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Sanguine Ultra Realistic Texture Pack - 9Minecraft.Net
>> Sanguine Ultra Realistic Texture Pack
Sanguine Ultra Realistic Texture Pack
How to Install Sanguine Ultra Realistic Texture Pack for Minecraft
In order to use HD texture packs properly (32× and higher) you will need to either patch your Minecraft using
or using .
is preferred as it includes all of the features of , and greatly increases game speeds and graphics settings.
tends to be updated on the same day as Minecraft updates, so use it instead if you are in a hurry.
1.Download either MCPatcher or . If you downloaded OptiFine, skip to step 3.
2.For MCPatcher: Run the mcpatcher-X.X.X.jar file and proceed to click “patch.”
3.For Optifine: Install OptiFine like any other mod – By opening minecraft.jar, and placing the .class files from Optifine’s zip file within.
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