老外在游戏里面说why the f**k my pp hardmyppno是什么品牌意思??

你可能喜欢老外说LOL是啥意思?这年头,不认识些网.. - wjt130的主页
国外某网站征集了和妈妈最搞笑的短信记录,好多都是因为妈妈们弄不懂网络缩写词造成的。(老妈以为,LOL 的意思是 lots of love,把它和亲戚去世的消息一起群发给了所有人。其实,LOL 是 laughing out loud 大笑的意思)(妈妈问孩子这些缩写什么意思,孩子一一回复后,妈妈没反应过来~~)(又是没反应过来 be right back 说的就是 BRB 的意思,于是说好吧我乖乖等...)(哈哈哈妈妈我得了个 A,妈妈回个 WTF,以为这是真棒的意思...)以上这些,你看懂了多少?其实在看美剧的时候,他们对话或者发短信时会有一些缩写比如FYI,或者,她是我的BFF,这些都是什么意思呢?下面给出了一些常用的口语中的缩写,一起来看看吧!b4&- beforey-why&l8r&- later&k&- OK&pls&- please&ppl&- people&sry&- sorry&adr&- addressf2f&- face-to-faceASAP&- as soon as possible 尽早TTYL&- talk to you later 待会儿聊ATM&- at the moment 此刻,马上AFAIK&- as far as I know 据我所知BFF&- best friends forever 死党BRB&- be right back 很快回来BTW&- by the way 顺便问一句G2G&- got to go 要走了IAC&- in any case 无论如何IDK&- I don't know 不知道TY&- thank you 谢谢ILU&- I love you 我爱你IMO&- in my opinion 在我看来JK&- just kidding 开玩笑,别当真KOTL&- kiss on the lips 亲亲LOL&- laughing out loud 大笑LMK&- let me know 告诉我LY&- love you 爱你MorF&- male or female 男还是女WTF&- what the f*ck 什么鬼RU/18&- Are you over 18? 你成年了吗?TBC&- to be continued 未完待续TBD&- to be determined 有待商榷WYCM&- Will you call me? 你会给我打电话吗?TMI&- too much information 你透露的信息过多了/你太啰嗦了FYI&- for your in&information 让你知道一下LMAO&- laughing my ass off &笑得从椅子上掉下来IIRC&- if I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话ASL&- age, sex, location 年龄、性别、所在地所以不要觉得老外发LOL,是英雄联盟的意思不要觉得老外发ATM,是自动取款机的意思不要觉得老外发G2G,是和P2P有什么关系记住上面这两个表,看美剧的时候遇到这些就不会蒙圈啦!推荐阅读最新版托福阅读满分必备资料黄金阅读(更新到TPO51)回复&黄金阅读&下载20G托福资料免费送!回复&20G不知道如何备考,点击阅读原文,小黑哥请专业老师给你做个初步学习规划↓↓↓↓Shutterstock
UPDATE: Damn, health insurance companies are back at it again with the premium increases. The federal government said Monday that premiums for midlevel health plans under the Affordable Care Act will increase by 25 percent on average in 2017, as reported by the . This is huge compared to last year’s seven percent increase.&Check out our explanation from last year on why your rates are going up—it still applies today:
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I received a standard-looking letter from my
company recently, so naturally, I ignored it.When I finally decided to open and actually read it, I nearly had a heart attack: Somewhere in the third paragraph, I was informed that my health insurance premium is going up…by nearly $200 a month.Actually, they didn’t tell me it was going up—the letter just briefly mentioned a new, much higher amount and apparently hoped I wouldn’t notice.But I did, and I was pissed. Since I’m self-employed and my husband and I buy our family health insurance straight from the company, this is a BFD. As of January 2016, we’ll have to pay $1,059.05 a month to cover us and our toddler—that’s a mortgage for some people.It’s worth pointing out that nothing about my health insurance has changed, other than the amount I have to shell out each month. In any other industry, we’d laugh at the absurdity and find a new service provider. (Can you imagine if your hairdresser started charging 18 percent more just because and didn’t even explain why?)The letter also informed me that we could look into ObamaCare (we don’t qualify) or look at other plans (doctors in my area don’t take anything else). So…we’re stuck. I was informed that my health insurance premium is going up…by nearly $200 a month. What the hell?!I called my company’s customer service, and the rep I spoke with seemed confused. “Huh. Are you going to a new plan next year?” she asked. When I told her no, she quickly shifted into corporate mode. She informed me that the “cost of health-care coverage continues to increase each year” and, basically, I’d just have to deal. I also spoke to an independent insurance broker who, while sympathetic, told me the same thing.
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Unfortunately, I’m not the only one dealing with this. Health-insurance premiums are skyrocketing next year for people, and according to a
from health policy research group the Kaiser Family Foundation, deductibles (the amount you pay toward your medical bills each year before your coverage kicks in) are rising faster than people’s incomes.“I don't know any entrepreneurs, professionals, or small-business owners who aren't feeling the sticker shock of rising premiums, shrinking networks, and increased out-of-pocket costs,” Sarah O'Leary, founder of Exhale Healthcare Advocates, a national consumer health-care advocacy group, told me.What’s going on here? And how is this even legal?O’Leary and Alan Balch, chief executive officer of the , say there’s a lot at play, but there are a few major factors: There isn’t a lot of state and federal government oversight and regulation when it comes to the health-care industry. “Some state governments are attempting (albeit often failing) to keep insurance costs in check, and the
theoretically has measures in place to protect consumers,” says O’Leary. “However, enforcement is difficult, and not enough steps have been taken to protect consumers’ .” We have to have insurance to avoid tax penalties, and we have to purchase it from private companies. Health-insurance companies are well aware that we can’t go without their services if we want to avoid a fine, and they’re taking advantage of the situation. Competition is shrinking. Thanks to company mergers, there will soon be just three U.S. health insurance providers—Aetna, Anthem, and UnitedHealth Group—if government officials allow the mergers to take place. And so are health-care networks, making it more difficult for people to get less costly in-network care. “Most out-of-network options now carry hefty deductibles that must be paid by patients before they even have access to the often small percentage of out-of-network costs the insurer agrees to pay,” says O’Leary.
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There’s also a lot of finger-pointing going on. The customer-service rep for my health-insurance company blamed drug companies and rising health-care costs for the increase, but O’Leary isn’t buying it. “Looking at major insurers’ profit margins makes this an extremely weak argument,” she says.It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly why costs are going up because health-care and health-insurance costs aren’t very transparent—and are often confusing as hell.“There remains limited ways for consumers to get specific information regarding what treatments and services the plan covers, the services not included in the plan’s benefit design, and how much patients must pay in deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance,” says Balch. “As a result, insured individuals are asked to act as consumers in a marketplace in which price—a fundamental driver of consumer behavior—is often unknown until after the service they purchase has been performed.”So what can you do about it? While you can’t change the industry—at least not yet—you can be smart about your coverage.If you’re not planning to have a baby or major surgery in the next year, O’Leary says it’s worth considering a plan with a lower premium and higher deductible that still covers your medical needs. (Just make sure you have money set aside in case something bad happens.)Once you choose a plan, make sure that everybody you see is considered in-network. O’Leary suggests calling your health-care providers after you receive your insurance cards to make sure they’re still in your network. (You typically have a grace period to switch plans if the network has changed by the time you get your cards, she says.)
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"It’s difficult to pinpoint exactly why costs are going up." Also, verify that health-care providers are in your network before having any nonemergency tests and procedures done. “Pathologists, radiologists, and anesthesiologists are historically the biggest out-of-network culprits,” says O’Leary.And finally, speak up. Talk to people about the sh*ttiness of the situation, and reach out to your local politician. It’s easy to just roll over and pay more for health insurance, but things won’t change unless we do something about it.
Advertisement - Continue Reading Below专8的来,考考你们。 What the hack? 啥意思??这是在国外生活中老外很常用的口语。_百度知道
专8的来,考考你们。 What the hack? 啥意思??这是在国外生活中老外很常用的口语。
告诉你们吧,这句话的意思就是 “What the hell&!!What the fuck是what the hell的最加强版本,机器粗俗。 因为我在国外基金公司和上市银行工作(金融部的会计师,非柜台!),所以在工作场合,老外为了礼貌起见,不会说”fuck&, 也很少说what the hell. 为了委婉表达,他们将hell 读成 hack。或者,直说”what the...&. 省略了后面的。同理,&shit' 在工作场合或者不适合说粗话的场合中也被很多老外读成“shoot&.
怎么可以把what the f***和what the heck?混在一起?第一句是粗口,第二句其实没有啥特别意思,通常是对自己喃喃自语的一句话,或可译为“嘿,真的!”“哎哟,搞了什么呀!”“我干什么的!”绅士淑女会说 what the heck!但他们不说 what the f***。我是加拿大人,前英语老师。
What the hack?
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。& “首字母填空(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)...”习题详情
首字母填空&(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。Welcome to my home! I am very h 【小题1】to see you here! Let me s 【小题2】you around .I live in a tall b&【小题3】My home is on the g 【小题4】floor. It is not very big, but it is clean and b 【小题5】This is the living room. My parents and I always have f&【小题6】watching TV here. Beside the living room is the dinning room. We have breakfast and dinner there.My favourite room is the study. There is a bookshelf in it. On the shelf are different k 【小题7】of books. I like reading there after school.I also have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, I like putting many beautiful pictures on the w【小题8】What do you t 【小题9】of my home? You can come and visit in your f 【小题10】time.
习题“首字母填空(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。Welcome to my home! I am very h 【小题1】to see you he...”的分析与解答如下所示:
【小题1】句意:我很高兴在这见到你。此题考查形容词,故填happy。【小题2】句意:让我领你参观一下吧!此题考查固定短语show sb around领某人参观。【小题3】句意:我住在一栋高楼里面。【小题4】句意:我的家在一楼。此题考查on the ground floor在一层楼。【小题5】句意::它不大,但是很干净很明亮。【小题6】句意:我父母和我经常很高兴的在这看电视。此题考查固定短语have fun doing sth很高兴的做某事。【小题7】句意:在书架上有不同种类的书。此题考查固定短语different kinds of不同种类的。【小题8】句意:我喜欢把美丽的图片挂在墙上。【小题9】句意:你认为我的家怎么样?此题考查固定短语think of认为。【小题10】句意:在你的空闲时间来参观一下我的家吧!
首字母填空(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。Welcome to my home! I am very h 【小题1】to see y...
欢迎来到乐乐题库,查看习题“首字母填空(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。Welcome to my home! I am very h 【小题1】to see you here! Let me s 【小题2】you around .I live in a tall b【小题3】My home is on the g 【小题4】floor. It is not very big, but it is clean and b 【小题5】This is the living room. My parents and I always have f【小题6】watching TV here. Beside the living room is the dinning room. We have breakfast and dinner there.My favourite room is the study. There is a bookshelf in it. On the shelf are different k 【小题7】of books. I like reading there after school.I also have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, I like putting many beautiful pictures on the w【小题8】What do you t 【小题9】of my home? You can come and visit in your f 【小题10】time.”的答案、考点梳理,并查找与习题“首字母填空(本大题共5分,每空0.5分)根据对话内容和所给首字母,在空格内填入一个适当的单词,使对话意思完整。Welcome to my home! I am very h 【小题1】to see you here! Let me s 【小题2】you around .I live in a tall b【小题3】My home is on the g 【小题4】floor. It is not very big, but it is clean and b 【小题5】This is the living room. My parents and I always have f【小题6】watching TV here. Beside the living room is the dinning room. We have breakfast and dinner there.My favourite room is the study. There is a bookshelf in it. On the shelf are different k 【小题7】of books. I like reading there after school.I also have a nice bedroom. In my bedroom, I like putting many beautiful pictures on the w【小题8】What do you t 【小题9】of my home? You can come and visit in your f 【小题10】time.”相似的习题。}


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