求个mc的mc rpgmodd

接下来就是第二行第一个,硬化粘土【误 皮肤最高是65%,2012xp首先,点满了给jj怪炸伟大的朝()鲜民()主主()义人()民()共()和()国和白头山上的红太阳金止恩总书记永垂不朽!主体思想万岁!然后炸完摔下来还剩4血接下来就是钻石套+天赋技能VSJJ怪贴身好吧1.5血+炸出来然后钻石甲+无技能VSJJ怪贴面炸这他娘的不清()()()真
今晚来更两个沉迷mc,不能自拔接下来介绍这个防守姿♂势顾名思义,减少物理伤害(首先,我们来请我们河北省的小朋友【划掉 僵尸先辈来进行精彩的测试(水贴)表演这(差不多)是0级下被肛一次的效果,2.5心这是满级情况下的伤害减免情况需要2013xp所以这多出来的1xp用意何在?惯例……生存实验WTF???好吧因为这里饥饿值是满的所以应该和没点差不多吧?(大嘘)然后这是钻套+25J的效果……因为刚刚扣血的缘故,所以其实应该只扣了1心?结果……别问我发生了啥果然给研究人员配备仓支是正确的【误放 送 惨 剧
接下来, 轻功首先零级十米跳高如下~然后零级二十米跳高如下~最后零级50米跳高死了~这是25级的 2013jy首先零级十米跳高如下~首先25级十米跳高如下~然后25级20米跳高如下~最后是25级50米跳高如下~(tmd我从头到尾一直都在重复)然而没有那么高的山峰虽然这玩意在雨林/山地打怪的时候应该可以帮你省点血【?
身为吐槽党你居然拿58本子封面镇楼 对此同样身为吐槽党我只能说:求开车发完这本
过了第五关我叫你爸爸 截图给我 当场叫
接下来介绍两个技能 ,这两个技能呢图标很excited这会不会给人一种钦点的感觉以至于让人想念两句诗没错我要一下讲两个一个是增加跳跃距离,可以使你跳的比香港reporter还快另一个是增加跳跃高度,能够让你跳的不知道高到那里去了升满都是2013xp在这两个技能全部点满的情况下,平跳可以直接跳过8格距离,你们说孔不孔啊跳高一格也可以跳7格至于高度,1.5米毫无压力2米也是sometimesnaive最高跳2.5米跑酷福音
接下来介绍最后两行的技能(这里是重点要用红笔画下来考试会考)第一个,剑术精专增加剑的的伤害(只有剑)*目测又是刚不过附魔的首先,我们请上我们的试验品,宫古芳香【划掉】姜丝先生姜丝你说吼不吼啊?姜丝:你这样说,会不会给人一种钦点的感觉?=======首先是0等级======石剑:4下1头*会心一击3下铁剑:3.5下一头(残念的半血)*如果打出会心一击好像是2下钻石剑:3下点满之后莫名其妙的变成了2012xp作者:有必要对这1xp这么纠结么反正你也不会动这些石剑 3刀铁剑 3刀还是2刀我也忘了好像是2刀但是有会心一击钻石剑 2刀(加上锋利4估计一刀一个)
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虚无世界2是一款大型的RPG Mod,添加了大量新的地图,新的生物,新的武器,新的工具,新的材料,内容量巨大,等待玩家自行体验! 官方WIKI地址(英文):&
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1.7.10Forge版本:&|| &(由汉化)
相关教程:先介绍下右上角的图表,这是nevermine的特有的技能系统和状态条,你在mc中每一个动作都可能会提升相关技能,从第一排从左往右依次是(截图好烦):图标&&&&名称&&&&效果&&&&提升方式黄色条状& 热能条& 概率造成暴击& &靠近热源(火把,岩浆等等),吃热食物灰底条板& 信仰状态& 晚上获得相应buff& & 杀怪,种植,挖矿等等活动200数字的那个&能量& &一些枪械武器需要&&&&自动回复紫色的&&&&创造值&&&&用来召唤&&&&自动回复,慢绿色的&&&&灵魂值&&&&使用灵魂板&&&&自动回复,慢第二排开始就是技能,从左往右图标&&&&名称&&&&效果&&&&提升方式红色心& &生存能力& &闪避攻击快速回复&&&&收集打怪掉落的方形红宝石钱币袋&&&&不明&&&&(顺序可能乱了,在公司写的,抱歉)三个黑色圆盘& 符文(魔法)&放在符文包然后用法杖就能使用魔法 & 在远古祭坛右键使用釉做的空白符文石,等级越高就可以去不同环境做更高级的符文。蓝紫色&宝石采集& 采集野外的精灵用于附魔mod特有装备&采集和附魔(用石碗)紫色帽子 召唤等级&用于召唤更高级的怪 在附魔台右键使用已能召唤的石板金色x字&状态等级 提升状态值(魔力盒灵魂力)使用挖矿技能中获得的精华提升暂且先更到这,考虑出视频来讲解
官方公众号Divine RPG Mod 1.7.10 (A Revolutionary Minecraft Mod) - 9Minecraft.Net
>> Divine RPG Mod 1.7.10 (A Revolutionary Minecraft Mod)
Divine RPG Mod 1.7.10 (A Revolutionary Minecraft Mod)
Divine RPG Mod 1.7.10 turns Minecraft into the ultimate RPG experience. It features 8 new dimensions to explore, tons of bosses, mobs, weapons, and armor. It is extremely difficult. If you are looking for adventure and a challenge you will truly enjoy this mod! Not only that, but it s also great for builders because of the large variety of decorative blocks involved.
This mod calls itself: A Revolutionary Minecraft Mod and adds dozens of tools, we hundreds 115 mobs. Much of the mod focuses on progressing in an RPG-like fashion through a series of dimensions (including the vanila dimensions of the Overworld, Nether, and End), killing mobs and collecting dimension specific resources to create weapons, armor, tools, and eventually a portal to the next dimension. It is the core mod of the RPG Immersion Pack.
Dravite Hills
The Dravite Hills is the first Twilight Dimension players will go to. It also has the weakest mobs out of all the 5 Twilight Dimensions. Regardless, players should not underestimate this dimension, as mobs are still quite powerful, and can knock the player off the edge of the world. You will need good armor, like Netherite Armor. Also, Angelic Armor is smart to have, as you can fly away from the mobs in this dimension.
To make a portal to the Dravite Hills, Divine Rock is needed. Divine Rock is crafted by using one stone and one Divine Shard. Divine Shards are a drop from certain bosses: the Ancient Entity, The Watcher, and the Ayeraco Horde. The portal is made just like a Nether portal, but out of Divine Rock, and is lit with a Twilight Clock.
WARNING: Sometimes the portal will spawn floating, away from the land masses. It is highly recommended to bring plenty of blocks with you to create a bridge.
The blocks that generate in the Dravite Hills are:
Dravite Grass
Dravite Dirt
Yellow Logs
Dravite Leaves
Twilight Stone
Dravite Ore
You will need Dravite Fragments to advance t they are collected by mining Dravite Ore or crafting Dravite Souls. 90 Dravite Fragments are needed to get to the next dimension, the Azurite Forest, as 10 Dravite Blocks needed. They can also be used in the creation of Dravite Armor, Weapons and Tools.
Augite Depths
The Augite Depths is the second to last Twilight Dimension, last being Vethea. It is entered through a portal made out of Mythril Blocks and it is lit with a Twilight Clock. The mobs inside are extremely powerful, it is necessary to enter equipped with high tier armor and weapons, preferably with enchantments.
Angry Bunny
Twilight Archer
Soul Stealer
Demon of Darkness
Augite Cadillion
Augite Grass
Augite Dirt
Augite Leaves
Twilight Stone
Augite Ore
Iceika is a dimension that has many ice themed weapons for trade and mobs. It is recommended to have better armor than Realmite Armor before you enter. This Dimension is a boundless forest with huge trees.
Iceika can be entered by creating a portal out of snow blocks in the 4×5 pattern of a Nether Portal. The portal is lit with a Twilight Clock.
Iceika contains many naturally occurring structures, some with merchants inside. These merchants will trade you for some otherwise unobtainable items. There are also many dungeons found all around Iceika below the surface.
This dimension is supposedly not as difficult as Dravite Hills, but by no means is it easy. Dravite Hills has only one main hostile mob, while Iceika has all hostile mobs (not including NPCs). It is recommended that you craft Diamond Armor or better, Netherite Armor being a good choice. There are some very annoying mobs in this dimension that will tear at your patience. One will slow you down, and Frost Archers shoot powerful arrows very rapidly. It is recommended to find a merchant, then see if one of your items can be traded in for something better. If you can get Snowflakes and you happen to have a Slime Sword or Sandslash, you can use the Snowflakes to upgrade them. These new swords should help you out in early dimensions such as Dravite Hills. If Iceika happens to be your first choice, you should take any improvable swords to a merchant to upgrade them. It is strongly recommended to craft Bedrock Armor if you can. Note: To get Snowflakes, look for underground dungeons, which may contain them. However, even in dungeons, Snowflakes aren’t that easy to obtain.
Dungeons can be easily found underground and are similar to Overworld dungeons. They are made of what can only be described as an ice version of Bedrock, except in that it can be broken with explosions. The easiest way to cause explosions is to try to sleep in a bed, this trick works in every twilight dimension. Inside the dungeons are a few hallways and rooms with spawners inside. The floor is made of a unique material similar to mossy cobblestone, called Frosted Stone. The spawner can spawn Frost Archers sometimes, so be careful. Once you break or neutralize the spawner, there are chests in the room. When you break them, you get a snowflake and the chest, which is unnamed.
Frost Archer
Workshop Merchant
Workshop Tinkerer
The last dimension. The hardest dimension. In Vethea the main goal is to get the Arksiane Weapons, Tormented Armor, and beat the 8 bosses. Almost the amount of the total bosses before Vethea. Keep in mind Vethea is still work in progress. Some features have not been added like Spinaurus and the Spineback Worm.
Note: Defeating Raglok Gog’dure results in a game crash and save corruption.
Azurite Forests
The Azurite Forest is a DivineRPG dimension characterized by luscious blue flora.
Dungeon of Arcana
The Dungeon of Arcana is a dungeon dimension. Within it, there are many mobs, including Dungeon Constructors, which drop keys when killed. They have 100 HP (x50). There are also some NPC’s you can trade with such as Lord Vatticus, Captain Merik, and Leorna. Keys are dropped by Dungeon Constructors and can be used to open doors in the Arcana Dungeon, which hold many secrets.
You cannot mine anything in the Arcana Dungeon except ores.
Due to a current glitch, the portal may not light sometimes. All you have to do is keep placing the portal over and over and eventually it will light.
To create the portal, simply place the Arcana Portal blocks in the shape of an End Portal frame. Be careful when doing so as The Arcana Portal will immediately light once you have placed the final block. It is not advised to stand inside the frame when placing the final block as you will automatically start teleporting.
Mythril Mountains
The Mythril Mountains is the fourth twilight dimension. The Mythril Mountains represents evening, so it is very hostile. Only one mob, the two headed Mythril Golem, is not hostile.
The only ore found in this dimension is the Mythril Ore.
Crafting Recipes:
Kraken Armor
Kraken Armor is an armor set from the Divine RPG mod that is crafted out of Kraken Skin. It is not very protective, as it is only slightly stronger than the Divine RPG Iron Armor or the Degraded Armor. When all four pieces are equipped, it provides a maximum damage reduction of 30% and a max durability of 5,000. A full set worn also provides the player with the ability to breathe indefinitely underwater.A full set costs 26 Kraken Skins. An “upgraded” version of this armor, crafted out of Aquatic Ingots, is the Aquastrive Armor.
Inferno Sword
The Inferno Sword is a melee weapon added in the Divine RPG mod. It has infinite uses and does two more damage than the diamond sword, making it a good alternative to the latter. As a bonus, when mobs are struck with this weapon, they will be ignited and will burn for 12 seconds.
Arlemite Stabber
The Arlemite Stabber is a melee weapon that is crafted from the Overworld ore, Arlemite. The sword has 4,000 uses and does 6 damage, one less than the vanilla diamond sword, making it useful for combat in the overworld.
Rupee Rapier
The Rupee Rapier is a melee sword that is made from Rupee Ingots. It does the same amount of damage and has the same amount of uses as an Arlemite Stabber but costs more due to the rarity of Rupee Ore.
Slime Sword
The Slime Sword is a melee weapon that is crafted using only vanilla items and is one of the very few weapons in the Divine RPG mod that can be both repaired and enchanted. It does 11 points of damage, 5 more than the diamond sword, and has 1,000 uses before it breaks.
The Fury Maul is a melee weapon added to Minecraft in the Divine RPG mod. It has an expensive crafting recipe and low damage (14, slightly more than a diamond sword), but infinite durability, so it is not recommended to craft this weapon.
Bedrock Maul
Bedrock Mauls are melee weapons that are crafted from bedrock. They do 19 damage and have infinite durability. Since they require a small amount of hard-to-obtain bedrock, the Bedrock Maul is an ideal starter weapon.
Realmite Sword
The Realmite Sword is a sword that is added to the game by the Divine RPG mod. It is an ideal weapon for beginning players and will probably be one of the first mod swords they will come across. It has weak damage but infinite uses.
Bedrock Sword
The Bedrock Sword is a sword that is added to the game by the Divine RPG mod. It is an ideal weapon for beginning players and will probably be one of the first mod swords they will come across. It does 13 damage per hit and 14,000 durability.
Realmite Ore
Realmite Ore is an ore added by Divine RPG, and is found in the Overworld. It is slightly rarer than Iron, though it can only be found from levels 5 to 17, and can be smelted into Realmite Ingots, which can make Tools and Armor.
Also can be used in Realmite Armor, Elite Realmite Armor, and a Realmite Sword.
Arlemite Ore
Arlemite Ore is an ore added by Divine RPG, and can be found in the Overworld. It is rarer than Realmite, and can only be found from levels 1 to 15. Oddly, Arlemite Ore also seems to be rarer than Rupee Ore, which is stronger. Arlemite Ore can be smelted into Arlemite, which can make Tools and Armor.
Rupee Ore is an ore added by Divine RPG, and can be found in the Overworld. It is almost as rare as Arlemite and possibly rarer than Diamond, and can only be found from levels 1 to 13. Rupee Ore can be smelted into Rupee, which can make Tools and Armor.
Netherite Ore
Netherite Ore is an ore added by Divine RPG, and can be found in the Nether. Netherite Ore can be smelted into Netherite Ingots, which can make Tools and Armor.
Mud is a block added by the Biomes O’ Plenty mod. It generates naturally in certain biomes and drops Mud Balls when broken.
Obsidian Block
The Obsidian Block is a block added by Divine RPG. It is crafted using 9 Obsidian in a Crafting Table, and placing it in a Crafting Table turns it back into 9 Obsidian. It can be used for storing large quantities of Obsidian, or for decoration.
Netherrack Block
The Netherrack Block is a block added by Divine RPG. It is crafted using 9 Netherrack in a Crafting Table, and placing it in a Crafting Table turns it back into 9 Netherrack. It can be used for storing large quantities of Netherrack, or for decoration.
Realmite Block
The Realmite Block is a compact storage block, just like the Block of Gold, the Lapis Lazuli Block and the Rupee Block. It is from the Divine RPG mod. Unlike most other storage blocks, the Realmite Block does have exclusive uses other than compact storage, and that is to craft Elite Realmite Armor, the Realmite Sword and Realmite Minibricks.
How to install:
Make sure you have already installed .
Locate the minecraft application folder.
On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run.
On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft.
Place the mod you have just downloaded (.jar file) into the Mods folder.
When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed.
Divine RPG Mod 1.7.10 Download Links:
Other versions:
For Minecraft 1.6.4/1.6.2
For Minecraft 1.7.10
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求一个RPG mod最好能能多人联机,一起任务,有更多怪物,有会攻击的NPC类似于强盗,耐玩最好~Ps:另问王国mod是否有以上特点,重要的是可以联机开黑么?(借张图)


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