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小学英语毕业升学模拟测试题(一)一.判断每组词的划线部分发音是否相同,用 Yes 或 No 表示(共 8 分,每小题 1 分) 1.worm work 3.zebra vest ( 4.fridge milk( 5.use jump 7.star park ( ( 6.waiter day ( 8.sleep read ( ( ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 2.cake many (二.按要求写出所给单词的适当形式(共 12 分,每小题 1 分) 1.is(过去式) 2.fat(比较级) 3.went(原形) 5.family(复数) 6.early(比较级) 7.get(过去式) 8.far(比较级) 9.better(原形) 10.my(名词性物主代词) 11.catch(同义词) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________4.young(反义词的比较级)________三.选择填空,可多选(共 20 分,每题 1 分) 1. Who is ______? Your mother or father? A. older B. taller C. young 2. The girls run ______ their classmates. A. fast then B. faster than C. slower than 3. Which is ______, an elephant or a monkey? A. bigger B. smaller C. heavier 4. Are you good ______ English or Chinese? A. in B. on C. at 5. ______ Su Hai and Su Yang speak English ______ than their friends? A. Are, well B. Do, better C. Does, good 6. ______ you please show me the way _______ No.5 bus stop? A. Would, to B. Could, of C. Can, to 7. Go ______ this ______ , you‘ll see the school. A. along, street B. down, road C. cross, crossing 8. A plane runs ______ than a train. A. faster B. slower C. higher 9. The weather in New York in winter is _______ than in Nanjing. A. cooler B. colder C. not warmer 10.Did you ______ at last weekends? A. have a picnic B. went to the theatre C. give a puppet show 11.We need _______ and _______ to make us more beautiful. A. a mirror, a comb B. a comb, a hair dryer C. a wallet, a watch 12._______ purse is it? It‘s _______. A. Who‘s, his B. Whose, mine C. Whose, his 13._______ you _______ a moon cake last Mid-autumn Festival? A. Do, have, did B. Did, has, did C. Did, have, did 14.What would you like? I‘d like _______. A. a T-shirt B. some books C. reading books 15.Can Wang Bing _______ Maths well? Yes, he _______. A. study, can B. studies, can C. study, can‘t 16.The boy _______ _______ in the playground. A. is skating B. are skating C. are running 17._______ is _______? A plane or a train? A. What, big B. Which, faster C. Which, slower 18.This is Gao Hao speaking, _______. A. Who‘s that B. Who‘re you C. Is that Li Yang? 19.Shall we meet _______ one twenty? A. at B. in C. at about 20._______ is _______ season in New York. A. Winter, the best B. Autumn, the best C. Autumn, a cool and sunny 21. ――When is the National Day in China?――_________ A. It‘s on the 1st of September. B. It‘s in the 1st of October. C. It‘s on the 1st of November. D. It‘s at the 1st of October. 22. ――Hello, is that Jack? ――________. A. Yes, I am Jack. B. Hello, it‘s me. C. Yes, speaking. D. No, I‘m not Jack. 23. Lucy is _____. Lily is _____ than Lucy. Helen is _____ of them all. A. taller, tallest, tall B. tall, taller, tallest C. tall, the taller, tallest D. tall, taller, the tallest 24. ――We are going to have a camping trip this Sunday. ――Sounds great! I will bring _________. A. a tin-opener, some match and a chocolate B. a tin-opener, some matches and a chocolate C. a tin-opener, a matches and a chocolate D. a tin-opener, some matches and a bar of chocolate 25. ――What‘s the shape of this kite? It‘s _________. ――But I like that square one _________. A. a triangle, better B. blue, better C. a triangle, best D. blue, best 26. Stop _________, please! I _________ am earache. A. shout, have B. shouting, have C. shout, have got D. shouting, have got 27. I‘m from _______, so I can speak ________. He comes from _______, so he can‘t speak French. A. France, French, Australia B. French, France, Australia C. French, France, Australian D. France, French, Australian. 28. ――Look, there‘s public sign there. _________? ――It means ?no cycling‘. A. What‘s that? B. What does it mean? C. Why? D. What‘s that in English? 29. ――Why are you late again? ――_________. A. Because the traffic was heavier than yesterday and the bus went slower. B. Because the traffic is heavier than yesterday and the bus go slower. C. Because the traffic was heavy than yesterday and the bus went slower. D. Because the traffic was heavier than yesterday and the bus went slow. 30. ――_________ is the Red Apple Cinema from here? ――It‘s about a kilometer away. A. How long B. How far C. How many D. How much 四.选择适当的介词填空(共 13 分,每小题 1 分) in at with about by on of for to from as1. Miss Chen, Helen can speak English better than all ______ us. 2. We have Science and Art ______ Tuesday afternoon. 3. Go along this street and turn right ______ the third crossing. 4. Shall we meet ______ a quarter ______ two. 5. This English cartoon VCD is ______ my grandpa. He bought it ______ me as my birthday present. 6. What are you talking ______ ______ your friends? 7. ______ the way, could you tell me how to write an e-mail? 8. ――I really want a big tent. ――What ______? 9. I would like ______ know everything ______ you. Please write ______ me soon. 10. Oh, look! Now Mike is in the corner ______ the ball. 11. It‘s time ______ supper. Come ______, boys and girls, come and sit ______ the table. 12. ______ the Sports Meeting, Liu Tao take part ______ the long jump. 13. What do people usually do ______ New Year? 五.用所给动词的适当形式填空(共 10 分,每空 1 分) 1. Li Ming _______ (clean) his bedroom on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 2. My uncle can _______ (play) violin very well. He _______ (give) a concert in London last year. 3. What are you doing, Jim? I am _______ (swim) in the lake. Come back quickly. There‘s a sign here. It _______ (mean) danger! 4. What _______ you _______ (do) when I was not at home, Mike? I _______ (do) my homework, _______ (read) the storybook and _______ (drink) some watermelon juice. 六.阅读短文,判断正误(共 19 分,每小题 1 分) (一) Traffic Rules in the England When you are in England, you must be very careful in the streets because the traffic drives on the left. Before you cross the street, you must look to the right first and then the left. If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road carefully. If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People on foot mustn‘t cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go or come home from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is most dangerous then. When you go by bus in England, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first or you will go the wrong way. In many English cities, there are big buses called double decker buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It‘s very interesting! 1.In England, the traffic drives the same way as it does in China.( 2.People mustn't cross the road when the traffic lights are green.( ) )3. Traffic is most dangerous in the morning and in the evening because there are so many people on the road. ( ) )4.If you want to have a look at English cities, it is a good way to take a bus with two floor.( (二) Welcome to our town, ladies and gentlemen. Look! Here‘s a map of our town. This is the train station. You can take trains here to go to different places of our country. There is a big hotel beside the train station. It is a three-star hotel. It‘s not very big but very comfortable. Go along this street and then turn left at the first crossing, you can see a shopping center. You can buy anything you like here, food, clothes, etc. Go along this street for five more minutes and turn left again at the second crossing, you can see a theatre. You can see Beijing opera shows and watch films here. If you like reading, you can turn right at the second crossing, there‘s a big bookstore there. You can buy all kinds of books here. Do you like animals? Do you want to go to the zoo? You can take No.12 bus to go there. Oh, look, the bus stop is here, near the hospital. Shall we go now? 1.词汇释义,你能根据上下文,猜测一下下列单词在短文中的含义吗? (1)three-star hotel: __________ (2)comfortable: __________ (3)etc: __________ (4)films: __________ (5)kinds: __________ 2.回答问题 (1)Is there a train station in this town? ____________________________ (2)How can we go to the shopping center of this town? ____________________________ (3)Which bus shall I take to go to the zoo? ____________________________ (4)Where can we buy some books in this town? Where is it? ____________________________ (5)If I go along the street and turn left at the second crossing, where can I get? ____________________________ (三) American boys and girls love to watch TV. Many children stay at school for eight hours a day and sit in front of the TV for four or six hours a day. Some watch TV for eight hours or more on Saturdays and Sundays. TV programs(节目)are like books and films. A child can learn both good things and bad things from them. Some films help children to understand the news, others show people and places from different countries and other times before. With TV a child does not have to go to the zoo to see animals or to the big rivers to see a ship. Boys and girls can see a play, a film or a game at home. TV brings many places and things into their homes. Some programs show some other things. They are very bad for children and some parents sometimes help them to find other interesting things to do. 1. After school, most children in America like ________ ________, especially (尤其) Saturdays on and Sundays. 2. On TV children can learn both ________ things and ________ things. 3. A child can see ________ or ships at home or enjoy plays, ________ or games without going (不 去)to cinema. 4. Some parents help children to find other ________ things to do, because TV sometimes brings them some very, very bad things. 七.将 I 栏的句子与 II 栏的句子配对(共 10 分,每题 1 分) I ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. I like insects best. )2. Let‘s go to the Great Wall. )3. Don‘t smoke here. )4. How do you like China? )5. Would you please lend me a hand? )6. What can I do for you? )7. This present is for you. )8. The weather in Nanjing is wonderful. )9. Thank you very much. )10. Glad to meet you. II A. It‘s a beautiful county. B. Glad to meet you too. C. Yes, of course. D. Good idea. But how? E. Not at all. F. I‘m sorry. G. I don‘t think so. H. Many thanks. I. I‘d like a cup of coffee. J. Me too.八.阅读短文,完成个人名片介绍(共 8 分,每题 1 分) Hi, I‘m Jerry Williams from America. I am studying at a primary school in New York. I‘m 12 years old now, so I‘ll finish my primary school life and go to a middle school soon. We call it Grade 7. I like reading and skating. Basketball is my favorite sport. I play it at school every day with my ball friends. At school, we usually have 5 lessons at the weekends. My favorite subject is French. I often talk with some students from France and become good friends soon. I have a pen friend in Canada. Sometimes we write in English, but sometimes in French. I want to visit France one day. Do you know me? Name: __________ City: __________ Nationality(国籍)__________ Age: __________Favorite subject: ____________________ Favorite sport: ____________________ Favorite season: ____________________ Desire(愿望): ____________________ 九.根据要求写短文(10 分) 你的美国笔友 John 给你写来了一封 e-mail,告诉了你很多关于他自己和美国的有趣的事情, 同时他也想知道更多关于中国的事情。比如:中国的习俗,节日,文化,饮食,中国孩子现在的 学习情况,中国孩子有哪些课外活动等等。你能写一封 e-mail 告诉他吗?尽快给 John 回信吧! (注意 e-mail 的格式。John 的电子邮箱地址是:) From:_______________ To:_________________ Subject:_____________ Date:_______________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________小学英语毕业升学模拟测试题(二)一. 从下列各组单词中选出划线部分中读音与众不同的一个, 请将其标号写在题前括号中 (共 5 分,每小题 1 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1. A. ask )2. A. sound )3. A. sun )4. A. ring )5. A. party B. happy B. out B. uncle B. live B. warm C. after C. could C. put C. wind C. far D. last D. about D. Sunday D. behind D. star二.写出下列单词的相应形式(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) 1.yes(反义词) 2.man(复数) 3.no(完全形式) ___________ ___________ ___________ 4.cannot(缩略形式) 5.husband(对应词) 7.rain(变成形容词) 8.third(基数词) 9.knife(复数) 10.best(反义词)___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________6.teach(第三人称单数)___________三.单项选择(共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 1.He wants to buy _________. A. two pairs of shoes B. two pair of shoes C. two pairs of shoe D. two pair of shoe 2.Thanks for _________ me. A. help B. helped C. helping D. to help 3.English is ________ useful language. A. a B. an C. the D. / 4._________ can you play basketball? A. Where B. Which C. What D. Who 5.She‘s American girl, and _________ name is Mary White. A. my B. his C. her D. its 6._______ there any bread on the table? Yes, there _______ some pieces. A. Are, are B. Is, is C. Are, is D. Is, are 7.Jack is taller than _________ the others. A. any B. some C. any of D. anything of 8.Please take ______ the new pair of boots and let me try them _______. A. up, in B. off, out C. out, on D. down, up 9.While I was getting _________ the bus, Jack was getting _________ it. A. on, to B. on, off C. off, to D. off, at 10.There are only ________ bowls on the table. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 11.The Changjiang River is one of the famous rivers in the world. A. in B. on C. for D. near 12.I‘m afraid there is _________ we have to buy _________. A. some, any B. any, some C. some, some D. any, any 13.Fish can‘t live _________ water. A. up B. out C. with D. without 14.Mr. Smith has _________ children. The _________ is a son. A. nine, ninth B. nine, nineth C. nineth, nine D. ninth, nine 15.The girl speaks English very well, so she and her teacher often _________ to each other in English. A. talk B. tell C. say D. speak 16.He is enjoying _________ to one of Liszt‘s pieces. A. listen B. to listen C. listening D. listenning 17.It gets ________ and _________ when winter comes. A. cold, cold B. colder, colder C. cold, colder D. colder, cold 18.This coat is mine. That one is _________. A. her B. his C. he‘s D. she‘s 19.Look! They ________ a good time, _________ they? A. have, do B. have, don‘t C. are having, are D. are having, aren‘t 20.There are _________ friends of mine in the room. So I leave. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 四.情景交际(共 20 分,每小题 1 分) 1.――____________. ――I‘m in Class Five, Grade Six. A. What grade are you in? B. What row are you in? C. What class are you in? D. Where class are you in? 2.――Are you Kate? ――____________. A. No, it is. B. Yes, it isn‘t. C. No, I‘m not. D. Yes, you aren‘t. 3.――_____________? ――She‘s eleven. A. How are you? B. What are you? C. How old are you? D. Where are you? 4.――Thank you, Tom. ――_____________. A. You‘re welcome. B. Yes, it is. C. Thank you, too. D. Yes, they are. 5.――Excuse me, what‘s the time, please? ――__________ . My watch is at home. A. Yes, it is. B. Oh, it isn‘t my watch. C. Sorry, I don‘t know. D. OK, my watch is here. 6.――May I phone him now? ――____________. A. Certainly, you may. B. Yes, you need. C. Certainly, you can. D. Yes, you might. 7.――______________. ――Two weeks. A. How long may I keep the book? B. How many may I keep the book? C. How much may I keep the book? D. How often may I keep the book? 8.初次见面,给别人正式介绍后,你应如何向对方打招呼? A. How are you? B. What‘s your name? C. How do you do? D. Very well, nice to meet you. 9.你有事想请别人帮忙时,应说: A. Could you help me, please? B. Would you like to help me? C. Do you want to help me? D. Can you help me, please? 10.――Shall we go to the park tomorrow? ――____________. A. Excuse me. B. Thank you. C. Good idea. D. Very well. 11.――Can I borrow your book? ――_________________. A. No, thanks. B. Certainly. C. No, you can‘t. D. Yes, I can. 12.――Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the South Lake? ――__________________. A. I don‘t know. B. Why do you ask me? C. I‘m sorry. I‘m new here. D. Who knows? 13.――Which one do you want, a big one or a small one? ――_________________. A. Yes, a long one. B. Yes, a short one. C. A long one, please. D. No, a short one. 14.――__________________. ――I‘m sorry. A. Sit down, please. B. Look at the blackboard. C. Don‘t write on the wall. D. Write your homework. 15.――___________________? ――Can I borrow a pen, please? A. What do you want B. What are you C. Are you writing D. What are you doing 16.你生日那天,别人向你祝贺,你应该说:___________________. A. All right. B. Thank you. C. That‘s all right. D. You‘re welcome. 17.当你想向别人借用一下字典时,你应该说:__________________. A. Give me your dictionary. B. Where‘s your dictionary? C. I want to use your dictionary. D. May I use your dictionary? 18.当老师问:DIs everyone here today?‖时,哪种回答才对? A. Yes, we do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, Tom is not here. D. I am on duty today. 19.Peter: Where‘s my shirt? Tom: Is it a green one? John: Look _____________. Tom: Yes. Thank you very much. A. Is that one? B. Here you are. C. I don‘t know. D. What is that? 20.What‘s the date today? ____________________. A. Today is Monday. B. It‘s a fine day. C. It‘s Ok.. D. Today is April 5th. 五.情景会话,找出下列各题每句话的答案(共 10 分,每小题 1 分) ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. My kite is in the tree. )2. Do you speak Chinese? )3. What day is today? )4. It‘s time for school. )5. Thank you. )6. What‘s the time? )7. Please give them to me. )8. Who‘s that boy? )9. What color are the shoes? )10. What row is Mary in? A. You are welcome. B. Row Five. C. I can‘t find my watch. D. OK. E. He‘s my friend. F. They are white. G. It‘s Monday. H. Don‘t worry. I can get it. I. Yes, a little. J. OK. Let‘s go.六.完成下列对话,并做相应练习(共 24 分,每空 0.5 分) A: _______ your birthday, Paul? B: It‘s ______ 20th of October. A: Great. My ___ is two ___ later. So let‘s ___ a ___ party together. B: Good ______! What would you _______ _______ a birthday present, Ben? A: ______ ______ a new puzzle. ______ ______ you? B: I‘d ______ a yo-yo. A: I like ______ yo-yo, too. And I ______ football, too. B: Really? Me ______. Let‘s ______ and ______ ______ in the park. A: OK. Let‘s go. A: Oh, ______ ______ a lot of signs ______, Paul. B: Yes. They‘re all ______ ______. They ______ ______ things. A: What ______ that one ______? B: It ______ DKeep ______ the ______‖. A: Yes. We must ______ ______ the grass. B: Yes. We must keep the park _______. A: Look! ______ a sign ______ ______. What ______ it ______? B: It _____ DDanger‖? They‘re building a _____ Children‘s garden here. A: Great. Let‘s ______ ______. B: OK. Kick ______ ______, Ben. ______ it to ______. 判断对错 1. Ben‘s birthday is on 22th of October. 2. Paul wants a new puzzle as a birthday present. 3. There are two public signs in the park. 4. They‘re building a new zoo in the park. 5. Ben and Paul all like playing yo-yo and football. 七.完型填空(共 18 分,每小题 1 分) (一) Learning How to Swim During summer holidays, my good friend Chuanchuan ___1___ I went to join a swimming class. Before ___2___ only knew how to dog paddle, I like a dog falling into the water and trying to swim. At the swimming class, my teacher told ___3___ how to do the crawl. For the crawl we had to breathe on ___4___ the left and the right sides. After that, my teacher taught us how to do backstroke. For swimming backstroke, we ___5___ needed to go back in a circular motion. My teacher always demonstrated the backstroke first before teaching, then we followed ___6___. Sometimes, our teacher let us play a game calledDcatch the ring‖. This was how we played it: someone took a rubber ring and threw it into the water, then ___7___ dived down in the water and brought it back up to the surface. We ___8___ played happily. Now I know how to swim! ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. A. or )2. A. I )3. A. we )4. A. both )5. A. arms )6. A. she )7. A. us )8. A. all B. and B. me B. our B. all B. arm B. he B. our B. either C. both C. us C. us C. either C. eyes C. his C. me C. neither (二) This ___1___ my room. It is a ___2___ nice room. The window ___3___ big and the walls ___4___ white. Near the window there is a red desk. It is for me. ___5___ the desk, there are some books and ___6___ pencil-box. ___7___ the back wall there are some pictures and ___8___ map of China. There is ___9___ bed. It is near the door. There is a chair behind the bed. There is a box and a pair of new shoes ___10___ the bed. ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )1. A. are )2. A. much )3. A. is )4. A. are )5. A. on )6. A. a )7. A. In )8. A. / )9. A. an )10. A. in B. am B. very B. are B. is B. on B. two B. For B. an B. a B. at C. is C. too C. am C. be C. in C. some C. On C. a C. not C. under D. be D. now D. / D. / D. under D. at D. At D. some D. the D.from D. all D. My D. I D. neither D.ears D. her D. we D. both 八.阅读理解(共 11 分,每小题 1 分) (一) Jack came to China three years ago. He is an Australian boy. His parents are now in China, too. They are teachers. They teach English. Jack is now in No. 2 Middle School. He is a student. He works very hard. His parents work in No. 8 Middle School. Jack is my good friend. Last Sunday he came to see me. We went to swim in the river near my house that day. 1.Jack is _________. A. American B. Australian C. English D. Canadian 2.Jack and his parents are ________ now. A. in America B. in China C. in Canada D. in Australia 3.His parents teach _________. A. in the same school B. in a different school C. in No. 2 Middle School D. in No. 18 Middle School 4.Jack is in _________. A. No. 2 Middle School B. No. 8 Middle School C. No. 18 Middle School D. No. 20 Middle School 5.Jack came to see me ________. A. last Sunday B. last Monday C. last Thursday D. last Saturday 6.I ________ with Jack that day. A. went to the shop B. went out at the cinema C. went out to play football D. went to swim (二) The Garage Is Full of Snow In the morning Mr. Smith comes into the garden at the back of his house. He sees so much snow in the garden. Mr. Smith wants to take his car out, so he asks a man to clean the road from his garden to the gate. He says to the man. DDon‘t throw any snow on that side, it will damage the
and don‘t throw any on the other side for it will damage the wall. And don‘t throw any into the street, or the policeman will come.‖ Then he goes out. When he comes back, the path is clean. There is no snow on the flowers on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees: the garage is full of snow, the snow from the path, and his car is under the snow! 1. In the morning Mr. Smith finds _________ is full of snow. A. his garden B. his garage C. his house D. hid car 2. He wants a man to clean the road. He __________. A. doesn‘t like snow at all B. likes the clean road C. wants to take his car out of the garage D. often asks the man to do something 3. Where does Mr. Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden? ___________. A. On the flowers B. Into the street C. On the wall D. We don‘t know 4. He opens the garage ___________. A. and takes his car out B. and finds it is full of snow C. and finds there is no car in it D. and takes snow out 5. Where is Mr. Smith‘s car? ___________ A. Under the snow from the road. B. In the street. C. Near the road. D. In front of his house. 九.小作文(共 6 分) 根据词语提示, 写一段话, 不少于 5 句。 词语提示: twelve; middle school; student; No.8 Middle School;Zhengzhou;Class 3;Grade 1;English and Chinese;much.模拟试题三一.选出与所给单词划线部分读音不同的单词(共 5 分,每题 1 分) ( ( ( ( ( )1. know )2. just )3. sweep )4. machine )5. yours A. ago A. cute A. street A. kitchen A. teachers B. grow B. summer B. need B. wish B. ours C. mirror C. funny C. knee C. shoulder C. letters D. foggy D. under D. empty D. brush D. parks二.按要求写出相应的词(共 10 分,每题 1 分) 1.fat 2.much 3.good 4.am 5.is 7.fly 8.sit 10.our (最高级) (近义词) (最高级) (过去式) (过去式) (过去式) (现在分词) (人称代词) _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________6.twelve(序数词)9.their (名词性物主代词)_________三.选择方框里的词或词组填空(有多余的词)(共 19 分,每空 1 分) went to,singing and dancing,who‘s,my,which,felt very tired,whose, his,for,Children‘s Day,The longer,going,down,up,in,on,me,I, as heavy as,younger,as big as,the Yellow,go around China,longest, the Amazon,young 1. The letter is ________ you,David. 2. They ________ the park last night. So they ________. 3. The children like ________ on ________. 4. ________ calculator is it? It‘s ________. 5. ________ is your ruler? ________ one. 6. The apples _____ the tree and red. We‘re _____ to pick them _____. 7. I have a ________ brother. He‘s one year ________ than ________. 8. Is that box ________ that one? 9. I‘m going to ________ this summer holiday. 10. The ________ river in the world is ________. 四.选择填空(共 15 题,每题 1 分) 1. I have ________ head,________ hands and ________ feet. A. one,two,one B. one,one,two C. one,two,two D. two,one,two 2. I would ________ a piece of bread. A. want B. like C. drink D. see 3. We listen with our ________ and speak with our ________. A. ears,mouths B. ears,eyes C. eyes,ears D. mouths,ears 4. He often reads English ______ the morning and watches TV ______ night. A. in,in B. in,at C. at,in D. at,at 5. ――What ________ is it today? ――It‘s ________. A. date,March B. day,Friday C. date,Friday D. day,March 6. The elephant‘s trunk is ________. The rabbit‘s tail is ________. A. long,long B. short,short C. short,long D. long,short 7. My uncle is a teacher. ________ teaches English. My aunt is a nurse. _________ works hard. A. She,She B. He,He C. She,He D. He,She 8. I have a sister. ________ name is Mary. The doll is ________. A. Her,hers B. She,hers C. Mine,her D. My,her 9. I come from ________. I am a ________. A. China,China B. English,English C. China,Chinese D. Chinese,China 10. ________ on duty today? A. Whose B. Who C. Whom D. Who‘s 11. ――________ your mother work in a hospital? ――Yes,she ________. A. Does,do B. Do,does C. Does,does D. Do,do 12. ――What‘s your ________? ――I‘m ________. A. number,number 3 B. number,3 number C. number,Number 3 D. Number,Number 3 13. ――What‘s ________ and ________? ――It‘s ________. A. one,one,three B. one,two,three C. two,one,two D. two,two,two 14. Let‘s go ________,shall we? A. shop B. to shop C. to shopping D. shopping 15. ――What are you ________? ――I‘m ________. A. do,read B. doing,read C. do,reading D. doing,reading 五.阅读理解(共 16 题,每题 1 分) (一) It‘s a fine day. Mr Brown‘s cat, Terry, in the garden. She has big green eyes and yellow hair. She is sits under a big tree and looks at the flowers in the garden. Suddenly,a black dog runs into the garden. He looks at Terry. Terry‘s afraid of him,so she runs away. She climbs the tree and hide herself in it. 用“T”或“F”回答问题 ( ( ( ( ( )1. Terry is Mr Brown‘s dog. )2. Terry has yellow eyes and hair. )3. There are many trees and flowers in the garden. )4. The dog is afraid of Terry. )5. Now Terry is in the tree. (二) The Panda The panda‘s face looks like a cat‘s,but its fat body and short tail are like a bear‘s.So people call this animal bear-cat.The panda has a very mild temperament(温和的性情) and is very lovable(讨人喜 爱的).Everybody likes it very much. The panda is an animal particular to(是……所特有的) China. northwestern The part of SichuanProvince(省) and southern part of Gansu Province are its native(出生的) home.Pandas like most to climb trees.They live in the forests of high mountains, eat bamboo and drink springwater(泉水). 根据短文的意思,选出正确的答案 (1) The panda mainly lives in ________. A.America B.Shanghai C.London D.China (2) _________ is like a cat‘s. A.The panda B.The panda‘s face C.The panda‘s body D.The panda‘s tail (3) The panda is called ________ by people. A.an animal B.a bear C.a bear-cat D.a cat-bear (4) Where is the panda‘s native home? A.Guangdong and Gansu. B.Sichuan and Suzhou. C.Gansu and Sichuan. D.Hubei and Sichuan (5) What‘s the panda‘s main food? A.Rice. B.Meat. C.Bamboo. D.Springwater. (三) A Clever Boy A young boy is playing with a ball in the street. kicks it too hard, it breaks the window of a He and house and fails inside.A lady comes to the window with the ball and shouts at the young boy.So the young boy, l'un8 away, he still wants his ball back. few minutes later he return and knocks at the but A door of the house. When the 1ady answers it, says, he DMy father‘s going to come and fix your window very soon.‖ After a few more minutes.a man comes to the door with tools in his hand.So the lady lets the boy take his ball away. When the man finishes fixing the window,he says to the lady,DThat will cost you ten dollars.‖ DBut aren‘t you the father of that young boy?‖the woman asks, looking surprised.DOf course not,‖he answers.DAren‘t you his mother?‖ 圈出与短文的内容相符句子的编号 (1) A.The young boy breaks the window of his house. B.The young boy.breaks the window of the lady‘s house. (2) A.The ball goes through the window. B.The ball hits the window and falls into the lady‘s house. (3) A.The young boy runs away because he is afraid of the lady. B.The young boy run8 away because he wants his ball back. (4) A.The young boy goes to find a man who fixes the window. B.The young boy goes to find his father. (5) A.The man who fixed the lady‘s window is not the boy‘s father. B.The man who fixed the lady‘s window is the boy‘s father. (6) A.The man thinks that the lady is the boy‘s mother. B.1he man knows that the lady isn‘t the boy‘s mother. 六.完型填空(共 10 题,每题 1 分) (一) A Good Shoemaker One of Harry's 1 is bigger than the other. He can't find the right shoes for his feet. His 2 you the 3 home. Very soon the shoemaker makes him a 4 to the shoemaker,DYou aren‘t afriend, Dick, says to him, DWhy do not you go to a shoemaker? A good shoemaker can right shoes.‖So Harry goes to the shoemaker near good shoemaker. I want you to make me one shoes 5 ( ( ( ( ( than the other.‖ ) 1. A. foot ) 2. A. do ) 3. A. Dick ) 4. A. say ) 5. A. bigger B. foots B. does B. Dick‘s B. says B. big C. feet C. makes C. Dick of C. said C. thinner (二) Before the Trouble Starts D. shoes D. make D. of Dick D. saying D. fatter pair of shoes. Harry looks at the shoes and is not happy. So heA man went into a bar,sat down,called the barman and said to him,D Give me a drink before the trouble starts. ‖The barman was busy with other people,so he did not say him. DGive me another one before the trouble starts.‖ 1 ,but he gave the man the drink, the man drank it quickly. Then he put his glass down, and called the barman again and said to Again the barman was the trouble starts,please.‖2busy to say anything,so he gave the man his drink and went away.The man drank that too, and then again he called the barman and said to him.DOne more drink beforeThis time the barman was not very busy,so when he brought the man his third drink,he said to himDWhat trouble 3 you talking about?‖ 4 got 5 money.‖ C. someone C. two C. are C. haven‘t C. something D. thing D. eight D. be D. has D. anythingThe man answered,DI ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. anything ) 2. A. to ) 3. A. is ) 4. A. have ) 5. A. someB. something B. too B. am B. hasn‘t B. any七.小作文(10 分) 参考范文: My Cat Hello,everyone! I‘m Ray. I have a cat. It‘s brown. My cat is three years old now. It has two big black eyes,a small nose and a small mouth. It likes to eat fish. My cat is very funny. I like it very much. 提示: 请参考所给范文并仔细观察所给图片,以DMy Dog‖为题,写一篇小作文。 要求: 1. 条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,标点正确,书写清晰,规范; 2. 不得少于 45 个单词。小学英语毕业升学模拟测试题(四)一.找出与其他划线部分发音不同的单词,把代号填写在括号里:(5 分) 1.( 2.( 3.( 4.( 5.( )A.read )A.good )A.note )A.house )A.third B.beach B.foot B.potato B.shout B.there C.need C.spoon C.ocean C.know C.think D.breakfast D.cook D.smoke D.now D.thanks 二.按要求改写下列单词:(20 分) 1.twelve(序数词) 2.they(宾格) 3.dear(反义词) 4.brush(复数) 5.bake(现在分词) 6.child(复数) 7.no(同音词) 8.go(第三人称单数) 9.noodles(同类词) 10.knives(单数) 11.复数:class ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ potato ________ flour ________ radio ________office ________ 12.单数:uniforms ________ shelves ________family ________squares ________ branches ________ rocks ________ open ________13.反义词:behind ________ hungry ________ 14.现在分词:dig make ________ ________rough ________ sad eat ________________ write ________ fly ________ jumpclose ________ go ________shake ________dive ________ wash ________________15.同音词:know ________ 三.按要求填空(15 分)write ________flour ________(1)根据括号内的中文完成句子: 1.Don‘t ________________(买薯条). 2.Look,the boy ________________(在做回家作业). 3.Can the spiderboy ________________(开飞机)? 4.I have got some ________________(滑板). 5.There is _________________(汉堡包)in the basket. 6.Where are ________________(香肠)? 7.She has got _________________(两把剪刀). 8.She _________________(吃早饭)at 6:30. (2)用动词的适当形式填空: Kally ________(get) up at 7:00 every Sunday. It‘s Sunday today. Now she ________(get) up. She ________(go) to the People‘s Park today. She can ________(see) many friends there. Oh,here‘s Kitty. She ______(fly) a kite. ______(look),she ______(hold) the kite in her hands now. She ________(like) flying kites very much. John ________(run) there. And the geese ________(swim) on the lake. (3)用适当的介词填空: I am Grace. I am ________ shanghai. My home is ________ the People Square. There are three people ________ my family. My father is a doctor ________ a hospital. It‘s ________ Fenglin Road. My mother is a teacher. She goes ________ work ________ bus. She‘s busy. She always goes home _______ half _______ six. I am now _______ England. I‘m a student _______ Oxford University. 四.选择填空(15 分) 1.________ are these puzzles? Ten dollars. A.How may B.How much C.How old 2.We like ________. A.mask B.a mask C.this mak 3.Is that man ________ or ________? A.fourty … fifty B.thirteen … thirty C.forty … fifty 4.Are you a good ________? A.running B.runner C.run 5.Are you ________ water? A.drinking B.drinks C.drink 6.Is there ________ milk box on the table? A./ B.the C.a 7.I go to the park ________ Saturday. A.in B.on C.at 8.The boys like ________. They can ________ in the summer. A.swimming … swim B.swimming … swimming C.swim … swim 9.______ the pencil and the brush in the pencil-box? Yes,______ are. A.Is … it B.Are there … there C.Are … they 10.Are you and Tom painting in the garden? Yes,________ are. A.you B.we C.they 11.________ bag do you like? I like the yellow ________. A.Who‘s … one B.Whose … one C.Which … one 12.________ your father ________ to the radio? Yes,he is. A.Is … listening to B.Is … listening C.Are … listening to 13.My birthday is on the ________ of June. A.nine B.ninth C.nineth 14.Don‘t play ________ that ball in the swimming pool. A.with B./ C.to 15.Betty ________ to school at 7:00 every morning. A.walking B.walk C.walks 16.Don‘t ________. It‘s dangerous. A.running B.run C.runs 17.There is ________ ink in the black pen. A.some B.many C.any 18.Which grapes do you want,Jim? I want the big ________. A.grape B.one C.ones 19.________,where is the Shanghai Zoo? A.Hello B.I‘m sorry C.Excuse me 20.My mother likes to ________ books. A.see B.look C.read 21.________ the teacher in the classroom? A.Is there B.Is C.There is 22.________ Peter ________ TV every evening? A.Is … watching B.Does … watch C.Does … watches 23.Listen,the pupils of Grand Five ________ the violin. A.play B.are playing C.playing 24.How many blouses ________ Linda,Tom? A.have B.are there C.has 25.________ is washing the clothes in the kitchen? A.Who B.Who‘s C.What 26.Who‘s ________? A.those boys B.a girl C.that short boy 27.________ your father a postman? Yes,________ is. A.Are … he B.is … he C.Is … he 28.This is our school. It‘s ________ the cinema. A.in B.behind C.under 29.Are these your pencils? No,they‘re ________ pencils. A.our B.my C.your 30.Where‘s your football? It‘s ________ the door. A.in front of B.behind C.on 五.按要求改写下列句子(25 分) 1.There are some peaches in the basket.(否定句) ________________________________________ 2.The soldiers have got three model planes.(一般疑问句,肯定回答) _________________________________________________________ 3.Please climb the tree,Peter.(否定句) ________________________________ 4.Peter can ride a motor-bike.(what 提问) ___________________________________ 5.Helen is cooking dinner at home.(what 提问) _______________________________________ 6.The dogs like bones.(what 提问) ______________________________ 7.Their teachers are playing the drums in the music room.(who 提问) ________________________________________________________ 8.Those are old gardens.(单数句) ____________________________ 9.There are many sweets in the packet.(what 提问) __________________________________________ 10.There are six paints in my box. (how many 提问) ____________________________________________ 11.There are some toy cars on the table.(否定句) _______________________________________ 12.We read English in the morning.(一般疑问句,肯定回答) __________________________________________________ 13.His friend does his homework at five in the afternoon.(一般疑问句,否定回答) ______________________________________________________ 14.They wash their faces in the morning.(单数句) __________________________________________ 15.These doctors can speak English well.(what 提问) ___________________________________________ 16.The students are playing table tennis in the hall.(用 what 提问) _____________________________________________________ 17.My birthday is in January.(when 提问) _________________________________ 18.The dentist watches TV at night.(用 what,画线提问) _______________________________________________ 19.The girls can write and paint. The girls are _________________________________________ 20.Mr White reads English in the office. What _____________________________________ in the office? 21.I have only one hammer in my hand. How many ________________________________ in your hand? 22.What does the dog do every morning? (dig the hole) ___________________________________________________ 23.Are those red bit apples theirs? Those ______________________________________________ 24.Please listen to the teacher, Linda. _______________ don‘t _______________________________ 25.___________________________?(写出上句) No,thank,you. 六.阅读短文,作判断,用“T”或“F”表示(20 分) I Bill and Sue are brother and sister. They are both middle school students and go to the same school. They go to Miss Chen‘s shop and see some nice rabbits. They love the rabbits very much,but they have no money to buy them. Sue has a good idea. She and Bill help their father pick apples on the farm every Saturday and Sunday. So their father gives them each a hundred dollars. Sue and Bill go to Miss Chen‘s shop. Each of them buys a rabbit. One is white and the other is black. They call the black rabbit Bunny and the white one Judy. They like them very much. 1.Bill and Sue are brothers. 2.They study in different school. 3.They like rabbits. 4.They buy one rabbit in a shop. II Most people in America eat three meals a day. They have breakfast in the morning,lunch at noon and dinner at night. They often eat breakfast and lunch in a hurry. They have one or two sandwiches or hamburgers and then drink some fruit juice or coffee for breakfast. Sometimes they have their lunch in McDonald‘s. They can get their lunch quickly. Time is important to them. But they have more time for dinner. They usually eat a lot. They drink soup,eat meat,vegetables and some bread at dinner time. They drink milk,fruit juice,coffee or tea at dinner time,too. Some people don‘t like to eat too much. They have desserts: pie,cake,or ice-cream. 1.Americans have three meals every day. 2.They have a big breakfast. 3.They usually have some hamburgers or sandwiches for lunch. 4.Many people have their lunch in McDonald‘s. 5.Americans often eat much at dinner time. 6.People in America have a lot of time to eat lunch. III Two little children come to a new city. Their names are Peter and Tom. Of course,they live with their parents. Their framily is very rich. They have a driver and a lot of servants. Peter and Tome are going to a new school. On the first day their parents say to them,DPeter and Tom,be modest at your new school. Don‘t say we are rich.‖And they say,DYes,Dad,Mum.‖ So they go to school. They see their new teacher. And they sit down with the other children. The teacher says, DHello, Children. The first exercise today is a composition. The subject of the composition is ?My Family‘.‖ So all the children write a composition. This is Peter‘s composition: DMy name is Peter. My family is very poor. Both my father and my mother are poor. Our driver is very poor and all the servants are poor … ‖ (1)仔细阅读,在下列句子前标上“T”或“F”: 1.Peter and Tom are twins. 2.Peter and Tom come to a new city. 3.Their family has a driver and a lot of servants. 4.Peter‘s father is very poor. 5.Peter writes a composition about his teacher. 6.Peter and her brother are clever. (2)在 A、B、C、D 中选出一个最佳答案: 1.Tom‘s parents are very ________. A.rich B.poor C.modest D.both A and C 2.The subject of the composition is ________. A.DA Rich Family‖ B.DA Poor Family‖ C.DA Big Family‖ D.DMy Family‖ 3.Tom and Peter are in ________. A.different classes B.the same class C.different schools D.different grades 4.Their parents ask them ________. A.to say,DWe are poor‖ B.to say,DWe are rich‖ C.to be modest D.to tell a lie 七.完型填空(10 分) (I) The Cat and the Mice Many 1 lived in a big house. They slept during the day. They played during the night. They 2 ? What shall we 3 the cat‘s neck.‖said a little mouse. DWhen the cat comes, welived a happy life. One day came a cat. He caught many mice. DWhat shall we do?‖said the mice. DLet‘s put a bell can 4 the bell.‖DGood idea! Good idea!‖said the mice. DBut who can put the bell?‖ said a big mouse. DI can‘t.‖Everybody shock ( ( ( ( ( ) 1. A. mouse ) 2. A. do ) 3. A. at ) 4. A. hears ) 5. A. he 5 head. C. mice C. did C. over C. heard C. they (II) The Farmer and the Snake The snake was dying from cold.DWhat a poor thing,I'll save picked up this snake and put it under his Soon the snake came to life. DThank you. But I‘m very hungry,I‘ll DNo,you 4 3 you!‖ said the snake. 2 . 1 D. mouth D. doing D. on D. hearing D. hisB. mouses B. does B. in B. hear B. himlife.‖ said the farmer. Hedo that!‖ the farmer was very angry. But it was too late. The snake opened5mouth and bit the farmer. The farmer died soon. ( ( ( ) 1. A. you ) 2. A. coat ) 3. A eats B. your B. shoe B. eat C. me C. glass C. eaten D. us D. foot D. ate ( () 4. A. can ) 5. A. itB. can‘t B. it‘sC. must C. isD. may D. its八.完成小短文(10 分) 用不少于 10 句话来描写你在学校的一天的生活。 Your Daily Life at School ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________小学英语毕业升学模拟测试题(五)一、按要求改写下列单词(12 分) 1.复数:dress ________ sheep ________ scarf ________ hungry ________ right ________ dance ________ paint ________ swim ________2.反义词:behind ________ 3.同音词:know ________ 4.现在分词:play ________ watch ________happy ________ flour ________ sit ________ shut ________5.写出下列单词的复数形式(不可数用D/‖): child ________ bread ________ sheep ________ peach ________ sweet ________ office ________ library ________6.写出下列动词的现在分词及第三人称单数形式: play ________ swim ________ ride ________ ________ ________ ________ jump have ________ ________ ________ ________ ________watch ________二、辨音,用“T”或“F”表示(5 分) 1.dessert desk 3.front 5.three 7.hungry from that ruler 2.spoon 4.beach 6.over 8.salt balloon bread open what 9.butterdoctor10.whowhere三、用动词的适当形式填空:(11 分) 1.My mother ________ (wash) the plate in the kitchen now. 2.Please ________ (have) some water. 3.School is over. The pupils can ________ (play) games. 4.Don‘t ________ (run) in the school,Danny. 5.We ________ (like) music. Now we (sing). 6.Let me ________ (go) to the cinema. 7.Mary,________ you ________ (clean) the window? Yes,I am. 8.The workers ________ (want) some tea. They‘re thirsty. 9.Look,Mrs White ________ (have) a maths lesson. We like maths. 10.I can ________ (listen) to the radio on Sunday. 11.Miss Fang: _______ (not make) a noise in the cinema,Peter and Danny. Peter: I‘m hungry. Can I ________ (eat) in the cinema, Miss Fang? Miss Fang: ________ (look) at the sign, Peter. Peter: Oh!Sorry. The sign ___(mean) DDon‘t ___(eat) or ___(drink)‖. Danny: Look,the film is beginning. Look,the boy ________ (play) football with the children.He can ________ (play) football well. What‘s the film‘s name? Peter: I don‘t ________ (know),Danny. I ________ (like) the boy. Miss Fang: Don‘t _____ (talk). Let‘s _____ (see) the film together. Peter and Danny: Sorry. 四、按要求填空(16 分) I.根据括号内的单词完成句子: 1.I can _____________________(读英语). 2.There are ________________________(蔬菜) in the bowl. 3.Please ___________________________(打开书). 4.We _______________________(正在游泳) in the school. 5.Is the girl ________________________(骑自行车)? II.用英语写出括号内的数词: (1) The ________ (1) day of October is the National Day. (2) There are ________ (6) floors in our school. (3) Our Computer Room is on the ________ (3) floor. (4) How much is your watch? ________ (100) yuan. (5) I‘m Mrs Lin. I‘m ________ (40) years old. (6) Thanksgiving Day is the ________ (4) Thursday in November. (7) Which is your English teacher? The ________ (5) one in that row. (8) Peter‘s birthday is on the ________ (30) of May. (9) How many giraffes are there? ________ (21). (10) February is the ________ (2) month of a year. III.用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.What ________ the girls _______ (need)? They ________ (not need) Gameboys. They ______ (need) kites. 2.________ (look)! The boys ________ (play) football with their teachers. They are good at ________ (play) it. 3.Let‘s ________ (go) and ________ (buy) some presents for Danny. 4.Linda and I ________ (be) near the swimming pool. 5.Don‘t ________ (read) magazines in the bus. 6.There _____ (be) a pen,two pen pencils and a ruler in my pencil-box. 五、选择填空(25 分) 1.Peter is tall. He‘s ________ Mike. A.beside B.behind C.in front of 2.________ any ink bottles on the desk? A.Are these B.Is there C.Are there 3.There ________ a lot of books in the library. A.are B.am C.is 4.The dentist likes ________ some tigers. A.draw B.draws C.drawing 5.Have you got ________ bread? Yes,I‘ve got ________. A.some … any B.any … any C.any … some 6.Can I ________ TV? A.watching B.watch C.look 7.The traffic light‘s red. ________. A.Wait B.Don‘t cross the road C.Look out 8.________ I have some fish? A.Am B.Do C.Can 9.Here ________ some glue. A.has B.are C.is 10.________ Eddie like the black car? No. A.Do B.Does C.Has 11.________ any milkmen in the farm? A.Is there B.Are there C.There are 12.The students always go to bed at nine o‘clock ________. A.in the evening B.at night C.in the morning 13.Kitty has ________ old uniform. A.the B.a C.an 14.Don‘t play ________ the kitten. A.for B.with C./ 15.________ do you go home every day? At five. A.What B.What time C.Where 16.The man has got ________ money. He‘s rich. A.many B.any C.much 17.There is ________ flour in the packet. I must buy some. A.few B.little C.lots of 18.________ apples do you want? The red ________. A.Which … ones B.Which … one C.What … ones 19.Does Mr Chen ________ magazines in the afternoon? A.look B.see C.read 20.I like the yellow parrot ________ I don‘t like the blue one. A.and B.or C.with 21.The girl ________ her homework at five o‘clock in the afternoon. A.doing B.do C.does 22.I ________ like art. A.not B.don‘t C.am not 23.They like ________. A.an sausage B.the sausages C.a sausage 24.________ the first floor there are two rooms. A.At B.On C.In 25.How many ducklings ________ on the lake? A.is there B.are there C.have 六、按要求改写下列句子(11 分) 1.I have some ice-creams.(一般疑问句,肯定回答) ____________________________________________ 2.We like pineapples.(否定句) _________________________ 3.Their father wants a big packet of biscuits.(一般疑问句,否定回答) __________________________________________________________ 4.There are some trees and flowers in front of the river.(画线提问) ______________________________________________________ 5.Our maths teacher is writing in the office.(画线提问) _____________________________________________ 6.Their mother is playing the violin in the room.(画线提问) _________________________________________________ 7.Please listen to the music, Danny.(否定句) _____________________________________ 8.Danny gets up at six in the morning.(否定句) _______________________________________ 9.He is a student.(反意疑问句) __________________________ 10.Mary is taller than Peter.(保持原意) Peter ____________________________ 11.It‘s seven o‘clock.(画线提问) ___________________________ 七、阅读理解(15 分) (I) The Boy and the Dog Mr Brown looks out of his window.There is a boy in the street.He is eating a sand-wich. There is a dog in the street, too. boy says, The DCome here, good dog. going to give you some I‘m sandwiches.‖The dog comes up.The boy kicks the dog.The dog run away. Mr Brown comes out of the house and says to the boy,DCome here,I‘m going to give you some money. ‖The boy is happy and to Mr Brown. Mr Brown doesn‘t give him any money. kicks the But He boy. The boy cries and says,DWhy do you kick me? I don‘t ask you for any money.‖DThe dog doesn‘t ask you for any sandwich,‖Mr Brown says.DBut you kick it.‖ 阅读短文,判断下列句型是否与短文的内容相符,相同的用 T,不同的用 F 表示 (1) The boy is having some b 他 ad in the street. (2) The boy doesn‘t give the dog any bread. (3) The boy likes the clog. (4) Mr Brown wants to.give the boy some money. (5) Mr Brown is going to give the boy a lesson (教训). (II) A lot of boys and girls in Western countries are wearing the same kinds of clothes,and many of them have long hair,so it is often difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls. One clay,at old man went for a walk in a park in Washington,and when he was tired he sat down on bench.A young person was standing on the other side of the pond. DMy Goodness!‖the old mall said to the person who was sitting beside him on the bench.DDo you see that person with the jacket and long hair? Is it a boy or a girl?‖ DA girl.‖said his neighbor.DShe‘s my daughter.‖ DOh!‖the old man said quickly.DPlease forgive me,I didn‘t know that you were her mother.‖ DI‘m not,‖said the neighbor,DI‘m her father.‖ 根据短文回答问题 (1) What did old man see on the other side of the pond? _______________________________________________ (2) Why didn‘t the old man know if it was a boy or a girl? _______________________________________________ (3) Who did he ask? _______________________________________________ (4) What did this person answer? ______________________________________________ (5) What did the old man say then? _______________________________________________ (III) Take Care (当心) of Your Eyesight (视力) Schools and parents in Shenzhen City have been asked to take better care of children‘s eyesight as 45 percent (百分之) of them were found to be shortsighted (近视). much reading, Too poor lighting and too much TV are blamed (谴责).Of The city,s school graduates (毕业生) who applied (申请) to study at colleges (大学) this summer,two thirds (三分之二) had to have their choices (选择) limited (限制) because of poor eyesight,Shenzhen Special Zone Daily (深圳特区日报) said. 根据短文的意思,选出正确的答案 (1) This piece of news was reported by ________. A.People‘s Daily B.Shenzhen Special ZoneDaily C.China Daily D.Schools in Shenzhen City (2) The purpose (目的) of this news is to ________. A.tell the children who are shortsighted to take care of themselves B.blame (指责) schools and parents for children‘s poor eyesight C.ask the high school graduates to pay attention to their eyesight D.draw people‘s special attention (注意) to children‘s eyesight (3) According (根据) to this news only ________ of the children in Shenzhen City have good eyesight. A.45 percent B.1ess than a half C.55 percent D.two thirds (4) Because of poor eyesight,many high school graduates ________. A.weren‘t allowed (允许) to attend (参加) college B.couldn‘t graduate (毕业) from school C.couldn‘t choose to study what they liked best D.lost their chances (机会) to attend college (5)What caused (引起) so many children to be shortsighted? A.Too much reading. B.Too much TV. C.Poor lighting. D.All above. 八、小作文(5 分) 用连贯的不少于 5 句的句子描写你喜欢的动物。 My Favorite Animal ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________小学英语毕业升学模拟测试题(六)一、找出画线部分发音不同的单词,把代号写在前面的括号里(5 分) 1.A.sausage 2.A.plant 3.A.become 4.A.socks 5.A.dear B.quarter B.paper B.he B.want B.there C.water C.potato C.see C.what C.chair D.shout D.place D.feel D.water D.where二、按要求写单词:(20) 1.写出下列单词的反义词: hard ________ late ________ easy ________ left ________ thick ________ heavy ________2.写出下列动词的现在分词: fly ________ take ________ dive ________ sing ________ get ________ begin ________3.给下列名词以复数形式,不可数名词用D/‖表示: potato ________ river ________ dish ________ sheep ________ milk ________ skirt ________ ink bottle _______ knife ________4.写出下列同音词:(8%) right ________ there ________ know ________ sea ________ flower ________ too ________ for ________ sun ________5.写出下列动词的现在分词形式: shut eat ________ ________ dance ________ sing dive ________ ________ swim ________ dig ________ bake ________ sleep ________catch ________三、用适当的动词填空:(5 分) 1.Look,Tim ________ (make) a model plane in the sitting room. 2.________ (not) look out of the window now. Please ________ (listen) to the teacher. Mr White ________ (read) a story. 3.________ you ________ (like) science? 4.Can you ________ (do) your homework? 5.Please ________ (cross) the road. 6.Look over there. ________ they ________ (play) the football? 7.We ________ (eat) an apple and two bananas every day. 8.Let‘s ________ (come) and ________ (clean) the blackboard. 9.It‘s two o‘clock. The pupils ________ (watch) a football match. 10.Our teachers like ________ (dance). 四、选择填空:(35 分) 1.Jane is a pupil ________ Class Four. A.in B.of C.at 2.The Li River is ________ Guilin. A.in B.near C.on 3.Wash your ________,please. A.hands B.cake C.book 4.Mum,I am thirsty. ________. A.I want some water B.I want some rice C.I want some fish 5.You look so tired. ________. A.Please go out B.Go to bed,please C.Please go to school 6.I usually get up late ________ the weekend. A.on B.at C.in 7.The girls ________ in the park now. A.plays B.play C.are playing 8.Are you afraid of ________? A.shakers B.shark C.sharks 9.Kitty is playing ________ her dolls. A.and B.with C./ 10.What ________ he ________ on Sundays? A.do … do B.does … do C.is … doing 11.Alice ________ TV on Sundays. A.watches B.watch C.watching 12.This knife isn‘t blunt. It‘s ________. A.sharp B.hard C.soft 13.You can‘t play ball games after 6 o‘clock. You can play ________ 6 o‘clock. A.in front of B.before C.behind 14.My father is ________. He‘s singing on his bicycle. A.angry B.happy C.sad 15.The lemon is ________. I don‘t like it. A.sweet B.salt C.sour 16.Look,Mary and Jim ________ to the music. A.listen B.listening C.are listening 17.He has ________ uniform. A.an B.a C.the 18.Is that ________ sandwich nice? A.a B.the C./ 19.Bob can ________ in the sea. A.is diving B.dive C.dives 20.What do you need ________ your birthday? A.at B.on C.for 21.Is there ________ jam on the plate? Yes,there is. A.some B.any C.many 22.What‘s in the box? ________ two apples. A.They‘re B.There‘s C.There are 23.How many ________ have you? Only one. A.brushes B.brush C.a brush 24.Is that ________ banana big? A.a B.an C./ 25.Eddie,________ watch TV at home. A.not B.don‘t C.can‘t 26.There are many ________ in Shanghai. A.library B.libraries C.librarys 27.________ they ________ in the room? Yes,they are. A.Do … sing B.Are … singing C.Can … sing 28.The girls ________ in the park. A.are playing B.is playing C.are playying 29.Please ________ clean water. A.drink B.eat C.drinking 30.Listen,the pupils ________ English. A.are read B.read C.drinking 31.Jane is pupil ________ Class Four. A.in B.of C.at 32.________ some ink in the pen. A.There is B.There are C.Have 33.Wash your ________,please. A.hands B.cake C.book 34.Mum,I am thirsty. ________. A.I want some water B.I want some rice C.I want some fish 35.You look so tired. ________. A.Please go out B.Go to bed,please C.Please go to school 五、按要求完成句子(15 分) I.将下列句子改为否定句和一般疑问句: 1.These apples are sour. ______________________________________________ 2.The pupil has got a pair of scissors. ______________________________________________ 3.There are some giraffes in the jungle. ______________________________________________ 4.He goes home at four o‘clock in the afternoon. ______________________________________________ 5.She can climb the mountain. ______________________________________________ II.画线提问: 1.I like music best. ______________________________________________ 2.I can smell smoke in the room. ______________________________________________ 3.Alan has got some bread and coffee. ______________________________________________ 4.The apple is very smooth. ______________________________________________ 5. My sister is looking at herself in the mirror. ______________________________________________ 6.They have seven lessons on Monday. ______________________________________________ 7.Jessica has got an invitation to a party. ______________________________________________ 8.It is cold in January. ______________________________________________ 9.We want some tape and glue. ______________________________________________ 10.His mother likes to go to the supermarket. _____________________________________________ 六、阅读短文,填入所缺的单词:(10 分) (I) It‘s Linda‘s birthday ________ Sunday. She‘s ________ America. I‘m going ________ buy a present ________ her ________ Tom. Now we are ________ the shop. We see many things there. We can‘t buy her a super doll,because we haven‘t got much money ________ our pocket. So we buy her a pair ________ socks. It‘s cheap and nice. When we leave the shop,it‘s ________ five o‘clock. We go home ________ bus then. (II) Today is S_______. The children are very h_______,b________ there are n_______ lessons today. Some of the boys can play f________ in the p________. Others can play computer g______ at school. The girls like to have a p_______ with their f________. What a n________ day they have! 七、阅读理解(25 分) (I) Jimmy lives in the country,and he loves playing in the river near his house. But his father gets a job in a big city,and he moves there with his family. Their new house has a garden,but the garden is very small. Jimmy isn‘t happy. DIs there a river near here?‖He asks his mother on the first morning. His mother answers,DNo,there isn‘t, but there‘s a nice park near here and there‘s a pool in it. We‘re going there this afternoon.‖ Jimmy is happy now. After lunch,Jimmy and his mother go to the park. Jimmy wants to walk near the pool,but there is a sign before it. His mother reads it to him. DWarning: This pool is dangerous. 367 people fell into it.‖ Jimmy looks into the pool carefully,and he says,DBut I can‘t see them.‖ 阅读短文,作判断,用“T”、“F”表示 1.Jimmy is a country boy. 2.His mother gets a job in a big city. 3.Their new garden is very big. 4.There is a river near his old house. (II) Kingdom (王国) of Bicycles China is called theDKingdom of Bicycles‖.One of the reason why so many people ride bicycles is that bikes are more convenient than cars.In cities during rush hours (高峰时间) every day,bike riders form lines down the streets like long dragons. the country strong bikes are well received because they In can carry goods (货物) as well as people.Phoenix (凤凰) and Eternal (永久) are two types of,bicycles people like most (最) . They have controlled (控制) the Chinese bicycle market (市场) for dozens of years. Now the most fashionable (流行的) bikes are those whose speed (速度) can be changed.People, especially (尤其) young people,like them as they look nice and are quick,light and convenient in use. 根据短文的内容,选出正确的答案 (1) What‘s tlle Chinese forDKingdom of Bicycles‖? A.自行车之王 B.王牌自行车 C.自行车王国 D.国王的自行车 (2) The Chinese forDconvenient‖is ________. A.小的 B.便宜 C.便利 D.快 (3) Why are strong bikes well received in China? A.Because they look nice. B.Because the Chinese ale heavy. C.Because they can carry goods:and people. D.Because they are cheap. (4) What bicycles do the Chinese like best? A.Phoenix bikes. B.Eternal bikes. C.Golden Lion bikes. D.A and B. (5) Why do people like the bikes whose speed can be changed? A.Because they are beautiful. B.Because they are quick. C.Because they ale light and convenient. D.A,B and C. (III) The Trees Are Daydreaming Two small young trees are standing on the top of a hill. Their names are Elaine and Tony. It‘s sunny and warm. Some birds are singing. The wind is blowing a little,and the trees are daydreaming. DWhat do you want to be when you grow up?‖ Asks Elaine. DI‘m not sure,I think I want to be a chair or a table in a living room,‖answers Tony. DMaybe I want to be a dollhouse or a toy box or baseball bat … I like boys and girls.‖ DMaybe I want to be a fishing boat. I don‘t know. What do you want to be when you grow up?‖ asks Tony. DMe?‖ says Elaine,DI just want to be a tree. I want to be a house for birds and spiders. I want to have many apples and a swing. And when it‘s raining,people and animals can stand under me.‖ 1.How many trees are there in the story? ______________________________________________ 2.Where are the trees standing? ______________________________________________ 3.Are there any birds in the story? ______________________________________________ 4.What are the birds doing? ______________________________________________ 5.Does Tony want to be a car when he grows up? ______________________________________________ 6.What does Tony want to be When he grows up? ______________________________________________ 7.Does Elaine want to be a dollhouse when she grows up? ______________________________________________ 8}


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