
真的4999?Xbox One国行价格疑似曝光
【中关村在线游戏资讯】6月25日消息:关于Xbox One国行版价格的问题一直都是热门话题,现在微软官网的一则活动似乎透露了真实的售价。微软中国日前在Xbox One官网上开启了一项活动,只要提交用户的邮箱和手机号,即可参加每周的抽奖,有机会赢取“4999元微软官方商城电子优惠券”。这个数字与之前传出的国行版Xbox One售价一致。Xbox One此活动一出再次引起了玩家们对于价格的考虑,难道国行版Xbox One真的要卖4999元?这样的价格实在有些让人难以接受。不过也有人认为4999不止包含主机的价格,可能还有购买游戏的优惠券。总之国行Xbox One的价格再次扑朔迷离起来,希望我们能尽早得到确切的消息。
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Mixer 新世代串流服務開創先河,獨家讓觀眾實時參與遊戲串流直播,發揮影響力!串流主播與觀眾可透過前所未有方式聯繫,彼此交流,締造嶄新串流體驗。
加入 Xbox Play Anywhere 數碼版行列,即可跨 Xbox One 與 Windows 10 PC 個人電腦自由暢玩,毋須另行附費。無論您是在 Xbox One 還是 PC 個人電腦上暢玩任何遊戲,皆可使用其他主機,從上次暫停之處繼續玩;而所有遊戲進度、附加內容與遊戲成就都可完美整合,伴您隨行。隨時隨地,Xbox Play Anywhere 伴您暢玩無休。
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Xbox Live 的「尋找群組」功能將助您物色遊戲目標、風格與志趣相近的玩家同儕,一起暢玩 Xbox One 及 Windows 10 PC 個人電腦遊戲!
您將可在「Xbox Live 俱樂部」中構建個人遊戲社群!只須按相近興趣、遊戲風格與目標籌建專屬群組,您即可與志向相投的玩家保持緊密聯繫,過程無比輕鬆!
有了「Xbox Live 競技場」功能,您將可舉辦自家巡迴賽、自訂各類賽事,並排定比賽開始與結束時間—只須單次登記即可,免除繁複註冊步驟!
須具備 Xbox Live Gold 會員資格 (另行發售),方可享用 Xbox One 多玩家功能。
如今,頂尖 PC 個人電腦遊戲將陸續於 Xbox Live 登場!您既可一覽好友的遊戲動向、分享並觀看遊戲片段,亦可取用至愛遊戲的 Game Hubs!
如今,Windows 10 與流動裝置上的 Minecraft 玩家均可運用 Minecraft Realms 服務配合 Xbox Live,寄存個人多玩家遊戲世界。即使原有世界創建人離線,一眾好友仍可在私人雲端伺服器上 24 小時全天候暢玩。而只消具備 Xbox Live 帳戶,您更可透過 Minecraft 應用程式,於流動裝置及 Windows 10 上免費試用 Minecraft Realms 一個月!
無論身處何方,您都可與玩家好友及遊戲社群成員保持聯繫,在 Xbox One、Windows 10 PC 個人電腦、平板電腦以至手機上互動交流!您既可一覽好友的遊戲動向、查看個人成就、取閱通知事項、傳送訊息,亦可分享遊戲片段等,精彩不絕!您更可橫跨 Xbox One 及 Windows 10 PC 個人電腦裝置,與一眾玩家展開派對聊天環節。
您將可在更多地方隨心暢玩至愛遊戲,自由自如!從此,您的遊戲、玩家好友與群組皆可在 Xbox One、Windows 10 PC 個人電腦、平板電腦以至手機上存取,輕鬆自在!無論何時何地,您的遊戲與成就都伴您隨行。您在 Windows 10 PC 個人電腦上串流播放 Xbox One 遊戲實況的同時,更可繼續與好友同玩,定格最精彩遊戲時刻!
您將可橫越 Xbox One、Windows 10 PC 個人電腦、平板電腦以至手機,隨時隨地賺取成就,添加玩家分數。您還可運用內置「遊戲 DVR」功能擷錄螢幕截圖,定格最精彩遊戲時刻。您亦可運用遊戲片段來製作出色影片、加入個人評論,並與好友分享。您更可透過 Mixer 即時直播 Xbox One 遊戲實況,讓全球玩家見證刺激一刻!玩家身分,任您創建。您將可自訂玩家代號、建立個人專屬人偶,並在玩家檔案中整合有關您的一切重要資訊。
您將可與好友協力建構充滿想像力的世界,令人驚艷。您亦可投入鬥智競速的遊戲賽事之中,體驗心跳破百的快感!無論您想暢玩合作還是競賽型遊戲,Xbox Live 總會叫您稱心滿意。加入全球頂尖遊戲社群後,您不愁找不到與個人技術水平及遊戲風格相襯的玩家同伴!
Xbox Live 由成千上萬套伺服器驅動,既會為您締造極致效能,亦可減除遊戲延誤及作弊情況。每月,Xbox Live 上演超過 10 億場多玩家賽事,足證系統專為效能、速度與可靠度而建。
而今,您將可運用 Xbox「尋找群組」功能,更迅捷輕鬆地找到 Xbox Live 玩家同儕。
Xbox Live 將為玩家開拓更廣闊的遊戲領域!有了跨裝置多玩家功能,無論您的玩家好友選用 Xbox One 還是 Windows 10 PC 個人電腦,您均可與之同玩共樂!
既可享受當下樂趣,又可獲得回贈,夫復何求?有了 Microsoft Rewards,您只要在 Xbox Live 上玩遊戲、觀賞電影、享受當下,即可切實賺得回贈!此外,玩家們使用 Bing 在網路上搜尋,以及在 Microsoft Store 購物,也會得到獎勵。立即開始賺取。
擁有禮品卡、預繳卡或推廣代碼?請按此處,輸入 25 字元代碼。
初次設定項目、更新項目、以及部分遊戲與功能須具備寬頻互聯網連線,方可使用;須繳付 ISP 費用。須具備 Xbox Live Gold (另行發售),方可享用 Xbox One 網上多玩家功能。
© Microsoft 2018Xbox Live | Xbox
Mixer is the only next gen streaming service that offers viewers real-time influence and participation in live game streams. Streamers and viewers can connect like never before, engaging together to create a whole new streaming experience.
Now when you own an Xbox Play Anywhere digital title, it’s yours to play on both Xbox One and Windows 10 PC at no additional cost. Play a game and pick up where you left off on another Xbox One or PC, bringing all your saves, game add-ons, and achievements with you. Anywhere is a great place to play.
Add blocks for friends, games, and more to personalize your home screen with content that matters to you.
Switching between tabs is faster than ever. There are tabs for Achievements, Multiplayer, People, Communication, Broadcast & Capture, and System. New flyouts allow a deeper level of Guide detail than ever before.
With Looking for Group on Xbox Live, you can search for gamers with similar gaming objectives, playstyles, and preferences across Xbox One and Windows 10 PC games.
Create your own gaming communities with Clubs on Xbox Live. With dedicated groups organized around similar interests, playstyles, and objectives, it’s easier than ever to stay connected with like-minded gamers.
Create your own tournaments with Arena on Xbox Live, where you can customize the type of tournaments, and schedule the starting dates and times all with one simple sign-up-- no extra registration required.
Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required for multiplayer on Xbox One.
Now top PC games will start showing up on Xbox Live. See what your friends are playing, share and watch game clips, and access Game Hubs for your favorite titles.
Now Minecraft players on Windows 10 and mobile can host their own multiplayer worlds using the Minecraft Realms service and Xbox Live. Play with friends 24/7 on private, cloud-based servers, even when the original world creator is offline. And with your Xbox Live account, you even can try Minecraft Realms on mobile and Windows 10 free for one month through the Minecraft app.
Stay connected with your friends and gaming community everywhere you go across Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs, tablets, and phones. See what your friends are playing, view your achievements, get notifications, send messages, share game clips, and much more. You can even party chat with gamers across Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs.
Enjoy the freedom to play your favorite games in more places than ever. Easily access your games, friends, and community across Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, tablet, and phone. Wherever you go, your games and achievements go with you. And when you stream your Xbox One games to your Windows 10 PC, you can continue to play with your friends and record your best game moments.
Earn Achievements and add to your Gamerscore across Xbox One, Windows 10 PC, tablet, and phone. Take screenshots and capture your best gaming moments with built-in Game DVR. Use the footage to create amazing videos, add commentary, and share them with your friends. You can also broadcast gameplay live from your Xbox One via Mixer for the world to see. Create your own identity as a gamer. Customize your Gamertag, create your own Xbox Avatar, and bring together everything that matters to you in your Gamer Profile.
Build imaginative, awe-inspiring worlds with your friends. Compete in heart-pounding matches that require quick thinking and fast reflexes. Whether you are in the mood for cooperative or competitive gameplay, Xbox Live has something for everyone. With the world's premier gaming community, there is always someone ready to play matching your skill and style.
Powered by hundreds of thousands of servers, Xbox Live delivers maximum performance while reducing lag and cheating. With over 1 billion multiplayer matches played each month, Xbox Live is built for performance, speed and reliability.
Now it’s faster and easier to find people you want to play with on Xbox Live using Xbox Looking for Group.
Xbox Live opens you to a wider world of gamers to play with. With cross-device multiplayer, you can play with your friends regardless of whether they play on Xbox One or Windows 10 PC.
Getting rewarded for doing what you love…what could be better? With Microsoft Rewards, playing games, watching movies, and having fun on Xbox Live means real rewards in your pocket. Gamers will also be rewarded for searching the web with Bing and shopping at the Microsoft Store. Start earning today.
Have a gift card, prepaid card, or promotional code? Click here to enter 25 digit code.
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