
全部单一的整体的(British English)a unitary authority (= a type of local council, introduced in some areas from 1995 to replace existing local governments which consisted of county and district councils)单一自治体,自治体监察委员会(1995年起在某些地区实行的地方理事会,代替原有的郡、区政府)牛津词典a single unitary state单一中央集权制国家牛津词典...a call for the creation of a single unitary state.建立单一中央集权制国家的呼声柯林斯高阶英语词典Secondly, plainly introduce the design means of the unitary system and the software system.其次, 对该模拟系统的整体设计方案以及软件分系统的设计方法进行了一下简单讲解.期刊摘选The prerequisite is that the unitary national interests must not be hurt.条件是不能损害统一的国家的利益.英汉 - 翻译样例 - 口语The unitary flexible hinge stiffness exists some technical problems in the manufacture and measurement the stiffness.动力协调陀螺仪中的整体式挠性接头存在加工精度难以保证和刚度测量困难等技术难点.期刊摘选Rational choice theories are methodological individualism, so are not compatible with the assumption of unitary actors.理性抉择理论是方法论上个人主义的研究途径, 因此理性抉择理论和单一行动者预设应该是不相容的.期刊摘选The total function value of the HVCB got through recursion operation with the unitary formula.利用归一公式进行量化递归运算,求出断路器安全总突变隶属函数值.期刊摘选It can ensure unitary column orthogonality for the resulting matrix sequence.该方法可确保迭代矩阵列的单位列正交性.期刊摘选For the unitary push rod , can operate when switch on.整体推杆,接上电源即可运行.期刊摘选The least unitary looking contraction operator is 0.看来最不象酉算子的压缩算子是0.辞典例句In other words, The Hermiticity of a matrix is invariant under unitary transformations.换言之, 矩阵的厄密性在幺正变换下保持不变.辞典例句Under the guidance of harmonious concept, the harmonious administration and its efficacy are unitary.在和谐理念指导下, 大学的和谐管理和管理效能相统一.期刊摘选Gardner and his team claim that intelligence is not one unitary kind of skill.这是基于霍华德加德纳的多元智力理念.期刊摘选Established a unitary distance on which to base subsequent calculations.创建一种归一化距离,在此基础上再进行后续运算.期刊摘选The foundation of a unitary multinational country accelerated the birth of the unitary national spiritual culture.统一的多民族国家的建立,促进了统一的民族精神文化的产生.期刊摘选So we can have a unitary review of research in foreign market entry.以期对国际市场进入模式选择理论的研究现状有一个整体的描述.期刊摘选A unitary method was applied.运用了归一化法.期刊摘选Arising unitary compete according to scientific market way.通过科学的营销方法提升整体的竞争实力.期刊摘选However, a unitary standard of transliteration leads to much confusion in actual communication.但在实际交流中这种“一刀切”式的音译方式却造成了许多的混乱.期刊摘选The unitary iris image is carried out through the transformation from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates.然后采用极坐标转换对虹膜图像进行归一化.期刊摘选Unitary elasticity is the coincidental case that is just on the borderline between elastic and inelastic.关于单弹性是一种巧合.这种巧合是有弹性和缺乏弹性的分界线.辞典例句The conventional point setting for flat clothing is known as unitary twill or satin.盖板针布的针尖排列组织一般采用斜纹、缎纹等单一植针方式.期刊摘选If an unitary system has a complete wandering vector, its frame vectors can be parameterized.如果一个酉系统有完全的游荡向量, 那么它的框架向量可以参数化.期刊摘选Your belief in a unitary movement of life is just a groundless belief, lacking any certainty.你对宇宙整体运行的信念不过是无根据的盲信, 缺少确定性.期刊摘选The properties of the unitary matrix for the localization of molecular orbitals were discussed.讨论了分子轨道定域化酉矩阵的性质,揭示了其物理意义和统计性质.期刊摘选He viewed mind as an organized , unitary, and dynamic interplay of ideas.他把心理看成是各种观念有机的, 整体的和能动的相互作用.辞典例句a single unitary state单一中央集权制国家《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》}


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