
To vary the taste, ramen may or might not be cooked in the soup.
Some additions, to be used singly or in combinations, trying not to repeat
other people's earlier suggestions:
= 2 ? 'z-enabled':''}}">鍙戝竷文化: 让泡面更好吃的秘籍你知道吗?(双语)文化: 让泡面更好吃的秘籍你知道吗?(双语)每日一词ABC百家号What are the easiest ways to make instant noodles tastier?有什么简单的方法让方便面更美味些?Shichimi, a Japanese pepper, can be added, which lends a much different flavor that traditional black pepper. It can be found in most Asian supermarkets and possible in the Asian food section are your local supermarket. It looks like this.可以添加一种叫七味唐辛子的日本辣椒,味道和传统黑胡椒大不一样。在大部分亚洲超市和你当地超市的亚洲食物区都可以找到。Sliced green onions, a little sliced cabbage, sesame seeds and soy sauce are usually in the typical refrigerator or cupboard and easily added.一般冰箱或橱柜里都可以找到切片青葱,一小片卷心菜,芝麻籽和酱油,加料都很容易。Every ramen enthusiast knows that the secret to a good bowl is not the noodles, but the broth. I like Hon Dashi in favor of those little packets included.每一个拉面爱好者都知道一碗好面的秘诀不在于面条,而在于汤料。我爱柴鱼粉爱那些小包装调味包。Of course, this is still a pretty simple meal. You could throw in a few slices of left over meats, but in my opinion, doing so takes away from any authentic taste you might be trying to achieve.当然啦,这仍是一顿简餐。你得扔一两片剩肉进去,但在我看来,这么做就不那么原汁原味了。You could do lots more to jazz it up, but then the issue of cost and practicality rears its ugly head.你还可以加些别的有意思的食材进去,但不免要碰到成本和可行性的问题。Practicality refers to the amount left over or effort needed to prepare it. You only need a tiny amount, but the supermarket won't sell you a tiny amount of:可行性指的是你剩余的食材和准备食材的精力。你只需要一点点食材,但这些食材超市不会只卖那么一小点给你:kamaboko (Japanese fish cake slices)鱼板(日式鱼切片)char siu (roast pork, Asian BBQ style)叉烧(亚洲烧烤风味烤猪肉)moyashi (mung bean sprouts)豆芽(绿豆芽)takuan (daikon pickle)日本大萝卜(萝卜泡菜)boiled egg煮鸡蛋I use Korean for types that are very salty or picante, I might use less than the full packet of soup mix.我把韩国拉面和各种汤料混一起吃,碰到比较咸和偏辛辣的我就稍微少放点汤料。To vary the taste, ramen may or might not be cooked in the soup.有时候为了换口味,拉面不放在汤里面煮。Some additions, to be used singly or in combinations, trying not to repeat other people's earlier suggestions:还有一些,单独添加或者好几样混在一起添加都可以,但尽量不要和别人说的重复。-- sliced tiny hot chile辣椒碎-- toasted sesame seeds烤芝麻籽-- fresh tofu (I prefer silken soft)新鲜豆腐(我喜欢嫩豆腐)-- egg (beaten, lightly cooked as flat sheet, or scrambled)蛋(打散,摊成薄蛋饼,切成条,或者炒蛋)-- dried, re-constituted mushrooms (sliced or whole)干蘑菇,脱水复原蘑菇(切片或整只)-- dried bonito flakes干鲣鱼片-- dried salted tiny anchovies or shrimp腌渍凤尾鱼干或小虾-- any shellfish, fresh, frozen or canned任何贝类,新鲜的、速冻的罐头的皆可-- kimchi (any variety) or other Korean side dish任何口味的泡菜或其他韩国配菜-- frozen chopped spinach速冻菠菜碎-- fresh lettuce (any kind), cut in chiffonade (thinnest strips)新鲜的莴苣碎末-- snowpeas, angle-sliced celery stalk, sliced water chestnut, mushrooms, bean sprouts, sliced bamboo shoot, western onion, in a chicken soup broth thickened with cornstarch (This was known as chop suey)糖荚豌豆,斜切芹菜茎,切片马蹄,蘑菇,豆芽,切片竹笋,洋葱,放鸡汤里勾芡(这也被称为炒杂碎)-- frozen or leftover Chinese food, including dim sum or dumplings---冷冻速食或剩菜,包括点心和水饺等面制品We usually have chicken-flavored Maruchan instant ramen on hand.我们通常吃手头的东洋水产鸡肉味的方便面。half the flavor packet半包风味拉面about a tablespoon of soy sauce约一汤匙酱油about a tablespoon of vinegar (rice vinegar seemed to work best)约一勺醋(似乎米醋效果最好)dash of red pepper flakes少许红椒片squirt of siriacha喷点辣酱dash of powdered ginger少许姜粉about a teaspoon of sugar约一茶匙汤black pepper黑胡椒a couple shakes of sesame oil for flavor几滴芝麻油调味来源:综合网络信息有问题找小编加本文由百家号作者上传并发布,百家号仅提供信息发布平台。文章仅代表作者个人观点,不代表百度立场。未经作者许可,不得转载。每日一词ABC百家号最近更新:简介:国际文化生活教育新知作者最新文章相关文章视频-刺激战场:这条视频的评论,可能是最全,海岛刷车秘籍
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