
求助:昨天win10更新1709,今天坦克世界链接不上服务器了-坦克世界-多玩游戏论坛 -
手机版 - Powered by Discuz!查看: 384|回复: 6
在线时间1 小时最后登录积分5帖子UID3354388精华0坦克零件6 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
UID3354388精华0坦克零件6 注册时间
坦克世界登录器提示连接更新服务器失败 求帮助
在线时间184 小时最后登录积分2597帖子UID2042925精华0坦克零件2015 注册时间
列兵UID2042925精华0坦克零件2015 注册时间
本帖最后由 花心色兔 于
15:52 编辑
在线时间1 小时最后登录积分5帖子UID3354388精华0坦克零件6 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
UID3354388精华0坦克零件6 注册时间
在线时间1 小时最后登录积分5帖子UID3354388精华0坦克零件6 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 5, 距离下一级还需 10 积分
UID3354388精华0坦克零件6 注册时间
花心色兔 发表于
截图方式请您点击发表回复右上 ...
在线时间184 小时最后登录积分2597帖子UID2042925精华0坦克零件2015 注册时间
列兵UID2042925精华0坦克零件2015 注册时间
在线时间1 小时最后登录积分7帖子UID2123302精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
LV.1, 积分 7, 距离下一级还需 8 积分
UID2123302精华0坦克零件9 注册时间
我来给你添加 我的也和楼主一样
在线时间1158 小时最后登录积分18516帖子UID3332471精华0坦克零件8613 注册时间
LV.11, 积分 18516, 距离下一级还需 4484 积分
列兵UID3332471精华0坦克零件8613 注册时间
班长您好,很高兴为您服 务,
我用的红米1s,总结一下玩这游戏需要的技巧wifi网速参考 b站下载视频最高2.5m/s& & & & & & & & & & & & TapTap下载最高1.4m/s& & & & & & & & & steam下载游戏历史最高8.9m/s首先是数据包,很多人说即使wifi的网络很快,下起数据包还是几百k甚至几十k,我自己总结了一个套路供大家参考。★下载天行网络工具,百度查一下就有了,新用户可以领三天的时间够用了。★挂网络工具,开启游戏,到了下载数据包,一般来说都会有很大的提速(至少我是这样)我在下载过程中最高只有1.4m/s★过了一会,网速会有明显的下降,这时候把wifi关了重来,别关网络工具。★点击重新下载,你会发现网速又会回复到最高网速左右。进入游戏无法连接服务器/登录时间过长★挂天行网络工具,进入游戏,等到地下的小字提示到 登陆中/连接中 或者其他你卡的时间很长的地方,这时候,关闭网络工具,返回游戏,游戏会继续登录,不会卡在一个地方了。此方法并不会对所有人有效,但你可以试一试,总比玩不上游戏好。
我一直卡在连接&& 咋回事呢 你有谷歌吗?
请问楼主挂了网络工具解压完了 &为什么还是连接不上服务器 求解决啊
微信&扫一扫&,点击查看: 662|回复: 4
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分16帖子UID1596192精华0坦克零件14 注册时间
LV.2, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
UID1596192精华0坦克零件14 注册时间
Log started:
10/10/:21&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg'
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Download speed is unlimited
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(0); check period: 14400 install period: 14400 sec
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.exe& &
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&EEEF6E674B006C3139DE37ADA976680E&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Installation id=&3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 426, Revision: #627471 (stable_3.26.2)&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg&
10/10/:26&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:26&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:26&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:26&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:26&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:46&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:46&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 1 period: 22 sec...
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:28&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:28&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 2 period: 52 sec...
10/10/:20&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:20&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:20&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:20&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:20&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:20&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:40&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(28): &Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds. Timeout was reached&.
10/10/:40&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 3 period: 173 sec...
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Stop waiting for retry period
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:53&&& & & & & & & & User requested to close the application
10/10/:53&&& & & & & & & & Stop update process
10/10/:53&&& & & & & & & & Stop. Reason: Code: 0x
Log started:
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg'
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Download speed is unlimited
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(0); check period: 14400 install period: 14400 sec
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.exe& &
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&4D1AC09A7A&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Installation id=&3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 426, Revision: #627471 (stable_3.26.2)&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:10&&& & & & & & & & User requested to close the application
10/10/:11&&& & & & & & & & Stop update process
10/10/:11&&& & & & & & & & Stop. Reason: Code: 0x
Log started:
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg'
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Download speed is unlimited
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(0); check period: 14400 install period: 14400 sec
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.exe& &
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&8F34A02933&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Installation id=&3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 426, Revision: #627471 (stable_3.26.2)&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg&
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:18&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:18&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 1 period: 21 sec...
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:59&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:59&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 2 period: 57 sec...
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & User requested to start recovery
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & Stop waiting for retry period
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:36&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:56&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 1 period: 17 sec...
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:33&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:33&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 2 period: 44 sec...
10/10/:51&&& & & & & & & & Stop waiting for retry period
10/10/:51&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:51&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:51&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:51&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:51&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Starting openports operation...
10/10/:57&&ERROR:& & & & Remove firewall rule failed. Error(0x): 当文件已存在时,无法创建该文件。
10/10/:00&&& & & & & & & & Starting openports operation...
10/10/:00&&ERROR:& & & & Remove firewall rule failed. Error(0x): 当文件已存在时,无法创建该文件。
10/10/:03&&& & & & & & & & User requested to close the application
10/10/:03&&& & & & & & & & Stop update process
10/10/:03&&& & & & & & & & Stop. Reason: Code: 0x
Log started:
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg'
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Download speed is unlimited
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(0); check period: 14400 install period: 14400 sec
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.exe& &
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Installation id=&3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 426, Revision: #627471 (stable_3.26.2)&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg&
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:13&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:17&&& & & & & & & & Starting openports operation...
10/10/:17&&ERROR:& & & & Remove firewall rule failed. Error(0x): 当文件已存在时,无法创建该文件。
10/10/:18&&& & & & & & & & Starting openports operation...
10/10/:18&&ERROR:& & & & Remove firewall rule failed. Error(0x): 当文件已存在时,无法创建该文件。
10/10/:18&&& & & & & & & & Starting openports operation...
10/10/:18&&& & & & & & & & Openports succeed
10/10/:18&&& & & & & & & & Starting openports operation...
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Openports succeed
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & User cancel the update process
10/10/:23&&& & & & & & & & Stop update process
10/10/:24&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:24&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:24&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:24&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:24&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:44&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(28): &Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds. Timeout was reached&.
10/10/:44&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 1 period: 17 sec...
10/10/:01&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:01&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:01&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:01&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:01&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:01&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:21&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:21&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 2 period: 58 sec...
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:19&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:39&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(28): &Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds. Timeout was reached&.
10/10/:39&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 3 period: 118 sec...
10/10/:37&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:37&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:37&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:37&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:37&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:37&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:57&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:57&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 4 period: 339 sec...
10/10/:48&&& & & & & & & & Check possibility to set preferred chain: hd3...
10/10/:48&&& & & & & & & & Stop waiting for retry period
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Restarting...
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & restart launcher: cmd=&-session_id 2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B -restart&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Stop. Reason: Code: 0x
Log started:
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg'
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Download speed is unlimited
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(0); check period: 14400 install period: 14400 sec
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.exe& -session_id 2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B -restart&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Installation id=&3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 426, Revision: #627471 (stable_3.26.2)&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:49&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg&
10/10/:50&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:50&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:50&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:50&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:50&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:06&&& & & & & & & & Check possibility to set preferred chain: hd3...
10/10/:07&&& & & & & & & & Stop update process
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Restarting...
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & restart launcher: cmd=&-session_id 2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B -restart&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Stop. Reason: Code: 0x
Log started:
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Loading localized resources...
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Loading configuration...
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Process configuration file: 'D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg'
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Download speed is unlimited
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Auto update settings: default-disabled(0); display(0); check period: 14400 install period: 14400 sec
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Restored selected chain: hd3
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Update localizations...
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Start &wotlauncher.exe& params=&&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.exe& -session_id 2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B -restart&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Session id=&2D850FE2BD794B6B22F0B&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Installation id=&3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Info for &wotlauncher.exe&: Version:, Comment: &Built: 426, Revision: #627471 (stable_3.26.2)&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Create update folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Try access patch folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\Updates&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Create temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Try access temp folder: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\UpdatesData\temp&
10/10/:08&&& & & & & & & & Save configuration: path=&D:\Games\World_of_Tanks\wotlauncher.cfg&
10/10/:09&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:09&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:09&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:09&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:09&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:29&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:29&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 1 period: 18 sec...
10/10/:47&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:47&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:47&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:47&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:47&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:47&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:07&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:07&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 2 period: 49 sec...
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:56&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:16&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(7): &Couldn't connect to **&.
10/10/:16&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 3 period: 162 sec...
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Retry period expired
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Start update process
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Clear directory with updates data, clear all non-part folders, including temp
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Obtain patch information...
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Get update.xml from update service
10/10/:58&&& & & & & & & & Send http request. url: &http://update.worldoftanks.cn/?protocol_ver=4&install_id=3ECB3AE1C75B773D25C61AB2A62E1&target=launcher,locale,client,sdcontent,hdcontent&launcher_ver=
10/10/:18&&ERROR:& & & & http request failed. what: http request error, msg: Inner libCurl error(28): &Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 20 seconds. Timeout was reached&.
10/10/:18&&& & & & & & & & Start waiting for retry 4 period: 425 sec...
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分16帖子UID1596192精华0坦克零件14 注册时间
LV.2, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
UID1596192精华0坦克零件14 注册时间
在线时间613 小时最后登录积分8161帖子UID3489904精华0坦克零件3090 注册时间
上士UID3489904精华0坦克零件3090 注册时间
联通北方: 每周二四六 早上6:00
华中/华东:周二、周五 早上6:00
西南/西北:周二、周五 早上7:00
华南新区: 周三、周六 早上6:00
在线时间2 小时最后登录积分16帖子UID1596192精华0坦克零件14 注册时间
LV.2, 积分 16, 距离下一级还需 34 积分
UID1596192精华0坦克零件14 注册时间
别闹腰不好i 发表于
在线时间613 小时最后登录积分8161帖子UID3489904精华0坦克零件3090 注册时间
上士UID3489904精华0坦克零件3090 注册时间
您好,很高兴为您服 务,
联通北方: 每周二四六 早上6:00
华中/华东:周二、周五 早上6:00
西南/西北:周二、周五 早上7:00
华南新区: 周三、周六 早上6:00}



