
LoL Champions Korea Spring 2016 [H-L 2016.01...
CFPL 职业联赛
1前言  以DotA、LOL为代表的MOBA类游戏能够大红大紫,其超高游戏性所为玩家带来的竞技乐趣自然功不可没。DotAer以娴熟精准的正/反补操作为游戏精髓,或是享受Gank与视野控制带来的狩猎体验,亦或是以前期超鬼后期超神的逆袭快感为最大乐趣所在;而LOLer则将利用草丛所进行的攻防战作为游戏亮点,又或是在热闹的极地大乱斗模式中自得其乐。  然而对于被生活与工作等占据了过多时间的玩家们来说,想在闲暇之余拿个匹配首胜都并非易事,更别提凑齐好基友“开黑”了,这俨然成为了一种奢望。于是越来越多的游戏开发商将目光转向了能够充分利用碎片化时间的手游,大量的MOBA手游涌现市场,并获得了广大MOBA玩家的喜爱,MOBA手游的崛起之势已成必然。画面再美亦难成大器&主流MOBA手游横评  于海外市场持续大热的MOBA手游《虚荣》国服近期开测,而其劲敌《冠军召唤》也已登陆双平台,就连于三年前上架的MOBA手游鼻祖《之英雄战歌》也即将迎来重制,而与此同时,国内的MOBA手游也不乏良作可以一战。下面我们就从游戏画面、操控、玩法模式与内购几个方面来对国内手游市场上主流的MOBA手游做一个全面的对比评测。评测游戏名单:2《虚荣》Vainglory    2014年9月,《虚荣》作为iPhone&6发布会的演示游戏被用于展示苹果的Metal技术,游戏由原暴雪、R星及拳头(Riot)等顶级团队成员组成的Super&Evil&Megacorp工作室开发,是一款整合策略、动作、RPG等多重要素的MOBA手游。《虚荣》Vainglory  游戏画面:9.0  《虚荣》采用Super&Evil&Megacorp自家的E.V.I.L引擎打造,加之苹果的Metal技术,使得本作的画面表现颇佳,水准位于同类游戏前列。游戏画面采用欧美魔幻风与未来科技风相结合,无论是建筑、人物还是草木等细节方面的表现力都相当强,且得益于Metal技术的粒子效果,技能效果也得到了很大增强。游戏场景从色彩到视野都与LOL相似,游戏UI除了技能键其余都分布在画面角落,界面干净视野开阔,玩家通过俯视角纵览全局并可通过双指缩放画面。地图全景  游戏操控:7.5  操控方面,《虚荣》采用了移动端常见的点触式操作模式,相比传统的摇杆操控更为自由,对于技术流玩家来说甚至可以实现PC端游戏中的“Hit&and&Run”等技巧,而对于普通玩家来说进阶的空间也更大。战斗结算画面  然而点触式操作虽然看上去很美,也存在很多弊端。其一是精度问题,点触式操作虽然更贴近PC的操作模式,但由于手指的精确度无法与鼠标相比,在PAD上进行游戏时都很容易错选目标,而在手机端只能用惨不忍睹来形容了。其二是操作频率过高,由于“补刀”机制的存在,玩家的APM过高易造成疲劳。其三是视野受限,双手进行点击操作时较易遮挡视野,或造成对情况的应对不及时。  系统玩法:8.5  MOBA手游相较于PC端MOBA游戏,受限于硬件的制约,游戏模式也有着不同程度的简化。《虚荣》目前共有19名英雄角色供玩家选择,相比同类游戏较少,一定程度上影响了游戏的耐玩性。游戏的英雄设定特点鲜明,按照传统MOBA定位分为肉盾、远程/近战ADC、法师以及辅助,每个英雄有各自擅长的位置,包括对线、打野和游走。英雄根据定位不同分为对线、打野和游走推荐出装系统  游戏英雄的平衡性处理得较好,主要体现在技能方面,本作简化了英雄技能系统,每个英雄有3个技能,如何掌握技能的使用时机将是左右胜负的关键点之一。此外,装备系统也是MOBA手游必不可少的设定,本作的装备系统非常直观,玩家可以一目了然地了解出装路线,同时游戏详细的装备分类也衍生出多种配装思路。游戏中的野怪巨型BOSS挪威海怪  游戏目前提供3V3匹配赛与3V3排位赛两种游戏模式,相比市面上大多MOBA手游1V1、3V3与5V5并存的模式略显单一。游戏战斗方面,采用单线+野区的地形模式,比赛时长通常限制在20分钟以内。  付费点:8.5  《虚荣》沿袭了LOL购买英雄与皮肤的付费设定,同时加入了一个抽卡的内购系统,抽卡获得的卡片可以用来合成英雄皮肤。此外,英雄也可用游戏中获得的货币进行购买,相比大多国产MOBA手游算是比较良心了。常规的内购系统  综合评分:8.53《冠军召唤》Call&of&Champions    《冠军召唤》是由游戏工作室Spacetime打造的一款主打快节奏的MOBA手游,本作于年初曝光,经过了大半年的制作终于在iOS平台上架,并于近期推出了游戏的安卓版本。《冠军召唤》Call&of&Champions  游戏画面:8.5  从游戏画面上便可以看出Spacetime满满的诚意,《冠军召唤》无论是游戏场景还是英雄人设都十分精美,当英雄释放技能时的范围特效与光影效果也是相当酷炫。游戏场景相较于其他同类作品显得有些mini,不过这样的设定对于游走支援以及团战走位都非常有利,而这也恰恰对应了游戏快节奏的主题。战斗画面  游戏操控:7.0  《冠军召唤》采用了与《虚荣》相似的的点触式操控,玩家可以通过点击来进行移动、选取目标以及施放技能等操作。需要注意的是,部分技能需要先选中敌方英雄再使用,所带来的拖沓感影响了游戏体验。游戏的点触式操作在高自由度的同时劣势也同样明显,此处在前文已有详细说明,便不再赘述。  系统玩法:8.0  既然主打快节奏,《冠军召唤》的玩法相较于传统的MOBA游戏就必然有着很大区别。游戏地图分为上下两路,本作没有小兵设定,取而代之的是两颗小球分别位于两路,当英雄靠近时小球便会跟随英雄向对方防御塔推进,并能帮助玩家抵御防御塔的攻击,这一设定与WOW的“碎银矿脉”战场有着几分相似。每一局的游戏时间限制在5分钟以内,这样一来决定胜负的因素就不仅仅是拆掉对方老家那么简单了,若在限定时间内没有拆掉基地的话,系统将会根据拆塔数与击杀数来判定胜方的归属。英雄选择界面  笔者认为此举非常适用于移动平台,可以充分利用玩家的碎片时间,又不会让战斗演变成费心费力的拉锯战。而如此一来,开发商便能够“名正言顺”地将装备、商店、英雄等级以及法力槽等设定统统舍弃掉,甚至在游戏一开始英雄的5个技能便已全部解锁,并且不消耗法力值。玩家不再需要慢慢发育,也不必去思考出装路线,对于操作苦手来说更不用去苦苦练习“补刀”技巧,简单粗暴上来就是干!《冠军召唤》游戏截图  同《虚荣》一样,《冠军召唤》目前也只有19名英雄可供选择,并且只有3V3一种对战模式,游戏为了迎合快节奏的MOBA体验,舍弃了过多竞技对抗要素,长时间游玩难免会感觉有些单调。而且游戏目前不支持中文,对于整体游戏体验还是有所影响。《冠军召唤》游戏截图  游戏的一大亮点在于强大的社交系统,游戏专门设置了类似社交中心的功能区,玩家可以在这里招募队友、组建战队、匹配对手,完成之后可以获得社交奖励。此外,社交中心还有实时直播功能,让玩家可以观看其他玩家的比赛,也可以将自己的比赛进行直播。  付费点:8.5  《冠军召唤》的付费点设定非常少,游戏仅有英雄需要通过充值购买,当然玩家也可通过积攒游戏币来解锁。本作没有MOBA类游戏“标配”的皮肤系统,也没有任何影响游戏平衡性的道具出售,可见开发商的关注点并不在这里。游戏付费点仅有英雄购买  综合评分:8.04《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》HOC    对于一款早在3年前推出上架的MOBA手游来说,《之英雄战歌》凭借着高品质的游戏体验、较快的游戏内容更新等因素,使其在如今同类优质作品频现的移动平台上能够有一席之地,并拥有大批的忠实玩家。《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》Heroes&of&Order&&&Chaos  游戏画面:8.5  手游大厂Gameloft打造的游戏画面向来不必担心,《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》整体采用欧美魔幻风格,游戏场景绘制非常精美,动态效果表现上佳,技能特效也是相当绚丽,此外,游戏在地表与植被等细节方面的处理同样可圈可点。Gameloft近日宣布将对本作进行重制,游戏画面将由原来的暗黑风转变为更加鲜艳的色调,并对英雄模型和游戏界面进行重新打磨,此次重制能否唤醒老树又一春?也是非常令人期待。游戏画面  游戏操控:8.0  作为移动平台的首款重量级MOBA,《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》在操控方面有摇杆与点触式两种操作方式供玩家选择,相比单一的操作方式也照顾到了更多的玩家,这一点值得称赞。而如今的MOBA手游在操控方面大多也只是将这两种操作方式进行优化,鲜有创新。战斗画面  游戏技能和道具快捷键分布在画面右侧,一只手就可以完全照顾到,同时摇杆与点触结合的方式可以更好地解决视野遮挡问题。不足之处在于游戏战斗目标的切换方面,本作虽然可以通过点击选取目标,也有切换按键辅助进行切换目标,但还是不够便捷和精确,而这一点也是MOBA手游的通病,令人遗憾。  系统玩法:8.0  《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》的对战模式分为3V3与5V5两种,并各自有人机和多人对战可选。其中3V3模式是节奏相对较快的单路对攻战,对于英雄的搭配与队伍的配合有着较高的要求,也更适用于移动平台的快节奏;而5V5模式则是传统的MOBA玩法,地图分为三路进行作战,玩家需要从职业搭配、出装思路、GANK等多方面因素综合考虑应对,更加注重策略性。对战模式  游戏目前共有55名英雄可选,同样根据不同定位分为守卫、法师、斗士、辅助四大类型,在进行英雄选择时系统会给出详细的英雄属性展示,也方便玩家能够更好地了解英雄的定位与特性。遗憾的是,游戏英雄的平衡性并不够理想,这也可能是由于英雄数量较多所致。英雄选择界面  在装备系统方面,游戏中的装备商人也会给出推荐的出装,当然这仅仅是推荐而已,玩家可以根据每个英雄不同的技能加点来选择合适的出装路线,同时游戏还沿用了类似LOL的天赋系统,天赋点数通过战斗获得的经验来升级,这也让本作的英雄衍生出更多套路与玩法。3V3对战模式  付费点:7.5  《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》采用较为常规的MOBA内购模式,游戏商城主要售卖英雄相关的商品,诸如英雄、个性化的皮肤与经验金钱UP的增益道具等等,对于游戏平衡性没有影响。此外,玩家也可以通过游戏对战中获得的纹章来解锁英雄,并且每周还将提供6名免费英雄供玩家使用。内购系统  综合评分:8.05《自由之战》Fight&For&Freedom    《自由之战》是由上海DW研发,盖娅互娱及龙渊网络共同代理发行的一款MOBA手游,游戏于前不久迎来了一次重大版本更新,新的2.0版本带来了很多游戏内容方面的改动。《自由之战》Fight&For&Freedom  游戏画面:8.0  《自由之战》采用Unity&3D引擎打造,呈现高品质的场景、人物和特效视觉,同时写实的游戏风格也使得角色形象硬派而不乏唯美。游戏场景与地图制作也是较为精细,但是目前已经完全LOL化了,缺乏创新。游戏画面  游戏操控:7.5  相比市面上的同类手游,《自由之战》在操控方面做出了较大创新,游戏采用双轮盘+滑动锁定的操作模式,玩家可以通过左侧摇杆来控制玩家移动,并使用右侧轮盘来拖动释放技能。轮盘施法虽然提升了技能的精确度,但是对于视野有一定的影响,特别是虚拟摇杆跟随手指位置的设定,在很多时候都会遮挡视野,这一点对于屏幕较小的设备来说是非常糟糕的游戏体验。独创的轮盘操作模式  同时游戏还支持滑动锁定目标,通过上滑锁定敌方英雄,下滑锁定小兵的方式来较好地解决了MOBA手游常见的目标选择问题,但是对于习惯点击操作的玩家来说,点触式操作的缺失也使得游戏自由度有所降低,一些技术性较强的操作很难实现。类似LOL的战斗画面  系统玩法:7.5  《自由之战》目前共有XX名英雄,在游戏中可以看到很多LOL的“换皮”英雄,还有部分英雄来自DotA,对于官方所宣称的“百款原创英雄”,笔者只想问一句是谁给你们这么大的勇气?游戏对战模式多样化好友对战系统  游戏除了常规的3V3、5V5对战之外,还有&1V1、2V2&等模式供玩家选择,并分为人机对战、匹配模式、天梯三种玩法,相比同类游戏更为丰富,也更适合不同玩家的口味。同时根据移动平台碎片化的特性,加快了战斗节奏,每局的战斗时间基本维持在十分钟左右。此外,游戏中还加入了局域网对战,允许玩家们在同一WIFI环境下进行自由对战。游戏服务器分为海外服和大陆服  游戏同样具备装备系统,但与常规MOBA有所不同,玩家在战斗中可随时购买装备,不需要回到基地或是商人处,同时游戏中的装备买卖不存在任何差价,玩家可根据需要随时更换更具针对性的出装而无需在意金钱的损失。每局比赛结束后,将根据玩家表有着现给予一定的经验值、积分奖励以及天赋点,随着等级提升逐步解锁天赋、锻造、圣石合成等系统,充分加以利用后便能够在对战中获得更大的优势。圣石系统  付费点:7.0  《自由之战》的内购模式除了常见的英雄及皮肤购买之外,还加入了英雄武器购买,这些付费武器有着不同的外观和属性,对于游戏平衡性也有着一定程度的影响。  综合评分:7.56《全民超神》与《王者荣耀》  、  《全民超神》与《王者荣耀》是腾讯短期内推出的两款MOBA手游,两作核心玩法虽然都是MOBA,但从玩法模式、游戏定位、商业化等方面来看还是有着很大的区别。《全民超神》  《全民超神》受卡牌游戏的影响较大,保留了很多可以延长游戏寿命,但让玩家一看就皱眉头的设定,如体力值、英雄等级和升星等等。这种强行将卡牌养成要素与MOBA结合的玩法,是MOBA玩家所不希望看到的,要知道在体验PVP竞技乐趣的同时还要去PVE副本刷材料简直是浪费时间。同时卡牌游戏约定俗成的十连抽也被强行植入游戏中,简直是哔了狗了。  而在游戏核心玩法方面,《全民超神》初期会比较容易上手,战斗也较为爽快,但实际开团的效果却不是很理想,玩家往往很难找准其他玩家的位置,也就无法进行过于精细的操作,故而玩家出装方向也更倾向于无脑输出,MOBA团队配合的精髓也就此被磨灭。《王者荣耀》  《王者荣耀》则采用较为中规中矩的MOBA玩法,没有体力值的设定,同时大幅削弱英雄的培养要素。游戏沿用了类似LOL的符文系统来取代装备系统,以达到延长游戏寿命的目的。  除此之外,二者的游戏画面表现都能够从很大程度上看出LOL和DOTA的影子,《王者荣耀》甚至很多英雄的技能和特性更是直接照搬,不过这对于鹅厂早已不是什么新鲜事,玩家也已经司空见惯了。7综合对比与评测总结  由于《全民超神》与《王者荣耀》两作相较前几款主流MOBA手游,无论从游戏性还是创新等方面都有着较大的差距,故本次评测不将二者列入对比之中。  先来看一下以上几款主流MOBA手游作品的最终评分对比:《虚荣》《冠军召唤》《之英雄战歌》《自由之战》&游戏画面:游戏操控:系统玩法:付费点:&综合评分:  通过以上几个方面的对比可以看出这四款MOBA手游各有优劣,几款作品在画质方面都是比较过硬的,这里由E.V.I.L引擎打造的《虚荣》要更胜一筹。  在游戏操控方面,《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》与《自由之战》的表现可圈可点,前者作为MOBA经典作,将摇杆与点触式操作融合得恰到好处;后者则是率先采用了轮盘施法的创新操作模式,不过目前看来还存在着一些弊端。  而从系统玩法与游戏模式方面的比较来看,几款作品都严格地遵循了MOBA的游戏理念,同时也各有其亮点,如《冠军召唤》大幅简化游戏系统主打快节奏、《自由之战》的多模式对战让玩家可以有更多选择等等。  最后在玩家普遍比较关心的游戏付费点方面,《虚荣》、《冠军召唤》与《混沌与秩序之英雄战歌》三款由海外团队制作的MOBA手游则是非常厚道,游戏内购基本仅限于英雄与皮肤购买;而以《自由之战》为代表的国产MOBA手游则是将更多的心思放在了如何从玩家兜里捞钱之上。  总体来看,在今年MOBA手游市场持续大热的背景之下,以“手机上的LOL/DotA”自居的游戏比比皆是,想要在移动端找到一款制作精良的MOBA手游也并非难事,然而能够真正让玩家从心底认同的MOBA手游却是寥寥无几。蹩脚的操控依旧是MOBA手游难以突破的瓶颈,而游戏同质化的问题也是日趋严重,再者竞技与休闲娱乐本就无法兼得,如何取舍与平衡两者的关系也是当下MOBA手游亟待解决的一大问题。to add this item to your wishlist, follow it, or mark it as not 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Includes 713 Steam Achievements
Title: Champions Online
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Release Date: 1 Sep, 2009
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"Great character editor and rich world to explore :)"
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18 September, 2015
Greetings Champions! It's time to ditch those tights for something more nefarious. Teleios has perfected a method of duplicating super-villain powers bringing waves of villains into Millenium City. In Champions Online: Supervillain Onslaught, players will take part in a brand-new in-game event where heroes become villains and battle against champions around Millennium City in open-world PvP!
Play as classic Champions Online villains like Gravitar, Grond and Medusa. Which villain do you want to play as?
Learn more about Supervillain Onslaught .
About This Game
Champions Online brings epic heroism back to the MMORPG genre with depth that challenges the most experienced online gamers, while its fast-paced action engages new entrants to the online superhero universe. Join Defender and the legendary Champions to stop Dr. Destroyer and his minions in the ultimate showdown between good and evil.
Free-to-Play: Play a triple-A MMO experience without cost. Play from level 1 to 40 free of charge! There is no box price and no mandatory subscription. Enjoy Champions Online as you like, when you like.
Total Customization: Choose from thousands of different costume pieces, colors and body types to create your character's one-of-a-kind look. There are billions of possible combinations, and even in a universe brimming with the fantastic and the unforgettable, you can be completely unique!
Keep Your Enemies Close: Every hero must have an archenemy. Design your character's supreme adversary, choosing a name, powers and costume for a superpowered foe to bedevil your hero throughout his or her career.
Endless Exploration: The battle against evil rages across the world and into alternate dimensions. No other MMO offers players the chance to explore such diverse realms — from the shining skyscrapers of Millennium City and the frozen wastes of Canada to the hidden underwater city of Lemuria, the foul mystical dimension known as Qliphothic, and the tormented Vibora Bay.
Evil Most Foul: Battle supervillains, aliens, giant monsters and secret, sinister organizations. Doctor Destroyer is launching new plans to conquer the world. VIPER lurks in the shadows, seeking chances to strike at humanity. The ancient Lemurians are plotting a return to power. And Mechanon won't stop until it has wiped all organic life from the planet. Can you stop these heinous threats to humanity?
Hi-Octane Excitement: Combat is instantaneous and electrifying. No more boring auto attacks and lengthy recharge times.
Brains Required: Every enemy and super-powered threat in Champions Online has its own unique abilities and combat specialties. Use your head or wind up dead!
Bring Friends, Make Friends: Our universe is jam-packed with thousands of heroes, facing thousands of threats. Join up with other heroes, create your own super group, and prepare to take on the ultimate threats!
Your Powers, Your Terms: There is a multitude of astonishing powers to choose from and the flexible character creation system gives you total control over your hero's abilities. You can even pick the appearance of your powers. Do you want purple force fields? Green fire blasts? Jet black claws? You decide!
Bigger and Better: Vanquish evil and your successes will be rewarded with costume pieces to enhance your powers and abilities. Then customize the appearance of those rewards to your vision of your hero's look and abilities!
Make Your Mark: All this within a constantly changing, continually evolving story: Villains are defeated. Heroes rise and fall. Cities transform. Your actions may decide the future!
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
Processor: 2.5GHz Single Core or 1.8GHz Dual Core
Memory: 1GB RAM
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 7800 / ATI Radeon X700 or HD / Intel Graphics with Dual Core
DirectX(R): DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5GB Free Disk Space
Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard
OS: Windows XP/Vista/Windows 7
Processor: 2GHz Dual Core or Better
Memory: 2GB RAM or Better
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 8800 or Better / ATI Radeon HD3850 or Better
DirectX(R): (R):
DirectX 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5GB Free Disk Space
Sound: DirectX Compatible Soundcard
(TM) & (C) 2015 Cryptic Studios, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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4 people found this review funny
266.0 hrs on record
Some years ago I would have (and did) recommend this game to people. It was fun, allows for some ridiculous levels of customization on one's character, and had a relatively decent leveling experience. Unfortunately nowadays I can't really give it much positive merit. Instead of working hard to release actual new content and deliver on a promise to raise the level cap and give us new content with an expansion, the developers instead pulled the rug out from us by revamping some systems to tie into their in-game store, completely ruined the leveling experience from what it used to be, removed crafting in favor of something that tries to get you to spend real money, and added a few other things that cost real money. All they do now is just half-heartedly produce a new vehicle or costume piece once in a while with pointless fanfare. There's no real incentive to level one's character through dedication and hard work anymore. Just idle in the city center and queue for the new &Alerts& (dungeons) until you can't stand it anymore. There's little effort that's been put into making these alerts consistent in terms of balance, structure, and bugtesting, and it really shows.Customer service is abysmal and it feels like it's been outsourced to people who are only there to earn a paycheck and nothing more. If you have a problem, tough cookies. You'll most likely get a canned-ham response attempting to tell you in a roundabout way that policy states you just have to deal with it. The developers rarely communicate with the players except to try to put together some sort of meaningless community event once in a blue moon. Their lack of interaction with players and the direction the game went really shows that there is zero passion for making and keeping this as a quality game anymore. There's no real reason to pay for a subscription, the ONLY incentive being that you get some coins for the in-game store every month, it unlocks a bit of costumes and content that's otherwise behind a paywall, and you get unlimited access to freeform builds.If you are coming into this expecting an awesome superhero MMORPG that you go out and fight bad guys on and save the world, prepare for disappointment. You're better off playing DC Universe Online or paying a subscription to play something that's actually worth it and with a diverse and active community such as WoW or FFXIV.If you like playing a free superhero paper doll simulator and like coming up with ridiculous or cool costume and power concepts, then this might be right up your alley. Just don't expect much in the realm of actual gameplay.
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268.4 hrs on record
Maybe if you'd asked me a few years ago I could have reccommended you try out this game as while it had a rocky start and was somewhat buggy its really started to see an improvement around the time they introduced Vibora Bay and the story arc missions...However that all changed when PWE took over and content took a steep nosedive off a skyscraper while tied to an anvil.These days its hard to not make an overpowered hero that can blow through all content and this is coming from someone most may veiw as a 'filthy casual' player. What challanging content that was in the game has been nerfed into a joke and thanks to the alert system most can't even realy connect with what lore and interesting villians the game has beyond the ones that pop up to be beaten down in the alerts. I'd be surprised if most newer players that reach cap even know about any of the actual dungeons you had to unlock like Telios Tower.Pretty much PWE has rendered most previous and interesting content obsolete and the only thing Champions has going for it anymore is its extensive character customisation, which would be great if it wasn't all held behind paywalls.And as a lifetimer from launch it saddens me to see the state of what could have been such a great superhero MMO and makes me miss City of Heroes all the more /em torch
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5 people found this review funny
25.0 hrs on record
<div class="pre_release_review tooltip" data-tooltip-content="This reviewer last played/used Champions Online on 1 January, 1970, which was before it was released.This review may not accurately reflect the state of the released version.">Pre-Release Review
Pre-F2PI started playing this game in Beta way before it was on Steam and it was awesome! On launch day, they completely revamped the gameplay and turned it into a mess. There were some terrible bugs (abusing teleport in PVP, including tp'ing out of roots). The game at this point also rebalanced which didn't make you feel like a super hero anymore. Before that, I seem to remember that the group boss in the trash mobs was a threat but the underlings were just cannon fodder, however after launch, they were all threatening, making trash mobs more annoying than anything. The worst part however was that you must have ranged power sets. Melee characters were gimped in PVE and especially PVP compared to ranged characters.Post F2PI tried the game out. Had to get rid of some of my old characters so I could play again to give it a try because I was over my slot allotment. Game hadn't changed since Pre-F2P, except now you couldn't customize powers for your heroes unless you paid. Instead you had to select pre-made archetypes. PVP by this point was better, though range still ruled, even F2P archetypes were competative. Also teleport had be rebalanced so it wasn't the other required travel power to always get anymore.Without customizing to some cool ways for your own unique hero it felt kind of bland.By CoH standards with admittedly some rose tinted glasses stands out in my mind as a better game.Current StateI feel a bit bad because I won't give this game another chance. It has always been a waste of my time whenever I've tried to get back into it. I can only imagine that PWE added more microtransactions and not a lot of content because that was what was happening after PWE first took over CO. I wouldn't be surprised if very little of the game world story arc changed.The only redeeming thing about CO has really been its ad-hoc public missions, where something crazy is going on in the instances and players must band together, though some of these were under-whelming. Random events like giant robots invading the city was spectacular though I'd imagine after a few months even these may become stale unless new angles change up the events.To get the maximum amount of enjoyment out of CO, you should get a dedicated friend where you play together.
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2 people found this review funny
0.5 hrs on record
I was a lifetime subscriber since launch, paid the $299. Took a few years off and decided to try it out again. It was nice back then and I'd like to see what's new. Recently when I tried to log in, it's demanding that I submit a one-time authentication code to log in. I waited and waited but no authentication code sent to my email. None in the spam folder.Today
I have yet to receive the code and there's no response from customer service. What's the point of playing this game if they put up so many roadblocks along the way?TL;DR Even with my correct User ID and Password the game still thinks it's not me and won't let me play the game I spent $299 on in 2009.
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1 person found this review funny
2,645.1 hrs on record
I've been playing this game for five years.( The thousand or so hours I have on steam pales to the amount of actual time I've played.)
It's still one of the best games I've ever played. If nothing else, for teh wide array of character powers custimization clothing, sliders and all that other fun stuff. The game plays solid, and they recently started giving regular updates again. The real shine to me is teh PR community. There's always people to RP with on, letting you take your Superhero to a more immersive level. The ERP'rs are a bit of a pain, but easily ignorable. If you like superheroes and custimization, this game is amazing.I have over 50 characters, over 30 at the level cap, and I still find myself wanting to make more and try new powers and combinations. This games freeform really shines and personally, i find it worth it to go gold. However, You can play without paying a dime and still enjoy all the content on the game with the only limitations being your amount of custimization.overall, this game is still a ten in my book.
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