介绍一下大话西游英文 英文

Once some sincere love suspended at mine front曾经有一份真挚的爱情摆在我的面前I have ont treasured我没有珍惜It is when losing too late to repent to wait等到失去的时候才追悔莫及The most painful thing is no more than this in this world 人世间最痛苦的事情莫过于此If the chance to come to again that Heaven can give me one如果上天能够给我一个重新来过的机会I will speak three words to that girl : ' I love you '我会对那个女孩子说三个字:‘我爱你’If does not want to like adding one time limit for this share 如果非要给这份爱加上一个期限I hope it was one thousand year 我希望是一万年。
I once let the truest love slip away from my eyes,only to find myself regretting when it was too late.No pain in the world comes near this, if the god give me another chance, I would say 3 words to the girl, I love you. If there had to be a limit of time, I pray it would be 10,000 years.
very good!
今天我要替天行道! Kwan-yin:I will right wrongs in accordance with heaven's decree today,你本来答应如来佛祖护送你师傅唐三藏去取西经的,你居然跟牛魔王串通要吃你师傅!唐僧:你又在吓我! Tang Priest:I cannot reply to Jade Emperor if I don’t kill him!唐僧.唐僧:悟空?悟空:既然躲不了,那老孙就跟你绝一死战,求姐姐放他一条生路吧! Tang Priest,你知不知道你犯了弥天大罪? Kwan-yin:Sun Wukong!纯手工翻译.Don’t think that I fear you,how could you talk like that with Kwan-yin sister,you have so many excuses,you don’t even want to get the Buddhist scriptures? Let’s fight!观音,you such a beast.You have promised to convoy your master Tan Sanzang on the way to the Western Paradise for fetching Buddhist scriptures.How could you collude with Bull Demon King to eat your master?Don’t you know that you have commited a heinous crime?孙悟空:少罗嗦!你追了我三天三夜,贫僧愿以一命赔一命?观音:哼!悟空?你不就是想躲开我吗:I’m also responsible for his fault.Dear sister,please give hime a chance to live!观音? Tang Priest:Wukong.I didn’t kill you because you are a woman!
Wukong:Why did you talk so much.唐僧:徒弟有错做师傅的也有责任:Now I can’t escape,I’ll fight with you untill death,因为你是女人我才不杀你.悟空:说那么多干什么,打呀!Kwan-yin:Dear sister,please tell Jade Emperor that I’m willing to sacrifice my life for his,不要以为我怕了你! Sun Wukong:Shut up!You have been chasing me for 3 days and nights!观音:你不是怕我又为什么要打伤紫霞仙子抢她的月光宝盒呢:You’re frightening me again,你怎么可以这样跟观音姐姐讲话呢!Shut up,你诸多借口:Aren’t you scared of me forI injured Zixia Fairy to grab her MoonBox?Don’t you want to hide from me? Tang Priest:What are you doing?悟空:哗!不要吵! Wukong:Ah:请姐姐跟玉皇大帝说一声:我不消灭他我没法向玉皇大帝交代? Kwan-yin,你这个畜牲:孙悟空! Kwan-yin,你根本就不想去取西经! Kwan-yin:Hum!Wukong! Wukong.唐僧:又干什么观音
这个我喜欢 哈哈Guanyin:Sun wukong,you beast!You promised to protect your master on the way to the heaven.You should collude with the ox monster to eat your monster.
Are you aware of your crime?Sun wukong:Shut up!You have kept tracking me for 3 days.I didn't kill you because you are a woman,don't
think I'm afraid of you.tang:wukong,how could you talk tou guanyin in this way?wukong:Bi!Shut up!tang:You are scarying me again~guanyin:If you are noe afraid of me,why did you hurt fairy zixia and rob her of the moonlight box?It's obvious that you want to escape
from me.wukong:Since I can't escape,then I'll fight with you until one of us die!tang:what's wrong again?guanyin:Hn!wukong,you find so many excuses because you don't want to go to the heaven at all!wukong:why are you talking so much?!Fight!guanyin:Today I'll kill you on behalf of justice!tang:the master should be responsible for his apprentice's mistake,I beg your setting him free,sisiter!guanyin:I can't account to the Jade Emperor if I did't kill him!guanyin:would you please tell the Jade Emperor that I'd like to
commit suicide only if you set wukong free!
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[转帖]大话西游 英语版
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D/ _! ~7 Y& O- D. B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 u) ~/ \) J5 B& ~9 y9 @
& T1 k0 o* U) S
@(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 ^& e2 x* G4 K0 L
- ?" G1 ^' Q9 M+ ]4 N, h(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 `0 i) X: `* R4 y  曾经有一辆豪华的奔驰和English美眉放在我面前,我没有珍惜后者,等我失去的时候我才后悔莫及。
" H! j2 l2 E2 n! H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 F5 U* g7 H4 m2 ^
/ C- p6 h- b3 Y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 d) _8 m5 ?
n4 l# i  学英语最痛苦的事莫过于此。
" U; F& B1 }# K(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 x" V, q
7 S1 @8 H/ r) h' X! |+ l(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) u2 Z; ?
M2 T9 m  不用再犹豫了!
! ?0 {$ r% ^0 b+ Y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' Z. b9 g
R0 A$ L" I
6 f, |' o( \( ]$ r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), F0 ?$ [
C% \2 k$ C  如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会对那个English美眉说三个字:我爱你。
5 ?) O4 o& w' d" X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 |/ ]7 E- f( X2 I6 z
5 o' s, d7 A/ T4 L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 C1 f6 {$ K, V* O( N  如果非要在这份爱上加个期限,我希望是……100天搞定!
( j! o/ E* W% V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 R4 i- k: \: |1 Y
8 \& R# V9 L# a(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( e4 A$ {: B, c- M! P  I had had a luxurious Benze and a beauty called English to choose from. I chose the former. But now I regretted a lot after losing her.
+ D3 o( |6 a/ e. g, t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 t6 H- P0 O3 i3 W
9 W, \' y: M' T
q. r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 R2 X7 D7 x2 a$ i1 U% V  There is nothing more painful than that.
- J. _; D7 P- \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ n( b4 k0 T+ B8 V
3 x( q7 Z: E7 O; _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 o( ~. y1 F* s/ n  If you want to pick up English now, don't hesitate any more!
0 M2 T; c, L* T2 E9 t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); [4 B& h( I8 Z- y
% p! z( g) x4 C(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 A2 F8 }/ b  If God give me another chance, I will tell her in three words: I love you!
! U! P& d, k( |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). r' e3 h6 i, R
( s( ]5 {& r5 o+ q# P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 N7 Q* K$ I% n1 J7 C  If a limit is put on my time of love for English, I just wish for 100 days.
0 @3 t, j% Q1 r0 M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 w+ h* T6 W- O
3 e% n( Y) |1 G- G) }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
R" H2 y5 Q! O: [) i
5 R- Y- R6 S: T9 C(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), j% d% v7 w( v% N连载一:大话西游之学英语版
& c' l% E$ d6 `(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). Y8 ]: J* T& ?. b
& n1 B3 x. R# p6 e! P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 N7 P- e/ i- d7 ?8 ?
3 @2 D4 L# e$ e(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 N( i% j% q% m: B8 c, E  话说周奔驰"大话西游"之后,将无数的英语书架在肩上,大踏步而回。他的背影被那对终成眷属的恋人看到。
$ \/ ]0 V9 ~. A4 W
M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 W- G0 g& @7 ~# q  After his western odyssey, Zhou Benchi strolled back with loads of English learning books. A pair of lovers saw him and commented:
Q8 i/ K6 O(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). }- C& z% a4 R) o2 c
( o/ Z( R1 J# b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 s' _) }% I
J2 a# y8 H  Lady: How poor his English is!/那个人英语好差啊!
. @7 w4 z/ N( k* R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), P. Q! @/ r8 [
& S* g0 [$ j* K/ X. k- t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( y! c0 M, Z( Q  Man: I hear he is an English illiterate!/我也听说了,他好像一个英语文盲啊!
) C# G& i7 e+ a1 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 r" I: P5 ^" p8 P
n3 E4 D; E! x(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% |4 m: e# U2 O  周奔驰气愤异常而又无言以对,只是心里生气:这些家伙没事就长篇大论婆婆妈妈叽叽歪歪,说我的英语不好,没资格出国,就好象整天有一群苍蝇,嗡……对不起,不是苍蝇,是一堆蜜蜂围着你,嗡…嗡…嗡…嗡…飞到你的耳朵里面,救命啊!救命啊!
" E$ F1 e: B$ [(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 |6 b
V$ H) Y$ ~  Zhou Benchi is sulky. Those folks keep gossiping about my poor English and about my inability to go abroad. They are just like swarms of flies hanging around. Oh, to be exact, swarms of bees flying around you, even into your ears. Oh. Help. Help!
# i7 `/ W: ~7 O(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- ?* N' a4 h& _! b+ D+ n
7 L7 h! X+ B* {(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 ]. R+ K% N5 d  但是四分之一秒之后,周奔驰将会彻底地爱上英语,因为他决定施展"无厘头"大法学英语。虽然他本人生平作了无数的无厘头行动,但是这一个他认为是最完美的……
9 _, O& `/ F; E(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- Y* @! Y# s! A2 H" K  But in a split second, Zhou Benchi falls in love with English, because he decides to study English with "Wulitou" (casual) method. Although he has taken many "Wulitou" actions in his life, he thinks this one is ideal.
k8 G% l8 r. C6 c(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 H( |3 F. O& T+ O* o
`( \# \" S2 A2 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ e5 ~& o8 O2 N/ m  所以呢他就抓住英语的突破点--口语,把最常用的口语用于"聊天泡美眉",把最地道的惯用语尽力向美眉炫耀;再用"学英语版"大话西游来调动"如饥似渴"的学习劲头,呵--!全部语法又学到手啦!他再举一反三,哗--!再也没人天天说他英语不好了。现在大家知道,他为什么要自学英语!
: e9 U) r1 `% I1 x(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 ^2 Z# G1 G5 E* T  So he starts his English learning from practicing spoken English. He chats with MM online in simple oral English. He shows off his idiomatic English phrases to MM from Chinese Odyssey, an English learning course book. He becomes more and more eager to practise and he practises again and again. Finally he learnt his English well. Now nobody can say his English is poor. So, you know how he could learn English well all by himself.
w1 V- |3 A4 d" L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 I* `& ?. x0 B5 d
& z6 }4 r* \9 I(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 d0 u7 h! `5 Y+ j8 R连载二:大话西游之学英语版
# K4 Q" z$ p0 B7 `/ Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 B3 k( R
B( J7 ?( z( D( q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ ]! x4 }8 |4 w/ \
; R& c% ?! D( c- S7 m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ v) ]2 _$ B: p% _, j  周奔驰"第一次"网上聊天全纪录:
; |( \. D$ A! L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
q9 M) T" X5 d
& X3 ]' \5 \9 q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% v, L- Z1 e0 ~9 M  周奔驰:What a long sleepless night. I thought I was the only one sleepless. So are you Cuihua Girl!/长夜漫漫无心睡眠,我以为只有我睡不着觉,原来翠花姑娘你也睡不着啊!
7 R# Y7 R" r2 F& ^" \: X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 P: R; Q# e! _$ ^
' Q! j7 z% y+ [(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ k8 G' w+ z8 F0 `1 U  翠花:Really?! Why are you, Smart Brother, sleepless?/是啊!不知道帅哥你为什么睡不着啊?
( g+ P0 i: ]) Y1 [(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) C( {/ i2 x, d* p& R. @
) _ ~) X4 Z
R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 X( T8 [. C1 E9 ~1 ~4 T  周奔驰:Just for you! Be frank, OK?/就是因为翠花姑娘你啊。别再上酸菜了,何必呢--?何苦呢--?
! [& C, \( T& @$ ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), n6 [3 h% L5 `* A
' ^% c8 b1 C3 |1 n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): A/ v* U# |# P$ ?  翠花:We Northeasterners are living Leifengs. We do what we like. May I know what you do?/俺们东北人都是活雷锋嘛。做一行爱一行。你是干啥的?
3 M; }9 E5 q7 |; n' {(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 R+ ~0 G7 Y5 d
x" Z) O7 M& t+ y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" O8 R) C* I, g7 U  周奔驰:I……After traveling around the world, I haven't got anything to do yet. I know my whole life would be like this: endless parties,cruises and polo games…/俺……自从环球周游之后,俺就闲着没事干,"我知道自己一辈子都要这么过下去了,整天是没完没了的舞会和聚餐,游艇和马球赛……"
3 V1 `( j3 C9 ?- j(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 S# O; l$ D; A2 }
! ?4 d' T) I! W# h(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* f4 K0 V5 `8 H* h. L  翠花:Don't show off. Don't you know that talking about one's wealth has no place online. /你夸耀"中产"干什么?你知不知道网上一说钱,就一点性格都没有了?
n5 V' J0 x% U1 X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 u7 ?# x, x% h
6 O! }1 P; I( p+ S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 S% Z8 ]! [
o, A8 P" ^  周奔驰:I'm just kidding. That line is cited from Titanic. In fact, my present situation is that after years of hard work I have little food to eat and have only a shabby room to live in. And I have never slept well. That has been my life for these past ten years, just like Ms. Matilde in THE LOST NECKLACE in ou
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在线时间 小时
: F9 h9 g2 I+ o7 s+ D2 k(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' j! W! i% P% O1 K
5 t+ Z' @# N& L# I3 X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ {( q" {' @' ]/ `
" G7 x+ o9 O# W, q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& _+ L7 g, G# @  翠花讲的故事:
6 o! _0 j$ j' T. Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 r5 f. `/ U/ _
# b4 M7 E' ^0 r5 X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) a1 w* l+ |* Y  The story related by Cui hua
6 d$ [7 Z, J6 P! Z' W(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' @! p
Y" w( o: J
; n- G7 o4 K( S+ c5 Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ G* W4 Q: d/ t7 h# X  虽然俺在"东北人酸菜馆"天天为客人们上酸菜,但是当碰到老外来吃饭的时候,俺就像小兔子一样竖起耳朵听着,时间长了,俺哪怕笨得像你一样,也能学会英语了。
/ T" \9 y0 J; C% n9 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): @; l8 P- {0 U  就像大科学家爱因斯坦的司机,天天开车送爱因斯坦去演讲,半年以后,他就时常冒充爱因斯坦上台演讲,让真正的爱因斯坦抽空儿睡会儿觉。
2 g+ i5 P$ [2 s% f- @! i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- P" S) s" Z. k
?0 q  I served sour dishes to guests in the Northeasterners' Sour Dish Restaurant every day. When I saw foreigners come and have dinners, I listened attentively just like a little rabbit with long ears. After a long time like this, even if I am as slow as you, I learned my English. I'm just like the great scientist Einstein's driver, who always drove Einstein to make speeches. After just half a year, he could pretend to be Einstein to make speeches, and let true Einstein take a good rest.
, Z# x5 L8 `: t8 M6 P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
@- B: e9 S, S+ r# Z. H
0 {# X: S) F* a+ D(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 ^/ U" |% X1 Q  "玩儿的就是英语"。--这就是俺的英语学习秘诀!
6 F, `5 R2 z3 O3 P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 n% Z1 t) T* R0 Q  "To learn English is to have fun". That is my secret of learning English.
N& E5 u, \& z( k(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# o( Z& X! n9 Q* }
# u) K( W* w3 a(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ i, y: a$ R/ f1 R  俺有一个师兄姓庖名丁,每日要做"解牛"的工作,也就是说是个屠夫。但见他手之所触,肩之所倚,足之所踩,膝之所抵,以及进刀割解所发出的声音,没有不合乎音节的。如同那殷汤之乐《桑林》的舞步,恰似那帝尧之《咸池》、《经首》乐章的韵律。
<span class="hidden_ [# U
~" `# n& H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 l: e' p* x& ]4 n  庖丁哥哥对俺说,他所爱好的是"道",解牛到了心神合一的境界:刀子微微一动,整条牛就伴随着贝多芬的《命运》旋律解体了,而那牛可能还不知道自己已经死了呢!到了这种时候庖丁才提刀站立,张望四顾,感到由衷的心满意足。
% U7 {6 Y6 ?. }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 _/ P/ `3 t( r( o  不知道你泡妞的时候,能否达到庖丁解牛一样的艺术境界的1/N?庖丁哥哥高中毕业,自学英语,过四级、考托福、攻GRE,如同解牛一样游刃有余、自得其乐。
) Z. R3 h# l4 l- S* d' p(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' s" L6 w+ @) M  哪象你这般见了英语就象见了"恐龙",愁眉苦脸,如临大敌呢?!
! v/ G2 x( n0 l3 P+ j(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# G+ @) `: G. S' h6 v( x  I have a co-worker named Paoding. He is a butcher and his work is to dissect cattle every day. If you watch him kill the cattle, you will find that all his actions: the touching, shouldering, stepping and kneeling, are of rhythm and melody, just like the dancing steps of Sanglin of the Yin and Tang dynasties, and also like the melody of Xianchi & Jingshou for the Di and Yao Emperors.
: B- u% i# A6 T+ o' G(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& I$ ]% `( J. F! N; K/ |  Brother Paodingtold me that he is keen on the Way. He can coordinate his heart and action when he uses his knife. A whole ox is dissected adeptly with his swift hands as if to the company of Beethoven's Symphony of Fate, so quick that the ox might not know that it has been killed. Then Paoding would stand straight with his knife in one hand and look around in satisfaction.
/ I! i4 y( T8 G$ \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 j6 M6 D8 E" V5 I  I'm not sure if you can achieve a fraction of this skill when you date with a girl. Just like dissecting an ox, Paoding smoothly graduated from high school, taught himself English, passed College English Band 4, achieved good results in TOEFL and GRE tests. He never behaved like you. You regard English as dinosaur and always knit your eyebrow when learning it.
r( _! \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# |7 M$ o: S# N
9 H' F) w1 R% e( R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 G5 x) N/ Z$ l( B  你想"玩的就是英语"吗?你想玩的话你就用英语耍酷嘛。你不耍酷我怎么知道你想"玩"呢?虽然你很有诚意地看着我,可是你还是要跟我说你想"玩英语"的。你真的想玩吗?那你就"用英语耍酷"吧!你不是真的想"玩"吧?难道你真的想"玩的就是英语"吗?
k/ X( Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" V' \7 S
v6 b  Do you want to play English? If you do, use English smartly. If you don't use English with fun, how could I know you want to play English. Although you are looking at me earnestly, do you still want to tell me that you prefer to play English. Do you really want to play? Yes? Then, you play cool with English at once. Don't you really want to play? Is it true that what you really want to play is English?
) n+ {! y5 i$ s5 w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& P7 C) C$ L
, d+ ?/ _! j8 K/ I: {(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! R/ r1 F( m9 b3 ~0 F8 D新浪教育
( T7 W9 v' t- f7 x(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): m% W% K" E' k! p4 a连载四:大话西游之学英语版
: H5 q2 ~/ I. S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ e& m0 ]# G4 E3 A
@2 ]2 b0 ^+ M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' s! w# v+ f) Y
5 L% Z" t& h
Y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- C
Z, C, f7 ?8 c4 S- v  周奔驰的痛定思痛
{0 X6 T(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% Z/ J( f! g' z
# K: u" _& m9 s% H# K' |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): J( @/ }4 s- e+ A  听了翠花一席言,胜读十年英语书。周奔驰开始痛苦地反思:自己虽说在“大话西游”期间,借周游世界之机,积攒了不少财宝,坐拥“奔驰”车数辆。——遗憾的是,虽然身成大款、游遍全球,却因“糟糕透顶的外语”而错失和晶晶姑娘、紫霞姑娘等等等等等的情缘,就连网上聊天碰到的翠花姑娘都对他“感冒“。
: n0 N, |1 A1 K(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) D0 a- e& t% {  Hearing Miss Cuihua’s words, Zhou Benchi felt he benefited a lot as if he had read English books for ten years. Zhou began his self-reflection: During my western odyssey I traveled a lot of places and gathered a lot of treasure including several Benz cars. But the regretful thing is th
在线时间 小时
M3 Y6 T' l(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" _; m- [8 g
2 l+ K$ W! p6 t& @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* _% f6 R* N& H4 X, Q
9 i6 q/ B6 u5 P* T- \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ h1 n* j' v6 O  无厘头,起源于周星驰主演的“无厘头系列电影”。这些电影的主人公大多是一个“无名小卒”,无钱无权无势却又喜欢搞笑和耍酷。外表有着贪财好色、好吃懒做等一切凡人的“缺点”,内心有着特立独行、天马行空的一点点理想和抱负。(是不是有点象是“我”、“你”、“他”呀?呵呵)
! S" H; @1 h$ F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 E1 y& q3 @( Y4 J
4 V2 H, C+ L! k+ `7 }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ o+ X" ]3 W1 z& n) |% ^  《大话西游》为最具代表性的“无厘头电影”,所以,“无厘头”的表达方式也被称为“大话”。——自1998年以后,无厘头电影很快风靡了大学甚至中学校园,“大话”式表达成为百万网民中最为流行的网络语言。短短几年,《大话西游》从一部“颠覆经典权威”的后现代主义电影,演变为流行于校园和网络的文化现象。在大中学生、上网网民的心目中,无厘头(大话)象征着时尚和前卫,你若对它一无所知,似乎就意味着已不再“年轻”!如同“牛仔裤”(十几年前还被视为异端)的传入与流行一样,“无厘头”是一个分水岭,将两个年代的人分在了两边。你可以不知道“无厘头”,但谁也无法忽视“无厘头文化”网聚的几百万“大话迷”。
( M6 L# D1 R, N* e(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 e/ C# f0 `$ b
B# H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' A; h$ i9 H  Wulitou was derived from“Wulitou Movie Series”starred by Zhou Xinchi. The protagonists in those movies were mostly“nobodies”. They have neither money, mor power, but like making fun and playing cool. Like ordinary people, they tend to love money and sex, enjoy eating good things and loathe doing work. However, inwardly they have ambition and ideals, and their hearts are free and independent.
6 C- p3 S, w1 l' |; B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 k0 r0 B! h7 d
3 Y( ?8 _+ L5 |+ o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 d8 o3 \1 V9 a  (Isn’t Wulitou just he, you or me? Ha, ha)
- H8 R( u& C- A" o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' K' r5 _! a- x
u: d" E4 ?" R* }$ ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 `7 J* ?; U6 N  West Odyssey is typical of Wulitou movies. Therefore, Wulitou way of expressing ideas is called Dahua (big talking). Since 1998, Wulitou movies prevailed in universities, and even in high schools. Dahua expressions became the most popular language among millions of Internet goers.
H' M- t5 X8 M6 L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* C6 \' }8 s$ u# q& [2 S
|8 Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ H: B+ y# P) y& S4 n  Within no years, from a post-modern movie of“overthrowing the classic authority”, West Odyssey has become the most popular cultural phenomenon on campuses and in the Internet. Amid college and high school students Wulitou (Dahua) means trendiness and pioneer. If you don’t know anything about it, it means you are no longer young.Just like the jeans which was considered odd at first and then became popular in China about two decades ago, Wulitou has become a watershed which divides the two generations.You can know nothing about Wulitou. But you cannot ignore“Wulitou Culture”which gathers millions of“Dahua fans”.
E: g: Z! ]8 F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 d( {2 i8 Q5 k+ Q连载八:太夸张了吧:三天学好外语?!(上)
$ k- H5 O6 ]" {( S. H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 c5 b# t, `* _; }. }
T! |! ?3 Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
R! F. D) h2 X
# P3 ]5 C( ]. ^' M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 i8 V+ v, o2 v2 C% z  周奔驰:我的奋斗123
& d6 R6 M8 ^4 n
V1 e(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" l% P( T% h1 U" l3 \5 h
7 V/ K5 }5 j# I. N(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& l# u& ~# y8 c5 S: D  My Endeavor One, Two, Three.
, P. n( F% T
H- d(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( ?: \- {* y$ K
2 ?; |' ~! w! _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 K6 L8 n4 M6 `" O  却说周奔驰哥们除了买遍流行的英语学习书之外,
g( \1 c4 F: w# F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 L4 v5 p9 ]; N7 }/ A
' v5 U- H8 s7 S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( y: ?" R" ?2 ^4 E' U. h  Apart from all kinds of popular English learning books,
5 C8 D0 N# U& m" ?5 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 ^' R/ {% I' l* d3 l
. U$ v5 U% b. [(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 H% z4 L/ }) X3 l) K  还买遍了各类“人生奋斗”的图书:
& Y1 j" s) `0 V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 S/ l' ?9 p' {! J
7 N5 v6 d3 I" f+ e(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), A
n. m) x9 q  Zhou Benchi also bought many books of“life endeavor”,
7 F5 w) B% Z2 S# c6 _" s(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! O* e4 `# ^
: O/ c) W" E; G3 i
Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! Q0 Z' W0 l/ t& V: }  什么卡耐基全集、羊皮卷丛书、世界各国首脑自传、国际经济大亨奋斗故事……
# T6 B9 S) J6 \& t0 P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- s' G2 z0 A% X# D
* J+ R3 P: U; u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), A6 k: }+ ]( ^# h  such as The Complete Works of Carnaiky, Series of Goat-skin Bound Books,Autobiographies of World Leaders, The Stories of World Financial Tycoons, etc, etc.
: ]( Y, H( e: _% i4 N0 |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) ~: A! C! N! N% w
' u2 V; G; J2 z2 Y0 [- T(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) d7 ^& \# N/ r2 x  正如同学习外语一样,对奋斗励志的书,周奔驰也总是热血沸腾,虽然只有三个小时。
0 Y! ]" ]# |: W6 v+ z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
v' l$ }* L$ {
4 y. W9 W9 f! z- D
~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); j: o! V; `+ r  Just like learning English, Zhou Benchi is crazy about books of endeavors, though that usually lasts no more than three hours.
# D9 {8 w5 |9 `) _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 v8 V# A+ L7 u, v9 z& ~
2 K$ A7 `+ |9 R/ ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- d: W0 a' X0 O( n  ——不过,谁说周奔驰没有远大的理想我敢和谁急,
( r# y$ Q0 J/ V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( Y3 Z
R: O1 o2 m) I
5 s5 B% }( v6 ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( m# V2 c" X$ Q7 j+ @  If you say Zhou Benchi has no lofty ambition, I could never agree.
9 t: `2 I% l' _+ y2 B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 O# g6 k2 b3 `9 e5 W/ l
7 l5 S) Q7 \4 L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& Q: l! l: @9 z" x  我曾在周奔驰的电脑里,看到几十份《我的奋斗》规划书,
s2 a1 \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) Z) C' f( i* j
9 B3 R3 A3 _$ t8 t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% j
j1 l8 {  I saw dozens of Plans of My Endeavor in Zhou Benchi’s computer,
! P) S6 @; u8 u/ O+ ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" u
J9 M1 A* ]- ~
<span class="hidden_ J- H' |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): j% M
C8 Q* Z+ y$ I  什么《奋斗2001年》、《我的奋斗100天》、《奋斗30天闪电战》……
+ n2 k: t6 w8 i4 N# F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 u( P9 U0 }+ r+ ]
t2 r1 V5 `) T(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 i! C' y
J, N  like“Endeavor for 2001”,“100 Days of My Endeavor”,“30 Days Blitz”, so on and so forth.
F3 {% D6 I(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 {3 B9 s2 Z+ t$ E; H
* \- H) `1 Z' K) Q$ ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). G& X9 w7 b: a  当然,一般来说,最多就记录了2、3天,这些闪电战就“不战而剩”了:)
T# ~0 B+ Q6 D$ u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 x# I+ o2 i' {7 Q
9 n& s+ U- ]1 Z; h(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# z! c+ D) l7 D  Of course, the recordings usually lasted 2 or 3 days. Then the Blitz suddenly ended.
9 c) M, j( C. C: N" Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" i: r. y) o3 O
! p/ E# f- s6 I(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
i1 R7 e: o7 ^连载九:太夸张了吧:三天学好外语?!(中)
9 ^$ \5 U2 d0 c(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ {5 r- }3 E: ~
( ?0 ?& N5 V9 y+ t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); }/ i4 h$ R9 M5 C
9 ]+ N% n% D/ e& _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 H( g: ?7 |0 Z5 U  周奔驰在初学《无厘头英语》绝世武功秘籍第一天,
* s2 l/ Q* T* o2 H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ e/ [) l$ ?; t, C
8 C1 P7 a7 z0 ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& D' O! k- |) `" p  Today is the first day Zhou Benchi begins to learn the magic“Wulitou English”.
9 I6 |) o) C6 l& i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); E( E& x. ]2 `1 e+ Z
( Y, w% c& ]* k! z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ V- C7 q! E5 [4 m  English美眉柳眉倒竖、目恣尽裂:
' [' \( K; N, M& F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 ^" U4 v3 f! Q- b+ N
( }9 S3 d* p% H4 `(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 `4 H3 y/ i/ w2 {$ S  Miss English stared at him with utmost seriousness.
+ r$ e1 l$ a$ F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- F) V2 k6 s% V+ W
' ]' O9 b& K$ q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 D' C) ]. T: U. E( i  “为师只希望你制定一个《我的奋斗123攻坚战》,只需坚持三天!”
( g1 v& j: D3 S8 D(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 I1 i3 D: Q
* n: P* B# ]1 v(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 X5 Y# H; T% V; G  As your teacher, I suggest you make a plan of intense study and keep to it for just three days.
在线时间 小时
# {) c# r( h$ X& i" z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 K7 k- N. K# z) x2 S
y7 B+ S' E(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% g$ c1 @% }
. M3 n5 W& p
f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! o6 f0 q3 H# q3 U8 I  今天是周奔驰奋斗第一天:(今天课程是写作文:俺是谁?)
7 j3 n/ u2 C
b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 H; H. s6 r$ v
( ^1 I: p" F7 Z5 H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). E2 \1 G1 w
T& F% Z/ x  Today is Zhou Benchi’s first day of endeavor. And today’s course is English writing. Who should I learn from?
# e3 }% X# N0 B# }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 N; f2 a- r* }* M
: e) ]: g$ _5 @% B3 f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 ?7 X+ G) k  话说“英语学习”之风云江湖,分为五大派系:
o& E8 a(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): ~1 N1 l# Z" E
! @4 y! o5 P9 l$ B4 f7 Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), a2 O. S# T+ x  It is said that in the English learning arena there are 5 sects.
/ [$ Z) e0 @- I* Z8 B0 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# Z7 b/ f, m7 k. H0 M4 c
; _* y1 K' t9 r& o3 v(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# q: V; g& M0 Y6 R  分别是东邪、西毒、南帝、北丐、中神通,上演了一场新时代的“射雕英雄传”。
# N; T% |/ c% H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 h, c! t2 U- C# Y
' Q8 C, U$ V; R3 H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! n+ E$ u* A, S1 k- x* [  They are Dongxie, Xidu, Nandi, Beigai and Zhongshentong.
/ s/ I' T) _# f! `9 E2 ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ P$ T$ R0 h! z! R
# e8 j. I: g' W(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), K
C) @+ T" W  They are this new era’s“Heroes of Eagle Shooters”.
$ X+ V2 i# t8 A; I- ]: u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' I. X7 u' e- \
- ]7 f7 j- D1 s8 n* ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). x! ~+ a
a/ H* M% m  东邪者,以“***”为代表。
& L! g- Y7 L' q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 J2 ?; z8 S& ?
<font class="hidden_ b' u) L# |; p(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 \$ t* B$ j- Z3 s& C  Dongxie is represented by New Oriental School.
7 r7 F6 i' M" w0 n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- Q0 W, j4 H+ W, G! y
! V( }" ]3 \7 K$ V+ f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( [- g4 P; k3 O  西毒者,以“新概念”、“走遍美国”为代表。
$ [" t* ~6 g% r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! f- d" c7 u+ B- K
7 j- s% k* ?% q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 t$ {: w, N- C  Xidu is charicterised by New Concept and American English.
& r5 v4 w) P6 J(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! N0 o3 H& t: z/ Z
; M% e. R: G) t: |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). G9 d+ n. s8 c0 X  南帝者,以李洋的“疯狂英语”为代表。
8 p$ x/ G. A- O! g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% t- m9 X: X/ o& h5 D
v/ X* u+ H1 K(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" D) U% K/ Z' ]  Li Yang’s Crazy English represents Nandi.
- J! ]9 j) {* ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ _' e% K4 S* h: K( W
C, o% N(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) c+ m- g" {% c4 t+ S  北丐者,以钟道隆的“逆向式英语”为代表。
' D5 q% S! n5 }; r/ g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' w: U8 r8 v# Y# H
0 ]% C8 ?3 E5 y' b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ o7 E; r7 G) i9 t& e  Beigai is Zhong Daolong’s Nixiang English.
<span class="hidden_ e+ ]0 t7 Y3 f: n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! d' J* t- g3 h* t
p# x(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ w8 c) g5 f: i1 u  中神通者,以许国璋、张道真等中国老一代英语专家推出的英语教程为代表。
3 T4 S3 c. L) f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 t! `4 R, M
b( l4 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 U6 M: A9 b$ |# c  Zhongshentong is represented by the English course books compiled by older generation English experts Xu Guozhang, Zhang Daozhen,ect.
+ p- a5 [% J- b, t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): O# ~- a3 H' ^6 W
6 n3 G+ J$ S* g/ ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ o
X( h$ E8 w2 F; D  (至于扶忠汉英语、AAA英语、沛沛英语、洋话连篇,分别是上述武林派别的分支也)
o' B: j- l) `(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). |- ~5 Z8 X
o, ~4 R! D! b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); i0 H% K( U8 B( c  As for Fu Zhonghan English, AAA English, Peipei English and Chapters of Foreign Languages,they are just branches of those sects.
' W" F7 X" |, y3 D(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) A7 ^6 V5 t& W
, ~/ U: H! J! Y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 W" f% w6 U! g
% k- E& b, `% y9 i! s(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 k3 |8 A! _( B" e连载十二:英语江湖之“射雕英雄传”(中)
l" Y+ t5 G(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 m7 Z+ \- O, e
, E# S6 G8 \8 i7 d(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 y, r: Y* \( Y
& O: d1 B6 w* }: l) w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% ~/ {/ C; h( V2 }  至于俺周奔驰小人家目前所学“无厘头英语”,真可谓无门无派。
4 \. A: q/ \2 x+ X) y! o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% k5 W& k" R) M' R
9 R! s6 H+ W4 F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# \& H8 Y, N! q  Then, Wulitou English which I, Zhong Benchi, am learning can be said to belong to no sect.
! z2 s& ^7 O2 I(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 Y2 J; [; `$ L' j. y
/ Q" U) B- ^8 A+ `& a(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" m$ y+ `& u- k# C9 {  都是因为俺太过愚笨,自制力差,初中时师从“中神通”派,许国璋的英语看过(老师逼的);
F/ v, `1 u' H6 @7 r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- [
e9 \$ D5 g/ @3 q
7 F$ X. A' P8 u( l(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 q/ x. K3 V! D  I learned about Xu Guozhang’s English of the Zhongshentong Sect under the pressure of my teacher because I was slow and unable to control myself.
# j8 d: e- r. n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 {1 o9 r% L( Y
0 d, j- T* x" _/ u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! ?1 }* _1 b1 |  高中时投师“西毒派”,《新概念英语》学过(学校制定参考书);
F, h5 ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& @; P3 R7 A& ^0 n3 t
w" v: P8 i5 A
](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 D, k. p
~; ]* D  In my senior high school I learned New Concept English of the Xidu Sect because it was ruled by the school.
. X- g( u( L- j(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), h, h" f1 g
7 K; r( \8 L% {9 [- ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ `% U! d, C: y. S' Z$ q  大学时先后流行“南帝”之《疯狂英语》和“北丐”之《逆向式英语》,这些时髦俺当然不能不赶;
Y5 J; d7 J(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! z, k7 k( k5 l$ u
( e! g/ d5 h4 N2 y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 J3 M4 [6 i. D2 S  When in university I pursued Nandi’s Crazy English and Beigai’s Nixiang English because I want to be in the fashion.
# G- f% }$ [1 Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* k) P2 Z( K" v: ^
( a! P# g( E- X. A. k(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
X& V, B& U! }; H4 h  至于“西毒”派的***,据说是专门培养留洋学生的,打死俺俺也没胆儿进去瞅瞅。
0 ~0 B7 Z1 Y6 S1 z
I, w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" \$ L) z0 r6 Q+ m* N( U
( W. w0 Y1 I" U! z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ K* c$ r, J! j  As for Xidu’s New Oriental School, I don’t even have the guts to take a look into it because it is all for those who are going abroad to take advanced degrees.
: W! Q5 I1 X9 s(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" c5 @# s, F6 m6 V* H
}. Z) i9 \
j. I4 g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 Z' |" h1 M4 G5 W
Y: b+ Z7 V3 b/ i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! U" I7 A% O/ T9 ^
- ]) D: A7 D) u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* \4 U6 P* y% x9 B连载十三:英语江湖之“射雕英雄传”(下)
; B3 r( S% n" v) y, s(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). w, R* \9 H: H
, V' R4 p, r2 P! o8 m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- w2 \; l1 _
: O- P7 M, E8 {' r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) A0 N' r, s* O- J( P, p
$ h/ [* I/ j1 f' z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), x- [
J9 ]$ u$ E, i* z  今天是周奔驰奋斗第二天:(今天课程是写回忆录,咦,奋斗计划完成一大半了,哈哈哈哈哈)
* f' c7 z4 Y5 \: C( n& E(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). u! p: ]" E! r( R: S
$ a# s# O' F* ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 y- Y. K" ?+ |  Today is the second day of Zhou Benchi's endeavor. Today's assignment is to write a memoir.
]' H6 B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# t- |2 O) }" D; H
0 v+ L0 F: s, c(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ r# R) G. R* T, y
k  And that has already come to the middle of the schedule of endeavor. Ha, ha, ha…
! o% \3 k$ B7 b+ z% w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ K/ E+ H7 L- o( E
% t1 C1 m% Q2 H0 m+ ?& w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 N' N1 I( E/ _2 a% ^  英语武林的"五大门派"之中,俺感到和蔼可亲的是俺的英语师兄李洋和师叔钟道隆,
k/ i1 A) F9 _8 P8 ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" h2 e& t& F/ U% @
9 S$ p4 w. d, A# V; @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) E- u: `9 d+ G, l  Of the five English study sects, I feel Brother Li Yang and Uncle Zhong Daolong most amiable.
: B7 {8 p9 m, l9 f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! \, j$ _6 _, x
: V$ u( L# f9 N- o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 `& b% o3 b9 D8 ]  李洋师兄师承少林武功,讲求一招见血;钟道奎师叔师承太极功夫,讲求十年磨剑。
/ S: O" T2 i% |, f0 Y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 S4 O+ Z( s5 [; t
]2 e' ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& O" a: }1 I& C
Z  Brother Li Yang inherited gongfu from Shaolin Temple and emphasized "to the point";
# t- u4 @0 e- c% Z+ ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 p2 t" ^4 q3 e0 a
1 B3 P1 l* }, b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& p
X5 X+ ]. J/ T% \  Uncle Zhong Daolong inherited Taiji gongfu and stresses persistence.
# j( {3 P5 d" y7 l5 s: ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 h5 Y$ b$ A6 Q) W
3 e7 b+ _+ o: P* G, }
l(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& z6 Q* d% }  --不过,俺既学不来少林之刚猛,又受不了太极之柔韧。
: W5 G. l$ [0 G0 L9 R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ K1 w& U6 t. j6 b/ S4 b
^8 S, S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 e! L* Y5 @. n2 S2 m4 t  But I can stand neither Shaolin's strongness nor Taiji's softness.
8 a3 x' f$ H- X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! [3 ~- A/ s* \1 r% T
: k1 Q* E5 E3 v2 k(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* t" y$ J' ]0 }  --都怨俺妈给俺起的小名"周笨驰"中间这个字。
& |; x2 f& ~, o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% I, y8 q$ y" n
. I: b& h. C7 R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), P# o
~& J5 |9 {  It was all because of the middle name "stupid" my mother gave me.
0 Q) c1 s+ x4 M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 R/ h0 }3 _5 p
- G6 y2 u. L: q3 g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 w$ s) y! ]- ^' E% f  --就在俺绝望得想"头悬梁"之时,
2 v3 h) \2 B5 K
L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* f: q, ]4 w4 f7 ^. j
! r2 F' a) T% f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 D2 @" r: y0 P2 ^  Just when I was about to hang myself,
/ `; B' Y6 g' ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ @5 t/ R' ^& V
8 O2 m1 {0 Y4 \1 a(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! o* l& m' Y9 H4 [  无门无派而又与"五大门派"齐名的老顽童周伯通,
, T4 B8 y0 m$ P1 P- k* q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); G/ Q9 Y
v/ t9 Y& M+ E
6 Q' q4 M' ^' D( H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" X. f( W( [' O1 z" S0 d  old urchin Zhou Botong, who belongs to no such sects, but just as famous,
9 ?& `+ M! @- R0 f(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# u, Q
A2 i4 `2 h1 i
1 \0 Q7 C; m$ x2 {1 y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ H& p# |- S( z0 C  率领他的中国徒弟周星驰和美国徒孙金凯瑞找到了俺,非要把俺收到门下。
' ^" u) G! e, s3 r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 m3 S* S# P
w9 l# @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ H4 B6 u4 c3 X& E  led his Chinese disciple Zhou Xinchi and American disciple's disciple Shun Jinkai to come to recruit me.
: ]5 K$ O' X) A(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" y, C' O, ]& _1 k
! u( R& B0 R5 z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
H0 f' n2 y& V: [  原来老顽童周伯通自创立了"左右互搏"绝技之后,
) T# r5 ]/ T5 h* w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); U# _0 K9 j" R+ i
$ h& d# R1 R: f/ |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): M" R( e
M* d) e  Since old urchin Zhou Botong created his unique skill "Left and Right Inter-fighting",
. ]+ H1 p0 f
e0 u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- G7 e9 {# |: }) j1 E2 k
# x6 \+ _% z' j(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! L3 L% U% {( H
[  骑着鲸鱼游遍五洲大洋,一路偷偷考
在线时间 小时
D( t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ j, ~3 E9 g# e& H, |- X
* G0 {3 H* E5 d4 |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 L" i1 e. V! \2 ]
9 c% p# m! K4 ^7 ^8 X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). s5 M: i) c+ J) U# ~  今天是周奔驰奋斗第三天:(最后一天耶!坚持下来,“我的奋斗”就大功告成了!)
P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 D) D- [2 q) d
1 u& e% i: x7 n$ y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). i5 _
O  Today is Zhou Benchi’s third day of endeavor and the last day. Keep to it and I will be a success.
h$ G/ t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& d) L* {, o6 e0 h* S
- P6 |6 @' f' s, m+ N(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); o6 S5 N5 P! P0 _1 C  周伯通的“博士”论文:(老是让你读有趣的文字,你当然乐此不疲,不过学习英语一定要能看专业的枯燥的英文,这才叫“酷”!——今天,你“耍酷”了没有?)
$ I0 h) l) I+ m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 f0 ?: ^% t) g
b3 x) H: h+ M9 |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) G0 n! P) \% r) _. Z  Zhou Botong’s PhD thesis:If you always read something interesting, you will of course be happy. However, to be able to read English also means you should be able to read boring academic English essays. That’s“cool”. Have you been cool today?
5 l2 G1 c5 E8 y, V: r! \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# t# ]* M$ @, f$ a0 v
E& ]& c+ U, @* Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 Q. X: ~' w. v' Z  成千上万的书海苦读、悬梁刺骨的英语学习者的必读文献——
$ q2 a0 Q- l" E(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 Q+ N8 {# N& C
+ N2 b, Y! V0 R/ x(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- j$ r6 D! l& k  Thousands of thousands of those hardworking English learners must read the following:
; w# \# W! S, l& Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 c5 ?- V3 e1 @+ |! R
A(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- H7 r2 J5 T6 ^  破解“学习沉重”司芬克斯之谜
i8 m4 j1 M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); N- F' }- e! P6 f
! F" ?; V: \4 S! z
G(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 p& R
[# e+ H; L: g  Looking through the Sphinxes of“study burden”
T/ ~8 B# [(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 o5 F+ f+ r- x: U- a( C
w# ]6 @* X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 C; Y+ y% E! |  为什么课堂学习、外语自学往往是“枯燥、繁重”的代名词?
: ~: s4 }7 ^7 w0 c6 Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 Q3 k
0 b. P% U( G- V! y& [(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
Y7 P/ C9 E  Why is it that classroom study and teaching oneself a foreign language are always considered to be“a bore and burden”?
1 n' T( l$ [
S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 \, k7 l
/ k: f8 N# w
_(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# k& C9 N/ |! B  为什么学习知识不能和娱乐一样令人乐而忘倦、心醉神迷?
3 p5 v& W( Y3 c. n7 S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 _5 a6 k/ {* f. d1 ?
3 _5 x' R5 k8 l& m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); X6 W6 b' T4 Q  Why can’t learning knowledge be as pleasant and enchanting as entertainment?
/ l0 U/ }+ j7 R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 |( r* t: [: W
3 U: B8 F" U7 T) u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 O7 \' \" P
{6 G  为什么不能把繁重的学习变得轻松而愉快?
" X- Y- d5 u* N) I6 U(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! e4 f! P. f' Q9 t: B
5 u) |6 q6 ^2 s/ w# s(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 B& N
B& M9 n% s  Why can’t we turn heavy study into a pleasant job?
5 S$ c! q4 F1 h- Q: j(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 c8 k$ F) F/ \
<font class="hidden_ |' N, \2 I% O(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 y* B0 N; y+ C  ——学习的压力感从何而来?是什么?又要到哪里去?
. g$ M$ T0 a9 M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% N/ f1 M+ Q, O' A3 u
: C; M% q" Q* m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ f9 h# N$ ?$ x8 G  Where does the burden of study come from? What is it?swheresis it going?
2 B0 d1 E4 S; s3 @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" |. @5 H, j" _
% v! p0 f7 p$ g" }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 s2 \) z1 Q7 q  学习者在每次学习之后所获得的“心理愉悦感”(注意:或正或负)输出,
( n" F5 k# P& K(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* {& T& z" o0 @1 l, a
) n# @/ b+ C1 o. z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% X' p- K$ T3 G/ e9 W  After each studying, a learner gets“a sense of pleasure”which is either positive or negative.
) U) D/ u/ I, b7 ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ u4 F5 \/ Y) I* X4 D
@(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ a, R/ Z+ P6 T6 ?  是破解“学习沉重、意志薄弱”之谜的金钥匙!(此为周伯通“博士”论文的核心)
8 [; t: M8 T+ V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 E' y" S% B8 I2 x7 o9 P
<span class="hidden_ M9 i8 C( I" L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 a6 p: J5 \: I. y  That is the golden key to the understanding of“heavy study and weak will”which is also the key point of Zhou Botong’s PhD thesis.
- H" A& r4 }$ d7 b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& e. m4 Y" b* D
( T0 m) ]2 Z- l! i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ E: r: e, r+ `  优秀生为何成绩优秀?后进生为何学习落后?
$ y2 m# j" K. u' z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 u- H8 n9 h7 ^0 D1 i
8 a) L$ w7 e3 `(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* Y( _8 R4 L2 e0 t  Why do excellent students always achieve good results while poor students poor results?
+ f+ L. Y% j* h4 }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) M8 G! d) R5 y5 e: \) W
; x# x0 @1 z( x3 O(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 N2 K* k, D: D9 v  外语自学者为何往往难以把学习“冲劲”保持到底?
2 E" f2 e8 _1 c! m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 `) H% ]: ?( N+ |
; x% C/ K6 W: @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 S6 |8 L; l+ t+ P# O  Why is it difficult for a self-teaching language learner to keep his zeal through to the end?
1 f/ p9 H, t6 K7 u7 d(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
x0 z/ s# Y) p6 Z
% r) e! o- K
?. ^& d(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 z! H! L5 `, d- T9 N
! Y4 d9 M0 e! J$ m, ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 l& F8 f- J- S连载十五:周伯通的“英语博士论文”(二)
0 V; T, A5 ~. t3 T(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 `2 u8 K
l% d+ }; v
3 b* Y$ L4 a1 x6 b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); Z( B# c+ n# J
2 j/ Z- `: Z" _: m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 H$ l. m3 }, a8 F  ——关键中的关键,在于每次学习之后输出的“心理愉悦感”是强是弱、是正是负。
- D$ {& b" d& w$ H% t3 S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- x7 o" {1 E2 O; S+ z
8 w5 O! @* L( ~# |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ ~4 F$ w7 o# T4 S  The key to the key question is whether the outcome after each studying is positive or negative, strong or weak.
9 X) g7 E7 V; T& |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 B# {1 q! ^' {( Q/ a
/ V4 Y; o0 E2 u. x# g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) x1 S* V! f) q1 T9 k  每个人都有这样的体会:在刚刚学习一门外语之时,那种新鲜感、急迫感、发奋感是相当突出的,
, }1 v+ V/ z" d* @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 d# _$ D9 Z$ p$ c
6 f" H% W$ Z: g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 m) D/ r7 Z$ e. J  Almost everyone has this experience: when first learning a foreign language, one has excellent freshness,urgentness and diligence.
<span class="hidden_ o% x1 Y( R(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)8 @' Q( @; f5 k7 ^
# M. ?! R6 F% i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% G) n8 D7 C0 j  但随着几堂课之后,很多人就兴致渐跌,顿感枯燥了!
+ ]& }6 j8 }+ ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( G# h7 m$ w0 s* s
P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 n) s8 I+ V: N9 R  But afer just a few lessons, many people feel less interested, even bored.
' @2 R& t/ h* H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( }- b" A( F) W
/ a# ~/ n' o, ?4 u(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), \4 Z1 v. C- Y) i  让我们冷静地省查一下最本质的原因:
N9 _: U(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 a8 S* ]5 w7 k) N6 {
& V4 w2 U3 x7 w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% H, a& M* _& S7 ]
F  Let’s calmly examine the core cause:
$ k3 x3 b* X+ s" ?9 N(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( P6 Z5 j2 c4 ?
[; M/ a* n6 }(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 V. c5 w0 n4 l: x  第一节课学完后,能够因内容的新鲜和在空白基础上掌握崭新内容而感到愉悦。
9 Q; P! _5 l2 y$ P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* f% a5 V0 N% q2 P+ m
% l- }( N7 r' Y" ?" U& O(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 I8 m' l7 U% x  After the first lesson, one feels very pleasant because one has learned fresh and brand-new knowledgeout of blank foundation.
I$ f6 a/ ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( n* u8 T3 o2 U' c. }
# I. G% i4 J* T7 v(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ B- m- z: {2 B+ u  那么第二节课时,在上课前所输入的将不仅是第一节课的知识,
6 q9 }- C: ?* c(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ Y5 E+ U, u8 i# ?+ s8 C
: O$ Z; O# |2 Q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% i* e" ]- s5 N  Before the second lesson begins, one has not only the knowledge of the first lesson,
, c8 G/ ]% D3 |+ W(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
A1 z9 T9 j! L! q* U
# s9 K; c1 T. B1 K(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) S" l, d6 _: F1 v3 [. V  更深层的输入则是上节课学习所获得的心理愉悦感。
- _' T% K& p3 N6 \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 o/ m: k9 W2 ?$ V" U
% D0 i0 E, B, y$ b(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
k) E7 ]& N3 y  but also the pleaure one gets during the previous lesson.
2 C7 b& M6 E+ `(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)) e$ g5 {. s( X
0 ]1 M- ^& n8 B/ B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); J0 h' w9 B) z: k( C! P  那么第二节课的学习过程中,将受到上节课的心理愉悦程度与本节课的学习方法所带来的心理愉悦程度的双重制约。
6 N. M2 _! j, A(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# d9 Z9 a4 U
( o# G+ V1 E" ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" d4 ]6 C( R) `* N5 ]  During the second lesson, one is restriced by not only the degree of the sense of pleasure of the previouslesson, but also the degree of the sense of pleasure brought by the study method of this lesson.
% E7 _( p8 g4 x0 H(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ f$ u- ]; ^& R& h
0 j' ^+ F; O% i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ A4 z. w9 t5 A  第三、四、五……节课同样如此。
( O/ O5 I4 P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 C: T$ r! E/ B& j$ R3 g
" p5 Y7 d1 K* [( F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" T, `% U$ |
H  And so on and so forth for the third, fourth, fifth…lessons
6 I; T& q3 l3 D# R0 g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! F* q+ t' ^# `# g
) l! w/ S$ W3 [9 ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' @+ T3 x7 r5 J# Y1 H连载十六:周伯通的“英语博士论文”(三)
* v& ~3 l& X7 u/ n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' c: T9 C
S' C9 X8 r
2 @5 T9 ?: T( n8 R) r(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): k9 p. e$ D3 ?
1 Z8 R0 C, [# c( I6 o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 O0 Q* i) P- q5 U  这样,优秀生、后进生的深层差异就昭然若揭了。
; w( C1 j9 L8 N(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# h6 F. N; i* E5 G
& e6 l1 [$ K$ F(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 V/ ]; A( Y2 u1 V  Excellent students are thus distinguished from poor students.
h& v(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- U/ E/ i. u3 A
! L9 y) v) o9 M$ F4 X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
E6 r$ w) L4 {  同样的课程、同样的教育方法,优秀生之所以比较恒定的“优秀”,
, X* O% o% |
J( d7 t(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- y1 A' ]2 Y& ]4 v( B
N( z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
E/ X* q8 z& N% _  Taking the same course and by the same educational method, why do good students keep
在线时间 小时
0 o& j* e( z3 X' c(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网). Z2 R' |4 j! ^# o$ U  在“我的奋斗123”的最后一天,周奔驰觉得十分郁闷,
5 L) d, l3 R( x! @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% m! b1 m$ N4 e1 c
; K9 k% R( Y4 M" I1 A5 B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 ?& c5 U. Q! S2 P  如此专业的术语、冗长的表述,像是唐三藏的紧箍咒,让人头疼欲裂,无法忍受!
C4 A; w( e. n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 v2 E. y$ i+ Y
4 k, p( B7 W# R- |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 l$ I5 k. b& s  ——于是乎,他索性给把英语扔到一边,弃文学武,到“地球人都知道”武功最高的“孤独九剑”那里拜师学艺去也。
. s. n3 k8 R' V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); d" u4 |' f- \) y
4 m4 Z8 x, D(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)3 F. B- o: X3 z$ Z+ A  On the last day of“my endeavor 1,2,3”, Zhou Benchi felt gloomy.
) b: i" h* t( X(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)5 o" s" G! W
4 M& F) A7 l% y8 @
^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# G; J3 x7 ]% H; s8 ?  The professional terms and lengthy expressions are just like the Incantation of the Golden Hoop of Monk Tang Sanzhang, which caused him headache and was unbearable.
; q6 N0 I& H- V0 c4 _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 g9 [. g7 b- @, L
+ ~0 f9 p8 g! \$ Y(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), Y0 b% b* W; q  So he decided to give up English and start learning martial arts.
6 P' Z9 p( u% E! q(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! {$ I8 I1 L
8 j" A$ ?# X- y6 S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ R' a' Q5 ^8 _  He went to learn it from world famous Master Lonely Nine Swords.
! \4 g+ _6 a/ k) f: O, k(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ U" w0 g! n- A; ?- J* F
<span class="hidden_ g* h1 K9 K* w(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
T( U; S% M: [6 m  且说孤独九剑首先传授周奔驰“降龙十八掌”。——周奔驰大喜过望,苦练三日(不知不觉中执行了“我的奋斗123”),
3 I1 D% \# ^+ z, a(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- ^2 \. O& e" K; L( u/ J
4 H. C. D& S& e
E% V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 B- K. y4 ?) W  Master Lonely Nine Swords first taught Zhou Benchi“Eighteen Ways of Beating the Dragon”.
% v* v$ f8 W+ @# F2 ~(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): D2 _) _1 g# `
3 @2 ?' f1 V$ p7 M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! y4 I0 M! i0 J5 e  Zhou was very delighted, and he practiced had for three days. (Without realizing it, he completed his My Endeavor 1,2,3.)
; ]0 @7 f# D4 _1 S9 z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ J) }/ d) j* E( u
/ [- P- m7 K3 A0 z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): p: a8 Q% ~$ x: ?  这套丐帮的成名武功难度很大,周奔驰练得头重脚轻、几欲晕倒。
& F1 M9 O% U, ?: ^(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)! W$ }! K+ L! B9 }
% y! G, a. R) I' A(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 r1 ~
G) T! k: v" |% U  That set of famous martial arts was extremely difficult to learn. Zhou practiced so hard that he felt dizzy and nearly fainted.
. g7 B, M6 U3 L(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 k" j. x$ V5 T
% `5 M' h( S. W9 i. |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ {0 k: t" R% j
l3 r1 F  “还不熟,回去再练”,孤独九剑一脸肃杀,毫不留情。
8 b/ c/ n7 _; M(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 T7 V% {. i: J/ e
% B- M# L; c: \% v% v(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ e3 n8 _: z8 A. @9 _; Y  “Not good enough. Go back to practice more,”Master demanded with utmost seriousness.
# B3 m( ?- M6 S0 o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网); j" F3 R) g1 E# M; ~
5 U4 K/ P; V* j8 i7 k: Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 G) j$ M% i0 V  第二个三日又开始了,周奔驰终于勉强能“照猫画虎”比划了。
) w% y5 Q- u5 q& e(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)6 `& A8 C) F1 ?' U. v9 m
) c) O- ^/ P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ l4 L: U$ U1 s  The second Day Three began. With difficulty Zhou was able to do the movements as his master did.
T8 ?7 @(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& ~$ m/ U( o/ }
% K% }7 s6 Z6 z1 A4 U(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ F) {% y7 e* K) _, O  再次上课时,周奔驰正准备让孤独九剑“验收”一下,
- {4 r$ [! K6 i(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)- [0 |9 ^# P1 t& S
( H9 A4 v/ e6 Z9 h(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)# U: D1 R( L9 Y) V7 ~  When the next lesson began, Zhou was ready to be examined by Master.
# q. f& Z) p+ Z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ j! H9 E0 X7 w& w
! ~. s2 }" J' s(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)( b- z2 s4 J" G2 n  没想到孤独九剑理也不理,又开始传授难度加大一倍的“九阴真经”,
O( g$ Q& u/ b( x(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)7 w% N' [
( e9 f& _6 `4 o(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)
?0 R) K' a, U  Unexpectedly, Master had no intention of testing him. He began to teach him Nine-Yin and Real-Jin.
& _6 V9 K) ^1 y8 i% ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 m5 O1 ?" [7 X& h) Z
- f0 @6 U* X. d, g(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" W1 k. a
R$ z6 v  with double difficulty.
( n8 Y$ H" h8 }2 p4 S(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)$ i' O! c# p5 E
) i" W) F9 }7 p' u$ J(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 v' W0 ?( ^2 L* N; e
$ }) t) |" \- ^" p# P(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)* e, X1 f8 Y9 L9 m连载十九:跟“孤独九剑”学英语(中)
$ V, J7 f- M! q9 N(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% n7 T9 A* u1 F$ K  周奔驰勉力支撑,咬牙坚持,习练更高难度的武功,当然更加生涩艰难,错误百出。
- a$ Y& D1 z1 H& m" n(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)% E" [) K4 |% \
1 y/ u9 ?, I$ ?(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网), `1 F7 k2 R  Grudging his teeth Zhou continued to practise this set of difficult martial arts.
" Y6 f2 X' P: Z$ V(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ M3 R6 r! W( j. C
h/ m$ T/ V: _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)+ v' u6 H$ ~/ c% L2 s( c  Of course he struggled more and made more mistakes.
/ P, N$ }% O$ x! Y) m(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)1 d' y: Q7 y9 K
0 G4 I& _) E. U(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ k9 @4 A: O8 U$ Q  没想到第三次上课,孤独九剑又传授周伯通的成名绝技“左右互搏”,
- M; m7 k& l) B(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 e, [, f! C$ Q: T, z
G: F3 s* @. b0 ](来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)2 J# g1 I. r/ d! O  To Zhou’s surprise, in the third day of instruction, Master taught him the unique Left-Right Interfighting
1 c3 M- {+ R) z! \(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)/ ~. g: y" l1 Y/ X
: F9 d# Y8 ]% k) Y$ F5 _(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)4 D* Q" V- V) V& K) X; g  which had made Zhou Botong famous.
! m7 I, n5 d1 s6 p(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)0 z0 p% q$ k. {3 D: L
<font class="hidden_ e6 A' O, |(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)' s! {; ~& s6 r+ S  武功的威力又扩大了一倍,但难度又增加了三倍。周奔驰几乎无法忍受了:
Z7 H+ }* _1 O, I(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网): D( A( c
{, Y# p" _
/ L8 m# \8 e( z(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)& r4 e9 D. g& j% J; q  The power of kungfu doubled while the difficulty tripled. Zhou Benchi felt he could hardly bear it.
D2 g( I$ B9 K(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)9 o. b( V4 x& {! }
. _) p( N; }# @7 F: J(来自:濠.滨.论.坛 bbs.0513.org - 南通.濠.滨.网)" R3 L- Q& k5 b1 U
`  每次都是一种难度更大的新武功要学,怎么苦练也跟不上孤独九剑}


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