
54轻:我变秃了 但为啥好像没变强呢?54轻:我变秃了 但为啥好像没变强呢?酷我游戏百家号今儿的情报主要有两条1、关于沙盒服第四阶段的东西2、54轻,谢里登还有132的高清模型那么首先就是关于沙盒服二测第四阶段的情报了First of all, a huge thanks to all the players who provided lots of constructive feedback that helped drive the Sandbox test! This has been a very collaborative process and we really appreciate your comments. The team gathered enough input and data to determine how we should further tweak new SPG mechanics and Tier X light tanks leading to release.首先,我们炒鸡感谢那些为咱提供很多有建设性的反馈并且帮助带动整个沙盒服的测试的玩家们!这次合作非常好,我们也非常感激你们的评论。(管沙盒的)团队集中了足够多的内容和数据以决定我们应该怎么调整SPG的新机制和10级LT然后实装。The fourth and final Phase of the Second Iteration runs March 16–20. In it, we’ll introduce changes to Tier X light tanks made after the feedback from Phase 3 and continue fine-tuning new SPG mechanics across Tiers VIII–X.第四,也是最后阶段的沙盒服二测将会于3月16到20号期间运行。在这里面,我们将会介绍在听取第三阶段的反馈后的10级LT的变动,还有在8到10级SPG中微调新的机制。We’re continuing to improve the stun mechanic to ensure arty is an efficient long-range support fire vehicle without diminishing the fun for others. To balance fun versus effectiveness, we reduced the stun effect on vehicle mobility, decreased burst radius for all arty shells, and tweaked the stun resistance of Spall Liners.我们正在继续改进眩晕机制以确定在不减少他人游戏的乐趣的情况下是一种有效率的长距离火力支援。 为了在有效和有趣之间的平衡,我们降低了眩晕对车辆机动性的影响,也减少了炮弹的溅射范围,并且调整了内裤对于眩晕机制的抵抗力。Lowering the stun effect on vehicle mobilityCurrently, the stun mechanic temporarily impedes vehicle movement, while also worsening its firepower.降低眩晕对机动性的影响目前来说,眩晕机制能在减少其开火效率的同时还能降低其机动性。At first glance, it fulfills the set objectives of facilitating more team-oriented gameplay for SPGs and forcing more active combat engagements. Arty lays the ground for an attack, playing in tight cooperation with the rest of the team. They soften targets instead of destroying them, and their teammates can rush to stunned opponents and send them back to the Garage with several finishing shots. However, this adverse effect on two key parameters (speed, firepower) simultaneously somewhat spoils the fun for those stunned. Previous rounds of testing showed that lowering the stun time won’t be enough to solve this issue.乍眼一看,这种设定可以更容易让SPG对团队做贡献并且促进交战时的活跃性。SPG在后排支援,与大家紧♂密的合作。他们由秒杀变成了弱化对面(头伸过来我给你上个debuff)然后队友就可以冲一波被晕掉的人把绝望的他抬回车库。然而,这种负面的影响同时作用到的两个参数(机动和火力)反而又破坏了其乐趣性。在之前几轮的测试里显现出单是减少眩晕时间还不够解决这个问题。With Phase 4, we want to determine which of the two parameters proves to be more crucial to the overall experience and adjust the stun effect on it accordingly. We’ll start with reducing the stun effect on vehicle mobility by 30%. Jump in and tell us if lowered stun effect improves the overall experience! If you believe it doesn’t, we’ll reverse it and lower the stun effect on accuracy instead.在第四阶段中,我们想决定这两个数据哪个能更决定对于游戏的整体体验并且调整眩晕对于精度的影响。我们从减少30%眩晕对机动性的影响开始。现在就拿起电话呸进入游戏并且告诉我们减少眩晕的影响是否会提升游戏的整体体验!如果你认为并没有,我们将会调回去并且降低眩晕对于精度的影响。Reducing the burst radius for all SPGs减少SPG们的溅射范围When we first introduced SPG changes, we increased their burst radius to compensate for lowering their damage per shot values. We’ve heard a great deal of feedback on this change. You argued it made SPGs too effective. It became a lot easier for arty to cover a larger area, stunning several vehicles at once. Moreover, they often stunned friendly vehicles because of the large burst radius.当我们第一次介绍SPG的变化的时候,我们增加了她们的溅射范围以作为降低他们伤害的补偿。我们听到过大量的对于这些变化的反馈。你们曾经说过这使得SPG变得过于效率了。这使得让SPG很容易覆盖一个很大的面积,一炮震晕好几台车。还有,因为溅射范围过大,他们也经常震晕队友。We reduced the burst radius by 10% (i.e., the area covered by stun went down by 19%), which should set things back to normal. We believe that following this change, SPGs will cover a big enough territory to remain efficient, while vehicles that stay far enough away can avoid the stun radius. Check it out for yourself and let us know if it worked!我们减少了其10%的溅射范围(就是说眩晕的范围减少了19%),这样应该就能让火炮回归正常能力。我们相信通过这些改变,SPG们仍将会覆盖足够的面积以保持其效力,同时如果车辆离炮弹落点足够远时也能够躲避眩晕范围。快来看看这样子成不成吧!Equipment装备Acting off your feedback, we decided to raise the combat value of Spall Liners and provide all vehicle types with a means to minimize the stun duration. To achieve it, we introduced the stun resistance effect for light and medium Spall Liners. Now, they cut the stun duration by 10%. Also, Heavy Spall Liners’ resistance to the stun effect was improved. They now reduce its duration by 10% (previously they lowered it by 5%). As for Superheavy Spall Liners, their resistance is also set to 10%. However, the latter prove the most effective against stun as they absorb explosive damage better.根据你们的反馈,我们决定提高内裤在战斗中的作用,并且提升所有车辆种类的最小眩晕时间。为了达成这些,我们让中型和轻型内裤也能减少眩晕时间了。现在他们可以减少10%的眩晕时间。当然,我们也会加强重型内裤可以减少的眩晕时间。现在他们也可以减少10%的眩晕时间了(曾经是5%),超重内裤也是减少10%的眩晕时间。然而,超重内裤能在有效抵御眩晕的同时还能更好的吸收HE伤害。Overall, the new mechanics worked well across Tiers VIII–X. Combat parameters set for Phase 3 ensure smooth progression for top-tier SPGs and have a decent effect on Tier VIII–IX tanks and tank destroyers. The few that require another round of balance tweaks are:总的来说,眩晕机制在8到10级里效果不一般。在第三阶段设定的战斗参数确保了定级SPG们能顺畅的进行战斗并且对于8到9级的车也会有不错的影响。这些就要求了另一项平衡改动:The М53/55 (the U.S. A., Tier IX) that turned out too efficientFV207 and FV3805 (British, Tiers VIII and IX, respectively) that, on quite the contrary, lagged behind their brethren in terms of combat efficiency5355还行207和3805太丢人了We heard your feedback on these and will return to them a bit later. First, we’d like to finish fine-tuning Tier X light tanks. They influence arty longevity greatly. So, we want to finalize their combat parameters, study how their introduction changes overall gameplay, and then tweak the remaining SPGs.我们听到了你们对于那些的反馈并且将会在稍微晚些时候做出修正。首先,我们想最后微调一波10级LT。他们能很大程度的影响火炮们的存活率。所以,我们想最后确定LT们的战斗参数,研究如何将其改变实装到整个儿游戏里,然后再把剩下的火炮的修改给做完。Light TanksLTFollowing your feedback, and data collected during Phase 3, Tier X light tanks received a series of balance tweaks:根据你们的反馈,还有在第三阶段收集到的资料,10级LT得到了些调整:Lowered the T-100 and Spz. 57’s dynamic stats and mobility to lessen the difference between top-tier light tanks and make for a smoother ride锉了特100和57侦察车的机动性,使得她们的机动性跟其他顶级LT差距没那么大,也是为了能让老司机们好好开车。Increased reload time for the Spz. 57, T-100, and WZ-132A to keep them from being overpowered, and reduced the reload time of the AMX 13 105 to make it more efficient增加了57侦察车,特100还有132A的装填时间使得他们不会过强,并且减少了13105的装填时间(大概是长装填)使其更具效率。The XM551 Sheridan received a considerable boost as it clearly underperformedXM551谢里登因为其明显丢人表现而获得了相当程度的buffThe Spz. 57, T-100, XM551 Sheridan, AMX 13 105 and WZ-132A view range was slightly reduced to keep them from being overpowered. Initially, they sported excellent view range paired with their solid base camouflage values and the class’ trademark camouflage bonus while moving, which proved too much57侦察车,特100,XM551谢里登,13105还有132A的视野将会稍微减少一点以保持平衡。一开始的时候,他们拥有一级棒的视野加上他们相当好的基础隐蔽还有LT特有的移动不掉隐蔽,使得他们过于强大了。(等等刚刚不还说谢里登的表现很差么?)Finally, you asked us to bring iconic guns back for the T49 and M41 Walker Bulldog, so we did. Now they feature the 152mm Gun-Launcher XM81 and 76mm Gun T91E5, respectively.最后,你们喊到了王八蛋WG,还我顶级炮,你不是人,你不是人,所以我们就把49标志性的152喷子炮和疯狗的10连发弹夹炮还给你们了。Vehicle rotation rules车辆循环基本法(先说一声,这条只适合沙盒服,跟其他服没关系,但即使我这么说,还是会有不少ZZ会骂如果实装到正式服会怎么怎么样)The addition of Tier X light tanks might lead to a longer queue time. As everyone rushes to play tanks, it would take the matchmaker much longer to assemble a proper +/-2 team, so you’d end up waiting to hit the battlefield for up to 10 minutes. Not to mention that it would prevent us from collecting representative stats. We wouldn’t want that.10级LT的加入可能会使得排队时间更长。因为大家都想赶快尝尝10级LT的鲜,而导致让分房系统话很长的时间去弄一个正常的+/-2的房间,然后你就得话一万年才能排进去。更不用说我们也没法收集到具有代表性质的数据。我们可不想这样。We’ll stop it from happening with special restrictions:我们会弄这几种特别的限制条件以阻止这种情况的发生:To play a battle in any light tank you have to fight three battles with any other vehicle type(s)你必须玩其他任何种类的战车3盘后才能玩一盘LTUpon playing a battle in any medium/heavy tank, tank destroyer or SPG, you have to choose a vehicle of another Tier for the next battle在玩了一盘某个等级的车后(LT除外),你一定要选择另一个不同等级的车才能进入游戏(比如你玩了一盘10级车后,下一盘就必须要选择9级或者8级才能进入游戏)Of course, this wouldn’t fix the issue altogether, but it will let us cut the queueing to 2–3 minutes.当然,这并不能完全解决问题,但这肯定能将排队时间锉到2到3分钟甚至更短。NOTE: These restrictions (as well as longer wait times) are only relevant for the Sandbox server, and won’t make it onto live servers.给个提示:这些限制(和更长的等待时间这一现象)只跟沙盒服有关,不会出现在正式服中。因为要限制火炮的分房所以有些勋章的获得条件也做了相应的更改Burda – Destroy at least 3 enemy SPG’s in one battle. The destroyed vehicle has to be at least 1 tier higher. (rest is the same)布尔德勋章 - 在一场战斗中击毁敌方至少三台比你等级至少高一级的SPG。(其他的还是一样)【以前是击毁五台SPG】Pascucci – Destroy at least 2 enemy SPG’s in one battle. (rest is same)帕斯库奇勋章 - 在一场战斗中击毁至少两台敌方SPG。(其他的还是一样)【以前是三台】Tamada Yoshio – Destroy at least 2 enemy SPG’s in one battle while driving a light tank. (rest is same)高克勋章(或者玉田美郎勋章) - 驾驶一辆LT在一场战斗中击毁至少两台敌方SPG。(其他的还是一样)【以前是三台】接下来就是WZ-132的高清截图XM551的,模型稍微改了下,但是没有改重要的地方最后就是秃掉了的54轻啦本文仅代表作者观点,不代表百度立场。系作者授权百家号发表,未经许可不得转载。酷我游戏百家号最近更新:简介:百变世界,唯有开心!作者最新文章相关文章}


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