
【美帝键盘侠】圣诞大战的欧文简直太残暴了 16:43:40
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子弹球迷RS24:I love basketball.我爱篮球。哈奇士球迷normcore_:I'm glad this comment is somewhere in the top half of the comments.I seriously just love basketball, and this was a great game to watch with my dad on Christmas day.It was pure entertainment and athleticism, and I loved every minute.很高兴这条评论能被顶上来,我真的爱篮球,和我老爸一起在圣诞节看了这场精彩的比赛。充满了纯娱乐和竞技性,我爱它的每一分钟。老鹰球迷widesheep:It's rare that these big games live up to the hype but if anything, this game exceeded it.像这种不辜负万众期待的比赛几乎没有,如果有,这场比赛也能超过它。哈士奇球迷normcore_:It got more intense as it went on.The last 8 minutes felt like an entire game.它越打越激烈,最后8分钟就像整场比赛一样。无主队球迷CITY_F0X:This game was like a repeat of the intensity of Game 7. There was definelty a playoff vibe and a sense of, &Yeah, this isn't the last time we'll be meeting.&这场比赛就像总决赛G7的很重演。充满了季后赛的氛围,感觉就像“Yeah,这不是我们最后一次碰面。”热火球迷colourofinfinity:Fucking hell there was no time to rest as a viewer in this game GET ME TO JUNE ASAP我滴天!根本不给我们眨眼的时间哪!赶紧让我到6月(看总决赛)!骑士球迷bizzbob:both of these teams need some inside defensive help but the main difference is that kevin love is less of a liability on defense than he was last year, hope these 2 get to the finals and we get another series like this game两支球队都缺少内线防守支持,但主要不同的是凯文-乐福的防守能力比去年还退步,希望这两队总决赛相遇,我们再像这样拿下系列赛。火箭球迷bigtice:Regardless of your opinion on the outcome, this was an entertaining game to watch and I'm looking forward to 7 more games of it in the Finals. Kyrie is absolute killer when the game is on the line.先不管你的结论,这是一场有趣的比赛,我期望总决赛不止7场这样的比赛。在球队命悬一线时,凯里(欧文)绝逼是个杀手。雷霆球迷atomicinteus:Loved not having a horse in this race. Just watching and not having to stress about wanting my team to win was glorious.中立球迷,看热门不怕事大,一旁围观简直太爽了。火箭球迷TheSneakyLurker:Don't lie to us you were rooting for the cavs憋装了,你一直在默默支持骑士。雷霆球迷payto360:Outside of the Bay Area we all were.湾区外的球队我们都支持。鹈鹕球迷eggbeaterdiskerud:We were opening presents during the last minute of this game. My granddad and I were glued to the TV. I opened mine and it was a semester of college paid for from my grandparents. I was so into the game I wasn't in shock from the gift and I don't think my granddad noticed because he was so into the game.比赛最后一分钟时,我们正在拆礼物。我和我爷爷完全被电视吸引住了。我打开了我的礼物——是我爷爷奶奶给的大学一学期学费。比赛让我太入迷了,我都没被(礼物)惊喜到,我觉得我爷爷也没注意到,因为他也被比赛吸引住了。76人球迷mcmastermind:Pay it back in the future man. Not everyone is that lucky. Luckily I was. When you have kids do the same. I plan on it. Merry Christmas!未来传承下去,兄弟。不是每个人都这么幸运,当你有孩子时也这么做吧。我也很幸运,我就计划这么做,圣诞快乐!巴郎-戴维斯球迷:Kyrie a savag。欧文太残暴了!森林狼球迷DjPoliceman:关键球还TM有7抢断。勇士球迷eggstacy:感觉像20个抢断。根本不能在他身边传球,就算在他身后也不行。而且他篮下的各种上篮和篮板球简直让人抓狂。欧文球迷Kyreezus:He's so good in the 4th it's unfair.第四节他简直开挂了,这不公平!巴郎-戴维斯球迷:That's when he transforms into Uncle Drew. Can't stop Uncle Drew.当他变身成德鲁大叔,你就阻挡不了他的脚步。骑士球迷Somebady:It's literally like an Uncle Drew commercial. Starts a bit slow, gets some momentum and nice plays, and when the 4th starts, it's time to get buckets.确实像德鲁大叔广告。开局慢热,然后起势打出几个好球,第四节开始时,接管比赛时间。公牛球迷hogcalling2015:Only 24 years old man. Gonna be good for a long time.他才24岁,还能辉煌很久。马里奥-查尔莫斯球迷LaMarc_GasolDridge:He's not nice to warriors fans. They're gunna wanna keep the ball away from him end of game.他太虐勇士球迷了。比赛最后,他们千方百计地想阻止他接球。勇士球迷johnw188:I don't think anyone in the NBA could do a better job on that iso than klay did, and he still gets the bucket.我认为在NBA没人面对克莱那么好的防守单打时还能做得更好,但他还是投进了。无主队球迷hippyhop94:Kyrie Irving needs antifreeze in his veins before his heart freezes.欧文静脉里需要注射一些防冻剂,以免他的心被冰封。(段子出自:德安吉洛-拉塞尔季前赛绝杀76人后说:我血管里有冰。)(塞坦/编译)>>【美帝键盘侠】美球迷议麦迪获名人堂提名:35秒13分已经12年了?
【美帝键盘侠】美球迷议麦迪获名人堂提名:35秒13分已经12年了? 15:28:14
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楼主@HouseHeisenb3rg:雄鹿球迷@drunkenmormon:他凭借那个表现就应该能进了,&不点你们也知道我说的是什么表现。森林狼球迷@sbroll:你他娘的真是太机智了,我知道链接里是什么!未知主队球迷@wilonwheels:还给了我们这个表情包未知主队球迷@The_Neutrals_:我能死亡循环这段剪辑视频,多传奇的时刻啊!——————————火箭球迷@HTX:God I love T-Mac. Just a pure scorer and just fun guy to watch. The 13 in 35 will forever be a top basketball moment. Amazing player and man.天哪,我爱麦迪。他是纯粹的得分手,看他打球很有趣。35秒13分会是不朽的篮球巅峰时刻。神奇的球员,神奇的男人。超音速球迷@HouseHeisenb3rg:I remember I was in 3rd grade when the 13 in 35 happened. I only just started watching basketball a few months prior, so when it happened it was the coolest basketball moment I ever witnessed. And to this day 12+ years later, it's still probably the coolest basketball moment to me. T-Mac was the god damn GOAT我记得35秒13分那场比赛发生时我是三年级。我是在那几个月之前才开始看篮球赛的,所以那是我所见证过的最冷酷的时刻。而直到12年后的今天,它仍可能是我经历过的最酷的时刻。麦迪简直历史最佳。火箭球迷@desrever1138:我了个大槽,不敢相信居然是12年前了。时间真是卑鄙、反复无常的婊子。未知主队球迷@blazinflames666:I love how humble this guy is. There's another interview where he refused to believe that during his peak, he was easily a top 3 shooting guard. I really hope he makes it in the HOF.我爱这家伙的谦逊,在他巅峰时,他曾在一次采访中拒绝认同自己能很轻松地排进联盟分卫前三。我非常希望他能进入名人堂。超音速球迷@HouseHeisenb3rg:我觉得他会进的,他是我最喜欢的球员之一。凯尔特人球迷@Redshark:You look at guys like TMac and Grant Hill and they had a good chunk of their careers were they were dominate players at the highest level, and then they got hurt. It makes you happy for them when you saw the level of humility they had the whole time. I was never a fan of TMac but not because he wasn't an incredible player or a great guy but because he never played for my team. I hope he gets in.你看看像麦迪和格兰特-希尔这样的球员,他们在巅峰时期都是统治级的球员,然后他们都受伤了。你看到他们一直保持谦逊会感到开心。我以前从来都不是麦迪的球迷,但并不是因为他不够令人惊叹或者不够出色,只是因为他没来我的主队打球。我希望他能进名人堂。勇士球迷@here_2_downvote_u: I loved this guy as a kid. I still remember the first time I was exposed to him. It was the Raptor's in the first playoffs in 2000? All I knew at that time was Vince Carter, and that game Carter sucked and shot 3/20 while McGrady kept the Raptors in with early points.Since then I've been following him. I hate buying athletes' shoes (pricey) but him and KD are both I did buy for.我还是个孩子的时候就很爱他。我仍然记得第一次看他表现得时候。那是2000年猛龙的首轮季后赛时?我知道那是属于卡特的,有一场比赛卡特打得很烂20投3中,是麦迪的得分稳定住了局势。从那以后我就粉他了,我讨厌买球星战靴(太贵),但他和杜兰特的球鞋是我会买的。小牛球迷@aceofspadez138:我非常希望麦迪能和卡特一起留在猛龙。我知道他之前曾表示过对离开猛龙的遗憾。他离开多伦多之后的生涯很出色。他能在场上做很多事。如果我会买火箭球衣,那肯定是麦迪的。这和他认为06年总决赛被操纵了没什么关系:P——————————火箭球迷@subll:不说谎,如果他哭了的话,我也会哭的,他永远是我最爱的火箭球员之一。太阳球迷@larrylegend_011 :I think he was trying to hold it back. if he wasn't on camera i think he would have cried.我觉得他一直在控制自己,不让眼泪流下来,如果不是面前有摄像机的话,我觉得他已经哭了。开拓者球迷@zerocoolforschool:我认为他捂脸的时候已经要崩溃的感觉。开拓者球迷@zerocoolforschool:It's story time, and this is a cautionary tale. When I was 15 years old, the Toronto Raptors came to Portland to play the Trail Blazers. Damon Stoudamire was still on the Raps, and we were all hoping the Blazers would make a trade for the Portland native. I went to the game, and afterwards I went down to the loading docks in hopes that Damon would come out and sign autographs. Sadly, Damon must have slipped out another door because he didn't leave with the team. While I was standing with the other autograph seekers, one of the Raps players came over to sign. He was some young guy, a rookie, I had never heard of him. I elected not to have him sign my program because 'who the fuck is this guy?& Welp...... that fucking guy was Tracy McGrady. Oops.说说我的故事,这是一个给人警示的故事。当我15岁的时候,猛龙来到波特兰挑战开拓者。达蒙-斯塔达迈尔那时候还是猛龙球员,我们都希望开拓者能通过交易把这位波特兰人带回来。我去了现场,赛后我去后台想找达蒙给我签名。伤心的是,达蒙肯定是从另一道门走了,因为他没有和球队一起。我仍站在那想找其他人签名,其中一个猛龙球员过来给球迷签名了。他很年轻,是个新秀,我从没听说过这人。我选择不要他的签名因为(我想)“这他娘的是谁?”好吧……这个球员就是麦迪。唉超音速球迷@HouseHeisenb3rg:哈哈哈哈,虽然有点粗鲁,但这个故事还是很棒的。——————————雷霆球迷@Miastudioes:他是我最喜欢的球员,该死,我真希望他没有受伤,看他打球很有趣,希望他能正式入选。马刺球迷@Dsarg_92 :姚麦的火箭队很帅气,真讨厌伤病阻挡了他们的脚步。公牛球迷@ryanmint :尽管短暂,但他帮助定义了一个时代,我支持他。湖人球迷@so-cal_kid:曾经有段时间,我认为麦迪是联盟第一人,甚至比科比优秀。但因为每天的训练准备不同,麦迪最终没能表现出和科比一样的杀手天赋,我认为伤病毁了他。他其实也一直都是超级传球手——史上最佳的侧翼传球手之一。森林狼球迷@GreedyWarlord :你会说格兰特-希尔的伤病是因为缺乏训练吗?哈达威呢?罗伊呢?我只是觉得麦迪是运气不好罢了。老鹰球迷@more-reverb:伤病是偶然发生的,它可能是运气不好或者先天遗传,但把伤病的原因归结到缺少训练就有点扯淡了。——————————公牛球迷@PatrickMcC :谦逊的人,他有可能无法进入名人堂,真是遗憾,如果他没有伤病的话,名人堂是板上钉钉的。火箭球迷@HTX :如果麦迪没进名人堂我直播吃一团填满辣椒酱的黄油。超音速球迷@HouseHeisenb3rg:这听起来并不难吃嘛,哈哈哈哈,还有很多更难吃的东西。火箭球迷@Rocketshello_o_o_o_:我就是因为他开始看比赛的,他是我最喜欢的球员。火箭球迷@hello_o_o_o_:我就是因为他才看篮球赛并支持火箭的,35秒13分很可能是我看过最多遍的视频。(苟丘)全部标记为已读


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