retro mini刷机mini如何下载游戏?

Retro nano复古迷你掌机终于完成了-pico-8梦幻控制台 - 简书
Retro nano复古迷你掌机终于完成了-pico-8梦幻控制台
在diy的过程中发现少数人对迷你游戏机颇有热衷,于是着手研究了一番,采用比较热门的树莓派为基础,制作了一块和树莓派zero大小相当的游戏扩展面板,取名Retro nano。。
主控 : 基于bcm2835的raspberry pi zero & w 主控板
处理器1GHz主频,运行内存512MB RAM
BCM43438 WiFi / BT芯片(w版本特有)
micro-USB 电源接口
micro-USB OTG接口
miniHDMI 端口
Others240240s IPS全视角彩色屏
音频 : 基于bcm2835的pwm音频输出
输入 : 基于bcm2835的GPIO控制输入(标准游戏12按键)
电池 : 使用USB充电大约1000mah
尺寸: 65mm30mm15mm(裸机)
系统: 基于的系统平台以及(选配)
记录基于OrangePi Zero
~DIY Game Boy Pi~
参考链接:MSDN参考文档 ERROR_SUCCESS0 (0x0)The operation completed successfully.操作成功完成。 ERROR_INVALID_FUNCTION1 (0x1)Incorrect function.不正确的函数。 ER...
作者:snowdream微信:sn0wdr1am原文地址: awesome-android Introduction android libs from github System re...
afinalAfinal是一个android的ioc,orm框架 xUtils**android orm, bitmap, http, view inject...
前言: 相信很多人都熟悉“委托模式”(delegate pattern),这个模式主要是为了数据与业务逻辑解耦,举个栗子:我们的软件需要从后台服务器那边获取数据,而由于网络请求,不可能立即返回,而在获取数据的过程中阻塞应用,则会让用户崩溃,用户体验很差。这时,我们就可以使用...
也许年初是“不想做loser的loser们”最痛苦的时候。因为一年循环至此,重新打头。大家都想开个好头,重新拿上这张白纸,这新一年的图到底怎么画,如何保证年尾的时候不是又一张败笔,你我(反正我是这样)都卯足了劲、蠢蠢欲动,想着怎么搭这第一笔。 越想越难,头发揪掉了很多根。还...
隐喻图是说把一件事物用另一种事物的状态大比方,也就是要产生联想。就像小时候学写比喻句子一样,不过现在是要画出来。 第一个练习 把工作的客户关系比作花园,不同客户比作不同的花卉与植物,谁能给你带来结果,你面对他们时有什么不同的感受。 当你认真去用植物去比喻他们时,其实是更一层...该用户已被禁言
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3044 点注册时间最后登录
ningren-2008 发表于
买一个台retrogame,我就想问问,这机器,调音量键主机系统界面右上角的音量数字标识怎么没有任何变动呀? ...
平民, 积分 66, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分66 点注册时间最后登录
江西恐龙 发表于
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3044 点注册时间最后登录
平民, 积分 32, 距离下一级还需 68 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分32 点注册时间最后登录
游民, 积分 0, 距离下一级还需 30 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1 点注册时间最后登录
楼主 我也买了这个mini 请问怎么进入内存换游戏??
佣兵, 积分 524, 距离下一级还需 226 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分524 点注册时间最后登录
情怀给满分 但是psp 比这个好太多了.....
战士, 积分 1313, 距离下一级还需 187 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1313 点注册时间最后登录
国夫君 发表于
楼主 我也买了这个mini 请问怎么进入内存换游戏??
精华0帖子威望0 点积分3044 点注册时间最后登录
本帖最后由 xpressure101 于
09:23 编辑
江西恐龙 发表于
插tf卡的话,手工建立game文件夹即可。 ...
mini跟game这俩机器系统不一样? game好像可以自己放
战士, 积分 1313, 距离下一级还需 187 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分1313 点注册时间最后登录
xpressure101 发表于
mini跟game这俩机器不一样? game好像可以自己放
佣兵, 积分 538, 距离下一级还需 212 积分
精华0帖子威望0 点积分538 点注册时间最后登录
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优质掌上游戏机产品霸王小子retro mini掌上游戏机,欢迎选购!
retro mini
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搜好货供应商深圳市赛腾投资发展有限公司供应新品RETRO MINI掌上GBA GBC怀旧NES口袋妖怪,为您提供详细的产品报价、参数、图片等商品信息,如需进一步了解新品RETRO MINI掌上GBA GBC怀旧NES口袋妖怪,请与厂家直接联系,请在联系时说明是在搜好货网看到这条商机的。
Contact information
208合一游戏卡 FC 8位游戏卡 小霸王D
小霸王掌上游戏机怀旧FC POCKET红白机
酷孩 RS-35电视 FC经典红白机 内置2
此新品RETRO MINI掌上GBA GBC怀旧NES口袋妖怪产品由深圳市赛腾投资发展有限公司在T20:37:07更新,主要更新内容为:产品价格,产品图片,产品详情,产品促销语,产品起订价信息。
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联系姓名:池辉义 &&
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Zombie Maze: Puppy Rescue
轻滑并按住,以保持移动,猛砍一路上的僵尸。 不能打? 你最好逃跑并隐藏起来!
- 伴随趣味配乐,感受优美像素艺术
- 导航使用简单的轻滑移动控制
- 与狡猾的僵尸搏斗,避开危险的陷阱,逃脱致命的老板
- 在3个章节中,破解超过48个玄谜
数学弹跳 Math Hopper
你从未意识到数学游戏可以如此令人兴奋。 快速思考,建立Fever-O-Meter 并达到最高得分!单击或双击,即可从一个平台跳到另一个平台。 跳上与你的跳跃数字匹配的中间平台,从而达到目标平台。当心:圆锯就在你后面,千万不可以耽搁。特点- 简单的控制- 令人耳目一新的概念- 整洁、简约的图形设计- 许多人物可以解锁- 排行榜在Twitter上关注BulkyPix:@bulkypix喜欢我们的Facebook页面:访问我们的网站:
开心跳跳箱 - 传奇的免费休闲游戏
亲呐,敢上来玩一把跳箱子嘛?随你怎么跳,只是要小心那些夺命路障!用你最完美的一跃征服它!搜集更多金钻,解锁你心爱的奇葩角色!爱拼才会赢,看谁跳的久!高分数还可解锁限量宠物(⊙o⊙)哦~特征- 单指游戏,一手闯江湖- 优秀的图形设计,高颜值画面党-
Monument Drop
- 史诗下降
- 疯狂上瘾
- 易于皮卡
- 整蛊模式来学习
跳跃砖块 Bouncy Blocks - Endless Arcade Game
有弹性块需要你的帮助!一个巨大的浪潮来了!点击跳转到每个一角,小心不要被块状鸟击。收集宝石来解锁很酷的新角色。多远你能得到什么呢?合,直到你滴!- 一个水龙头控制- 最小的3D图形- 快活块负荷解锁- 打败你的朋友的最高分
Rocket Moon
3…2…1…发射!!火箭登月是一款刺激的竞速游戏,必须闪避彗星、UFO 及太空羊等障碍物!在这款色彩缤纷的新奇游戏中,试着坚持到最后一刻并打败朋友的高分纪录!发现隐藏在黄金火箭上的秘密,收集游戏币并解锁各式各样趣味的场景及角色。特点- 色彩缤纷的新奇背景及角色。- 太空羊群及漂浮气球。- 简单但充满挑战性的竞速关卡让你惊奇不断。- 小心那些外星人!!
Devouring Stars
在背景为宇宙的宏大实时战略游戏模式中采集繁星,以及与黑洞对抗。吞食繁星是一款实时战略游戏,着重在融合相适星体及采集太空资源。吞食繁星渴望能为实时战略类游戏开创一个不同的领域,同时提供视觉及听觉上的盛宴。在吞食繁星,您将使用一个神圣的种族,受困于名叫 Tartarus 的宇宙角落,宛如比地狱更下层、离天堂更遥远的所在。被其他 4 个种族追击的您,已被赐予了掌控自己命运的能力。但问题是,到什么程度呢?为了自我防御,星体们都有吞噬其他星空,并创造出动态防卫星云的能力,或通过融合壮大成拥有特殊能力(冰冻敌人、控制他们、从远处攻击等)的进阶星体。可根据游戏开始时拥有的星体组合采取不同的战略。吞食繁星的灵感主要来自于 Dan Simmons 的作品“伊利昂”(Illium),但也包含万舰齐发 (Homeworld)、Eufloria、星海争霸 (Starcraft) 或 Faster Than Light 等游戏。特点- 独特的粒子系统可以显示数以千计的移动星体- 如史诗般壮阔的钢琴曲带来一流的动作配乐 - 融合 4 种基本元素(地、空、火、水)以解锁 15 种进阶星体 - 产生的星空将提供给您多种精美且拥有不同平衡的布局选择 - 根据所产生的情境,会有种类数以千计的设定 - 正面迎击、逃离路线、转移阵地……根据您的战略选择、星体及敌人不同,可有多种游玩方式 - 有各自特点及行为模式的 4 个敌方种族- 还有一些不为人知的秘密……
疯狂王牌 Mad Aces
《Mad Aces》是App Store上最急速、最困难和最激爽的跑酷游戏之一!飞跃危险的太空,撞击并躲避尖刺砖块,发现全新的搞笑角色!令人欲罢不能,总想再玩一次!你控制一个疯狂飞行员,让他飞行、躲避、撞击和轰炸等等!《Mad Aces》不是一款能轻易获胜的游戏。游戏极大地考验了你的技巧和反应。凭借其刺激的复古游戏机制、简单但却极富挑战的游戏玩法,您可以在无尽的关卡中穿行,努力夺取最高分!主要功能:- 易上手、难精通的游戏机制- 搞笑的游戏角色,可扩展- Game Center成就- 卓越的视觉效果- ……还有其他精彩内容快来玩《Mad Aces》,加入他们的精彩飞行!
圣光之徒 第一卷 Light Apprentice HD
***Stunning iPad Pro version with full HD graphics!******** SPECIAL DISCOUNT FOR A LIMITED TIME *****Light Apprentice Volume 1 (Chapters 1 to 4) is finally here!RISE OF A HEROWhen life in the world of Ethenia is threatened by the corruption of the Yhrosian Empire, a hero will rise to protect the Planet and its people.Meet Nate, the Light Apprentice, and take part in his journey through a kind of "Comic GameBook" experience like you've never seen before!After having spent 300 years in a deep sleep, Nate wakes up to a world ravaged by war. The Planet's environment is damaged and on the course to destruction.Only Nate and the 4 other last remaining Apprentices may have the key to restore balance to the Planet's environment, thus saving the world. YOUR GAME, YOUR CHOICESIn Light Apprentice, comic book and game are integrated in a brand new way.Your decisions and actions will determine what kind of characters Nate and his friends will become.Get collectibles and extras, customize and evolve your characters, fight or befriend monsters, and decide how Nate's story unfolds.AN EPIC SAGA IS COMINGThis app consists of Light Apprentice Volume 1 of 3, with the four first chapters available right now!FEATURES- A comic book-game in which you can make your own choices that affect the story - Build your characters based on your own choices: be a warrior or a pacifist!- Collect items and equipment to improve your characters'
stats - Slay or spare the life of several kinds of monsters and bosses - A unique graphic style based on hand-drawn art- Epic, touching, action-packed storylineWhat are you waiting for? Hit the download button and unravel the rich and colorful world of Light Apprentice!
请勿乱动 Please, Don't Touch Anything
Please, Don’t Touch Anything 是神秘的按钮模拟游戏。在为一名正在上厕所的同事代班时,您发现在您面前有一个神秘面板,上面只有一个红色按钮。由于得到明确指示不准碰任何东西,您现在唯一想做的就是按那个按钮。按下它,就要为一切意想不到的后果负责。而且有很多种可能性。FEATURES- 难解的谜团- 单 pixel art- 大气的 chiptune 配乐注:与旧设备(iPhone 4及更高版本+ iPad 2和更高版本)完全兼容
消灭入侵者 Hit Invaders
Waves of pixel invaders are attacking your city.To destroy them, tap the first attacking enemy.Best feature:8-bit music will tell you how fast you areBeware: This game may muscle up your thumbs
Dotello: Slide
艾尔迪亚戈 El Diego
El Diego将挑战你的敏捷性:释放所有的动物不会是一个简单的任务!跳跃的饰品、聪明的土鳖、不可摧毁的墙……一系列的障碍会使你的任务变得困难重重。特色:- 墨西哥、俄罗斯、埃及……通过数十个阶段来探访奇妙的国家。- 使用视频游戏中见过的最强大增强器:磁体!- “单指”游戏设置:几乎可以在任何地方轻松玩控 El Diego。最后但同样重要的是,游戏中有猫!
Revolution ■
幽灵忍者 Yurei Ninja
You: A ninja, back from the dead, seeking revenge against…The Enemy: A samurai warlord with the blackest of hearts who turned against you!Trained in the art of hiding and surprise attacks, avoid traps, strike down enemies and destroy deadly bosses, all trying to stop your quest.FEATURES- Intense hybrid running/fighting action- Stunning environments- Various challenging enemies- Collect deadly weapons- Selectable roster of characters- Epic bosses battles
Vikings Gone Wild
***不支持 iPhone 3GS 与 iPod Touch 4G。***操起盾牌、斧头,准备战斗!该和 Vikings Gone Wild 一起疯狂了——这是 App Store 里最搞笑、最狂野、最有战术特色的维京海盗策略游戏!建造终极堡垒,招募强大英雄,碾压你的敌人吧!为奥丁神庙而战!建造终极维京堡垒运用数百种进攻、防御及支持性建筑物、工事类型,建造固若金汤的维京堡垒,时刻准备震慑敌人,回击敌人,将敌人全族直接送入奥丁神庙!招募大能兵勇、大能英雄,组成大军招集举世罕有的弓箭手、武士、法师、怪兽,组成军容最盛的大军;延揽索尔、洛基、芙蕾雅、朗纳尔等维京传奇英雄,让他们率领你的大军,东征西讨,留名史册!在线游戏,组成最强公会 通过聊天联络,与其他玩家协同合作,组成全球巨型联盟,还可与其它公会交锋,在线进行多玩家、大规模部族对决,争雄天下!制作罕有道具,解锁奇异能力独特的可升级物品,浸染着仙宫传奇众神的魔法之力。将其制作出来,增强您手下英雄及兵勇的能力!发动毁灭性奇袭找到一座震惊天下的武器库,即可发动奇袭,有诸如绵羊风暴、怒火血河、撼地之雷等,可以向敌军防御力量降下死亡、毁灭,将其尽数消灭。优美的手绘画面纤毫毕现、丰富多姿的手工绘画,让兵荒马乱、可歌可泣的岁月栩栩如生,史无前例地让你亲身体验跌宕起伏的维京时代。奥丁神庙在等待!进入 Vikings Gone Wild 的世界,遵从宿命,成为狂野的维京人,率领部族,走向胜利!
该你了 Up You Go
标题说明一切 ...
拆弹专家 Wire Defuser
Defuse dat bomb!
Wire Defuser is a fast-paced puzzle game about defusing bombs, saving the planet... and, well, defusing bombs.
Your mission, should you decide to accept it is simple: defuse the bombs. Every level presents a new chain of buttons and switches, each executable in a different screen interaction. Skill and reflex will be required.
If you manage to get through the chain in time, the bomb is defused. But watch out as the slightest error will blow up everything.
Stay calm and save the world!
- Addictive mechanics and nervous gameplay
- Polished graphics
- 80+ levels
- Super challenging Hardcore Mode
微生世界 KromacelliK
探索无尽奥秘!KromacelliK 让您扮演细胞,将其他细胞放回原位!探索由各种各样的细菌和细胞组成的 8 位世界。使用地图识别您的目标,并为细胞选择最佳路径。提防在每一关四处徘徊的病毒。为打败它们,请使用您携带的细胞并投向敌人。特色功能8 位世界和气氛以细胞的体型探索无尽奥秘使用细胞作为武器*NOTE : If you are under iPhone 4 and 4S you may experience some low performances.
交换 o 转变 o 匹配 o 对齐 o 组合
解开 Dot Puzzle,畅玩我们极简风格的游戏希望您玩得特别开心如果遇到技术难题,或者想给我们反馈,请通过此方式联系我们:http://www.bulkypix.com
弱肉强食 Fisk
There is always a bigger Fish than you!
Fisk is a puzzle game based on a 2048 mechanics. Incarnate a red fish who tries to survive by swallowing smaller fish than him! But be careful, big fish are waiting for you, ready to eat you as well. Be Smart and try to swell bite after bite to be able to eat them all!!
Solve more than 200 levels and become the biggest one at the end.
- Flat Design
- Aquatic Ambience
- A lot of Fish
- More thant 200 levels.
消除小刺猬 Tiny Hoglets
我们的小刺猬饿了,解决谜题,解锁通向美食的道路,帮助他们找到水果。用智慧赢取高分用脑越多,得分就越高挖掘你大脑的潜能仅在 1-2 步内就创建大连招,学习解决谜题的奇妙方式“谜”:只有 1 种独特的解决方案“谜”是一种游戏模式,在这种模式中只有一个解决方案。你能找到解决方案吗?玩老虎机水果,赢取奖励每天你都要旋转老虎机,赢取超棒奖励有以下语言版本:英文、荷兰文、法文、德文、意大利文、日文、韩文、波兰文、葡萄牙文、俄文、简体中文、西班牙文、繁体中文以及土耳其文如果遇到技术难题,或者想给我们反馈,请通过此方式联系我们:http://www.bulkypix.com
光谱:3D 迷宫 Spectrum
浮动与躲避!Spectrum 是一个在抽象世界中陈列极简主义美学的游戏平台,在那里你控制一个黑暗实体,试图完成每个级别,并躲避面临的彩色物体。探索6个神秘境界,并试图从中逃脱永无止境的跳跃和潜水给你非传统的控制水平。用最快的速度到达终点的大门!特点- 6种不同的环境,60种挑战级别- 倾斜和触摸控制- 游戏中心成就榜- 游戏中心排行榜- 环绕智能舞曲配乐- 手柄支持- 无限跳跃和潜水力学
可中国简体语言Bloks是一款有趣、快节奏且富有挑战性的拼图/配对游戏。滑动Bloks,使相同颜色的Bloks排成一行或一列以过关。连击系统让玩家快速连续消除多行多列,以大幅提升玩家得分。Bloks可让玩家分享成绩,并通过GameCenter 和Facebook与他们的朋友一比高下。Bloks是免费的。特色好玩、富有挑战性的个性游戏3 个增强器3 种游戏模式(移动、时间和街机模式)全球,Gamecenter和Facebook排行榜成就通过IAP获得专业版(额外内容)极简图形风格与设计
机甲战士 Mecha Titans
书写你自己的命运之轮!Mecha Titans 是一款充斥着策略战斗的太空角色扮演冒险游戏。人类消失了,但是却留下了仿生机器人。组织想让所有人服从他的意愿,而 Rebel Union 则想为所有人争取自由。由于出现统治者病毒,情况越来越糟,需要把这些病毒消灭。用史诗级工具建立你自己的团队并装备 Mechas,学习新的技能打败敌人。收集各种传奇卡牌,用升级物品和技能培养你的战士,在大规模的战斗中探索宇宙并习得各种战术。在史诗级比赛中挑战你的好友,看看谁拥有最好的 Mechas 可以征服宇宙!特点:50 多个游戏人物大量破坏性的技能攻击数百种独特的机器人策略型回合制战斗培养最强大的战士在线比赛
威尼斯的冒险之旅 Corto Maltese Secrets of Venice
Let's set off in the footsteps of Corto Maltese!Along Venice's canals and narrow alleys, fight against a poison that ravages you, avoid bullets and explosions, face the unknown, and eventually open the doors of knowledge.This video game unravels a thrilling quest based on a point and click riddle-driven gameplay within the worlds of Corto Maltese, the main character created by Hugo Pratt, the genius of
graphic novels (more than 5 Million hardcopies sold worldwide).Searching for a fabulous emerald, you may find a magical balance and finally, utopia."Key Features- An intimate experience with one of the most charismatic graphic literature's figures : the iconic Corto Maltese for the first time in a video game- An original story featuring existing characters from Corto Maltese's comic books, as well as brand-new characters- Gorgeous artworks combining: original settings based upon sceneries and places in Venice, cutscenes using stunning photographic work of Marco d'Anna, and animated comic strips from Corto Maltese's adventures all over the world. - A mysterious compass and a gazette full of stories and hints will help you throughout the adventure.-Two difficulty levels for the riddles : for beginners or insiders…- Fully translated into English, French, German, Italian and Spanish.
"像流行音乐明星一样歌唱!成为 LoliRock 的一员!
o 欢唱 LoliRock 的大热歌曲: Higher, Revolution, B.F.F., Celebrate 以及 We are Magic。
o 录下你的歌声,和好友分享。
o 因为你的韵律感,让 LoliRock 的女孩们根据节拍款款起舞
o 建立由自己设计的 LoliRock 音频工作室,给自己以及 LoliRock 的女孩们拍照,并为她们挑选舞台服装。
汽车破坏者 Car Breakers
LAUNCH PRICE!! 50% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME!!如果不想被弹出,请系上安全带!Car Breakers是一种滑稽的游戏,你必须通过从全速行驶的汽车上进行假人碰撞试验来瞄准目标。解锁十几辆汽车和假人,并进行组合,找到完成关卡最理想的组合。发现三个不同的世界,里面全是各种发狂的物品,例如将假人喷射到恐龙嘴里!瞄准点,找到合适的速度和角度来观看飞行的假人。提高难度,然后通关来完成特殊的任务。o 滑稽的氛围o 尖叫的假人o 三种不同环境o 大量汽车和假人等待解锁
灰色方块 Grey Cubes: Unique 3D Brick Breaker
Grey Cubes is a modern variation on the brick-breaker-type game, based on real-time physics and three-dimensional gameplay (not just 3d look).Minimalist in style, with clean graphics and deep, original soundtrack.The game contains 60 levels, each one is unique, each one with new challenges.Features:- addicting mechanics based on classic idea mixed with real-time physics and three-dimensional gameplay,- 60 highly diversified levels,- a traditional system of power-ups incorporated into modern gameplay mechanics,- multi-layered levels.---"Grey Cubes is the perfect first stop for those new to the block-breaking genre and will revive old passions for longterm players."- TrustedReviews - 9/10"New life breathed into an old concept: loads of new ideas, simple gameplay, and a "just-one-more-go" addictiveness."- TapSmart - 4/5
霓虹方块 Luminux
Luminux 给你带来其他任一款冒险解谜游戏无可比拟的自由选择。游戏规则很简单:-在游戏屏幕上会随机生成有颜色的立方体。-在空间允许的条件下,玩家可朝任何方向随意移动任一个立方体。-配对 3 个或更多的同色立方体即可得分。-如果屏幕上的空间都被填满,即告失败。-根据不同的游戏模式(共 6 种模式),玩家需要达到一定的分数才能进入下一关。发挥想象力自由选择获胜方式,其乐无穷!
The CRUMPETS are coming to mobiles and tablets.Crumpets is compatible with the following devices : iPhone 4S and higher, iPad 2 and higher iPod Touch 5th generation.Find Li''l one, Granny and all the family in four fun and colorful mini-games.BROKEN FAMILYCaprice and Li''l one need to rearrange the family photos in this sliding block puzzle game. But watch out for Ohoh and her annoying habit of rotating the picture.THE SKY''S THE LIMITDitzy and Li''l one stack all sorts of objects to build a tower high enough to reach the clouds. A word of warning: keep your tower balanced if you don''t want it to come crashing down.THIS FAMILY SUCKSLi''l one is fed up with his countless brothers and sisters, so he decides to seek refuge in the attic and take out his frustrations on the models representing the different members of his family.Watch out for Bother and Blister, who have snuck into the attic with some firecrackers. If Li''l one hits one, it''s fireworks for sure.COME GIVE GRANNY A KISSYou can always count on Granny and her good ideas.
She''s playing concentration with the family photos, but watch out, because if she turns over Uncle Hurry&and Aunt Harriet, it''s game over.PAINTING GALLERYPlay the mini-games over and over again while turning up the difficulty to collect all the family photos.Step foot into the world of the Crumpets and play the four mini-games either alone or with a friend on the same device.Don''t forget that you can also challenge your friends on Facebook!o&&&&&& The world and graphics of the cartoono&&&&&& Four hilarious mini-games with a real Crumpets flavoro&&&&&& Play over and over again with the different difficulty levelso&&&&&& Go solo or play with a friend on the same deviceo&&&&&& Collect all the family photos by beating all the mini-gameso&&&&&& Possibility of challenging friends on Facebook!
格斗雄鸡 Chicken Fighters
Chicken Fighters 是一款很有特色的多人对战游戏,玩家要设法训练出一只强悍的斗鸡,在竞技场中参加对决。
小鸡战士 VS. 炸鸡
利用小鸡的嘴、爪子和忍者上勾拳把对手的羽毛弄乱 !
胡子英雄 The Bearded Hero
THE BEARDE HERO is going completely free! Other games from BulkyPix' catalog are going free. For more information, follow us on Twitter (@BulkyPix) and Facebook!4/5 Stars - “A delightfully tricky little puzzle game that merges originality with the comfort of familiarity” — TapSmart.comThe game was featured on the front page of the Apple App Store as a “Best New Games” all over the world!5/5 Stars - “Unique gameplay and great graphics. One of the best puzzle games of 2014! Ohh, and remember to clean the dishes.” -- M-)Follow the Bearded Hero on a clay-made adventure where it is not unlikely to encounter sunbathing starfish, pipe-smoking mountains and sea monsters with bracelets.Help him through 7 challenging and mind-bending worlds to collect the magic rings in order to defeat the evil evilings (and a not-so-credible storyteller). Simple to learn, hard to master, but even harder to put down. PS: a tip for starters - don’t let The Bearded Hero die too often - he is not always going to take it lightly. o 35+ puzzle-filled levels to beat o A charming but not-so-clever hero o Lots of one-liners o 7 wacky worlds o Secrets to unlock o Unique and addictive gameplay
牧场在线 Ranch Online
Le jeu officiel de la série Le Ranch est maintenant sur smartphone ! Dans Ranch Online, devenez propriétaire de votre Ranch et suivez l’exemple de Léna : créez votre ranch et élevez vos propres chevaux. Commencez par vous occuper de votre premier cheval et agrandissez ensuite votre élevage. Bénéficiez des conseils de Léna et ses amis qui vous guideront tout au long du jeu. Un tutoriel vous aidera à découvrir toutes les possibilités du jeu (balade, entra?nement, compétition, saillie) et à prendre en main votre ranch !?tes-vous prêt à chevaucher Mistral pour des balades inoubliables.
勇敢的小毛怪 Brave furries
BRAVE FURRIES is going completely free! Other games from BulkyPix' catalog are going free. For more information, follow us on Twitter (@BulkyPix) and Facebook!小皮公主和小皮村的半数居民都被邪恶巫师绑架了。剩下的小皮们发动了一次拯救任务。他们千里迢迢来到了巫师的城堡。但他们不知道,在进入地窖之后有些什么在等待着他们。地窖的门上有一个奇怪的封印,而且装着符文的盒子散落得满地都是。小皮们不知所措,于是打开了一个盒子…帮助这些可爱的生物执行一次拯救任务。你需要探索邪恶巫师的城堡,解决他的谜题,才能获得成功。数小时的脑力测试游戏正在等待着你!o 异常简单的游戏规则o 非常简短的谜题o 可爱有趣的生物o 稍微需要动脑o 原创游戏体验o 高质量图像
圣光之徒 Light Apprentice
***Please look for the HD version if you have an iPad Pro***Light Apprentice Volume 1 (Chapters 1 to 4) is finally here!RISE OF A HEROWhen life in the world of Ethenia is threatened by the corruption of the Yhrosian Empire, a hero will rise to protect the Planet and its people.Meet Nate, the Light Apprentice, and take part in his journey through a kind of "Comic GameBook" experience like you've never seen before!After having spent 300 years in a deep sleep, Nate wakes up to a world ravaged by war. The Planet's environment is damaged and on the course to destruction.Only Nate and the 4 other last remaining Apprentices may have the key to restore balance to the Planet's environment, thus saving the world. YOUR GAME, YOUR CHOICESIn Light Apprentice, comic book and game are integrated in a brand new way.Your decisions and actions will determine what kind of characters Nate and his friends will become.Get collectibles and extras, customize and evolve your characters, fight or befriend monsters, and decide how Nate's story unfolds.AN EPIC SAGA IS COMINGThis app consists of Light Apprentice Volume 1 of 3, with the four first chapters available right now!FEATURES- A comic book-game in which you can make your own choices that affect the story - Build your characters based on your own choices: be a warrior or a pacifist!- Collect items and equipment to improve your characters'
stats - Engage or spare the life of several kinds of monsters and bosses - A unique graphic style based on hand-drawn art- Epic, touching, action-packed storyline
GET TO THE CHOPPAAAAAA !!!比往常还要更加来势汹汹,这一次狡猾的敌人藏身在维勒纳岛上。你的任务是要追查和摧毁一切敌对活动。提供威力不断增强的武器库,轻松突破敌军防线。狠狠出击,绝不手软。Heli Hell 是一款极富现代感的射击游戏。无论是街机游戏爱好者,还是动作游戏和射击游戏拥趸都不会对它失望。内容包括:6 种直升机(还有更多即将登场)22 种可升级武器超过 50 种不同的敌军部队每关结束时有大怪守阵
梦境亡魂 Dream Revenant
EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH PRICE! Dream Revenant is $1.99 only for a limited time!"I opened Dream Revenant late last night on a whim. An hour and a half later I set it down, tears running down my cheeks. It's a powerfully moving experience, perhaps the most powerful I've experienced on the iPad to date."- Kotaku.comYou are Carson Hughs, a man haunted by a forty-year-old mystery. Only now, on your deathbed, buried in the dreamscape of your own subconscious mind, can you confront and perhaps unravel the dark secrets of your past. But beware: all answers come with a price. And some secrets… are meant to stay buried. Dream Revenant presents a uniquely narrative gaming experience, featuring a massive open world environment, dramatic voice characterizations, and unparalleled graphic depth, optimized for the advanced capabilities of the latest Apple devices.FEATURES:- Nearly 4 acres of fully open world exploration, including a variety of internal and external settings.- A fully “living” world, featuring blowing grass, swaying trees, falling leaves, moving cloud shadows, ticking clocks, and more.- Over eight minutes of professional voice acting, bringing all the Revenants to haunting life.- Unlockable bonus levels, additional content, and atmospheric options.- Lush original musical score by composer Isaias Garcia.- Subtitled language support for English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.Important note: Dream Revenant is now compatible with iPad mini, iPad 2 and iPod touch 5G.
酷炫之旅 Hyper Trip
Hyper Trip 是一款以未来 3D 霓虹灯环境为背景的疯狂反射游戏。 操控 轻按左或右以引导方块。 目标 避免撞墙。 陷阱 速度。危险且无法原谅。 你觉得自己能处理这一切? 三思而行。 Hyper Trip 提供 MFi 控制器支持 + 完整的排行榜和 Game Center 整合。
Huerons: A challenging Puzzle
敏捷霓彩光 Nimble Squiggles
NIMBLE SQUIGGLES is going completely free! Other games from BulkyPix' catalog are going free. For more information, follow us on Twitter (@BulkyPix) and Facebook!"《敏捷霓彩光》是一款老少咸宜的休闲益智游戏,在这款游戏中,玩家将通过手指的移动帮助霓彩光进入一个漏斗并逃脱。霓彩光受重力点的影响,其中特殊的一个霓彩光由玩家控制。也就是说,玩家只能间接控制霓彩光。这款游戏的关键概念之一就是匹配颜色。每个霓彩光都有特定颜色。霓彩光只能通过相同颜色的路径。同色匹配也适用于漏斗、重力点以及其他互动物体。在逃脱的路上,霓彩光将通过充满尖钉、彩色炸弹、阀门、移动锯片和其他互动物体的迷宫。游戏的主要机制非常简单,容易掌握。三级奖励体系(普通:收集最低数量的霓彩光;完美:收集所有的霓彩光;时间完美:和“完美”一样,但有时间限制),适合初玩者和经验丰富的玩家60 个手绘等级。"Features独特的游戏玩法颜色匹配益智游戏60 个手绘等级吸引人的高清画面引领霓彩光间接控制
勇敢的骑士 I am a brave knight
Do you have ten minutes to live a life? Inspired by games like Journey or Cloud, I am a brave knight is a short interactive story based on our perspective of life. The game follows the life of a man and his progress through it. With an emotional story that will not leave you indifferent, get ready to live an experience and maybe learn something about yourself. Featureso
An emotional story about lifeo
A short but intense experience o
Touching visuals and music
又一大波僵尸袭来!你真的以为你可以靠自己一个人顶住?现实点吧,团队协作才是王道!《僵尸别动队》是一款团队协作型即时战斗游戏。游戏采用了8位像素美术,让怀旧的你欲罢不能!在游戏中,你要控制最大8人的小队在全世界范围内和僵尸大军战个你死我活!依靠游戏出色的AI系统,你只需要一根手指就可以灵活指挥8名队员!作为团队首领,队员能力搭配有多重要,你比我清楚!在这里,你可以从15种职业中挑选自己心仪的队员(未来还有更多职业加入)。坦克,远距离狙击,范围伤害,控场技能,应有尽有!不要忘记给队员们升级哦,5级之后有惊喜!有这么多强力队员,当然还要难缠的敌人才不会寂寞!游戏中有18种各类僵尸和怪物随时准备向你发起冲击!这还不包括5大强力BOSS!这可不是个无脑手残杀僵尸游戏!在游戏中,除了要消灭潮水般涌来的僵尸,你还要护送平民,解锁机关,拯救VIP,坚守阵地,当然还要看穿敌方BOSS的技能特点!好好挑选自己的队员开始战斗吧!目前游戏有5大场景50关可以挑战。每个场景都拥有独特的设计和敌人!和队友一起,在埃及,中国,冰雪地宫,废弃基地以及神秘实验室里探险吧!未来的更新中还会包括更多场景和怪物哦!o独特而有深度的单指团队操作o优化过的AI系统o惊人的复古像素画面o15个独特的玩家职业o5大boss和18种怪物o5大场景50关o各种任务类型和挑战o在game center里挑战好友的记录吧
脏东西 iPollute
EXCLUSIVE LAUNCH PRICE! iPollute is 50% off for a limited time!---GDC 2014 Best in Play Honorable Mention!---iPollute is a unique puzzle game, set in a lovingly hand-crafted world and packed with stop motion clay animations!You are invited to a peaceful green valley, and can use your various icons to affect its fate. Every choice you make affects the choices that follow. Can you save the valley, or will you destroy it in a terrible tide of pollution?iPollute features dozens of unique paths, each with its own handmade animation sequence. Explore all the paths to find the Hidden Stars, and fill your Claymation Journal with your own story of the valley!FEATURES:- Solve a challenging puzzle where every choice affects your progress- Dozens of unique stop-motion animations - can you find them all?- Collect Greencoins for every action, and use them to uncover hints and bonus features!- iPollute is free of in-app purchases – all content is included.
粘粘球 柠檬流行: PegGoo Pop
在这款趣味与挑战性兼具的益智游戏中,只需用指尖、瞄准然后射击即可。就这么简单!… 而且,如果想使用更多种控制,可以倾斜你的设备指引着球摧毁邪恶的 goo 入侵者。*体验 130 多关 goo 泡泡乐趣*众多拥有特殊能力的独特的peg*简单的瞄准射击控制*倾斜设备可以精准射击。通过各个关卡和黄油场村庄、星螺天文台、极地北极圈以及更多。每一关都有独特的 goo,如陷阱 peg、漂浮的 goo、旋式 peg、冰冻的暴风雪 goo 以及防撞 goo,它们都会使你的球在空隙中回旋。击落难以击中的飞行 goo,获得大的奖励和更多的球。在 Facebook 上和好友分享你的高分,或者挑战自我战胜自己的个人最高纪录!想获取更多最新 PegGoo Pop 资讯,请在 为我们点赞想提供反馈或支持,请通过我们的 Facebook 页面、网站或电子邮件联系我们:http://www.bulkypix.com
恋爱方块人 Fallin Love - The Game of Love
Help Fall, a tiny block unnoticed by the woman he loves, in his quest for a disguise that will catch her attention. Guide him by playing with gravity and beat more than 70 mind-teasing levels by collecting cool disguises. Because somehow, each new disguise will bring Fall one step closer to winning her love.
By rotating the device or finger-swiping, gather the costumes artfully placed in each level and try to collect as many hearts as you can. To make things a bit more challenging, different kinds of colored blocks will have to be taken into account, sometimes making your task easier and other times more complicated. And of course, there are fearsome enemies and traps to be avoided!
Fall is a tiny block guy. One day as he wanders the streets, he meets Kaisa. It is love at first sight. Unfortunately for him, Kaisa only seems to have eyes for a poster of a man with a mustache. No problem! If having mustache is what it takes to secure his new sweetheart’s attention, Fall will find a mustache. But the thing is, Kaisa’s desire is fickle, to say the least. By the time Fall finds the mustache, it’s already too late as Kaisa is now looking for a brave astronaut. So begins Fallin Love, the never-ending chase for love of a man determined to please his loved one’s ever-changing wishes.
In the mood for classic solo mode? Fallin Love features 3 different worlds and an additional difficult Mode, each with 18 levels.
Want immediate action? Survival Mode is for you: try your best not to get killed while collecting loads of hearts.
Feeling social? We got you covered with 5 exclusive levels that will only be unlocked when a certain worldwide amount of hearts has been collected!
o Beat 70+ levels or try to hold on in Survival Mode
o Think global: the more hearts gathered, the more chances of unlocking social levels
o Superb, colorful graphics
o Learn to master gravity to succeed
o Enjoy discovering the hilarious costumes
"I’m loving Fallin Love as the story is cute, the graphics are gorgeous, and the gameplay mechanic is challenging yet addictive"
勇士迷城冒险 Puzzle Warriors Adventure
*** OPTIMIZED FOR iPHONE 6 & 6 PLUS! ****** ONE-TIME IAP PURCHASE REQUIRED AFTER TWO TO THREE HOURS OF PLAY. ALL OTHER IAPS OPTIONAL ***THE STORY CONTINUES!This update adds more content to the game, with a new map, new NPC characters, and new battle spells!Continue the story where you left off by visiting the Seastone Royal Academy at the Castle.A BIG WORLD TO DISCOVERFrom castles, to dungeons, mazes and towers you'll roam through this exciting adventure searching for hidden treasures, secret passages and amazing places.CAPTURE CREATURES It's too dangerous to go alone, here take this dragon with you.If you like plants better you can tame this carnivorous plant, it pushes veggies away.Then again there are other creatures you may find on your way. AN EXCITING STORYExiled from the kingdom 10 years ago as a child for nebulous reasons, you return to your homeland at the request of Kertil, the King's Wizard and your old mentor. The sea kingdom of Four-Haven is in trouble: its population has all but vanished, the royal family is missing after a brazen attack on the castle,
and scores of plant and animal like creatures have appeared across the land. You set out for the four islands of Four-Haven in search of the royal family, in the hope of discovering who, or what, is behind the recent events…LEGENDARY LOOTThere is always a high-end sword or some fancy armor to find in a secret room beneath a pile of gold.Equip the best gear to make yourself a hero non can rival.FEATURES:¤ Explore the universe of Four-Haven and travel around 30+ world locations!¤ Fight against creatures in Tetris-like puzzle-combats and use simple puzzle moves to deep tactical options and spells to finish them all!¤ Follow your path and progress through a thrilling story with loot, gear equipping, dozens of items to discover and 128+ character upgrades.¤ Capture, collect, tame and train creatures into powerful allies!¤ Rescue storyline characters and unlock potion crafting, achievement rewards, item stores and much more…We're more than interested in your feedbacks, please share them with us on:
模拟细胞 Felllice
EXCLUSIVE PRICE DROP! 50% OFF FOR A LIMITED TIME!在狂吃中成长!Felllice 是一款细胞生命的解释性模拟游戏。把自己当作一个细胞,努力吃掉其它细胞以不断成长。但要小心比你大的细胞,否则它们会猛得砸向你,把你打回原型。努力积累微小的细胞从而不断变大。 Felllice 的规则很简单:移动、吃小细胞、避开大细胞。 每个细胞在碰撞和同化时都会发出独特的声音。尝试与它们互动,探索不同的声音方案。一切都是不断生活、移动、抽动、搏动和变化的。在竞技场对抗 25 个或更多对手,或者尽量放松随心所欲地探索汤细胞。特点- 黑白扁平设计- 25 个竞技场对手和 5 种不同声音方案- 轻松的游戏环境- 极简的游戏玩法
Compatible with iPad 2 and up, iPhone 4 and up and iPod touch 5th generation – WILL NOT RUN ON EARLIER DEVICES.Let's ride, let's boogie, get funky!Hit the road in the most groovy car chase ever. Buckle up, feel the sun of Miami and enjoy the ride!Let the groove get in and play as Ray Carlton, a driver who likes to push around cops. Visit the garage, pimp your car or buy a new one and show everyone who's got the saturday night fever!Drive at high speed by tapping left/right or by tilting your device and rush as far as possible. Speed through traffic, take down other cars and use power-ups to leave the cops behind.If you are skilled enough and manage to reach the Coin Rush by realizing a big take down combo, you'll have the time of your life! But watch out for trucks and oil leaks.. you don't want to mess up your hair (man... these things take time).Anyway, shut up and drive!
穿越大冒险 Never Let Go
You think you''''''''ve played the impossible? Try this game. Be prepared to die… a lot… but… Never Let Go! Your goal?- Cross all 9 worlds.The rules? Simple:- Use 1 finger to drag and move player.- Touch the gates to score.- Dodge everything else.- Touch your ghost to recover and add your last score to your new score.You crossed from the 1st world through the last one without dying? Post your video on Everyplay and notify @Bulkypix on Twitter to prove you aren’t a liar...
FREEDUM is going completely free! Other games from BulkyPix' catalog are going free. For more information, follow us on Twitter (@BulkyPix) and Facebook!Help Dum to escape the traps of evil kid Max.In Freedum, Dum, a little ladybug, must escape the dangerous mazes created by Max, a little boy as inventive as Machiavellian.Help Dum cross ever more dangerous mazes and avoid the pernicious and diverse traps set by Max.But beware, in this environment full of danger, Dum is also to rescue the baby ladybugs. Can you save them all?Features: - Fun and challenging levels - Numerous and original traps and obstacles - Make Dum shrinks to avoid some obstacles- Fly over obstacles to reach the exit- Control the spirit of other insects to help your evasion attempt
Planet Quiz
Planet quiz est le jeu de quiz officiel du site Planet.frDéfiez vos amis et devenez incollables sur l'actualité à travers des thèmes de quiz variés.Prouvez que vous êtes le meilleur sur le cinéma, les secrets de stars, l'actu people ou l'une des 9 catégories présentes dans le jeu.En solo ou contre vos amis, encha?nez les bonnes réponses pour gravir les échelons du classement.Features: - Des parties rapides en 5 questions- Un ton mordant- Plus de 2 000 questions au lancement- 9 thèmes différents
燃尽 Burn it All - Journey to the Sun
Touch Arcade "Burn It All is a solid puzzle game that plays wonderfully" 4/4 Must have "Burn it All is a cute and clever puzzle game that's charming to look at and enjoyable to play through." 9 /10 "Creative is really the key word here, because Burn it All ranks up there with the most creativily designed puzzle games on the App Store." 4,5/5 "Burn It All is one of my favorite games this year – even after completing all 100 of the levels (with a 5th world with a brand new gameplay mechanic coming soon), I still found myself going back to try and improve my scores. This game is an absolute must-have for both casual and core iOS game fans." 4,5/5 "Burn It All, the newest must-play casual game for iOS. A polished time-based challenge with engaging gameplay mechanics and simple path-finding controls, Burn It All is as compelling as any of the app store chart toppers we’ve come across."
"Burn it All – Journey to the Sun may be the most innovative puzzler of 2011. It’s a gamers delight and poised to be a permanent fixture on App Store charts and your iDevice."------If the winter cold still lingersBURN IT ALL will warm your fingersIf you want a long and sunny summerBURN IT ALL there's nothing funner!WANNA PLAY WITH FIRE?You know you do. So take a blazing hot adventure and help 3 little Flames rise from the molten depths of the earth to the Top of the World. Torch your way through 100 puzzling levels on this Journey to their Daddy, the Sun!Each Flame has different Pyro-Powers! Start fires in the best order to BURN IT ALL as fast as you can! Drag Flames around and even put time in a loop to fire up until there's nothing left but smoke…READY…SET…BURN!!!-------------------------------- CURIOUS? More info on:
Hills of Glory: WWII HD Free
Soldiers, the hour is grave! The enemy has launched its largest offensive yet and we must hold our positions at all costs. To defend this hill, you are but three and they are more than a thousand! It's practically a suicide mission, but you are the best and our whole army is counting on you. The enemy is approaching, increasing in number and hell-bent on reducing your position to ashes. It's up to you show them our worth! Choose your favorite soldiers to fight against relentless waves of enemies and tanks. Choose from an astonishing array of powerful and fearsome weapons: rifles, mortars, Molotov cocktails, grenades... All will do serious carnage in your expert hands. And what would you say about calling in a little air strike, or even using the absolute weapon: the A-bomb? In one fell swoop, these almighty weapons will blow the enemy to smithereens. Can you resist countless enemies launching massive assaults on your position? You'll need to be both alert and strategic. With a quick vertical move of the finger, you'll annihilate an entire regiment – but you'll also have to skillfully manage your armaments and their reloading time. Detailed graphics, humor and an ever-enjoyable gameplay. With the intense "Campaign Mode" and endlessly destructive "Quick Play Mode," you have hours of play just waiting for you. Oh, and: trophies to win, scores to publish online and records to beat.
马赛克的爱情长征-Pix'n Love Rush DX
TouchArcade: "It's the game that really needs to be on your device"
8,9/10 - IGN: "Do not hesitate to grab it."
4/4 - SlideToPlay: "One of our favorite retro-style games."
5/5 - "a great addition to the plat former genre with a fantastic retro style."
5/5 - Gamezebo: "a great arcade game to play"
5/5 - "a superb platforming game, it's tense, fast and fun."
Thanks to the new-and-improved Pastagames Amusement Device (aka your iPhone/iPad), enjoy “Pix n’Love - Rush” (game included) with never-before-seen playability!
Do you want the clearest, cleanest, shiniest pixels money can buy?
Choose Pastagames Amusement Device brand game consoles (any iOS powered device)! You get not one, not two, but three times the fun for the price of one. Of course the new Pastagames Amusement Devices eliminate dust and bad odors, but that’s not all! Thanks to the spatial technology driving each and every pixel, you get all the good old-fashioned fun that made the Standard Definition version famous, along with a whole lot more:
- ENJOY the all new gameplay mode “Cursed” with five daunting levels that will entice your digital tastebuds! PIX N’LOVE, THE RUSH THAT REFRESHES!
- EXPERIENCE the jaw-dropping “ocular display” enhancing each and every one of the seven million five hundred forty six thousand three hundred and twenty eight pixels of the game! PIX N’LOVE, GOOD TO THE LAST PIX!
- REPOSITION the game controls! And fancify your fingerwork. PIX N’LOVE, RUSH ALL THAT YOU CAN RUSH!
- ROTATE your device and stay in line with the game! Because convenience is also part of the Future. PIX N’LOVE, MELTS IN YOUR MIND, NOT IN YOUR HANDS!
- DELIGHT your ears in the best chiptunes in digital entertainment. PIX N’LOVE, I WANT MY PIX N’LOVE!
- DISCOVER a whole variety of all new tasty treats… PIX N’LOVE, BETWEEN LOVE AND PIXELS LIES PIX N’LOVE!
Hurry to your local drugstore or the nearest app retailer and get yours while supplies last! Say Goodbye to a bland and boring life, and Hello to the laughter of children!
Included in the box:
- The original platform sensation “Pix n’Love - Rush”, with 2 gameplay modes and 125 levels, in all-new high definition.
- 3 skins in the latest chic styles to tailor your gaming experience.
- An all new gameplay mode fully loaded with 5 long and lethal levels.
- Display options and control preferences entirely new to the world of mobile games!
WARNING: Batteries not included.
CURIOUS? More info on:
Pix'n Love Rush Lite
At last, one year after it’s original release, and more than 20 gazillion downloads, we are proud to offer a FREE version of our beloved PIX’N LOVE - RUSH!As you can expect from a lite version, it is merely a part of the game, or should I say a part of the many many games the Full Version has to offer.Contents of the box:
CLASSIC 5min Mode & ON/OFF Arcade ModeGive it a try… tell us what you think.Say Goodbye to a bland and boring life, and Hello to the laughter of children!Warning: this game may hold residues of macadamia nuts and gluten.
癫狂计划 Hysteria Project 2 HD
“Stay with me, hang on… Dammit! We’re going to lose him…”
The shape is blurred, indistinct… could be a woman… suddenly there's nothing, a black hole.
You wake up alone, tied to a hospital bed, with the light dazzling you.
How long have you been asleep for? What is this place? What are you doing here?
A whole series of questions go through your head very quickly, but you don’t remember anything.
You are amazed to discover that you have a tattoo on your arm, a mystery tattoo which you don't know the meaning of... But time is getting on!
The clash of metal stirs you from your thoughts, footsteps are approaching, getting faster and faster, you make out a silhouette in the distance… HE is back…
You thought you had survived the nightmare… but you were wrong.
In the wake of Hysteria Project, which received the Milthon Award in 2009 for its originality, Hysteria Project 2 sticks with the same elements that made its predecessor a success, but pushes the experience even further.
-Step into the shoes of the main character and become the hero of the adventure
-Feel the fear from your character's rapid breathing and heart rate
-Discover powerful and enigmatic characters
-Explore environments in 360°
-Get through laser fields and survive corridors of flames
-Solve numerous mysteries
-Pick up lots of secret documents during the adventure
-Discover a game filmed entirely in high resolution
-Enjoy an overwhelming soundtrack and descend into the heart of hell
-Live through an unprecedented experience
-Discover a game offering the whole gamut of sensations and huge adrenaline rushes
This software uses libraries from the FFmpeg project under the LGPLv2.1
Learn more at
*** Compatible with AirPlay *** 兔子寺的生活面临危机,悬于一线。“普世邪恶”再次猖獗,绑架了你所有的学生。只有你在混乱中勉强逃脱。他们没有把你干掉…他们迟早会后悔!运用你的敏捷功夫和搏击实力,拯救所有的学生!纵串跳跃,飞檐走壁,突袭敌人,狠狠地教训它们!精致的画面,诙谐幽默的风格,长时间的游戏体验,直观的控制设置。70 道关卡,每道关卡都需要用到逻辑、精准度、敏捷性以及武力威胁。此外,游戏中可以赢取多种奖品,拯救宝宝,吃胡萝卜,还要消灭“普世邪恶”。出色的控制设置,广受评论家赞扬。体验年度平台游戏!立即以发布价购买 功夫兔子,体验每次更新的新关卡、新敌人和新能力Features: - 70 levels in normal and hard mode (dozen hours of play!) - Universal application. Works on iPad.- 15 unlockable items to customize your Rabbit. - Playable on Apple TV in a 720p resolution. - Arcade controls
Terra Noctis
~ A Retro-Platformer like you've never seen before in the Appstore! ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------Slip into the role of a small nightmare called Allen, who is not as scary as a nightmare should normally be.Fight against countless monsters, prove your skills, solve riddles and explore a huge world that
employs you for hours. Find secrets, unlock bonus levels and fight against huge boss monsters!All this with thoughtful and responsive controls to enable an action-packed and intuitive gameplay.--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # FEATURES- Perfectly responsive controls- Smooth animations- High quality pixel art graphics- Hours of gameplay- Own soundtrack, especially enjoyable with headphones- Fight against gigantic, challenging end bosses- Find friends who accompany you on your journey- Take advantage of the opportunity to equip active and passive power-ups- Collect objects that allow you to unlock extra levels- OpenFeint Support- iCade Compatible
Terra Noctis Free Dreaming
Terra Noctis comes back in a free version!~ A Retro-Platformer like you've never seen before in the Appstore! ~--------------------------------------------------------------------------Slip into the role of a small nightmare called Allen, who is not as scary as a nightmare should normally be.Fight against countless monsters, prove your skills, solve riddles and explore a huge world that
employs you for hours. Find secrets, unlock bonus levels and fight against huge boss monsters!All this with thoughtful and responsive controls to enable an action-packed and intuitive gameplay.--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # FEATURES- Perfectly responsive controls- Smooth animations- High quality pixel art graphics- Hours of gameplay- Own soundtrack, especially enjoyable with headphones- Fight against gigantic, challenging end bosses- Find friends who accompany you on your journey- Take advantage of the opportunity to equip active and passive power-ups- Collect objects that allow you to unlock extra levels- OpenFeint Support- iCade Compatible
Catch The Candy Dx
oBEST GAME I'VE EVER MADE (FEDOS)oOver 125 MILLION players (with flash versions)Help a hungry little fuzzy creature as he uses his extendible grappling tail to hunt down his candy. But it’s not so easy to reach, as he’s not able to move around on his own. He’ll have to use his tail to latch onto objects to get close enough to the candy to draw it to him. KEY FEATURES:o100 levels, 5 level boxesoUnique gameplay mechanicsoRealistic physicsoCartoon graphicsoAchievements and leaderboard
爱上糖果 Catch The Candy
oBEST GAME I'VE EVER MADE (FEDOS)oOver 125 MILLION players (with flash versions)Help a hungry little fuzzy creature as he uses his extendible grappling tail to hunt down his candy. But it’s not so easy to reach, as he’s not able to move around on his own. He’ll have to use his tail to latch onto objects to get close enough to the candy to draw it to him. KEY FEATURES:o100 levels, 5 level boxesoUnique gameplay mechanicsoRealistic physicsoCartoon graphicsoAchievements and leaderboard
神罚之塔:大灾变 Babel Rising: Cataclysm
快来免费体验“通天塔大灾难” (Babel Rising Cataclysm) !在游戏里你就是万能的神!你从高空可以俯视到地面上的人类,他们来来往往忙碌的很......原来是在建造一座高塔。为什么要造塔呢?难道他们想顺着塔爬到天上来吗?多么自大而又鲁莽的想法。是时候给这些藐视造物主的家伙们一点教训了!“通天塔大灾难” (Babel Rising Cataclysm) 是一款动作游戏,玩家只需轻触指尖,就能让渺小的人类不寒而栗!用一个或多个手指来控制,在屏幕从上到下,或从左至右来施展你那具有破坏性的法力。 控制你的法力,进一步加以提升,瞄准时机释放法力,消灭造塔的人类,避免他们成功搭建塔顶。让他们看看谁才是世界的主宰!在生存模式中您可展开无限挑战,体验众多激动人心的游戏任务。新老游戏玩家都体验到生动有趣的游戏环节,音乐制作精良,一如既往令人捧腹的动画效果。还有更多奖杯等你赢取,更多挑战等你征服,设置游戏得分在线排名,向最高记录不断发起挑战。天庭里只有一个最至高无上的主宰,那就是你!FEATURES:- A brand-new tower with 2 different construction paths - 2 new types of enemies- 40 missions in Story mode - 6 New upgradeable powers and enhancement scrolls to boost your capacities! - 4 different backgrounds- Facebook/Game Center *** IMPORTANT NOTE *** The game only works on iOS 4.3 minimum. If you can't launch the game, please update your OS. -------------------------------想继续了解吗?欲知详情,请访问:
士兵大战外星人 Soldier vs. Aliens
你是不败枭雄。一个士兵对抗一大群凶猛的外星人。坚守阵地,击退一波又一波的入侵者,干掉这一区域所有的外星人。不要想了,拿起你的武器:步枪、猎枪、轨道炮、激光、手榴弹、火焰喷射器…你就有一个职责:消灭一切!!!这将是一场大屠杀,而这正是你需要的…特点- 一个简单的概念:坚守阵地,杀死所有外星人!- 华美的美术设计,完美的手绘 2D 背景、人物角色和外星人。- 50 个关卡,伴有多个目标:消灭区域内的所有敌人、解救科学家、坚守阵地、杀死女王…- 探索不同的关卡:实验室、轨道空间站、地铁、地下…- 定制和改进你盔甲的每一个部分- 大量供选择的武器 (猎枪、轨道炮、激光、火焰喷射器…)- 生存模式将出现一波又一波永无休止的敌人- 受伤了,看看你的脸…-------------------------------想继续了解吗?欲知详情,请访问:
DESTRUCTION! Is the aim of the game in this action-packed sleigh sim.Smash through mountain roads, ice lakes, ski resorts & towns as you guide your dogs using super easy controls.Gain bonuses for high-speed runs, air time or generally causing chaos along the way!Your rival skiers will not approve, but they are no match for your husky team! Can you show 'em who's boss before they get the better of you?Upgrade your sleigh with upgrades such as a BBQ & bacon canon, a trained SQUIRREL, rocket boosters and even a wrecking ball!Can this game possibly be as ridiculous as this description implies? YES. Yes it can.Why not find out for yourself? It's free!FEATURES:- 16 wacky sleigh upgrades!- 13 dogs to choose from!- 5 Game modes including a super special Santa mode!- Game Center integration with 30 achievements & high scores!- Unique hand-drawn illustrated graphics- Randomly generated terrain makes the game completely different each time.- An awesome high-energy rock soundtrack!- Designed for all iOS devices- no black bars or stretching to fit screens!-------------------------------CURIOUS? More info on:
★★ SpinCraft winter update is now out ★★ 找到 Pyp,这个可爱的披萨男孩正在展开一场奇妙的冒险!跟随他和他忠诚的机器人朋友 ANVI 一起完成一项光荣的任务,成为速度最快的星际间披萨外送员。在一路上收集所有水晶来向前移动,尽可能以最快速度把披萨送到顾客手中。通过这个质量可与家用机媲美的 3D 游戏平台来探索五彩斑斓的宇宙,并找到所有隐藏的宝藏。升级您的 SpinCraft 可获得新的能力提升工具,且能解锁数十款精美的游戏皮肤!但不可大意!在一路上充满了各种陷阱和敌人,必须战胜他们才能圆满完成任务!和朋友们一起对战,向成为宇宙中最快的外送员发起挑战!FEATURES :·
20 个富有挑战性的关卡,且还将新增更多关卡·
可升级 5 个能力提升道具·
有 20 多种个性皮肤可供定制您的 SpinCraft !·
激烈的 BOSS 之战!·
色彩丰富的 3D 画面,带您进入奇幻的游戏世界-------------------------------想继续了解吗?欲知详情,请访问:
彩色方块 RubPix
"RubPix will keep fans of sliding block puzzles busy for hours" - PocketGamer" The game seems easy at the start, but with a larger surface comes more complicated puzzles." - IndieGamesRubpix 是 Pretentious Game 的制作方推出的一款拼图滑块益智游戏。 "Most Promising Game nominee in the Indie Prize" Casual Connect Singapore 2014.游戏玩法很简单,却其乐无穷。不妨设想一下以像素形式表达的 Rubik's cube,这便是 RubPix :D! 作为玩家,你需要在 RubPix 上重新描绘出一幅完整的图片。 其中一些拼图很难识别。共有 150 张拼图,把它们一个个都解决了! “Game Slam 携该游戏参加了 2014 Casual Connect Singapore 休闲游戏研讨会”“出自 David Stoll 之手,富有 Kotaku 特色的 4x4 像素艺术”
爵士:川普的旅程 JAZZ: Trump's journey
“我叫 Trump,是一个爵士乐手。这是关于我的故事。”和 Trump 一起重温他年少时成为爵士音乐家的梦想,以及他和可爱的 Poppy 女士之间的爱情故事。以路易斯o阿姆斯特朗的真实经历为原型,再现了 Trump 精彩的一生,表现了他组建乐团的历程、他的恋爱经历以及他在二十世纪初的新奥尔良与不公正待遇抗争的故事。让灵感引导你走进这款奇妙的平台游戏。特点:- 漫游风光旖旎的新奥尔良- 跟随 Trump 的人身轨迹,见证爵士乐的诞生- 欣赏由爵士音乐家特别创作的爵士音乐- 用你的小号让时间停止- Game Center/Facebook/Twitter- 通用版(iPhone/iPad)想继续了解吗?欲知详情,请访问*Not compatible with iPhone 3G
水果果冻 Fruity Jelly
Touch Arcade ★ ★ ★ ★ 4/5
★<> ★App Shack: 9/10 ★<<The level design is top notch, and the gameplay is super smooth, and entertaining.” ★ReviewT: A ★<> ★
JELLY WAITING FOR YOU! Meet Jelly, in an adventure to save his village destroyed by a mysterious creature! Gather all the fruits to revive your friends.
Tilt and rotate your environment and prepare for an awesome journey through dozens of fun and varied levels!
But be aware, on your way, you'll meet crazy foes, cute foes, mighty ones and a bunch of tricky traps! Awareness is our priority for you, the player. We want you to enjoy this game as much as we enjoyed developing it.
Thanks for your support… and let's roll!
o Universal application for iPhone and iPad o 60 levels and more to come!o Tons of secretes and mysteries...will you find all the stars?o 2 ways to play, accelerometer or touch? You choose!o Regular updates with new levels and new features o New checkpoints to give you a more enjoyable adventure.o New worlds to explore and new gameplay features!
休闲游戏 3D Twist and Match
Casual and addictive!How quick can you rotate 3D objects to match their silhouettes? Challenge your spatial visualization skills and make optimal moves to build combos!With its intuitive controls, 3D Twist & Match is easy to pick }


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