求助,为什么我的vue props type游戏里不能放到建筑上

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Digital Tutors - Texturing Game Props in 3ds Max and Photoshop
Digital Tutors - Texturing Game Props in 3ds Max and PhotoshopDigital Tutors - 在3ds Max和Photoshop制作游戏模型的贴图 在这个过程中,我们将介绍在3ds Max和Photoshop中的贴图技术。当建立实时应用的低分辨率模型时,纹理发挥了很大的作用。很多时候我们无法增加面数时,可以用贴图来模拟的细节。此外,我们可以模拟光照效果或AO。在这个教程中,我们将创建和组装一个反坦克炮的贴图的过程。然后,我们将使用多种技术在Photoshop来绘制纹理贴图。最后,我们将烘焙出的环境光AO,我们可以整合我们的纹理。完成后,你就会有一个质感很强的枪。&In this course we will cover techniques for texturing &assets in 3ds Max and Photoshop. When building low resolution models &meant for real-time applications, texturing will play a big part in &communicating a lot of information about that model. Many of the details &that we are unable to add when modeling can be simulated with textures. &In addition, we can simulate lighting effects or occlusion in textures. &In this course, we'll go through the process of preparing our model, an &antitank gun, for texture by creating and assembling useable UV &layouts. We'll then use a variety of techniques in Photoshop to paint &texture maps for the gun. Finally, we'll bake out an ambient occlusion &map that we can integrate into our texture. Upon completion, you'll have &a textured gun, but you will also have the knowledge you need to start &creating textures for your own models.&
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由于公司目前没有专业的技术美术(Technical Artist),在最近的项目开发中碰了不少壁。于是我就特地做了一些关于美术方面优化的研究,听了一些讲座,阅读了一些文章,你即将阅读的这篇就是其中之一,我觉得不错,并在阅读中获得了共鸣,所以也就决定将这片文章翻译为中文。一来希望在公司中,对于我们的美术设计师作为一个参考,另外分享出来也希望,如果能有那么一点点帮助到跟我们遇到同样困扰的团队或者美术或者任何同仁们,我将万分荣幸。
介于我们一直这么粗心犯错,我们一定是忘了给自己的”角色属性表“加上预知未来的能力了 ?
考虑到从测试玩家和本地媒体获得的认可,我们决定创建一个3D摧毁型游戏(destruction game),以填补市场上的空白。很惊讶大多数的摧毁型游戏都是2D的,但3D才是摧毁型游戏应该的样子,因为3D版本的感觉是如此的棒。当然,你需要做更多的工作来优化你的美术流水线(art pipeline)。
现在每次我看到它时(下图的左下角就是Vogel教授),还会忍不住幸福热泪 ;-(
一个更小更高效的贴图文件,在放置到游戏中后,可以和一个超大的贴图文件看起来效果一样好!但是如果设计师所有的工作都是在错误的贴图尺寸中进行的,很不幸,所有设计师花费了大量时间绘制的漂亮美术细节,在游戏中被降低尺寸后,会被无情的抹杀 ?
不合理的贴图尺寸 + 不合理的文件格式 = 占用了太多的纹理空间 = 更慢的游戏 = 找到纹理并降低尺寸 = 丢失细节 = 浪费时间 = 非常沮丧的美术设计师 = 非常愤怒的美术总监 ?
非常重要的一点,你要选择合适的Shader程序。当然,法线高光Shader(Bumped Specular Shader)用到物体上时,看起来太他妈的赞了,但是应该使用特定的手机定制shader,让游戏更高效。在Unity中,这比较容易做到,因为Unity内置了一整套专门针对手机的shader。
Alpha贴图的卓越优点是它可以让一个物体的部分透明,非常容易,并且也相对的比较经济(cheaply)[作者注:这里说“经济”是相对的,是从处理消耗(processing cost)的角度说的。每一个像素,多边形,shader,light,粒子和骨骼,都会消耗你的游戏的处理性能。]
我意识到,在这里我有点自相矛盾了,因为之前我说过,要把更多的细节放在贴图中,而不是网格模型上。记住一点,没有绝对的优化技术,如果你拥有这样的能力可以在特定时候选择使用最合理的优化技术,就造就了你不仅仅是一个游戏美术设计师,而且是一个伟大的牛逼的设计师 ?
粒子系统,draw calls,还有物理
对于任何游戏,视觉上的反馈(visual feedback)对于吸引玩家是异常重要的。如果对于玩家的操作缺少反馈,游戏会变得非常无聊,令人昏睡。
你很少在现实游戏中见到过一个发射器包含2000个粒子效果,唯一的原因就是draw calls。
draw call是针对场景中每一个不同的物体而创建的(多一个draw call就会多增加一点游戏的处理时间)。对于粒子系统而言,在draw call上,很容易超载。
我喜欢制作一些粒子效果,但是每当我看到一些初级的设计师,看到一个漂亮而高效的粒子效果问:“只有10个粒子?太少了,这个如果用2000个粒子会更好”,我就巨他妈的沮丧,甚至肉体难受 ?
当说到物理系统时,程序猿可是这方面的专家。所以接下来的一段话,可能是一种程序猿专用的非常难以解析的语言,所以如果您是一位美术,在这里就忍忍吧 ?
一个非常棒的方式是在天空中包含背景艺术(background art),这使得能很经济简单的加入非常多的背景艺术和气氛到游戏中。
光照有点神秘,所以我直接了当,对于手机,最好使用平行光(directional light),或者如果你够幸运,加几盏点光(point light)也可以。在Alienation游戏中,在对light做了日以继日的研究后(我撒谎了,其实我就是google了一下-)),我发现聚光灯(spotlight)在手机游戏上是最消耗性能的光源,慎用。
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check it out from , branch: sina_weibo
同时该branch也集成了另一位Moai开发者的截屏API, from
如何使用[sample code]
MOAISim.openWindow ( &test&, 320, 480 )
viewport = MOAIViewport.new ()
viewport:setSize ( 320, 480 )
viewport:setScale ( 320, 480 )
layer = MOAILayer2D.new ()
layer:setViewport ( viewport )
MOAISim.pushRenderPass ( layer )
gfxQuad = MOAIGfxQuad2D.new ()
gfxQuad:setTexture ( &moai.png& )
gfxQuad:setRect ( -64, -64, 64, 64 )
prop = MOAIProp2D.new ()
prop:setDeck ( gfxQuad )
prop:setLoc ( 0, 80 )
layer:insertProp ( prop )
font = MOAIFont.new ()
font:loadFromTTF ( &arialbd.ttf&, & abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ,.?!&, 12, 163 )
textbox = MOAITextBox.new ()
textbox:setFont ( font )
textbox:setRect ( -160, -80, 160, 80 )
textbox:setLoc ( 0, -100 )
textbox:setYFlip ( true )
textbox:setAlignment ( MOAITextBox.CENTER_JUSTIFY )
layer:insertProp ( textbox )
--MOAISinaWeiboIOS.init( &you app id&, &you app secret&, &your callback url& )
function openCompileDialog( txt, imgFileLoc )
MOAISinaWeiboIOS.compileDialog( txt, imgFileLoc )
MOAISinaWeiboIOS.setListener( MOAISinaWeiboIOS.DIALOG_POST_CANCEL_CLICKED, function()
print( &user clicked cancel post& )
MOAIFileSystem.deleteFile( imgFileLoc )
print( &post successuflly& )
MOAIFileSystem.deleteFile( imgFileLoc )
function test()
local frameBounds={
local tmpFilename=MOAIScreenShotIOS.snapshotToFile( MOAIScreenShotIOS.PORTRAIT, frameBounds )
print( &Saved at location: &, tmpFilename );
print( MOAIFileSystem.checkFileExists( tmpFilename ))
if ( not MOAISinaWeiboIOS.isAuthValid() )
MOAISinaWeiboIOS.setListener( MOAISinaWeiboIOS.DIALOG_LOG_IN_CANCEL, function()
MOAIFileSystem.deleteFile( tmpFilename )
MOAISinaWeiboIOS.setListener( MOAISinaWeiboIOS.SESSION_DID_LOGIN, function()
print( &successfully logged in& )
openCompileDialog( &test&, tmpFilename )
print( &already logged in, post& )
openCompileDialog( &test&, tmpFilename )
timer = MOAITimer.new()
timer:setSpan( 1 )
timer:setListener( MOAIAction.EVENT_STOP, test )
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Does Moai support an API like ‘setTimeout’?
Does Moai support an API like JavaScript’s setTimeout, which schedules a function execution after a specified time. I noticed there is a Moai class called MOAITimer, so I’m wondering if this class could be used for this purpose? I know a ‘setTimeout’ function could be easily realized on Lua level using MOAISim:getElapsedTime() and Lua’s ‘pcall’ function, but I’m just lazy and wonder if there is a shortcut that Moai has provided?
Thank you~
Moai doesn’t support that, but for convenience I’ll share the Lua function I use for this exact purpose:
(Hide some code)
EDIT: updated while investigating bug mentioned below. Will ensure this code works once bug is fixed.
Thank you for the sharing, but the function gives the following error after I run:
cannot use ‘…’ outside a vararg function near ‘…’
I think ‘…’ are also needed for “function()” in the 5th line, so I added it.
However, after I ran the following code
function printAStr( str )
print( str )
callWithDelay( 1, printAStr, &helloWorld& )
It prints “userdata: 0x21; instead of “helloWorld”, any clue for this? I think the core issue is how to pass arguments to the callback function of timer’s listener?
I made two mistakes in my function, which I have corrected above. You are correct I forgot to pass the … properly, and I also forgot that the timer listener callback receives the timer as the first parameter, which is why you were seeing the userdata print out in your test.
seems still unworkable for the arguments pass…
Ok, so my question is how to pass arguments to callback function of timer’s listener?
It looks like there may be a bug in the listener with the last release. I’ve opened a bug on the issue. I also realized yet another error in my above code, and have corrected it. Hopefully that’s the last edit I have to do. ?
Thanks for finding the bug. Won’t be able to get to it for a day or so. Sorry for the trouble!
OK, finally had time to look at this. It looks like it’s working correctly. The code I used is below.
MOAISim.openWindow ( &test&, 320, 480 )
function callWithDelay ( delay, func, ... )
local timer = MOAITimer.new ()
timer:setSpan ( delay )
timer:setListener ( MOAITimer.EVENT_TIMER_LOOP,
function ()
timer:stop ()
timer = nil
func ( unpack ( arg ))
timer:start ()
function printAStr ( str ) print( str ) end
callWithDelay ( 1, printAStr, &helloWorld& )
It works! Thanks a lot ?
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黄金周第一天,将之前开发的Pacman移植到了iPad上。因为Moai引擎,移植变得很容易,只需要把input层做一些修改。我的第一个iOS上的game demo就此诞生 ?
已经将代码更新到了github –
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代码来自于最近写的Pacman,更多请查看 –
-- class.lua
-- Compatible with Lua 5.1 (not 5.0).
function class(base, init)
local c = {}
-- a new class instance
if not init and type(base) == 'function' then
init = base
base = nil
elseif type(base) == 'table' then
-- our new class is a shallow copy of the base class!
for i,v in pairs(base) do
c._base = base
-- the class will be the metatable for all its objects,
-- and they will look up their methods in it.
c.__index = c
-- expose a constructor which can be called by &classname&(&args&)
local mt = {}
mt.__call = function(class_tbl, ...)
local obj = {}
-- below 2 lines are updated based on the Comments from 'http://lua-users.org/wiki/SimpleLuaClasses'
if init then
if class_tbl.init then
-- make sure that any stuff from the base class is initialized!
if base and base.init then
base.init(obj, ...)
return obj
c.init = init
c.is_a = function(self, klass)
local m = getmetatable(self)
while m do
if m == klass then return true end
m = m._base
return false
setmetatable(c, mt)
require &class&
State = class()
function State:init( name )
self.name = name
function State:enter()
function State:onUpdate()
function State:exit()
StateMachine类,该类集成了的MOAIThread类。MOAIThread类似于Lua中的coroutine,但是在Moai中被yield的MOAIThread,会在game loop的每帧中被自动resume,见StateMachine:updateState函数,利用此特点,来实现每帧执行State:onUpdate函数。
require &State&
StateMachine = class()
function StateMachine:init()
self.currentState = nil
self.lastState = nil
function StateMachine:run()
if ( self.mainThread == nil )
self.mainThread = MOAIThread.new()
self.mainThread:run( self.updateState, self )
function StateMachine:stop()
if ( self.mainThread )
function StateMachine:setCurrentState( state )
if ( state and state:is_a( State ) )
if ( state == self.currentState )
print( &WARNING @ StateMachine::setCurrentState - & ..
&var state [& .. state.name .. &] is the same as current state& )
self.lastState = self.currentState
self.currentState = state
if ( self.lastState )
print( &exiting state [& .. self.lastState.name .. &]& )
print( &entering state [& .. self.currentState.name .. &]& )
print( &ERROR @ StateMachine::setCurrentState - & ..
&var [state] is not a class type of State& )
function StateMachine:updateState()
while ( true )
if ( self.currentState ~= nil )
require &State&
State1 = class( State )
function State1:init()
State.init( self, &State1& )
function State1:enter()
self.i = 0
function State1:exit()
self.i = 0
function State1:onUpdate()
print( self.name .. & is updated& )
self.i = self.i + 1
print( &self.i=& .. self.i )
if ( self.i == 10 )
print( state2 )
SM:setCurrentState( state2 )
self.i = 0
State2 = class( State )
function State2:init()
State.init( self, &State2& )
function State2:onUpdate()
print( &State2 is updated& )
require &StateMachine&
require &SampleState&
SM = StateMachine()
state1 = State1()
state2 = State2()
SM:setCurrentState( state1 )
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Posted in:
This is a prototype game based on the Moai game platform – . With various APIs for drawing and handling different 2D elements that Moai has supported, it clones a 2D Pacman game.
I programmed the game for several objectives. Firstly, because I am just new to Moai, I try to familiarize myself with Moai’s various APIs and game development based on it. I did encounter some issues when programming the game. Some were because I am a newbie for Moai, and some were testified later that were from Moai engine itself. Although the process was time-consuming, but to my pleasure, this is somewhat a contribution to the open source Moai engine itself. I feel a great joy to be part of it. Secondly, the whole game is based on OO. So I tried to program the whole game with a decent OO structure. Most importantly, some of the Lua classes or files, hopefully, can be reused in my other future potential games.
All in all, I programmed Moai-based Pacman for fun and share my code, related game assets and documents here. If there can be any help for you who are interested in Moai and OO game programming, that would be my best honer.
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下面贴出在Moai Forum上我最近的两个问题帖。回答者都是Patrick,他是Moai引擎的领导者,同时也是’Zipline Games’的CTO。他似乎是个不错的人,在我每次贴出问题后,总是在最快的时间内解答。
1. Does MOAILayer2D only support 512 props maximumly?
I was trying to put lots of props onto a layer with function MOAILayer2D:insertProp, but found that if I inserted more than 512 props, all the props will fail to render on the layer. Is 512 the threshold for a layer’s prop count? Why is it a restriction? 512 doesn’t suffice my need. If there did exist a restriction, Moai even didn’t tell me any info or warning about the number 512, it took me lots of time to detect the problem and the number… ?
Sorry you had to spend your time on that. I agree that we could emit better warnings for situations like that.
The 512 restriction is arbitrary. It’s the size of the buffer created on the stack to sort the prims. I can fix it for you in the next release – will grow the buffer dynamically instead. When I have time to add an option to disable sorting by MOAILayer2D, the buffer won’t be needed at all.
If you need a fix immediately and are building from source, you can go into MOAILayer2D and just change it to something else.
(512 props is a lot! Is this for a mobile game? Mind if I ask what you’re displaying? Depending on what it is, may be other ways I can help.)
OK. I removed MAX_RENDERABLES and now use a flexible size buffer to gather and sort the props returned from the partition. That will be in the upcoming release. Try it out and let me know.
If you run into stuff like this in the future (any kind of odd or mysterious behavior) please let me know and I’ll hop right on it. Would much rather deal with a few false positives than have you waste your time!
Thanks so much for your reply and help, Patrick.
I’m just new to Moai. I was generating and displaying a map (31×28 grids) with each grid empty or filled with a type of sprite (like a the Pacman game, each grid could be filled with a Wall or a Bean or …). So this is why I used so MANY props. Do you have some other way or suggestions for generating such kind of game maps, so that not that many props will be used?
As you’ve fixed this issue, so I’m looking forward to the next release. Thanks a bunch!
Absolutely. Check out MOAITileDeck2D and MOAIGrid. Any of the deck types can be used in conjunction with a grid, but MOAITileDeck2D is ideally suited. The grid draws with one transform (from the prop it’s attached to) and also gets viewport culled on a per tile basis. It’s ideally suited to tiled backgrounds. You will get way better performance and can also update the grid values at runtime or animate them using a MOAIDeckRemapper. Check out tilemap-animated for a sample. In the games we are working on in-house we have multiple layers of tilemap parallax drawing hundreds and hundred of tiles at really good frame rates. If you need to animate a tile flipping or rotating (like what happens to a block in a Mario game when Mario hits it with his head), just hide the original tile in the grid and replace it with a prop – you can use the same tile deck as the source for the prop.
Also, can’t say enough good things about Tiled (mapeditor.org). The latest version supports flip flags and can output its data as Lua tables you can then load in to Moai (with a little bit of work).
Always a pleasure to help out, so let me know if you have more questions as you go.
Oh, how stupid I was that I didn’t find these classes, I will try these MOAI classes later. THANK YOU!
2. Questions about MOAIAction:stop
I have some questions regarding the usage of MOAIThread and MOAIAction
Firstly check out the code snippets below.
MOAISim.openWindow ( &test&, 320, 480 )&/span&
viewport = MOAIViewport.new ()
viewport:setSize ( 320, 480 )
viewport:setScale ( 320, 480 )
layer = MOAILayer2D.new ()
layer:setViewport ( viewport )
MOAISim.pushRenderPass ( layer )
gfxQuad = MOAIGfxQuad2D.new ()
gfxQuad:setTexture ( &cathead.png& )
gfxQuad:setRect ( -64, -64, 64, 64 )
prop = MOAIProp2D.new ()
prop:setDeck ( gfxQuad )
layer:insertProp ( prop )
function moveThreadMain()
movingAction = prop:moveLoc( 0, MOAIEaseType.LINEAR )
while ( movingAction:isBusy() )
x, y = prop:getLoc()
print( &current x - & .. x )
isCrossBound = false
function checkThreadMain()
while ( true )
x, y = prop:getLoc()
if ( isCrossBound == false )
if ( x & 20 )
isCrossBound = true
print( &x after stop current frame - & .. x )
print( &x after stop next frame - & .. x )
moveThread = MOAIThread.new()
checkThread = MOAIThread.new()
moveThread:run( moveThreadMain )
checkThread:run( checkThreadMain )
I start and run 2 threads. The ‘moveThread’ uses MOAIAction to move the prop continuously and print its location each frame, while another ‘checkThread’ checks if the prop crosses some bound and if yes stops the moving animation with function MOAIAction:stop
But the result of MOAIAction:stop differs based on the launching sequence of those above 2 threads.
If I run ‘checkThread’ before ‘moveThread’, here is the result. MOAIAction::stop successfully stopped moving prop.
x after stop current frame – 20.
x after stop next frame – 20.
But if I run ‘movingThread’ before ‘checkThread’, I will get the following result, seems that animation will continue running for another frame
x after stop current frame – 20.
x after stop next frame – 20.
This really confuses me. Can anyone do me a favor to explain at which condition MOAIAction will run an additional frame after stopped, and when not? Is there a way to ensure that MOAIAction:stop will run no more frame no matter the running sequence of MOAIThread?
Just ran your code. It’s a legitimate bug in the way the MOAIAction update loop works. I’ve fixed it and checked it in to ‘master’ on moai-dev. We should have the next binary release out early next week.
Thanks for finding this!
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最近通过澳洲朋友Andrew的介绍,开始使用了一款正在开发中的开源游戏引擎 – the mobile platform for pro game developers.
Moai是一款由’Zipline Games’公司开发的2D游戏引擎,我写这篇文章时的版本是0.5 Beta。它最大的特点就是集成了Lua脚本语言,它提供了一系列class-based的Lua API。开发者一般只需要通过写Lua脚本,即可实现一款游戏。而引擎本身解决了跨平台的问题,开发完的游戏可以顺利的发布到iOS和Android平台。而引擎本身提供的功能上,也基本上覆盖了需要开发一款2D游戏所有的元素,设备和输入,2D Sprite,动画,字体,粒子系统,物理,声音等。Moai的另外一个重要特色是提供了一个它称之为Moai Cloud的云服务,对于这个我还没有深研究,不过据称它可以让需要后端server的游戏变得简单,用户同样只需要用Lua来编写server的逻辑代码,而至于像scale-up这样的问题完全可以交给Moai引擎来处理。
然而开源引擎,尤其是处于Beta测试中的开源引擎,想用于开发正式的游戏确实有些不可靠。我最近在把之前写过的一个Pacman 2D移植到Moai上,但是遇到了很多的问题,并且一些问题最终通过层层纠结后证实是引擎本身的问题。虽然过程坎坷,但因为参与开源引擎项目,并有了自己的contribution,这本身着实是一件令人欣慰而振奋的事情。
但是希望Moai的开发者们work harder,让Moai尽快变得更好 ?
Moai API Documentation:
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写这篇博客的目的是为了对game loop(游戏主循环)做一个全面的总结和介绍,包括它的定义,与之相关的专业术语(terminology),以及最重要的,对它的几种实现方式,从代码层次做一些介绍以及优缺点分析。
1.什么是Game Loop
对任何一个游戏开发者来说,game loop都应该不是一个陌生的概念。任何一款游戏都会有一个自己的game loop,它是整个游戏的核心,是游戏的心脏。具体什么是game loop,这是来自于Game Engine Architecture[2]上对于game loop的定义:game loop是对于一个游戏(或者一个游戏引擎)的所有子系统(subsystem)的周期性的更新。一个游戏会包含各种不同的子系统(比如渲染,物理,动画,AI等等),这些不同的子系统负责处理不同的游戏任务,game loop的实现方式就决定了这些子系统的任务执行的组织方式。而这些就决定了整个游戏的基础架构,同时也将决定game在不同的机器上将如何运行,在下面介绍game loop的不同实现方式时会对此有详细介绍。
game loop中所处理的逻辑和操作包罗万象,但一般可抽象为以下这几种模块:
所以一个最最简单的game loop可以抽象为如下的这些伪代码:
while ( game is running )
常常和渲染紧密相连的一个参数是FPS(frame per second),它指的是每秒显示设备在屏幕上进行绘制的频率。对于游戏来说,一般50-60的FPS是最优,最低也不要低于16帧[1]。游戏中还有一个容易被忽略的重要参数可以被称为游戏速度(game speed)[3],它指的是游戏状态每秒被更新的次数,容易与FPS混淆。一个通俗的理解和区别它们的方式可以是,FPS是render函数被调用的频率,而game speed则是update函数被调用的频率。
游戏是对实时性(real-time)要求很高的系统,所以在game loop中,time是尤其重要的一个因素。这里需要说的是,游戏中会包含好几种不同的时间,这些时间有着各自的时间线(timeline),并且在游戏中发挥着各自不同的重要作用[2]。
系统的真实时间(real time)。真实时间一般在操作系统被定义为从过去某个固定时间点(比如常见的一个时间点被称之为Epoch, 是日的0:00:00, UTC时间)到当前点总共逝去的时间。
游戏时间(game time)。一般情况下,游戏时间等于系统时间。但在某些特殊情况下,游戏时间可以发挥不同的作用:比如在游戏暂停的时候,需要停止更新游戏时间;在游戏需要以慢速运行时,可以用比真实时间低的频率来更新游戏时间,这在我们需要进行一些游戏调试的时候,尤其有用。下面会介绍到,一个好的game loop结构,可以有助于游戏调试,这对开发人员来说是非常重要的。
局部时间线(local timeline)。不管是一个动画,还是一个音频或者视频片段,都会有一个局部时间线。通过将此局部时间线以不同的方式映射到全局的时间线,可以灵活的控制片段以特定的方式进行播放。[2]
帧时间(frame time)。两次帧循环之间所间隔的时间,具体可看本文章的3.2.1节。
3.Game Loop的实现方式
OK,介绍了这么多跟game loop相关的概念,接下来进入正题,game loop的各种实现方式大盘点。
有一点需要强调的是,game loop在单线程的游戏系统中是一种情况,而在多线程的系统中又是另一个不同的故事。多线程对于系统会引入异常的复杂性,关于这个,可以看我之前的一篇关于游戏引擎多线程的文章:。相比来讲,单线程要简单很多,这篇文章里以下的一些game loop的实现方式也主要是针对在单线程环境中的。
在单线程环境中,game loop按照实现方式可以分为以下这几种类型:
基于帧的(frame-based)game loop
基于时间的(time-based)game loop
可变频率(variable-step)game loop
固定频率(fixed-step)game loop
3.1 基于帧的(frame-based)game loop
这是一种最简单的game loop,就如上面文章刚开始的伪代码所描述的一样,在这种结构下,游戏只是重复的不间隔的进行processInput,update,render操作。可以看到,这种game loop的实现异常简单,但缺点也是异常明显的。因为它缺少了一个很重要的控制因素——时间,所以在不同配置的机器环境下,游戏将以不同的速度运行。比如说,游戏中的一个物体,在每次的update操作中将它的位移增加5(单位可以是米,英尺,像素,或者其它某种单位,每个游戏都使用一个特定的距离单位):
void update()
object.position += 5.0f;
3.2 基于时间的(time-based)game loop
为了让不同机器的游戏运行速度一致,就需要引入时间,这就带来了基于时间的game loop实现方式。这种方式下,又可以分为两种,可变频率(variable step)的和固定频率的(fixed step)。在[5]中,这两种方式则分别被称为可变间隔的(variable interval)和固定间隔的(fixed interval)。
3.2.1 可变频率的game loop
这种方式的实现只需要为update函数引入一个时间参数elapsedTime即可,elapsedTime指的是从上一次loop的执行到当前loop所过去的时间,通常称之为帧时间(frame time),或者time delta。它的单位一般使用毫秒,这是在游戏中进行时间相关操作所使用的标准单位[2],当然其它比如在做profiling时为了计算某个函数的执行时间,则用的是机器周期(machine cycle)这样更精确的时间机制。
这是这种game loop实现的伪代码,也非常简单:
lastFrameTime = getCurrentTime();
while ( game is running )
currentFrameTime = getCurrentTime();
elapsedTime = currentFrameTime - lastFrameT
update( elapsedTime );
lastFrameTime = currentFrameT
void update( float elapsedTime )
object.position += 5.0f * elapsedT
这样就解决了在不同配置的机器上运行速度不一致的问题。因为在更快的机器上,update执行的频率高,但frame time的间隔时间较短,所以物体位置更新的频率高,但每次更新的位移幅度小。反之,在较慢的机器上,update函数的执行频率较低,但frame time间隔时间较长,则每次物体将以较大幅度的更新位移。正是因为引入了时间因素,所以在不同配置的机器上,游戏的运行速度将会看起来一致。
不过这种game loop在实现时需要解决一个长时间暂停的问题,所以我们在暂停时,要同时停止更新游戏时间,以免在暂停后恢复时,将得到一个超级大的elapsedTime值。
但随之而来,这种game loop实现方式的缺点也暴露出来了。比如考虑这样一种场景,物体绕着一个弧形的轨迹进行移动。在正常的速率下,物体的运行轨迹几乎是弧形的。如下图,图片来自于[5]。
对于这种game loop,就算是较快的机器上,也是有问题的,虽然好像update被执行的越快越多,游戏运行的就越流畅,用户的体验应该越好才对。但其实不然,两点原因,首先就算在较快的机器上,也可能会遭遇到运算的高峰期,这时由于对比明显,游戏性能的下降会非常明显,游戏用户就很容易察觉到这种性能降级(performance degradation),这并不是好的体验;再一点,对于手机等移动设备上的游戏,update速率执行过快不是好事,这对电池是一种消耗。事实是,游戏只需要一定范围内的update频率就可以达到流畅而令用户接受的效果。
3.2.2 固定频率的game loop
由此,为了解决上面的问题,就有了这种固定频率的game loop,让游戏的更新速度保持在一个特定的恒定值。比如下面的这段伪代码,让游戏恒定运行在FPS(或者game speed,此时FPS等于game speed)为25的速度下。代码参考自[3]。
#define FRAME_RATE 25
#define FRAME_TIME ( 1000 / FRAME_RATE )
nextFrameTime = getCurrentTime();
while ( game is running )
update( FRAME_TIME );
nextFrameTime +=
currentFrameTime = getCurrentTime();
if ( nextFrameTime &= currentFrameTime )
sleep( nextFrameTime - currentFrameTime );
// 我们已经跟不上帧速率了
保持固定的更新频率有一个非常重要的优点,因为它带来了游戏执行的确定性(game execution determinism)[1],所以以这种机制所实行的game loop可以被称为确定性的game loop(deterministic game loop)。反之,可变频率的game loop则是非确定性的(non-deterministic),因为它依赖于系统每一帧运行的时间,这在游戏每次运行时是变化不定的,这就导致游戏的行为也是不定的。
确定性机制能够为系统带来一个非常重要的特点——录制和回放功能(record and replay)[2]。所谓录制回放功能,就是能够将玩家在进行游戏的时候的各种操作记录下来,以便在下一次运行时,就能够通过回放将游戏以同样的方式执行。这会成为一个很好的debugging工具,因为通过回放功能,会让一些难以发现的bug得以轻而易举的复现,这是非常珍贵的。甚至我们还可以支持单步调试(single-stepping)功能[2],单步调试指的是当游戏处于暂停状态时,可以通过某个按键,让游戏一次执行一个frame time,这在调试游戏时都是非常有用的。
这种game loop还是有一个问题,它紧耦合了update和render的执行频率,update的频率(即game speed)保持在25基本能满足游戏运行的流畅需求,但让render的更新频率(即FPS)也保持在25,对于配置好的机器实在是有些浪费,我们可以让渲染的更快,以获得更好的画面效果。
3.2.3 获得最大FPS的固定频率的game loop
解决上一个game loop缺点的办法就是解耦update和render,让它们以各自不同的频率运行。这就带来了这个固定频率的game loop的变种,称之为“获得最大FPS的固定频率的game loop”(Constant Game Speed with Maximum FPS)[3]。
同时这种方法还处理另一个问题,当update处理时间过久时,这种game loop会暂时不进行render而再次update。换言之,当update执行时间长于所期望的帧时间时,游戏会丢弃绘制帧并调用额外多次update函数,以让游戏从一个慢速(slowdown)状态中追赶上并恢复过来[4]。
这是该game loop的代码:
#define MINIMUM_FRAME_RATE = 15;
nextFrameTime = getCurrentTime();
while ( game is running )
loops = 0;
while( getCurrentTime() & nextFrameTime
nextFrameTime += UPDATE_INTERVAL;
从上面的代码中看出,当出现update处理时间过久时,game loop并不是一直重复执行update而不渲染,update频率被控制在15-45之间,所以在一次while循环中,最多只会执行3次update(MAX_CYCLES_PER_FRAME=MAXIMUM_FRAME_RATE / MINIMUM_FRAME_RATE=45/15)。
当然FPS也不总是可以为任意值,有时为了解决显示设备上的一种叫做tearing[2](屏幕的上半部分显示的是上一帧的画面,而下半部分是当前帧的画面)的问题,需要将FPS设置为显示设备刷新频率的倍数。在手机等这种移动设备上,同样为了省电,也需要将FPS固定在一个恒定值。但不管怎样,update和render仍然是以各自不同的频率运行。最近在读的一本关于iOS游戏开发的书上[6]的game loop,作者使用的就是这种game loop,它的game speed被设置在15-45,而FPS则采用的是iOS上默认的60(iOS上使用CADisplayLink的frameInterval属性来设置绘制帧率,frameInterval默认是1,表示显示1秒钟会被刷新60次)。
优点:拥有固定频率的game loop的优点,同时解耦update和render,并且当帧速率降低时,可以通过丢弃绘制帧来保持游戏的速度;
3.3 其它方式
game loop还可以有更多的变化,比如在[1]中提到,对于游戏中的不同子系统,update的频率也是不一致的。比如,为了获得很好的动画效果,需要一个较高的频率来更新动画,而对于AI系统,用同等高频率的速度来更新就是浪费计算资源了。所以这篇文章提出了一种更好的update机制,将update分隔为两部分,一部分以最快的速度运行,而另一部分以某种预设的固定频率运行。
在[3]中提出,为了获得一种更平滑的画面效果,可以对frame-time进行插值(interpolate),并且为update函数提供预测函数(prediction function)。
一个看似简单的game loop,也可以有这么多的变数。这篇文章主要基于时间因素列出了4种实现方式:第1种是基于帧的game loop,一般而言要避免采用这种方式,而应该选用后面3种基于时间的game loop。基于时间的可变频率的game loop是一种常见的实现方式,不过为了获得稳定的画面效果和游戏运行的确定性,可以使用固定频率的game loop。最后还可以将update和render解耦以各自频率运行,以获得最优的组织结构运行游戏。
[1]LUIS VALENTE, Real Time Game Loop Models for Single-Player Computer Games
[2]Jason Gregory, Game Engine Architecture
[6]Michael Daley, Learning iOS Game Programming - A Hands-On Guide to Building Your First iPhone Game
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