
&& LOL未来战士凯特琳台词一览
未来战士凯特琳终于上线了,想必很多小伙伴都很期待这款皮肤吧!其实这款皮肤还是有不少台词彩蛋的,今天小编就给大家带来未来战士凯特琳的台词一览,小伙伴们赶紧跟着小编一起来看看吧!选择英雄好戏开场了。I'm on the case.攻击台词 Attack(1—31)你只有一发子弹。You only get one shot.这一瞬间是你唯一的机会。This moment is all you get.你在浪费自己的时间。You're wasting your time.你是异类,我终结异类。You're an anomaly. I end anomalies.如同你从未存在过。Like you never existed.我要把你打成虚无。I'm going to shoot you into non-being.真是个老古董。What an antique.无法保证每个人都有未来。No-one is guaranteed a future.枪是我的,不过借你试射几发。The gun's mine, but here, have a few rounds.时间能停下,我停不下。Time may stop, but I won't.你没时间了。You're out of time.让你尝尝未来的味道。Here's a taste of things to come.到最后,我总是会抓住你。In the end, I will always catch you.你的时间已经过去了。Your time has passed.你的未来由我终结。Your future ends with me.啊,啊,啊。Ah, ah, ah...&我预测:你会死。Here's a prediction: you're going to die.我会记得你,是怎么死的。This will be memorable - for me, at least.你打不过时间。You can't fight time.不可能打败未来。There's no fighting the future.每个人都想要更多时间。Everyone wants more time.拖延时间会很痛苦。Time dilation can be a real pain.正中下怀。So predictable.抓捕进行中。Arrest in progress.你无处可逃,无处可藏。You cannot run and you cannot hide.见识下超前科技。Experience superior technology.这是必然的声音。This is the sound of inevitability.闭合的环路就是稳定的情况。A closed loop is a situation contained.很简单,扣动扳机,终结他们的时间线。It's easy: pull the trigger, end their timeline.承诺你有更多时间,是最甜蜜的谎言。Thinking you have more time is the sweetest bait.即使是时间也无法治愈爆头。Even time can't heal a headshot.购买道具 Buy(32—42)通用呜,古董。Ooh, vintage.经典。Classic.再也买不到这样的了。They don't make them like this any more.多么优雅的复古。How positively retro.暴风大剑我已经有一把大枪了,不过多多益善。Well, I already have a big gun. Might as well.生命药水钱买不到快乐,但可以买甜点。ou can't buy happiness, but you can buy dessert.守卫我们不能只是看到历史,我们还必须遵守。We can't just see the past. We have to observe.不是轮前链接,不过也凑合。It's no pre-cog link, but it'll do.狂战士胫甲时间加速已获取。Temporal accelerators acquired.无尽之刃一次比一次简单。It gets easier every time.卢安娜的飓风原始的抛射武器,有趣。A primitive projectile weapon. Interesting.跳舞 Dance(43—45)他们无法逮捕热辣舞步。They can't arrest these sick moves.在未来,跳舞犯法。In the future, dancing is illegal.左三圈,右三圈。It's just a jump to the left.死亡 Dying(46—51)首次移动 First Move(52—59)我打过这场仗,我们赢了。I've fought this fight already. We win.该把世界整理一下了。Time to put the world right.和我一起拯救未来吧……然后填表打报告。Let's go save the future - and then fill out the appropriate paperwork.原始人们,听好了。这,是我的轰杀大棍。Alright, you primitives, listen up: this... is my boomstick.敌方未来战士 伊泽瑞尔在场时他在附近。(Enemy) He's here.那个时间逃犯在附近。(Enemy) The chrono fugitive is here.友方未来战士 伊泽瑞尔在场时我们是盟友了?这个时间线错乱了。(Ally) Oh, we're allies now? This timeline is all wrong.这一切结束以后,你跟我走。(Ally) After this is all over, you're coming with me.交互 Inction(60—64)一血时间不等人。Time waits for no-one.升级R—让子弹飞这台机器可以把你的脑袋齐根轰掉。This time machine here can blow your head clean off.时间升级已完成。Chrono upgrade complete.你猜我最喜欢什么?更大的枪。You know what I like best? Bigger guns.五杀这真是他们最黑暗的时间线。This truly is their darkest timeline.开玩笑 Joke(65—71)时间轮回很容易理解,第一步是,你要理解时间轮回。It's easy to understand time recursion. The first step is you have to understand time recursion.如有故障,请返回爱心部。If faulty, please return to the Ministry of Love.如果在生产前就损坏了,给保修吗?Is it under warranty if it breaks before it's even been built?被开玩笑浪费我的时间,就是时间犯罪。That's a temporal infraction for wasting my time.我是段子警察,你被逮捕了。I'm the pun police - and you're under arrest.如此原始。How primitive.漂亮。Lovely.击杀敌方英雄 Kill(72—128)通用记忆师说我赢了这一战。The rememberences say I win this one.祝下次好运,小点心。Better luck next time, cupcake.即使是个轮后人,也能躲得开。Even a post-cog could see that coming.未来可不是用来玩弄的。The future isn't something to play fast and loose with.你在未来无关紧要。You were unnecessary in the future.没什么能抵挡未来。Nothing is future-proof.你过去欠下的债终于还清了。Your past finally caught up with you.时间裂口已封闭。Time breach repaired.这是应有的结局。That was the way it was supposed to end.还不如我的模拟训练。I've been through harder training sims.你的时间已经过去了。In the future, we call that getting 'rekt'.你的时代毫无挑战。Your era is no challenge.多么简陋。How elementary.未来又明亮了一些。The future's looking brighter.时间能治愈一切伤痛?不尽然。Time heals all wounds? Not quite.好了,一切都井然有序。Well, that's all in order.爆头在我的时代是致命的。Headshots are lethal in any era.你的未来定义为死亡。Your future was defined by dying.某人在乎你的死,除了我之外的某人。Someone cares you died. Not me, but someone.非同寻常。That was extraordinary.你无法逃离未来。You can't run from the future.负罪之人总是会失误。The guilty always make mistakes.时间环已闭合。Time loop closed.我已闭合时间型曲线。I've closed the time-like curve.这下得需要成吨的报告文件了。This is going to require a ton of paperwork.幸福就是热感应时间枪。Happiness is a family-active temporal blaster.你的未来不太光明。Your future's not looking so bright.时间线到头了,小混蛋。End of the timeline, punk.想知道未来吗?你没有未来。Want to know your future? You don't have one.时间犯罪已被终止。Chrono criminal neutralised.已经没有时间让你躲藏了。There was no time left to hide in.轻而易举。That was easy.凯特琳悖论已解除。Paradox resolved.呜,这可能会打破时间连续性。Urgh. That might break the continuum.真不敢相信我曾经穿成那样。I can't believe I used to dress like that.噢,希望你不是我的祖母。噢,她做的小点心很好吃。Oh. I hope you weren't my grandmother. Oh, she made delicious cupcakes...&记忆师会对此进行实地考察。The remembrances will have a field day with this.艾克玩具不错,小孩。Cute toy, kid.伊泽瑞尔再说一遍,谁该进博物馆?Now who belongs in a museum?你不是我要找的人,不过差不多。You weren't the one I was looking for - but close enough.未来战士 伊泽瑞尔这是很久以后的事。That was a long time coming.纳尔被封在冰里?原始但有效的时间旅行方式。Frozen in ice. Primitive, but effective time travel.西部牛仔系列快很好,但精准才是一切。Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.至少你死的时候穿了靴子。At least you died with your boots on.觉得自己走运吗,小混蛋?D'you feel lucky, punk?金克丝每段时间线我都喜欢这段。Oh, that's fun in every timeline.史前巨兽系列回到原始的污泥中吧。Back to the primordial ooze with you.再过几次进化周期,然后你就好了。Just a few more evolutionary cycles and you'll get it right.源代码系列我们应该早点把你叫停。We should've stopped you sooner.该拔电源了。Time to unplug.源计划系列喔,这可能会影响我的时间线。Oh. That may affect my timeline.如果我们留在未来就不能修补过去。We can't fix the past if we stay in the future.魔法少女系列2016的风格。So 2016.即使是恒星也不会永远闪耀。Not even stars last forever.银河魔装机神系列你可以等下次再拯救世界。You can save the world next time.机甲连接已被终结。Mecha connection terminated.大杀特杀没什么能阻止我了。Nothing can stop me now.摧毁防御塔(129—131)一切都会随时间而崩塌。Everything crumbles with time.我该预言它是往左边倒的。Could've sworn it fell to the left.所有时间线里熵为常数。Entropy is consistent in all timelines.大笑 Laugh(132—137)移动 Move(138—177)未来不容差池。The future must be secured.最明显的事实往往最具欺骗性。There is nothing more deceptive than an obvious fact.我早已无路可退。I've come too far to turn back.我知道这条路,这条不归之路。I know this road. I know exactly how it needs to end.最后一次修补才是唯一有效的。The last revision is the only one that counts.时间是一切的精要。Time is of the essence.所有人都会逃跑。Everybody runs.稍纵即逝。It's now or never.驱策我的不是过去,而是未来。It's not the past that drives me, it's the future.来过,做过。Been here, done this.无论何时何地,我都会找到他们。Any time, any place. I will find them.历史比你想象得更耐久。History is more durable than you think.历史不会自我修复。The past isn't going to sort itself out.时间旅行并非绝无可能,只是非常不可思议。Time travel's not impossible, just highly improbable.那个时间探险小家伙跑哪了?Now when has that little time explorer gotten off to?每个人都会留下足迹,他的足迹遍布时间场。Everyone leaves tracks. His are all over the chrono field.我必须阻止他酿成悲剧,比如——抹除爆头的发明。I have to stop him before he does something tragic - like uninvent headshots.时间当然可以被打破,不然你以为我拿枪干什么?Of course time can be broken! Why do you think I have a gun?我要去的地方,不需要道路。Where I'm going, I don't need roads.未来的全部希望都寄托在我的枪管里。The future's only hope is in the barrel of my gun.继续前进。Let's crack on.他会在什么时间呢?When could he be?这是我的时间离子枪,对准谁,谁就不复存在。This is my temporal plasma blaster. I point it at someone, they cease to exist.坚持走下去。Keep moving on.开工了。Back to work.明天就是现在。Tomorrow is now.地法天,天法时,时法自然。Time has laws. Time is law.现实是由法律维持的。Reality is held together by laws.时间不可能是圆形的,时间必须是线性的。Time cannot be a circle. It has to be a line.我来自未来。I'm from the future.这个地方真是……原始。This place is purely... Primitive.我不想谈论时间旅行,每次谈到最后都是各种图表。I don't want to talk about time travel. It always ends in diagrams.我清理垃圾,时间的垃圾。我是个时间垃圾女工?I take out trash - temporal trash. I'm a temporal garbage woman.其实时间更像是一个扁环,中间有准心。Time is really more of a flat circle - with crosshairs.我可以打中三百米以外,三百年以前的目标。I can hit a target at three hundred meters - three hundred years in the past.不要瞄准当前的位置,要瞄准过去的位置。Don't aim where they are, aim where they were.我们不能只是看到历史,我们还必须遵守。We can't just see the past, we have to observe.所有人都逃不过未来。The future catches up with everyone.在我当班的时候谁也别想改变过去。No-one's altering the past on my watch.武器功率设为360,关闭瞄准镜Set weapon power to 360. Disable scope.回城 Recall(178—190)谁需要逮捕令?Who needs a warrant?我要去的地方,不需要帽子。Where I'm going, I don't need hats.时间召回开始。Chrono recall engaged.侦察结束。Recon complete.有时你需要先退一步才能继续前进。Sometimes you have to go back to move forward.希望这个时间线里有咖啡。They'd better have coffee in this timeline.小心了,伙计们,镇上来了个新警长。Look out, boys, there's a new Sherriff in town.我或许有时间狩猎大块头。I might have time for some big game hunting.似曾相识的感觉。Deja vu all over again.这个时间线裹了糖衣。This timeline is sugarcoated.有时永远只是一秒钟。Sometimes forever is just one second.我将会需要更大的枪。I'm definitely going to need a bigger gun.没有发现智慧生物的迹象。No signs of intelligent life.重生 Respawn(191—195)时间场已稳定。Temporal field stabilised.时间同步已复位。Temporal sync reset.时间静态场已解除。Chrono stasis field disengaged.未来战士准备就绪。Pulsefire jump complete.时间跃迁场正在恢复。Time warp field regenerating.技能 Skill(196—235)被动—爆头无处可逃。No escape.躲躲试试。Dodge this.就是现在。The time is now.激光般精准。Laser precision.该逃跑喽。Time to run.我看见你了。I see you.为了未来。For the future.呼气,射击。Exhale and fire.该扣扳机了。Time to pull the trigger.时间到。Time's up.砰,永久脑损伤。Boom, traumatic brain injury.砰,不复存在。Boom, nonexistence.砰,颅骨炸裂。Boom, cranium blast.砰,脑洞。Boom, brain hole.Q—和平使者和平使者流程已启动。Peacemaker protocol initiated!该发射了。Time to take the shot!时光如梭,杂碎。Tempus fugit, scumbag!准备好了。Prepare yourself!W—约德尔诱捕器反制措施已部署。Countermeasures engaged!警告你:这是陷阱。Here's a warning - it's a trap.E—90口径绳网奇点之网,要来了。One singularity net, coming up!别着急。Not so fast.喔!后坐力不小。Oh! That's got some kick!嘲讽 Taunt(236—247)通用真可惜这个型号不是眼泪驱动的。Too bad this model isn't powered by tears.在未来我们俩只有一个活着,那人不是你。In the future, one of us is alive. Hint: it's not you.应该没问题,我的武器能量来源是垃圾。This should be easy. My weapon is fueled by rubbish.我的枪比你的大。Mine's bigger than yours.那不叫枪,这才叫枪。That's not a gun. This is a gun.你死了以后才可以看到未来。You can say hello to the future when you're dead.瑞兹你是第六版,还是第七版?我记不清了。Are you version six or seven? I've lost count.塔里克这个时间线,非常配你。This timeline looks fabulous on you.泰达米尔给我五秒泰达米尔。Love me some Tryndamere.被嘲讽我没时间闲聊。I don't have time for this.噢,你真让我伤心。Aw, you hurt my time feelings.目击者说我的目标特别烦人,嗯,是你吗?The witness described my target as being 'uniquely annoying'. Hm, could it be you?终极技能 Ultimate(248—250)R—让子弹飞在我视野内。In my sights.正在采取必要手段。Taking necessary action.该发射了。Time to take the shot.使用 Use(251—255)生命药水咳咳,味道不如小点心。Caitlyn chokes. Not quite as tasty as a cupcake...&应该加一些糖霜和气泡。That would've been better with frosting and sprinkles.干杯。Bottoms up.活力夹心饼干没有什么是一块小点心解决不了的。There's nothing a cupcake can't solve.感觉好多了。That feels better.布置守卫 Ward(256—260)时间投射点设定完毕。Chronology protection point set.定律是一切。Observation is everything.一点点前瞻性准备。A little proactive preparation.回顾性准备确认完毕。Retroactive preparation confirmed.是否了解当下决定了是否拥有未来。Awareness of the present is the key to having a future.
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&gt网络游戏LOL惊现严重Bug:EZ瞬发两个大招 疑似外挂!
& & & & 【每日科技网】&  LOL刚平静没几天,这不,Bug又自己找上门来了。这次受益的同样还是美服玩家,不得不说这群老外玩的乐趣找Bug就是其中之一啊。他们的好像对于排位和分数并不是特别的感兴趣,反而找到一个Bug会让他们兴奋不已。


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