Voting Node(VN)北京好玩的地方吗?

若用F[i][j]表示对容量为j的背包,处理完前i种物品后,背包内物品可达到的最大总价值,并记m[i] = min(n[i], j / v[i])。放入背包的第i种物品的数目可以是:0、1、2……,可得:
F[i][j] = max { F[i - 1] [j – k * v[i] ] + k * w[i] }
(0 &= k &= m[i])
先看一个例子:取m[i] = 2, v[i] = v, w[i] = w, V & 9 * v,
并假设 f(j) = F[i - 1][j],观察公式右边要求最大值的几项:
f(6*v)、f(5*v)+w、f(4*v)+2*w 这三个中的最大值
f(5*v)、f(4*v)+w、f(3*v)+2*w 这三个中的最大值
f(4*v)、f(3*v)+w、f(2*v)+2*w 这三个中的最大值
显然,公式㈠右边求最大值的几项随j值改变而改变,但如果将j = 6*v时,每项减去6*w,j=5*v时,每项减去5*w,j=4*v时,每项减去4*w,就得到:
f(6*v)-6*w、f(5*v)-5*w、f(4*v)-4*w 这三个中的最大值
f(5*v)-5*w、f(4*v)-4*w、f(3*v)-3*w 这三个中的最大值
f(4*v)-4*w、f(3*v)-3*w、f(2*v)-2*w 这三个中的最大值
假设d = v[i],a = j / d,b = j % d,即 j = a * d + b,代入公式㈠,并用k替换a - k得:
F[i][j] = max { F[i - 1] [b + k * d] - k * w[i] } + a * w[i]
(a – m[i] &= k &= a)
对F[i - 1][y] (y= b
F[i][j]就是求j的前面m[i] + 1个数对应的F[i - 1] [b + k * d] - k * w[i]的最大值,加上a * w[i],如果将F[i][j]前面所有的F[i - 1][b + k * d] – k * w放入到一个队列,那么,F[i][j]就是求这个队列最大长度为m[i]
+ 1时,队列中元素的最大值,加上a * w[i]。因而原问题可以转化为:O(1)时间内求一个队列的最大值。
① 用另一个队列B记录指定队列的最大值(或者记录最大值的地址),并通过下面两个操作保证队列B的第一个元素(或其所指向的元素)一定是指定队列的当前最大值。
② 当指定队列有元素M进入时,删除队列B中的比M小的(或队列B中所指向的元素小等于M的)所有元素,并将元素M(或其地址)存入队列B。
③ 当指定队列有元素M离开时,队列B中的第一个元素若与M相等(或队列B第一个元素的地址与M相等),则队列B的第一个元素也离队。
const int MAX_V = 100004;
//V:背包体积, MAX_V:背包的体积上限值
inline void pack(int f[], int V, int v, int n, int w)
if (n == 0 || v == 0) return;
if (n == 1) {
for (int i = V; i &= --i)
if (f[i] & f[i - v] + w) f[i] = f[i - v] +
if (n * v &= V - v + 1) {
//完全背包(n &= V / v)
for (int i = i &= V; ++i)
if (f[i] & f[i - v] + w) f[i] = f[i - v] +
int va[MAX_V], vb[MAX_V];
//va/vb: 主/辅助队列
for (int j = 0; j & ++j) {
int *pb = va, *pe = va - 1;
int *qb = vb, *qe = vb - 1;
for (int k = j, i = 0; k &= V; k += v, ++i) {
== pb + n) {
if (*pb == *qb) ++
int tt = f[k] - i *
while (qe &= qb && *qe & tt) --
f[k] = *qb + i *
多重背包特例:物品价值和体积相等(w = v)
由于w = v,上面的代码可进行如下修改:
入队的元素: tt = f[k] - (k / v) * w = f[k] - (k - j) = f[k] - k + j
返回的最大值:*qb + (k / v) * w =
*qb + k - j
由于j是定值,可调整入队的元素为: f[k] - k,最大值为 *qb + k
对F[i - 1][y] (y= b
F[i][j]就是求j的前面m[i] + 1个数对应的F[i - 1] [b + k * d](其值为0或1)的最大值,即j前面的m[i] + 1个0、1数据中是否存在1,这又可以简化为判断它们的和是否不等于0。
const int MAX_V = 100004;
//w = v 特例
inline void pack(bool f[], int V, int v, int n)
if (n == 0 || v == 0) return;
if (n == 1) {
for (int i = V; i - v &= 0; --i)
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) f[i] = true;
//if (f[i - v]) f[i] =
if (n * v &= V - v + 1) {
//完全背包 n &= V / v
for (int i = i &= V; ++i)
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) f[i] = true;
//if (f[i - v]) f[i] =
bool va[MAX_V];
for (int j = 0; j & ++j) {
bool *pb = va, *pe = va - 1;
size_t sum = 0;
for (int k = k &= V; k += v) {
if (pe == pb + n) sum -= *pb++;
*++pe = f[k];
sum += f[k];
if (! f[k] && sum != 0) f[k] = true;
//f[k] = (bool)
//w = v 特例
inline void pack(bool f[], int V, int v, int n)
if (n == 0 || v == 0) return;
if (n == 1) {
for (int i = V; i - v &= 0; --i)
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) f[i] = true;
//if (f[i - v]) f[i] =
if (n * v &= V - v + 1) {
//完全背包 n &= V / v
for (int i = i &= V; ++i)
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) f[i] = true;
//if (f[i - v]) f[i] =
for (int j = 0; j & ++j) {
int k = V - j, sum = 0;
//前n + 1个元素入队,前面的判断可以保证: V - j - n * v & 0
for (; k &= std::max(0, V - j - n * v); k -= v) sum += f[k];
for (int i = V - i & 0; k -= v, i -= v) {
if (f[i]) --
//出队: sum -= f[i]
else if (sum != 0) f[i] = true;
//int tt = f[i]; f[i] = (bool) sum -=
if (k &= 0) sum += f[k];
对该特例,还有一种O(N * V)解法:用一个数组记录当前物品已经使用数,关键代码:
if (! f[i] && f[i - v] && count[i - v] & n)
f[i] = true, count[i] = count[i - v] + 1;
for (int i = 0; i &= V; ++i)
count[i] = 0;
for (int i = i &= V; ++i) {
if (! f[i] && f[i - v] && count[i - v] & n) {
count[i] = count[i - v] + 1;
f[i] = true;
for (int i = i &= V; ++i) {
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) {
if (last[i - v] != cur)
count[i] = 1, last[i] = cur, f[i] = true;
else if (count[i - v] & n) {
count[i] = count[i - v] + 1;
f[i] = true;
for (int i = i &= V; ++i) {
if (f[i]) count[i] = 0;
else if (f[i - v]) {
if (i & 2 * v)
count[i] = 1, f[i] = true;
else if (count[i - v] & n) {
count[i] = count[i - v] + 1;
f[i] = true;
POJ 1742:有若干不同面值的纸币,问能组合出1到m中的几种面值?
#define AB 0
//MAX_N 物品种类数最大值 MAX_n每种物品数目的最大值,MAX_V背包体积最大值
const int MAX_N = 101, MAX_V = 100004;
//w = v特例
inline void pack(bool f[], int V, int v, int n, int& total)
//if (n == 0 || v == 0)
if (n == 1) {
for (int i = V; i - v &= 0; --i)
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) f[i] = true, ++
if (n * v &= V - v + 1) {
//完全背包 n &= V / v
for (int i = i &= V; ++i)
if (! f[i] && f[i - v]) f[i] = true, ++
for (int j = 0; j & ++j) {
int k = V - j, sum = 0;
//前n + 1个元素入队,前面的判断可以保证: V - j - n * v & 0
for (; k &= V - j - n * k -= v) sum += f[k];
for (int i = V - i & 0; k -= v, i -= v) {
if (f[i]) --
//出队: sum -= f[i]
else if (sum != 0) f[i] = true, ++
//int tt = f[i]; f[i] = (bool) sum -=
if (k &= 0) sum += f[k];
struct Node {
int n, v, V;
bool operator&(const Node& other) const { return V & other.V;}
int main()
#if AB == 1
Node node[MAX_N];
bool f[MAX_V];
while (scanf("%d %d",&N,&V) != EOF) {
if (N + V == 0) break;
Node *np = node + N;
for (Node *p = p & ++p) scanf("%d", &p-&v);
for (Node *p = p & ++p) {
scanf("%d", &p-&n);
p-&V = std::min(p-&n * p-&v, V);
std::sort(node, np);
int total = 0;
f[0] = true;
for (int i = 1; i &= V; ++i) f[i] = false;
int mv = 0;
for (Node *p = p & np && total & V; ++p) {
mv = std::min(mv + p-&V, V);
pack(f,mv,p-&v,p-&n, total);
多重背包中多次背包 O(VN) 算法1 (单调队列优化) 带参考程序
多次背包多次背包问题:给定 n 种物品和一个背包。第 i 种物品 的价值是 Wi ,其体积为 Vi,数量是 Ki件,背包的容量为 C。可以任意选择装入背包中的物品,求装入背包中物品的最大总价值。 方法...
背包问题(0-1背包,完全背包,&em&多重背包&/em&知识概念&em&详解&/em&)内含实例代码解析,详细讲解了背包的基本概念及简单运用问题 综合评分:0 收藏评论举报 所需: 1积分/C币 开通...
有一个储蓄罐,告知其空时的重量和当前重量,并给定一些钱币的价值和相应重量求储蓄罐中最少有多少现金输入 第一行T 表示后面有T行测试用例第二行两个数字 空储蓄罐重量 当前储蓄罐重量第三行一个 整形N 其...
没有更多推荐了,Restore of node with child node having onParentVersion=VERSION fails
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Restore of node with child node having onParentVersion=VERSION fails
I have a node whose definition has properties and child nodes. &The
definitions of the nodetypes for the node and the child include
mix:versionable. &The properties definitions have onParentVersion=COPY and
the child nodes have onParentVersion=VERSION. &When I create a node with
child nodes and checkin and then restore the node, I get a
&....VersionException: Restore of root node not allowed& &This is
occurring on the restore of the child node.
According to the spec:
Child Node
On checkin of N, the node VN will get a subnode of type nt:versionedChild
with the same name as C. The single property of this node,
jcr:childVersionHistory is a REFERENCE to the version history of C (not to
C or any actual version of C). This also requires that C itself be
versionable (otherwise it would not have a version history).
On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing node
corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of the
restored N. If the workspace currently has an already existing node
corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
restore is set to false then an ItemExistsException is thrown.
I'm restoring the node using
& & node.restore(version, true);
Is this expected behavior?
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Re: Restore of node with child node having onParentVersion=VERSION fails
you need to checkin that childnode aswell, before you are able to
restore the node. otherwise, there is no version you can restore from.
since the rootversion is only a sentinel of the version history, it
cannot be restored from.
regards, toby
On 5/1/06, David Kennedy && wrote:
& I have a node whose definition has properties and child nodes. &The
& definitions of the nodetypes for the node and the child include
& mix:versionable. &The properties definitions have onParentVersion=COPY and
& the child nodes have onParentVersion=VERSION. &When I create a node with
& child nodes and checkin and then restore the node, I get a
& &....VersionException: Restore of root node not allowed& &This is
& occurring on the restore of the child node.
& According to the spec:
& Child Node
& On checkin of N, the node VN will get a subnode of type nt:versionedChild
& with the same name as C. The single property of this node,
& jcr:childVersionHistory is a REFERENCE to the version history of C (not to
& C or any actual version of C). This also requires that C itself be
& versionable (otherwise it would not have a version history).
& On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing node
& corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
& restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of the
& restored N. If the workspace currently has an already existing node
& corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
& restore is set to false then an ItemExistsException is thrown.
& I'm restoring the node using
& & & node.restore(version, true);
& Is this expected behavior?
Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
-----------------------------------------------& &&---
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Re: Restore of node with child node having onParentVersion=VERSION fails
wrote on 05/02/:48 AM:
& hi david,
& you need to checkin that childnode aswell, before you are able to
& restore the node. otherwise, there is no version you can restore from.
& since the rootversion is only a sentinel of the version history, it
& cannot be restored from.
But the child node definition has onParentVersion=VERSION. &According to
the spec....
&On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing node
corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of the
restored N.&
Since the workspace has the existing child, that child should become the
child of the restored parent (i.e. nothing should really be restored from
version history). &IMO, the restore should work the opposite of the
checkin. &If I checkin a parent and it has a child with
onParentVersion=VERSION, and that checkin merely causes a reference to the
versionHistory of the child, then on restore, there is nothing to restore
*unless* there is no child in the workspace at which point it would pull
the &latest& from versionHistory.
& regards, toby
& On 5/1/06, David Kennedy && wrote:
& & I have a node whose definition has properties and child nodes. &The
& & definitions of the nodetypes for the node and the child include
& & mix:versionable. &The properties definitions have onParentVersion=COPY
& & the child nodes have onParentVersion=VERSION. &When I create a node
& & child nodes and checkin and then restore the node, I get a
& & &....VersionException: Restore of root node not allowed& &This is
& & occurring on the restore of the child node.
& & According to the spec:
& & Child Node
& & On checkin of N, the node VN will get a subnode of type
& & with the same name as C. The single property of this node,
& & jcr:childVersionHistory is a REFERENCE to the version history of C
& & C or any actual version of C). This also requires that C itself be
& & versionable (otherwise it would not have a version history).
& & On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing
& & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of
& & restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of
& & restored N. If the workspace currently has an already existing node
& & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of
& & restore is set to false then an ItemExistsException is thrown.
& & I'm restoring the node using
& & & & node.restore(version, true);
& & Is this expected behavior?
& -----------------------------------------&
& Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
& T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
& -----------------------------------------------& &&---
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Re: Restore of node with child node having onParentVersion=VERSION fails
oh, ok. i see. you're talking of restore of an existing node. that
would be a bug then :-)
On 5/2/06, David Kennedy && wrote:
& Hi Toby,
wrote on 05/02/:48 AM:
& & hi david,
& & you need to checkin that childnode aswell, before you are able to
& & restore the node. otherwise, there is no version you can restore from.
& & since the rootversion is only a sentinel of the version history, it
& & cannot be restored from.
& But the child node definition has onParentVersion=VERSION. &According to
& the spec....
& &On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing node
& corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
& restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of the
& restored N.&
& Since the workspace has the existing child, that child should become the
& child of the restored parent (i.e. nothing should really be restored from
& version history). &IMO, the restore should work the opposite of the
& checkin. &If I checkin a parent and it has a child with
& onParentVersion=VERSION, and that checkin merely causes a reference to the
& versionHistory of the child, then on restore, there is nothing to restore
& *unless* there is no child in the workspace at which point it would pull
& the &latest& from versionHistory.
& & regards, toby
& & On 5/1/06, David Kennedy && wrote:
& & & I have a node whose definition has properties and child nodes. &The
& & & definitions of the nodetypes for the node and the child include
& & & mix:versionable. &The properties definitions have onParentVersion=COPY
& & & the child nodes have onParentVersion=VERSION. &When I create a node
& & & child nodes and checkin and then restore the node, I get a
& & & &....VersionException: Restore of root node not allowed& &This is
& & & occurring on the restore of the child node.
& & & According to the spec:
& & & Child Node
& & & On checkin of N, the node VN will get a subnode of type
& nt:versionedChild
& & & with the same name as C. The single property of this node,
& & & jcr:childVersionHistory is a REFERENCE to the version history of C
& & & C or any actual version of C). This also requires that C itself be
& & & versionable (otherwise it would not have a version history).
& & & On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing
& & & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of
& & & restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of
& & & restored N. If the workspace currently has an already existing node
& & & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of
& & & restore is set to false then an ItemExistsException is thrown.
& & & I'm restoring the node using
& & & & & node.restore(version, true);
& & & Is this expected behavior?
& & & David
& & -----------------------------------------&
& & Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
& & T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
& & -----------------------------------------------& &&---
Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
-----------------------------------------------& &&---
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Re: Restore of node with child node having onParentVersion=VERSION fails
i created a JIRA issue: regards, toby
On 5/2/06, Tobias Bocanegra && wrote:
& oh, ok. i see. you're talking of restore of an existing node. that
& would be a bug then :-)
& On 5/2/06, David Kennedy && wrote:
& & Hi Toby,
wrote on 05/02/:48 AM:
& & & hi david,
& & & you need to checkin that childnode aswell, before you are able to
& & & restore the node. otherwise, there is no version you can restore from.
& & & since the rootversion is only a sentinel of the version history, it
& & & cannot be restored from.
& & But the child node definition has onParentVersion=VERSION. &According to
& & the spec....
& & &On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing node
& & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of the
& & restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of the
& & restored N.&
& & Since the workspace has the existing child, that child should become the
& & child of the restored parent (i.e. nothing should really be restored from
& & version history). &IMO, the restore should work the opposite of the
& & checkin. &If I checkin a parent and it has a child with
& & onParentVersion=VERSION, and that checkin merely causes a reference to the
& & versionHistory of the child, then on restore, there is nothing to restore
& & *unless* there is no child in the workspace at which point it would pull
& & the &latest& from versionHistory.
& & & regards, toby
& & & On 5/1/06, David Kennedy && wrote:
& & & & I have a node whose definition has properties and child nodes. &The
& & & & definitions of the nodetypes for the node and the child include
& & & & mix:versionable. &The properties definitions have onParentVersion=COPY
& & & & the child nodes have onParentVersion=VERSION. &When I create a node
& & & & child nodes and checkin and then restore the node, I get a
& & & & &....VersionException: Restore of root node not allowed& &This is
& & & & occurring on the restore of the child node.
& & & & According to the spec:
& & & & Child Node
& & & & On checkin of N, the node VN will get a subnode of type
& & nt:versionedChild
& & & & with the same name as C. The single property of this node,
& & & & jcr:childVersionHistory is a REFERENCE to the version history of C
& & (not to
& & & & C or any actual version of C). This also requires that C itself be
& & & & versionable (otherwise it would not have a version history).
& & & & On restore of VN, if the workspace currently has an already existing
& & & & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of
& & & & restore is set to true, then that instance of C becomes the child of
& & & & restored N. If the workspace currently has an already existing node
& & & & corresponding to C?s version history and the removeExisting flag of
& & & & restore is set to false then an ItemExistsException is thrown.
& & & & I'm restoring the node using
& & & & & & node.restore(version, true);
& & & & Is this expected behavior?
& & & & David
& & & -----------------------------------------&
& & & Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
& & & T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
& & & -----------------------------------------------& &&---
& -----------------------------------------&
& Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
& T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
& -----------------------------------------------& &&---
Tobias Bocanegra, Day Management AG, Barfuesserplatz 6, CH - 4001 Basel
T +41 61 226 98 98, F +41 61 226 98 97
-----------------------------------------------& &&---}


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