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The McCaughey septuplets (born November 19, 1997), are
(seven offspring) born to Kenny and Bobbi McCaughey in , United States. They are the world's first set of surviving septuplets.
Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey (pronounced "McCoy") had one daughter, Mikayla Marie, born January 3, 1996. While under treatment with ovulation-stimulating
for infertility, Bobbi became pregnant with seven babies. The McCaugheys, residents of the town of , declined
to reduce the number of infants, saying that they would "put it in God's hands". The obstetricians primarily responsible for the medical care of the babies were Karen Drake and Paula Mahone.[]
The septuplets, four boys and three girls, were born nine weeks prematurely in Des Moines on November 19, 1997. They were born by , all within six minutes. They were the world's first set of surviving septuplets.
Baby order
Birth weight
3 lb 4 oz (1.5 kg)
Kenneth (Kenny) Robert
2 lb 11 oz (1.2 kg)
Alexis May
2 lb 10 oz (1.2 kg)
Natalie Sue
2 lb 5 oz (1.0 kg)
Kelsey Ann
3 lb 3 oz (1.4 kg)
Nathan Roy
2 lb 14 oz (1.3 kg)
Brandon James
2 lb 15 oz (1.3 kg)
Joel Steven
Two of the septuplets, Alexis and Nathan, have . Both used walkers to get around, and in November 2005 Nathan had spinal surgery in order to improve his walking abilities.
The birth attracted significant media attention, both positive and negative, including a feature in
in December 1997. "In the beginning, for every ten letters we would get that were happy for us, we'd get one letter accusing us of exploiting the kids and being selfish to waste the world's resources on a family this big," said Bobbi in a 2007 interview. "Our neighbors never gawked. Here in Carlisle they gave us privacy. But we had complete strangers come around to the back door, knock, and ask if they could hold a baby."
The McCaugheys were the recipients of many donations, including a ;ft? (511 m?) house, a van and diapers for the first two years, as well as nanny services, clothes, and even the State of Iowa offering full college scholarships to any
in Iowa upon their maturity and graduation from high school, also by the
in Missouri.[] President
personally telephoned the McCaugheys to wish them his congratulations. The surviving - Yvonne Dionne, Annette Allard, and Cecile Langlois- wrote a letter warning the parents to keep the septuplets out of the public eye and not allow them to fall into the same pitfalls as their parents did, but wished them the best of luck in raising them and their personal congratulations.
By the time of the septuplets' tenth birthday in 2007, the family was declining most requests for interviews, other than annual stories with
(the Des Moines
affiliate) and . Bobbi McCaughey has noted that the level of media attention does not necessarily mean they have granted many interviews, saying, "There was all kinds of stuff in the papers early on but they never actually interviewed us. Most of it is one paper quoting another."
Bobbi and Kenny McCaughey occasionally speak at
events and continue to oppose . Bobbi has been quoted as saying, "Well, come to our house, and tell me which four I shouldn't have had!"[] The family continues to attend a Baptist church in
where Kenny serves as a deacon. In 2010,
made a documentary for the septuplets' thirteenth birthday that aired on December 28, 2010.
The septuplets graduated from high school in May 2016. Natalie, Kelsey, Nathan and Joel took up scholarships offered by private
in , Kenny and Alexis chose to stay in the Des Moines area and attend , and Brandon enlisted in the . Brandon will be the first one to get married as he was engaged to Alana Hale and will wed in July 2018.
. . January 15, 2006.
. Good Housekeeping. .
. MSNBC. November 26, .
Stump, Scott (September 16, 2015). . Today 2017.
. . December 1, 1997.
Mungons, Kevin (November 2007). . Baptist Bulletin.
Curry, Ann (December 12, 2007). . Dateline stories.
Haley, Charly (May 22, 2016). . The Des Moines Register.
. . August 28, 2016.
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