Tottenham star Harry Kane's efforts against Arsenal and liverpool lifefails to land FIFA TOTW 什么意思

Tottenham 2 – 1 Arsenal. With Apologies to Harry Kane – Le Grove – The Arsenal opinion blog
February 8th, 2015 by
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He’s one of your own
That, my friends, is up there with the worst feelings in football. Blowing a 1-0 lead away to your local rivals. Seeing a guy who looks like he’s just had his probation extended at the Carphone Warehouse take the piss out of your defence and be lauded as the next Didier Drogba. Seeing Mesut Ozil unhappy. These are not things I can countenance.
Now don’t get me wrong Harry Kane is a class player, but the Arsenal tinted spectacles through which I view all matters football mean I simply refuse to accept he is anything but a massive fucking fraud. Remember when Andros Townsend was the next Lionel Messi? Or when David Bentley was the new David Beckham. Tottenham have pedigree for producing fraud players, and this guy has the potential to be their best one yet.
So take solace that he will crash and burn eventually, Tottenham will resume their rightful place as the also rans of the Premier League, and Hugo Lloris will be sold to Madrid. Even if Kane does turn out to be this generation’s Marco Van Basten, remember that he will be out of that hole as soon as he can.
So on to the game itself. Veeeeeery frustrating, I was super confident that we would turn them over. We’ve been on a fine run with key players starting to click and squad players working their socks off for the team. The only selection question mark raised before kick off was bringing in Welbz for Theo. Don’t get me wrong I like the lad and I understand he does more of a job defensively, but Theo scares the piss out of defences and pushes their line back another 10 yards, which would have been very helpful yesterday.
As usual I was proved wrong when Welbz skinned Danny Rose like he had anvils in his boots. He broke down the right, picked out Giroud who I’m fairly sure was trying to shoot, but whose pass found Mesut completely unmarked as he dinked it into the goal. An absolute gem of a goal and a good sign of things to come.
The goal had been a reflection of our opening 10 minutes where we had looked calm and dominant. However from that point on we seemed to switch off. Ramsey and Cazorla were getting absolutely bullied in midfield and the usually reliable Bellerin decided he wanted to play Centreback as well, leaving a gaping hole down the right that Danny Rose was able to exploit again and again. I have no problem with piss poor defending – I’m pretty used to it by now – but when you’re making a player of the quality of Danny Rose (i.e. absolutely fucking none) look like Cafu, its time to go home.
And that was pretty much the story of the first half. And the second.
Their equaliser came from a corner. As the commentator on Match of the Day said, if you’re not picking up the hottest striker in the league on your corners, you might as well eat some monkeynuts. I mean surely, surely someone could have seen him at the back post?
The defending for the second goal was even worse. Where was the pressure on Bentaleb? He was given about 10 seconds to compose himself, tie his shoelaces and float a ball into the box for that guy who used to be an extra in Grange Hill to head it home.
We did have some chances to push ahead again but were just not clinical enough. Welbz created a chance from the edge of the box which forced a great save from Lloris (Thierry would have totally buried that). Koscielny also had a free header from a corner, but it went straight at the keeper.
Kane was able to grab the winner in the 86th minute, which left a few more minutes for Aaron Ramsey to give the ball away and that was that. So what can we draw from that performance?
Was yesterday the day David Ospina was found out? I’m still not convinced he is a world class goalkeeper and he certainly doesn’t give off a Neueresque sense of calm. However there was some debate yesterday as to whether he played well. A lot of his saves were parried back out into the danger zone but, to be fair, he was getting bombarded pretty much all day as our midfield and defence put barely any pressure on Tottenham players who came into shooting range. Ill give him a C+.
The basics: marking on corners, pressure on the man putting in the cross. It’s so disappointing to see errors like this creep back into our game, as it has absolutely nothing to do with our style of play. It’s just about organisation from a coaching point of view, and desire from the player’s point of view. Tottenham just seemed to want it more yesterday which shouldn’t be the case in in this type of game.
The tactic yesterday seemed to be sit back, absorb pressure and hit them on the break. This had worked really well against City but was our undoing here. Why? I’m not quite sure, but we did seem to sit a bit too deep for most of the game.
Ryan Mason
Harry Kane
Has every episode of Miranda on Skyplus. His favourite restaurant is Harvester. He loved the last Spiderman movie (with the electric fella). He cried during the Great British Bakeoff. He thinks John Bishop is hilarious. He cant find Canada on a map. He thinks owls are a waste of time. He’s got no matches on tinder.
Player Ratings
Ospina – 7 – Some good saves but a little too much parrying back into the danger zone
Bellerin – 5 – Great performance if he was playing centreback, which he wasn’t
Merts – 5 – not very calm or composed
Kos – 5 – ditto
Nacho – 6 – didn’t notice him too much which must mean he played ok
Coq -6 – fairly solid
Ramsey – 4 – anonymous, except when he was giving the ball away
Cazorla – 4 – ditto
Ozil – 6 – class goal, some nice movement but not much else
Welbz – 6 – good work for the goal, ran his socks off
Giroud – 5 – not very effective and spent far too much time feigning injury
Theo – 6 – not really
Rosicky – 6 – ditto
Right that’s your lot from me. You can follow me on twitter
Please don’t let yesterday’s result or your massive hangovers make you feel too down today. There’s always tomorrow x
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