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PortableSoft 介绍过的所有
是一个免费的安全终端仿真器,可以作为 SSH、TELNET 或 RLOGIN 的终端模拟,能够从 Windows 平台安全连接 Linux 服务器, 则是安全传输客户端,支持 FTP 和 SFTP 协议,两者都支持标签化的会话窗口。
Xshell+Xftp 整合版可以一键切换到 Xftp 或 Xshell,同时保持会话状态,方便以不同方式管理服务器。
Xshell FIX: GSSAPI delegation not functioning
Xshell FIX: xsh.screen.get function error related to multibyte characters
Xshell MOD: Last used password remains available for additional Keyboard Interactive authentications
Xshell FIX: Address bar session connection changes the session file
Xshell FIX: An X11 tunneling attempt occurs before Xmanger starts
Xshell FIX: Format string bug in a session file(KVE-)
Xshell FIX: Overflow vulnerability in a session file(KVE-)
Xshell FIX: Terminal based SFTP connections cannot be established
Xshell FIX: Xftp window called by Xshell does not open
Xshell ADD: Option to open Xftp in a new window when called from Xshell (set OpenXftpNewWin = 1)
Xshell MOD: Changed web access protocol from HTTP to HTTPS
Xshell FIX: After starting with a saved session layout, always defaults to terminal based SSH connection in local shell
Xshell FIX: Error in printing selected terminal area
Xshell FIX: Error when exporting sessions with a Master Password
Xshell FIX: Keyboard Interactive authorization continuously attempts authorization
Xshell FIX: Tab size does not scale when program is auto-scaled
Xshell FIX: Terminal based connections fail if login has no password
Xshell FIX: Unable to modify short-lengthed Master Password of previous build
Xshell FIX: Xshell unable call a lower version of Xftp
Xshell FIX: Resource cleanup
Xftp FIX: GSSAPI delegation not functioning
FIX: Sessions called by Xshell do not open
Xftp MOD: Changed web access protocol from HTTP to HTTPS
Xftp FIX: Crash when transferring files after opening from address bar
Xftp FIX: Duplicate folder unable to be transferred over even after renaming
Xftp FIX: Unable to Open via the transfer window
Xftp FIX: Xftp unable call a lower version of Xshell
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留言光荣榜最新评论Xshell 5 Build 1339 + Xftp 5 Build 1235 整合版 - 免费的 SSH/FTP/SFTP 客户端 - 精品绿色便携软件
Xshell 5 Build 1339 + Xftp 5 Build 1235 整合版 - 免费的 SSH/FTP/SFTP 客户端
- 发布时间:
免费软件 Xshell 和 Xftp 都是 NetSarang 出品的优秀网络管理、安全传输工具。Xshell 是一个免费的安全终端仿真器,可以作为 SSH、TELNET 或 RLOGIN 的终端模拟,能够从 Windows 平台安全连接 Linux 服务器,Xftp 则是安全传输客户端,支持 FTP 和 SFTP 协议,两者都支持标签化的会话窗口。
简洁的界面、面向高级用户的强大功能,Xshell 和 Xftp 的组合将是远程管理 Linux、VPS 的利器,推荐使用,对个人和学校用户是完全免费的。前段时间单独介绍了 ,现在制作出 ,这样在 Xshell 或 Xftp 登录会话后,可以一键调用或切换到
或 Xshell,同时保持会话状态,方便以不同方式管理服务器。
基于官方原版制作便携版,下载解压后直接运行 XshellPortable.exe 或 XftpPortable.exe 即可, 更新版本为 Xshell 5 Build .1339)、Xftp 5 Build .1235) 简体中文绿色版。
鉴于 SSH/SFTP 工具的特殊性,请在使用 Xshell+Xftp 整合版之前详细阅读并明白以下提示:
请不要修改 XshellPortable.exe 和 XftpPortable 这两个程序的文件名,否则无法保持便携化;
若运行报错或无反应,需要安装这两个 VC 运行库: 以及
请务必另行备份登录服务器需要的密码、Public Key 密钥及密钥密码,以免 Xshell/Xftp 便携版发生异常导致配置丢失;
如果你要在另一台电脑上使用本便携版,Public Key 的密码会被重置,需要重新输入密钥密码,目前无解,这应该是出于安全考虑;
Xshell 便携版添加了命令行参数支持,对 XshellPortable.exe 设置的命令行参数将在启动运行时传递给 Xshell 主程序;
Xftp 便携版也添加了命令行参数支持,对 XftpPortable.exe 设置的命令行参数将在启动运行时传递给 Xftp 主程序;
本便携版不支持自定义会话文件夹路径,始终保存 Data\Settings 文件夹下,请不要在程序中修改;
运行结束后请务必正常关闭 Xshell/Xftp 主程序,以保持便携化,否则可能发生异常或混乱。
如果你不习惯 Xshell 或 Xftp,那可以尝试同样优秀的 SSH/SFTP 客户端
由于新版 Xshell/Xftp 的配置目录结构发生变化,如果之前使用过我做的 Xshell 5.0.1199+Xftp 5.0.1165 版本之前的便携版,需要按下以下方法转移配置文件:
将原便携版 Data\Settings\Sessions\Xshell\ 目录下的「所有文件」复制或剪切到 Data\Settings\NetSarang\Xshell\Sessions\ 目录下
将原便携版 Data\Settings\Sessions\Xftp\ 目录下的「所有文件」复制或剪切到 Data\Settings\NetSarang\Xftp\Sessions\ 目录下
关于启动时的 Error 50003 错误弹窗提示
Xshell/Xftp 现在启动会弹出一个错误提示: Initialize Flexnet Service failed / Error code: 50003,这是新版 Xshell/Xftp 需要 FlexNet Licensing Service 来验证授权,而便携版并没有安装此服务,实际并不影响使用,但如果你介意的话,请到这里下载 解决此问题。
Xshell+Xftp 整合版更新日志
Xshell FIX: GSSAPI delegation not functioningXshell FIX: xsh.screen.get function error related to multibyte charactersXshell MOD: Last used password remains available for additional Keyboard Interactive authenticationsXshell FIX: Address bar session connection changes the session fileXshell FIX: An X11 tunneling attempt occurs before Xmanger startsXshell FIX: Format string bug in a session file(KVE-)Xshell FIX: Overflow vulnerability in a session file(KVE-)Xshell FIX: Terminal based SFTP connections cannot be establishedXshell FIX: Xftp window called by Xshell does not openXshell ADD: Option to open Xftp in a new window when called from Xshell (set OpenXftpNewWin = 1)Xshell MOD: Changed web access protocol from HTTP to HTTPSXshell FIX: After starting with a saved session layout, always defaults to terminal based SSH connection in local shellXshell FIX: Error in printing selected terminal areaXshell FIX: Error when exporting sessions with a Master PasswordXshell FIX: Keyboard Interactive authorization continuously attempts authorizationXshell FIX: Tab size does not scale when program is auto-scaledXshell FIX: Terminal based connections fail if login has no passwordXshell FIX: Unable to modify short-lengthed Master Password of previous buildXshell FIX: Xshell unable call a lower version of XftpXshell FIX: Resource cleanupXftp FIX: GSSAPI delegation not functioningFIX: Sessions called by Xshell do not openXftp MOD: Changed web access protocol from HTTP to HTTPSXftp FIX: Crash when transferring files after opening from address barXftp FIX: Duplicate folder unable to be transferred over even after renamingXftp FIX: Unable to Open via the transfer windowXftp FIX: Xftp unable call a lower version of Xshell
Xshell is a powerful SSH, TELNET, and RLOGIN terminal emulator for MS Windows platform. Users have access to the Unix/Linux host securely from Windows PC. Xftp is a powerful FTP and SFTP file transfer program for MS Windows platforms. Xftp lets you securely transfer files between Unix/Linux and Windows PC.
Xshell+Xftp 整合版相关文件下载
开始下载 Xshell 5 Build 1339 + Xftp 5 Build 1235 整合版 (简体中文便携版)
Xshell_5.0.1339_Xftp_5.0.1235_PortableSoft.7z (4.96 MB)
来自精品绿色便携软件 |
开始下载 Xshell 5 Build 1339 简体中文便携版 (独立版)
Xshell_5.0.1339_PortableSoft.7z (4.21 MB)
来自精品绿色便携软件 |
开始下载 Xftp 5 Build 1235 简体中文便携版 (独立版)
Xftp_5.0.1235_PortableSoft.7z (3.95 MB)
来自精品绿色便携软件 |
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NetSarang Xshell V5.0.1199 绿色特别版NetSarang Xshell V5.0.1199 绿色特别版相关软件软件介绍下载地址相关文章猜你喜欢相关评论Xshell 5.0是一款免费且非常稳定好用的SSH客户端,Xshell 5.0可以作为Telnet,Rlogin,SSH,SFTP,Serial等协议的安全终端模拟软件,让你轻松管理远程主机。Xshell 5.0的介绍:Xshell,完全免费且非常稳定的 SSH 客户端 ,支持多种远程协议,提供了很多特色与高级功能,简体中文界面也让你轻松管理远程服务器。 Xshell 的 Screen 会话不闪屏,而且可以回滚;Script 的执行顺序可以调整;可以同时发送指令到多个 session;支持布局切换等,新版Xshell 5.0现已自带简体中文语言。NetSarang Xshell 是一款极好用的免费 SSH 客户端,可以作为 Telnet、Rlogin、SSH、SFTP、Serial 等协议的安全终端模拟软件,让你轻松管理远程主机。军哥也大力推荐 Xshell,其特色功能包括标签化管理远程会话、动态端口转发、自定义键盘映射、VB脚本支持、完全的 Unicode 支持等。Xshell的功能:【Xmanager Enterprise】多合一安全连接解决方案 Xmanager Enterprise是新的标准化跨平台集成方案。将Xmanager 3D(OpenGL), Xshell, Xftp 和 Xlpd集成在一个包内。【Xmanager】PC X 服务器 Xmanager 是一个运行在MS Windows平台上的高性能X window 服务器。你能在你本地的电脑同时运行Unix/Linux和Windows图形化程序。【Xshell】安全终端仿真器 Xshell 是一个运行于MS Windows平台上强大的 SSH, TELNET 和 RLOGIN 终端仿真器。用户可以从Windows PC上安全的访问Unix/Linux主机。【Xftp】安全文件传输代理 Xftp 是一个运行于MS Windows平台上强大的 FTP 和 SFTP 文件传输软件。Xftp 让你在Unix/Linux和Windows PC间安全的传输文件。【Xlpd】LPD 打印服务器 for Windows Xlpd是一个运行于MS Windows平台上的 LPD (Line Printer Daemon, 行式打印机守护进程) 软件。有了 Xlpd,你的打印机通过本地电脑成为打印服务器,为网络上各种各样的远程系统提供打印服务。软件特别说明由于破解软件原因某些杀毒软件会误报,不喜勿用!Xshell 5.0特别版特点:—绿化该套系列软件,包含较常用的Xshell+Xftp整合版,卸载可选清理配置数据;—集成产品密钥许可证,启动即为已注册版,无任何功能限制;默认启动为简体中文;—删除自动升级程序,删除体积大且无用的多语言文件,让几十M减小至1到3M之间!更新日志Xshell 5 Build 1199 更新日志ADD: ED25519 encryption algorithmMOD: Changed Dialog Window’s default fontMOD: OpenSSL upgraded to v1.0.2kFIX: Compression does not function if compression options is set to delayedFIX: Unexpected packet 80FIX: “+” character not processed in command lineFIX: Internal SFTP command line history supportFIX: While in single process mode even if set to open in new window, new session opens in current windowFIX: Multipane Full Screen mode unselectable from Context Menu when in Full Screen modeFIX: Find is not applied to other tabsNetSarang Xshell &V5 Build 0858, Jan 07, 2016ADD: Added hmac-sha2-512,hmac-sha2-512- MAC AlgorithmsADD: Support for Elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange (ECDHE)MOD: About dialog box now includes more license informationMOD: Description and email fields show by default when reporting a crashFIX: After disabling the Scroll bar, new tabs display the Scroll barFIX: Crash when using certain IMEsFIX: Mouse cursor error in the address barFIX: Non ASCII character path names are not transferred properly when inititating a new file transferFIX: Parts of the UI are not visible when status bar is disabledFIX: Performance issues when copying large amounts of dataFIX: Quick Command buttons and Compose Bar not displaying properly on high DPI monitorsFIX: Sessions created from the toolbar do not inherit the default sessions propertiesFIX: Tab name not visible when tab color is set to whiteFIX: Touch screen scrolling of the terminal area not functioning properlyFIX: Unable to initialize an SSH session in certain OS languagesFIX: Xshell’s viewer window title bar does not refresh after a session is closedFIX: Resource clean upXshell &V5 Build 0752, Sep 07, 2015ADD: Arcfour128, Arcfour256 Cipher Algorithm addedADD: Supports for encrypt-then-mac (EtM) MAC modesADD: Added the option to include new line character when selecting the entire last lineADD: Script to change tab namesMOD: Screen lock is disabled whenFIX: Prevent auto line wrap for loggingFIX: Abnormal termination when closing a tab in single process modeFIX: Conflicts when running concurrent sessionsFIX: Crash issue when migrating from older versionFIX: Ctrl+Alt and Alt Gr option diable/enable issueFIX: Custom key map overwrite issueFIX: Font list doesn’t appear when opening Xshell while the option window is openFIX: Full screen view controls not working properlyFIX: Issue with pasting texts to duplicated channelsFIX: Local only option does not work for Dynamic (SOCKS4/5) tunnelingFIX: Old parameter used for user defined text editor does not workFIX: Problem using en command on Cisco equipmentFIX: Uploading a Korean titled file when Xftp is running in English, the file name breaksFIX: When accessing the menu, the access key mark appearsFIX: When in global input mode, direct input to terminal generates random charactersFIX: When many sessions are open, the session dialog box takes a long time to appearFIX: Running a concurrent sessions outside of Xshell does not work properlyFIX: Permission issue for session folderXshell V5.0 主要变化:- 添加:显示服务器配置文件在状态栏- 修复:在后台打开实时更新窗口- 修复:资源清理、问题与反馈- 修复:RandR多窗口模式支持- 同步XManager 5官方发布- bug修复和稳定性方面改进其他版本下载地址 / Download下载不了?相关文章 / Related Articles猜你喜欢 / Guess You Like最安全的绿色软件下载基地!
xftp5下载 v5.0.1235 绿色中文版
网友评分:6.1 分
软件分类:FTP 工具
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01CuteFTP绿色版 V9.0.0.63 中文特别版01FTP 工具 / 11.6M02FlashFXP v5.4.0.3970 官方中文版(内置注册码)02FTP 工具 / 7.5M03tftpd32下载 V3.51 汉化中文版03FTP 工具 / 1.2M04FileZilla v3.27.0.1 官方中文版04FTP 工具 / 4.5M05winscp中文版 v5.12.0 官方版05FTP 工具 / 8.9M06FTP上传工具(TurboFTP) v6.80.1081 中文破解版06FTP 工具 / 10.0M07xftp5下载 v5.0.1235 绿色中文版07FTP 工具 / 29.9M08SmartFTP v9.0.2527.0 绿色版08FTP 工具 / 54.3M09FileZilla中文版下载 v3.29.0 最新版09FTP 工具 / 14.8M10守望迷你FTP服务器 V1.0.0 简体中文绿色免费版10FTP 工具 / 708KB
01CuteFTP绿色版 V9.0.0.63 中文特别版01FTP 工具 / 11.6M02FlashFXP v5.4.0.3970 官方中文版(内置注册码)02FTP 工具 / 7.5M03FlashFXP V5.0 多国语言绿色特别版03FTP 工具 / 4.2M04SmartFTP V3.0.1010.11 汉化免费版04FTP 工具 / 4.0M05CuteFTP 7.2 Pro Build 03.30.2006.1 简05FTP 工具 / 2.7M06tftpd32下载 V3.51 汉化中文版06FTP 工具 / 1.2M07FileZilla v3.27.0.1 官方中文版07FTP 工具 / 4.5M08FlashFXP V3.6 Final(3.6.0 Build 124008FTP 工具 / 1.6M09winscp中文版 v5.12.0 官方版09FTP 工具 / 8.9M10SoftX FTP Client (FTP 客户端)V2.4 绿色汉化版10FTP 工具 / 230KB
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