现在多少关了。monsters vs alienss

&p&Bartender4动作条 Quartz施法条 雅黑粗体+Porky字体&/p&
插件和角色有关 可能是技能方面的问题 我同学的XD 一上大脚就掉 其他号都没问题 应该可以联系G M解决
有关系的 大脚是罪魁祸首
没什么多大关系~~~但是你最好用插件时只用些自己用的 不要都开
几位同仁说的对 大脚基本上是罪魁祸首 但是也有一定的别的因素& 网速和机器的问题也掺杂其中& 我建议还是换个插件用一下
我一直热衷于多玩插件感觉还不错& 推荐您试用下~~~~
经常掉线 有几种情况的 第一个就是你的网速问题了
服务器抽风是很正常的事情 另外插件的话一般只影响你的延迟问题的
100门aliens space攻略第6-10关图文介绍
  英文名aliens space是一款非常有意思的益智类解谜游戏。作为一百门系列手游,是非常考验玩家的思维的。这里口袋巴士小编就为大家带来aliens space介绍,希望这篇图文攻略可以帮助到大家。
  Aliens space第6关攻略:
  进入到关卡后,我们可以看到门的右边有白色的罗马数字,这个比较考验玩家的水平了。&ⅠⅢⅤ,代表 1,3,5&,X呢就是代表着10,所以点击左边蓝色密码圆盘里输入的就是:13510,输入进去之后,门就打开了。
  Aliens space第7关攻略:
  Aliens space第8关攻略:
  Aliens space第9关攻略:
  第9关,进入后会弹出一个窗口,点击next time就行了。然后,等门周围的不停围绕运动的红色小点走完消失时,点击门中间的手掌印,就打开门了。
  Aliens space第10关攻略:
01-08 10:00一鼓作气01-08 11:00轮回转世01-09 10:00582新区01-09 10:30太玄仙遁01-10 10:00583新区01-11 10:00584新区01-11 11:00时间之墟01-12 10:00585新区01-14 10:00586新区01-14 11:00创世至尊01-15 10:00战鼓雷鸣
京ICP备号-1 京公网安备 86
&&& 梦工厂09年的3D动画大作《异形战魔怪》(Monsters vs. Aliens)今天发布了最新的角色海报。影片讲述的了加州女孩苏珊?墨菲(Susan Murphy)被陨石击中后变成了女巨人,军方将她逮捕并和其他一堆怪物关在一起。没过多久,地球被一个神秘入侵的外星人Gallaxhar搞得天翻地覆,于是这群怪物将背负起大战外星人、拯救世界的重任。
&&& 在最新发布的角色海报上,影片的五个怪物主角一一亮相。奥斯卡影后瑞茜?威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)将为女主角――加州女孩苏珊?墨菲(Susan Murphy)配音,这个总走狗屎运的女孩在自己的婚礼上被陨石击中,然后就发了疯般的不断长大,一直长到近50英尺那么高(恶搞1958年电影《50英尺高的女人》),之后被军方拘捕并改名为Ginormica。
&&& 塞斯?洛根(Seth Rogen)配音的果冻状怪物B.O.B.,它诞生于一次严重的烹调试验失误,当时科学家把一大堆佐料加到了土豆上。休?劳里(Hugh Laurie)配音的蟑螂博士(Dr. Cockroach)是世界上最聪明的科学天才,长着人身蟑螂脑袋的他结合了人类的才智和蟑螂顽强的生命力。幼虫宝宝Insectosaurus则是个100多米高的巨无霸,吼叫起来酷似哥斯拉。威尔?阿奈特(Will Arnett)配音的半鱼半猴的“进化链上失去的一环”(Missing Link),从冰川时代起他就被尘封在冰下直到政府将他解冻。醒来后他发现自己原来的水洞所在地被人类开发成旅游度假地,于是引发一场骚乱。除了以上5个怪物,瑞?威尔森(Rainn Wilson)配音的入侵地球的外星人Gallaxhar也出现在角色海报上。
&&& 这部由梦工厂制作的3D动画片将于今年3月27日上映,它能否带来动画片史上的一场技术革命?让我们拭目以待。
& (编辑:李锦泽)& 文章詳細
Aliens Drive Me Crazy 瘋狂外星人 第1關通關流程攻略
摘要: Aliens Drive Me Crazy 瘋狂外星人是一款卡通風格的以破壞場景道具為亮點的趣味休閑遊戲,遊戲講述的是外星人占領了地球,控制了黑社會綁架了你的鄰居和朋友,為了拯救世界你要開著跑車拿起武器和外星人展開一番趣味的戰鬥.小弟最近也玩了這款手機游戲,下面就分享下這款遊戲的第一關流程攻略!進入遊戲首先要做的是設定語言,一進去就會提示讓你選擇的,大家可以
Aliens Drive Me Crazy 瘋狂外星人是一款卡通風格的以破壞場景道具為亮點的趣味休閑遊戲,遊戲講述的是外星人占領了地球,控制了黑社會綁架了你的鄰居和朋友,為了拯救世界你要開著跑車拿起武器和外星人展開一番趣味的戰鬥.小弟最近也玩了這款手機游戲,下面就分享下這款遊戲的第一關流程攻略!進入遊戲首先要做的是設定語言,一進去就會提示讓你選擇的,大家可以在上圖中看到,蠶豆小弟已經把金幣神馬的已經修改完畢了,這款遊戲其實對內購的要求還是比較高的,不然大家可能第三關就過不去啦,稍後蠶豆小弟會給大家帶來『瘋狂外星人』的無限金幣存檔.其實遊戲的玩法很簡單,主要分為兩部分一部分開車,再另外一部分就是解救人質和破壞信號塔.遊戲一開始是教程關,接著是區域一,也就是第一關.在開車階段,向上滑動螢幕就向上跳躍,向下滑動螢幕就是行動到下層.如果玩家長時間卡在一個地方不能動的話,那你就危險啦,因為後面會出現一個大機械恐龍把你的車吃掉就遊戲結束了.在開車階段比較輕松自在,玩家主要以破壞場景為主,除了撞飛外星人能獲得一定的金幣之外,更多的還是在于破壞場景時像『憤怒的小鳥』那樣的爆炸效果,給人一種絢麗的視覺體驗.1&&&
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seconds, 0 queries美移民局关于H1-B新法的问答
中文译文来源:大家最關心的H1-B 新法在10月已由Clinton 總統正式簽字生效﹐局也在大家的期盼下於11/21日發出第一份對H1-B 新法案的意見聲明﹐根據這份聲明指出﹐局目前正在草擬這个新法案的規則條例﹐預計最快在2001年三月後正式的規則才會制定出來。 [问答的英文原文附后]以下是移民局對這份聲明的問答內容﹕1。問﹕AC21 新法對H1-B的配額有何影響﹖答﹕2000年會計年度的H1-B 配額為 115,000名﹐而 會計年度的HH1-B配額增加為每年195,000 名。2004會計年度將再調回每年65,000名。 2。問﹕新法有沒有規定那些人可以不列入H1-B的配額限制中﹖答﹕新法除了增加H1-B 名額外﹐受僱於下列機構的申請人也不受限於H1-B名額的限制。(1) 高等教育機構﹐或(2) 非營利組織及其相關機構﹐或(3) 非營利研究機構或政府研究機構此外新法特別指出﹐如果原本一个屬於不列入H1-B 配額限制的申請人﹐在轉換工作時如果新的工作受限於H1-B配額的要求﹐那麼這个轉換工作的申請人就需要有H1-B 配額時才能提出﹐此外﹐ 那些在 至日間提出的H1-B 申請人﹐不會佔用2001會計年度的H1-B 配額。移民局估計約有30,000 人在這段時間提出H1-B 的申請。3。問﹕移民局如何調整在前提出的H1-B的申請配額﹐並確定這些申請人不會佔用2001會計年度的H1-B 配額﹖答﹕移民局已經以電腦自動計算的方式將 日前提出的H1-B 申請加以區別。4。問﹕新法規定擁有數个H1-B的申請人將只佔用一个H1-B的名額﹐移民局會採用何種步驟來確定有數个H1-B 的申請人不會被重覆計算H1-B的名額?答﹕移民局已經實施了H1-B 資料的掃描檔案﹐來確認擁有多个H1-B 的申請人只會佔用一个名額﹐移民局將繼續建檔並確認過去六年的H1-B 申請資料。5。問﹕新法要求移民局對於過去六年有過H1-B 簽證的人﹐在一定的條件下可以不列入H1-B的配額中﹐除非這个申請人合於另一个新的六年H1-B簽證的期限。移民局要怎樣來執行這个規定﹐這與移民局現行的規定有何不同﹖答﹕移民局目前正在修定這方面的相關規定﹐來解釋什麼樣的人符合新的六年H1-B簽證期限。移民局的電腦系統將會變更來計算那些人符新的六年H1-B 簽證期限﹐並計算每个申請人是否佔用H1-B 的名額。在申請批准後﹐電腦系統也會自動計算有多少H1-B簽證已經批准。6。問﹕法規聲明1999會計年度的H1-B名額﹐對日前的申請﹐將依所有申請人的數量而全額增加名額。請問移民局解釋這个條款時﹐是針對已經得知確的數量來計算﹐还是對於在日前批准的簽證﹐但批准日期在2000年會計年度的申請也一併列入1999會計年度的名額中﹖答﹕移民局計算上的錯誤﹐在解釋這个條款時﹐視同對1999會計年度的申請者的一个寬恕條款﹐而不會將批准日期為2000會計年度的案件重新列入1999會計年度中。7。問﹕ 這个法律何時開始生效﹖答﹕ 除了H-1B申請費將由 $500增至 $1000的條款會在60天之後﹐ 即12/17/2000生效之外AC21法案中所有其它條款與此法案同時生效。8。問﹕對于$1000申請費用的規定有哪些例外嗎﹖答﹕有。 不需要支付這筆費用的僱主包括﹕(1)高等院校及相關非營利機構﹔(2)非營利或政府機構﹔(3)任何僱主為H-1B非移民簽証第二次延期的申請﹔(4)中﹑ 小學﹔ 或非營利培訓機構。即使費用尚未調整﹐ 但免除這筆費用的規定立刻開始執行。 上述機構從10/18/2000 即可要求免除這筆費用。 移民局正在修改申請表格和有關系統來適應這个變化﹐ 但还需要一點時間。 現在﹐ 申請人要求免除這筆費用時需提供證據證明符合AC21相關條款的條件。 同時申請人也應該在 I-129W上注明。9。問﹕有哪些新的申請不包括在內嗎﹖答﹕有。 若提出申請的僱主具備公司結構﹐ 則不再被要求修改H-1B申請。 這些公包括﹐但不僅限于合併﹐ 收購或兼併之後組成的新公司。 除了申請人本身發生變 化﹐ 過去提出申請的僱主應保持原來聘用合同的所有條款不變。10。問﹕誰能合法使用H-1B“可轉換"條款﹖答﹕該條款允許以前獲得H-1B簽証或其它屬于H-1B身份的非移民﹐ 在新的僱主為他提出H-1B申請後﹐ 馬上可以開始為新僱主工作。 而過去要在移民局批准之後才可以。 這个條款適用于法律生效之日“之前﹑ 之後及當天"提出的H-1B轉換僱主的申請﹐ 所有適合此規定的外國人都可以開始使用此條款。11。問﹕這个條款有什麼限制﹖ 答﹕外國人必須是合法進入美國。 新僱主必須遞交一个“認真的"申請。 認真的申請是以法律和事實為基礎的。 移民局計劃進一步加以解釋。12﹕問﹕運用此條款的僱主應該怎樣遵守I-9表的要求﹖答﹕現行規定﹐ 在僱主提出H-1B延期申請後准許工作。 除非I-9表中無此規定﹐ 否則外國人可以繼續工作。 僱主應該遵照現行法律條文申請延期。 特別是﹐ 這个申請的收據的複印件和外國僱員的I-94複印件與I-9表一起存檔。13。問﹕何時有關規定會正式發表﹖答﹕移民局正在草擬這个文件。 因為有關 $1000費用的調升﹐ 需要司法部和聯邦預算辦公室的審核﹐ 另外﹐ 它还需符合1996年頒佈的小企業平權法案。 因此﹐ 有關規定不會早于明年三月正式發表。14。問﹕AC21對于提出調整身份申請的外國人有哪些好處﹖ 答﹕如果可用簽證總數超過當季度的已使用總數的話﹐新法的第104條取消當年度的將每个國家的勞工移民簽證配額。目前這類簽證配額由國務院來負責名額及排期的相關規定﹐而不屬於移民局管轄的範圍。如果申請人因為其國家配額的問題而延後審理時間的話﹐新法允許延長其H1-B的身份直到移民局對他的調整身份的申請做出決定為止。新法對於已經提出勞工移民簽證或調整身份或勞工認證的申請超過365天的申請人﹐允許以一年為單位延長其H1-B的期限直到移民局對於其申請做出決定為止。要注意的是﹐這些提出調整身份﹐勞工認證﹐以及移民簽證的申請人並不須要等待一年的時間才可以獲得這項優惠﹐只要提出勞工認證或移民簽證申請後365天即可申請延長。15。問﹕是否H1-B 非移民簽證的家屬所持有的 H-4簽證也可以比照延期﹖否﹕新法並沒有對這一點加以說明﹐而只針對這个法案的H1-B 條款部份對是否批准簽證加以說明。目前移民局正對這點加以研究﹐相關規定正在草擬中。16。問﹕對於持有H1-B超過六年並申請延期的員工﹐僱主怎樣才能證明有依I-9 表的規範來執行呢﹖答﹕目前的法規授權現在的僱主在提出H1-B 延期後。在這个情形下這个外國人有工作許可但是I-9表的條款並沒有對這个行為加以規範。僱主應該依照現行的建檔方式來處理這一類的延期事項。一般來說只要將延期申請的收據影本及這个外國人的I-94表影本與I-9表一起建檔及可。17。問﹕新法要求所有因為欺騙行為而被取消的H1-B 簽證名額將會重新放回當年的會計年度中﹐移民局打算如何執行呢﹖答﹕移民局已經有能力以電腦自動計算那些因欺騙行為而被取消的H1-B 名額﹐所以這不會構成移民局的問題。18。問﹕新法命令移民局在的審理時間要在180天內﹐以移民局現有的人力物力是否可以達成新法規定的要求呢﹖答﹕新法並沒有命令任何審理時間的期限﹐但是新法有提及國會立法的精神在於調整身份的申請程序不能超過180天﹐以及非移民簽證的審理時間不能超過30天。移民局對於國會的立法精神有相當的認知﹐但是仍需加強及改善基礎建設及其他資源。移民局將針對資料的蒐集及審理以便能夠藉此降低審理的時間。我們不能保證國會將提供足夠的預算來減少移民局所累積的案件﹐19。問﹕有鑑於申請案件的大量增加﹐國會只同意H1-B的申請費增加4%的情況下﹐移民局是否能維持目前的審理時間﹐也就是H1-B 的申請在提出後60天﹐I-140的申請在提出後90天作出決定﹖答﹕移民局將儘可能的維持目前的審理期限。我們是否能夠在限期內審理完畢取決於我們的預算是否充足﹐因為我們要付出鉅額的超時工資。雖然我們被授權可以僱用臨時僱員來處理增加的案件﹐但是僱用及訓練仍需要一段時間才可以見效﹐在短短的幾个月之內是無法看的出成果的。英文原文On October 17 and 30, 2000, President Clinton signed into law several bills which significantly change the H-1B program as well as the employment based immigration program. Prominent among these bills is the American Competitiveness in the Twenty-First Century Act (AC21).Q1: How does AC21 affect the H-1B cap? A1: Section 214(g) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (Act) sets an annual limit on the number of aliens that can receive H-1B status in a fiscal year. For FY2000 the limit was set at 115,000. AC21 increases the annual limit to 195,000 for
and 2003. After that date the cap reverts back to 65,000.Q2: Are there new exemptions to the H-1B cap? A2: Yes. In addition to increasing the cap, AC21 exempts H-1B workers who are employed by or have an offer of employment from: Institutions Related or affiliated nonprofit entity, or Nonprofit or government research organization. AC21 also specifies that an H-1B worker be counted against the cap if the worker transfers from an "exempt" employer to an employer that does not have an exemption.In addition, the FY 2001 cap does not include H-1B petitions filed after INS reached the FY 2000 cap on March 22, 2000 but before September 1, 2000. INS estimates that approximately 30,000 petitions were filed during that time frame.Q3: How does INS plan to adjust its current counting method so that any petitions filed prior to September 1, 2000 will not count against the FY 2001 cap? A3: The Service already electronically captures the date a petition was received by INS. Therefore, our ability to electronically separate cases file before 09/01/00 is already in place.Q4: What steps has INS taken to improve its counting to ensure that multiple beneficiaries are only counted once as required by the new law? A4: The Service has conducted sweeps of the H-1B data to identify multiple beneficiaries to ensure that they are counted toward the cap only once in past fiscal years. We will continue with that process insuring that we conduct the sweep on using H-1B data for the past six years.Q5: The bill requires that INS may not count someone toward the cap if they have had H-1B status in the prior 6 years, unless the individual would be authorized for a new 6-year period of stay. How is INS going to implement this? How does this differ from INS?current counting methodology? A5: INS is revising its regulations to explain when an H-1B worker is eligible for a new 6-year period of stay.System changes will be made in order to allow the Adjudicator to indicate whether an individual who was previously H-1B is now eligible for a new 6-year period of stay. This indicator will enable the Service to properly count an individual toward the cap in these circumstances.Upon approval of the petition, the program will compute the number of H1B visas issued according to the factors as defined by statute.Q6: The legislation states that the limit for FY 99 is increased by "a number equal to the number of aliens issued such a visa or provided such as status" from the time the limit was reached and September 30, 1999. Is INS interpreting this clause to deal solely with the discovered overage or does INS intend to recapture any visas it issued before September 30, 1999 but had given FY 2000 start dates? A6: The Service interprets this language as forgiveness for the number of H-1B petitions approved in excess of the FY99 cap due to counting errors. It is not our intent to recapture numbers for cases approved in FY00 toward the FY00 cap.Q7: When does the law take effect? A7: Almost all of the provisions of AC21 and the related legislation are effective immediately upon enactment. The law was officially enacted on October 18, 2000. The sole exception is the increase in H-1B petitioner fee from $500 to $1000, which takes effect on December 17, 60 days after enactment.Q8: Are there new exemptions from the ACWIA (now $1,000) fee? A8: Yes. Employers now exempt from paying the fee include: Institutions of higher education and related or affiliated non- Non-profit or governmental re Any employer who is filing for a second extension of stay for an H-1B Primary or secondary ed or Nonprofit entity engaged in "established curriculum-related clinical training of students". Although the fee increase does not take effect for 60 days, the new exemptions from the fee are effective immediately. Thus the new exempt organizations are exempt as of October 18, 2000. INS is working to change its forms and systems to accommodate this change but this will take time. In the meantime, petitioners claiming to be exempt should submit a copy of the relevant provision of AC21 with their petition along with evidence that they qualify as an exempt organization. Petitioners should also note on Form I-129W the basis for the exemption, notwithstanding the fact that the form will not initially contain the necessary boxes to check for these new exemptions.Q9: Are there any new filing exemptions? A9: Yes. An amended H-1B petition is no longer required when the petitioning employer undergoes a corporate restructuring, including but not limited to a merger, acquisition or consolidation, where the new corporate entity succeeds to the interest and obligations of the original petitioning employer and where the terms and conditions of employment remain the same but for the identity of the petitioner.Q10: Who is eligible to use the H1B "portability" provisions? A10: The portability provisions allow a nonimmigrant alien previously issued an H-1B visa or otherwise accorded H-1B status to begin working for a new H-1B employer as soon as the new employer files an H-1B petition for the alien. Previously, aliens in this situation had to await INS approval before commencing the new H-1B employment. These provisions apply to H-1B petitions filed "before, on, or after" the date of enactment, so all aliens who meet this definition can begin using the portability provisions.Q11: Are there any other limitations on the portability provisions? A11: An alien must have been lawfully admitted into the United States. The new employer must have filed a "non-frivolous" petition while the alien was in a period of stay authorized by the Attorney General. A non-frivolous petition is one that has some basis in law or fact. INS plans to further define this in its implementing regulations. Subsequent to such lawful admission, the alien must not have been employed without authorization.Q12: How will employers who hire H-1B aliens using the portability provisions comply with their I-9 requirements? A12: Current regulations at 8 C.F.R. 274A.12(b)(20) authorize employment with the existing employer after a request for extension of H-1B status is filed. The alien in this case is employment authorized but the I-9 form contains no provision for this authorization. Employers should follow the documentation procedures they currently use for an extension of this sort. Typically, this could involve attaching a copy of the receipt notice for the filed petition along with a copy of the alien's I-94 to the I-9 kept on file.Q13: When will the Implementing regulation be published? A13: INS is currently drafting the regulation. Because of the new $1,000 fee increase, it is possible that in addition to the normal DOJ and OMB review, this regulation will have to undergo the additional review required by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996. If this is the case it is unlikely that the regulation will be published before March 2001. INS is exploring ways to expedite publication of the regulation.Q14: What benefits are available under AC21 to aliens with Immigrant petitions/adjustment applications? A14: First, ?104 of AC21 lifts the per-country limits on employment-based immigrant visa numbers if the total number of visas available during a calendar quarter exceeds the number used. The Department of State is charged with issuance of these visas and maintenance of priority dates and availability. This issue will not be addressed in INS regulations.Where the country caps delay an alien's immigration notwithstanding this provision, AC21 also provides for an extension of H-1B status until the alien's adjustment of status application can be processed and a decision made.Finally, AC21 gives extensions of H-1B status in one-year increments to H-1B aliens who have an employment-based immigrant visa petition or application for adjustment of status pending if It has been more than 365 days since the visa petition or the labor certification application has been filed. Note that the adjustment application, labor certification, or visa petition need not necessarily have been pending for a year to obtain this benefit. The only requirement is that 365 days have passed since filing of the labor certification or immigrant visa petition.Q15: Will H-4 dependents of H-1B nonimmigrants be able to receive these extensions? A15: The AC21 does not address this issue but speaks only of aliens issued a visa or otherwise provided nonimmigrant status under the H-1B provisions of the Act. INS is studying this issue, which will be addressed in the implementing regulations currently under development.Q16: How will employers demonstrate I-9 compliance for H-1B aliens granted extensions beyond the six-year period in INA 214(g)(4)? A16: Current regulations at 8 C.F.R. 274A.12(b)(20) authorize employment with the existing employer after a request for extension of H-1B status is filed. The alien in this case is employment authorized but the I-9 form contains no provision for this authorization. Employers should follow the documentation procedures they currently use for an extension of this sort. Typically, this involves attaching a copy of the receipt notice for the extension along with a copy of the alien's I-94 to the I-9 kept on file.Q17: The law requires that any visas revoked due to fraud are recaptured and restored to the total available for the current fiscal year. How does INS intend to do this? A17: INS already has the ability to electronically identify those cases that are revoked due to fraud as opposed to those that are revoked for other reasons. Therefore, this should not be an issue.Q18: The law mandates INS processing times of 180 days. Given the current budget situation does INS feel that it can realistically meet this goal? A18: The new law does not mandate any processing times. It does, however, indicate that it is the sense of Congress that adjustment applications should be completed in no more than 180 days and nonimmigrant petitions should be processed in no more than 30 days. This sense of Congress is followed by recognition that INS is in need of appropriations for infrastructure and other improvements. INS will in the process of collecting data in an attempt to comply with the reporting requirements necessary to be eligible for consideration of appropriations that may be granted to aide in the reduction of processing times. There is no guarantee that Congress will appropriate funds for the improvements necessary to reduce backlogs and improve processing time within the Service even if INS complies with all of the reporting requirements set forth in the statute.Q19: Given the large increase in the volume of applications, does INS feel that it can maintain its current processing goals of 60 days for H-1B petitions and 90 days for I-140 petitions given that Congress has only earmarked 4 percent of the new H-1B fee for INS processing? A19: The Service will do its best to maintain current processing times. Much of our ability to maintain the processing times will be a result of the budget that is passed and our ability to direct overtime funds to the offices that will be impacted by the increased filings. Although we have been authorized to hire individuals into term positions to deal with the increased filings, the hiring and training process are lengthy and the true benefits of the hiring will not be realized for several months.


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