《另一只科研狗攻略》多少钱 Steam购买地址

另一只科研狗好玩吗?作为一款特别真实的游戏,很多喜欢自虐的玩家一定会享受这款游戏的过程。今天小编带来的便是另一只科研狗特色内容背景故事介绍,不清楚要不要入手这款游戏的玩家还不点击进来看看。特色内容背景故事介绍游戏概述:《另一只科研狗》是一款自传式的休闲小游戏,游戏通过狗狗拟人的方式将工作室创始人的故事娓娓道来,一只长期受老板压榨的科研狗跃然屏幕之上。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com在本作中,玩家需要完成老板给你的源源不断的工作,挣钱购买生活必需品,稍有怠慢可能就会面临被开除、精神崩溃或者没钱购买食物被活活饿趴下的危险。当然了,你同样有可能会遇见某些惊喜(意外),例如:同事的热心帮助(或者恶意捣乱)、邻居的暖心礼物(或者上班路上发生堵车)等&&游戏特色:& 黑白线条:在《另一只科研狗》的游戏过程中,99%的场景由黑白线条组成,使整个世界充满了冷漠与诙谐的意味。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com& 人物形象:游戏中的主人公是一只拟人化的小狗,而构成社会的成员,正是我们人类社会的最常见的两种宠物:猫和狗。& 实验设备:&科研狗&所使用的实验设备,均可在现实世界中寻找到原型,而大致的操作手段也十分相似。& 吐槽段子:作为一个有血有肉的&科研狗&,我们的主人公对这个社会有太多的感慨与意见,可惜这些想法的听众只有一个人,&&他自己。既然是讲给自己听的事情,那就尽量让悲剧变成喜剧,让哀愁变成搞笑吧!精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com& 难度设置:科研狗的总共游戏时长为1.5个小时,游戏内共11个关卡,每一个关卡的难度都较上一关卡小幅增加,每隔几个关卡,便有新的系统和事件加入。& 真实生活:我们尽量在这部小小的作品中加入真实的生活元素:吃饭、睡觉、堵车、衣服不洗会脏、迟到要扣工资&&玩家会发现,在现实中困扰我们的事情,在虚拟的世界里一样困扰着&科研狗&。游戏背景:精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com在漫长的求学路上,你有着许多普通人难以想象经历。在适合玩耍的时间里,你在学习;在适合早恋的时间里,你在学习。因为奖学金,你去了一所没有那么好的大学。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com因为不经世事,你一直从本科念到了博士。为了减少一点家里的负担,你当过助教,搬过砖,做过小超市里的收银员,也私底下代写过作业,替人开过家长会。你有一个拖沓症的导师和两个神秘的同学:他们中的一个,搞坏了你的仪器,另外一个,拿着你测出来的数据,顺利的毕业了。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com你在一切毁于一旦后,痛定思痛的继续奋斗,终于又做出了成果:你写了一篇Science水平的论文,兴高采烈的交给了导师。你的导师将你的论文拖了九个月。&&你默默的做着白工,受着压力。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com你经历了女友的分手,家人的去世,发小的婚礼,朋友公司的上市。小你六岁的表妹在你读博士的那一年生了孩子,如今这个孩子已经到了可以打酱油的岁数,但你还在读书,等着一张遥遥无期的毕业证。也许是时来运转,也许是导师突然的良心发现,她把只字未改的论文退给你,告诉你,你可以发表了。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com在一个美丽的夏天,你终于摸爬滚打的毕业了。这时候,你突然想起了自己的梦想。你还是想当个科学家。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com依靠那篇只字未改的论文,你被一家研究所录取了。这便是游戏的特色内容背景故事介绍了,这应该说是一款比较写实的故事,当然游戏中负面情绪也许也是比较多,这些方面还是需要玩家自己斟酌要不要入手。精彩内容,尽在百度攻略:https://gl.baidu.com
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Title: Yet Another Research Dog
Genre: , , ,
Release Date: 2 Feb, 2018
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Recent updates
11 February
We are excited to share this patch:A new ending cutsceneMany players feel upset and even desperate after finishing the game. The negative feeling is not what we want to express, so we make a new ending. In any kind of jobs, there will always be unpleasant experience. “Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you gonna get.”Even life of the research dog is hard, he clearly knows that sunshine follows after the storm. And it only comes from persistence. We hope the new ending will help you be more determined to your goal. Reduce the chance of traffic accidents.Reduce the frequency of power outage.Correct some mistakes of plot text.
5 February
Dear PlayersWe are excited to share this update announcement with you. Since releasing on Steam, &Yet Another Research Dog& has been received postive review. At the same time, We have collected some advice and criticism from players. Therefore, we fixed some bugs, improved some of the existing features, and brought several new pieces of music. Details are as follows:Reduce the money needed to draw
We found many players tend to choose daily supplies like food and detergent, but were in short of money for lottery function, which was not consistent with our orginal intention. We hope players could try lottery more, collect different kinds of mysterious items, and manage to deal with the various lab tasks more easily. Therefore, we reduced the money required for lottery draw from 50 to 40. In addtion, we slightly increase the chance to draw higher-end items. New music for shop and game over scene
We appreciate for the ciricism and encouragement of the game music. We decided to enrigh the music in the game. Hopefully these pieces of music will enhance game feel of players.Modified the mechanisms for sickness and road accident
We found that if players get sick or run into road accidents continously, it will cause a great frustration. In order to make sure players experience the story more fluently, we reduce the probability of certain diseases and road accidents.
There are a number of other changes:Camera Size will not be reset automatically after arriving at the lab.Text Msg will be automatically scrolled to the top upon opening.Q and E keys can be used to zoom camera size now. Highlight the &Accept Unwillingly& button in project proposal.Corrent some errors of plot texts.Bug Fixes Fix bug that caused music or sound could not be fully muted.Fix bug that caused need repairing sign not shown even when the instrument was broken.Fix bug that caused text messages did not show properly.Fix bug that caused resolution problem on Mac.Fix bug that caused character stuck when you were operating phone and the same time you finished portable phone project. If you met any problem during playing, please send us your snapshot. We will try our best to help you as soon as possible. Thank you very much for your support.
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About This Game
This is an autobiographical casual game. Based on the experience of the founder of our studio and a bunch of other researchers, the story of a research dog, who has been long-term pushed and unequally treated, is presented in the game.In this game, players need to work on boss’s countless jobs in order to make enough money for daily supply. Pressure of being fired, starving or even being mentally destroyed is always a company of the research dog.Of course, you will also experience some interesting or surprising moments, for examples, the colleague’s help (or troubles), nice gift from your neighbor(or traffic jam) and so on.1. Art Style: In , 99% of the elements are shaped from black and white lines. Therefore the whole game world is filled with apathy and humor.2. Characters: The hero of the game is a personified dog. And all the roles in the game are two most common pets in real life: cats and dogs.3. Instruments: All the instruments in the game have their prototypes in the real world. And the way you operate them is well designed.4. Soliloquize: As a vivid character, the research dog has its own opinion towards the society, but there is only one audience of all the thoughts, himself. Considering it is a story that telling himself, why not try to turn tragedy into comedy, turn sadness into fun as possible as we can.5. Difficulty: The game play of
is roughly 1.5 hours, lasting totally 11 days in the game. Every day is tougher than the previous. New gameplay or system will be introduced every several days.Real life: We introduce some of the elements in real life in this small game: such as having meals, sleep, traffic jam, washing cloth, and so on. You will find that the things that trouble ourselves in real life will always be an company with the research dog.Throughout the long journey of your academic career, you've had many uncommon experiences.When it's time to play as a child, when it's time to date as a teenager, you were studying.Because of the amount of scholarship offered, you chose a relatively because of your not-so-sophisticated ideals, you went all the way to a Ph.D.To lighten your family's burden, you've worked as a TA, random paid-by-the-hour job, and cashier. You've done other people's assignment and attended some kid's parents' meeting for some pay.You had a procrastinative Ph.D. mentor and two interesting colleagues. One of them
the other graduated with research data borrowed from you.After these destructive events, you went back to your work station and stayed. Finally you got your results.You produced a dissertation
good enough for Science, and handed it to your mentor with absolute joy.Your mentor kept your dissertation for nine months.Under pressure, you kept working unrequitedly.You waded through a breakup, loss of a family member, wedding of a childhood friend, and IPO of a friend's company.Your cousin, six years younger than you, had a baby when you started your Ph.D. Now her kid is old enough to sell girl scout cookies, and you're still here, waiting for an elusive diploma.Maybe your luck did an one-eighty, or maybe your mentor had a moral epiphany. He handed the dissertation back to you, untouched, and told you it's ready for publishing.That magnificent summer, you finally managed to graduate.At that fateful moment, you suddenly remembered your life-long dream.You still wanted to be a scientist.Thanks to that untouched dissertation, you got into a research institution.
System Requirements
Minimum:OS: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10Processor: 1 Ghz or fasterMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: integrated graphicsStorage: 256 MB available space
Minimum:OS: OS X 10.8 Mountain LionProcessor: Intel Core i3 2.00 GHzMemory: 1 GB RAMGraphics: integrated graphicsStorage: 256 MB available space
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一款黑白风格的游戏《另一只科研狗(Yet Another Research Dog)》是一款剧情丰富的角色扮演游戏,游戏的主人公是&科研狗&是一个刚刚毕业的博士,他从小就立志成为一名科学家,然而现实的残酷狠狠地打击了这个很努力的小狗,此时的一切看起来都是那么的难,它究竟该如何走向去,这个就留作玩家们自行来体验吧!
该游戏由国内晨曦之踪工作室(Dawntrail Entertainment),想玩的朋友们可以到steam平台上购买支持!
京公网安备84号《另一只科研狗》登陆Steam 讲述制作人的悲惨经历《另一只科研狗》登陆Steam 讲述制作人的悲惨经历太平洋电脑网百家号《另一只科研狗》是一款国产自传式的休闲小游戏,游戏通过狗狗拟人的方式将工作室创始人的故事娓娓道来,一只长期受老板压榨的科研狗跃然屏幕之上。在本作中,玩家需要完成老板给你的源源不断的工作,挣钱购买生活必需品,稍有怠慢可能就会面临被开除、精神崩溃或者没钱购买食物被活活饿趴下的危险。当然了,你同样有可能会遇见某些惊喜(意外),例如:同事的热心帮助(或者恶意捣乱)、邻居的暖心礼物(或者上班路上发生堵车)等……游戏99%的场景由黑白线条组成,使整个世界充满了冷漠与诙谐的意味。游戏中的主人公是一只拟人化的小狗,而构成社会的成员,正是我们人类社会的最常见的两种宠物:猫和狗。“科研狗”所使用的实验设备,均可在现实世界中寻找到原型,而大致的操作手段也十分相似。科研狗的总共游戏时常为1.5个小时,游戏内共11个关卡,每一个关卡的难度都较上一关卡小幅增加,每隔几个关卡,便有新的系统和事件加入。游戏截图:本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。太平洋电脑网百家号最近更新:简介:喜欢数码的都在这儿作者最新文章相关文章}


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