求lotus break down是什么意思down的汉化本

哪位大神有的话 给我吧。。谢谢啦。。
拿去不谢——崩溃 我们都从寒冷中走来 我们都从纠缠中脱身 每个人都为自己取暖 借着一团不寻常的火焰 当我们偶尔被烧伤 那是我们该有所领悟——你得这么想 你所爱的那个应该是 让你爬得更高的人 如果你现在没有 最好现在出去找一个回来 就像藏在壁橱里的孩子一样 谁能知道外边发生着什么? 有时我们坦途那么遥远 我们现在就要驱弛而去 炫耀着才能、卖弄着谈吐 还要记得在袖子里留一手 想想看你所爱的家伙 现在要伤你个落花流水啦 真是有点难以置信是吧? 但是亲爱的,人人都有这个时候 朝送来食物的手上咬上一大口 当我东张西望 人人都给我当头一棒 哎,到底是是他们还是我的错,哎我也不知道 瞧瞧这里到处乱糟糟 可是如果有人真的在乎了 那他们就得省点工夫了 省下点时间做好准备 花点时间理解别人的绝望 要记住我们叫做“生活”的这场游戏 从来就没什么公平可言 崩溃 让我听它的吧! 崩溃 让我听它的吧! 耶 崩溃 让我听它的吧! 就让你的狗屁“自我”滚蛋吧 干的好! 我已经见识了这寒冷 我已把这当成了归宿 如果没什么值得我走出去 我宁愿在这享受孤独 如果我情不自禁地呼唤你 那便是我失去了爱 我还要找回来 如果我满足你的要求,你会给我爱吗? 我们都曾经拥有过爱恋 然而现在一切都被毁了 我们也都逃得仓皇 有趣的是,所有一切都变成了玫瑰 当我们紧握着枪 这只证明你现在占上风 不代表你总能这样 崩溃 崩溃 让我听它的吧! 耶 崩溃 崩溃 让我听它的吧! “那边 ‘挑战者’开过来了, ‘蓝蓝刻薄鬼’狂追不舍, ‘堕落一族’的车子紧随‘孤胆车手’之后! ‘美利坚终极英雄’! ‘电气辛塔’! ‘平民天神’! 金色西部的超级车手! ‘肮脏纳粹’的车紧贴着他 接着是‘美丽孤胆车手’ ‘**’的车已经追过来了!近了!更近了! 快追上我们的‘灵魂领袖’和他的‘灵魂飞车’了! 哦耶!BABY! 他们快撞上了!他们快撵上他了! 打碎它!干了它! 这个星球上最后的美丽的自由的灵魂! 等等……这儿写着, 如果恶灵用爪子搂着老虎 婆罗门赐予了鸽子翅膀 那就跟大宗师说吧…… 听见了吗?
We all come in from the coldWe come down from the wireAn everybody warms themselvesto a different fireWhen sometimes we get burnedYou'd think sometime we'd learnThe one you love is the oneThat should take you higherYou ain't got no oneYou better go back out and find her
Just like children hidin' in a closetCan't tell what's goin' on outsideSometimes we're so far off the beaten trackWe'll get taken for a rideBy a parlor trick or some words of witA hidden hand up a sleeveTo think the one you lovecould hurt you nowIs a little hard to believeBut everybody darlin' sometimesBites the hand that feeds
When I look aroundEverybody always brings me downWell is it them or meWell I just can't seeBut there ain't no peace to foundBut if someone really caredWell they'd take the time to spareA moment to try and understandAnother one's despairRemember in this game we call lifeThat no one said it's fair
BREAKDOWNBREAKDOWNLet me hear it nowBREAKDOWNlet me hear it nowYeahBREAKDOWNLet me hear it nowBREAKDOWNlet me hear it nowGet down with yo' bad selfAlrightI've come to know the coldI think of it as homeWhen there ain't enough of meTo go aroundI'd rather be left aloneBut if I call you out of habitI'm out of love and I gotta have itWould you give it to meIf I fit you needsLike when we both knew we had itBut now the damage's doneAnd we're back out on the runFun how ev'rything was RosesWhen we held on to the GunsJust because you're winnin'Don't mean you're the lucky ones
BREAKDOWNLet me hear it nowBREAKDOWNYeahBREAKDOWNBREAKDOWNlet me hear it nowThere goes the challenger being chasedBy the blue blue meanies on wheelsThe vicious traffic squad cars areAfter our lone driverThe last American heroThe-the electric sintarThe demi-god,
The super driver of the golden west!Two nasty Nazi cars are close behindThe beautiful lone driver
breakdown是什么意思 breakdown在线翻译 breakdown什么意思 breakdown的意思 breakdown的翻译 breakdown的解释 breakdown的发音 breakdown的同义词
breakdown英 ['bre?kda?n] 美 ['brek?da?n] danci.911cha.com第三人称复数:breakdown 基本解释名词分解; 崩溃,倒塌; 损坏,故障; 垮,衰竭手机查看breakdown的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 breakdown 即可breakdown 相关例句名词1. There has been a complete breakdown of law and order.&&&&法律与秩序已荡然无存。2. 2. Please give me a
breakdown of those income tax totals.&&&&请给我一份所得税收的细目表。3. She has had a nervous breakdown.&&&&她神经崩溃了。4. 4. The accountant gave a breakdown of the expenses.&&&&会计交出一份开支明细帐。breakdown 网络解释1. 击穿:介质阻挡放电通常是由正弦波型(sinusoidal)、交流(alternating current, AC)和高压电源驱动,随着供给电压的升高,系统中反应气体的状态会经历三个阶段的变化,即会由绝缘状态(insulation)逐渐至击穿(breakdown)最后发生放电.2. 2. 分解:剧组制片主任的一个主要任务就是分解(breakdown)剧本. 他们要彻头彻尾地研读剧本,决定每个制片部门所要负责的工作,并制成表格. 剧组制片主任在拍摄时一定要在场,并确定所需要的东西都已准备妥当. 当一家公司忘记准备制雾机时,3. 崩溃:之后除1967年拍摄的一部侦探类型影片<>(breakdown)外,布里叶致力于写小说,一写就是七年布里叶是个尖刻的嘲世者,不惜用激烈的煽动、犬儒、甚至荒谬来挖苦世人.breakdown 双语例句1. Increased fat and protein breakdown leads to ketone production and weight loss.&&&&脂肪和蛋白分解增加可导致酮的生成以及体重减轻。2. The breakdown properties of liquid dielectric are easily influenced by experimental conditions, so that to this day no one theory can explain all experimental observations.&&&&介绍了目前液体介质击穿研究的实验内容(电压极性、电压波形、外界静态压力等)、实验方法、研究成果;指出单次ns脉冲击穿的电压脉宽窄、击穿电压幅值高,重频ns脉冲电压击穿下液体介质的电场累积效应显著,这些ns级液体介质击穿的特点有助于揭示液体介质击穿的本质特性。3. 3. For the application of specific provisions of this Directive scientific and technological progress, set forth in Annex I A breakdown products Waste Electronic Electrical Equipment available in the processing, storage and disposal of technical requirements.&&&&为使本指令的特定条款应用于科学技术进步,附件ⅠA中设定分类产品,可用在报废电子电气设备的处理、储存和处理方面的技术要求,同时设定电子电气设备的标识符号,这些条款由欧委会按照程序执行生效。4. danci.911cha.com4. In 2006, some emerging brands and the emergence of new markets, but also made the Chinese Economy Hotels in the Format and geographical breakdown on the layout more plump.&&&&2006年,一些新兴品牌和新兴市场的出现,也使得中国经济型饭店在业态细分和地域布局上更趋饱满。5. Piston is one of the most important components in a motor. Its terrible thermal load always causes fatigue breakdown.&&&&活塞作为发动机最主要的受热零件之一,长期工作在恶劣的环境下,承受很高的热负荷,容易形成热疲劳损坏。6. In other words, the chemical nature of copper accelerates the thermal breakdown of the insulating varnish over time.&&&&铝的一个天生的特性是与氧接触会很快在表面生成一层紧密的氧化膜,这样铝线可以长时间保持良好的绝缘性。7. 7. Oils meeting CI-4 offer the highest levels of wear protection and resistance to thermal breakdown.&&&&满足CI-4规范的润滑油具有最高级的磨损保护,能够抵抗热侵蚀。8. In addition, being designed for use in today's higher power engines means that products such as Rimula X and Rimula Super are more resistant to thermal breakdown under the most severe conditions.&&&&另外,专门研发用于今天功率更高的发动机的机油产品,诸如劲霸 X和特级劲霸在耐高温方面具有更优异的性能,能够在最严酷的环境下工作。9. In addition, being designed for use in today's higher power engines mean s that products such as Rimula X and Rimula Super are more resistant to thermal breakdown under the most severe conditions.&&&&另外,专门研发用于今天功率更高的发动机的机油产品,诸如劲霸 X和特级劲霸在耐高温方面具有更优异的性能,能够在最严酷的环境下工作。10. Results of diversified test indicate thermal stability, breakdown strength, corona-resistance of hybrid films using hydrochloric catalyst are excellent.&&&&性能测试结果表明采用两相原位同步法,以盐酸为催化剂制备的杂化薄膜的热稳定性、电击穿场强和耐电晕性较其它薄膜都有明显优势。11. But he still needs to anticipate a player's move before the breakdown point and maybe draw a charge.&&&&&&但他仍然需要在比分差距失去悬念和球队把分数追平之前预判对方球员的移动路线。12. It is this generation and the breakdown of the bubble continuing the process of A-share market has led to huge fluctuations, as well as the bubble burst phase of unbearable loss.&&&&&&这是这一代和持续不断的A股市场泡沫破裂的过程,导致巨大的波动,以及无法忍受的损失泡沫破灭阶段。13. He never showed his weakness on the outside, continuing his work as if nothing was wrong, driven by Sosai X and his own demons, but he was riding on the ragged edge of a nervous breakdown when everything blew up.&&&&&&他从不出示了在外面方面的他弱点,继续他的工作好像没事是错误的,被 Sosai X 和他自己的魔鬼驱使,但是当每件事物炸毁的时候,他正在搭乘神经衰弱的衣衫褴褛的边缘。14. Female Yin Yin serious disease can cause death and symptoms are: hot and sticky sweat, shortness of breath, fear the body heat, hand, foot temperature, impatient jump to anxiety, thirst-hi cold drinks, or facial flushing, redness of the tongue and dry, weak pulse breakdown.&&&&&&女性阴虚严重者可导致亡阴症,症状为:汗热而粘、呼吸短促、身畏热、手足温、躁妄不安、渴喜冷饮,或面色潮红、舌红而干、脉细数无力。15. Timken OK Load Maximum loada lubricant will withstand without failure due to breakdown Of the lubricant film, as determined On the Timken EP Lubricant Tester.&&&&&&Timken OK负荷在Timken EP测试仪上测定的,所能承受的、不会因油膜破裂而失效的最大负荷。16. breakdown16. Timken OK Load Maximum loada lubricant will withstand withoutfailure due to breakdown Of the lubricant film, as determined Onthe Timken EP Lubricant Tester.&&&&&&Timken OK负荷在TimkenEP测试仪上测定的,润滑油所能承受的、不会因油膜破裂而失效的最大负荷。17. Timken OK Lead Maximum load a lubricant will withstand without failure due to breakdown of the lubricant film. as determined on the Timken EP Lubricant Tester.&&&&&&Timken OK负荷在Timken EP测试仪上测定的,润滑油所能承受的、不会因油膜破裂而失效的最大负荷。18. Institutions of higher learning and secondary specialized schools, breakdown by discipline or professional division of labor set up professional.&&&&&&高等学校和中等专业学校按学科分类或职业分工而设置的各种专业。19. 19. I've been tasked with psychoanalyzing Jack after his mental breakdown.&&&&&&我一直在负责对崩溃后的杰克使用精神分析疗法。20. It could also bring fear, an unknowing realization of self, and a breakdown of all senses.&&&&&&它也可能带来恐惧,一种无知的自我实现,并分列的所有感官。breakdown 词典解释1. (关系的)破裂;(计划、讨论等的)失败,结束&&&&The breakdown of something such as a relationship, plan, or discussion is its failure or ending.&&&&e.g. ...the breakdown of talks between the US and EU officials.&&&&&&&&&&&美国和欧盟官员间谈判的破裂&&&&e.g. ...the irretrievable breakdown of a
marriage...&&&&&&&&&&&无法挽回的婚姻破裂2. 神经衰弱;精神崩溃&&&&If you have a breakdown, you become very depressed, so that you are unable to cope with your life.breakdown&&&&e.g. My personal life was terrible. My mother had died, and a couple of years later I had a breakdown...&&&&&&&&&&&我个人的生活一团糟。母亲去世了,几年后我又患上了神经衰弱。&&&&e.g. They often seem depressed and close to emotional breakdown.&&&&&&&&&&&他们经常显得很沮丧,精神濒于崩溃的边缘。3. (汽车或机器的)故障,损坏&&&&If a car or a piece of machinery has a breakdown, it stops working.&&&&e.g. Her old car was unreliable, so the trip was plagued by breakdowns...&&&&&&&&&&&她的旧车老不听使唤,一路上总是出故障。&&&&e.g. If you stop on the hard shoulder, wait for the police or breakdown service.&&&&&&&&&&&如果你的车坏在路肩上了,就得等警察或修理站来帮忙。4. 分类;细目列表&&&&A breakdown of something is a list of its separate parts.&&&&e.g. The organisers were given a breakdown of the costs.&&&&&&&&&&&向组织者提供了一份开支细目。breakdown 单语例句breakdown的意思1. The buying comes despite a breakdown in talks between Glazer and Cubic Expression over the American wanting to buy the Irish investors'stake.2. " One guy I thought was going to have a nervous breakdown in the cereal aisle, " Putnam said.3. The most severe problem is the breakdown of the jackstay, which directly led to the change of the plan.4. Another passenger wrote that the public address system on the train kept explaining that the breakdown was due to the heavy rain.5. They would have seen the breakdown of a communication barrier using the one language everyone shares - music.6. " This caused the breakdown of the whole system at our control centre, " ERT said in a statement.7. Some part of any breakdown may defy rational explanation, but those who know Nowak and NASA could sense the stress she was under.8. Rescue operations were repeatedly hampered by dense gas, a pump breakdown and water leakage inside the flooded shaft.9. Greenspan said he was in " a state of shocked disbelief " about the breakdown in the ability of banks to regulate themselves.10. He also attempted to dispel suggestions his exit may in some way have been linked to the breakdown of the Kaka deal.breakdown 英英释义noun1. the act of disrupting an established order so it fails to continue&&&&e.g. the social dislocations resulting from government policies&&&&&&&&&&&his warning came after the breakdown of talks in London&&&&Synonym: 2. an analysis into mutually exclusive categories&&&&Synonym: 3. a cessation of normal operation&&&&e.g. there was a power breakdown&&&&Synonym: 4. a mental or physical breakdown&&&&Synonym: breakdown是什么意思,breakdown在线翻译,breakdown什么意思,breakdown的意思,breakdown的翻译,breakdown的解释,breakdown的发音,breakdown的同义词,breakdown的反义词,breakdown的例句,breakdown的相关词组,breakdown意思是什么,breakdown怎么翻译,单词breakdown是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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[Nuke]Breakdown_Maker v1.3―――镜头/个人作品制作分解展示插件
分享:Max van Leeuwen
3、使用Loop mode,可以为多个输入端输出相同的帧范围;
Play first version:分解开始前播放第一个版本。在第一个版本的持续时间里,使用旁边的输入栏设置帧范围。
Play last version:在分解开始前播放最后一个版本(如果你有reverse分解则可以使用:从最终镜头开始,通过删除图层回放到原始素材)。使用旁边的文本输入框设置最终镜头持续时间的帧范围。
Rewind to begin:如果选中Play before breakdown下的某个复选框,将会自动产生动画(Speed旁的参数),所以在分解前镜头开始倒放。
Loop mode:启用将不会创建分解。它会按顺序直接渲染所有的输入端,而不会进行wipe处理,因此你可以使用其他软件创建分解效果。例如输出15个不同输入端的0-50帧。
Framerange from:如果启用循环,请在这里输入循环的起始帧。
Framerange to:如果启用循环,请在这里输入输入循环的结束帧。
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breakdown和break down的意思一样吗
breakdown 。名词,瘫痪,出故障。the breakdown of the computer.break down 。动词短语。My computer broke
down last week.


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