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  2、进入服务选项界面之后,我们在右方的服务列表中找到Windows FireWall服务,查看其状态。
  3、鼠标点击Windows FiewWall服务,然后再弹出的设置对话框中,启动类型选择【手动】,服务状态选择停止。保存即可
win7 64位系统排行
Copyright @ 2018
w7系统下载( 版权所有 闽ICP备号
本站发布的系统与软件仅为个人学习测试使用,不得用于任何商业用途,否则后果自负,请支持购买微软正版软件!如侵犯到您的权益,请及时通知我们,我们会及时处理。> 文章正文
先不说《精灵宝可梦GO》(Pok&mon Go)到底有没有国服,国内玩家又该怎么玩到。小编今天教大家如何用PC骗过任天堂服务器,在PC电脑上也可以玩《精灵宝可梦GO》!不过目前仅限于Win10系统。
4,Fake GPS 4.6
5,Pokemon GO
3,运行Kingroot,滑到底部,点击&Try it&,等待进度读到100%即root成功后,重启安卓。
4,使用Bluestacks安装Lucky Patcher。
5,运行Lucky Patcher,点击Grant&&Rebuild/Install&&SD,然后找到你下载的Fake GPS 4.6.apk,进行安装(即将其安装为系统应用)。
6,Fake GPS安装成功后弹出重启请求,点击否。
9,使用Bluestacks安装Pokemon GO。
10,运行Lucky Patcher,点击搜索,点击右上角的过滤,展示系统应用。
11,点击Fake GPS并运行,确保是EXPERT mode(专业模式)。
13,好了,现在地图应该自动关闭了,接下来就打开Pokemon GO,然后登陆谷歌账户,如果提示要读取位置,一定记得点击No。
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353 次用户登录后使用我的收藏没有帐号?
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可能是你的本地设置没有设置好,查看一下你的相关服务是否开启,关闭网络防火墙,再检查一下VPN设置,再试一 试 还有新建*\方法:右下角网络连接图标点开,现在Win10会自动判断是否启用平板模式。在非平板模式时终于不会自动使用侧边栏了
正版休闲足球手游 完美继承经典作品!
抢先体验分享截图 赢千元京东卡好礼!
您需要登录后才可以回帖查看: 11096|回复: 6
在线时间1 小时最后登录积分5帖子UID3097562精华0坦克零件4 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
UID3097562精华0坦克零件4 注册时间
Log started:
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg'
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.exe& &
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&433A1D4EAD3D78A4CC9A060ECC9A060E1AC9D40E&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 356, Revision: #619838 (stable_3.17.4)&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:13&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:13&&ERROR:& & & & system error: (0x20)&另一个程序正在使用此文件,进程无法访问。&
13/12/:18&&& & & & & & & & User has launched client. Executable: worldoftanks.exe
13/12/:19&&& & & & & & & & Stop
Log started:
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg'
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&WOTLauncher.exe&&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&433A1D4EAD3D78A4CC9A060ECC9A060E1AC9D40E&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 356, Revision: #619838 (stable_3.17.4)&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:34&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:54&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(28): &Timeout was reached&.
13/12/:54&&ERROR:& & & &
13/12/:21&&& & & & & & & & User close the application
13/12/:21&&& & & & & & & & Stop
Log started:
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg'
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.exe& &
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&433A1D4EAD3D78A4CC9A060ECC9A060E1AC9D40E&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 356, Revision: #619838 (stable_3.17.4)&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:50&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:51&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Unexpected http ** response code(500).
13/12/:51&&ERROR:& & & & &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN&&
&title&500 Internal ** Error&/title&
&h1&Internal ** Error&/h1&
&p&The ** encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.&/p&
&p&Please contact the ** administrator,
and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.&/p&
&p&More information about this error may be available
in the ** error log.&/p&
&address&Apache ** at Port 80&/address&
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:52&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:53&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Unexpected http ** response code(500).
13/12/:53&&ERROR:& & & & &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN&&
&title&500 Internal ** Error&/title&
&h1&Internal ** Error&/h1&
&p&The ** encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.&/p&
&p&Please contact the ** administrator,
and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.&/p&
&p&More information about this error may be available
in the ** error log.&/p&
&address&Apache ** at Port 80&/address&
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:55&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:55&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Unexpected http ** response code(500).
13/12/:55&&ERROR:& & & & &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN&&
&title&500 Internal ** Error&/title&
&h1&Internal ** Error&/h1&
&p&The ** encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.&/p&
&p&Please contact the ** administrator,
and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.&/p&
&p&More information about this error may be available
in the ** error log.&/p&
&address&Apache ** at Port 80&/address&
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:59&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:59&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Unexpected http ** response code(500).
13/12/:59&&ERROR:& & & & &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN&&
&title&500 Internal ** Error&/title&
&h1&Internal ** Error&/h1&
&p&The ** encountered an internal error or
misconfiguration and was unable to complete
your request.&/p&
&p&Please contact the ** administrator,
and inform them of the time the error occurred,
and anything you might have done that may have
caused the error.&/p&
&p&More information about this error may be available
in the ** error log.&/p&
&address&Apache ** at Port 80&/address&
13/12/:02&&& & & & & & & & User close the application
13/12/:02&&& & & & & & & & Stop
Log started:
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg'
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.exe& &
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&433A1D4EAD3D78A4CC9A060ECC9A060E1AC9D40E&
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 356, Revision: #619838 (stable_3.17.4)&
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\Updates&
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\temp&
13/12/:39&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&F:\Game\WOT\wotlauncher.cfg&
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:40&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:00&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
13/12/:00&&ERROR:& & & &
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information. target: &launcher&...
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & Create update work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch work folder: path=&F:\Game\WOT\UpdatesData\launcher\&
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & System update. Cleaning up system update folder.
13/12/:07&&& & & & & & & & send http request. url: &
13/12/:27&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(28): &Timeout was reached&.
13/12/:27&&ERROR:& & & &
13/12/:32&&& & & & & & & & User close the application
13/12/:32&&& & & & & & & & Stop
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分8帖子UID1864013精华0坦克零件5 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 8, 距离下一级还需 7 积分
UID1864013精华0坦克零件5 注册时间
在线时间1 小时最后登录积分5帖子UID3097562精华0坦克零件4 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
UID3097562精华0坦克零件4 注册时间
止痛杀手 发表于
在线时间0 小时最后登录积分2帖子UID3098613精华0坦克零件3 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 2, 距离下一级还需 13 积分
UID3098613精华0坦克零件3 注册时间
win7也一样 还有就是客服没人
在线时间9 小时最后登录积分43帖子UID2227438精华0坦克零件37 注册时间
LV.2, 积分 43, 距离下一级还需 7 积分
UID2227438精华0坦克零件37 注册时间
同& &真TM烦
在线时间0 小时最后登录积分4帖子UID3067167精华0坦克零件7 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 4, 距离下一级还需 11 积分
UID3067167精华0坦克零件7 注册时间
长臂猿用香蕉 发表于
win7也一样 还有就是客服没人
在线时间971 小时最后登录积分19315帖子UID2800890精华0坦克零件14434 注册时间
LV.11, 积分 19315, 距离下一级还需 3685 积分
列兵UID2800890精华0坦克零件14434 注册时间
您好,很高兴为您服 务,
亲,引起游戏崩溃掉线的原因有很多,比如:您使用了与客户端冲突的插件导致客户端崩溃或游戏意外退出到登陆界面。显卡驱动未更新导致游戏内显示异常游戏崩溃、游戏缓存溢出导致电脑系统崩溃、玩家电脑配置不足游戏内特效显示调整过高导致电脑系统崩溃、电脑系统或其他程序与客户端冲突导致游戏崩溃(比如目前与系统匹配度最高的WIN7 64位系统,其他比如WIN XP 32位系统&&WIN8 WIN10都不能完美兼容游戏)等等问题。


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