ps4能玩gta5是PS4好 还是xbox one好

论《侠盗猎车5》PC、PS4、Xbox One版图像提升可能_
论《侠盗猎车5》PC、PS4、Xbox One版图像提升可能
发布时间: 18:10 () 作者:3DM新闻组-druiber 编辑:newtype2001
R星放出1.06补丁以后,网友们纷纷表示《侠盗猎车5》Online已经被毁了,但放眼未来,我们知道,PC版《侠盗猎车5》是势在必行,而现在我们更向往的是PS4和Xbox One上的《侠盗猎车5》。
R星放出1.06补丁以后,网友们纷纷表示《》Online已经被毁了,但放眼未来,我们知道,PC版《侠盗猎车5》是势在必行,而现在我们更向往的是PS4和Xbox One上的《侠盗猎车5》。
如果R星真的打算花时间做PC版《侠盗猎车5》,那他们一定也可以顺手推出PS4和Xbox One版本的《侠盗猎车5》。现在玩家们对PC,PS4和Xbox One平台上的《侠盗猎车5》期待值非常高,相信等这三个新版本发售以后,《侠盗猎车5》Online的问题也将得到解决,玩家们一定会开心地抢钱劫银行,想尽办法赚取不义之财。
从经营策略来看,推出PC版是非常划算的,因为PS4和Xbox One都采用PC类似的架构,而且他们还可以借鉴各种MOD,让新主机上的游戏变得超乎想象 - 大家已经都看到《》的图像MOD已经折腾到什么程度了吧。
对于《侠盗猎车5》的未来,屏幕前的您有着怎样的见解和期望呢?欢迎积极留言讨论。更多精彩尽在 专题:GTA Fan Vids: Awesome PS4 & Xbox One Action | Rockstar Games
Game information, trailers, screenshots, soundtrack details, Social Club community news, et cetera.GTA Fan Vids: Awesome PS4 & Xbox One ActionPosted on December 8 pm | Author:
| Filed Under: Since GTAV's release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, we've seen some amazing stuff from the community taking their Freemode&shenanigans and carefully calculated First Person stunts to dizzying new heights. Check out a round up of just a few awesome ones that have been catching our eye.& NIGHT MOVES
An impressive piece of work from XXI, capturing the night life of Downtown Los Santos and East Vinewood in a slick presentation that really shows off the style and vibe of the city after hours. Also check out his && series to get a time-lapse taste of just how vast the entirety of Los Santos and Blaine County really is. A WHOLE NEW (GEN) WORLD
8-BIT BASTARD is at it again, with possibly his most ambitious and grandiose
to date. Realizing there was a whole new Los Santos out there to explore, 8-BIT broke out the ole magic carpet&Sultan and enlisted his own Aladdin and Jasmine to do their take on the
from Disney's&Aladdin.&&Unbelievable sights/Loads and loads of more music/30 people are playing online all at the same time,&&you'll definitely feel inspired to take a trip of your own. We also highly recommend 8-BIT's&, in which&he takes a much more measured approach at making what feels like a legitimate documented study of the flora and fauna of the ocean along the LS coastline. In his own words, &This GTA 5 nature documentary will demonstrate the behaviors of some of the most remarkable mammals in the oceans that surround Los Santos and Blaine County and some of the deepest mysteries will also be revealed.&&& TIME-LAPSE MAGIC
&by& , who dazzled&us earlier in the year with&&featuring&the&,&is back - strutting through the streets of Los Santos (and occasionally leaving mayhem in her wake). Fully taking advantage of the First Person feature, and a cool use of time-lapse, this impressive vid really shows off some of the natural beauty of GTAV on the new platforms, and manages to sneak in a few sly pop culture nods along the way.
&by& We've certainly seen our share of gorgeous time-lapse videos&so it was really great to see ThirstyHyena not only show off impressive changes in weather and daily going-ons within the LS traffic grid, but tour famous landmarks and building interiors for the full effect.
Starting out on Vespucci Beach, SA96HD takes the&high-end Pegassi Zentorno out for a leisurely daytrip through Los Santos and Blaine County, even making sure to stop at traffic lights and observing basic rules of the road. An entire day's drive wraps up in just over 5 minutes, concluding with a perfect reflective moment on the Del Perro Pier. DAY ONE DAREDEVIL
Fishy Dizzle has previously exhibited impressive skill and mastery when it comes to making and directing BMX Stunt videos. In this presentation, Fishy cuts his teeth on the new First Person mode - drifting around corners in the Vinewood Hills and putting a Sanchez through its paces with unflinching regard for his own safety. If you enjoyed this also check out his
clip as well. HOLY DIVERS
On a Los Santos skydiving excursion&Back in July, ash0191 incredibly
on top of a Liquor Hole location. ash is back at it again, this time pulling off the stunt in first person - it's quite exhilarating (and white knuckling) to experience it from that point of view. Beyond that, some really cool parachuting and jet stunting can be witnessed here.& Also, while not attempting the stunt in First Person mode like ash0191 did above, past Rockstar Livestream guest
impressively replicated the original feat himself&. QUICK STUNTS
Think you could handle a straight drop off one of the tallest structures in Downtown Los Santos? Veteran Nomad Union stunter and video editor, VaNilla takes the plunge off the Union Depository with ease, even managing a graceful 360 tail-whip for style before sticking the final landing. -
Here newcomer Richard Boylan threads an eye-of-the-needle pass through the &D& in the landmark Vinewood Hills sign. For something equally cool, also make sure to check out his
with the P-996 Lazer approaching from the opposite side. Of course, if you've got an excellent GTA or Rockstar themed clip of your own that you think the world needs to see, send it our way to have a look at , and we may feature it in a future round-up here at the Newswire.&Also, to see lots of great vids&shared on the regular&& make sure you&re&.
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An original 3D painting of Trevor taunting Chop with lots of fantastic details. By Maxifen on @deviantart #GTAV Krbllov on @deviantart awesomely illustrated his #GTAV PC hype. #fanart #fanart by @qwlvpuvwv imagining what Trevor must be getting up to in these winter months #GTAV The latest #GTAV piece from veteran fandom illustrator @DrooliaSnott focuses on Trevor & Michael’s North Yankton days Social Club CrewsFor Max Payne 3 to Grand Theft Auto V and beyond, Crews are groups of Social Club members who form persistent teams to compete and earn rewards in-game and on the Social Club website.
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GamesCom 2013:脸好痛!AMD称PS4秒杀Xbox One没有大问题收藏
主机玩家的“黄金时代”已经来临,因为索尼的和微软的Xbox One都将在今年下半年上市。当然这对AMD来说也是一个非常好的消息,因为二者都采用的AMD的CPU+GPU。二者究竟孰强孰弱是众多玩家一直以来都争论的一个话题,但作为供应商的AMD却很少对此发表评论,毕竟收手心手背都是肉啊。  科隆游戏展上,AMD营销经理Marc Diana在接受采访时候终于对这两款产品的性能发表了自己的看法,他认为“主机对Xbox One的领先幅度要比预期中还高”,因为使用了hUMA(统一寻址)技术,而Xbox One却不支持这项技术。  hUMA技术最大的好处就是解决了GPU和内存之间的数据交换问题,而这些数据大都属于高画质游戏所必备的纹理数据,如此一来就等于解决了开发者所面临的如何高效实用纹理数据的难题,在一定程度上提升了主机的游戏性能。  事实上仅从硬件规格上来看的话,就要比Xbox One强上一些,前者的GPU远比后者强大,再加上hUMA技术的优化,未来PS4画质秒杀Xbox One应该不是什么大问题了。
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《GTA5》Xbox One/PS4版加入第一人称
  中关村在线软件资讯11月5日消息:  《GTA5》的Xbox One和PS4版本发售在即,现在开发团队又传出了一个好消息,那就是《GTA5》的Xbox One、PS4和PC版本中将加入第一人称视角。  《GTA5》本身的剧情代入感就非常强,开放性的世界给了玩家身临其境之感。现在第一人称视角的加入将进一步提升玩家的代入感,先来体验一下官方发布的相关吧。GTA5  Xbox One和PS4版《GTA5》计划将在11月18日发售,PC版本则定在了日。其中PS4和Xbox One版支持1080p的显示,而PC版则最高支持4K分辨率。  RockStar母公司Take-Two最新公布的第二财季报告数据显示,《GTA5》的总销量已经达到3400万份,今年相较于去年增长了500万份。
10/28 12:4110/24 09:53
特色: 热点:
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这姿势略撩人,你让游迅网的小伙伴们怎么把持得住 这肉感,得有D罩杯了吧?不信话就进来看大图吧
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