
日前,在ACGHK 2017 PlayStation 展台上,辻本良三先生携《怪物猎人:世界》亮相并宣布亚洲版本游戏将以免费更新的方式提供繁体中文字幕。《怪物猎人世界》将于2018年内发售,登陆PS4、XboxOne以及PC平台。
6. PlayStation在香港动漫节宣布:PS多款新作将推中文版本
香港PS负责人织田博之先生在香港动漫节(ACGHK 2017)的开幕式上宣布,包括《极品飞车:复仇》、《战神》、《底特律;我欲成人》、《命运2》等多款游戏在内,都将推出中文版本。
今日搜狐热点杉果春节特惠:39元福袋限量发售,可得《文明6》《龙珠Z》杉果春节特惠:39元福袋限量发售,可得《文明6》《龙珠Z》游戏肖明百家号杉果春节特惠已经进行到了第二天,我们昨天预告的福袋在今天就要上线了。杉果春节福袋将在今天下午4点限量开卖,售价38.8元。从福袋中,玩家有机会开出《文明6》、《龙珠:斗士Z》、《全面战争:战锤2》、《生化危机7》、《战锤40K:战争黎明3》等新老大作,而折后价39元的保底游戏《影子战术:将军之刃》、《百战天虫:战争武器》、《奇点灰烬:战火升级》、《罪恶装备:启示录》质量也相当不错,开到完全不亏。杉果春节特惠地址&&在4点福袋开抢之前,新一波的限时折扣业绩已经更新了。今日限时折扣仍然包含6款游戏,《恶灵附身2》再次以低于Steam史低99元20元的79元价格销售。而终于支持中文的《足球经理2018》售价129元也比Steam国区149元的史低价更低。今日具体限时折扣名单及与Steam比价详情如下:恶灵附身2 | Steam史低价:99 |杉果限时折扣价:79限时折扣与福袋再便宜超值毕竟需要花钱,杉果春节特惠中的抽奖则完全免费。玩家每日登陆杉果账号都可获得抽奖机会,奖池中包含《龙珠:斗士Z》、《全面战争:战锤2》等大作激活码,以及杉果定制抱枕等限量周边,同时还有不少不同面额的优惠券可以领取,买游戏前抽一发说不定就有更多优惠。玩家在杉果购买消费任意金额还能获得优惠红包,只要将红包分享给好友即可打开,从中可以获得最高50元优惠券。如果你不想费力寻找合适的分享途径,也可以直接在杉果社区“红包分享小组”中将红包分享给同在杉果的玩家们。最后,已经开启预售的Steam版《最终幻想15》同样也参加了本次活动,所有杉果注册玩家登录后可获得50元专属优惠券奖励,以279元价格买到这款Steam售价329元的游戏。《最终幻想15》杉果优惠购买地址&&本次杉果春节优惠活动从2月12日12点开始,截止到2月26日12点,感兴趣的玩家千万不要错过。更多活动详情也可以到杉果官网查看,或关注我们的后续报道。杉果春节特惠地址&&关于“杉果游戏”:一家为国内单机玩家操碎了心的游戏代理发行平台。已与B社、卡普空、华纳、万代南梦宫等近百家海内外厂商建立合作,致力于将生化危机、上古卷轴、辐射、蝙蝠侠、黑暗之魂等单机游戏以更优惠的价格带给中国玩家。本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。游戏肖明百家号最近更新:简介:专门分享各种游戏的玩法、趣事!作者最新文章相关文章Developer:
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Title: Dragon Age: Origins
Release Date: 6 Nov, 2009
Buy Dragon Age: Origins
features Blood Dragon Armor & The Stone Prisoner
“Dragon Age is the RPG of the decade.”
94/100 – PC Gamer UK
“One of the most addictive and expansive RPGs of its kind!”
9/10 – Game Informer
About This Game
You are a Grey Warden, one of the last of a legendary order of guardians. With the return of an ancient foe and the kingdom engulfed in civil war, you have been chosen by fate to unite the shattered lands and slay the archdemon once and for all.A Stunning World to Explore
BioWare’s deepest universe to date with over 80 hours of gameplay and more than double the size and scope of Mass Effect
Travel throughout dozens of environments and fully immerse yourself in a shattered world that is on the brink of utter annihilation
An epic story that is completely shaped and reactive to your play style
Complex Moral Choices
There are no easy choices
Tailor your Dragon Age: Origins experience from the very beginning by choose from six different Origin Stories
Decide how to handle complex issues like murder, genocide, betrayal, and the possession/sacrificing of children without the security of a good/bad slider to tell you what to do
Full Character Customization
Sculpt your hero in your own image or fantasy
Elaborate character creator allows you to create your own hero unique from anyone else
Shape your character’s personality and morality based on the choices you make throughout the game
Engage in Bone-Crushing, Visceral Combat
Battle against massive and terrifying creatures
Unleash legendary powers and choose from over 100 different magical spells and skills
Experience the adrenaline rush of brutal combat, beheading your foes or casting spells that make enemies explode from within
Blood Dragon Armor
Commissioned by an infamous Nevarran dragon hunter, this armor was crafted in a time when dragons had almost been hunted to extinction. Infused with their blood, the armor gained notoriety after the hunter died at the hands of men rather than the dragons it was designed to protect him from.
Grants exceptional protection in combat
Armor will be usable in BioWare's upcoming science fiction epic, Mass Effect 2
The Stone Prisoner
The darkspawn-infested village of Honnleath holds a secret: the forgotten stone figure at the town’s heart is a powerful golem frozen in time. Free the creature and reveal a storied quest to unlock its power and mysterious past.
Download The Stone Prisoner and gain access to Shale, a mighty stone golem who can join the party and travel throughout Dragon Age: Origins. One of the most powerful characters in the game, Shale comes with a rich back story, extensive voice acting, and a unique follower quest to explore. The Stone Prisoner also includes new environments, items, and hours of additional gameplay that adds to the Dragon Age: Origins campaign.
A powerful new party member to aid in the epic quest to save Ferelden from the Blight
New areas, including the troubled village of Honnleath
New achievements, items, and unique insights into the Dragon Age: Origins storyline
System Requirements
OS: Windows XP (SP3) or Windows Vista (SP1) or Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Single 1.6 Ghz Processor (or equivalent) or AMD 64 2.0 GHz Processor (or equivalent)
Memory: 1GB (1.5 GB Vista and Windows 7)
Graphics: ATI Radeon X850 256MB or NVIDIA GeForce 6600 GT 128MB or greater (Windows Vista: Radeon X MB or NVidia GeForce 7600GT 256MB)
DirectX(R): DirectX (November 2007)
Hard Drive: 20 GB HD space
Sound: Direct X Compatible Sound Card
OS: Windows XP (SP3) or Windows Vista (SP1) or Windows 7
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or AMD Phenom II X2 Dual-Core 2.7 Ghz Processor or equivalent
Memory: 2 GB (3GB Vista and Windows 7)
Graphics: ATI
MB or NVidia 8800GTS 512MB or greater
DirectX(R): DirectX (November 2007)
Hard Drive: 20 GB HD space
Sound: Direct X Compatible Sound Card
(C) 2009 Electronic Arts Inc.
All rights reserved.
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