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在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
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在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Land Grab 掠地
Citadel 堡壘?
Ionian Expansion 愛奧尼亞擴張?
Trojan War 特洛伊戰爭
I'll Be Back 吾將歸兮
Siege of Athens 雅典攻城戰
Xenophon's March 色諾芬的行軍
Wonder 世界奇觀
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Holy Man 聖人
Tigiris Valley 底格里斯河谷
Lost 迷失?
I Shall Return 吾將歸兮...
The Great Hunt 大狩獵?
The Caravan 商隊
Lord of the Euphrates 幼發拉底之主
Nineveh 尼尼微
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
The Assassins 殺手
Island Hopping 環島行
Capture 捕捉?
Mountain Temple 山中神殿?
The Canyon of Death 死亡峽谷
Oppression 威壓
A Friend in Need 朋友有難
Kyushu Revolts 九州叛亂
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Birth of Rome 羅馬的誕生
Pyrrhus of Epirus 伊庇魯斯的皮瑞斯
Syracuse 錫拉庫薩
Metaurus 梅陶羅河
Mithridates 米特里達梯
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Caesar vs Pirates 凱薩對海盜
Britain 不列顛
Alesia 阿萊西亞
Caesar vs Pompey 凱薩對龐培
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Actium 亞克興角
Year of the Four Emperors 四帝之年
Ctesiphon 泰西封
Queen Zenobia 芝諾比亞女王
Coming of the Huns 匈人襲來
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Crossing the Alps 攀越阿爾卑斯山
Third Greek War 第三次希臘戰爭
Spartacus 斯巴達克斯
Odenathus vs Persians 奧德奈修斯對波斯人
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Odenathus vs. the Persians, 262 AD
Scenario Instructions
The emperor and the main Roman armies are busy defending other frontiers. They are relying on you, Odenathus, Prince of Palmyra, to defend the East. Persians are besieging the city of Edessa and have captured other towns nearby. You are to drive the Persians from the area.
- Destroy the Persians.
- 消滅波斯人。
- Because supplies are very limited in this region, so you must protect your remote supply camps at all costs.
- A defensive strategy is necessary until you have built enough troops for a sure victory.
- 由於在這一區域裡補給十分有限,所以你一定要不惜一切保護好偏遠的補給營地。
- 你建造好確保勝利的軍隊前需要採取防守性的策略。
The emperor applauds your complete victory over the Persians. Rome is extremely pleased to see our Palmyran allies drive the Persians from our provinces in the East. Our trust in you has been well confirmed. You are our most loyal and valuable ally in the East.
Your failure to drive the Persians back has added to Rome's frontier problems. Most of the eastern part of the empire is now open to further Persian raids and conquest. We are removing your title &Duke of the Orient& because you are no longer worthy.
The Palmyran army under Odenathus intercepted a Persian force loaded with booty that was retreating from raids in western Asia Minor. Abandoning their loot, the Persians fled across the Euphrates. After a brief foray into Syria to remove a tyrant attempting to establish his rule there, Odenathus invaded lost Roman provinces east of the Euphrates. His army was mainly light foot archers, heavy cavalry, lancers, and camelry. He drove the Persians from their siege of Edessa and recaptured other towns. In the next few years, he raided into Armenia and Mesopotamia, defeating Persian armies at each encounter and twice capturing Ctesiphon, the Persian capital.
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Spartacus, 73 to 71 BC
Scenario Instructions
A new slave revolt has broken out and much of south central Italy is in turmoil. This revolt may be the most dangerous we have faced. The addition of many gladiators has strengthened the fighting power of the slaves. You are to engage the slave army of Spartacus and destroy it before it depopulates all of central Italy. We can't have the revolt continue or spread.
- Destroy the gladiator army before it destroys the Italians.
- 在角鬥士兵團消滅義大利前將它打倒。
- Research Writing as soon as possible so you can track the Roman invasion force.
- It may be best to protect only a small portion of your allies, rather than attempting to protect the entire region.
- 盡早研究文字來讓你追蹤入侵羅馬的軍隊。
- 也許最好的是祇保護你的小部分盟友,而非嘗試保護整個區域。
Your victory over the huge slave army is great news for the citizens of Rome. We are thankful that this scourge has been removed from the countryside and that peace has been restored. You have been elected one of the three consuls of Rome.
Your failure to save the Italians from Spartacus has embarrassed Rome and encouraged revolt among the slaves to the north as well. Our economy is in shambles. Farms everywhere are devastated. People in the city are starving while people in the countryside are hunted down and killed. You are to be ejected from the Senate, possibly by catapult in the direction of the Tiber River.
Slaves obtained through conquest were a major component of the Roman economy, doing most of the common labor and many professional tasks as well. The conditions under which slaves worked and the treatment they received varied widely. During bad times or because of particularly harsh treatment, slave rebellions occurred. These were called Servile Wars, from the Roman word for slaves. (The word slave is thought to have derived from later centuries when so many Slavs were enslaved.)
The dependence on slaves rather than industrialization is suggested as one reason for the eventual fall of Rome. Another is the lack of new drafts of slaves after the second century AD when new conquests ceased.
The slave revolt led by the gladiator Spartacus was one of the longest and most destructive. Many additional gladiators (soldier slaves trained to fight in arenas for sport) augmented his fighting forces. For two years the slaves under Spartacus rampaged in central Italy, raping and pillaging at will. They operated from a base near Mt. Vesuvius and defeated several Roman armies sent against them. An army under Crassus brought the slaves to battle in 71 BC and routed them. Pompey completed the restoration of order. Captured slaves were crucified along the road leading back to Rome as a warning to others.
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Third Greek War, 172 BC
Scenario Instructions
Our attempt to conquer Pergamum has been complicated by the Romans. They have sent two armies to interfere on the side of our enemies. Thus the war has widened. A victory against these forces would not only give us control of the Bosphorus, but also revenge for earlier defeats by Rome that we cannot forget. Defeat these Roman interlopers and then destroy Pergamum.
- Destroy the Government Center in Pergamum (red).
- A two-fronted attack is necessary to obtain your goal.&&
- Find as many weak spots in the Roman defenses as possible, and exploit them to their fullest.
Your great victory over Pergamum and its Roman allies has brought renewed glory to the Hellenic League. All of Greece salutes you. We now control the key waterway between the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea, and will grow rich on the trade. The Romans fear us now. It is unlikely that they will meddle in our affairs again.
Despite some early successes against the weak Roman interlopers, you have failed to take Pergamum. Our dreams of controlling the important waterway between the Black Sea and Aegean Sea have been foiled by your incompetence. The Romans are sending more aid. The Hellenic League is now likely to become Roman provinces.
Conflict between Pergamum (modern Turkey) and Macedonia (northern Greece) attracted Roman interference against the Greeks. Perseus of Macedonia enjoyed early success, defeating two Roman armies sent against him. Another Roman army was sent to Greece in 168 BC. Under the leadership of Aemilius, the Roman army engaged the Macedonians at Pydna. During the battle the Romans fell back under the onslaught of the phalanx in open terrain, but when the terrain changed to more rolling ground, the legionaries were able to counterattack and take advantage of gaps in the Greek formation. Once the Romans penetrated the phalanx, it dissolved. 20,000 Macedonians died and 11,000 were captured, versus only 1,000 Romans dead.
The Hellenic League was ended and the various parts became separate republics under a Roman protectorate. No longer needing an ally in the region, the Romans cut back the power of Pergamum and made Anatolia a protectorate also.
- 摧毀帕加馬(紅色)的政府中心。
- 為了達成你的目的,兩線進攻是必須的。&&
- 盡可能在羅馬的防線中找出更多弱點,並將它們物盡其用。
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Crossing the Alps, 218 BC
Scenario Instructions
Your plan to march into Italy through the Alps is brilliant but fraught with risk. There are dangerous tribes in the mountains and Roman garrisons in the foothills at the base of the Alps. It is likely that the Gauls in northern Italy will rally to your cause if you can break through. Scouts marked the pass through the mountains, but were then taken prisoner. If you can locate and free them, they might be of great use in your effort to break through.
- Get both Armored Elephants and Hannibal past the double flags in the lower corner of the map.
-&&The Romans have gotten advance word of your arrival and have started preparing for battle. Move quickly to lessen their preparation time.
-&&Use waypoints to guide your troops through the narrow valleys.&&To use waypoints, click a unit, press SHIFT, right-click each point along the path, release the SHIFT key, and then right-click the last point in the path.
In 219 BC the Second Punic War between Rome and Carthage was instigated in Spain, where Hannibal of Carthage invaded the Greek city of Sarguntum (an ally of Rome). The Romans demanded that Carthage lift the siege and surrender Hannibal. Carthage refused and Rome declared war. Hannibal took the city by storm after an eight-month siege. He then advanced north into Gaul with an army of 50,000 infantry, 9,000 cavalry, and 80 elephants.
Catching Rome by surprise, Hannibal led his army across Gaul, up the Rhone River Valley, into modern Switzerland, across the Alps in October, and down into the Po River Valley. Due to harsh winter conditions in the mountains and resistance from mountain tribes, he arrived in Italy with only 20,000 infantry, 6,000 cavalry, and a few elephants.
While Rome hurried troops north, Hannibal recruited Gauls. He met the Romans in three major battles at Trebia (218 BC), Lake Trasimene (217 BC), and Cannae (216 BC). All were resounding Carthaginian victories leaving approximately 120,000 Romans dead. The Romans were forced to avoid open battle for several years while a new generation of soldiers grew old enough for duty. But Hannibal lacked the strength to take Rome itself. For 14 more years he devastated the countryside and tried to convince the other cities of Italy to drop their allegiance to Rome.
Defeats in Spain and a Roman invasion of North Africa finally forced Hannibal to return home. With a largely untrained army, he met Scipio's veterans at the battle of Zama in 202 BC. The Roman victory brought an end to the Second Punic War and to Carthage's empire.
Your crossing of the Alps was a masterstroke that has amazed the world. All Carthage applauds you and your army. The Romans now feel the revenge of Carthage. We will once more be masters of the Mediterranean.
Your failure in the Alps has doomed the efforts of Carthage in this second war with Rome. They control the seas already. Taking the war into Italy was our great hope for keeping them off-balance. Now our colonies in Spain are under attack because so many of our troops from there were lost with you. It is only a matter of time before a great Roman army lands in North Africa itself. You were a fool to think elephants could cross the Alps.
- 將武裝戰象與漢尼拔帶過地圖下方的雙桿旗處。
- 羅馬人已經事先知悉你的來臨,並且已經開始著手備戰。迅速行動以減少他們的準備時間。
- 使用航點引導你的部隊穿過狹谷。要使用航點時,選取一個單位,按下 SHIFT 鍵,在沿路上的每一點都按右鍵,放開 SHIFT 鍵,然後在路的終點按右鍵。
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Actium, 33 to 30 AD
Scenario Instructions
Marc Antony has taken the offensive, crossing the Gulf of Ambracia to shorten the distance between his legions and yours. Cleopatra remains in a defensive posture behind the protection of her Egyptian navy. Should Antony's attack fail, she will probably flee to Egypt where reinforcements await.
- Destroy the Town Centers of the two enemy fortresses and sink Cleopatra's barge.
- You need both a strong land force and a navy
do not rely too heavily on one or the other.
- You may need to relocate your camp.
Your victory over the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra has compelled these enemies of Rome to flee to Egypt. You have solidified your control of Rome and you are now positioned to become the first emperor of Rome.
Your loss to the combined forces of Antony and Cleopatra compels you to withdraw to Rome and rebuild your forces. The eastern part of the empire is now lost to our enemies. It is likely that Antony will follow up his victory by driving on Rome. A second defeat at the hands of Antony will mean the end of your career as consul of Rome and put Antony in position to be the first Emperor of Rome.
Following the death of Caesar, there began of period of conflict between republicans, Pompeiians, and various claimants to Caesar's legacy. The principal players ultimately were Marc Antony, Caesar's most trusted subordinate, and Octavian, Caesar's nephew. Together they fought a brief but decisive civil war against Caesar's murderers, Brutus and Cassius. Octavian was only 18 at the time of Caesar's death and not a particularly gifted military commander, but he proved a superb politician. By 40 BC the empire had been divided among a new triumvirate of Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus. The arrangement was formalized by Antony's marriage to Octavian's sister.
Antony ruled the East and met Cleopatra, ruler of Egypt, in 43 BC. In 33 BC he repudiated his marriage to Octavian's sister and married Cleopatra. This caused the inevitable break between the two strong men of Rome. Octavian used his political skill to strip Antony of his titles and support in Rome. War was declared against Cleopatra. In 31 BC Octavian's forces met those of Antony and Cleopatra on the west coast of Greece near Actium. In a naval battle involving over 800 warships, Octavian triumphed. Two large contingents of ships in Antony and Cleopatra's fleet proved disloyal. The doomed lovers escaped to Egypt by sea, but their land forces mutinied and surrendered to Octavian. Chased to Egypt, both Antony and Cleopatra ended their lives by suicide.
Octavian returned to Rome in triumph. The Senate first confirmed him as imperator and then gave him the name Augustus. As Augustus, he became known as the first emperor of Rome.
Actium, 33 to 30 AD
- 摧毀兩名敵人在要塞內的市鎮中心並擊沈克麗奧佩特拉遊船。
- 你將需要一支強大的陸軍與海軍來達致完全的勝利,千萬不要過度依賴任何一方。
- 你可能會需要重置你營地的位置。
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Year of the Four Emperors, 69 AD
Scenario Instructions
The Emperor Nero has died and left no heir. A number of claimants to the throne have appeared, but the sensible leaders in Rome are convinced that it should be yours. Use your forces to remove the usurpers who have claimed the throne while defending the empire from invaders seeking advantage during this time of turmoil. Place a monument in Rome to mark your ascension to the throne.
- Protect the Blue Wonder.
- Destroy the Red Wonder.
- Build a new Wonder where the Red Wonder stood.
- Immediately establish a defense around your Wonder. You may need to build a new town around your Wonder.
- Build a strong offensive force before you attack the red W the enemy will be waiting.
Hail Caesar! Your outstanding victories in the field make you a worthy claimant to the throne in Rome. The people are sick of civil war and look forward to your enlightened rule.
The throne of Rome would have been yours if you had been as competent as many of your admirers believed. Apparently they were quite misled about the extent of your skills. The new emperor holds no grudges, however. He requests that you report to the stables where he anticipates that your skills will allow you to truly &clean up.&
The death of the Emperor Nero in 69 AD triggered a civil war for the throne among several claimants. During this fateful year, four different men were recognized as emperor, at least temporarily. Galba, the legate in Iberia, was saluted as emperor by his legions and then recognized as such by both the Senate and the Praetorian Guards (the emperor's bodyguards and the only troops allowed in Rome officially). Vitellius, legate in Germania, also claimed the throne and marched on Rome at the head of his legions. The fickle Praetorian Guards switched allegiance to Otho, who had Galba murdered and then took the throne. Otho marched north to intercept Vitellius but was defeated and committed suicide. Vitellius captured Rome and was recognized as emperor by the Senate.
Antonius, legate of Pannonia, along with other eastern legates, had meanwhile nominated Vespasian as emperor. This capable general had recently completed several important campaigns in the east, including one against a revolt in Judea. On behalf of Vespasian, Antonius invaded Italy and defeated Vitellius, who was later killed in street fighting in Rome. The Senate then recognized Vespasian as emperor. He arrived in Rome four months later to begin a very productive reign.
- 保護藍色世界奇觀。
- 破壞紅色世界奇觀。
- 於紅色世界奇觀所在地建這一座新的藍色世界奇觀。
- 迅速在你的世界奇觀周圍建立好防禦工事。你還可能要在你的世界奇觀周圍建造一座新的市鎮。
- 在攻擊紅色世界奇觀前要先建造好一支強大的進攻武力,敵人可是嚴陣以待著呢。
凱撒萬歲!您在沙場上的優異戰績已經證明了您是個實至名歸的羅馬帝位繼承人,厭倦內戰的人民亦非常期待您來日的統治 。
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Ctesiphon, 262 AD
Scenario Instructions
After some 500 years of gradual recovery from Alexander's conquest and Greek rule, Persia has revived as a world power and now threatens the eastern flank of the Roman Empire. Emperor Valerian, &Restorer of the Orient,& set out to conquer the Sassanids, who now rule nearly all the land between Mesopotamia and India. After a brief campaign against the Persian King Shapur I, Valerian was captured and held prisoner in the Persian capital of Ctesiphon.
A caravan of gold and precious goods was dispatched to Ctesiphon to ransom Valerian and ease tensions between the Persians and Romans. The caravan was ambushed, however, and the ransom stolen. Parthian and Palmyran bandits still hold hidden enclaves in the Zagros Mountains. You are to restore order in this area, recover the ransom, and deliver it to Ctesiphon.
- Recapture the three wagons (Artifacts) and deliver them to the palace (foot of the Wonder) in Ctesiphon.
- Destroy all Palmyran and Parthian Stables.
- Building walls and towers should be your first priority. The enemy knows you are coming and is planning a surprise attack.
- There may be a few Roman villagers in the region. Use them to help grow your forces.
- Beware of Sassanid forces, for they will not hesitate to capture your tribute.
- A do not let anyone, including your allies, near your tribute.
Your quick and effective action in the East has restored much confidence in Rome. Unfortunately, the Persians were not swayed by your offer, and former Emperor Valerian will live out his life as a slave. All was not lost, however. The Palmyrans have been convinced that the Persians are the real enemy and will support us.
Your failure to recover the ransom has led to the execution of Valerian. Our Eastern Empire is now in turmoil while civil war rages back in Rome for the right to succeed him. The tribes of Germania are moving over the Rhine and Danube while Romans fight each other. Thanks to your incompetence, we may close the curtain on the Roman Empire about 200 years early. Report to the Siege Workshop for duty as Ballista bolt receptionist.
Roman expansion to the east beyond Syria was only temporary due to the revival of the Persian Empire. On several occasions eastern campaigns met with disaster. Shapur I (AD 240- 272) defeated three Roman emperors, conquered Armenia, Iraq, and part of Arabia, and overran the Kushan Empire near Afghanistan. The Emperor Valerian was captured and ended his life as a slave. At the same time barbarian raids and invasions increased at the Rhine and Danube frontiers. By 260 AD the empire was in extreme peril. It was rescued for the time being by a series of strong warrior emperors, most of who were commoners from the Balkans who rose through the ranks of the army.
In the east the Romans found a useful friend in Odaenathus, Prince of Palmyra. He was a Romanicized Arab who fought so well against the Persians and other enemies of Rome that he was made &Dux Orientis& (Duke of the Orient or Warlord of the East), a virtual co-ruler of the region. Twice the Palmyrans captured Ctesiphon, the Persian capital, and kept that empire from being a major threat.
Ctesiphon, 262 AD
- 奪回三架貨車(史前古物),並將它們帶去泰西封的皇宮(世界奇觀底部)
- 摧毀所有帕提亞及帕耳馬的馬廄。
- 你最先應該做的事是建造圍牆和高塔。敵人知道你的到來,並正策劃一場奇襲。
- 該區可能會有一些羅馬村民,利用他們幫助壯大你的部隊。
- 小心薩珊軍隊,他們可會毫不猶豫的去奪走你的貢品。
- 盡量避免衝突;更不要讓包括盟友在內的任何人接近你的貢品。
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
Queen Zenobia, 266 to 273 AD
Scenario Instructions
Rome is near its maximum in territory but the empire is beset on many sides. The Alemanni tribe has crossed over into Italy and must be driven out. The Goths have invaded the Balkans. The Palmyrans, once trusted allies, have rebelled and taken most of our eastern provinces under their control. Defend the northern frontiers of the empire while destroying the Palmyrans and restoring the East.
- Destroy the Palmyrans (red) while not losing any of the three Town Centers that begin play on the map.
- Each of your Town Centers could come under attack at any time. Be prepared to establish a strong defense around each one.
- Finding the weak link in your enemies' forces will slow their attacks considerably.
In the best tradition of martial emperors, you have restored the empire and saved it from ruin. The Senate and the people hail your complete victory over the Palmyrans. The borders to the north have been restored.&&Romans can sleep easy tonight knowing we have another 150 years to go instead of 150 minutes.&&
Following your failure to hold the empire's borders, we fear all is lost. The East is certainly gone. You have allowed Rome to be beaten by Palmyra, a town not even shown on most maps! Those are German tribesmen knocking on the doors of Rome right now, not olive oil salesmen.
Zenobia was the wife of Odaenathus, Prince of Palmyra. She accompanied and assisted her husband on his campaigns. After a successful campaign in Asia Minor against Goths raiding there, Odaenathus was murdered in 266 AD and succeeded by his son. The real power in Palmyra, however, was Queen Zenobia.
A Roman army sent east was defeated by the Palmyrans in 267 AD and Queen Zenobia moved south to conquer the key province of Egypt. By 271 AD she ruled most of the ex-Roman provinces of the East, including Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia, and Asia Minor. Emperor Aurelian marched east and defeated the Palmyrans twice. Queen Zenobia withdrew to her capital, which was besieged by the Romans. Palmyra surrendered eventually but revolted shortly thereafter and massacred the Roman garrison left behind.&&Aurelian returned promptly, sacked Palmyra, and took Zenobia back to Rome where she was led through the streets in chains. The Palmyrans ceased thereafter to be a factor in eastern affairs.
Queen Zenobia, 266 to 273 AD
- 不失去開始遊戲時在地圖上的三個市鎮中心的任何一個,同時摧毀帕耳馬人(紅色)。
- 你的每個市鎮中心隨時都有可能受到攻擊,準備好在每一個市鎮中心周圍都佈下嚴密的防線吧。
- 找出敵人軍隊較弱的一環後,你就可以有效地減緩他們的攻勢。
在线时间6828 小时
生日1987 年 12 月 30 日
The Coming of the Huns, 373 to 453 AD
Scenario Instructions
A new group of barbarians, the Huns, have been moving west from Central Asia for many decades. They are fierce warriors and have been displacing tribes in their path. The Goths and the Vandals have broken through our frontiers to escape the Huns behind them. This is the ultimate test of our survival. If you cannot hold off these invaders, Rome will be engulfed and the empire will be destroyed.
- Destroy the Huns (red).
- Continue to pay the Huns as long as possible while building up a massive offensive force.
- Use the fact that the Huns are your allies to your advantage.
- There are many safe havens in the region. Establish remote camps to build up your troops.
The world is astounded at your success. You have rescued the empire from its darkest hour. Defeating the Huns and their allies is a remarkable military achievement. You have truly earned the mantle of Julius Caesar, greatest of the Romans. Hail Caesar!
Your ineptitude has brought an end to 1,000 years of glorious history. Rome has fallen.&&The empire has come to an end.&&Welcome to the Dark Ages.&&The Huns are lauding you as one of their greatest generals.
The Huns were fierce Asiatic nomads who moved toward the West in the late fourth century AD for unknown reasons. By 373 AD they were conquering and pushing out the tribes on the Russian steppes. A million Goth refugees began moving toward the Danube, seeking refuge from the Huns, who pressed relentlessly westward. The Goths bribed and forced their way over the Danube. The Romans panicked and attacked them. The Goths escaped the Roman trap and began a large raid into Greece and northern Italy. At the same time, Germanic tribes began crossing the Rhine and the entire European border of the Roman Empire dissolved.
The Vandals moved through Iberia and ended up conquering western North Africa. The Visigoths took and held Iberia. The Ostrogoths held northern and central Italy, sacking Rome in 410 AD. The Franks took northern Gaul. In 451 AD Attilla crossed the Rhine with at least 500,000 Hun warriors. The Roman general Aetius mustered a large army consisting of Gallo-Roman legions, Roman heavy cavalry, and large contingents of barbarian warriors. The Huns were defeated at Chalons, a victory that preserved the Christian religion and the remnants of Roman civilization in Western Europe. A Hunnish victory could have meant Asiatic domination of Europe.
The Huns withdrew across the Rhine but turned south and invaded northern Italy from the East. Famine and disease were raging in Italy, however, and it was difficult for the Huns to advance. After a meeting with Pope Leo I, Attila withdrew. When Attila died in 453 AD, his vast empire fell apart. The Huns disappeared from European history but the great migrations that they set in motion brought an end to the Western Roman Empire.
- 摧毀匈人(紅色)。
- 在建立龐大攻擊力量的同時,盡可能持續向匈人進貢。
- 要善用匈人為你盟友一事以確保優勢。
- 本地區有著不少比較安全的營窟,設置副營用來建造你的軍隊。
在线时间7089 小时
皇帝, 积分 9877, 距离下一级还需 9323 积分
在线时间7089 小时
皇帝, 积分 9877, 距离下一级还需 9323 积分
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