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購買 Turbo Dismount
$9.99 USD
"&There's the speed! There's the ramp! There's the... Lawsuit.&"
Read the full review .
08 月 21 日
New vehicles, new features, fixes and awesomeness galore!
Full game controller support! Start the game with a controller attached to enable controller UI mode.
New vehicle: Heavy Metal - just the thing you need to get even!
New vehicle: The Swinger - if riding a wrecking ball is your preference!
Controller only: Replay scratching/scrubbing with analog triggers! The slow-mo replay is now so much better than before!
Level Editor Asset Package updated to include Nailed It! -condition
Level Editor documentation updated
Red flash in first person mode for cranial impacts
Additional props in some default levels
Much improved physics collision responses through more accurate relative element masses
Clear Obstacles -button added to level obstacle selection screen
Shadow quality improvements
Tweaked oil slick strength (stronger)
Bug fix: statistics tracking is fixed, helping with the unlocking of some achievements
Bug fix: exporting a level no longer causes an exception with parented elements
EDIT: v1.2.1 update fixes the following:
Space bar again works for launching a dismount
Obstacle positions in Lane Merger fixed
Let us know how it tastes on the forums!
06 月 18 日
New vehicles, optimizations and fixes - here we go!
- New vehicle: Boss Throne - because office chairs are just the thing!
- New vehicle: Boogie Bus - shake your hips to this groove!
- Level Editor Asset Package updated
- New NPC Vehicle: Hippie Van, in Level Editor Asset Package
- Fixed custom photo placement on Cool Streak
- Improved throttle response for &engineless& vehicles
- Optimized texture and audio memory usage
- Fixed detached vehicle parts sometimes floating in the air
- Improved character dismemberment and impact response
- Fixed airtime starting to run when character is at rest
- Improved Komrade engine sound
- Other minor fixes and optimizations
“It's a chaotic toybox of destruction”
Preview –
“Turbo Dismount is a glorious excuse for putting polygonal beings into dangerous vehicles and then watching the physics-based carnage gently unfold into something beautiful.”
Preview –
Turbo Dismount is a kinetic tragedy about Mr. Dismount and the cars who love him. It is the official sequel to the wildly popular and immensely successful personal impact simulator - Stair Dismount.
The highlights of this experience are multiple vehicles, an awesome replay system, level editing features, high-speed physics and an indiscriminate sense of style.
The purpose of the game is simple - damage awards points. It is up to you to try different combinations of obstacles, vehicles, poses and levels to make it to the top of the leaderboards. To support friendly rivalry, Turbo Dismount supports placing a photo of your friend on the face of Mr. Dismount - such a delightful way to express one's emotions!
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Core 2 or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX9 compatible graphics card
DirectX: Version 9.0
Hard Drive: 300 MB available space
Sound Card: Any
OS: 10.8 or newer
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or better
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: Any
Hard Drive: 300 MB available space
Sound Card: Any
6.4 記錄時數
+ Lots of fun crashing into objects+ Multiple vehicles with different physics+ Customization options+ Replay value+/- No campaign or story, it's just a bunch of levels (not really needed but still a point I wanted to address)- No goals/objectives, just high scores- You can't put objects anywhere you want, but only on specific spots- Limited number of levels[Rating: 76/100]
張貼於:06 月 5 日
53.6 記錄時數
This game is a classic from the old Stair dismount & Truck dismount days. I have played both of those back in the early 2000's. this game brings back memories of these in new graphics and customization. Highly recommended ^^
張貼於:06 月 30 日
10.3 記錄時數
Listen to me very closely.You can stick the dummy, backwards, on a tricycle, send it through a booster, followed by a jump, into active traffic.Get the ????ing game.
張貼於:04 月 25 日
10.8 記錄時數
Ah, Tubo Dismount.
The name alone conjures up images of, well, your mom, actually, but this is not the time or the place for that particular tale.Anyway, Turbo Dismount is the heartbreaking story of Joe Dismount.
A man trapped in a world that seems to want nothing more than to push him down each time he tries to rise, and hobble him every time he tries to walk.
It's a familiar scene, the cycle of repression which seems torn straight from today's geopolitical headlines.As painful as it is to watch Joe's agonizing struggles, and I must admit it brought a tear to my eye more than once, we have to face the fact that Joe is not entirely a blameless victim here.
Joe appears to be actively seeking his own demise, and every time we see him dangling from the back of a speeding sports car, or rolling off of a cliff in an office chair, we can only wonder what horrors Joe has seen, or dare I say, even participated in, that drive this insatiable lust for the sweet release of death.We may never know, for as simple as Turbo Dismount may appear on the surface, beneath lies a complex web of tortured emotion and dark secrets best left undisturbed.
Some may view Joe as a hero, others may see him as a villan, but where Turbo Dismount succeeds in uniting us, is that we can all see Joe torn into little pieces strewn across a highway in the middle of a twenty vehicle pileup.
I suppose that in the end, that's all that really matters.
張貼於:06 月 29 日
5.5 記錄時數
I had never heard of this game in my life until I saw someone on Youtube playing it.
Then I saw it on steam, then it ended up in my possession.Turbo Dismount is a simple physics sandbox in where your character clings in humorous and non-safe ways onto vehicals and ploughs into traffic.
Really simple.
The crashes and the ammount of damage is a wonder to behold as you see Mr. (Or Mrs.) Dismount roll under cars and loose limbs and break bones.
The Game also has a replay function where you can slow, rewind and fast foward time so you can see that perfect bone crunching angle.
Also you can dot your path to traffic with Turbo Pads, or Speed Bumps, or Half-pipes or mines for the extra 'umph'.Levels are rather small but they do their job, and you have quite a selection of vehicals and poses, and when you are bored of what the developers made there is a host of steam workshop levels for you to play with aswell.And one level of praise I will give the developers, is customization, you can plaster your face, or someone you like (Or really hate) to the puppet Mr (Or Mrs.) Dismount, and you can attach a logo to your vehicals aswell.It's simple, it's fun, it's cheap, you should own this.
張貼於:08 月 30 日
2.7 記錄時數
So happy this game is finally released on Steam! I adored the first one &Stair dismount& and this one is even better than the first one being with cars! I do love fast cars and all that, and this game is perfect for having fun and laughing when you see all the accidents. You can also costumize your character being able to place a face of someone you hate and you can also add any car logo you want, like i chose Bugatti :D. Love this game and i'm looking forward to new updates! Have fun playing it yourselves !
張貼於:01 月 10 日
包含 23 項 Steam 成就
名稱: Turbo Dismount(TM)
發售日: 2014 年 05 月 21 日
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Anomaly Defenders
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Pumped BMX 2
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史诗之岛&Epic Island&
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撕碎它&Shred It!&
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车祸英雄&Turbo Dismount&
一款车型在出厂之前,都要通过防撞击的测试,一般上会有个假人坐在车内,然后被各种撞击测试车辆的安全性。当然在现实环境中你不太可能有机会遇到这样的情况,所以你可以通过 Turbo Dismount 来模拟,当然游戏中就是撞得越惨越好了,好吧,我承认这就是一款给「抖S」准备的专属虐待游戏~
Turbo Dismount&
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少数派 – 发现优质应用(&&)
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Turbo Dismount(TM)
开发商:Secret Exit Ltd.
Game Center
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*** The legendary crash simulator is now on iOS! ***Perform death-defying motor stunts, crash into walls, create traffic pile-ups of epic scale - and share the fun!SUPPORTED DEVICES: iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod touch 5G and newer.Turbo Dismount(TM) is a kinetic tragedy about Mr. Dismount and the cars who love him. It is the official sequel to the wildly popular and immensely successful personal impact simulator - Stair Dismount(TM). FEATURES:* Flinch-inducing crash physics* Crunchy sound effects* Delicious slow-mo replay system* Multiple vehicles: cars, trucks, construction vehicles, a skateboard...* Multiple levels, obstacle types and characters* Tweak levels to your liking!* Customize your character and the vehicles with your own photos!* Game controller support!* Game Center leaderboards and achievementsTurbo Dismount is the most convincing vehicular personal impact simulation seen on the App Store!Follow Mr. Dismount /MrDismountFollow Secret Exit on Twitter: /secretexitDismounting (turbocharged or regular) is not to be attempted at home or outside, and should be left to trained professionals. Secret Exit does not recommend or condone dismount attempts outside 3D computer simulations.
此 App 专为 iPhone 和 iPad 设计免费类别: 版本: 1.2.7大小: 89.8 MB语言: 英语开发商: Secret Exit Ltd.频繁/强烈的卡通或幻想暴力偶尔/轻微的亵渎或低俗幽默兼容性: 需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
&&&&&271 份评分
热门 App 内购买项目
Speed & Style?6.00Mighty Pedals?6.00The Unstoppables?6.00Speedy Results?6.00Winding Ways?6.00Impact Zone?6.00Luxury Liners?6.00Premium unlock?40.00Total Torque?6.00Premium unlock?30.00
更多Secret Exit Ltd.产品当前位置: &
& 车祸英雄 Turbo Dismount(TM)
系统要求:需要 iOS 7.0 或更高版本。与 iPhone、iPad、iPod touch 兼容。 此 App 已针对 iPhone 5 优化。
*** The legendary crash simulator is now on iOS! ***
Perform death-defying motor stunts, crash into walls, create traffic pile-ups of epic scale - and share the fun!
SUPPORTED DEVICES: iPhone 4S, iPad 2, iPod touch 5G and newer.
Turbo Dismount& is a kinetic tragedy about Mr. Dismount and the cars who love him. It is the official sequel to the wildly popular and immensely successful personal impact simulator - Stair Dismount&.
* Flinch-inducing crash physics
* Crunchy sound effects
* Delicious slow-mo replay system
* Multiple vehicles: cars, trucks, construction vehicles, a skateboard...
* Multiple levels, obstacle types and characters
* Tweak levels to your liking!
* Customize your character and the vehicles with your own photos!
* Game controller support!
* Game Center leaderboards and achievements
Turbo Dismount is the most convincing vehicular personal impact simulation seen on the App Store!
Follow Mr. Dismount /MrDismount
Dismounting (turbocharged or regular) is not to be attempted at home or outside, and should be left to trained professionals. Secret Exit does not recommend or condone dismount attempts outside 3D computer simulations.


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