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  Chinese gaming fans wait to enter a cinema screening the film Warcraft in Hefei, Anhui province. [Photo/China Daily]'Internet super celebrity' paves way to culture of intellectual property creation In sharp contrast to North America, where the film Warcraft got a bad rap, and Europe, where it was branded a box office failure, the film turned out to be a blockbuster in China.When Warcraft-the film adapted from online game phenomenon-debuted in China on June 8, records were vanquished.Box office receipts for the film had topped a record 1.4 billion yuan (9 million) by June 26. Massed ranks of young WoWers-World of Warcraft (WoW) devotees-also drove Chinese records for the number of cinemas showing the film, multiple viewings and other movie statistics.A cinema statistics platform showed 1.25 million Chinese watched the film on June 8. Their average age was 28.7, and 61.7 percent of them were aged 26 to 35.He Shuai, a 27-year-old WoWer, booked his premiere ticket a fortnight in advance.He went to the cinema in Beijing's Sanlitun district after midnight on June 8, and found other fans armed with game props, wearing cosplay costumes or tee-shirts with official logos. "It was like a festival," he said. He soon found his friends by the symbol for "Horde" on their backpacks.The game is based on a war between the two opposing camps: the Horde and the Alliance. Cinemas flew the blue Alliance flag and the red Horde banner in their halls and divided seating into blue and red sections.He Shuai began to play Warcraft in 2009. Despite long absences from the game, he has kept up to date with each new version. "It's like an old friend whom I am free to contact or not, but I never forget him," He says.For many WoWers, Warcraft is an integral part of their youth. Players form friendships offline, and some have fallen in love, married and started families together, while others have found work and careers through Warcraft connections.A fan stands in front of a poster during China's premiere of the film Warcraft at a theatre in Shanghai, China, June 7, 2016. [Photo/Agencies]World of Warcraft entered China in 2005 and quickly became the dominant online game. In its heyday in 2010, Chinese players accounted for half the total.The third stop of global tour of a Warcraft expo was held in Sanlitun on May 28, featuring official merchandise including toys, theme clothes and other products. Brands officially authorized by World of Warcraft included insurance and banking services, mobile phones and beverages.Zhang Yong, CEO of the Alibaba Group, at the World Internet Conference late last year, suggested the "internet celebrity economy" was becoming a new economic phenomenon. Warcraft can be described as an "internet super celebrity" in China. Warcraft-related topics have received 570 million clicks on the Sina micro-blog. Warcraft-related searches top the Baidu search engine's hot topics."Chinese fans are a strong market. They actively follow micro-blogs and form a huge base of fans or supporters, which is self-perpetuating. As a result, fans form their own groups so the circles of fans provide offline cashability with a solid foundation," says Dong Can, an internet media analyst at Everbright Securities.The Chinese fan economy is still in its early stages. "The Chinese fan economy is downstream in the industry chain, because publicity and fan operations develop fast," explains Jiang Wei, a media industry analyst."It's a long way to get upstream in the chain. Entertainment companies in North America and the Republic of Korea constantly create IP (intellectual property) and stars. If we want to generate valuable assets, we must upgrade and enhance the whole industry of culture and entertainment."WoWer Zhu Jian says the game is a great social leveler. "The game teaches you to work hard and strive for what you want. You may gain something by trickery in the short term, but you cannot survive if you buy scores. Because everyone competes equally, you have no choice but to use your strengths and personality to win respect."Tang Long, founder of game startup company Sincerity Lights, agrees. The secret of Warcraft's success, he argues, is that it does not follow the conventional pattern of hitting a monster and upgrading equipment, but creates a world with its own culture of responsibility and honor. This gives WoWers a sense of belonging and loyalty.
  BEIJING -- China's Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said Sunday a free trade area would be "a significant form of cooperation" between BRICS nations.By setting up a free trade area, BRICS countries would be able to remove tariff and non-tariff barriers, give play to their comparative advantages, and advance trade and investment liberalization between them, MOC spokesperson Shen Danyang said at a press briefing.He noted that China has not formally raised the issue for an upcoming BRICS meeting, but many experts have proposed a free trade area.A free trade area would help BRICS nations -- Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa -- achieve mutual benefit and development and promote South-South cooperation on a global scale, Shen said.BRICS trade ministers will meet in New Delhi, India later this week to discuss world economic trends and their influence on BRICS trade and investment.The meeting is expected to deepen cooperation in areas including intellectual property rights, trade promotion and small businesses, according to Shen.
  9月22日,中国国家主席习近平应邀访问美国,从访问行程以及议程安排密度看,可谓开启了了一场&外交旋风&&&这是中国政府对美国公众施展公共外交的一场&盛筵&,随习近平出访的中国企业界&Boss团&自然是这场&盛筵&的主角。各大媒体纷纷对此进行跟踪报道。美国塔夫茨大学弗莱彻法律与外交学院院长爱德蒙德&古利恩(Edmund Gullion)认为,&公共外交&旨在处理公众态度对外交政策的形成和实施所产生的影响。它包含超越传统外交的国际关系领域;政府对其他国家舆论的培育;一国私人团体和利益集团与另一国的互动;报告外国事务及其对政策的影响;担任传播工作的人之间的沟通,如外交官与外国记者之间;跨文化交流的过程。从政府的层面而言,中国企业家&Boss团&承担的不仅只是经济交流和商务谈判的任务,同时也有着更重要的政治宣示的意味。一方面,他们通过大量的商业合作和采购订单这种切实的利益表明中国政府继续重视中美之间经贸关系作为两国关系的&压舱石&的作用不变;另一方面,作为改革开放背景下成长起来的企业,他们将以自己的经历阐释中国将继续保持改革开放,中国将进一步深化市场经济改革的承诺。此次企业家名单中出现了中国互联网界三巨头&BAT&(百度、阿里巴巴、腾讯),他们出现本身就说明中国政府继续欢迎美国企业投资中国庞大的互联网市场,并释放出政府愿意就互联网安全、保护知识产权、施行更为透明的监管措施等议题保持接触的信号。从企业的角度来说,&Boss团&中不乏在美国拥有相当知名度和影响力的企业,这是实施企业公共外交的资本。 联想集团CEO杨元庆在中美企业家座谈会的演讲中谈到,&联想对中国和美国的经济都作出了贡献,这样的优势互补、全球资源布局,起到了一加一大于二的作用。&这就是对中美关系最直观的体认。曾经实现与IBM、摩托罗拉等美国名企并购的联想集团,作为一家源自中国的跨国企业,现在已经成长为年营业额463亿美元的IT巨头,在美国市场的年销售额达到70亿美元,雇佣了超过5000名美国员工。阿里巴巴集团董事局主席马云是是最具国际视野与公共外交意识的中国企业家。作为中国乃至全球电子商务领域的开拓者和领导者,他使中国千千万万的中小企业得以通过网络走向全球,也让全世界消费者通过网购连接在一起。很多中国新兴的互联网企业创始人和管理者都在美国学习或工作过,公司大多接受过美元基金的投资,在纳斯达克或者纽交所上市,他们这个群体毫无疑问是最具国际眼光的中国企业家,理应是中美交流的使者和桥梁。 360公司CEO周鸿祎在参加23日&第八届中美互联网论坛&时,在微博上直播了他和苹果公司CEO库克等国外同行的互动交流,以及习近平主席接见Facebook CEO扎克伯格等与会代表的盛况,引起了网友&围观&热潮。我们相信,中国的改革开放是不可逆转的道路,随着中国企业越来越走向全球化,在公共外交的舞台上,中国企业家也会更加主动和活跃。(席桂桂,四川外国语大学国际关系学院讲师)
  Didi Chuxing announced Monday it would start equipping Premier vehicles with child car seats, becoming one of the first on-demand transport platforms in China offering customized services for children's safety. So far, the new service is available for users in eight Chinese cities, including Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Chengdu, Chongqing and Xi'an. It will be expanded to other cities later.As a major component of Didi's one-stop transport system, Premier offers quality and professional services that give riders elevated experience. By employing a customer-orientated and data-driven approach, Didi Premier found that its core user group, aged between 25 to 39, has a growing need for better safety guarantees for their children on the ride. "Up to 2016, there were 96 countries and regions that require using child car seats. Unfortunately, the list does not include China. Many cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hangzhou have implemented local laws to promote the application of child car seats. For instance, some cities include the enforcement measures into the Law on the Protection for Minors. China does not have such legislation now, and we are actively fighting for it," said Pan Zengyou, director of the Child Passenger Safety Promotion Office.To tap into the niche market and provide sophisticated services to users, Didi Premier is joining hands with Cybex, a German brand known for manufacturing reliable fitness equipment, to ensure a quality safety guarantee for the child riders. "China is the biggest automobile market in the world, and it owns the largest child population. The nation's child safety awareness is weak. The correct way of riding in a car needs to be popularized. Fortunately, some cities,such as Shanghai, have implemented laws forcing the use of child car seats, marking the rise of child safety awareness," said Zhang Yun, general manager of Cybex China.Meanwhile, Didi has selected a group of drivers with top-of-the-line service records and strong safety awareness for this particular service. These measures are taken to make sure that children aged between 9 months to 12 years old will have the safest trip.Since a car seat is not available in every Premier car yet, users are advised to reserve a ride that has the service through the Didi app two hours in advance. Didi will provide subsidies for the drivers to cover their additional costs. No extra fees will be charged for a car seat for now, but given the cost of pick-up and the efficiency of operation, a flexible pricing system might be introduced later.
  ROME - Italian business representatives said Tuesday that the Belt and Road Initiative could benefit the Mediterranean country's economy. Their comments came at the end of Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni's mission to Beijing, where he led a business delegation to the just-concluded Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation and met with Chinese President Xi Jinping for what he said was a "long and cordial talk". The Belt and Road Initiative was proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013 with an aim to build trade and infrastructure networks connecting Asia with Europe and Africa along the ancient Silk Road routes. It comprises the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. Italy is China's 15th trading partner on the global level and its fourth largest on the European level, according to official statistics agency Istat. Its prime export sectors to China are industrial machinery, cars, and fashion. "The margins are there for Italy to intercept the movement of goods from China" once the Belt and Road infrastructure is completed, Alessandro Terzulli, the chief economist at Italian export credit agency SACE, told Xinhua on Tuesday. Terzulli said that the Italian port cities of Ravenna, Venice, and Trieste on the Adriatic Sea have joined with those of Capodistria (Slovenia) and Rijeka (Croatia) will form the North Adriatic Port Association (NAPA). NAPA has begun working on a 2.2-billion-euro (.44 billion) offshore platform off Venice with the capacity to receive large cargo ships coming from the Suez Canal. While the immediate effects of the Belt and Road Initiative will be on the logistical and ports sector -- in which 160,000 Italian companies worth an estimated 220 billion euros operate - it will inevitably have "a cascade effect" on other types of businesses such as shipbuilding, construction, and transportation manufacturing, said Terzulli. "It will put a lot of resources into circulation," he said. "If (Italian ports) become strategic, it will make us more competitive." This will work both ways, with Italian companies having better access to China, he said. According to SACE, in spite of the economic crisis that began in 2007, Italian exports contributed 4.2 percent to the country's GDP in . However, the problem for Italy is that many of its businesses are having trouble engaging on the international market. "In recent years, the best-performing businesses have been those that embraced the opportunities for internationalization," Sergio Razeto, the president of Friuli Venezia Giulia business association, told Xinhua. The northeastern Friuli Venezia Giulia region includes the port city of Trieste, which will likely become one of the Belt and Road terminals. "Undeniably, many Italian businesses have difficulty with international markets because they are too small to compete," said Razeto, whose association represents over 400 companies employing a total 27,000 people. "This is particularly true for far-away destinations whose mindset is different from our own," explained Razeto. In this context, "having new sources of financing can only be a positive thing" for Italian SMEs, he said of the proposed Sino-Italian investment fund. The Friuli Venezia Giulia region had overall exports of 13.2 billion euros in 2016, up 6.3 percent over the previous year. The strongest sectors were shipbuilding (+687 million euros year-on-year) and machine and equipment manufacturing (+188 million euros). However the region's exports to China - principally industrial equipment - dropped by 18.1 percent in 2016. This was a downward trend that began in 2012, said Razeto. Also pleased at the outcome of Gentiloni's mission was Venice Mayor Luigi Brugnaro, who thanked the premier for backing the role of the lagoon city as a Belt and Road terminal. "It is a sign of great encouragement" for the Venice port authority and "for the Chinese businesses that are already working with Venice", the mayor's statement said. "The maritime Silk Road will connect Asia and Europe more and more," Brugnaro said in the statement published in local media. The 65 Central Asian countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative absorb 27 percent of Italy's world exports, and they have high growth margins. As their economies expand and diversify, it is possible to imagine a future in which Italian companies, which currently operate in the oil and gas sector in those countries, will move in the short term into mechanical engineering and technological upgrades, and in the medium-to-long term into fashion, furniture, and electrical appliances, according to SACE analysts. The China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative is worth 30 percent of global GDP, covers 38.5 percent of the world and involves 62.3 percent of its population, according to SACE. The Italian export credit agency operates in 198 countries and supports 25,000 Italian companies to the tune of 87 billion euros in 2016, up from 74 billion in 2011 and 46 billion in 2008.
  BEIJING - Bilateral trade between China and ASEAN has boomed during the past 25 years, but declines were reported this year because of the febrile global economy, a senior official said Tuesday.Bilateral trade between China and ASEAN rose to 2.16 billion in 2015 from .96 billion in 1991, with an annual growth rate of 18.5 percent, Vice Commerce Minister Gao Yan said at a news conference.During the Jan-May period, bilateral trade fell 7.1 percent year on year to 3.57 billion.The two sides are trying their best to "get bilateral-trade growth back on track as soon as possible", Gao said.China currently is ASEAN's biggest trading partner, while ASEAN is China's third biggest.By the end of May, two-way investment had exceeded 0 billion, with ASEAN remaining a major destination for Chinese companies.
  复星集团是首届全球交流大会的重要合作方。图为各国参会者共同探讨艺术和文化如何促进教育与民众健康,增进城市活力,提高社区凝聚力。 经济日报记者 张伟摄经济日报纽约9月21日讯(记者 张伟)在全球政要即将云集纽约参加年度联合国大会系列峰会之际,首届全球交流大会日前也在纽约林肯中心开幕。对于中国媒体而言,这场交流不仅是了解全球文化艺术精英最新视野与创新方向的一个重要窗口,其&亮点&也在于有复星集团这家中国公司的深度参与。《经济日报》记者曾多次采访复星在纽约主办或参与的文化艺术与公益活动,从这家公司的投资战略与企业价值观,可以感受到在美国运营的中国企业正以新的风貌改变美国各界对中国企业与中国人的看法。这场旨在促进艺术文化交流的全球精英大会,吸引了来自商业、政治、教育、传媒、科技和艺术界约200名掌握话语权的行业领袖和变革推动者。作为共同主办方,复星集团副总裁、复星基金会副理事长李海峰,外滩金融中心(BFC)总裁吴洋参加了这次大会,与各国参会者共同探讨了艺术和文化如何在促进教育与民众健康、增进城市活力、提高社区凝聚力方面发挥更大的作用。会议的主旨是打破行业和地理界限,增进艺术的相关性和核心作用,促进世界各地的文化和艺术交流。在此次交流活动举行之际,复星集团宣布,集团旗下的复星基金会已与世界一流的艺术会场&&林肯表演艺术中心正式签署战略合作协议。这两家分别在上海和纽约市中心拥有地标建筑的机构将携手合作,在艺术和教育方面加强推动中美文化交流和国际合作。李海峰与吴洋对《经济日报》记者表示,复星基金会与林肯中心共同构建上海与纽约的&双城记&合作,是双向的资源流动。复星基金会希望通过与林肯中心建立合作伙伴关系,将国际一流的文化艺术资源带到中国,介绍给中国观众。与此同时,林肯中心表示,本次合作既会尊重和传承文化遗产,又将支持新兴的开创性思路,未来将依托复星艺术中心,倾力打造一个能使全世界各地区和行业领袖齐聚一堂的文化交流平台。据悉,未来全球交流大会有望在春秋两季分别在上海的复星艺术中心与纽约的林肯艺术中心轮流举行。据记者了解,复星集团此举是其&快乐时尚&战略中,打造健康和快乐时尚生态圈的一个步骤,是&中国动力嫁接全球资源&发展模式在文化艺术和公益领域的一次最新实践。复星集团自2008年走向全球以来,迄今在海外15个国家和地区投资了51个项目,投资额达111亿美元。在北美,复星共投资50亿美元,建立了4个投资基地,投资领域涉及金融、医疗保健、房地产、风险投资、健康等领域,在当地维持并创造了9000多个就业机会。但是,复星集团对当地的贡献还不只这些。复星国际集团副董事长兼首席执行官梁信军表示,该集团一直坚守&义利兼得&的理念。他认为,个人、企业、组织或国家在实力和规模上的增长都意味着占有了更多社会资源,也意味着责任的增加,未来领导力很大程度上取决于其承担责任的大小和主动性;关注社会责任不仅是帮助社会,同时也是企业自身实现可持续发展的长久之道。作为中美商会成员企业,复星积极参与中美商业战略对话,为促进两国商业合作尽企业之力。复星国际集团也是联合国全球契约组织成员企业,该集团努力践行企业社会责任中的可持续发展战略。为了回馈纽约当地社区,复星大力支持并赞助曼哈顿下城地区的音乐节、美食节等文化与社区活动。联合国全球契约组织执行主任乔治&科尔对此间媒体表示,非常高兴看到复星这样的中国企业主动承担社会责任。他说,企业参与并履行&全球契约&,不仅能够体现企业作为负责任公民的表率,也有利于与有共识的公司及组织交流经验,将公司发展视野扩大到一个更大的社会范畴,从而使商业机会最大化。他认为将有越来越多的中国企业参与其中。在美国,像复星一样通过参与文化艺术与公益活动来打造企业&亲和亮丽&形象的中国企业正越来越多。
  新华社北京7月27日电 题:信息化将如何影响你我生活?&&盘点《国家信息化发展战略纲要》中的民生看点新华社记者孙铁翔、朱基钗、高亢近日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发《国家信息化发展战略纲要》,将进一步规范和指导未来10年国家信息化发展。未来10年,信息化发展对老百姓生活将产生哪些影响?有哪些实惠?记者为此梳理解读出8个民生看点。  【看点1】广泛覆盖&&分类推进农村网络覆盖《纲要》:科学灵活选择接入技术,分类推进农村网络覆盖。发达地区优先推进光纤到村。边远地区、林牧区、海岛等区域根据条件采用移动蜂窝、卫星通信等多种方式实现覆盖。解读:&2015年,我国互联网普及率超过50%,固定宽带接入数量达4.7亿,覆盖到全国所有城市、乡镇以及95%的行政村。&国家互联网信息办公室副主任庄荣文说。据工信部和财政部联合下发通知显示,全国将在2020年实现98%行政村通宽带、农村宽带接入能力超过12Mbps等&宽带中国&战略目标。具体到2016年,将支持1.5万个未通村、2.2万个升级村宽带建设和运行。  【看点2】政务便民&&推进&互联网+政务服务&,完善&一号申请、一窗受理、一网通办&服务模式《纲要》:持续深化电子政务应用,着力解决信息碎片化、应用条块化、服务割裂化等问题,以信息化推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化。解读:国家发展和改革委员会秘书长李朴民指出,开展&互联网+&政务服务,构建一体化公共服务体系是推进&放、管、服&改革向纵深发展的重要措施。到2016年底,全国将在80个试点城市基本实现政务服务事项的&一号申请、一窗受理、一网通办&服务模式,实现政务随时随地触手可及。  【看点3】降低资费&&为社会困难群体运用网络创造条件《纲要》:完善电信普遍服务补偿机制,建立支持农村和中西部地区宽带网络发展长效机制,推进网络提速降费,为社会困难群体运用网络创造条件。解读:&网络基础设施是信息通信领域创业创新活动的重要基石,我国将进一步加快实施网络强国和宽带中国战略,继续大力推进提速降费,大幅提高网络访问速率,为老百姓提供用得上、用得起、用得好的信息服务。&工业和信息化部总工程师张峰说。据了解,中国移动、中国联通、中国电信三大运营商近期公布了2016年提速降费工作计划,我国通信资费今年将继续下降,网速和网络覆盖将持续提升。  【看点4】5G应用&&让生活更快、更好、更便捷《纲要》:积极开展第五代移动通信(5G)技术的研发、标准和产业化布局。解读:&为支撑5G技术研发和国际标准化,我国已于今年初全面启动了5G技术研发试验。&张峰表示,5G网络具有速度快、低时延、万物互联的特点。例如,5G的速度是4G的10到100倍,峰值速度可达10G/s,在5G条件下,下载一部10G的电影只需要几秒钟。  【看点5】信息保护&&依法保护个人隐私、企业商业秘密,确保国家安全《纲要》:加强采集管理和标准制定,提高信息资源准确性、可靠性和可用性。依法保护个人隐私、企业商业秘密,确保国家安全。解读:全国人大代表、知名律师秦希燕表示,随着信息技术的广泛应用和互联网的普及,公民个人或企业信息泄露已成为一个严重的社会问题。因此,通过法制和信息化技术的手段,进一步加强信息保护,既是维护社会公平正义的需要,也是彰显人权理念的需要。  【看点6】扶贫攻坚&&构建网络扶贫信息服务体系《纲要》:实施网络扶贫行动计划。构建网络扶贫信息服务体系,加快贫困地区互联网建设步伐,扩大光纤网、宽带网有效覆盖。解读:&通过网络扶贫能让更多人用上互联网,让更多农副产品通过互联网走向市场,让更多偏远地区的孩子接受到优质教育。&国家互联网信息办公室信息化发展局局长徐愈表示,计划到2020年,网络扶贫将实现网络、信息、服务的覆盖,帮助提高偏远贫困地区人口的文化水平、就业能力和身体素质,增强发展的内生动力。  【看点7】生态环境&&构建基于信息化的新型生态环境治理体系《纲要》:要着力破解资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化问题,构建基于信息化的新型生态环境治理体系,加快建设天蓝、地绿、水净的美丽中国。解读:建设&美丽中国&,加大环境治理力度是重中之重。国家信息化专家委员会委员宁家骏说,构建基于信息化的新型生态环境治理体系,需要借助&互联网+&的力量,在信息化推广和科技创新上下工夫,深入实施污染防治行动计划,全面推进信息公开,才能不断提高生态环境治理系统化、科学化、法制化和信息化水平,助力实现美丽中国的目标。  【看点8】教育资源&&缩小区域、城乡、校际差距《纲要》:完善教育信息基础设施和公共服务平台,推进优质数字教育资源共建共享和均衡配置,建立适应教育模式变革的网络学习空间。解读:宁家骏认为,在&互联网+&时代,通过教育信息化建设,可以突破地理阻隔与空间障碍,逐步缩小区域、城乡数字差距,扩大优质教育资源覆盖面,把优秀的教育资源送到农村去,送到最需要的地方去,让更多的孩子同在蓝天下共享优质教育,通过知识改变命运。
  Roberto Vargas, sales director of Agricola Norsur, a fruit supplier in Peru, made his first visit to the Chinese mainland in the hope of increasing the export of mandarins and blueberries to China."Currently, our company exports around 100 tons of mandarins to China a year, and we hope to increase the amount to up to 1,000 metric tons next year. I'm also looking forward to exporting 1.5 to 2 million kilograms of blueberries to China in the next three to four years," he said.As a member of 25 Peruvian companies, associations and chambers of commerce, his firm attended a face-to-face meeting with 50 Chinese companies in Beijing on Tuesday, which was organized by the Chinese government and Bank of China Ltd, to discuss opportunities for business cooperation and investment.During his meeting with Chinese companies, the vice-chairman of China Crop Protection Industry Association expressed her interest in selling pesticide to Peru. Vargas said his company is a huge consumer of pesticide, so it is highly possible for him to increase business with Chinese companies that produce quality pesticide.Olivio Huancaruna Perales, president of Lambayeque Chamber of Commerce and Production, said his top priority during the visit was to seek Chinese companies' investment in port construction in Peru due to their great advantages in financing, construction and technologies, and to promote e-commerce transactions between the two countries.Xiao Lijun, general manager of the preparatory team of the BOC's Peru Representative Office, said Chinese investment in Peru exceeded
billion by the end of 2015, and the number of Chinese companies in the Latin American nation reached more than 170."Apart from traditional sectors such as energy and mining, a growing number of Chinese companies have shown a great interest in other Peruvian industries, such as railway construction, agriculture, real estate and finance. We're trying to help Chinese companies explore the Peruvian market and help China import more superior products from Peru," he said.Tian Guoli, chairman of BOC, said the bank has devoted great efforts to support international trade and investment cooperation. Ever since 2014, the BOC has organized 23 cross-border business matchmaking events for more than 8,000 Chinese and foreign companies from 52 countries and regions.Tian said the Chinese banking regulator has given BOC permission to set up a representative office in Peru, and Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, president of Peru, said he will rapidly push forward the upgrading of the bank's representative office to that of a branch.Peru is looking to promote its industrialization through infrastructure construction and investment. Kuczynski said his country is seeking cooperation with Chinese companies to import mining technologies in high altitude areas from China and to build a main railway line that will increase the population of Lima, Peru's capital, to 20 million people in a few years.
  Wanda CEO Wang Jianlin at a conference in Beijing. [Photo/China Daily]It's been a year since I've relocated from India to work in China. I've an old habit of mentally tracking business groups and their bosses, and figuring who's the tallest of them all.Every year, in my mind's eye, the clear winner of the fantasy competition receives the "Businessman/Corporate of the Year" award.The methodology used is utterly unscientific, arbitrary and downright mad-not my words but a summary of what others, particularly fellow journalists, say on WeChat and WhatsApp.But, the one-and-only judge's decision is final. Too bad if you disagree (but you may well agree). Read on only if you must. Any injury to your sense of justice and fair play would be entirely self-inflicted.And the 2015-16 award goes too... But first, the contenders:1) Alibaba/Jack Ma: Online sales festivals like Singles Day are crazy, fun. Digital payment systems, startup funding, cross-border e-commerce, overseas investments, buyout of SCMP, initiative for a world digital platform for cross-border e-commerce by small businesses... have all made headlines. But share price woes on the NYSE, early believer SoftBank's sale of part of its Alibaba stake, and a US SEC probe into possible violation of securities laws have dented the behemoth's image.2) Didi Chuxing: Swift nationwide expansion, Apple's
billion investment, followed by capitulation by its bitter, dollar-bleeding rival Uber have made Didi a worthy contender, but not a winner. For, when confusion over the legality of ride-hailing arose, Didi didn't exactly display proactive leadership of a fledgling industry.3) Gree, Midea, Haier, Hisense, TCL and DJI: These appliance and gadget makers showed remarkable capacity for innovation and panache in warding off competition from Japanese/foreign firms. Be it intelligent products, web-connected factories, customized production, multipurpose drones or cookers for specific varieties of rice, they have done it all. But branding at a global level isn't still their strength.4) Huawei: Clearly gave both Apple and Samsung some sleepless nights, and overtook Xiaomi in China. Not a world-beater yet.5) Xiaomi: Seems to have lost its plot. Smartphone shipments are down. Diversification into appliances, PCs and support for new startups aren't exactly reaping rich dividends yet.6) Lenovo: After the IBM deal and foray into smartphones, hasn't really done anything earth-shattering.7) LeEco: Gadgets, devices, content, apps, electric driverless vehicles-it's into too many things, but is yet to gain the critical mass of a conglomerate.8) Baidu: Talk of Google's return to China hasn't energized China's internet search giant. Its Uber investment lost its sheen as Didi prospered. But Baidu bestrides web search like a colossus.9) Tencent: The all-inclusive WeChat is the envy of WhatsApp, Line and SnapChat. Alibaba's share woes made Tencent Asia's biggest tech firm. Big-ticket investments in gaming, music and autonomous electric cars have reflected an appetite for corporate glory.10) SOEs (power, steel, coal, auto, railway and aircraft companies): They cut huge deals globally, or sewed up expansion or started m valiantly fought the some even returned to profitability, with steel firms upgrading products to supply to the auto industry that saw joint ventures with global giants on one side and advent of e-vehicles on the other.11) Fosun, Vanke, Anbang: Hit headlines, but not always for the right reasons. Also-rans.12) Disney Shanghai: Opened in June, made a media splash and a positive impact on Shanghai realty. Deserves more time before being judged.By the way, telecom firms and banks didn't qualify this year.So, the winner is...Wang Jianlin/Dalian Wanda Group: Wang-led Wanda has hit the global headlines throughout the last 12 months. Consider: buyout of Hollywood film studio Legendary, overseas cinema chains and Eur creation of infrastructure l sponsorsh partnership with FIFA; setting up of theme parks to rival Disney and U clever delisting of property arm from the Hong Kong bourse to relist in S and amid all this, finding time for an English book, luxury home shopping in London, philanthropy and sparking an online buzz with comments on how to make billions (by making small millions over and over again).The world recognizes Wang and Wanda. You'll agree and see there's method in my madness, won't you?


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