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起点已更,等会吧!11级了,露个面恭喜自己终于签到十级了六里桥到良乡给这么晚还在关注贴吧,还没到家的吧友, 六里桥北里----良乡,不要钱,免费送 现在就...我记得就在8号院二层楼那里,谁知道 告诉我一声,谢谢。可爱的双十一,你们出门前是否把银行卡密码输入错误3次了?回良乡喽!
约今天打台球,良乡那个台球厅都行,先说好,我打球一般,求个陪练也行。声明:本人草鸟一只,不赌,不瞎聊,只玩台球 如题,求解释啊!!!!!!!!!!
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Happy mail
Happy mail (ハッピーメール)
The number of Female members is currently No.1 in the Japan's dating local websites .
There is no English page, so You need some Japanese knowledge or use translation website to use and communicate with Japanese women.
Happy mail is the best dating classic website.
They check fake profiles so The female members are mostly real.
?For men's member , point system
For female member, if they do any actions, they get mileage.
?Inquiry form
?Resign form
Their members
more than 3.5 million people. They are
point system dating website.
Reply rate from women is very
high, and there is no Fake members basically.
You can get free point first.
Membership fee
It's free to join. then if you like , you can purchase points.
For women, you don't need to purchase the points.
Men's member
You can get 135 points(max) at the first registration.
Free member can use 11 features at most.
1 point = 10 yen
How to register
Note: You need Japanese mobile phone number. ( If you live in overseas, please try to register by facebook account)
Click men or Register by Facebook account.
Then you start to fill in the registration form.
地域=Place where you live (九州?沖縄=Kyushu,okinawa ,中国=chugoku(hiroshima)四国=shikoku関西=Kansai(osaka)東海= tokai(nagoya)北陸= hokuriku関東= Kanto(tokyo)甲信越= (nagano)東北=tohoku,北海道=hokkaido,海外=overseas)
都道府県= prefectures
ニックネーム = nick name
身長= hight (cm)
スタイル = your body type(細身=slim, ややスレンダー= little slim, 普通= average, ナイスバディー= nice body, がっちり= muscular,ややぽっちゃり=chubby ぽっちゃり=fat)
ルックス = your looks (ナイショ= sercret, ジャニー系= boys group type, ストリート系= street fashion, かわいい系= cute, スポーツ系= sporty, ワイルド系= wild ,お笑い系= funny, ヴィジュアル系 = J-rock type, フェロモン系= sexy, いやし系= sweet, ギャル男系= host boy type, おじさま系= old man, ダンディー系= dandy, サラリーマン系= salary man type, 年相応= looks one's age, ちょいワルオヤジ=older and fashionable man, カジュアル系=casual, さわやか系=fresh, 秋葉系= akihabara boy)
職業 = your job ( ナイショ= sercret, 会社員=office worker 会社役員=company executive, 自営業= self employee, 公務員= public officer, OL= office lady, サービス業 = service industry ,医師= doctor, ナース= nurse, 女医師 = female doctor, 人妻 = house wife , 家事手伝い =homemaker, フリーター = part time job,学生= student, 専門学校 = special school student, アパレル関係= apparel sales, 福祉関係= welfare, 広告関係= advertisement ,インストラクター = instructor, 運送関係= shipping, 販売員= shop sales ,シェフ= chef, 航空関係=aviation duty, 美容関係=beauty business,保育士-childcare ,ホスト=boy's bar, 消防士=fire fighter,エンジニア=engineer,ショップ店員= shop staff, 医療関係-medical, IT関係= IT, 飲食関係= food business, 金融?保険業=finance?insuarance, 無職=unemployment, その他= other)
詳細エリア = detail &--- not sure what is this. you can blank.
一口コメント= PR
求める相手= Person you seek (メル友=mail friend, 遊び友達=soulmate, 恋人=lover)
電話番号= Phone number (mobile number 11 digit)
暗証番号= password (4 digit)
Then click next
You will see confirmation page.
Then A number appear like 050-XXX-XXXX
You need to call the number to confirm your number. You need to use the number( mobile phone)
you filled in the registration form.
You hear the voice machne. Press 1 to register.
I think only domestic call is available.( If you live in overseas, please try to register by facebook account)
Then back to the registration page. Click 登録する = register
That's all.
Choose your Asian girlfriend
Happy mail
Number of girls
Ease of Use
Customer Service
There is no fake
Very effective and costly
There are many cute local Japanese girls
No English Service
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Sexy Casino for youHappy Mail-Hoahio, Happy MailMP3下载,歌词下载 - 虾米音乐
Happy Mail
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Happy Mail
Fran?ois CoutureHappy Mail was not what fans of Japanese singer Haco were expecting as a follow-up to her years with After Dinner and her eponymous solo debut. Quite a different cup of tea (like most of her successive reincarnations), the group Hoahio pushed Japanese pop further into the territories of lo-fi and experimentation. The group's first album was released on Sachiko M's Amoebic imprint, is very hard to find and usually comes with a scary price tag, all that for barely over a half hour of music. Interested parties should first check out Hoahio's second album for Tzadik, which contains re-recorded versions of some of the Happy Mail compositions. That said, this first effort is still worth investigating, if only as a blueprint for the next album. Haco's voice appears on only a few tracks and is often buried into the mix, but the meeting between electric guitar and koto (a Japanese traditional string instrument) compensates. The title track is delightfully light, while "Less than Lovers, More than Friends" is the closest the female trio comes to the song format. "Morning Stars" emphasizes Michiyo Yagi's koto work and Sachiko M's sampling wizardry (one of her last sessions before drastically switching to sine waves). Despite its shortness, Happy Mail provides much food for thought and challenging entertainment.
setTimeout(function() {
}, 30000);
disc 1 [Happy Mail]
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