Unityvscode 打开多个项目不开项目了,一直弹Bug Reporter求助啊!!!

UnitySummaryBugSplat supports both
error reporting for Unity. Our native support captures both native C++ and mono based .NET call stacks with function names and line numbers. Our cross-platform .NET support captures exceptions on Windows, UWP, OS X and Linux. Combining the two provides powerful insight into the stability of your application.PrerequisitesPlease make sure you have completed the following checklist: as a new BugSplat user using your email address the BugSplatUnity SDKWindows Native Crash SupportBugSplat collects Unity crash files in order to provide both Windows Native and .NET call stacks. This is especially valuable for games that utilize C++ libraries and plugins. We have provided a sample application MyUnityCrasher that demonstrates a working BugSplatUnity integration. Please note that collection of crashes that occur when running inside the Unity editor is not supported at this time, but we plan to add support in a future release.In your Assets/Plugins directory, create two subfolders: Assets/Plugins/x86 and Assets/Plugins/x86_64. Copy the appropriate version of BugSplatUnity.dll into each of these folders:Copy BugSplat/samples/MyUnityCrasher/Assets/Code/BugSplat.cs to your Assets directory:At your application’s entry point add a call to BugSplat.Init and pass it your database, company name, product name, product version, user description and flag. If flag is set to 0 the BugSplat dialog will be shown at crash time. If flag is set to MDSF_NONINTERACTIVE no dialog will be shown at crash time.Code/Main.cspublic class Main: MonoBehavior
void Start()
BugSplat.Init(Application.companyName, "fred", Application.productName, Application.version, "Test description", 0);
Additionally you can use BugSplat.AddAdditionalFile, BugSplat.RemoveAdditionalFile, BugSplat.SetDefaultUserDescription, BugSplat.SetDefaultUserEmail and BugSplat.SetDefaultUserName to further customize your BugSplat configuration:Code/Main.cspublic class Main: MonoBehavior
static readonly string TempDir = Path.GetTempPath();
void Start()
var additionalFilePath = Path.Combine(TempDir, "additionalFile.txt");
File.WriteAllText(additionalFilePath, "Hello world!");
BugSplat.SetDefaultUserDescription("BugSplat rocks!");
BugSplat.SetDefaultUserName("Fred Flintstone");
Add a call to BugSplat.NativeCrash so that you can test BugSplat. Remove this call after you have successfully integrated BugSplat:Code/Main.cspublic class Main: MonoBehavior
void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.M))
Create a post build step if you don’t already have one. Add a method that copies BugSplat to your application’s output directory. NOTE: the build script must be inside a folder named “Editor” otherwise Unity will not resolve the Unity.Editor reference correctly. Please refer to the MyUnityCrasher sample for full implementations of CopyPluginSymbols, CopyRuntimeSymbols and CopyBugSplat:Code/Editor/PostBuild.cspublic class BuildPostprocessor
const string UNITY_ASSEMBLY_FILENAME = "UnityEngine.dll";
= "Assembly-CSharp.dll";
static string _
public static void OnPostprocessBuild(BuildTarget target, stringpathToBuiltProject)
case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64:
_platform = "x86_64"; break;
case BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows:
_platform = "x86"; break;
default: _platform = string.E break;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_platform))
var builtProjectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(pathToBuiltProject);
var projectDir = Path.GetDirectoryName(Application.dataPath);
var tempSymbolsDir = Path.Combine(builtProjectDir, "Symbols");
var bugSplatDir = Path.Combine(projectDir, @"..\..\bin");
if (!Directory.Exists(tempSymbolsDir))
CopyPluginSymbols(projectDir, tempSymbolsDir);
CopyRuntimeSymbols(builtProjectDir, tempSymbolsDir);
CopyBugSplat(builtProjectDir, bugSplatDir);
RunSendPdbs(builtProjectDir, bugSplatDir);
Directory.Delete(tempSymbolsDir, true);
In order to get good call stacks you will need to upload symbols for each unique build. Add another method to your post build step that runs SendPDBs.exe. If you haven’t made and changes to your plugins you can use Ctrl+C to skip the SendPDBs dialog. This step can also be added to the end of your build pipeline instead:Code/Editor/PostBuild.cspublic class BuildPostprocessor
static void RunSendPdbs(string builtProjectDir, string bugSplatDir)
var sendPdbsPath = Path.Combine(bugSplatDir, "SendPdbs.exe");
var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(sendPdbsPath);
startInfo.Arguments = "/u Fred"
+ " /p Flintstone"
+ " /b Fred"
+ " /a " + Application.productName
+ " /v " + Application.version
+ " /d \"" + builtProjectDir + "\""
+ " /f \"Symbols/*;*.*.pdb";
using (var process = Process.Start(startInfo))
}Build your game with the “Copy PDB files” option selected: Navigate to the Crashes page on BugSplat. You should see a new crash report. Clicking the crash’s ID will redirect you to the Individual Crash page which will show you detailed information about the crash:Notice the Individual Crash page contains the native call stack from the dump file generated by Unity. To see the mixed-mode call stack from output_log.txt, click the Calculate Details button:That’s it! Your game is configured to post native crash reports to BugSplat. Good luck!Cross-Platform .NETThe BugSplatUnity.unitypackage file contains everything you need to integrate BugSplat into your. Once you've downloaded BugSplatUnity SDK, double-click the unitypackage file to launch Unity. You will be prompted to create or select a project. Once you've selected a project, click "Import" to import BugSplat. After the import is complete, the tool will be ready to use.(Note: At least for our team, Mac users have to manually import the package contents.)Exploring the BugSplat SampleTo get a feel of the BugSplat service before using it in your application, try out the debug scene embedded as a sample in the BugSplat Report Tool.Double-click the debug scene icon found in the Projects tab at Assets > bugsplat > report > scene > debug.Hit the Play button and you will see our example running as shown below. The scene consists of three test buttons and an animated cube.The Prompted Exception button will create an interactive crash report dialog that allows the user to provide information and confirm the crash report should be sent to BugSplat.The Custom Exception button will create a report using a custom Exception (i.e., created using throw new Exception(“msg”).The Null Reference Exception button will force a Null Reference Exception (i.e., a common runtime exception in Unity).By default, crashes are posted to the BugSplat database "Fred".
to BugSplat with the username Fred and password Flintstone and navigate to the
page to view these crash reports.If you would like to post crashes to your own database, select the app GameObject and in the Inspector expand the Reporter field. Provide your own values for Database, App, Version and the optional Key parameters.Integrating With Your GameFollow the steps below to create a Reporter instance that will handle the detection of Errors and also allow users to send their own reports to the BugSplat server.Create an empty script or modify an existing script.Add using BugS to add the BugSplat namespace to your script.Add public R to add a Reporter as a public property.On the Start or Awake method call reporter.Initialize(gameObject); to configure BugSplat to start watching for Exceptions.Add your script to a GameObject and check that Reporter is shown in the Inspector. Configure your BugSplat integration:FieldDescriptionDatabaseTarget database where reports will be sentAppApp name stringVersionVersion string of the appQuietFlag that allows ReportComponent to emit debug logs so the user can confirm things are workingSetCallbackAction&bool, string& that will be called after BugSplat report is posted. Callback will be passed a bool indicating if the post was successful as well as the response from the server.Previous*Last sent reportGenerate ScreenshotsFlag that allows the capture of screenshots before a Report is generatedGenerate Log FileFlag that allows the creation of a text file with all logs before the ReportPromptFlag that allows the use of a dialog before sending a ReportIgnoredNumber of ignored repeated reportsLogsList of detected Unity logsIgnoredNumber of ignored repeated reportsCountNumber of Reports sentExportingMac OS XFile > Build Settings...Click PC, Mac & Linux StandaloneOptional: Click Development build to enable line numbersClick Build and RunWindows 7-10File > Build Settings...Add Open ScenesClick PC, Mac & Linux StandaloneOptional: Click Copy PDB files to enable line numbersClick Build and RunUniversal Windows PlatformFile > Build Settings...Add Open ScenesUse the following settings to get function names and line numbersClick BuildSelect a folder for the Windows Store Visual Studio project to be saved inOpen the newly created project in Visual StudioAdd the Internet (Client) permission to the Package.appxmanifest file
Run your app with Visual Studio and click continue when it catches an exception鏌ョ湅: 2304|鍥炲?: 3


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