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08:22:00 条 来源:178 作者:NGA@pana丶cea ]
  Holy shit. That's immense. I really hope that pleases everyone, since they're going all out.
  Also, the birds nest is massive. Definitely the biggest so far.
  Just make sure that there is ample time for 5 games and a closing ceremony. Don't want a repeat of last year.
  Hopefully there won't be massive amounts of people attempting to refund their tickets when the inevitable Korean vs Korean finals happen.
  An sparse stadium would look pretty bad.
  In all seriousness, when we went to Shanghai last year forMSIwe saw a packed house of Chinese fans there to watch a match without one of their home teams. Getting to see the two best teams in the world play in the Bird's Nest is a pretty incredible opportunity, so I'm hoping we'll have a full house again (and 5 games pls).
  I really like the crowd last year inMSI. They had good reactions when good plays were made. Riot'sMSI/Worlds production is always on point. I hope you have more content after each day of Worlds for serious and non-serious stuff. I also hope the documentaries would feature more interesting players. The Gogoing story in particular still gets me teary-eyed..
  Still, a chinese team making the final would be absolutely insane for the finals atmosphere.
  Bird's Nest has 80,000 seating capacity. Compare that to
Staples Center (18,000) and S5 Mercedes-Benz Arena (14,500). Wow.
  It's a freaking Olympics stadium, can't get any better than this.
  The Bird's nest is an amazing location, I remember Usain Bolt breaking world records in that stadium! So hyped to see League in a big open air stadium again!
  &&Agree, I've been there a few times now before committing to Worlds and it's breathtaking. Hope we honor that amazing place.
  problem is october is a bad moment to go to beijing because of the peak of smog.
  Yep, but tbh staying there for the grand final won't be a problem if you wear a simple mask when you go outside.
  Yes, and it's gonna be awkward as hell to see the whole stadium wearing masks.
  wtf 91,000 shens?!?!
  Oh man. Worlds in China is gonna make for some rough viewing hours for NA. (13 hours ahead of EST)
  EDIT: Im still super hyped. China absolutely deserves to host because every other main region has had a chance. The viewership worldwide may be the highest yet.
  I think China deserves to host Worlds though. It's bad for NA viewers but then they also suffered through the same thing in 2 Worlds that has been hosted in NA.
  They have the highest player base and viewing numbers. I checked one time it had 3 million views in anLPLmatch and that's just in one streaming site.. I didn't believe it at first but I realize it's possible since China is big.
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