: It's About Time whilefighting the zombies, the other five are Bonk Choy, Pea Pod, Peashooter, Wall-nut and Sunflower.回旋镖射手是六个在PVZ2预告片中在前院与僵尸对抗的植物之一,其他五个分别是:菜问、豌豆荚、豌豆射手、小坚果、向日葵。·
If all the zombies are near the Bloomerang,the boomerang only goes to where the last zombie is and comes back.回旋镖射手的回旋镖最远只会打到离他最远的僵尸那里并返回。·
It can be a good strategy to use Bloomerangwhen there are many tombstones in Ancient Egypt's levels, so that the three first gravesgets two hits at each boomerang thrown.在埃及地图墓碑较多的关卡里使用回旋镖射手会是一个好策略,这样每回攻击都会使任意三个墓碑被击中6次。·
The Bloomerang is possibly the plantreplacing the Fume-shroom withsome changes, because the boomerangs can go through more than one zombie.虽然有些不同,回旋镖射手与1代的大喷菇很相似,因为他们都能穿透至少1个僵尸。·
The Bloomerang is the first new plantobtained in Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time.with some changes是PVZ2里第一个获得的新植物(英文版,中文版为冰冻生菜)。·
It is unknown why Bloomerang's boomerangpetals do not run out when the player puts Plant Food onit, making it throw lots of boomerangs.搞不懂为什么当回旋镖射手放大招时回旋镖花瓣不会返回,这使他丢失了大量回旋镖。§
Bloomerang could possibly grow new petals quickly.·
In Bloomerang's almanac entry, Bob Barley isa pun on Bob Marley, a Jamaican songwriter.§
Since Bloomerang likes listening to Bob Barley, it could also explainwhy Bloomerang's costume is a Rasta hat.§
However, its costume in Chinese Version is a magician's hat.在回旋镖射手的植物图鉴介绍中, BobBarley是NATA牙买加唱作歌手鲍勃·马利的双关语。正因为这样,这解释了为什么回旋镖射手的装扮是一顶拉斯法理教(Rastafari)绒线帽。然而在中文版里,回旋镖射手的装扮是一顶魔术礼帽(装扮效果为价格降低25阳光)。·
Though the Plant Food upgrade says theBloomerang will throw ten boomerangs in four directions, all pictures of theBloomerang (including the animated picture in the almanac) only show nine.§
The Bloomerang's costume covers a few of its boomerangs, so once itscostume has been achieved, the only way to count them is by looking at the seedpacket.尽管大招介绍说回旋镖射手会向4个方向射出10个回旋镖,但所有的图片(包括植物图鉴的动画图片)均显示他总共只长了9柄镖。注意他的装扮会遮住一些回旋镖。·
There are many references to Australia.§
The projectile is based on the Boomerang, a weapon made in ancientAustralia.§
Its friend is a Koala Bear, an animal who lives in Australia.§
The almanac entry contains the phrase “out back”. Outback is anotherterm for the remote areas of Australia.这儿有一些关于回旋镖射手来自澳大利亚的推断:回旋镖射手弹射的弹丸是基于回旋镖设计的,这是一种古代澳大利亚的武器。他的朋友是考拉熊,一种澳大利亚本土生物。植物图鉴介绍里包含短语“out back”,这是指代澳大利亚偏远地区的术语。回旋镖万圣节装扮
Iceberg Lettuce 冰冻生菜·
Iceberg Lettuce cannot freeze the Zombot Sphinx-inator,but will slow it down.冰冻生菜不能冻住埃及僵王,但可以令他减速。·
If a missile from the ZombotSphinx-inator hits it, it will disappear, but will still slow down theZombot somehow.如果冰冻生菜被埃及僵王发射的导弹打到,他会消失,但不知何故依然会令埃及僵王减速。·
If you use Plant Food on it, it will freezeevery zombie on screen. However, instead of disappearing likeIce-shroom, it will stay on the lawn. It can be a goodstrategy to protect it and to use Plant Food on it where there are too manyzombies.冰冻生菜的大招是冻住全场的僵尸。然而和1代冰川菇的消失不同的是冰冻生菜会依然存活。当场地上僵尸很多时这或许是个保护他的好办法。·
This is one of the three plants in the seriesthat never cost sun, the other two being the Puff-shroom andSea-shroom.冰冻生菜是该系列游戏中3个不消耗阳光的植物之一,另外两个是小喷菇和海兵菇(2代噬碑藤不算在内?)。·
Snapdragons and Torchwoods donot work well with this plant because their attacks will instantly thaw frozenzombies.火系植物和冰冻生菜的搭配不是很理想,因为火系攻击会立刻解冻僵尸。·
In Plants vs. Zombies: Official Guide to Protecting Your Brains,the Iceberg Lettuce is referred to as just "Iceberg".·
While it is using Plant Food, its costume will disappear.当使用大招时,冰冻生菜的装扮会消失。·
It seems to have the same costume as a Peashooter duringChristmas.冰冻生菜的装扮和豌豆射手的圣诞节装扮很相似(都是戴着护耳)。·
It cannot freeze a machine that has beendisabled by an E.M.Peach.冰冻生菜不能冻住被E.M.桃破坏的机器。·
Iceberg Lettuce cannot be burned by lasersutilized by Gargantuar Primes.冰冻生菜不会被未来巨人的激光眼烧毁。(中文版冰冻生菜的装扮效果是使他能发射弹丸攻击僵尸,攻击及射程类似小喷菇)冰冻生菜万圣节装扮(LZ最萌的装扮没有之一)
Grave Buster 噬碑藤·
Grave Buster's appearance was changed to abunch of thorny green vines with eyes and teeth.§
It is possible that it's supposed to look like a cactus.噬碑藤的外观变成了一束有眼睛和牙齿、多刺的绿色藤蔓。这可能使他看起来更像是仙人掌。·
Instead of eating the graves, it surrounds itand brings it underground.噬碑藤会缠绕墓碑并把墓碑拖入地下,而不是像1代那样吃掉。·
It is unlocked when the player unlocks the Save Our Seeds minigames.噬碑藤在玩家解锁小游戏种子保卫战后解锁。·
When there is only dirt on the groundremaining, it can still be eaten.在场地上只剩下泥土痕迹时噬碑藤仍然会被啃食。·
Grave Buster and Spikeweed are the only plants to have undergonemajor design changes.噬碑藤与地刺是仅有的2代外观基本颠覆的1代植物之一。·
This is the only plant that can be hit byother plants (even if the grave is being removed, the plants still think thatit is there and therefore they shoot at it).噬碑藤是唯一一种会被其他植物的攻击打到的植物,即使墓碑已被拖入地下,植物仍旧会继续攻击。噬碑藤万圣节装扮
Twin Sunflower 双头向日葵·
It can now be planted as a normal plantinstead of having to be planted on a Sunflower likenormalUpgrade Plants. Itshares this trait with the Winter Melon and Spikerock.双头向日葵在2代成为了一般植物而不再像是1代那样的升级植物,这一设定的改变同样适用于冰西瓜和地刺王。·
The Twin Sunflower now costs 125 sun. In theoriginal game, it costs 200 sun to get it, as Sunflower costs50 sun and Twin Sunflower 150 sun, which means it needs 75 less sun in thisgame.双头向日葵在2代花费125阳光,然而在1代,他需要花费200阳光,其中包括向日葵50和双头150,相比1代便宜了75阳光。·
The Twin Sunflower has four stem leavesinstead of three.双头向日葵在2代有4片叶子而不是3片(1代)。·
After the version 1.7 update, normal sun isnow worth 50 sun, meaning that Twin Sunflower gives 100 sun.在1.7版以后,一个小太阳价值50阳光,这意味着双头向日葵每次能生产100阳光。·
In 1.9 update there's a texure glitch forTwin Sunflower's eyes along with SnowPea, Wall-nutand Threepeater.在1.9版中,小坚果与寒冰射手、三重射手、双头向日葵的眼睛有BUG。·
The "Poppyrazzi" is a pun on thePapparazzi. Poppyrazzi是Papparazzi的双关语。(中文版双头向日葵的装扮效果是种植后立即附带50阳光)双头向日葵万圣节装扮
Bonk Choy 菜问·
The name "Bonk Choy" may be aportmanteau on "bok choy," a Chinese cabbage, and the onomatopoeia"bonk," the sound of something being punched or hit.他的名字“拳击白菜(菜问)”可能是一个由“白菜”和“嗙”混成词,前者是一种中国包菜,后者是一个用拳头猛击发出的拟声词。·
This is one of the six plants seen in thetrailer of Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time while fighting the zombies, the otherfive are Pea Pod, Bloomerang, Peashooter, Wall-nut and Sunflower.菜问是六个在PVZ2预告片中在前院与僵尸对抗的植物之一,其他五个分别是:豌豆荚、回旋镖射手、豌豆射手、小坚果、向日葵。·
It is similar to the Beet from Plantsvs. Zombies Adventures, as both plants hit zombies at closerange.§
The Beet can kill zombies much quicker however, and has an area ofeffect attack, making it more effective.菜问与《植物大战僵尸 冒险》里的甜菜类似都属于近距离打击系植物。然而甜菜杀僵尸更快并更有效由于对一定区域有攻击效果。·
It does an uppercut as a "finalblow".菜问在最后一击是会打出一招上勾拳。·
Sometimes, if an ambush zombie comes close toBonk Choy, he will keep uppercutting it until it dies.有时如果一僵尸突然冲到他面前,菜问会一直用上勾拳把他打到跪(让你吓我)。·
Since a Zombie Chicken onlyneeds one hit to die, Bonk Choy only does a normal punch and no uppercut.菜问攻击僵尸鸡时只会使用直拳,因为僵尸鸡脆的一击毙命。·
Bonk Choy is the third cabbage added into theseries, the others being Cabbage-pult and Iceberg Lettuce.菜问是PVZ系列游戏中加入的第3种包菜,另外两种分别是卷心菜投手和冰冻生菜。·
Bonk Choy is the only new plant with onetooth in Plantsvs. Zombies 2: It's About Time.菜问PVZ2里唯一一个有颗牙的新植物。·
It takes ten punches and an uppercut to killa normal zombie andthat allows Bonk Choy to kill the Zombie without a Tall-nut or Wall-nut.菜问击杀一个普通僵尸需要10下直拳和一下上勾拳,因此他可以在没有坚果保护的前提下击杀僵尸。·
When the player's finger is behind the BonkChoy (e.g. when collecting sun), it will glance behind itself briefly.当玩家用手指点击菜问身后时他会迅速回头一瞥,例如在收集阳光时。·
According to the beta seed packets, Bonk Choywas originally going to cost 175 sun.根据内测数据显示,菜问原本的价格是175阳光。·
In the Almanac, it's says that Bonk Choy'sdamage is heavy but damage is the same as pea damage.在图鉴介绍里提到菜问的伤害是大但他的单发实际伤害等同1豌豆。(中文版菜问的装扮效果是出拳时一定概率秒杀僵尸)菜问万圣节装扮
Repeater 双重射手·
Repeater has two costumes in Chinese Version,one is with a pole on the back and the other is magician's hat.中文版里的双重射手有两种装扮,一种是背着一柄木棍另一种是魔术礼帽(表示我从没在游戏里见过第一个装扮)。·
Thecostume in Chinese world is a reference to 孙悟空, alsoknown as the monkey king.其中前一个的装扮NETA自猴王孙悟空。·
If you look closely, the Repeater's GatlingPea upgrade has a blue helmet while Peashooter hasit black.§
It also appears to have a higher rank than Peashooter.如果你仔细观察的话,双重射手的加特林大招的头盔是蓝色的,而豌豆射手的头盔是黑色的。另外双重射手头盔上的标识似乎也比豌豆射手的军衔要高。(中文版双重射手的装扮与英文版不同,效果是有概率发射各种豌豆)双重射手万圣节装扮(维京帽)
Pirate Seas 海盗港湾图片来自:·
Except for the Zombie Parrot and the Gargantuar Pirate, all the zombies in this world havegold teeth.除了僵尸鹦鹉和海盗巨人以外,所有海盗僵尸嘴里都有金牙。·
In Day 8, there is a glitch where a ConeheadPirate will spawn and end up falling into the water due to being misplaced.在第8天这里有一个BUG,有一个倒霉的僵尸会因为从无甲板的场地出现而掉到水中。·
If the player looks closely, the Zombie shiphas a skull with a pan on it, similar to Crazy Dave.如果玩家仔细观察的话,会发现海盗船上有个骷髅浮雕头顶戴着一个和戴疯相似的平底锅。·
It is weird how the zombie does not come backas therefore they can not drown, though it may be becausethey cannot swim.这很奇怪既然淹不死又不需要呼吸,为什么落水的僵尸不会返回?或许他们不会游泳。·
There are times when the Imp Cannon shootsout Imps, the Imps fall into the water and unable to attack the player's lawn.小鬼加农炮有时会把小鬼直接打到水里从而不能威胁到玩家。·
Maybe because of less water there are notaquatic plants for this world.这张地图没有水生植物出现或许是因为水少的缘故(海里水会少?)。·
The water is a support in some ways aszombies can fall or slip in it (Like spring beans can take advantage) orzombies may not balance (Swashbuckler Zombie andImps fired from Imp Cannon.水域有时候对玩家有利因为僵尸会滑入(例如弹簧豆)或是因失去平衡(例如荡索僵尸和被发射的小鬼)掉进水中·
Tall-nut and Lightning Reed are here in the Chinese Version.在中文版里,高坚果和闪电芦苇是在这张地图获得的。。·
If you look closely on the world map, ashark's fin can be seen by the Gargantuar statue, possibly as a reference tothe Gargantuar Pirate's weapon.如果仔细观察,就会发现在巨人雕像处有一只鲨鱼的鳍,有可能是参考了海盗巨人的武器。·
Golden Age of Zombie Piracy is a pun forGolden Age of Piracy. This term doesn't exist. Only historians coined the term.僵尸海盗的黄金时代NETA自海盗的黄金时代。但其实这个时期并不存在。只不过是历史学家自己杜撰的术语。海盗港湾的概念设计图
Kernel-pult 玉米投手·
Like Melon-pult and Cabbage-pult, Kernel-pult's basket has changed from thetop of an acorn to a green cup-like basket.与西瓜投手和卷心菜投手一样,玉米投手的投篮变得更像是玉米的一部分。·
The butter seems to get bigger after it ishurled.黄油在被投掷后会看起来显得更大一些。·
The Kernel-pult is one of the four plants thatcan be used before their seed packet is obtained (ExcludingPinata Party plants),the others being the Threepeater, the Coconut Cannon, andthe Melon-pult.玉米投手是四个在获得前就能在一些关卡中被使用的植物之一(不包括彩陶盛宴里的植物),其他三个分别是三重射手、椰子加农炮和西瓜投手(其实还有未来世界的水晶草和中文版功夫世界的火葫芦和白萝卜)。·
Now the butter will be on the Zombie's face instead of the head.§
Also, the butter now looks like a soap bar.在2代里黄油是糊在僵尸的脸上而不是1代里砸在头上。另外,2代的黄油看上去很像肥皂块。·
Kernel-pult and Seagull Zombie are required toearn the achievement Pat the Birdy.用玉米投手击落海鸥僵尸可以获得成就黄油拌小鸟。·
Kernel-pult's butter can instantly kill Seagull Zombies and Zombie Parrots, and make Swashbuckler Zombie to fall in the ocean.玉米投手投掷的黄油能够一击秒杀海鸥僵尸和僵尸鹦鹉,并可以使荡索僵尸坠入海里。(中文版玉米投手的装扮与英文版不同,效果是大幅提高投掷黄油的概率)玉米投手万圣节装扮
Snapdragon 火龙草·
Because of its name, its head resembles thatof a dragon.他的头长得像龙头,正如其名。·
Snapdragon's almanac entry says "hestill dreams ofwings and seeing theworld beneath him", although when placing Plant Food, it flies with dragonwings and expels fire.§
The Plant Food upgrade could be because of the Almanac Entry, orviceversa.火龙草的图鉴介绍中说到他梦想去海底世界一探究竟,尽管在放大招时他所展现的是一头挥舞翅膀的喷火龙。·
It is the second plant to have a Venus Flytrap-likeshape, with the first being Chomper.火龙草是第二个拥有类似捕蝇草外形的植物,其中第一个是大嘴花。·
Its namesake, snapdragon, is a type offlower.§
It is the sixth plant based on a flower, after Sunflower, Twin Sunflower, Marigold, Power Flower
andPower Lily.§
It is the only flower that doesn't produce anything, because theMarigold produces coins, the Power Lily produces Plant Food, and all three sunflowers produce sun.§
However, it is the first flower to attack zombies.他的名字金鱼草(火龙草)是一种现实存在的植物。火龙草是继向日葵、双头向日葵、金盏花、超能向日葵、能量花之后第六种以花为原型的植物。·
The Torchwood's Suburban Almanac Entry in Plants vs. Zombies 2: It'sAbout Time says thatSnapdragon and he became friends because of their complementary natures.在火炬树桩的2代图鉴介绍中提到由于兴趣相投,火龙草和他成为了朋友。·
Its costume, a firefighter helmet, maybe a reference to Lord Cinderbottom from Peggle Nights, anotherPopCap game.§
It may also be because it fights with fire.火龙草的装扮是一顶消防员头盔,可能NETA自宝开的另一款游戏幻幻球之夜里的角色 Lord Cinderbottom(一条绿色的龙,也戴着一顶消防帽)。·
A Snapdragon will take out a normal zombie inseven hits. Therefore, it deals about 1.5 normal damage shots per hit.火龙草需要7下攻击消灭普通僵尸。因此可以得知他的火焰伤害为豌豆的1.5倍。·
This and Cattail arethe only plants that are based on animals.火龙草和猫尾草是仅有的有参考动物为原型基础的植物。·
Despite it breathing fire, any peashootingplants shooting peas into Snapdragon's fire will not set it alight because itsets the tiles on fire, and the flames wouldn't reach up the peas.§
However, its flames are high enough to light the Explorer Zombie'storch.尽管火龙草会喷火,但经过他火焰的豌豆仍旧不会被点燃。因为他的火焰是呈片状扩散并不能接触到豌豆(这里的翻译可能不准确)。然而,他的火焰的高度却足以点燃冒险家僵尸的火炬。·
Similar to Cherry Bomb, Jalapeno andTorchwood, a Snapdragon's effect will negate the effects of freezing plants.For this reason, it is not a good idea to use an Iceberg Lettuce ona zombie within range of a Snapdragon.与樱桃炸弹、火爆辣椒、火炬树桩一样,火龙草的火系攻击对冰冻效果起副作用。正因如此,在火龙草的攻击范围内使用冰冻生菜可不是个好点子。·
Normally, when zombies die from Jalapeno or Cherry Bomb theyget burnt. However, when Snapdragon kills a zombie, it just dies normally.通常来说,被火爆辣椒、樱桃炸弹杀死的僵尸会化作一团灰烬。但被火龙草杀死的僵尸却是普通的掉头死亡。·
In the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2 :It'sAbout Time, the Snapdragon spits blue flames while wearing itsfirefighter helmet.§
However, the Plant Food ability remains the same as that of theinternational version of the game.中文版火龙草的装扮效果是呼出威力更大的蓝火。不过,当火龙草放大招时放出的依旧还是黄火。·
Every time Snapdragon breathes or breathesfire, its hair shakes.每当火龙草呼吸或喷火时他的毛发就会颤动。·
The Snapdragon's attack will hit all zombiesin its range simultaneously, rather than hitting them once the flame reachesthem.火龙草呼出的火焰能够在同一时刻攻击所有范围内的僵尸,而不是等到火焰分别触及到他们。火龙草的装扮出自幻球之夜里的角色 Lord Cinderbottom图片来自:图片来自:
Spikeweed 地刺·
Strangely, its color was changed from brownto green. This is likely to make it more plant-like.奇怪的是,地刺的颜色从棕色变成绿色。这让他比起1代更像植物。·
If the player unlocked the Spikeweed'scostume and uses its Plant Food ability,its costume will disappear for the duration of the Plant Food effect.如果玩家解锁了地刺的装扮并释放大招的话,他的装扮在放大招期间会消失不见。·
If the player uses Plant Food on a Spikeweed,all the Barrel Roller Zombies or Pianist Zombies on the lane will not be instantlydestroyed, but instead, the plant damages them. This trait is shared with theSpikerock.如果玩家令地刺发大招的话,滚筒僵尸和钢琴僵尸不会被秒杀,但植物会伤害他们。这一点同样适用于地刺王。(但就我在中文版的实践结果来看,地刺大招会瞬间原地扎爆已进入场地的滚筒的桶和钢琴)·
It is one of the few plants in that has a joboutside the game.地刺是为数不多的在游戏之外也有工作的植物。·
The Spikeweed's costume from Piñata Party is a Groucho disguise, which is areference to the famous comedian Groucho Marx.地刺的装扮是格劳乔伪装眼镜,该物品NETA自著名喜剧演员格劳乔·马克斯。·
Spikeweed's sound when damaging zombies haschanged to a sound like air being leaked out of a bag.地刺攻击僵尸的音效在2代被改成类似空气从口袋中泄露出来的声音。·
If a Spikeweed is planted under a barrelwithout a Barrel Roller Zombie pushing it, it does not destroy the barrel.如果地刺被种在滚筒僵尸的桶后,他不会摧毁滚筒。地刺的万圣节装扮格劳乔伪装眼镜
Coconut Cannon 椰子加农炮·
The Coconut Cannon is one of the five plantsthat can be used before their seed packet is obtained without entering a Piñata Party, theothers being the Threepeater, the Magnifying Grass, the Kernel-pult, and the Melon-pult.椰子加农炮是五个在获得前就能在一些关卡中被使用的植物之一(不包括彩陶盛宴里的植物),其他三个分别是三重射手、水晶草、玉米投手和西瓜投手(中文版功夫世界还有火葫芦和白萝卜)。·
It is similar to Cob Cannon as both have elevated costs and youneed to tap on it to fire.§
However, Cob Cannon can shoot to any place, takes more time to fireand does massive damage.§
The Coconut Cannon cannot kill a Buckethead Zombie, but just weakenit with 20 HP left.§
In Ancient Egypt, when given Plant Food to the Coconut Cannon and atombstone is in the lane, the bomb will explode when it touch the tombstone.椰子加农炮与玉米加农炮相似都具有极高的价格和需要主动点击来开火。然而,玉米加农炮可以打击任何位置,开火准备时间更长以及更大的伤害。椰子加农炮不能一击杀死铁桶僵尸,桶还会残余20血量。·
Whenever a Coconut Cannon with its costumeshoots out a coconut, the Hard Hat will also jump and slide down.当有装扮的椰子加农炮开火时,他的装扮安全帽会随着开火的瞬间弹起并落下。·
Coconut Cannon's Plant Food Boost canactually disbenefit you. Since its plant food ability has it fire a giantcannonball that kills every zombie on the lane, yet puts it to sleep, it won'thave a charge to attack later zombies.椰子加农炮的大招其实有个弊端,当放完大椰子弹丸后加农炮会直接陷入睡眠从而无法继续打击残敌。(中文版椰子加农炮的装扮效果是大幅缩短休息时间)椰子加农炮的万圣节装扮
Cherry Bomb 樱桃炸弹·
The Cherry Bombnow has only one leaf on its stem.樱桃炸弹2代里梗上只有一片叶子。·
Both Cherry Bombheads are the same size and rounder in this game.2代里樱桃炸弹的两个头都是同一大小且都是圆的。·
It now explodeswith the CHA-BOOF! onomatopoeia.2代樱桃炸弹在爆炸时会出现一个拟声词。·
Unlike the firstgame, the Cherry Bomb can unfreeze frozen zombies.和1代不同的是樱桃炸弹在二代可以解冻被冻住的僵尸。·
Cherry Bomb is the only premium plant inChinese Android (unlocked along with the turbo feature with some kind of code).樱桃炸弹在中文安卓版是唯一一个需要付费的植物,通过充值活动获取。(中文版樱桃炸弹的装扮效果是炸掉目标后额外返送阳光,每个僵尸25阳光)樱桃炸弹的万圣节装扮
Spring Bean 弹簧豆·
It can be used as an instant kill, but onlyin Pirate Seas.弹簧豆可以立刻秒杀僵尸,但只在海盗港湾有效。·
The Spring Bean smiles before bouncingup a zombie.弹簧豆在弹飞僵尸前会笑一下。·
Its design may be based on the Coffee Bean from Plants vs. Zombies.弹簧豆的设计可能是基于1代的咖啡豆。·
Spring Beans can avoid Seagull Zombies, but only if theyare awake.弹簧豆可以避开海鸥僵尸的攻击,但只在他醒着的时候有效。·
It takes about six to ten seconds for aSpring Bean to wake up.弹簧豆需要大约6到10秒左右苏醒。·
It is the first plant in Plantsvs. Zombies 2: It's About Time tofall asleep.弹簧豆是2代里第一个会睡觉的植物。·
The Spring Bean can be eaten by SeagullZombies if they are asleep.弹簧豆在睡觉时会被海鸥僵尸啃食。·
The Suburban Almanac mentioned that Spring Bean is one ofthe few plants whose outside lives is very little-known. This makes Spring Beansimilar to the Cob Cannon.弹簧豆的图鉴提到他是为数不多的其外界生活鲜为人知的植物之一,这点令弹簧豆与玉米加农炮很相似。·
The Spring Bean is the one of the two plantsplant that can instantly kill a Gargantuar with single plant food, the other oneis Citron.弹簧豆是两种大招独自能秒杀巨人的植物之一,另一种是香橼。·
In the Chinese version of Plants vs. Zombies 2: It'sAbout Time, Spring Bean will make the zombies roll over instead ofspringing them back. However, the Spring Bean will only roll the zombies andkill them instantly if it is wearing its costume.在中文版的PVZ2里,有了装扮的弹簧豆可以把僵尸直接弹得滚出屏幕而不是仅仅向后退两格,当然只在你有装扮时才会生效。·
Spring Bean's costume in the Chinese versionof the game is a pink ballerina dress.中文版的弹簧豆装扮是一条粉色的芭蕾舞裙。·
There is a glitch that happens when theplayer bounces back a zombie with the Spring Bean on the rightmost column andthe adjacent row is a water lane. When this happens, the zombie will land onthe edge of the water lane while still being alive, but then walks into thewater and drowns. This is tested with the Plant Food.弹簧豆的大招会把刚进入场地的僵尸弹到相邻有水域的行,然后僵尸会继续前进直到自己跌入水中。·
Spring Bean, Chili Bean, and Laser Bean arethe only beans in Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time.弹簧豆、咖啡豆、激光豆是PVZ里仅有的豆子(这里的豆子仅指bean,不算豌豆pea)。·
Despite being a male, it wears a HawaiianHula Skirt for its costume.尽管是他是雄性,弹簧豆的万圣节装扮却是一条夏威夷草裙。弹簧豆的万圣节装扮
Spikerock 地刺王·
It can now be planted as a normal plantinstead of having to be planted on a Spikeweed likenormal Upgrade Plants. It shares this trait with the Twin Sunflower and Winter Melon.地刺王在2代成为了一般植物而不再像是1代那样的升级植物,这一设定的改变同样适用于双头向日葵和冰西瓜。·
The Spikerock now costs 250 sun. In theoriginal game, it costs 225 sun to get it, as Spikeweed costs100 sun and Spikerock 125 sun, which means it needs 25 more sun in this game.地刺王在2代需要花费250种植,这意味着2代比起1代需要多花费25阳光去种植。1代的花费为地刺100阳光+升级地刺王125阳光=225阳光,·
Its health has changed from nine times beingrolled over to three times being rolled over.地刺王的生命耐久从能破坏9次载具被降到了3次。·
Spikerock makes a different sound whenstepped by a zombie. The sound is similar to air being leaked out ofa bag.地刺王攻击僵尸的音效在2代被改成类似空气从口袋中泄露出来的声音。·
There is a rather helpful glitch that happensin Endless Zones with Spikerock. All Spikerocks on screen will sometimes becomeindestructable and can take Gargantuar smashes over and over. 在无尽模式有一个有利的BUG,场上的地刺王有时会变得坚不可摧而可以被巨人一直砸而不死。·
Whether a Spikerock has its costume or not,when it's attacking a zombie, it appears without the costume.无论地刺王有没有装扮,当他攻击僵尸的时候都不会有装扮(攻击时装扮会消失)。·
According to the credits, Spikerock was voicedby Taz the Dog.据编辑所说,地刺王的声音来自他们的狗(TAZ是什么?)。地刺王的万圣节装扮
Threepeater 三重射手·
The Threepeater now costs 300 sun, same as 3peashooters, which is 25 sun less than in the original game.One of the preview shots with Threepeaterhaving cost 325 sun.§
This may be because there are no Lily Pads inthis game.§
However in some preview shots in Plants vs. Zombies 2: It's About Time it originally cost 325 sun.§
Coincidently, Melon-pult has increased by 25 sun, meaningMelon-Pult and Threepeater have "switched" prices.三重射手在2代需花费300阳光种植,等同于3个豌豆射手的价格,比1代便宜了25阳光。不过在2代早期的截图里显示他的花费仍为325阳光。这或许是因为2代没有莲叶。而在2代早期的截图里显示他最初的花费仍为325阳光。巧合的是,西瓜投手的花费涨了25阳光,可以当作是他俩把价格互相交换了。·
The Threepeater heads are now the size of anormal peashooting plant.2代三重射手的头变得和一般豌豆射手一样了。·
The Threepeater's costume seems to resemble Crazy Dave's pot hat.三重射手的万圣节装扮看起来很像戴疯的戴的平底锅。·
In the 1.9 update, there's a texture glitchfor Threepeater's eyes along with Snow Pea, Wall-nut and Twin Sunflower.在1.9版中,三重射手与寒冰射手、小坚果、双头向日葵的眼睛有BUG。·
The Threepeater heads are no longer on top ofeach other but next to each other.三重射手的头不再是从上到下而是从左到右排列的。·
The Threepeater is one of the twelveplants that can be used before their seed packet is obtained without entering aPiñata Party, the others are Repeater, Kernel-pult, Melon-pult, Coconut Cannon , Fire Gourd,Winter Melon, Lightning Reed, Twin Sunflower, White Radish, Magnifying Grass,and Starfruit.三重射手12个在获得前就能在一些关卡中被使用的植物之一(不包括彩陶盛宴里的植物),其他三个分别是双发射手、玉米投手、西瓜投手、椰子加农炮、火葫芦、双头向日葵、白萝卜、水晶草和杨桃(有没有谱?!三种植物三个数?不想吐槽了)。(中文版樱桃炸弹的装扮与英文版的不同,效果是双倍大招) 三重射手的万圣节装扮在2代早期的游戏截图,注意三重射手的价格


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