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Photoshop CS5 Portrait Retouching
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Mac App StoreMac App Store 是发现和下载适于 Mac 的 App 的最简单方法。要从 Mac App Store 下载Portrait Retouching,您的 Mac 需要有 OS X 10.6.6 或更高版本。
Portrait Retouching
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Professional skin retouch for portrait, keeping the details and without losing texture! All operations made automatically in seconds! ! Automatic skin smoothing, healing and enhancing effect app for retouch/makeup portrait photos. Portrait Retouching When retouching portraits, remember above all else that subtlety is key. When we photograph people, we hope to create a memory, a moment in time, and a glimpse of who they are. Because of this, you want to avoid overworking the image, but to instead enhance it just enough so that the subject’s personality and true self shine through. Finding that balance of beautiful retouching without making a person’s skin, eyes, or teeth look fake is something you can easily do with Portraiture app. Inside, you’ll find tools to adjust each of these so that your images look beautiful and realistic. Bring out the Best in Your Portraits Portrait eliminates the tedious manual labor of selective masking and pixel-by-pixel treatments to help you achieve excellence in portrait retouching. It intelligently smoothens and removes imperfections while preserving skin texture and other important portrait details such as hair, eyebrows, eyelashes etc. Facial Recognition Before you can do any portrait retouching, however, you first need to hone in on the face or faces you’re going to work on. Perfecture’s automated facial recognition makes step is easy. Portraiture features a powerful masking tool that enables selective smoothening only in the skin tone areas of the image. It helps you quickly discover most of the skin tone range of the image automatically. Skin Retouching Smooth and beautiful skin is something you will likely strive for in many of your images, and with Perfect Portrait you have the tools to create blemish-free portraits very quickly and easily. The key with skin retouching is to not overdo the effect so much that the skin looks like plastic, or that freckles are completely gone. (Freckles can be cute, especially on little kids!) Keeping that texture in a person’s face keeps the reality alive while still showing each individual at his or her best. Before/After compare After automatic enhancement has been performed, you can compare the before and after photos to evaluate the changes. For finer control, you can specify the smoothening degree for different detail sizes and adjust the sharpness, softness, warmth, brightness and contrast. Increate EyesReduce cheek and body thin?Facial Recognition ?High resolution output ?High speed process ?Awesome artistic effects Graphics processor unit for Speed up System Requirements:OSX 10.9 above
版本 2.1 中的新功能
?30.00类别: 版本: 2.1大小: 62.9 MB语言: 英语开发商: haiqun deng兼容性: OS X 10.9.0 或更高版本,
更多Go2Share产品/ Professional Portrait Retouching – Removing Dark Circles
Professional Portrait Retouching – Removing Dark Circles
In our previous portrait retouching lesson, we looked at the simple task of .
This time, we’ll be working on removing the dark circles under your subject’s eyes.
With the use of some of Photoshop’s healing and retouching tools, we can easily paint away wrinkles and blemishes and make your subjects look years younger.
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Below is a written form of the technique for printing or quick referral.
1. When starting off, it’s a good idea to get the Healing Brush Tool and fix some of the small blemishes and wrinkles. Simply select the tool, Alt + click on an area to select a source point, and then click onto the areas you want to clone/heal.
2. Once all the little areas have been healed away, grab the Patch Tool and drag a selection around the area be replaced.
3. Once your selection has been made, click inside the selection and drag slightly downward to an unblemished section of skin
4. This procedure may leave behind a few artifacts and may discolor the skin.
We’ll tackle the for now, use the Patch tool or Healing Brush tool to help smooth out any of the unsightly artifacts.
5. Another method you can use for removing the dark circles is switching back to the Healing Brush Tool and getting a bigger hard-edged brush. Alt + click on an area with good skin tone and, with one long stroke, slowly paint over the wrinkle.
6. To get rid of the dark skin tone that can result, we’ll switch to the Clone Stamp Tool.
In the toolbar, set the mode to Lighten and the opacity to around 40%.
Alt + click on the target area for your clone tool.
With a large soft brush, paint over the darkened areas of the skin.
If you need to either darken or lighten this stroke, before clicking again go to Edit > Fade Clone Stamp…; you’ll notice that this option will open at 40% opacity (copying the settings you had for the Clone Stamp Tool) allowing you to either raise or lower the opacity to better match your subject’s skin tone.
As always, you can go through your image with the Healing Brush Tool and touch up some of the areas that you might have missed with the larger brushes.
Below is a before and after comparison of the technique.
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出品Photoshop CS5 基础教程
讲师:Michael Ninness
Photoshop CS5 Essential Training
Author: Michael Ninness
Duration (hr:min): 11:15
Released on: 4/30/2010
Exercise files: Yes
Software works on: Mac and Windows
播放数: 18,037
Portrait Retouching for Beginners
This tutorial shows a couple of simple techniques you can use to enhance your portraits. I will focus on retouching the skin, the eyes, and the teeth (whitening). To follow this tutorial, you must already know some Photoshop basics: working with layers, making simple selections, and using basic tools. If you wish to work on the same image, you can download it .
Step 1: general adjustments
As with any photograph, before you get into detailed retouching you should fix the general flaws: in lighting. For more tips on how to adjust general digital photography problem, visit .
In this case, our image has an obvious overexposure problem on the girl’s blouse, but this is beyond the scope of this tutorial, where we will focus only on the face
Let’s open the shadows a little: go to Image & Adjustments & Shadows/Highlights and fill in the settings from the image below.
We recovered more details from the shadows, but we lost the depth and the picture appears flat. Go to Image & Adjustments & Exposure and fill in the settings below.This way we get some depth in the shadows (but don’t overdo it, especially on low resolution images, because you will easily blocky areas of plain black).
Next, let’s adjust the Curves to obtain a better contrast and more volume (Ctrl + M and draw a curve like in the picture below).
The picture already looks much better than the original, so let’s take it further into the retouching.
Step 2: cleaning the skin
Cleaning the skin is usually done with a combination of the clone tool and the healing brush. The main difference between the two is that the healing brush preserves the texture of the skin better. The clone tool keeps the texture exactly only when used with a hard-edged brush, which is not something you want to do when retouching the skin. The healing brush doesn’t work all the time (especially in areas close to edges ), that’s why the best thing to do is to use the combination with the clone tool.
When retouching skin, you want to keep as much of the texture as possible. Some beginners love to use the blur tool (or even a filter like Surface Blur) to smooth the skin, but this will only give it a plastic, artificial look. Also, when retouching areas like the shadows under the eyes, or wrinkles – don’t overdo it! It&#8217;s best to keep your retouching into a separate layer so you can adjust the opacity and find the most natural look.
So, create a new layer (Ctrl + Alt + Shift + N) on top of your background and hit the J key for your healing brush tool (or S for the cloning tool). In the options bar at the top, make sure that the Sample option is set to Current & Below. Basically, use the healing brush to clear blemishes, freckles, imperfections on skin, and use the clone tool (at low opacity, I usually start around 25-30%) to lighten the areas under the eyes, to smooth wrinkles, to soften sharp shadow edges. In our case, the model’s skin is not too bad, so the retouching will be minimal.
Clean up the acne marks spot by spot, the freckles on her nose and the loose strands of hair with the healing brush. Then lighten up the shadows under the eyes with the clone tool, on a separate layer. I used a soft brush around 20 px large, at 20%. While at it, soften the line of the shadow under her chin. Then, on a separate layer, with the healing brush, try to bring back some of the texture of the skin. The advantage of having these retouchments on separate layers is that you can erase parts you don’t want and alter the opacity so you can get the most natural look. Here’s my result:
Step 3: brightening the eyes
Bringing out the eyes will make the difference between a dull portrait and a one that captivates the viewer. Professional photographers use careful lighting to catch the vibrancy of the eyes, but you can use your retouching skills to enhance the glance of your subject.
In our portrait here, the model’s eyes are pretty much shaded and in desperate need for some brightness. However, keep in mind that, again, moderation is key: do not whiten too much the white of the eyes because it will look unnatural!
Let’s start by selecting each eye from the original picture. You can use the polygonal lasso, although I recommend for most selections the pen tool. If you use the pen tool, outline the shape of the eye and then load the shape as a selection and, while on the background layer, hit CTRL + J to copy the selection in a new layer. If you use the lasso, hit CTRL + J when you’re done (same effect as above). Do the same for each eye.
(For the basic use of the pen tool for selections – without knowing Bezier curves – see a tutorial I wrote a while ago and posted on my fine art website: Cutting and blending techniques. .
We will use these layers to adjust the white of the eyes. But before that, let’s select the pupils and paste the on their own layers (on top of the eyes layers). You can select them from the original layer or from the new eyes layers. Don’t forget to label your layers accordingly and to organize them in groups!
Now, for each of the eyes layer, go Image & Adjustments & Brightness & Contrast and set the Brightness to +20. You may notice now some red specks on the whites, which you can clone out with the clone tool.
Now, select the pupils’ layers and repeat the Brightness & Contrast adjustment, but this time with much higher parameters (brightness 90/ contrast 60, or just experiment until you like the result).
The eyes have improved a lot, but we got some red artifacts is the pupils, which we can get rid of easily. Select the layer of the left pupil and hit Ctrl + U to bring up the Hue/Saturation dialog. From the Edit drop-down choose Reds and use the following settings: Hue: +15, Saturation: -32, Lightness: 0. This way, we shifted the reds towards a green hue. Hit Enter to apply the settings. Then, select the other pupil’s layer and hit Ctrl + Alt + U. This combination will bring up the Hue/Saturation dialog with the settings last used already filled in, so you can just hit Enter and you’re done!
(Tip: use the Alt key in combination with other shortcuts for Adjustments or even for Filters, to start with the settings last used instead of the default settings).
There are more enhancements that can be done to the eyes (like painting in catch lights and shadows), but for now we’ll stop here and move on to the next step.
Step 4: whitening the teeth
Unless you’ve just come from a whitening session at your dentist, anyone could use some post-processing teeth whitening. There is an easy way to give this girl a brighter smile: select the teeth and paste them into their own layer. I useed, as usual, the pen tool (but you can use the polygonal lasso if you wish).
Once you have the teeth in their own layer, hit Ctrl + U just like before and select to edit the Yellows this time. You don’t want to reduce the Saturation (it will only make them look grey), but to increase the Lightness (+45). Since they still look too dark, select the Reds in the Edit dropdown and increase the Lightness to +30. Be careful not to make them look grey! Hit Ok and then go to Image & Adjustments & Brightness/Contrast and up the Brightness to +12. Then hit
S to grab your clone tool and clone out the too bright spots (zoom in closely).
Step 5: further improvements
There’s much more that you could do to improve this portrait, but it extends beyond the scope of this tutorial. For instance, her skin appears too dark on the lower half of the photo. Then, I would get rid of the shadow on the wall that you can see along her arms. In fact, a completely new background would be even better. The hot spot on her shirt could be fixed by cloning fabric from the other side. The scarf could use a more saturated red. And so on… We’re a long way from a magazine cover, but also a long way from the initial shot.
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