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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
An adult day care center, also commonly known as adult day services, is a non-residential facility that supports the , , , and
needs of adults in professionally staffed, group settings. Adult day services centers serve as an emerging provider of
and short-term rehabilitation following . Most centers operate 10 – 12 hours per day and provide , meaningful activities, and general supervision. Operations in adult daycare centers are often referred to as
(focusing on
services) and/or a
(including skilled , treatment and rehabilitation goals).
Day care centers may focus on providing care only for persons with a specific
and related , or their services may be available for any adult with . Many centers maintain a
on-site and devote a room for participants to have
checked, and receive other health services from a / when needed. They may also provide
as well as
According to the 2010
National Study of Adult Day Services, there is one direct care worker for every six participants, facilitating individualized,
and enabling staff to care for increasingly complex needs. Nearly 80% of adult day centers have a
on staff, nearly 50% have a
on staff, and approximately 60% offer
Participation in adult day centers may prevent
and may delay admission to residential . For participants who would otherwise stay at home alone, the social stimulation and
may improve or maintain
function. For , adult day centers provide , enabling caregivers to work or to have a break from their caregiving responsibilities.
More than 5,000 adult day centers are operating in the
providing care for more than 260,000
Americans each day. Almost three-quarters of all adult day centers (71%) are operated as , and 16% are affiliated with the . Daily
are almost always less than a
and about half the cost of a . Daily
for adult day services vary depending upon the services provided. Average daily fees across the country are approximately $62.
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