
赛车小游戏专题介绍:赛车游戏提供大量好玩的赛车游戏,赛车游戏单机版,赛车小游戏,赛车游戏大全,双人赛车小游戏大全,赛车小游戏下载,双人赛车小游戏大全无敌版,多人赛车小游戏大全,3d赛车小游戏,赛车小游戏无敌版尽在973。||这是一个以漂移决胜负的游戏,赛道多弯路多障碍物,非常考验你的技术。狂野之城的汽车惯性都不大,能把漂移动作控制得很多,快来试试吧!这一款相当暴力的摩托比赛,在漆黑的夜里和崎岖的山路上奔驰,会是一种什么样的感觉呢,一定很刺激,来试试吧!非常刺激的赛车小游戏,操作非常流畅,赶紧挑选一部赛车跟对手比拼吧,要赢得冠军哦!这是一款迷你赛车游戏,你需要控制小车在狭窄的赛道上任意飞驰,难度相当高哦,一起来玩吧!快来帮赛车总动员的明星汽车打扮啦,可以随意换色绘制图案,快来将它打扮成最耀眼的汽车吧!黄金跑车,画面酷炫,操作流畅,给你不一样的游戏体验。在游戏中,你可以收集金币,更酷炫的跑车,香车美人全都有。随着游戏的深入,你会拥有更好的跑车,但是游戏难度也会加大哦!注意,你要在规定的时间内完成每一关的比赛,否则会被后面的警车追上哦!这位司机正驾驶大卡车试验能否在崎岖的山路中行驶,而过程好像不太乐观哦,你能来帮帮他吗?半挂车倒车游戏,倒车你会吗?但这俩可是半挂车哦。想要能驾驭好,可是很考验你的驾驶技术的呢。快来试试吧!极致血腥整蛊的自虐小游戏,胆小者请慎入哟。游戏的目的是让你控制各种款式的独轮车,避开所有的机关陷阱,顺利的到达指定的终点。 乐高汽车全部出动啦,它们要进行一次赛车,你快来选择喜欢的车子赢得比赛吧!乐高汽车全员出动咯,它们要来比一比速度,一起来参加赛车吧,一定要赢哦!这次一款操作简单,难度却很高的游戏哦。你需要控制你的汽车在高速公路上面飞驰,躲避其他汽车。这是死亡监狱第2部。你要越狱啦!警察当然不会轻易放过你,赶紧用你纯熟的车技摆脱警察们的追击吧!这是一场刺激的摩托车比赛,绝对会给你带来真实的感觉,暴力摩托2008赶快来参加吧,一定会给你带来不一样的感觉。超级大卡车来啦,想要驾驶好它可不是容易的事情哦,你快来挑战一下吧,看看你是不是王牌司机?完美停车绝对考验你的停车技术哦,想不想来显一下你的身手?这是一场超级跑车赛车比赛,所有的参赛选手都是优秀的,考验你最真实驾驶技术的时间到了,你能不能取得最后的胜利,成功进入下一关了。非常刺激的暴力飞车来啦,你可以驾驶着车子尽情进行破坏,快来体验一下吧!很多的新手害怕在路上开车,不如试试模拟驾驶2熟悉道路,体验真实的驾驶减少紧张,下面大家就一起试试驾驶吧。装卸运煤火车3,火车是运输煤炭的主要运输工具哦,一定要好好驾驶,把煤炭运送到需要的城市。赛车总动员3里面的汽车都是有生命的,它们在用生命比赛,赶紧来挑战下前所未有的生死边缘吧!大脚车是一种具有强悍抓地力的越野型赛车,今天在复杂的地形中有一场激烈的大脚车狂飙赛,与平常的赛车不同,比赛还需要在过程中不断破坏对手的车才能取胜哦!为了摧毁这个罪恶的城市你要不断的扔炸药,时刻都充满危险,更刺激的是汽车上也安装了炸药,你要在爆炸的时间内完成任务,罪恶城市3来挑战一下吧。非常刺激的3D赛车小游戏,赶紧驾驶好你的赛车,超越一个一个的对手获得冠军吧!各种可爱的赛车,我们来驾驶着车子超越对手,第一个冲过终点去吧!高速飞驰的电单车经常会发生死亡事故,在电脑上玩可以不必顾虑,尽情加速吧!你需要在30秒内完成1圈的比赛,快来试试你能坚持多少圈。这场赛事选在一片荒芜的沙漠公路上展开,快来享受在尘土飞扬中超越对手的速度感吧!注意别翻车哦!想体验在太空站进行飞车大赛是什么感觉吗?这次的跑道很窄,有点像FC的火箭车。来测测自己车技如何吧!加州的卡车王有一部超级卡车,他喜欢每天开着它在繁华街道上横冲直撞~可痛快呢,你也来试试吧!谁说只有去赛车场来能体会到动感和刺激?下面的小游戏《迷你拉力赛》同样能让各位感受到原汁原味的拉力乐趣,还不赶快加入?竞速王来到海边也不忘比赛速度,驾上摩托艇,冲出大海,创造你的最快纪录吧!游戏中你需要控制一个电单车车手,在充满障碍的赛道上极速狂飙,击败对手取得冠军。一级方程式是赛车比赛的速度巅峰,游戏中由你来驾驶F1赛车驰骋跑道,争取胜利!1|友情链接:[电信网友]
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ALi213.Net All Right Reserved 游侠网 版权所有From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A single-player video game is a
where input from only one player is expected throughout the course of the gaming session. A single-player game is usually a game that can only be played by one person, while "single-player mode" is usually a
designed to be played by a single-player, though the game also contains multi-player modes.
The vast majority of modern
are designed so that they can be played by a single- although many of these games have modes that allow two or more players to play (not necessarily simultaneously), very few actually require more than one player for the game to be played. The
series is one example of such.
The earliest video games, such as
(1962), and
(1972), were symmetrical games designed to be played by two players. Single-player games gained popularity only after this, with early titles such as
(1974) and
The reason for this, according to , is down to a combination of several factors: increasingly sophisticated computers and interfaces that enabled
and story delivery within a gaming framework, coupled with the fact that the majority of early games players had introverted personality types (according to the ).
Although the vast majority of modern games incorporate a single-player element either as the core or as one of several game modes, single-player gaming is currently viewed by the
as peripheral to the future of gaming, with
vice president
stating that he had not approved one game to be developed as a single-player experience.
The question of the financial viability of single-player
games was raised following the closure of
(EA) in October 2017. Visceral had been a studio that established itself on a strong narrative single-player focus with , and had been working on a single-player, linear narrative
game at the EA announced following this that they would be taking the game in a different direction, specifically "a broader experience that allows for more variety and player agency". Many commentators felt that EA made the change as they did not have confidence that a studio with an AAA-scale budget could produce a viable single-player game based on the popular Star Wars franchise. Alongside this, as well as relatively poor sales of games in the year prior that were principally AAA single-player games (, , , and ) against financially successful multiplayer games and those offer a games-as-a-service model (, , and ), were indicators to many that the single-player model for AAA was waning. Manveer Heir, who had left EA after finishing his gameplay design work for , acknowledged that the culture within EA was against the development of single-player games, and with Visceral's closure, "that the linear single-player triple-A game at EA is dead for the time being".
in December 7 2017, decided to collaborate with
to launch a Public Safety Announcement to save single-player gaming.
As the narrative and conflict in single-player gameplay is created by a computer rather than a human opponent, single-player games are able to deliver certain gaming experiences that are typically absent - or de-emphasised - in multiplayer games.
Single-player games rely more heavily on compelling stories to draw the player into the experience and to create a sense of investment. Humans are unpredictable, so human players - allies or enemies - cannot be relied upon to carry a narrative in a particular direction, and so multiplayer games tend not to focus heavily on a linear narrative. By contrast, many single-player games are built around a compelling story.
Whilst a single game relies upon human-human interaction for its conflict, and often for its sense of camaraderie, a single-player game must build these things artificially. As such, single-player games require deeper characterisation of their
in order to create connections between the player and the sympathetic characters and to develop deeper antipathy towards the game's . This is typically true of
(RPGs), such as
series, which are primarily character-nagato.
These game elements are not firm, single-player
focus squarely on gameplay.
O Feireiss, Lukas (March 2006). . Delft: Delft University of Technology. p. 180.  .
"Unreal Tournament 3 Single-player Campaign Preview." Unreal Tournament 3 Single-player Campaign Pr. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.
"Speed Race." (Game). N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.
(10 Feb 2006). . Archived from
on 8 Feb 2013.
. Computer and Video Games. . 28 Oct 2012.
Wales, Matt (October 17, 2017). .
Sarkar, Samit (October 18, 2017). .
Staff (October 19, 2017). .
Klepek, Patrick (October 17, 2017). .
McCarthy, Caty (October 19, 2017). .
Purchase, Robert (October 23, 2017). .
Chalk, Andy (December 7, 2017). .
"ThomasDaPsycho." : Video Game Story Elements. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.
"Tales of the Rampant Coyote: What Makes a Great RPG - Mechanics." Tales of the Rampant Coyote. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Apr. 2013.
(3 ed.). .   2018.
Mitra, Ananda (2010). . . pp. 24–39.   2018.
Perron, B Wolf, Mark J.P. (2014). . . pp. 253–256.   2018.
Concepts of
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