warframe4k是哪张图 狂躁grineer 那个星球的哪张图最多 要刷ASH的那个

Grineer虽然作战能力非常强大,但必须用先进的技术来支撑他们支离破碎的肉体,其中绝大部分技术都来自。不管事实怎样,他们非常热衷于进攻Corpus的领地。我们可以合理的假设,如果Corpus在与Grineer作战时拒绝提供先进技术,Grineer很快就会因为失去技术支持而失去力量。然而,正如Alad V的名言“利益麻木了这种感觉”。也就是说,Corpus宁愿与Grineer作战,也不想失去一个客户。
Grineer作为一支战斗力极强的军事力量拥有大量先进武器,并应用于与,及的无休止的战争之中。Grineer的武器都操作简单,但也总是强调利用蛮力造成严重的伤害。Grineer的武器经常带有工业化、实用化的外观,其武器类型包括手枪、步枪、火焰喷射器、火箭发射器甚至带有等离子刀刃的近战武器。Grineer的武器一般不能用来对付Grineer,他们的武器有些是针对的(主要输出 伤害),有些则是针对(主要输出 伤害)。
的近战Grineer兵种。 与常规Grineer相比,他们相对较低的护甲和仅能肉搏的攻击方式使他们十分易伤。作为报偿,他们获得了较高的移速和极高的近战伤害。其攻击之前会习惯性地抬刀,给了玩家明显的格挡机会。
Flameblades(烈焰刀客) 是除了武器以外,作战方式和外观都几乎与
相同的近战兵种。 但他们有着独特的突进技能 - , 以及能够造成  伤害的近战武器 -
Powerfists are similar to s, but use a single
instead. Like s, they tend to take cover until a player is close, which can allow them to ambush players. This is further aided by their faster sprint speed. Upon closing on players Powerfists will charge their melee to inflict massive damage, and then follows it up with a combo of quick melee. Powerfists have a much longer charge time than s, but after their long charge they will attack like normal. They can also perform a powerful ground slam, knocking enemies up in the air and inflicting   damage.
天蝎 是使用配备的 对造成高额伤害的女性Grineer,此外她们还携带用于击倒并拖拽
Shield Lancers are defensive
units that carry large iron shields in one hand and
pistols in the other. They slowly press forward while firing over their shields. Nearby Grineer will often use them as mobile cover to variable effectiveness. Shield Lancers will also use their shields as impromptu battering rams to knock players off their feet, often doing so when a player comes too close. Shield Lancers often will not charge players while providing cover for allies, but will charge when the units behind them die, or move away.
Guardsmen(禁卫军) r是第十五位加入游戏的Grineer近战兵种。他们的运动方式与其他Grineer步兵不同。武器全部为 , 常与于
Eviscerators are
units that were released with the . They feature higher armor and health than the regular Grineer . The Grineer Eviscerator is equipped with the
that fires large saw blade projectiles, acting much like the
when thrown. The saw blades bounce off surfaces and can be deflected by melee swings, being destroyed after bouncing a certain amount of times.
Lancers are the most basic and prevalent form of
infantry. They wield s and occasionally throw s. Although mostly inaccurate with their grenade throws, they can easily down a
caught in the blast. Their
is blue-green in color.
Elite Lancers are the Elite counterpart of the
s, and are found replacing the latter in mission levels 15 and up. Unlike the typical Lancers, they wield s with a much higher damage than the regular s, as well as a high chance of   procing targets. Their armor is not only doubled in amount, but replaced by more resilient
compared to normal Lancer's , the same armor heavy Grineer units often incorporate. They also have a slightly different helmet design, appearing to have a hood.
Scorches are medium
units resembling s with red and yellow armor. Scorches wield the
flamethrower, dealing massive continuous damage in short range as long as the victim is in range. They can deal continuous damage and also set the player on fire, making them incredibly lethal in a successful ambush or when working with units such as s and s that can inhibit player movement.
Troopers are the shotgun-wielding counterpart to the . Armed with various shotguns, including s (and previously used s, which they are shown holding in the ), they lack the accuracy and range of Lancers and outfitted in more heavily armored yellow attire. This makes them comparatively more effective in close quarters, with shotguns and higher .
With their Sobek, Troopers deal -20.31% reduced damage to Warframe health at -3.13% armor mitigation (i.e., Warframe armor increased by 3.13% for the calculation of their damage) and +34.38% bonus damage to shields, which is typical for Grineer units, due to their rivals being the .
Grineer Bombards wield the , whose projectiles have a
these rockets can be shot down. In larger areas their rockets are more easily avoidable, but they can be quite dangerous in enclosed areas, due to the large blast radius of the rockets. They can be identified by their white/grey armor. They have a significantly high amount of armor, which makes most weapons without   damage almost useless. Like other heavy Grineer units, Bombards can also perform seismic shockwaves when players get too close, knocking them down with a radial blast. This ability has a long cooldown and can be used more than once over a long period of time.
The Blast damage from their Ogris has no special modifiers to Warframe health, armor or shields, which positions the Bombard at the armored health focused end of the Grineer damage spectrum, together with the
Commanders have much greater health than regular s. They have the ability t often, a Commander will teleport the player into the middle of a group of Grineer, causing some disorientation in the process. Unlike 's ability, a Commander's Switch Teleport can work through walls and doors and has a slightly longer duration stun.
The Drahk Master is a
unit who can summon , vicious quadruped beasts that will attack their master's enemies.
Napalms are yellow/red jacket-armored
using incendiary grenade launchers that shoot slow, solid flames, which leave temporary fire hazards when they explode. These hazards act like
ability making them very dangerous in confined spaces. Their flame attacks also have a massive   AoE explosion, allowing them to hit even the most agile players.
The Drahk is a quadruped beast bred by the
for use in combat. Its behavior is largely similar to .
调整者 出现于各个地图的
营地内,是 的无人机. 他们会在发现敌人之后给附近的敌人附加一个增加伤害的buff,这类似于 的 ,但他还会增加敌人的速度。
Players who are equipped with either or both
will be most likely to be affected by radar jamming abilities of the Regulators, as these would screen off any indicated enemy on the players' minimap. The minimap itself only receives minor scrambles but remains visually capable for navigation. (As seen to the right)
Locating Regulators with a minimap, following the tactic above, is impossible. It is best to look around or at most unexpected areas where traditional Grineer are not commonly found.
Players who use headphones or headsets can take advantage in searching Regulators through their voices.
They are first introduced as a "reward" of the .
Regulators look and function similar to the Grineer
but do not disappear on the first shot that does not kill them.
They function like some kind of announcer for the Grineer, as a female voice can be heard announcing messages in Grineer language. For the Frontier-variant Regulators found in the
of , these are replaced by the unmistakable voice of . His messages can be found on .
It seems the Regulators were mentioned in the Arid Fear victory lore.
mentions in his message to the
that he will "bring their messages of encouragement to rile up the troops". Judging by the female voice of the Regulator's broadcast, it is possible that the messages being broadcast are those of the Queens.
After the Informer project failed, the Grineer removed the Orokin cloaking device and replaced it with a radio transmitter that transmitted propaganda to the frontlines.
"Gaser" is written all over it in Grineer language.
Regulators spawned in
themed missions cannot become led, however Regulators that are found elsewhere can.
After the Frontier Regulator was added into the game, the name of the gray Regulators from Phobos in the codex was incorrectly changed to Frontier Regulator as well.
Grineer Regulator.jpg
Frontier Regulator.jpg
Frontier variant
Codex Entry
A Hellion under the influence of the Regulator.
Frontier Codex Entry
电弧陷阱 是发明于
的装置,可以使离得很近的敌人受到   伤害。陷阱可以被武器摧毁,附近的敌人或友军会受到电流伤害。它们在造成伤害3秒后也会自我销毁,电弧陷阱在
中代替了 。
Wardens are special units that appear in
missions, tasked with protecting Prison complexes where hostages are kept. They appear as s for
missions, and
missions, and are more durable than normal units. They are however highly vulnerable to stealth attacks and takedowns.
The Spark is a special variant of the
which appears on
missions. They can appear as reinforcements to strengthen the defenses of Data Vaults if a Data Vault alarm had been previously triggered.
While appearing similar to the standard Bombard, the Spark's weapon fires slow-moving orbs that deal   damage and proc.
Manic Bombards are modified
s developed by , introduced in the
as the event's main mission target. After , they can be encountered on Uranus
无人机是在采矿星体附近出现的空战单位。它们的主要通过发射一个能追踪敌人的球形弹体来对敌人造成伤害。该弹体会在接触到玩家角色后会发生爆炸,产生击退效果并有一定几率触发 异常。
枪兵无人机是的变种,它配有能造成 伤害的光束加农炮。
Shock Dragas are an Archwing enemy found in the
tileset. Wielding the
trident, they can fire an arc of electricity that deals constant damage.
Vay Hek议员是所任命的最高统帅。由于他杀死了数名政治对手,进而导致了星系内的权力动荡,Lotus将其列入了目标。他的全身都已经过改造。当他乘坐地球外战装甲时,只有少量肉体暴露在外。
Kela De Thaym是星球中的最终Boss。作为一个嗜血者和虐待狂,Kela拥有一个被称为Rathumm的竞技场,在那里叛逃者们被迫在她手下的中争取自由,而这项娱乐活动深受她的喜爱。
Lech Kril中尉是一名位于火星的Boss,同时他也是同一起的双Boss之一。这位值得尊敬的英雄身着不可穿透的铠甲,并配备了他带有鲜明特征的锤子和 / 能力。Lech Kril是任何试图反对他的人的强大对手。
在,他会掉落 的部件。
Tyl Regor是星图中的最终Boss,他是一名主要专注于基因修复的研究人员,力求扭转过度克隆的负面影响。以他为目标就是为了延缓这一进展,以确保Grineer在日后不会变的更强大。
Grustrag三霸(通常缩写为 G3)是一个由建立的刺客小组,这是Tenno在入侵任务中至少打击一次Grineer势力后可能出现的乱入Boss。
The Grustrag Three were formerly regular Grineer marines who (while aboard a troop transport) suddenly slaughtered their fellow comrades, claiming that they were growing "impatient for the killing". After being committed to the Grustrag Reconditioning Facility, Facility Director
discovered that the marines suffer from a rare mutation brought about by cloning, vastly increasing their combat potential at the cost of deteriorating mental faculties.
Under Vay Hek's order, Tengus reconditioned them, with the intent of focusing their aggression towards the
instead. Although mostly successful, the Three still had lingering violent behavior towards fellow Grineer. To counteract this, Tengus developed the Grustrag Bolt, a device that limited their effectiveness against other Grineer personnel. Tengus had additional Bolts created, to be used against the Tenno during the Three's operations.
With The Grustrag Three now prepared for combat, Vay Hek deployed them with the sole purpose of attacking those who supported enemies of the Grineer. However,
criticized Hek's actions, reminding Hek of the soldiers The Three have killed and warning him that they would eventually grow out of his control.
Leekter is a member of . He wields a
axe and throws flashbangs to blind players in battle.
Most Honored Councilor Vay Hek,
The agony treatment has worked! Tests show aggression has been shifted to The Tenno! The Grustrag Three are now ready for release and are eager for your orders.
Please note: fratricide is still an issue. Conditioning did not completely remove violent tendencies toward fellow Grineer. My solution is the Grustrag Bolt. When attached to a subject, this device limits combat effectiveness against all Grineer personnel. The bolt will ensure collateral death is acceptably limited.
I have produced a surplus of these devices. Perhaps these will also aid you with your problem?
Your Loyal Servant,
Doctor Tengus
Director Grustrag Reconditioning Facility
"I want to play with these ones."
Tenno, your Warframe looks so... slippery."
"You are going to suffer for that, Tenno!" - Ally is Killed.
"Wait 'til you see what comes next!" - Capturing Target.
"Did you know, this is my favourite part?" - Capturing Target.
Shik Tal is a member of . He wields a modified
that fires small dumb-fire rockets and a giant shield similar to s. Similar to the Shield Lancers themselves, he can use his shield to charge forward to knockdown and knockback players.
Releasing the Grustrag Three? Tell me this rumor is a lie. Tell me you have not forgotten what those defects cost me. Traitors must be eradicated but you think they can be rehabilitated? Arrogance. If it was up to me, Grustrag and everything in it would be ash. No Doctor can cure disloyalty.
The responsibility for this mistake is yours alone. Trust me, you will bleed regret.
"Are we sure these are the targets? They seem so inconsequential."
"Do not waste my time Tenno!"
"You are beneath us!"
"One of them is wearing a scarf!"
"That one will be difficult to replace." - Ally is Killed.
"Too easy." - Capturing Target.
Vem Tabook is the leader of . He uses a modified
that fires electro-shells in bursts of around 10 at its target, each shell dealing electricity damage in a small radius, making them deadly should all of them connect with their target or the surrounding terrain.
Grustrag Reconditioning Facility
Inmate Report: Vem Tabook
Vem Tabook, leader of 'The Grustrag Three', was committed after the group slaughtered all fellow marines aboard a troop transport. Evidently, the ship took too long to reach battle and the subject was simply "impatient for the killing". Like his accomplices Shik Tal and Leekter, Tabook suffers from a rare cloning mutation. This makes him highly effective in combat but completely unfit for duty.
RECOMMENDATION: Permanent incarceration for study. The subject's combat ability cannot be ignored. If the subject's aggression can be focused, he may yet prove a useful weapon.
- Doctor Tengus
"YYYou are the sc-crawniest of them all!"
"Are you the bbbest they have!?"
"SSShiny little pppretty things you Tenno are!"
"U-U-Unacceptable!" - Ally is Killed.
"Starting capture." - Capturing Target.
"This one is mine." - Capturing Target.
Each marine is accompanied by a Carabus Sentinel, which are equipped with s to provide additional firepower.
They do not have a name in game, only a health/shields bar, similar to 's .
When a player is defeated by the Grustrag Three, one of the three sentinels will detach from its host, then hover and deploy a shield over the downed player. It prevents other teammates from reviving the player while the sentinel attaches the .
It also exists as an alternative
for the , which is available for purchase for ?35.
Despite their bulky appearance, each member of the Grustrag Three is capable of a quick dash in any direction, which they use to avoid fire and close in on their targets. The Grustrag Three usually attack in turns, making it difficult to focus on a specific marine to take down.
Unlike the , the Grustrag Three are fully vulnerable to s and most Warframe abilities. As such, they can be easily incapacitated with weapons such as the slam attacks of
or the . Due to their weakness to status effects,   and   damage work particularly well on them, reducing their overall durability by a significant amount.   damage can also be used, as it deals extra damage to their
on top of confusing them, potentially making them attack each other or fellow Grineer. However, their Carabus Sentinels cannot be damaged by any means, they are only destroyed if its respective marine is killed.
can greatly assist players in combat, either to provide additional damage or to draw attention away from players.
They are vulnerable to most abilities, especially abilities that induces ragdoll or stunlock such as 's , ' , 's
works fine against them. It is important to note however that their Carabus Sentinels will still attack players regardless if the Three are on their feet or not.
The ing effects of
can also be used to incapacitate them, albeit with shorter duration. They can also be distracted by
can slow them down and allow players to deal additional damage on them.
is a surprisingly good choice to use against the Three, as almost all his abilities deal   damage on top of
having guaranteed chances to inflict
can respectively use
to cloak themselves and attack the Three safely.
works well against the Three, provided Valkyr has , a fully-ranked
to improve her energy regeneration and durability. Bear in mind that this "head-on" strategy runs the risk of killing/destroying any
you might have with you and poor timing can also leave you vulnerable as well, so exercise caution if you want to survive the fight.
Not all Warframe abilities have an effect on the Grustrag T
cannot be used to hold them down and Nekros'
will only reduce their armor. Loki's
will treat them as s, knocking them down and dealing damage instead of stripping them of their weapons.
will also not affect them.
Certain Warframe abilities have reduced effectiveness towards the Grustrag T duration-based crowd-control ability such as 's , Mirage's Prism, Excalibur's Radial Blind are less effective, cutting their duration by 50% or 75%, as observed. (needs confirmation)
Triggering an attack from the Grustrag Three requires the player to have a death-mark. This is acquired by supporting the Corpus in at least five
missions. Death marks are acquired separately for each invasion mission which requires you to fight for the corpus on Grineer offensive invasions at least five times in a row. Once the death-mark is acquired, the player will receive a message from Vay Hek, stating:
"Interfering with our operations is unacceptable. You will be shown your place. Your punishment has been ordered."
Acquiring another death mark will trigger this message:
"You continue to assist our enemies. Your meddling will NOT be tolerated."
Similar to the , the chance The Three will appear on any given Grineer Mission is additively increased with each player in the party with a death-mark.
They have a chance of spawning once every 10 seconds for the first 5 minutes.[有待验证]
Before they appear, the
will try to warn you (with her transmissions distorted), and eventually pleads you to abort the mission (ignoring the mission's original objective in the process). Each marine has a chance to drop , a component/blueprint for the
(though this is dependent on the marine) a rare mod (such as ), or a rare
upon defeat. If The Three are successfully defeated, the Tenno will be directed to extraction, though the Tenno can opt to finish the original objective if possible.
A Letter from the Lotus following your defeat by The Three and placing the Grustrag Bolt Release blueprint in the Foundry
Notification after claiming the Grustrag Bolt Release
If the Grustrag Three manage to defeat the player, the session will automatically fail, taking the player back to the main menu. A new inbox message from the Lotus will then appear stating that The Grustrag Three have attached a Grustrag Bolt to the player's warframe, crippling its powers when attempting to fight them. As long as the bolt is attached, it will lower that frame's damage against Grineer by 50% as well as increasing the
by 50%. Attached to the same message will be a Bolt Release blueprint to release the Grustrag Bolt.
It is possible to destroy the Carabus Sentinels of the G3 to prevent the bolts from being applied, it will instead abruptly end the defeat with a death.
用时:1 min
The G3's corpses can be d to improve your chances of getting Brakk components.
Their corpses can also be dismembered with your melee weapon prior to being desecrated.
Since each body part is desecrated separately, you can increase the total amount of loot received.
Sometimes, while the bolt is active, your shoulder clan tag shows the Grineer Flag instead. If the player has no clan tag equipped, an active bolt will peculiarly add one with the Grineer Flag.
They are the first death mark enemy that consist of multiple entities. The
only consist of a single entity.
Upon spawning all players are contacted by the Lotus. However only one player will have his mark consumed.
When spawning, all the players will be taunted, but then one player will be taunted mentioning his name and Warframe. This player will have his mark consumed and must do five invasion missions for the Corpus to regain it.
At the time of their introduction, The Three were guaranteed to drop a mod, a Brakk component and Neurodes all at once upon defeat, potentially giving players all the Brakk components in a single encounter. This has since been patched.
The Grustrag Three appear to have some heavy duty jamming technology somewhere on their persons, preventing the Lotus from properly warning any targeted Tenno, and keeping her in the dark as much as possible from what is happening.
The Grustrag Three currently have the same drop table, differing only in Brakk components.
The Grustrag Three seems to have similar armor components to those of . Although, this armor similarity could possibly imply a category of those for Grineer Commandos, an even higher tier of Grineer troops than those of the s or the s.
Their body meshes share arm and leg geometry with . The jarring quality difference is a giveaway.
Although Leekter wields a
in battle, his codex entry used to depict him using a
instead. This has been fixed for .
According to Shik Tal's Codex entry the Grustrag Three have apparently cost Ruk an entire battalion of Grineer troops, which Ruk views as incredibly valuable to him, and has stated he'd kill the Three on the spot for their treason, if given the chance.
and the , they have their own .
It is also used by 's Death Squad.
and , Shik Tal is voiced by . It is currently unknown who voices Leekter and Vem Tabook.
The Grustrag 3 appearing in a Survival mission can prevent the 5-minute interval rewards from being given for the rest of the mission.
A similar bug can occur during interception missions if the broadcast reaches 100% while you are fighting them. The screen that allows you to continue the fight or end the mission no longer appears and Lotus assumes that you wish to continue to fight, making the mission impossible to complete.
Release to remove a Grustrag Bolt may allow players to use their weapons inside the .
Fixed in Update 15.1.2.
Being healed by a health restore or an ally's ability whilst simultaneously being downed may leave players in a constant loop of being downed, and also unable to be revived.
, the weapon (in form of its components) dropped by The Grustrag Three.
, the Grineer responsible for The Three's recruitment.
, the former owner of the squad.
Sprag是一个在任务的当 占据优势时的,她是守护者关闭虚空大门的的两个头目单位之一,她身上装备与所装备的喷气机相同,这赋予了她优秀的机动性,并且可以使用她的等特殊进展技能与进行紧密接触。Sprag总是与她姐姐在小头目中出现。
这次更新之前Grineer士兵常说的一句话就是“Combat formation Bravo!(战斗阵型Bravo!)”。DE的一名成员开玩笑解释说组成阵型Bravo最重要的一点就是说话时不能提及任何人的母亲。
其他比较出名的语录有“Stay close to the walls.(待在墙边。)”和“Hey, leave my mother out of this.(喂,别把我母亲牵扯进来。)”。
将Grineer称为「狗」,不是因为他们的退化现象,而是奴役他们的领导人(亦可能的制造者):双生女皇。这是荧惑困境中Alad V提到的。
他们的名字「Grineer」来自两个词的混写:「Genetically」(基因)和 「Reengineer」(再设计),这是有意而为之的。
Grineer 头盔获得了PBR处理,以更好地与身体相称!
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