nike lunarr flight怎么玩

& [月球飞行|Lunar.Flight.v1.9991-ALI213|免安装绿色版] ...
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UID7880524主题阅读权限50帖子精华0积分1294金钱660 荣誉3 人气52 在线时间14727 小时评议0
帖子精华0积分1294金钱660 荣誉3 人气52 评议0
英文名称:Lunar Flight
v1.999 更新内容:
- Added Angle Carrot to HUD Roll Angle
- Added Rotation clamping when all axis rates are &= 0.5
- Added Single Player Drone Practice Targets
- Added Drone Recording in Replay System
- Fixed Acquire & Transponder Button State Colours
- Fixed Nav Icon not displaying in Oculus mode VR cockpit
- Fixed Pilot Profile Info in 2D VR Cockpit
- Fixed Power on notification logic
- Fixed Incorrect Financial Penalty Check
- Fixed Out Of Bounds Track Camera
- Changed HUD Roll Angle, now stays level with horizon
- Changed Right Click to Rotate Chase Camera View
  Shovsoft制作的独立游戏 Lunar Flight以最新科技展现了经典游戏Lunar Lander的理念,准确模拟太空星球的物理。
2.4 GHz or equivalent processor
500 MB Video RAM and at least Shader Model 2.0
Windows XP / Vista / 7
2. 开始游戏
百度网盘下载(推荐安装使用&& 批量下载,在百度链接页面上点下载,点高速下载即可)
文件名:5468835.rar 文件大小:391.43M
游侠网官方 新浪微博,欢迎大家收听:
UID3298529主题阅读权限80帖子精华0积分24623金钱88415 荣誉253 人气9099 在线时间2756 小时评议0
Lv.8游侠钻石会员, 积分 24623, 距离下一级还需 5377 积分
帖子精华0积分24623金钱88415 荣誉253 人气9099 评议0
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Buy Lunar Flight
$9.99 USD
Buy Lunar Flight 4-Pack
$19.99 USD
"If you have an Oculus Rift you must have this game. If not then you can still soak up the amazing atmosphere and music as you fly over the moon."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
26 October, 2014
Thanks to the 0.4.3 SDK Lunar Flight finally has a playable DK2 build!
Here are some things you need to know...
* You need to Opt into the Steam Beta (dk2)
* Direct To Rift mode not tested, run it in extended!
* Not built with DX11 (yet)
* Don't play with the Graphics Settings it might crash
* Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Shovsoft\Lunar Flight from your registry before starting to make sure it has the preconfigured settings
* There are no Dynamic Cockpit Shadows! :(
* There is a nice new Asteroid Field intro scene where you can set your Orientation
* Press O or Left Stick Button + Right Stick Button (X360) to reset orientation
* Map 2 has the best performance
If you're having performance problems try Holding Alt after starting the game to access the launcher window and select one of the lower quality settings.
I hope to get some time to look at the build some more in the future but this build is pretty good for now!
“Alongside the delicacy of the simulation, Lunar Flight’s great achievement lies in its aesthetics.”

“Lunar Flight wraps an enjoyable physics simulation in an approachable and fun package.”

“I was pleasantly surprised at the quality, look and feel of Lunar Flight.”

About This Game
Explore the most realistic and beautiful realtime simulation of 'Lunar Flight' in this unique and challenging game. Experience the heart pounding sense of dread as you deliver supplies to moon bases with only seconds of fuel to spare!
A modern take on the classic arcade game, Lunar Lander, Lunar Flight extends the experience to a fully fictionalized and accessible lunar module simulator providing a variety of mission types involving transporting cargo, acquiring data at survey locations and locating lost cargo.
Completing missions earns experience points and money to be used to refuel, repair and upgrade the lunar module. In addition to missions there are time trial challenges complete with online leader boards and a globally ranked ‘pilots’ leader board, ranked by experience. To round out the game there are a variety of achievements to provide additional challenges and objectives.
When you think you've got what it takes, head online and go head to head in deadly combat against the best pilots in the world in Lunar Flights Multiplayer mode.
A truly unique and challenging flight simulation experience, Lunar Flight will give you many hours of immersive, addictive and rewarding gameplay.
Lunar Flight also features one of the best Oculus Rift Virtual Reality integrations yet conceived. It has an entirely new Virtual Cockpit and UI designed specifically for VR and offers an unprecedented immersive experience of flight simulation on the Moon & Mars.
Oculus Rift Mode with Optimized VR Cockpit and UI
Track IR Support
Authentic Newtonian space physics
Addictive, challenging Simulation
Earn money and experience from Transport, Survey & Lost cargo recovery missions
Purchase Upgrades and Action items for the Lunar Module
Online Time Trial and Pilot Experience Leader boards
Online Multiplayer with Weapon Systems
Random mission generation
51 Achievements
Spectacular graphics and effects
Award Winning Soundscape
Unique Quad view display
Comprehensive Replay System
Default X360 Controller Support
Support for multiple Input Devices (HOTAS)
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: 2.4 GHz or equivalent processor
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Disk Space: 900 MB
Video Card: 500 MB Video RAM and at least Shader Model 2.0
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Sound: Windows compatible sound card
OS: 10.6 or later
Processor: Intel Only
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 900 MB
Video Card: 500 MB Video RAM and at least Shader Model 2.0
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Sound: Any
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123.3 hrs on record
Lunar Flight is a simple sim that allows you to fly an Apollo style lunar module around four different maps (difficulty varies between the maps) simulating the moon and mars environments.
It has a steep learning curve but is extremely satisfying to master. Initially it feels a bit like playing the classic 8 bit 'lunar lander' type games in 3D but there's more to it than that. Missions include carrying cargo between locations, gathering data from survey sites and recovering lost cargo.
As you progress with missions you gain XP and are able to upgrade your ship to make it more fuel efficient and more manoeuvrable. Multiplayer introduces combat, adding 'sidewinder' style missiles and decoy flares to the mix.
Combat isn' changing direction can be hard due to inertia and it's a pretty unique experience.
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12.6 hrs on record
Wow. This one is making me consider buying two side monitors...It's a Proper Simulator, but not impossibly fiendish to play, assuming you have a decent controller.
Still possible to enjoywith just the keyboard though.Brings you inside a LEM, and there really isn't much to do apart fromflying from A to B, and C, and D;
but it doesn't matter, because the Trip is the Message.pros:-What I just wrote, that was all positive.-You are Inside that tiny Lunar Lander from the 80s! Or was it the 70s?-That good old feeling from the Sublogic and co. simulators, that we thought had been killed by Big Byte, but with all the modern eye-candy and smoothnesscons:-You will only see two colours: Grey and Green,
and Red, that makes three,but you don't wanna see red,
unless you're on Mars. And B Blue's good. So that's four colours. It's the freaking Moon! Live with it.
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4.0 hrs on record
If you own an Oculus Rift DK1 or later, I'd say this is a must buy. It REALLY REALLY feels stunning.
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0.7 hrs on record
Best crashing simulator ever. 10/10
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6.8 hrs on record
Certainly keeps you busy. Don't pay attention to it's slow pace as I guarantee that the slow pace requires more of your attention than any fast FPS in the market (apart from quake live). There is a fine feeling of satisfaction once you finish every achievement in the game as many of them are challengingto an extent and require patience.
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1.7 hrs on record
Nice space game!
I love the game but controlling is a bit hard but anyway good game!
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3.1 hrs on record
Worth every bit of coin for this game, multiplayer is smooth as it comes and seriously something nice to have even tho the missions are somewhat short and not directly interesting there is something to be said for such a solid game and concept as is for this price. I suggest getting a 4 pack and totally sharing it around, at some point i'd hope they add a lot more depth to the game but as said, a solid start and concept.
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17.5 hrs on record
Great flight simulation.if you would like to play a relaxing, fun and full of learning experience then you need to try this game out. Once you learn the basics of liftoff, landing, ACS thursters and how to change your heading you will be having a lot of fun with this game.There are 4 huge maps that you can fly around and there are 3 different types of missions(transport cargo, find lost cargo, data survey).highly recommend to any space/simluation enthusiast.
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1.6 hrs on record
Most realistic simulation of flight in space to date for home computers.There is plenty of challenge there with modern-day technology, that is also the thing that is interesting about it.For fans of realistic space missions definitely worth the price.
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10.6 hrs on record
This is a very neat game, haven't played it in a while, but I did get 10 good hours out of it.And yes it is hard to fly, if it was easy, everyone would be an astronaught.I just saw a negative review that centered around how he wished this game was easier, are you kidding me?Here's a thought: Try hard to suck less.I wasn't great at this game the first time I played it either, in fact I crashed a LOT, but I persevered and was rewarded with a sense of accomplishment that only comes from doing well at something truely difficult. You cannot cheat your way to that feeling. I love this game.If you have patience and want a game that will hold your attention, but not your hand, buy this game.CoD players will probably get bored, and frustrated.
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1.0 hrs on record
Really fun game.
I got it in a bundle for a buck.
I am not a big simulator fan and this game has a perfect balance of simulation and arcade style gameplay.
Think Atari &Lunar Lander& but 3D :)
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0.9 hrs on record
And here I was thinking piloting a plane was hard... Holy ????.Not the most exciting game but if you want a challenge this is it.
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0.6 hrs on record
Have you ever wanted to pilot a REAL spaceship of our time? Then look no further, for this is the best spaceship simulator. Very basic, but can be challenging to proper manoeuvre the spaceship.6/10Don't get me wrong, It's a good game...I just don't like it.
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6.0 hrs on record
One of the best experiences for the Rift out there to date and an overall fun distraction.
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13.6 hrs on record
Great game with excellent graphics. It may be a little difficult for new players, since there's no tutorial in game, except for videos. After a few hours, it gets a little repetitive and unfortunately there's almost no one online to play. I would recommend it still! It's a great game that requires logic thinking and a sense of navigation. It's more a simulator than a game in my perspective.
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0.9 hrs on record
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9.4 hrs on record
To start off - if you currently have an Oculus Rift, stop reading and purchase this game right now... It's ok, I'll wait for you to do it.Done? Good, because this game currently has the best native support for VR available right now.
A perfectly realized virtual cockpit with great functionality and UI suited for VR.
The sense of immersion is quite spectacular, and the game itself is also very fun.For those without a rift, the game is quite good as well.
It places you on the moon (or mars) in control of a lander type craft, in which you perform missions for experience and cash, with which you can upgrade your lander's capabilities.
The lander handles as a low gravity vehicle would handle, and with practise you can pull off some very impressive manouevers.
The types of missions available range from surveying certain locations, searching for misplaced or lost cargo and transportation of cargoes.There is a multiplayer component as well, though I have to attest i haven't really played much of this mode (was having way too much fun in the single player portion of the game)Overall, I'd heartily recommend the game to anyone with a slight interest in space exploration - and if you have a Rift this is a must purchase.
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0.5 hrs on record
I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's so fun to fail at this game with Oculus Rift.
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10.8 hrs on record
A nifty simulation of flying a lunar module.
Takes a little while to get the hang of (there's some video tutorials included) but once you're flying around without any assists it's great fun.Radio chatter and some fitting background music add atmosphere to a lunar environment that would otherwise have none (zing!).
You will also have the opportunity to fly around a map on Mars where dust storms and increased gravity and drag make flying much more difficult.Some physics knowledge is definitely a bonus.
Physics nerds like myself will take pleasure in having to plan ahead, taking into account things like cargo weight, fuel efficiency, conservation of momentum and more.
You will feel like you've mastered lunar flight when you line up a trajectory for the landing pad, using your RCS thrusters to reduce your transverse speed while throttling up your main thruster to keep the vector over the pad, to finish with a quick yaw at the end to line up a perfect landing.Probably the biggest drawback to the game is the relative lack of mission variety with only three types.
The environments are of course pretty barren as you'd expect so like with many flight simulators you are more occupied with what your craft is doing and how it's flying.
This is where Lunar Flight really shines.It supports TrackIR and Occulus Rift too so props to the developer!Overall recommended!
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18.2 hrs on record
I am a fan of simulation games. I own about every flight and space flight simulator there is, and I must admit, this game was quite a fun experience.First, you'll have to learn about thrust vectoring, which is about the hardest thing to learn if you don't know physics. It's very long for some people and you may get desperate and begin hating this game. But once this is done, you'll understand just how fun this game is.You can carry out mission, such as locating lost equipment or transporting cargo. And yes, weight does affect your flight. There nothing more intense than landing on a platform with 0.3% left fuel because you underestiamted the weight of that cargo.And there's multiplayer : Shooting other people on the moon/mars!And the best part is : The developper (independant, as far as I know) oftens adds stuff to the game and they're awsome. When I bought the game, there were 3 maps, no multi. Since then, Mars was added, multi was added, Occulus Rift support was added and I can't wait to see what's next.A definitive buy for any flight sim enthousiast.
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Includes 51 Steam Achievements
Title: Lunar Flight
Release Date: 15 Jan, 2012
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
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Share:& & &中文名称: 月球飞行英文名称: Lunar Flight游戏类型: SLG 策略游戏资源格式: 光盘镜像版本: v1.671零售版发行时间: 2012年2月地区: 美国语言: 英文简介:
游戏名称:月球飞行英文名称:Lunar Flight游戏类型:策略类(SLG)游戏游戏制作:Shovsoft游戏发行:Shovsoft游戏平台:PC发售时间:2012年游戏介绍
HI2U!Lunar Flight (c) ShovsoftRelease date : 25th February, 2013Protection
: Indie / SimulationSize
: 18 x 50mbNote:~~~~~This is the retail version of this game which is completely new. Version isv1.671 and all files have recent timestamps.Description:~~~~~~~~~~~~A modern take on the classic arcade game, Lunar Lander, Lunar Flight extends the experience to a fully fictionalized and accessible lunar module simulator providing a variety of mission types involving transporting cargo, acquiring data at survey locations and locating lost cargo. Completing missions earns experience points and money to be used to refuel, repair and upgrade the lunar module. In addition to missions there are time trial challenges complete with online leader boards and a globally ranked ?pilots? leader board, ranked by experience. To round out the game there are a variety of achievements to provide additional challenges and objectives. A truly unique and challenging flight simulation experience, Lunar Flight will give you many hours of immersive, addictive and rewarding gameplay.Install:~~~~~~~Unrar, mount/burn and install. add this game to your wishlist or mark as not interested
Buy Lunar Flight
$9.99 USD
Buy Lunar Flight 4-Pack
$19.99 USD
"If you have an Oculus Rift you must have this game. If not then you can still soak up the amazing atmosphere and music as you fly over the moon."
Read the full review .
Recent updates
26 October, 2014
Thanks to the 0.4.3 SDK Lunar Flight finally has a playable DK2 build!
Here are some things you need to know...
* You need to Opt into the Steam Beta (dk2)
* Direct To Rift mode not tested, run it in extended!
* Not built with DX11 (yet)
* Don't play with the Graphics Settings it might crash
* Delete HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Shovsoft\Lunar Flight from your registry before starting to make sure it has the preconfigured settings
* There are no Dynamic Cockpit Shadows! :(
* There is a nice new Asteroid Field intro scene where you can set your Orientation
* Press O or Left Stick Button + Right Stick Button (X360) to reset orientation
* Map 2 has the best performance
If you're having performance problems try Holding Alt after starting the game to access the launcher window and select one of the lower quality settings.
I hope to get some time to look at the build some more in the future but this build is pretty good for now!
“Alongside the delicacy of the simulation, Lunar Flight’s great achievement lies in its aesthetics.”

“Lunar Flight wraps an enjoyable physics simulation in an approachable and fun package.”

“I was pleasantly surprised at the quality, look and feel of Lunar Flight.”

About This Game
Explore the most realistic and beautiful realtime simulation of 'Lunar Flight' in this unique and challenging game. Experience the heart pounding sense of dread as you deliver supplies to moon bases with only seconds of fuel to spare!
A modern take on the classic arcade game, Lunar Lander, Lunar Flight extends the experience to a fully fictionalized and accessible lunar module simulator providing a variety of mission types involving transporting cargo, acquiring data at survey locations and locating lost cargo.
Completing missions earns experience points and money to be used to refuel, repair and upgrade the lunar module. In addition to missions there are time trial challenges complete with online leader boards and a globally ranked ‘pilots’ leader board, ranked by experience. To round out the game there are a variety of achievements to provide additional challenges and objectives.
When you think you've got what it takes, head online and go head to head in deadly combat against the best pilots in the world in Lunar Flights Multiplayer mode.
A truly unique and challenging flight simulation experience, Lunar Flight will give you many hours of immersive, addictive and rewarding gameplay.
Lunar Flight also features one of the best Oculus Rift Virtual Reality integrations yet conceived. It has an entirely new Virtual Cockpit and UI designed specifically for VR and offers an unprecedented immersive experience of flight simulation on the Moon & Mars.
Oculus Rift Mode with Optimized VR Cockpit and UI
Track IR Support
Authentic Newtonian space physics
Addictive, challenging Simulation
Earn money and experience from Transport, Survey & Lost cargo recovery missions
Purchase Upgrades and Action items for the Lunar Module
Online Time Trial and Pilot Experience Leader boards
Online Multiplayer with Weapon Systems
Random mission generation
51 Achievements
Spectacular graphics and effects
Award Winning Soundscape
Unique Quad view display
Comprehensive Replay System
Default X360 Controller Support
Support for multiple Input Devices (HOTAS)
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP / Vista / 7
Processor: 2.4 GHz or equivalent processor
Memory: 2 GB
Hard Disk Space: 900 MB
Video Card: 500 MB Video RAM and at least Shader Model 2.0
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Sound: Windows compatible sound card
OS: 10.6 or later
Processor: Intel Only
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Hard Disk Space: 900 MB
Video Card: 500 MB Video RAM and at least Shader Model 2.0
DirectX(R): 9.0c
Sound: Any
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123.3 hrs on record
Lunar Flight is a simple sim that allows you to fly an Apollo style lunar module around four different maps (difficulty varies between the maps) simulating the moon and mars environments.
It has a steep learning curve but is extremely satisfying to master. Initially it feels a bit like playing the classic 8 bit 'lunar lander' type games in 3D but there's more to it than that. Missions include carrying cargo between locations, gathering data from survey sites and recovering lost cargo.
As you progress with missions you gain XP and are able to upgrade your ship to make it more fuel efficient and more manoeuvrable. Multiplayer introduces combat, adding 'sidewinder' style missiles and decoy flares to the mix.
Combat isn' changing direction can be hard due to inertia and it's a pretty unique experience.
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12.6 hrs on record
Wow. This one is making me consider buying two side monitors...It's a Proper Simulator, but not impossibly fiendish to play, assuming you have a decent controller.
Still possible to enjoywith just the keyboard though.Brings you inside a LEM, and there really isn't much to do apart fromflying from A to B, and C, and D;
but it doesn't matter, because the Trip is the Message.pros:-What I just wrote, that was all positive.-You are Inside that tiny Lunar Lander from the 80s! Or was it the 70s?-That good old feeling from the Sublogic and co. simulators, that we thought had been killed by Big Byte, but with all the modern eye-candy and smoothnesscons:-You will only see two colours: Grey and Green,
and Red, that makes three,but you don't wanna see red,
unless you're on Mars. And B Blue's good. So that's four colours. It's the freaking Moon! Live with it.
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4.0 hrs on record
If you own an Oculus Rift DK1 or later, I'd say this is a must buy. It REALLY REALLY feels stunning.
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0.7 hrs on record
Best crashing simulator ever. 10/10
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6.8 hrs on record
Certainly keeps you busy. Don't pay attention to it's slow pace as I guarantee that the slow pace requires more of your attention than any fast FPS in the market (apart from quake live). There is a fine feeling of satisfaction once you finish every achievement in the game as many of them are challengingto an extent and require patience.
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1.7 hrs on record
Nice space game!
I love the game but controlling is a bit hard but anyway good game!
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3.1 hrs on record
Worth every bit of coin for this game, multiplayer is smooth as it comes and seriously something nice to have even tho the missions are somewhat short and not directly interesting there is something to be said for such a solid game and concept as is for this price. I suggest getting a 4 pack and totally sharing it around, at some point i'd hope they add a lot more depth to the game but as said, a solid start and concept.
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17.5 hrs on record
Great flight simulation.if you would like to play a relaxing, fun and full of learning experience then you need to try this game out. Once you learn the basics of liftoff, landing, ACS thursters and how to change your heading you will be having a lot of fun with this game.There are 4 huge maps that you can fly around and there are 3 different types of missions(transport cargo, find lost cargo, data survey).highly recommend to any space/simluation enthusiast.
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1.6 hrs on record
Most realistic simulation of flight in space to date for home computers.There is plenty of challenge there with modern-day technology, that is also the thing that is interesting about it.For fans of realistic space missions definitely worth the price.
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10.6 hrs on record
This is a very neat game, haven't played it in a while, but I did get 10 good hours out of it.And yes it is hard to fly, if it was easy, everyone would be an astronaught.I just saw a negative review that centered around how he wished this game was easier, are you kidding me?Here's a thought: Try hard to suck less.I wasn't great at this game the first time I played it either, in fact I crashed a LOT, but I persevered and was rewarded with a sense of accomplishment that only comes from doing well at something truely difficult. You cannot cheat your way to that feeling. I love this game.If you have patience and want a game that will hold your attention, but not your hand, buy this game.CoD players will probably get bored, and frustrated.
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1.0 hrs on record
Really fun game.
I got it in a bundle for a buck.
I am not a big simulator fan and this game has a perfect balance of simulation and arcade style gameplay.
Think Atari &Lunar Lander& but 3D :)
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0.9 hrs on record
And here I was thinking piloting a plane was hard... Holy ????.Not the most exciting game but if you want a challenge this is it.
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0.6 hrs on record
Have you ever wanted to pilot a REAL spaceship of our time? Then look no further, for this is the best spaceship simulator. Very basic, but can be challenging to proper manoeuvre the spaceship.6/10Don't get me wrong, It's a good game...I just don't like it.
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6.0 hrs on record
One of the best experiences for the Rift out there to date and an overall fun distraction.
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13.6 hrs on record
Great game with excellent graphics. It may be a little difficult for new players, since there's no tutorial in game, except for videos. After a few hours, it gets a little repetitive and unfortunately there's almost no one online to play. I would recommend it still! It's a great game that requires logic thinking and a sense of navigation. It's more a simulator than a game in my perspective.
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0.9 hrs on record
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9.4 hrs on record
To start off - if you currently have an Oculus Rift, stop reading and purchase this game right now... It's ok, I'll wait for you to do it.Done? Good, because this game currently has the best native support for VR available right now.
A perfectly realized virtual cockpit with great functionality and UI suited for VR.
The sense of immersion is quite spectacular, and the game itself is also very fun.For those without a rift, the game is quite good as well.
It places you on the moon (or mars) in control of a lander type craft, in which you perform missions for experience and cash, with which you can upgrade your lander's capabilities.
The lander handles as a low gravity vehicle would handle, and with practise you can pull off some very impressive manouevers.
The types of missions available range from surveying certain locations, searching for misplaced or lost cargo and transportation of cargoes.There is a multiplayer component as well, though I have to attest i haven't really played much of this mode (was having way too much fun in the single player portion of the game)Overall, I'd heartily recommend the game to anyone with a slight interest in space exploration - and if you have a Rift this is a must purchase.
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0.5 hrs on record
I have no idea what I'm doing, but it's so fun to fail at this game with Oculus Rift.
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10.8 hrs on record
A nifty simulation of flying a lunar module.
Takes a little while to get the hang of (there's some video tutorials included) but once you're flying around without any assists it's great fun.Radio chatter and some fitting background music add atmosphere to a lunar environment that would otherwise have none (zing!).
You will also have the opportunity to fly around a map on Mars where dust storms and increased gravity and drag make flying much more difficult.Some physics knowledge is definitely a bonus.
Physics nerds like myself will take pleasure in having to plan ahead, taking into account things like cargo weight, fuel efficiency, conservation of momentum and more.
You will feel like you've mastered lunar flight when you line up a trajectory for the landing pad, using your RCS thrusters to reduce your transverse speed while throttling up your main thruster to keep the vector over the pad, to finish with a quick yaw at the end to line up a perfect landing.Probably the biggest drawback to the game is the relative lack of mission variety with only three types.
The environments are of course pretty barren as you'd expect so like with many flight simulators you are more occupied with what your craft is doing and how it's flying.
This is where Lunar Flight really shines.It supports TrackIR and Occulus Rift too so props to the developer!Overall recommended!
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18.2 hrs on record
I am a fan of simulation games. I own about every flight and space flight simulator there is, and I must admit, this game was quite a fun experience.First, you'll have to learn about thrust vectoring, which is about the hardest thing to learn if you don't know physics. It's very long for some people and you may get desperate and begin hating this game. But once this is done, you'll understand just how fun this game is.You can carry out mission, such as locating lost equipment or transporting cargo. And yes, weight does affect your flight. There nothing more intense than landing on a platform with 0.3% left fuel because you underestiamted the weight of that cargo.And there's multiplayer : Shooting other people on the moon/mars!And the best part is : The developper (independant, as far as I know) oftens adds stuff to the game and they're awsome. When I bought the game, there were 3 maps, no multi. Since then, Mars was added, multi was added, Occulus Rift support was added and I can't wait to see what's next.A definitive buy for any flight sim enthousiast.
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Includes 51 Steam Achievements
Title: Lunar Flight
Release Date: 15 Jan, 2012
VAT included in all prices where applicable.&&
You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML that can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to purchase this game on Steam.
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Lunar Flight
Lunar Flight 4-Pack
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