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11:09:34 来源:商都文化-紫雨轩
剑侠,何仙姑《剑侠》白珊饰演最虐心何仙姑 演绎成道前的“血泪史”
10:00:21 来源:网络
  与以往的八仙传奇不同,《剑侠》讲述的是八仙成道前的&血泪史&。素有&苦情妈妈&、&催泪女神&之称的白珊此次饰演何月仙,又名&苦娘&,是全剧最虐心的角色之一。白珊将告诉观众,为什么何仙姑能成仙?作为脍炙人口的传统神话人物、八仙中唯一女性,何仙姑的前世苦娘却并不酷炫,她一生磨难,为儿奔命,游走在崩溃的边缘,似乎惟有这样的&仙路设定&,才能 &苦其心志、劳其筋骨&,加上累世的苦修积善,得以超脱。面对亲情的炼狱,妖魔的侵扰,像苦娘这样底层的妇女,想要从中解脱,必然要付出远超常人的努力,&欲作神仙必先虐惨&。
  至于该角色到底有多虐?白珊自己介绍说,&触目惊心、惨不忍睹&。剧中,她的两个孩子一出生就丢了,苦娘变成&疯婆子&,流落街头&放肆找&儿子。十八年后再重逢,其中一子又死活不认她,最后在吕洞宾的帮助下才迷途知返。但苦娘却为救子而自杀,必须重新投胎,修行毁于一旦。&她这一生都在找孩子,受尽苦难折磨,无法形容,只有看了剧才会理解。&白珊坦言,这次戏里戏外都被折腾得&一塌糊涂&,堪称她出道以来最艰苦的一次演艺经历。不仅在酷暑下拍摄,片场烟熏火燎,还要&裹粽子&穿着三四层厚棉内胆,差点密不透风而窒息。&有几场戏,房间倒塌、物资被烧、孩子被抢,我倒在火里,房间温度估计有70多度,快烧成羊肉串了。& 虽然拍摄过程&不忍直视&,白珊却表示&只要一播出,我就会收获很多的快感。&
编辑: 张博建
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>> 浏览文章苦娘传奇第38-40集剧情介绍
  第三十八集  山田大大低估了生化武器的能力,不久市民、土匪、北山支队队员乃至日军都不时有人死亡……一场大的瘟疫席卷了整个安定镇。安定镇上为了驱除瘟疫,请神汉跳舞,陆子丰和安定镇的公开党员们,决议冒险趁夜把药方挨家挨户送过去,并留有纸条让市民把药方阅后即焚不要让日自己晓得药方,结果镇上的百姓很快止住了瘟疫,而日军则损失沉重,搬起石头砸了本人的脚,日军这一次元气大伤。  菊子和陆子丰上山给宝虎子的土匪们送药房,不料却被宝虎子绑了,宝虎子认定陆子丰和菊子有事,心中妒火中烧,一定要等药治好了土匪才肯放陆子丰,土匪们喝了药方熬的药,很快就好了,但在老掐的挑唆下,为了能让菊子对本人一心一意,宝虎子不但反悔不放陆子丰下山,更是决议杀了陆子丰以除后患  第三十九集  菊子担忧陆子丰的安危,这让宝虎子醋意大发,欲强行与菊子发作关系,这让菊子大感厌恶,觉得宝虎子变了,变成了一个地地道道的土匪了,与大金牙等无异。朱铁匠和锁头说不明白为什么贺无能家的地道会通到本人家,锁头通知朱铁匠本人曾在地道里看到过凤娇……  元宝以为贺无能和钱匣子曾经得瘟病死了,结果发现贺无能和钱匣子不光没死,反倒红光满面能吃能喝,贺无能和元宝说是锁头熬好了药汤给本人送来才救了本人和钱匣子的命,元宝一听大喜过望,他想这药方要是给日自己送去日自己一定会大大的赏他,所以如今抓住锁头拷问出药方就是关键。  第二天一早宝虎子把陆子丰押到山林深处,欲行杀害,幸得菊子及时呈现,用身体维护住陆子丰并大骂宝虎子背信弃义,此时被妒火烧红眼的宝虎子哪还听得住劝,硬要杀了陆子丰,菊子不得不说以本人留下为条件来换取宝虎子放了陆子丰  菊子发现地牢里绑着几个妇女,找宝虎子理论却偶尔发现宝虎子在抽大烟,不由对宝虎子的土匪生活愈加不满,宝虎子解释抽大烟只是偶然的消遣,女人是绑给兄弟们的本人心里只要菊子,可菊子此时哪里还听得进宝虎子的说辞。两人误解越来越深。  第四十集  抓不到锁头日自己就把镇上居民全部集中在广场上,让市民交出治疗瘟疫的配方,可镇上的居民早已对日军的种种暴行咬牙切齿,哪还会有人肯说出药方救日自己,日自己要挟说要是没人说出药方不要怪日军不客气,而元宝更是狗仗人势,众目睽睽之下开枪打死三个平民  宝虎子为了缓和和菊子关系,亲身为菊子下厨做了一碗手擀面,宝虎子终于容许菊子愿意投靠共产党。  宝虎子派鬼子溜下山把元宝绑上山,不料元宝却被锁头与陆子丰等人先绑走,鬼子溜赶忙让小匪回山上报信。陆子丰绑了元宝追问日自己最近有什么军事行动,元宝心中惧怕只得交待日自己下午有一趟运粮的兵车途经此地  宝虎子一路追来,发现陆子丰要处决元宝,立刻怒从心中起,带着土匪将陆子丰团团围住,菊子对元宝杀死平民一事十分伤心,决议支持陆子丰大义灭亲,这与宝虎子的想法格格不入,元宝更是巧舌如簧,说陆子丰杀本人是想灭了宝虎子的种,菊子也是嫌本人碍事,清楚是不要本人这个儿子了。宝虎子一气之下丢下菊子带元宝上山了  元宝更是极尽挑唆之能事,并捏造说菊子和陆子丰有事,让宝虎子对陆子丰咬牙切齿。并说能够借日自己的手将陆子丰杀死,宝虎子有准绳的说绝不和日自己同流合污。  北山支队胜利的伏击了日军的运粮车队,山田剖腹自杀。
苦娘传奇第38-40集英文剧情Article 38 sets
Yamada greatly underestimated the ability of chemical and biological weapons, soon citizens, bandits, beishan team players, and even the Japanese are sometimes people die... A great plague swept the whole settle town. Settled in the town to banish the plague, please these days equavalent dancing, Liu Zifeng and settled in the town of public party members, the resolution adventure while night send prescription went door to door to the past, and left a note to let people burn after reading your prescriptions dont let your day you know prescription, and the results of the people in the town soon stopped the plague, while the Japanese heavy losses, shooting the I feet, the Japanese this time.
Chrysanthemum son and Liu Zifeng up the hill to treasure nothing bandits pharmacy, only to be nothing to treasure, treasure nothing that Liu Zifeng and chrysanthemum son have something, in the heart of jealousy of must bandits will put Liu Zifeng medicine cured, such as the bandits had a prescription for medicine, will soon be good, but under the old device stirred up, in order to let the chrysanthemum the son himself wholeheartedly, treasure nothing regret not only not to put Liu Zifeng down the mountain, is the resolution kill Liu Zifeng except for future trouble
Chrysanthemum son concern Liu Zifeng, this let treasure nothing jealousy, desire and chrysanthemum son forced attack relations, this let chrysanthemum son big feeling disgusted, find treasure nothing changed, became a genuine bandits, and big gold teeth, etc. Electron artisan and locks and said dont know why, home of tunnel elements to my home, notify the electron locks as I have been seen chicken jiao in tunnels...
Wing thought has its incompetence and Qian Xiazi disease was dead, he found incompetent and Qian Xiazi not only not dead, but red can eat can drink, royal incompetence and wing that locks brought himself to get good medicine soup saved himself and Qian Xiazi life, wing to overjoyed, if he think this recipe to day sent a forgotten himself will greatly admire him, so now hold locks torture a prescription is the key.
Early the next morning treasure nothing Liu Zifeng detain to the depths of the forest, to kill, thanks to chrysanthemum son in a timely manner, with the body maintain live Liu Zifeng and cursed treasure nothing faithless, this time by the burning red eyes treasure nothing which is hearing live, stubbornly kill Liu Zifeng, chrysanthemum son have to say I leave as conditions for put Liu Zifeng treasure nothing
Chrysanthemum son found dungeon tied with several women, find treasure nothing theory occasionally find treasure nothing in smoking pipes, not grow dissatisfied with their treasure nothing bandits life, treasure nothing interpretation smoking pipes only occasional pastime, women are bound to the brothers, my in the mind as long as chrysanthemum the son, chrysanthemum son now where can listen up chunks of rhetoric. Two people misunderstand is more and more deep.
Hold the locks, they all the residents in the town on the square, make citizen surrender formula for the treatment of the plague, but the towns residents are already familiar with the Japanese atrocities teeth, which would anyone tell prescription save the day, day oneself has threatened if nobody say prescription dont blame the Japanese dont mention it, the wing is or under the eyes of the shot and killed three civilians
Treasure to nothing to alleviate and chrysanthemum child relationship, personally for chrysanthemum son to cook a bowl of hand roll surface, treasure nothing finally allow chrysanthemum son is willing to take refuge in the communist party.
Treasure nothing sent devil slipped down the hill to wing tied up the mountain, but ingots were locks with Liu Zifeng and others to go first, devil slipped quickly let little bandit back to the mountain. Liu Zifeng tied the silver piece cross-examine oneself recently what military action, wing fear had to hand over to treat, in the heart: there is a grain chariot through their afternoon here
Treasure nothing to chase, find Liu Zifeng executed wing, immediately anger from the heart, with bandits will Liu Zifeng surrounded, chrysanthemum son very sad on the wing to kill civilians, resolution support Liu Zifeng, the treasure to the idea of getting out, wing is eloquent, said Liu Zifeng himself is to want to kill the treasure to nothing of the kind, chrysanthemum son also disrelish oneself out of the way, clear this is not my son. Treasure nothing left room in a fit of pique chrysanthemum son take wing up the hill
Wing is the best of stirred up capabilities, and fabricated said chrysanthemum son and Liu Zifeng occupy, let treasure nothing to Liu Zifeng teeth. And said to borrow, his hand will be Liu Zifeng killed, treasure nothing colluding with the criterion of said never, and day.
Beishan team victory ambush the Japanese army transport fleet, yamada pou stomach suicide.}


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