请问怎么打开这个xbox game pass过期软件

仅需8元!港服订阅Xbox Game Pass畅玩100多款游戏 - Xbox Game Pass,Xbox,微软 - IT之家极客微软苹果资源内容字号:段落设置:字体设置:搜索精准搜索请尝试:仅需8元!港服订阅Xbox Game Pass畅玩100多款游戏来源:作者:玄隐责编:玄隐4月28日消息&Xbox Game Pass在2017年6月正式上线时,旨在为玩家打造一种全新的游戏服务。玩家通过月付的方式可以畅玩Xbox平台上超过100款不同类型的游戏,这相当于开放了一个不断更新的游戏库,可供玩家无限时地下载和体验库中游戏。现在Xbox官方推出优惠大促销,港服订阅Xbox Game Pass,现仅需8元(10港币):。(切换到香港区)首月优惠,后续79港元/月,可手动取消续费。如果你还从未体验过,或暂时停止了享受Xbox Game Pass的快乐。那么今天,该加入我们了!现在就起床,打开你的Xbox,订阅一个月Xbox Game Pass。8元!爽到!玩豹!#Game Pass使我快乐#网友们纷纷表示,现在八块钱能买啥?爽到玩爆!八块钱!给我来一年的!...IT之家报道,2017年9 月份,微软对 Xbox Game Pass 服务进行了全球扩展,现在有 40 个国家的粉丝都可以享受这项服务。微软还将继续扩充游戏库,每月都将有新的游戏加入到 Xbox Game Pass中,让玩家总有新游戏可玩。微软此前最新发售了《盗贼之海》,所有订阅了 Xbox Game Pass 的玩家都可以畅玩此款游戏。《光环》、《极限竞速》和《战争机器》等重要独占游戏系列的新作,在其发售时,也将同步加入到 Xbox Game Pass 中。相关阅读:《》分享:相关文章:|||||||软媒旗下软件:|||||||||||||||IT之家,软媒旗下科技门户网站 - 爱科技,爱这里。Copyright (C), All Rights Reserved.版权所有Xbox Game PassIt's a new month, and that means another set of games for Xbox Game Pass, Microsoft's all-you-can-eat subscription service for games on Xbox One. The $10 per month service offers unlimited downloads of its library, which promises all first-party Xbox games on the day of release. This month the …Xbox goes to every clichéd extreme in a new social ad to promote its on-demand Game Pass service.&p&The hero spot starts with what looks like a …New stuff is exciting, but does that make it better than old stuff?&p&Sometimes it feels like living in the modern world is one gigantic, never-ending exercise in dealing with FOMO.&p&Leave aside the news, which seems to be moving so fast that it’s damn near impossible to keep track of. These days, it’s …&i&We know you’re busy and might miss out on all the exciting things we’re talking about on Xbox Wire every week. If you’ve got a few minutes, we can&/i& …It's not just you. The new Xbox Game Pass advert is the weirdest (and best) thing we've seen in 2018.Microsoft has kicked off a further marketing …EA Sports’ Madden 19 drops its annual celeb-filled epic, Walmart’s ode to motherhood, and Xbox goes full infomercial for Game Pass.&p&Every time a company goes public on a major stock exchange, there’s the obligatory bell-ringing, where that firm’s executives and others who stand to make a killing on …To celebrate the launch of its Twitter account, Microsoft’s Xbox Games Pass service is hosting an Xbox One X giveaway.&p&One lucky Twitter follower will win the gaming system—worth $499 and billed as the world’s most powerful console—though oddly enough the winner does not walk away with a free Xbox …The new ad for Xbox Game Pass is a lot like the movie Inception, made specifically for people who spend tons of their waking hours playing Zombie …Say goodbye to the Entertainment tab and hello to the Game Pass tab. The Xbox game subscription service is proving very popular and that bodes well …A new month has begun, and that means that a new batch of games has just joined Xbox Game Pass.Seven new games have joined the subscription service’s …There are plenty of reasons to recommend an Xbox One. The Xbox One X is the most powerful game console on the market--and the standard S version is no slouch, either. It has a growing library of games you can't play on competitors like the PS4 or Nintendo Switch. It's a gateway to subscription …Changes steer users to the best among a library of 200 games&p&Responding to user feedback, Microsoft has introduced a new and improved interface to the Xbox Games Pass service that it hopes will connect new users to the large catalog of content it has available.&p&As outlined by Xbox Wire, the new Game …Rare's pirate life simulator &i&Sea of Thieves&/i& has attracted over 5 million players across Xbox One and Windows 10 PC after launching back in March.&p&The …Everybody and their mother knows that &i&Fortnite&/i& is one of the most popular video games on the face of the earth. It owes much of that success to the …Airs Daily&p&GS News Updates are here to keep you up to date with the very latest and greatest in gaming news.Non-boring school supplies for every student&p&As much as we hate to admit it, summer break is coming to an end. Soon you’ll be heading back to class, or maybe starting at a new school. Whether you’re feeling intimidated, excited, or just worried about getting your summer reading done in time, there’s …It's a new month, which means new games to play. For those that have the Xbox One Game pass, it means even more titles added to that growing game …Tour the countryside.Microsoft started off E3 2018 with a bang, taking the wraps off of the latest entry in its Forza series called Forza Horizon 4. …Xbox Game Pass: Hitman Season 1, Ruiner, Ryse: Son of Rome, and More August 1Xbox Game Pass members, get ready for action as a variety of new titles …Sea of Thieves’ Cursed Sails Update Goes Live Today&p&Developer Rare has confirmed that their shared-world pirate simulator, &i&Sea of Thieves&/i&, has now …&b&Dan Reynolds&/b& is taking the challenge!&p&The 31-year-old &b&Imagine Dragons&/b& star took on the Xbox Game Pass Challenge on Friday (July 27) in support of&/b& …Cursed Sails, the second major content for &i&Sea of Thieves&/i&, arrives today and with it comes several new things for players to do.One of the major …As we’ve often said here on the Xbox Insider Blog: Our community is what makes the Xbox Insider Program so special. We’ve been excited to grow the …How to Survive in Vigor, Now Available via Xbox Game Preview&b&Vigor&/b& is a brand-new title from us at Bohemia Interactive exclusively on Xbox One. We’re …Destiny 2: Forsaken – Legendary Collection Available for Pre-Order, Launches on Xbox One September 4When things don’t go according to plan while …Ready Your Fists to Play Tekken 7 for Free This Weekend with Xbox Live GoldGet into an epic fight and unveil the ending of the legendary family …EA's Origin Access Premier is rolling out starting today, adding a higher tier to its subscription service. The upgraded version of Origin Access will give you unlimited access to new releases on PC, as well as early access five days before launch.&p&The basic tier gives access to the Vault of 100+ …Xbox One is one of the finest creation by Microsoft developers for game lovers. However, a lot of its services are made available on PC as well. With …Video game company EA is slowly switching its business model to recurring subscriptions. The company just launched Origin Access Premier for $15 per month or $100 per year. This subscription is only available on PC.&p&This isn’t EA’s first subscription. The company first launched EA Access on the Xbox …The good news is that Ultimate Game Sale is the biggest Xbox One game sale we've seen all year. The bad news is, it ends today. So hurry up and check it out, because this sale offers up to 65% off digital Xbox games, with an added 10% off select games for Xbox Live Gold members.&p&We've already gone …您当前位置:
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最新文章推荐Xbox Game Pass宣传片:一份包子怎么能满足你呢?
微软今天又放出了一部非常有趣的Xbox Game Pass的宣传片,让我们一起来看看吧!
【游侠网】Xbox Game Pass宣传片:包子
在这段广告片中,之前广告片中的我们所熟悉的商店职员又出现了,而这一次他谈论的是……包子。广告想要表达的主题是如果你只想玩一款游戏,那么就好像是前往一家小卖部要一份包子那样,这样怎么能满足呢?而Xbox Game Pass提供了超过100款的精彩游戏,一定能让你大快朵颐。
“Xbox Game Pass”是微软推出的一项全新的Xbox One订阅服务,玩家只需要支付9.99美元/月(人民币68元),就能够畅玩超过100款的Xbox One游戏和兼容列表中的Xbox 360游戏。而在今年一月的时候,微软更是宣布将会扩展旗下的订阅服务Xbox Game Pass,未来Xbox Game Pass将会在第一时间加入自家工作室的全新第一方大作。
今日搜狐热点当前位置: > >
Xbox系统正式集成Xbox Game Pass服务专属页面
Xbox系统正式集成Xbox Game Pass服务专属页面
微软一直致力于为Xbox用户提供低廉订阅费用就能玩到最新Xbox游戏的Xbox Game Pass服务,Xbox Game Pass从去年就逐渐成为了微软经营Xbox的核心功能之一。现在该服务已经进一步的集成到了Xbox系统之中。
  (多玩网7月31日上午消息)微软一直致力于为Xbox用户提供低廉订阅费用就能玩到最新Xbox的Xbox Game Pass服务,Xbox Game Pass从去年就逐渐成为了微软经营Xbox的核心功能之一。现在该服务已经进一步的集成到了Xbox系统之中。
  微软公布了一些新的更新内容,其中最重要的更动就是增加了Xbox Game Pass服务的专用标签页面。虽然在6月份的时候Xbox Insider成员就已经先行体验到这款功能了,但直到现在才为所有Xbox用户开放。现在只要打开主机就会看到上面标签多了&Game Pass栏位&,包括最新上架和官方精选的游戏等。
  除了Xbox Game Pass专属页面以外,这次更新还增加了&官方俱乐部&功能,这个功能是为了让玩家查看更多官方动态与更新内容,但目前这个功能只支持部分游戏,例如《我的世界》的官方俱乐部就提供了最新的游戏与开发者资讯等等。


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