
小学生参活这玩意 很容易搞砸事情,管好你们自己,别再去别的吧或者在自己的吧丢人 如果你真的要搞,
为了满足你们这些饥渴的吧shui友b我决定 开个新水楼
冒险者吧已经完了 他们打进来了
接到用户举报,经核实吧主 mxuue 长期未对贴吧进行管理及发言,无法在建设贴吧内容上、言论导向上发挥
冒险者镇楼 待会开更 有问题可以问,或者对一些BGM有提议的请在楼层间回复
很多玩家觉得 失明和反胃一样 都是视觉效果 其实不是 当你中了失明 就不能疾跑 跳劈(非剑技)也没有1.
中二值爆发了hhh 来发♂泄一下 因为很多人叫各种神器都叫自己喜欢的叫法我觉得还不如用英文简称比较好
很久没有看贴吧了,学习也比较忙。不过各位一直支持冒险者我真的很开心。 可能很多回复都不能及时回
我先来 …… 老坑……
地狱是个鱼龙混杂的世界 有强大的HIM,路西法,迷宫守卫 有福利噩梦,凋零BOSS 进出可能全部装备翻新,
我滚回来了 周更...吧
1l rt 不定时更新
冒险区领主在哪打 任务接取那个没有挑战
鬼畜了!excuse me?
有人想我吗? zzzzzz
1.嗯,新贴会多几个客串人物(小心眼子、小逗比、还有麦斯) 2.然后再把之前的没有写的【前言】写了 3.
依然是一个短番,尽快完结不喜勿喷 污妖王镇楼
助攻总额: 43W
传统意义上,路西法(Lucifer)是《圣经》中的一个名词,出现于《以赛亚书》第14章第12节。通常指被逐出天堂前的魔鬼或者撒但,但这并不是路西法这个词的原意。路西法这个词衍生自拉丁语(通俗拉丁文本圣经),由lux(光,所有格 lucis)和ferre(带来)所组成,意思是“光之使者”,指黎明时出现的金星,预示着白昼的来临。通常使用“晨星”(Morning Star)或“启明星”(Day Star)来表述这层原意,而不使用“Lucifer”这个词。
背叛了上帝 打不过上帝 就诱拐了上帝的孩子---人类
后来背叛上帝后 叫撒旦,又名撒旦
并且所有罪的源头就是他 他在世界做王的结果就是痛苦和死亡 而耶稣的十字架就是为了结束魔鬼给人生命带来的痛苦
查遍整本圣经也没有出现过这个词。 但是古希腊神话中有出现。应该是叛道者把古希腊的异教文化和正统基督教融合,以求吸引希腊人的一种伎俩。
圣经译本中的路西法Lucifer是拉丁文,由lux(光,所有格 lucis)和 ferre(带来)所组成,意思是光之使者。在古希腊神话中,路西法名为晨曦之星(破晓的带来者),即黎明前除了月亮之外在天空中最亮的星体-金星。古罗马天文学家发现,金星、维纳斯实为同一颗星,因此有不少诗人将爱神“维纳斯”又名“路西法”。路西法原为上帝身边最美丽最权势者,因不满上帝要求其下跪于神之子而叛变,最终堕落为魔王,成为地狱主宰之一,即“傲慢”原罪之魔王。很多文学故事、传说涉及路西法形象,但多以圣经、希腊神话中的塑造为原型。
路西法不是源自圣经,而是源自古希腊神话,在中世纪基督教的世俗化风气下,信徒多以偏陋的智识来曲解圣经。再加上路西法原本便是异教神祇,人们竟以讹传讹地将路西法与Fallen Angel划上了等号。以赛亚书十四章十二节:“明亮之星,早晨之子啊,你何竟从天上坠落?…我要高举我的宝座在神众星以上…”这一段原不是指撒旦,而是上帝命先知作诗刺巴比伦王为何作孽。可能由于叙述实在太像讲撒旦,一般都认为可引伸为撒旦身上。明亮之星,英文是“DayStar”;早晨之子,英文为“son of the dawn”或“son of the morning”;路西法(Light-Bearing,Light-Born)是黎明晨光,以至混淆。换言之,路西法不幸和圣经比喻撒旦的事物一样,才有这般下场。
出自圣经,圣经上真正对于路西法这个名词的描述,多是些隐晦不明,《以赛亚书》第十四章第十二至十四节,叙述路西法的荣光,没有提名道姓,而且这一段可能是抄自迦南(Cannan,以色列建国之地的一部分)古神话。新约《路加福音》记载耶稣讲论自己曾见撒旦自天庭急速落入地狱的深坑。其实路西法原是非基督教系中的黎明(即光明)之神,中世纪有一首诗中题到:…Lucifer,How fallest thee from the Heaven…(路西法,你如此由苍穹而降)。这里提到的Fall是“下凡”不是“堕落”,Heaven指的是天空。可把这段想做是黎明曙光的拟人格。(注意:这里并没有明确的指出路西法的堕落,只是人们的曲解)
  关于路西法(lucifer)堕落的那场最著名的天使战争被《启世录》描述为“诸神之黄昏”,其过程如下:  起因:原因:大天使长Lucifer(原名Lucifinil 路西菲尔)放弃天使称号“finil”,反叛Messiah(耶和华),Messiah提升Michaer为新任大天使长迎战,堕落天使与天使比例:1:2  过程:大约1/3天使陆续背叛,几位上三阶和中三阶天使也因此堕落  第一天:双方平手  第二天:Lucifer杀伤Messiah  第三天:Lucifer被Messiah削断脚跟  《马太福音》提到:Michaer和Lucifer次元级数相同(同属天使中最高阶炽天使),但量和质却有差异(弟弟打不过哥哥),Michaer渐渐不敌,God才借圣子Adam·Messiah(亚当·弥塞亚,意为神的第一个儿子)之“体”出战。  结果:叛军被驱逐到水晶墙旁,被雷打入地狱,Lucifer成为Satan(如同天使中的炽天使(Seraphine),属于恶魔中最高级),所有“堕天使”全部自“圣灵录”除名,成为“恶魔”(Demo),同时定下千年战契。  至于炽天使(Seraphine),所有书籍记录的炽天使只有两位:路西法(lucifer,第一任天使长)和米迦勒(michaer,lucifer堕落后的第二任天使长,也是天使中最赋盛名的天使。)  关于天使等级划分:  天使九阶:由六世纪罗马教皇格雷哥里二世定义  上三阶:炽爱(Seraphim)  普智(Cherubim)  王座(Thrones)  中三阶:统治(Dominations)  美德(virtues)  力量(Powers)  下三阶:王国(Principalities)  统领(Archangels):即俗称大天使(Michaer和Gabriel在Lucifer堕落前仅属这一阶级,Michaer成为继Lucifer后的大天使长,被称为“光之君主”,Gabriel成为副天使长,同属四大君主级天使)  奉遗(Angels):即俗称天使  后罗马教廷教皇文书定义:  第十阶:堕天使(Belberith)、看守天使(Grigori)及女性天使(Aeon)同属这一阶。  天使羽翼定义:  炽天使:四翼。一对是淡红纹路的羽翼,另一对是烈焰圣火构成的火焰翅。  六翼天使:光芒组成的三对羽翼(仅Lucifer和Michaer,但这两个又都属于炽天使级,两任大天使长的例外)。  智天使(Cherubines):四翼。两对粉红色的羽翼。  斥天使:两翼。一对灰色的羽翼。  三翼天使:由六翼天使剖半而得,但是保留一个光之翅.另一对是白羽翼(Gabriel和第二次天使战争堕落的雷威俄丹·贝黑莫特即为三翼天使)  天使(Angels):两翼。纯白的羽翼(不含斥天使及精灵天使)  精灵天使:两翼。保留精灵属性的翅膀。  例外:拉斐尔(Raphae)(“无尚之治疗”,智天使级,后与米迦勒(Michaer)、加百列(Gabriel)、乌尔(Urie)被称为四大天使,排名第三,):三翼,只有三只白色翅膀,无光之翅。  撒旦(satan):首先撒旦并不是一个恶魔的名字,而是恶魔中最高级别的称谓,就像天使中最高级的叫炽天使(Seraphine)。很多人以为路西法(lucifer)就是后来被成做撒旦(satan)的恶魔,其实没有任何记录明确描述lucifer就是satan,就算在后来的魔界,lucifer也有其独特的称谓。  看过《以诺书》的人或许还记得这么一个名字:撒旦列(satanael),这个最初的4大君主级天使之一(Lucifer、Michael、Gabriel、Satanael被成为天使界4大君主级君主,有别于后期的michael、gabriel、Raphae、Urie的称谓“四大天使”),《以诺书》中曾提到,这个satanael就是后来的satan。
过去是 现在和将来还未显明
Forward前言Within this tome is Libri Luciferius, The Book Of Lucifer.本册之内,是路西法之书It is said to have been originally written in human blood, upon the parchment of human skin.传说,这本书原本是用人的鲜血写在人皮做的皮卷纸上The oldest known form of this book, is the ancient vulgar of Pagan Rome from about the 4th Century本书最古老的版本,是由4世纪罗马的异教徒书写的You will find the 4th Century Latin preceding the English translations in this remarkable work throughout all of its chapters.你将在这个卓越的作品中发现,每一个章节都有拉丁文和英文翻译【当然啦,我大胆的加上了中文】Beware of The Curse of Lucifer that precedes the chapters of this manuscript.因为在原稿中,本章节前附有路西法的诅咒For you will indeed suffer the plagues contained within The Book Of Lucifer if you add even one word to it!如果你胆敢在路西法之书中加哪怕一个字,都一定会经历在这本书中包含的诅咒之苦【你看到我有多爱你们了么?】
Luciferius et tu Dominus!Lucifer is your Lord!路西法就是你的主【即:下文内所有的主,都是指的路西法】
The Legend传说This is The Legend of The Book Of Lucifer, which has been handed down orally through the ages by the devoted disciples of The Book:路西法之书的传说是有长久以来忠实的门徒口述流传下来的The Legend says, The Book was originally written in the blood of its author on parchment made from human skin.传说,这本书原本是用作者的血液写在人皮做的皮卷上The Legend says, The Book was originally written by a Jew named Ben Shakur.传说,这本书原本是由一名叫Ben Shakur的犹太人所书The Legend says, Ben Shakur walked the earth during the reigns of Julius and Augustus Caesar.传说,Ben Shakur活在朱利叶斯统治和奥斯古德 凯撒的统治时代The Legend says, Ben Shakur was able to raise the dead.传说,Ben Shakur可以使死者复活The Legend says, Ben Shakur performed many miracles through the power of Lucifer during his life time.传说,Ben Shakur在他的有生之年通过路西法的力量造就了许多奇迹。The Legend says, Ben Shakur shall return to claim the souls of those that worship Lucifer and The Book.传说,Ben Shakur将回来并收取那些敬拜路西法和本书之人的灵魂The Legend says, The Book was translated into the Vulgar of Ancient Rome by an early Pope named Sylvester, who reigned during the council of Nicaea in the early 4th Century传说,这本书在4世纪早期被一位古罗马时期统治尼西亚教廷的教皇,Sylvester翻译为白话。.The Legend says, The Book is still worshipped today in high circles within the Papacy of Rome.传说,这本书仍然为罗马教廷高层所信仰The Legend says, The Book was first seen by common men after a copy was taken during the sacking of Rome by the Vandals.传说,这本书最初被人窥见,是在罗马被汪达尔洗劫罗马并带走了一册时。The Legend says, The Book was worshipped throughout the Ages by many Secret Societies, such as The Templars and the Priory De Sion.传说,这本书长期被很多秘密团体所信仰,如Templars和 Priory De SionThe Legend says, The Book gives great power to its disciples, and men such as Copernicus, Galileo, Nostradamus and Isaac Newton have worshipped it.传说这本书会给信者带来巨大的力量,正如哥白尼,伽利略,诺斯特拉德玛斯(法国占星家)和艾萨克牛顿都笃信这本书。The Legend says, you must create a copy of The Book with your own blood, when you are elected as a leader in one of these Secret Societies that still worship The Book today.传说,当你被选定为信服这本书的秘密团体中的领导者时,你要用自己的血液抄写一遍这本书。The Legend says, that if you add even one word to this book, you shall be cursed by all the powers of Lucifer mentioned within…传说,如果你在这本书中加任何一个字,你都会被路西法在这本书中提及的力量所诅咒………………
MaledictumThe Curse!Contestor ego omni audienti verba prophetiae libri huius siquis adposuerit ad haec adponet Luciferius super illumplagas scriptas in libro istoFor I testify unto every man that heareth the words of theprophecy of this book, if any man shall add unto thesethings, Lucifer shall add unto him the plagues that arewritten in this book'我向万民见证,任何听到本书的预言,并胆敢在本书中添加任何一个字的人,路西法都将让本书中所写的诅咒降临他身
Verbum LuciferiusThe Words Of Lucifer路西法之语
IGenesisThe Beginning开篇Quomodo cecidisti de caelo lucifer qui mane oriebarisHow art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, star of the morning!你为什么从天上落下,哦 路西法,晨光之星!Ego Luciferius misi angelum meum testificari vobis haecego sum stella splendida et matutinaI Lucifer have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things.I am the bright morning star.我路西法已经派遣了我的天使来为你详细述说这些事情。我是明亮的光明之星IIA WAlpha Omega阿尔法α 欧米茄ω Ego primus et ego novissimus et absque me non est deusI am the first, and I and beside me there is no God.我是那最初的,也是那最末的;在我的身边没有上帝的存在。Ego A & et W & primus et novissimus principium et finisI am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.我是Alpha(希腊字母的第一个)和Omega(希腊字母最后一个),那最初的和最末的,第一个和最后一个。IIIMaleficusEvildoer为恶者Formans lucem et creans tenebras faciens pacem et creans malumego Luciferius faciens omnia haecI form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil:I Lucifer do all these things.我塑造了光,并创造了黑暗:我构成和平,也创造了罪恶:我路西法做了所有的这些事。nolite arbitrari quia venerim mittere pacem in terram non veni pacemmittere sed gladiumThink not that I am come to send peace on earth:I came not to send peace, but a sword.不要认为我会将和平带到人间,我来不是为送来和平,而是战争IVCor MaleficusThe Heart of Evil罪恶之心De corde enim exeunt cogitationes malae homicidia adulteria fornicationesfurta falsa testimonia blasphemiaeFor out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries,fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies:是那些出自本心而行的邪恶想法,谋杀,通奸,乱伦,偷盗,做伪证,亵渎神祗.VPiscatores AnimusThe Fishers of Souls灵魂的恶魔Et ait illis venite post me et faciam vos fieri piscatores animusAnd he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of souls.于是他对他们说,追随我,我将让你成为灵魂的恶魔【此处,fishers是恶魔的意思,但是我不知道fishers of souls是不是应该翻成灵魂的恶魔】
VIBeati Pauperes SpirituBlessed Are The Poor In Spirit那些受祝福的人是心灵贫乏的人Beati pauperes spiritu quoniam ipsorum est regnum LuciferiusBlessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of Lucifer.那些受祝福的人是心灵贫乏的人,路西法的国度是为他们而存在的VIIPrecatio LuciferiusThe Prayer Of Lucifer路西法的祝祷词Sic ergo vos orabitis Pater noster qui in inferi es sanctificetur nomentuumAfter this manner therefore pray ye:Our Father which art in The Lower World, Hallowed be thy name.所以你们祷告,要照这样说,我们身处于阴间的父神啊(断翅版),愿人都尊你的名为圣(包子版)【那神圣的便是你的名,断翅版】【after this manner是照这样的意思,the lower world有阴间,地狱,有时也做尘世人间讲,我觉得两者都能说通,此处选阴间一意。】VIIISequere MeFollow Me追随我Luciferius autem ait illi sequere me et dimitte mortuos sepelire mortuos suosLucifer said unto him, F and let the dead bury their dead.路西法对他说,追随我;让那些死亡的把他们的死亡埋葬。【dead的意思有很多,此处选用最基础的死者和死亡的】IXPotestatem In TerraPower On Earth统治人间(在人间的力量)Ut sciatis autem quoniam Luciferius habet potestatem in terraBut that ye may know that Lucifer hath power on earth.但是你也许知道,路西法拥有在人间的力量【包子版,断翅修改】(但是你也许知道,路西法统治着人间)【断翅版】XAppetitioDesire欲望Petite et dabitur vobis quaerite et invenietis pulsate et aperietur vobisAsk, and i seek, knock, and itshall be opened unto you:只要你需要,他就将被给予你;只要你寻求,你就会获得;只要你敲门,它将为你打开
XIMiracula LuciferiusMiracles of Lucifer路西法的奇迹Caeci vident claudi ambulant leprosi mundantur surdi audiunt mortuiresurguntThe blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed,and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up.盲者重见光明,瘸子能行走,受蔑视的人被净化,聋子能听见,亡者被复活。XIIVitium LuciferiusThe Vices of Lucifer路西法的罪行Venit Luciferius manducans et bibens et dicunt ecce Deus vorax etpotator vini publicanorum et peccatorum amicusLucifer came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a Godgluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners.路西法摆出大吃大喝,狼吞虎咽的样子,然后他们说,看呀一个贪吃的神,一个酒鬼,一个税吏和罪犯的朋友。【eating and drinking就是吃喝的意思啊= -,在这里看着怎么那么像别西卜???还有,publican有酒店老板和税吏的意思,此处选取税吏,因为你们懂的,在古代,不管是哪里的税吏都有一个共同性——残忍贪财】XIIIMandoto LuciferiusCommands of Lucifer路西法的命令Homicidium facies adulterabis facies furtum falsum testimonium dicesThou shalt murder, commit adultery, steal, bear false witness.汝应该杀人,行奸淫,偷盗,作假见证XIVNomismaMoney金钱Ostendite mihi nomisma censusShow me the tribute money.让我赚贿赂的钱。XVPraedictum LuciferiusThe Prophecies of Lucifer路西法的预言Consurget enim gens in gentem et regnum in regnum et erunt pestilentiae etfames et terraemotus per locaFor nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: andthere shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places.于是民族将反抗另一民族,王国对抗王国,将会有饥荒,瘟疫,地震在不同的地方发生【这俨然就是现在到处发生的事!!!】
XVIDerelinquoForsaken被遗弃者Ut quid dereliquisti meWhy hast thou forsaken me?汝为何将我遗弃?XVIIPotestas LuciferiusThe Power of Lucifer路西法的力量Et accedens Luciferius locutus est eis dicens data est mihi omnis potestas incaelo et in terraAnd Lucifer came and spake unto them, saying,All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.然后路西法降临并对他们说,他说,所有的力量都是给我的,无论是在天堂还是人间。XVIIIDominus SabbatiLord Of The Sabbath安息日的主Itaque dominus est Luciferius etiam sabbatiTherefore Lucifer is Lord also of the sabbath.因此路西法即使在安息日也是主。【包子版,断翅修改】因此路西法也支配着安息日。【断翅版】【lord有除了常见的主,国王等,还可作为动词:作威作福,支配等等意思,众所周知的,上帝在安息日是安息的,他不支配人间。】XIXParabolis SatanasParable of Satan撒旦的寓言Et convocatis eis in parabolis dicebat illis quomodo potest Satanas SatananeicereAnd he called them unto him, and said unto them in parables,How can Satan cast out Satan?然后他叫他们向着他,并用寓言向他们传教,撒旦如何能驱逐撒旦?XXVoluntatem LuciferiusThe Will Of Lucifer路西法的意志Qui enim fecerit voluntatem Luciferius hic frater meus et soror mea et mater estFor whosoever shall do the will of Lucifer,the same is my brother, and my sister, and mother.任何愿按照路西法的意志行事的人,就是我的兄弟,我的姐妹,我的母亲。
XXIVeniamForgiveness宽恕Amen dico vobis quoniam omnia dimittentur filiis hominum peccata etblasphemiae quibus blasphemaverintVerily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, andblasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme.我确信地对你们说,人类的所有的罪恶都应该被原谅,无论是用什么方法亵渎神明的人都会被诋毁。【无论用什么亵渎神明的言词无论他们怎样地亵渎神祗。包子翻译】XXIIContraThe Other Side对立的一面Et ait illis illa die cum sero esset factum transeamus contraAnd the same day, when the evening had come, he saith unto them,Let us pass over unto the other side.当日,当夜晚降临,他对他们说,让我们宽恕我们的对立者。XXIIICogitata MalumEvil Thoughts罪恶的思想Ab intus enim de corde hominum cogitationes malae procedunt adulteriafornicationes homicidiaFor from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts,adulteries, fornications, murders.是从一个人的本心出发,行罪恶的思想,奸淫,婚外性交或私通,杀人。XXIVFlammaThe Fire火焰Bonum est sal quod si sal insulsum fuerit in quo illud condietis habete invobis sal et pacem habete inter vosFor every one shall be salted with fire, and every sacrifice shall besalted with salt.每个人都应该被火焰考验,每个祭品都应该用盐擦拭【salted with sth,有撒于……之上,和用……擦拭的意思】XXVNemo BonusNo Man Is Good没有人是好的Luciferius autem dixit ei quid me dicis bonum nemo bonus nisi unusLucifer said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but One.路西法对它们说,你为什么称我是良善的?除了神一位之外,再没有良善的。
XXVIFides LuciferiusFaith In Lucifer信奉路西法Propterea dico vobis omnia quaecumque orantes petitis credite quiaaccipietis et veniet vobisTherefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray,believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.因此我对你们说,无论你们想得到什么,你们祈祷时,只要相信你们将会被赐予,那么你就会得到它们。XXVIINomen LuciferiusThe Name Of Lucifer路西法的名字Multi enim venient in nomine meo dicentes quia ego sum Luciferius et multosseducentFor many shall come in my name, saying,I am L and shall deceive many.许多人会来使用我的名,说,我是路西法,并且(他们会)欺骗很多人。XXVIIIPeccatoresSinners罪人Non veni vocare iustos sed peccatoresI came not to call the righteous, but sinners.&&&& 我没有召唤那些被神认可的人,而是罪人。XXIXDescendeThe Descent血统Hic de caelo descendiI came down from heaven.我从天堂下凡而来【Descent有堕落,下降,血统的意思。由于下文提及了路西法的出身,于是此处选用血统之意】XXXOdiumHatred仇恨Non potest mundus odisse vos me autem odit quia ego testimonium perhibeo deillo quia opera eius mala suntThe w but me it hateth, because I testify of it, thatthe works thereof are evil世界不会憎恶你;但我使它憎恶,因为我证实与这种行为相关的即是罪恶。【thereof,它的,由此,在其中 the works与之相关的。这个翻译的不太对。需要强人啊~!】
XXXILuciferThe Bringer Of Light光明之带来者Iterum ergo locutus est eis Luciferius dicens ego sum lux mundi qui sequitur menon ambulabit in tenebris sed habebit lucem vitaeThen spake Lucifer again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he thatfolloweth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.路西法又对他们说,我是世界的光:我的追随者不该行在黑暗里,而应该在光明中生存。【最后半句或译:而应拥有生命之光。】XXXIISescenti Sexaginta Sex6 6 66 6 6Hic sapientia est qui habet intellectum conputet numerum bestiae numerusenim hominis est et numerus eius est sescenti sexaginta sexHere is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast:for it is and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.这就是智慧。让他理解了计算野兽的数量:这是人的数目;他的数字是666.【这句话翻的绝对有问题,但是我不知道还能怎么翻译了】XXXIIIVeritasThe Truth真相Ego autem quia veritatem dico non creditis mihiAnd because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.因为我告诉了你真像,你却不相信我。XXXIVDeo Non EstisNot Of God不属于上帝Qui est ex Deo verba Dei audit propterea vos non auditis quia ex Deo nonestisHe that is of God heareth God's words:ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of God.他是属于上帝的,可以听到上帝之语,你因此不要听他们的,因为你不属于上帝。XXXVMensUnderstanding理解Quare loquellam meam non cognoscitis quia non potestis audire sermonem meumWhy do ye not understand my speech?Even because ye cannot hear my word.为什么你不能理解我的演说?因为你甚至听不到我说的话语。
XXXVIDiiThe Gods神明们Respondit eis Luciferius nonne scriptum est in lege vestra quia ego dixi dii estisLucifer answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?路西法回答了他们,难道这没有写在你们的法律里么,我说,你们是神明么XXXVIISumI Am我是Vos vocatis me magister et Domine et bene dicitis sum etenimYe call me Master and Lord: for so I am.你们称我为主和神:且你们说得对;因此我是。XXXVIIIVerax VitisThe True Vine真实之荆棘Ego sum vitis veraI am the true vine.我是真正的荆棘。XXXIXEgo Non Sum De MundoI Am Not Of The World我不属于这个世界De mundo non sunt sicut et ego non sum de mundoThey are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.他们不属于这个世界,甚至如我亦不属于这个世界。【of在此取属于之意】XLEgo Sum A & Et WI Am Alpha & Omega我是最初和最终的Ego sum A& et W& principium et finisdicit Dominus Deus qui est et qui erat et qui venturus est OmnipotensI am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending,saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.我是‘阿尔法’和‘欧密嘎’,最初始的和终结的,主说,我现在是,过去是,将来也是,全知全能的。
XLIClaves InferniThe Keys To The Lower World通往阴间的途径Et vivus et fui mortuus et ecce sum vivens in saecula saeculorum et habeoclaves mortis et inferniI am he that liveth, and, behold, I am alive for evermore,A and have the keys to the lower world and of death.我是现在生存,曾经死亡;并且,看啊,我始终活着,这是真实的;并且掌管通往阴间和死亡的途径【amen:真实的,同时也是感叹语,此处选用第一个意思。Keys:除了钥匙以外还有途径,解答,门户等意思,此处选择途径。】XLIIStella MatutinamThe Morning Star早晨之星Sicut et ego accepi a Patre meo et dabo illi stellam matutinamAnd I will give him the Morning Star.并且我会赐予他曙光之星。XLIIIVenio VelociterI Come Quickly我必快来Et ecce venio velociter beatus qui custodit verba prophetiae libri huiusBehold, I come quickly:blessed is he that keepeth the sayings of the prophecy of this book.看哪,我必快来。凡遵守这书上预言的便有福了。gmrkv nb
Praedictum LuciferiusProphecy Of Lucifer路西法的预言
IIsrahelIsrael以色列Et erit lumen Israhel in igne et Sanctus eius in flamma et succendetur etdevorabitur spina eius et vepres in die unaAnd the light of Israel shall be for a fire, and his Holy One for a flame:and it shall burn and devour his thorns and his briers in one day.以色列之光应为烈火,它的唯一的圣者是火焰:它将在一天之内焚毁它的刺与荆棘。IIAscensusAscension升天Ascendam super altitudinem nubium ero similis AltissimoI will ascend above the hI will be like the most High.我将升到云的高度;我将如同至高的。IIIDesertaAbandoned被遗弃的In die illa erunt civitates fortitudinis eius derelictae sicut aratra etsegetes quae derelictae sunt a facie filiorum Israhel et erit desertaIn that day shall his strong cities be as a forsaken bough, and anuppermost branch, which they left because of the children of Israel: andthere shall be desolation.那天最强大的城市会像一个被丢弃的粗树枝,那最高的,以色列之子离开的那个分枝,会称为废墟。IVPiscatoresThe Fishers恶魔Et maerebunt piscatores et lugebuntThe fishers also shall mourn.即便是恶魔也要哀悼。VApocalypsisApocalypse灾难Ecce Dominus dissipabit terram et nudabit eam et adfliget faciem eius etdisperget habitatores eiusBehold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turnethit upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof.看哪,主使大地空虚,变为荒凉。又翻转大地,将其中的居民分散。
XIMareThe Sea海Et mortua est tertia pars creaturae quae habent animas et tertia parsnavium interiitAnd the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, and the third part of the ships were destroyed.那些在海中存在的活物有三分之一都死了;三分之一的船只也坏了。XIITertius AngelusThe Third Angel第三位天使Et tertius angelus tuba cecinit et cecidit de caelo stella magna ardenstamquam facula et cecidit in tertiam partem fluminum et in fontes aquarumAnd the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven,burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers,and upon the fountains of waters.第三位天使吹号,就有烧着的大星,好像巨大的星辰从天上落而降,如灯火般燃烧,落在江河的三分之一处,众水的源头上。XIIICarcerePrison炼狱Et cum consummati fuerint mille anni solvetur Satanas de carcereAnd when the thousand years are expired,Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.当千年期满,撒旦将从他的炼狱内被释放。
Proverbium LuciferiusThe Proverbs Of Lucifer路西法的格言
ISapientiaWisdom智慧Ad sciendam sapientiam et disciplinamTo know wi to perceive the words of understanding.要使人晓得智慧和训诲,辨识通达的言语。IIMensUnderstanding理解Animadvertet parabolam et interpretationemverba sapientium et enigmata eorumTo understand a proverb, anthe words of the wise, and their dark sayings.使人明白箴言,或是训诲;智慧的言语,和他们的谜语。IIIPrincipium ScientiaeBeginning Of Knowledge知识的开端timor Domini principium scientiae sapientiam atque doctrinam stultidespiciuntThe fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge:but fools despise wisdom and instruction.敬畏主是知识的开端 :但愚妄的人蔑视智慧和训诲。IVProfundumThe Deep深处Degluttiamus eum sicut infernus viventem et integrum quasi descendentem inlacumLet us swallow them uand whole, as those that go down into the pit:让我们如同坟墓一般,将他们活活吞下,完整的,如同那些下坑(火湖,或是那个无底深坑)的人VPedes MalumThe Evil Feet罪恶之足Pedes enim illorum ad malum currunt et festinant ut effundant sanguinemFor their feet run to evil, and make haste to shed blood.因为他们的脚奔向罪恶, 他们血液快速的流淌
VIInprudentes Odi ScientiamFools Hate Knowledge愚者痛恨知识Usquequo parvuli diligitis infantiam et stulti ea quae sibi sunt noxiacupiunt et inprudentes odibunt scientiamHow long, ye simple ones, will ye love simplicity?and the scorners delight in their scorning, and fools hate knowledge?说你们愚昧人喜爱他们的愚昧 ,亵慢人享受他们亵慢 , 愚顽人恨恶知识,要到几时呢?VIINon Timor DominiNo Fear Of God不敬畏主Eo quod exosam habuerint disciplinam et timorem Domini non susceperintFor that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the LORD.他们憎恨知识,是因为他们没有选择敬畏主。VIIINon Timor MalusNo Fear Of Evil不畏惧灾祸Qui autem me audierit absque terrore requiescet et abundantia perfrueturmalorum timore sublatoBut whoso hearkeneth unto me shall dwell safely,and shall be quiet from fear of evil.惟有听从我的,必安然居住,得享安静,不怕灾祸。IXScientiam DeiKnowledge Of God认识神Tunc intelleges timorem Domini et scientiam Dei inveniesThen shalt thou understand the fear of the LORD,and find the knowledge of God.于是你明白敬畏主,得以认识神。XDominus Dat SapientiamGod Gives Wisdom神赐人智慧Quia Dominus dat sapientiam et ex ore eius scientia et prudentiaFor the LORDfrom his mouth come knowled因为主赐人智慧,知识和聪明都由他口而出。
XIExsultare MalusExult Evil罪恶的欢悦Qui laetantur cum malefecerint et exultant in rebus pessimisWho rejoice in doing evil and delight in the perverseness of evil.那些对制造罪恶感到欣喜的人,也为罪恶堕落而愉快。XIIViae PerversaeCrooked Ways歧途Quorum viae perversae et infames gressus eorumWhose ways are crooked, and they froward in their paths.步入歧途的人,必无法掌握自己的未来。XIIIBeatusHappy幸福Beatus homo qui invenit sapientiam et qui affluit prudentiaHappy is the man that findeth wisdom,and the man that getteth understanding.得智慧,得聪明的,这人便为有福。
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