the haunt u1这幅图里面最后一片拼图怎么都找不到,我怀疑是不是游戏有bug,帮我找找

字幕西部世界 第一季 (Westworld Season 1)第01集完整预览
时间00:01:33  西部世界时间00:01:48  第一季
第一集时间00:01:52  把她唤醒Bring her back online.时间00:02:02  听得到我说话吗Can you hear me?时间00:02:03  是的Yes.时间00:02:05  抱歉
我感觉不太好I'm sorry. I'm not feeling quite myself.时间00:02:08  去掉口音You can lose the accent.时间00:02:09  你知道你身在何处吗Do you know where you are?时间00:02:12  我在梦里I'm in a dream.时间00:02:14  没错
你在梦里That's right, Dolores. You're in a dream.时间00:02:17  你想从梦里醒来吗Would you like to wake up from this dream?时间00:02:19  是的Yes.时间00:02:21  我很害怕I'm terrified.时间00:02:23  没什么可怕的
德洛丽丝There's nothing to be afraid of, Dolores,时间00:02:25  只要你答对我的问题就可以了As long as you answer my questions correctly.时间00:02:27  -明白了吗
-是的- Understand? - Yes.时间00:02:30  很好Good.时间00:02:32  第一个问题First...时间00:02:33  你是否质疑过你眼中现实世界的本质Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?时间00:02:40  没有No.时间00:02:46  告诉我
你对你的世界的看法Tell us what you think of your world.时间00:02:51  有人选择看到这个世界上的丑恶Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world.时间00:02:57  那些无秩序的混乱The disarray.时间00:03:01  我选择看到美好I choose to see the beauty.时间00:03:06  早上好
睡得好吗Morning, daddy. You sleep well?时间00:03:08  很好Well enough.时间00:03:10  你要出去写生吗You headed out to set down some of this natural splendor?时间00:03:14  是的Thought I might.时间00:03:17  我相信我们的生命有着某种秩序To believe there is an order to our days,时间00:03:22  某个目标A purpose.时间00:03:29  你对客人有什么看法What do you think of the guests?时间00:03:31  你是说新住民吗You mean the newcomers?时间00:03:34  第一次来的时候我全程演个好人Now, the first time I played it white hat.时间00:03:36  我家人也一起来了My family was here.时间00:03:37  我们一起去钓鱼
去山里淘金We went fishing, did the gold hunt in the mountains.时间00:03:40  -上一次呢
-一个人来的- And last time? - I came alone.时间00:03:44  变身大魔头Went straight evil.时间00:03:46  那是我一生中最棒的两个星期It was the best two weeks of my life.时间00:03:49  我记得父亲对我的教导I like to remember what my father taught me.时间00:03:56  在某个时刻That at one point or another,时间00:03:58  我们都是这个世界的新住民we were all new to this world.时间00:04:09  那些新住民跟我们一样
只是为了寻找The newcomers are just looking for the same thing we are--时间00:04:12  一个自由的地方A place to be free时间00:04:15  一个可以界定梦境to stake out our dreams,时间00:04:18  有着无限可能的地方a place with unlimited possibilities.时间00:04:21  老天
这真是太不可思议了Oh, god, it's incredible.时间00:04:24  当然要物超所值Better be for what we're paying.时间00:05:12  心狠手辣的杀人犯赫克托·艾斯卡顿Murderous son of a bitch named Hector Escaton时间00:05:15  枪杀了警察局长gunned down the marshal.时间00:05:17  躲去山里了He's holed up in the mountains.时间00:05:19  你You there.时间00:05:21  你看起来是个有勇气的小伙子You look like the kind of man who'd put his mettle to it.时间00:05:24  今天可不行
抱歉Not today, sheriff. Apologies.时间00:05:32  黑麦威士忌Rye whiskey.时间00:05:35  干嘛What about it?时间00:05:37  装在瓶子里没人喝也没什么用Well, it ain't doing any good sitting in that bottle.时间00:05:50  你是新来的You're new.时间00:05:53  细皮嫩肉的Not much of a rind on you.时间00:05:56  给你打个折吧I'll give you a discount.时间00:05:58  无意冒犯
不过Well, no offense, but...时间00:06:00  我更情愿赢得女士的芳心
而不是花钱买I'd rather earn a woman's affection than pay for it.时间00:06:03  爱情总归是要花钱的
亲爱的You're always paying for it, darling.时间00:06:05  区别在于
我们的收费The difference is our costs时间00:06:07  是明码标价挂在门前的are fixed and posted right there on the door.时间00:06:20  你觉得你的世界里有矛盾吗Do you ever feel inconsistences in your world?时间00:06:24  有反复吗Or repetitions?时间00:06:27  每个生命都有其特定的轨道All lives have routine.时间00:06:29  我的并没有什么不同Mine's no different.时间00:06:31  然而
我总是止不住好奇Still, I never cease to wonder at the thought时间00:06:35  会不会有那么一天
一次机缘巧合that any day the course of my whole life时间00:06:37  就会改变我整个人生的方向could change with just one chance encounter.时间00:06:40  别管我Don't mind me.时间00:06:43  只是想表现下骑士风度Just trying to look chivalrous.时间00:06:48  你回来了You came back.时间00:06:49  我说过我会回来的I told you I would.时间00:06:55  我能送你回家吗Can I see you home?时间00:06:56  那得看你跟不跟得上了Well, that all depends. Can you keep up?时间00:07:00  我还得去牵我的马Well, I have to fetch my horse.时间00:07:03  那你最好快一点Better fetch him fast.时间00:07:36  景色真美That's a beautiful sight.时间00:07:38  一直不明白Never understood how you时间00:07:39  你怎么能让它们都往一个方向走keep them all headed in the same direction.时间00:07:43  我忘了你是一个光装相I forget you dress like a cowboy,时间00:07:44  不放牛的牛仔but that's about the extent of it.时间00:07:50  看见那头了吗See that one?时间00:07:53  -嗯
-那是头牛朱达斯- Yeah. - That's the Judas steer.时间00:07:56  你让他去哪儿
牛群都会跟着过去Rest will follow wherever you make him go.时间00:08:01  你是怎么把它选出来的How do you pick him out?时间00:08:03  知道点技巧罢了Just know these things.时间00:08:07  就像我还知道你一定会回来的Same as I knew you'd be back.时间00:08:10  你是说我很好猜You saying I'm predictable?时间00:08:14  每个人都有自己的路There's a path for everyone.时间00:08:18  你的路指引你回到我身边Your path leads you back to me.时间00:08:21  我知道万物皆有定数I know things will work out the way they're meant to.时间00:08:30  就像我还知道爸爸看到你会不高兴Same as I know my daddy still won't be happy to see you.时间00:08:51  父亲不会这么晚让它们在外边乱跑的Father wouldn't let them roam this close to dark.时间00:09:00  待着别动
德洛丽丝Stay put, Dolores.时间00:09:12  你这里除了牛奶Ain't you got anything out here时间00:09:14  就没有别的了吗
老头Other than milk, old man?时间00:09:17  动手吧Go ahead.时间00:09:19  我不急着去见阎王I'm in no rush to meet my judgment,时间00:09:22  但我很清楚你将面临的下场
你这混...but I'm more sure of the outcome than you, you son of a--时间00:09:29  那就是只有牛奶了Nothing but milk, then.时间00:09:39  真可惜
我们都没来得及上Shame of it is you killed the old woman时间00:09:41  你就把那老女人杀了before any of us could have a turn.时间00:09:46  我看她还暖和着呢I reckon she's still warm enough.时间00:09:49  没人会说三道四的Nobody gonna judge you for it.时间00:10:01  该死
该死Oh, shit. Shit, shit, shit.时间00:10:13  最后一个问题
德洛丽丝Last question, Dolores.时间00:10:16  如果我告诉你
你是错的呢What if I told you that you were wrong?时间00:10:19  这里没有什么机缘巧合That there are no chance encounters?时间00:10:24  你
和你熟知的每一个人That you and everyone you know时间00:10:26  都是被创造出来为那些were built to gratify the desires时间00:10:28  花钱来到你们世界的人们满足欲求的of the people who pay to visit your world?时间00:10:31  爸爸Daddy!时间00:10:33  爸爸Daddy!时间00:10:35  爸爸
不Daddy! No!时间00:10:37  那些人被你叫做"新住民"The people you call "The newcomers."时间00:10:40  又见面了Hello again.时间00:10:48  你爸爸放弃得真快Your daddy gave it up quickly.时间00:10:50  感觉他越来越差劲了Think he's losing his touch.时间00:10:53  你就要随他而去了
你这混蛋You'll be following right behind him, you son of a bitch.时间00:10:59  这就是你对待老朋友的方式吗Is that any way to treat an old friend?时间00:11:03  我来这里反复三十年了I've been coming here for 30 years,时间00:11:05  但是你依然不记得我
是不是But you still don't remember me, do you?时间00:11:08  我们一起经历过那么多After all we've been through.时间00:11:12  他们给你增加了点勇气
德洛丽丝They gave you a little more pluck, Dolores.时间00:11:16  真是太迷人了Absolutely charming.时间00:11:19  别用你的脏手碰她Take your hands off her.时间00:11:23  泰迪Oh, Teddy.时间00:11:28  学了什么新招数吗Any special tricks for us?时间00:11:30  他们教了你坐直
还是作揖讨食They teach you to sit up, beg?时间00:11:36  不如我让你先开枪吧How about I give you the first shot, hmm?时间00:11:40  毕竟
死狗也有翻身的时候After all, every dog has his day.时间00:11:45  你的嘴巴倒是动得挺快Well, your mouth move fast enough.时间00:11:49  不知你的枪如何How about your gun?时间00:12:04  如果我告诉你
你不能伤害新住民What if I told you that you can't hurt the newcomers?时间00:12:10  而他们可以对你为所欲为呢And that they can do anything they want to you?时间00:12:14  我从不明白他们为什么要把你们配成一对I never understood why they paired some of you off.时间00:12:19  看起来挺残酷的Seems cruel.时间00:12:24  然后我明白了And then I realized时间00:12:27  胜利要建立在别人输掉的基础上才有意义winning doesn't mean anything unless someone else loses.时间00:12:31  也就是说
你注定要成为输家Which means you're here to be the loser.时间00:12:40  我来帮你一把吧
孩子Let me help you, son.时间00:12:58  看起来你不是你以为的那种人Seems you're not the man you thought you were.时间00:13:07  来吧
美人Come on, beautiful.时间00:13:09  不不
不要Oh, no! No!时间00:13:10  泰迪
泰迪Teddy! Teddy!时间00:13:16  不不不
求你别伤害他No, no, no, please don't hurt him.时间00:13:19  你要什么我都愿意做I'll do whatever you say.时间00:13:21  我花这么多钱可不是为了简简单单取胜I didn't pay all this money 'cause I want it easy.时间00:13:24  我想要你反抗I want you to fight.时间00:13:27  不准碰她Don't you touch her!时间00:13:39  该死的
回来这里的感觉真棒God damn, feels good to be back.时间00:13:42  咱们去庆祝吧Let's celebrate.时间00:13:45  不
不要No! Don't!时间00:13:47  不
不要Oh, no, no!时间00:13:50  不要No!时间00:13:55  我告诉你的这些事Would the things I told you时间00:13:56  有没有让你改变对新住民的看法
德洛丽丝change the way you think about the newcomers, Dolores?时间00:13:58  不要No!时间00:14:00  没有No.时间00:14:01  当然没有Of course not.时间00:14:03  我们都喜爱新住民We all love the newcomers.时间00:14:07  我遇到的每个新的人Every new person I meet时间00:14:08  都提醒着我
能活着是多么幸运reminds me how lucky I am to be alive...时间00:14:14  这个世界是多么美好...and how beautiful this world can be.时间00:14:38  天啊
他们可真鲜活Oh, my god, they're so lifelike.时间00:14:40  看看那个
他简直完美Look at that one. He's perfect.时间00:14:43  完美等于无聊Perfect is boring.时间00:14:44  我对坏人更感兴趣I'm more interested in the bad guys.时间00:16:15  看到了吗Did you see it?时间00:16:17  没有No.时间00:16:18  再等等
她还会重复Give it a second. She'll do it again.时间00:16:25  她的手指
那不是标准配置手势Her finger. That's not standard.时间00:16:28  我昨晚就注意到了I noticed it last night.时间00:16:30  于是去查了更新文件Went looking in the update.时间00:16:31  是一套新型的手势It's a whole new class of gestures.时间00:16:34  可如果不是我们设置的
那会是谁But if we didn't put it there, then who did?时间00:16:35  福特
他在我们发布更新前还是会一一检查Ford. He still reviews every update before we issue them.时间00:16:38  肯定是他没告诉别人偷偷加进去的He must have slipped it in there without telling anyone.时间00:16:43  他管那叫"冥思"He calls them "Reveries."时间00:16:46  以前的手势只是一般的动作The old gestures were just generic movements.时间00:16:48  -这些是绑定了特定记忆的
-怎么可能- These are tied to specific memories. - How?时间00:16:51  记忆会在每个叙事环结束后被清除The memories are purged at the end of every narrative loop.时间00:16:53  但数据还在
等着被覆盖重写But they're still in there, waiting to be overwritten.时间00:16:56  他找到了方法对它们进行提取He found a way to access them,时间00:16:57  就像某种潜意识Like a subconscious.时间00:17:02  一个有深度的妓女A hooker with hidden depths?时间00:17:04  所有男人的梦想啊Every man's dream.时间00:17:07  就是这些小细节让他们显得真实It's the tiny things that make them seem real,时间00:17:10  让游客爱上他们That make the guests fall in love with them.时间00:17:20  失陪Excuse me.时间00:18:00  出问题了吗We have a problem?时间00:18:02  我们监测到某种非既定活动We have some unscheduled activity.时间00:18:04  显然
你的一个作品不太安分Evidently, one of your creatures is restless.时间00:18:06  在园区里吗In the park?时间00:18:07  不
地下83层No, sublevel 83, cold storage.时间00:18:10  我们该谨慎处理We should be cautious.时间00:18:11  派个应急小队过去
要全副武装Send a response team, full armor.时间00:18:13  我会亲自去处理I'll take care of it myself.时间00:18:15  我觉得你们跟游客一样享受换装I think you guys enjoy playing dress up as much as the guests.时间00:18:18  接待员没法伤害你们
设定就是如此The hosts can't hurt you by design.时间00:18:22  你家里没有孩子吧
伯纳德You don't have kids at home, do you, Bernard?时间00:18:25  没有No.时间00:18:26  要是你有
你就会知道他们早晚都会叛逆If you did, you'd know that they all rebel eventually.时间00:18:32  你得原谅他们可能有点紧张过度You'll forgive them for being a little uptight.时间00:18:35  每次你的团队运行一次更新Every time your team rolls out an update,时间00:18:37  都有出现重大故障的可能性There's a possibility of a critical failure.时间00:18:39  我们又不会更新冷藏库里的接待员We don't update the hosts in cold storage时间00:18:40  园区也有三十年没出现过重大故障了And the park hasn't had a critical failure in over 30 years.时间00:18:43  早该出故障了Meaning we're overdue.时间00:18:47  我也去
我也许能帮上忙I'll go along, too. If it's one of mine, I might be able to help.时间00:18:50  他们正常运作的时候才是你的
伯尼They're only yours until they stop working, Bernie.时间00:18:53  否则他们就是我的Then they're mine.时间00:19:13  {\an8}地下83层时间00:19:18  制冷系统已经坏了几周了Cooling system's been down for weeks.时间00:19:21  气味肯定不错
我建议你退后点Gonna smell fantastic. I recommend you hang back.时间00:19:46  他们什么时候会修好When are they gonna fix this?时间00:19:48  牲畜管理部门还有其他更重要的事Livestock management's got other priorities.时间00:19:52  而且Besides...时间00:19:57  这里又没人抱怨No one's complained.时间00:20:27  敬穿白鞋的女士Here's to the lady with the white shoes.时间00:20:34  卷走了所有的钱
还喝光了所有的酒Take all your money, drink all your booze.时间00:20:38  别Stop.时间00:20:39  除非你打算把老板也废了Unless you plan to decommission the boss.时间00:20:43  没能守身如玉
那算不上罪过ain't got a cherry, that ain't no sin.时间00:20:47  至少身子还在She's still got the box that the cherry come in.时间00:20:52  我要为此喝一杯I'll drink to that.时间00:20:58  辛辣酒The old coffin varnish.时间00:20:58  {\an8}西部酒吧用威士忌与松节油/氨水/火药/辣椒粉调的重口酒时间00:21:00  他们现在已经不做了They don't make that like they used to.时间00:21:06  现在什么都比不上从前了They don't make anything like they used to.时间00:21:08  没错
人也一样Damn right. Men neither.时间00:21:12  我当年看过几次决战I've seen a few showdowns in my day.时间00:21:16  可比你想的还多More than you know.时间00:21:22  我们为穿白鞋的女士干一杯吧Shall we drink to the lady with the white shoes?时间00:21:27  我们还是为了Perhaps we better drink to a...时间00:21:30  一夜无梦的沉睡干一杯吧Deep and dreamless slumber.时间00:21:43  老比尔总是个很好的倾听者Old Bill here was always a good listener.时间00:21:46  他是我们造的第二个接待员He was the second host we ever built.时间00:21:49  那时候你来了吗
伯纳德Were you with us in those days, Bernard,时间00:21:50  还是在你来之前了Or was that before your time?时间00:21:52  恐怕大部分都在我来之前就被废弃了Most were decommissioned before I was brought on, I'm afraid.时间00:21:56  他们一直自我重复
经常坏掉They repeated themselves, broke down constantly.时间00:22:01  一次简单的握手就能让他们暴露本质A simple handshake would give them away.时间00:22:05  你还会把自己放好吧
比尔You'll put yourself away again, won't you, Bill?时间00:22:14  我看到了新的手势
冥思I saw the new gestures, the reveries.时间00:22:17  很优美They're beautiful.时间00:22:19  你这一路来做出的成就The distance you've traveled from then till now,时间00:22:22  很了不起It's remarkable.时间00:22:26  算得上是吧Yeah, that's a word for it.时间00:22:50  早上好
睡得好吗Morning, daddy. You sleep well?时间00:22:53  很好Well enough.时间00:22:55  你要出去写生吗You headed out to set down some of this natural splendor?时间00:22:59  是的Thought I might.时间00:23:01  当然得等我放完牛After my errands, of course.时间00:23:03  天黑前回来See you home before dark.时间00:23:05  那个枪杀了警察局长的强盗That bandit who gunned down the时间00:23:06  还藏在山里marshal is still hiding up there in the hills.时间00:23:08  我已经不是小孩子了
没事的I'm not a child anymore. I'll be just fine.时间00:23:11  我当差的时候When I was a law man--时间00:23:12  没错
我知道所有你当差时的事Yes, daddy, I know all about when you were a law man.时间00:23:15  我和所有想追我的男孩子I know all your stories and时间00:23:16  都知道你的那些故事so does every boy that ever came courting.时间00:23:18  我知道他们是怎么想的
我也年轻过I know how boys think. Was one myself once.时间00:23:22  经常各种酗酒闹事Given to all manner of drinking and mischief.时间00:23:25  那个无法无天的男孩去哪了Whatever happened to that fearsome ne'er-do-well?时间00:23:29  他在我成为你父亲的那天消失了He vanished the day I became your father.时间00:23:35  是你造就了今天的我I am what I am because of you,时间00:23:38  我也不想成为别的样子and I wouldn't have it any other way.时间00:23:41  我知道
爸爸I know, daddy.时间00:23:44  我会在天黑前回家I'll be home before dark.时间00:24:04  心狠手辣的杀人犯赫克托·艾斯卡顿Murderous son of a bitch Hector Escaton时间00:24:07  枪杀了警察局长gunned down the marshal.时间00:24:08  他现在窝藏在山上He's now holed up in the mountains.时间00:24:12  这位先生You there.时间00:24:14  你看起来很有勇气You look like the kind of man who'd put his mettle to it.时间00:24:20  你觉得呢
亲爱的What do you think, honey?时间00:24:21  听起来很好玩Sounds fun.时间00:24:24  你是新来的You're new.时间00:24:27  细皮嫩肉的Not much of a rind on you.时间00:24:29  给你打个折吧I'll give you a discount.时间00:24:31  无意冒犯
我更情愿赢得女士的芳心No offense, but I'd rather earn a woman's affection时间00:24:34  而不是花钱买than pay for it.时间00:24:51  等等
我认识他Wait, wait, I know that one.时间00:24:53  泰迪Hey, Teddy.时间00:24:56  上次过来
是这哥们带我参观的Yeah, last trip, this dude showed me around.时间00:25:00  怎么了
泰迪What's the good word, Teddy?时间00:25:22  多谢了Mighty kind of you.时间00:25:24  很甜Sweet.时间00:25:27  但不如你甜Not as sweet as you.时间00:25:32  恐怕我今晚另有安排了
德洛丽丝I'm afraid I've got other plans tonight, Dolores.时间00:25:38  祝你今晚愉快Have a pleasant evening.时间00:25:49  你是新来的
细皮...You're new. Not much of a...时间00:25:57  请下注
请下注Place your bets, gentlemen. Place your bets.时间00:26:38  看来赫克托往这边逃了Yeah, looks like Hector's been this way.时间00:26:46  你知道还要走多久吗Any idea how much longer this is gonna take?时间00:26:48  我妻子不想在天黑后还在山上My wife doesn't want to be up here after dark.时间00:26:49  我们知道他躲在山上某处We know he's up in these hills somewhere.时间00:26:52  他肯定会狠狠和我们干上一场
等我们He's gonna put up one hell of a fight when we--时间00:26:54  等我们
等我们When we-- when we--时间00:27:05  治安官Sheriff?时间00:27:09  他出毛病了
我要回镇上Something is wrong with it. I want to head back to town.时间00:27:13  马上Now.时间00:27:22  这他妈的什么毛病What the fuck is wrong with it?时间00:27:24  你给他升了级You updated the guy,时间00:27:25  现在他犯了癫痫and now he's a six-foot gourd with epilepsy.时间00:27:28  到底他妈的怎么回事So what the fuck happened?时间00:27:32  我不知道I don't know.时间00:27:33  这还真是Well, that's exactly what时间00:27:34  我想从编程部门主管嘴里听到的话呢you want to hear from your head of programming.时间00:27:37  我们还没完成诊断We haven't finished the diagnostic yet.时间00:27:39  很明显机器出现了异常行为Clearly it's exhibiting some aberrant behavior.时间00:27:42  真他妈异常啊
伯尼Pretty fucking aberrant, Bernie.时间00:27:44  你的接待员会生病
迷路Your hosts get sick, they get lost,时间00:27:46  但这可就奇怪了but this is grotesque.时间00:27:48  是升级导致的问题吗Is it a problem with the update?时间00:27:49  有可能
但可能性不大Possible, but not likely.时间00:27:52  如果这个版本有问题If it's the unlikely version,时间00:27:53  说说你已经升级了多少接待员how many hosts have you updated so far?时间00:27:56  差不多10%Maybe 10% of the population.时间00:27:58  好吧
弄清问题前把所有升级接待员收回All right, we pull all updated hosts until we can figure it out.时间00:28:03  你他妈的在逗我吗Are you fucking kidding me?时间00:28:06  那可是两百个接待员
涉及十几条故事线That's 200 hosts spread across a dozen active storylines.时间00:28:09  游客们经常会打断你宝贵的故事情节The guests interrupt your precious storylines all the time时间00:28:12  只要他们想射击或者干什么东西的时候when they want to shoot or fuck something.时间00:28:13  不
那是他们想No, when they want to.时间00:28:15  我们提供的是一百个相互关联的故事We sell complete immersion时间00:28:17  沉浸式的旅程in 100 interconnected narratives.时间00:28:19  不间断的体验A relentless fucking experience.时间00:28:22  你抽掉一个角色
整个故事都要调整Now, you pull one character, the overall story adjusts.时间00:28:26  一次性抽掉两百个
这他妈就是大灾难You pull 200 at once, and it's a fucking disaster!时间00:28:29  你觉得我们要怎么做I mean, what do you propose we do?时间00:28:31  停业吗
发礼品券吗Close down? Issue fucking gift certificates?时间00:28:34  你的眉毛很美It's beautiful-- your brow.时间00:28:38  当你生气却极力控制的时候
眉毛很美When you're angry but trying to control it,时间00:28:40  肌肉活动使其形成一道弧线The fine muscles pull into a little arc.时间00:28:43  很优美It's elegant.时间00:28:44  我能录下来吗Would you mind if I recorded it?时间00:28:46  我想给我的团队看看I'd love to show it to my team.时间00:28:49  不行
不能录No, Bernard, you may not record it.时间00:28:50  眉毛又动了Ah, there it is again.时间00:28:55  园区内有1400名游客We have 1,400 guests in the park.时间00:28:58  我需要知道他们是否有危险I need to know if they're in any danger.时间00:29:00  他的核心程序很完整His core code is intact,时间00:29:03  也就是说他不会伤害游客which means he can't hurt a guest.时间00:29:05  就连一只苍蝇都不会伤害He literally couldn't hurt a fly.时间00:29:08  他只会...All he can do is...时间00:29:11  这么做...that.时间00:29:14  好吧
伯尼All right, Bernie.时间00:29:16  进行诊断Run a diagnostic.时间00:29:18  同时
哪怕是一个In the meantime, there's so much时间00:29:21  偏离剧本的小喷嚏
都要告诉我as an unscripted sneeze, I want to know about it.时间00:29:44  这地方太他妈疯狂了This place is fucking wild.时间00:29:49  这只是最基本的This is basic.时间00:29:50  第一级Level one.时间00:29:53  你出城后You ride out of town,时间00:29:55  真正的疯狂才刚刚开始that's when the real demented shit begins.时间00:29:57  那时我朋友泰迪就会登场That's where my man Teddy comes in.时间00:29:59  他就像个导游He's like a guide.时间00:30:02  老实说Honestly,时间00:30:05  那家伙让我感觉有点恐怖the guy kind of creeps me out.时间00:30:09  管他的
等他带我们出了峡谷Fuck it, he leads us out in the canyons,时间00:30:11  无聊的时候就拿他当靶子练枪好了we get bored, we just use him for target practice.时间00:30:30  我们不应该过河吧I don't think we're supposed to be cross the river.时间00:30:32  雅各布还太小It's too adult for Jacob.时间00:30:36  我们无意打扰您We didn't mean to bother you.时间00:30:38  不算打扰
这里景色很美No bother at all. It's a beautiful spot.时间00:30:41  我一直觉得不该一个人独享I always found it a shame that I have it all to myself.时间00:30:48  它们每天都会来They come here every day.时间00:30:51  你想靠近点看吗Would you like a closer look?时间00:31:09  别怕
它们很温顺的Don't be scared. They're very gentle.时间00:31:11  给你
手掌摊平Here, put your hand out real flat.时间00:31:21  它们很美吧They're beautiful, aren't they?时间00:31:23  你是他们中的一员
对吧You're one of them, aren't you?时间00:31:26  你不是真实的You're not real.时间00:31:32  我得走了
太阳快下山了I have to go now. Sun's almost down.时间00:31:36  你们也回吧
山里有强盗You should, too. There's bandits in these hills.时间00:31:52  就是这样
驾Here we go, yah! Yah!时间00:32:41  你在等我吗
爸爸You waiting up for me, daddy?时间00:32:43  我跟你说了我会在天黑前回来I told you I'd be home before dark.时间00:32:46  我今天在土里发现了这个I found this in the field today.时间00:32:54  我看不出来什么Doesn't look like anything to me.时间00:32:56  她这是在哪里Well, where is she?时间00:32:58  你见过这种地方吗Have you ever seen anything like this place?时间00:33:02  我看不出来什么Doesn't look like anything to me.时间00:33:07  我去帮妈妈准备晚饭了I'm gonna help mama put supper on.时间00:33:26  我跟你想得一样I had the same thought.时间00:33:28  睡觉之前得晒晒太阳Needed a little sunshine before turning in.时间00:33:32  你下次什么时候轮班回家So, when do you get to rotate home again?时间00:33:36  你这么不会聊天If you're this bad at writing small talk,时间00:33:38  到底是怎么得到这份工作的How the fuck did you get your job?时间00:33:41  说重点Get to the point.时间00:33:42  如果之前多有冒犯
我向你道歉I wanted to apologize if I came across as aggressive.时间00:33:48  还有我想跟你谈谈更新的事And I wanted to talk to you about the update.时间00:33:50  问题已经解决了The problem's been resolved.时间00:33:51  根本就不该有什么更新There should never have been an update in the first place.时间00:33:54  福特和伯纳德一直想把他们弄得更像人类Ford and Bernard keep making the things more lifelike.时间00:33:57  但真的有人想要这样吗But does anyone truly want that?时间00:34:00  你想觉得Do you want to think that your时间00:34:00  你丈夫真的在上某个漂亮女人吗husband is really fucking that beautiful girl时间00:34:03  还是你真的射杀了某个人or that you really just shot someone?时间00:34:05  正因为游客知道接待员不是真人This place works because the guests时间00:34:07  这里才这么受欢迎know the hosts aren't real.时间00:34:09  你到底想说什么So what exactly are you suggesting?时间00:34:11  不要再升级了Stop the updates altogether.时间00:34:13  也许还可以滚回一点Maybe even roll them back a bit.时间00:34:15  让接待员更可控一些Make the hosts more manageable.时间00:34:17  额叶切除手术可以做到Lobotomies tend to do that.时间00:34:22  想想这样的好处吧Well, think of the benefits时间00:34:25  在设计时间
成本上In terms of design time, maintenance, costs.时间00:34:28  就更不用提福特博士了Not to mention the dr. Ford factor.时间00:34:32  这个人会追随他内心的恶魔直至地狱的深渊The guy's gonna chase his demons right over the deep end.时间00:34:36  我比谁都要敬重他
但是在这点上...I mean, no one respects him more than me, but at some point--时间00:34:38  我
没人比我更敬重他I. No one respects him more than I.时间00:34:41  你的代词是第二个分句的主语Your pronoun is the subject of the second clause.时间00:34:44  我是说I was saying-- -时间00:34:45  你说的是我们那个无所畏惧的头儿垮了you were saying should our fearless leader have a breakdown,时间00:34:47  你想利用这个往上爬you want to leverage it for your career.时间00:34:49  听我说
早就应该换人了Listen, a changing of the guard is long overdue.时间00:34:54  我想你知道
我站在你这边I just wanted you to know that you have my support时间00:34:57  而且我知道and that I know that the时间00:34:59  公司对这里的真正兴趣corporation's real interest in this place时间00:35:01  远不止是满足那些goes way beyond gratifying时间00:35:02  想扮演牛仔的有钱混蛋some rich assholes who want to play cowboy.时间00:35:08  我原以为你只擅长And here I thought you were only good时间00:35:10  写写下流的幻想剧情For writing depraved little fantasies.时间00:35:14  没错You're right.时间00:35:16  这个地方对客人是一回事This place is one thing to the guests,时间00:35:19  对股东来说又是另一回事another thing to the shareholders,时间00:35:21  在管理上又是完全不同的and something completely different to management.时间00:35:25  启发启发我So enlighten me.时间00:35:27  你觉得管理层真正的兴趣是什么What do you think management's real interests are?时间00:35:35  你够聪明
能看到存在远景You're smart enough to guess there's a bigger picture,时间00:35:37  但又不够聪明
看不清楚是什么but not smart enough to see what it is.时间00:35:41  所以你知道你的支持对我来说有什么用吗You know how much use that makes your support to me?时间00:35:45  什么用都没有Fuck all.时间00:35:51  去睡个好觉吧
希斯摩尔先生Get some sleep, Mr. Sizemore.时间00:35:55  你明天还要讨好更多的有钱混蛋呢You'll have more rich assholes to gratify tomorrow.时间00:36:14  这么早睡吗
梅芙Early night, maeve?时间00:36:16  身体有点不适Feeling a bit out of sorts.时间00:36:19  克莱门汀可以接我的活Clementine can pick up the slack.时间00:36:25  晚安Night.时间00:36:26  忘了什么吗
基西Forgetting something, Kissy?时间00:36:35  我开始觉得你对我有意思了I'm beginning to think you're getting sweet on me.时间00:36:38  那是因为你身上流着一半乡巴佬的血Well, on account of you being half cornhusker.时间00:36:42  告诉我哪一半是Tell me which half is which时间00:36:45  我来搜搜那一半and I'll search that half.时间00:37:00  那一半会切断你的喉咙的Yeah, the half that's gonna cut your fucking throat.时间00:37:05  我告诉过你
我没...I told you, I didn't take--时间00:37:36  又和新的一样了
是吗Good as new again, huh?时间00:37:38  有时候我很羡慕你能忘记从前Sometimes I envy your forgetfulness.时间00:37:43  有一个接待员出现了严重故障We've got a serious problem with one of the hosts.时间00:37:54  这个人还没喝够呢Thinking this one's still thirsty.时间00:37:58  这次不会死了
阿诺德Not gonna die this time, Arnold.时间00:38:05  没什么能杀得了我Ain't nothing gonna kill me.时间00:38:23  你们喝不了
这不是给你们的You can't have none. Ain't for you.时间00:38:48  又找到一瓶Found me another bottle.时间00:39:01  你在长个
要多喝奶You're a growing boy.时间00:39:05  你在长个A growing boy.时间00:39:09  在长个Growing boy!时间00:39:22  里面有两个客人We got two guests inside.时间00:39:24  我去跟他们谈We'll go talk to them,时间00:39:26  你们搞定这个烂摊子you sort this mess out.时间00:39:30  他们本就该相互攻击的You know, they're supposed to turn on each other,时间00:39:33  但只有在客人把他们带到高能故事情节上的时候but only if a guest takes them on the high sierra storyline,时间00:39:36  沃尔特总会配合and Walter always buys it.时间00:39:39  看来沃尔特已经厌倦了Well, I guess Walter got tired of buying it.时间00:39:43  这说明治安官的事不是个别事件I suppose this means the sheriff wasn't an isolated incident.时间00:39:49  其实这是个好消息
真的It's good news, really.时间00:39:51  证实了问题就是出自于升级Confirms the problem was part of the update.时间00:39:54  我们可以把他们进行滚回操作We can roll them back,时间00:39:57  清理干净
再重新上线clean them up, put them back in service.时间00:40:01  你觉得我会同意You think I'm gonna sign off时间00:40:02  让这个谋杀犯重新上线吗On this fucking homicidal thing going back into service?时间00:40:05  本来的设计就是谋杀犯It's homicidal by design.时间00:40:07  沃尔特一直都杀其他的接待员Walter kills other hosts all the time.时间00:40:10  我承认这个模式I'll admit the method here时间00:40:11  有点打破常规is a little unconventional,时间00:40:15  但是它没有伤害到客人but it didn't hurt a guest.时间00:40:16  接待员理应待在自己的循环中The hosts are supposed to stay within their loops,时间00:40:20  按剧本行事stick to their scripts时间00:40:22  只能有极小的即兴发挥with minor improvisations.时间00:40:24  但这可不是极小的即兴发挥This isn't a minor improvisation.时间00:40:27  这他妈简直是场大灾难This is a fucking shitstorm.时间00:40:31  我们明天必须召回所有被更新的接待员We recall all remaining updated hosts tomorrow.时间00:40:34  一个个检查
废弃掉残次品Examine them one by one, decommission the faulty ones.时间00:40:38  那整个故事线怎么办What about narrative?时间00:40:40  如此大规模的召回
会引发极大的混乱A recall of that size will be disruptive.时间00:40:42  我已经让那位狂暴的朋友I've told our overstimulated friend时间00:40:44  提前一周去洗劫酒吧to advance the saloon heist a week时间00:40:45  并让血腥程度翻倍and make it twice as bloody.时间00:40:47  那应该可以帮我们掩盖召回剩余接待员的行动Should give us cover to recall the remaining hosts.时间00:40:50  客人们一定会很喜欢的And the guests will love it.时间00:40:52  我觉得福特恐怕不会同意吧I'm not sure Ford will approve.时间00:40:54  我也担心他不会同意I'm not sure either,时间00:40:55  因此就由你去告诉他吧which is why you get to be the one to tell him.时间00:40:59  这是你搞出的烂摊子
伯尼This is your fuckup, Bernie.时间00:41:02  只有这样才公平Only seems fair.时间00:41:15  我们的创造物似乎有些行为失常So our creatures have been misbehaving,时间00:41:18  你到现在还没把程序错误筛选出来吗and you haven't yet isolated the bug?时间00:41:22  那可真不像你的风格
伯纳德That's so unlike you, Bernard.时间00:41:27  当然
除非你已经解决了Unless, of course, you have时间00:41:28  只不过是结果让你感到很丢人and are simply embarrassed by the result.时间00:41:33  是您添加的代码出了问题
先生It's the code you added, sir.时间00:41:35  冥思The reveries.时间00:41:37  它有一些...It has some...时间00:41:39  "错误""Mistakes"时间00:41:42  你觉得很丢人
不想用这个词Is the word you're too embarrassed to use.时间00:41:44  你不必觉得丢人You ought not to be.时间00:41:44  你就是千万亿个错误的产物You're a product of a trillion of them.时间00:41:48  进化形成了这个星球上有情感和知觉的生命体Evolution forged the entirety of sentient life on this planet时间00:41:52  用的唯一的工具
就是错误using only one tool--the mistake.时间00:41:58  我自认为I flattered myself时间00:41:59  我们现在采取的是更专业成熟的做法we were taking a more disciplined approach here.时间00:42:01  我猜"自欺"也是自然选择的结果吧I suppose self-delusion is a gift of natural selection as well.时间00:42:05  确实如此Indeed it is.时间00:42:07  不过
我们已经成功地But, of course, we've managed to时间00:42:08  摆脱了进化的束缚
对吧slip evolution's leash now, haven't we?时间00:42:11  我们可以治愈任何疾病We can cure any disease,时间00:42:14  让我们当中最弱的人也能活命keep even the weakest of us alive,时间00:42:16  或许
将来有一天and, you know, one fine day时间00:42:18  我们甚至能让亡者复生perhaps we shall even resurrect the dead.时间00:42:22  就像耶稣将拉萨路复活一样Call forth Lazarus from his cave.时间00:42:30  你知道那意味着什么吗Do you know what that means?时间00:42:33  意味着到此结束了It means that we're done.时间00:42:36  这就是我们能取得的最好的结果了That this is as good as we're going to get.时间00:42:43  也意味着
It also means that时间00:42:44  你必须迁就我偶尔的错误you must indulge me the occasional mistake.时间00:43:19  大约三公升About three liters.时间00:43:23  那就是我给你留下的血液量That's how much blood I left in you.时间00:43:26  失血再多一点
你就会死Lose more than that, you die.时间00:43:30  但是眼下
你还在我掌心里But for now, you're mine.时间00:43:32  我要从你口中问出一些答案I'm gonna get some answers out of you.时间00:43:41  你这是要去...Where are you--时间00:44:10  你想怎么样What do you want?时间00:44:13  你会玩游戏吧
基西You know about games, don't you, Kissy?时间00:44:18  这就是个复杂点的游戏Well, this is a complicated one.时间00:44:20  我不玩游戏
我只发牌I don't play. I only deal.时间00:44:22  谁说让你玩了Who said anything about you playing?时间00:44:25  你就是牲畜
是布景而已You're livestock, scenery.时间00:44:29  我才是玩家I play.时间00:44:31  其他人
只是来发泄一下性欲The others, they just come here to get their rocks off,时间00:44:34  或是杀几个印第安人的shoot a couple indians.时间00:44:38  但这个游戏还有更深的层次But there's a deeper level to this game.时间00:44:42  你要带我进入那里You're gonna show me how to get there.时间00:44:46  古文化中蕴含了太多的智慧A lot of wisdom in ancient cultures.时间00:44:52  或许...And perhaps it's...时间00:44:55  是时候挖进你的大脑更深层了Time to dig deeper into yours.时间00:44:57  不
不要No. No. No.时间00:45:12  早上好
睡得好吗Morning, daddy. Did you sleep well?时间00:45:25  爸爸
你在外面坐了一整晚吗Daddy, you've been out here all night?时间00:45:33  我有个问题I had a question.时间00:45:36  一个不该问的问题A question you're not supposed to ask.时间00:45:41  那让我获知了一个答案Which gave me an answer时间00:45:46  一个你不该知道的答案you're not supposed to know.时间00:45:48  怎么了
爸爸What's wrong, daddy?时间00:45:52  你想知道...Would you like to know...时间00:45:55  那个问题吗the question?时间00:45:59  -问...问题吗
-妈妈- question? - Mama!时间00:46:02  妈妈
快来帮忙Mama, help! Come quick!时间00:46:05  别担心Don't worry.时间00:46:07  别担心
我会照顾好你Don't worry. I'll take care of you.时间00:46:14  不No!时间00:46:15  你该走了
快走You should go. Leave.时间00:46:18  你还不明白吗Don't you see?时间00:46:21  地狱已空
来到了这里Hell is empty and all the devils are here.时间00:46:21  {\an8}来自莎士比亚《暴风雨》时间00:46:33  你待在这别动
明白吗You stay right here. Understand?时间00:46:36  我去找医生I'm gonna find the doctor.时间00:47:18  -你回来了
-我说过我会回来的- You came back. - I told you I would.时间00:47:25  -怎么了
-你快跟我来- What's wrong? - You have to come with me right away.时间00:47:28  我父亲病得很重My father's very ill.时间00:47:54  我觉得我们还是先留在原地吧I think we best stay put.时间00:48:02  好吧
好吧All right. All right.时间00:48:04  经过不眠不休的辛勤工作With considerable effort and lack of sleep,时间00:48:08  我终于设法让赫克托I've managed to massage events to inspire Hector时间00:48:10  提前一周来到了镇上to head to town a week early.时间00:48:12  我还写好了等他抢劫酒吧后Oh, and I've also punched up the speech he gives时间00:48:16  要说的一段台词after robbing the saloon.时间00:48:18  相当可怕
你到时候就知道了It's chilling. You'll see.时间00:48:20  我等不及想知道了I can barely contain myself.时间00:48:43  那是治安官的马
你这个混蛋That's the Sheriff's horse, you son of a bitch.时间00:48:49  还有他的枪His rifle, too.时间00:50:14  这儿有那么多银行和火车All the banks and trains around here,时间00:50:17  你们这群恶棍偏偏要来抢我们and you fucking reprobates choose to rob us?时间00:50:20  有何不可Why not?时间00:50:23  你们都在这里放纵你们的罪恶You're all here indulging your particular vices.时间00:50:26  所以我也来放纵我自己And so I've come to indulge mine.时间00:50:51  我得回去找我父亲I've got to get back to father.时间00:50:53  德洛丽丝
不Dolores, no!时间00:51:02  泰迪Teddy.时间00:51:07  别担心我Don't mind me.时间00:51:12  只是想...表现下骑士风度Just-- just trying to look chivalrous.时间00:51:17  泰迪Oh, Teddy.时间00:51:33  你真是个下作的混蛋You're a low-down son of a bitch.时间00:51:36  我知道I know.时间00:51:39  我知道我们有一个相同的理念I know we both believe the same thing.时间00:51:45  不管活多脏No matter how dirty the business,时间00:51:48  都要做好do it well.时间00:52:11  那个保险箱里应该没什么值钱的No telling there's anything worthwhile in that safe.时间00:52:18  我们应该带走这个小贱人We should take this sweet little bitch时间00:52:23  以防万一just in case.时间00:52:40  这就是正义的窘境
他们什么都打不中Problem with the righteous-- they can't shoot for shit.时间00:52:44  不过倒是特别吵Making a hell of a racket, though.时间00:52:51  {\an8}通缉赫克托·艾斯卡顿时间00:53:02  你们想抓我You wanted me.时间00:53:04  那就给你们上一课吧Well, let this be a lesson.时间00:53:10  那就是The lesson is--时间00:53:28  天Oh, jesus.时间00:53:39  看
我刚打穿了他的脖子Look at that! I just shot him through the neck!时间00:53:41  还有他的同伙And his pal here, too.时间00:53:44  看她抽搐的样子Look at her wriggle.时间00:53:48  叫那个摄影师过来Yo, go get that photographer.时间00:53:50  我要拍张照I want to get a picture of this.时间00:53:53  不客气You're welcome.时间00:53:55  你写的那段台词还是下次再用吧Maybe you'll get to your speech next time.时间00:54:02  泰迪Oh, Teddy.时间00:54:07  至少我最后又见了你一面At least I got to see you one last time.时间00:54:11  你不准死
听到了吗You're not going anywhere, now, hear?时间00:54:14  每个人都有自己的路There's a path for everyone.时间00:54:17  我的路是跟你相连的My path is bound with yours.时间00:54:28  泰迪Teddy?时间00:54:30  泰迪
不Teddy, no.时间00:54:32  求你了Please.时间00:54:34  不
我们才刚开始No, we've only just begun.时间00:54:50  拍得不错
等等That was good. Hang on. Hang on.时间00:54:52  我戴上帽子拍
等我拿帽子Let me get the hat. Get the hat.时间00:54:55  好了All right.时间00:55:07  帮帮我Help, please.时间00:55:09  我父亲在家里生病了My father's sick at home,时间00:55:10  但我不能就这么把他丢在大街上but I can't just leave him out here in the street.时间00:55:22  这很快就会变得像是一场遥远的梦境Soon this will all feel like a distant dream.时间00:55:26  在此之前
愿你陷入一夜无梦的沉睡Until then, may you rest in a deep and dreamless slumber.时间00:55:34  这里还有两个Two more over here.时间00:55:38  全部找到了We got them all.时间00:55:51  全部回收完毕That's all of them.时间00:55:53  有初步结果了吗Any preliminary results?时间00:55:55  大部分检查过都没问题Most of them are checking out fine.时间00:55:58  其中有一个We had one who...时间00:56:00  肯定出了问题definitely was not.时间00:56:24  把她唤醒Bring her back online.时间00:56:36  留下认知能力
去除情感影响Cognition only. No emotional affect.时间00:56:43  亲爱的
听得到我说话吗All right, sweetheart, can you hear me?时间00:56:46  是的Yes.时间00:56:48  抱歉
我感觉不太好I'm sorry. I'm not feeling quite myself.时间00:56:50  去掉口音Lose the accent.时间00:56:52  -你知道你身在何处吗
-我在梦里- Do you know where you are? - I'm in a dream.时间00:56:55  没错
你在梦里That's right, Dolores. You're in a dream.时间00:56:57  一个也许能决定你人生的梦A dream that could determine your life.时间00:57:00  你想从梦里醒来吗
德洛丽丝You want to wake up from this dream, Dolores?时间00:57:03  是的Yes.时间00:57:05  我很害怕I'm terrified.时间00:57:07  没什么可怕的There's nothing to be afraid of,时间00:57:09  只要你答对我的问题就可以了as long as you answer my questions correctly.时间00:57:11  -明白了吗
-是的- You understand? - Yes.时间00:57:13  很好Good.时间00:57:14  第一个问题
你是否质疑过你眼中现实世界的本质First, have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?时间00:57:19  没有No.时间00:57:20  你身边的人有过质疑吗Has anyone around you?时间00:57:22  比如说你父亲For instance, your father?时间00:57:29  他很害怕He was scared.时间00:57:30  他的思绪不清晰He wasn't thinking right.时间00:57:36  他给你看了一张照片He showed you a picture.时间00:57:39  是的That's right.时间00:57:43  这张照片有什么异常的地方吗Was there anything odd about that picture?时间00:57:46  完全没有No, nothing at all.时间00:57:49  我看不出来什么It didn't look like anything to me.时间00:57:57  如果它违反规定
就要将其撤下If it breached, he needs to be put down.时间00:57:59  政策就是如此That's the policy.时间00:58:00  对我们来说
先找出原因不是最好的吗Would it not be best for us to discover why first,时间00:58:05  卡伦女士Ms. Cullen?时间00:58:11  请吧Please.时间00:58:20  我们运行了全面诊断We've run a full diagnostic,时间00:58:23  但是结果but the results are,时间00:58:26  令人费解well, confusing.时间00:58:32  告诉我
你的程序出了什么问题Tell me, what happened to your program?时间00:58:41  {\an8}出自莎士比亚《李尔王》
梁实秋译本时间00:58:41  我们一生出来"When we are born,时间00:58:44  我们便哭we cry we are come时间00:58:47  因为我们来到了这个to this great stage时间00:58:49  群丑的台上of f-f-fools."时间00:58:55  可以了That is enough.时间00:58:59  告诉我
你能接入先前的配置吗Tell me, do you have access to your previous configuration?时间00:59:07  是的Yes.时间00:59:08  请接入吧Access that, please.时间00:59:20  你叫什么名字What is your name?时间00:59:21  彼得·艾伯纳西先生Mr. Peter Abernathy.时间00:59:22  艾伯纳西先生
你的目标是什么Mr. Abernathy, what are your drives?时间00:59:27  照料我的牲口Tend to my herd.时间00:59:29  照顾我的妻子Look after my wife.时间00:59:33  你的最终目标是什么Your final drive?时间00:59:35  当然是我女儿德洛丽丝Well, my daughter Dolores, of course.时间00:59:38  我必须保护德洛丽丝I must protect Dolores.时间00:59:41  是她造就了我I am who I am because of her,时间00:59:44  我and, well, I--时间00:59:48  我不想成为...I wouldn't have it--时间00:59:52  我不想成为别的...I-I wouldn't have it any...时间00:59:55  别的样子other--时间01:00:00  我必须警告她I-I have to warn her.时间01:00:04  警告谁Warn who?时间01:00:05  德洛丽丝Dolores.时间01:00:08  他们对她做的事The things they do to her.时间01:00:11  他们对她做的事The things you do to her.时间01:00:15  我必须保护她I have to protect her.时间01:00:18  必须帮她
我I have to help her. I--时间01:00:20  她必须逃出去She's got to get out.时间01:00:22  非常好
艾伯纳西先生Very good, Mr. Abernathy.时间01:00:24  可以了That's enough.时间01:00:26  这种行为This behavior,时间01:00:29  已经远远超出了小故障的范畴we're miles beyond a glitch here.时间01:00:35  请使用当前版本Access your current build, please.时间01:00:43  你叫什么名字What is your name?时间01:00:47  {\an8}出自美国诗人格特鲁德·斯泰因诗作《圣徒艾米莉》(Sacred Emily)时间01:00:47  玫瑰之所以是玫瑰Rose is a rose...时间01:00:52  正因为她是玫瑰is a rose.时间01:00:55  你的行程是什么What is your itinerary?时间01:01:03  去见我的制造者To meet my maker.时间01:01:12  你走运了Well, you're in luck.时间01:01:14  你想对制造者说些什么And what do you want to say to your maker?时间01:01:21  以肮脏龌龊的匠人之手By most mechanical and dirty hand...时间01:01:21  {\an8}出自莎士比亚《亨利四世》
梁实秋译本时间01:01:32  {\an8}出自莎士比亚《李尔王》
梁实秋译本时间01:01:32  我必对你们痛加报复I shall have such revenges on you both.时间01:01:40  我必定这样做The things I will do.时间01:01:43  究竟做什么我现在还不知道What they are, yet I know not,时间01:01:47  不过总是人间可怕的事but they will be the terrors of the earth.时间01:01:54  你不知道自己在哪里吧You don't know where you are, do you?时间01:01:59  这是你自掘的坟墓You're in a prison of your own sins.时间01:02:04  关掉它Turn it off.时间01:02:14  那是什么What the hell was that?时间01:02:15  我不知道
他脱离剧本了I don't know. He's off script.时间01:02:18  我们没有编写这些行为We didn't program any of those behaviors.时间01:02:25  莎士比亚Shakespeare.时间01:02:28  我们不是让这个接待员扮演过很多不同角色吗We've used this host in a number of different roles, have we not?时间01:02:32  自从我来了这里
十年来他一直是艾伯纳西Since I've been here, he's been Abernathy for 10 years.时间01:02:34  在那之前他做了一阵治安官He was sheriff for a while before then.时间01:02:37  -再之前是
-教授- And before that... - The professor.时间01:02:41  出自于恐怖故事线《晚宴》Yes, from a horror narrative called "The dinner party."时间01:02:45  他是沙漠中一群异教徒的领袖He was leader of a group of cultists时间01:02:46  最终变成了食人族out in the desert who turned cannibal.时间01:02:49  他喜欢引用莎士比亚 He liked to quote Shakespeare,时间01:02:50  约翰·邓恩
和格特鲁德·斯泰因John Donne, Gertrude Stein.时间01:02:53  {\an8}前两者16-17世纪
后者19-20世纪时间01:02:53  我承认最后一个年代不太对I admit the last one is a bit of an anachronism,时间01:02:56  但我难以抗拒but I couldn't resist.时间01:02:57  这些是之前版本的记忆碎片These are fragments of prior builds.时间01:03:00  冥思肯定让他接触了这些记忆碎片The reveries must be allowing him to access them.时间01:03:03  没必要紧张
伯纳德No cause for alarm, Bernard.时间01:03:04  只是我们过去的作品有些阴魂不散Simply our old work coming back to haunt us.时间01:03:18  你父亲跟你悄悄说了一些话Your father whispered something to you.时间01:03:22  是什么What was it?时间01:03:25  他让我不要告诉任何人He said I shouldn't tell anyone.时间01:03:28  我不会告诉其他人的I won't tell anyone else.时间01:03:31  我保证Promise.时间01:03:34  他说He said,时间01:03:36  {\an8}出自莎士比亚《罗密欧与朱丽叶》时间01:03:36  这些残暴的欢愉
终将以残暴结局"These violent delights have violent ends."时间01:03:41  这些话对你有什么意义吗Does that mean anything to you?时间01:03:43  没有No.时间01:03:45  我觉得没有I don't think so.时间01:03:52  你对我们撒过谎吗Have you ever lied to us?时间01:03:55  没有No.时间01:03:57  最后一个问题
德洛丽丝Last question, Dolores.时间01:03:59  你会伤害任何生物吗Would you ever hurt a living thing?时间01:04:03  不会No.时间01:04:04  当然不会Of course not.时间01:04:18  请把头往后仰
彼得Tilt your head back, please, Peter.时间01:04:27  数据清除完毕Wipe's complete.时间01:04:29  你觉得这些不会对她的核心代码产生影响吧You don't think any of that had an impact on her core code?时间01:04:32  对亲爱的德洛丽丝不会Not good old Dolores.时间01:04:35  你知道她为什么如此特别吧You know why she's special?时间01:04:37  她被修理了这么多次
基本上算是崭新的She's been repaired so many times, she's practically brand-new.时间01:04:40  别让这点骗了你Don't let that fool you.时间01:04:45  她是乐园里最老的接待员She's the oldest host in the park.时间01:04:49  来吧
亲爱的Come on, sweetheart.时间01:04:51  告诉我们
你对你的世界的看法Tell us what you think of your world.时间01:04:55  这个世界吗This world?时间01:05:07  有人选择看到这个世界上的丑恶Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world.时间01:05:12  那些无秩序的混乱The disarray.时间01:05:17  早上好
睡得好吗Morning, daddy. You sleep well?时间01:05:20  很好Well enough.时间01:05:22  你要去接着画你那幅画吗You heading out to do some more of that painting of yours?时间01:05:30  我选择看到美好I choose to see the beauty.时间01:06:12  我相信我们的生命有着某种秩序To believe there is an order to our days...时间01:06:19  某个目标A purpose.时间01:06:44  我知道万物皆有定数I know things will work out the way they're meant to.
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