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淘宝 虎扑 都行,去看看撒, 这种东西 偶尔玩玩 还好的,不要太入迷就OK
我们会通过消息、邮箱等方式尽快将举报结果通知您。Item Betting Rules
If you join betting, we will consider that you agree to the following rules:1. The rules of item value& a). Item value base on steam market price, some price will fluctuate.& b). We will update the value once a week approximately. If some value fluctuate abruptly, we will update it immediately without notice.& c). If you have questions to the rules, please don’t bet, otherwise we will consider that you agree with the items value.&2. Betting rules& a). You can place 32 items at most in one match for betting.& b). You can change teams 5 minutes before the match begins, and you have 2 chances to cancle the bet.& c). We will change match time due to the actual condition.& d). For the network problem or other situation, we do not assume any responsibility for your betting, changing teams or cancling bet. Please take your own risk for betting.&3. Clearing rules& a). If your potential rewards less than 0.02, we will not return any item to you.& b). Won or lost the matches is a judge to moneyline type match. If you place items in handicap type match, we will calculate the score of handicap match, then decide which team to win the match.& c). If some match results confirmed, we will clear the match in time. We will maintain this result even the tournament re-judge the result.&4. Sore rules& a). In basketball, soccer, tennis and other sports games, the socre calculation is the same to normal calculation. For example, we will count the overtime in basketball, but we will not count the overtime in football except the injury time.& b). In handicap matches of E-Sports games, we will count each game of the match. If one team win the game, it will get 1 point. If one team loses the game, it will get 0 point.& c). In E-Sports games, the result is decided by the real victory or defeat, not by typing GG.&5. Handicap rules& “-” means handicap. For example, [teamA -0.5], it means that the total points of teamA should minus 0.5, then compare to the total points of teamB.&6. Cancel match rules& a). We will cancle the match if team name is wrong, except league name or match time which is no impact on the results of matches.b). If two teams take the same points in the match (handicap match should be counted the minus points), we will cancle the matches. & c). We will cancle the match if the result has come out but we didn’t close the match. But in some cases, we will not cancle the match if there is no impact on the fair result even we didn’t close the match timely.& d). Before the game BP, if one team forfeit the game, or defwin, or cant play games with other reason, we will cancle this match.& e). If the tournament change the competition format after the match beginning, for example, the organizers change BO3 to BO5, we will maintain the result which we have cleared, but we will cancle the matches which have not been cleared.& f). One team has substitute to play games, or some players offline but the game keeping on, we will not cancle the match. The matches are valid.&7. Defwin rules& a). In any one game, if one team defwin before dota2 10 kills or csgo 10 total rounds, it will lead to this game becoming invalid game. We will cancle some matches because of the invalid game.& b). In any one game, if one team defwin after dota2 10 kills or csgo 10 total rounds(include 10 rounds), it will lead to this game becoming valid game. In this case, we will cancle the single match of handicap and under-over type etc. But we will not cancle the moneyline of the single match. The team will lose this game.& c). If one team lose single game point, this point will calculate to the series matches points.&8. Forfeit rules& a). In any one game, if one team forfeit before dota2 10 kills or csgo 10 total rounds, we will cancle the match of this single game handicap, moneyline, under-over etc. But it has no impact to series matches of handicap or moneyline.b). In any one game, if one team forfeit after dota2 10 kills or csgo 10 total rounds(include 10 rounds), it will lead to the team lose this game. we will cancle the single match of handicap and under-over type etc. But we will not cancle the moneyline of the single match.& c). If one team lose the 1st game, and forfeit the 2nd game, this team will lose series matches of moneyline and handicap. If one team win in the 1st game, and forfeit the 2nd game, We will cancle the series matches of moneyline and handicap of this team.&9. Professional terms& a). 1st blood: In dota2 game, only the game screen tip 1st blood, then we will think as 1st blood.& b). 10 kills: In dota2 game, one team which first get 10 kills will win 10 kills.& c). 38 minutes: In dota2 game, “under 38 minutes” means the game time less than 00:38:00(include 00:38:00). “over 38 minutes” means the game time more than 00:38:01(include 00:38:01).& d). 1st round: In csgo game, one team win the 1st round.& e). 5 rounds: In csgo game, one team win the 5th rounds.& f). Forfeit: A team that choose not to play the remaining games.& g). defwin: The tournament admins the allocated win, and the other team get lost.&10. Disclaimer& a). Please take care of your own risk in items betting.& b). The odds will be decided when the match is closed.& c). We will modify the rules when as needed, no further notice.& d). If we don’t define some cases in the rules, we will refer to the similar website for dealing. We have the final decision.& e). We have the final interpretation with the rules.&
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