
a chip off the old block 某人在性格上是父母的翻版。 某人在性格上是父母的翻版。 1. My mother and I are very alike, I am a chip off the old block. 我和妈妈非常相像,我完全是她的翻版。a close one 相似, 与&a close call&相似,意思是很悬,迁千钧一发,很紧急的情况。 相似 意思是很悬,迁千钧一发,很紧急的情况。 差点遇到危险,但好在逃过了这一难。 差点遇到危险,但好在逃过了这一难。 1. I had a close call on my way to work, A car hit my bike but I didn’t fall. 我今天上班路上的情况挺惊险,一辆车撞了我的自行车,不过我没 有摔倒。 2. I passed my exam by one point. It was a close one. 我仅以一分之差勉强考试及格,真是够悬的。a dime a dozen 十分常见,不太值钱。 十分常见,不太值钱。 1. Watermelons in Beijing in the summer are a dime a dozen. 北京的夏天,西瓜多得根本不值钱了。 2. Bad managers are a dime a dozen but a good one is difficult to find. 坏的老板简直是多如牛毛,碰见一个好的真难。 a piece of cake 小意思,易如反掌。 小意思,易如反掌。 1. Our homework last night was a piece of cake. 我们昨天晚上的家庭作业很容易。 2. Using a digital camera is a piece of cake. 用数码相机是很容易的事。a way out of this mess 一个可以摆脱混乱局面的办法。 一个可以摆脱混乱局面的办法。 1. The traffic is terrible today!We need to find a way out of this mess! 今天的交通一塌糊涂,我们需要想想办法摆脱这个局面。 2. I have 3 exams and an interview tomorow.I really need a way out of this mess! 我明天有三个考试,一个面试。我必须想个解决办法。a whole new ballgame 状况完全不同于以往,“ballgame” 意思是情况,局面。 意思是情况,局面。 状况完全不同于以往 1. High school was fun but university is a whole new ballgame. 高中生活很轻松,但是大学就完全不一样了。 2. I have a lot of work experience in America, but working in China is a whole new ballgame. 我在美国的工作经验很丰富,但是我在中国就完全不一样了。act like a clown 行为愚蠢。 行为愚蠢。To act silly, stupid or crazy. 1. When the boys drink too much beer, they act like clowns. 当那些男孩喝啤酒喝多了之后,他们的行为表现得很愚蠢。any minute 随时有可能发生,马上。 随时有可能发生,马上。 1. She should be here at any minute. 她应该马上就到了around the block 在某方面有经验,是个老手。 在某方面有经验,是个老手。 1. Let’s ask Justin how to deal with this situation. He’s been around the block a few times. 让我们问一下贾斯廷如何处理这种情况,他好几次碰到过这种困 难。 2. I’ve been around the block a few times. I know what I’m doing. 我对处理这种困难很有经验,我知道应该怎么做。 as nature intended 出自人类本能的要求。 出自人类本能的要求。 1. Every weekend I drink beer as nature intended. 每个周末我都要喝啤酒,因为这是自然需要。 2. I must go do as nature intended. 我必须去方便一下(上厕所)。ask off 请假。 请假。 1. I want to ask off for my birthday this year. 今年我的生日我想请假。 2. A: Are you going to the soccer game this afternoon? B: No, I asked off, but my boss said he needs me in the office. 你今天下午要去看足球比赛吗? 不,我请假了,但是老板说他需要我去办公室上班。bust my ass 第一个含义是指:让某人的日子不好过,让某人难堪。 第一个含义是指:让某人的日子不好过,让某人难堪。第二个含义是 拼命努力地工作”。 指“拼命努力地工作 。 拼命努力地工作 1. I wish the directors just would stop, know, you busting my ass because I already have lots of problems. 我真的希望导演别再为难我,我的麻烦已经够多了。 2. Every day I work,I bust my ass so my family can live well. 我每天我非常卖力地工作,因为我想要生活得更好。burst someone's bubble 打破某人的幻想。 打破某人的幻想。 1. A:I dream of going to study at Harvard University. B:I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but your grades are too low. You’ll never get accepted to Harvard. 我梦想能够到哈佛大学去上学读书。 我非常对不起告诉你实话,你不要再做白日梦了。你的分数成绩太 低了,所以你永远不可能被哈佛录取的。 2. My little sister thinks that Santa Claus is real. Don’t burst her bubble by telling her that he isn’t. 我的妹妹她觉得圣诞老人是真的,所以让我们不要打破她这个梦 想,说它不是真的。bum 不好的,恶劣的,坏的。 不好的,恶劣的,坏的。 1. Even though he was a good guy,he had a bum reputation. 虽然他真的是一个好人,但他的名声不太好。 2. I wish I could run the marathon,but I have a bum knee. 我希望我可以参加马拉松的比赛,但是不行,因为我的腿有伤。 bully 威吓,威逼,尤指以强欺弱。也可以做名词,指那些爱欺负人的人, 威吓,威逼,尤指以强欺弱。也可以做名词,指那些爱欺负人的人, 欺凌弱小者。 欺凌弱小者。 小者 1. He is such a bully.He pushes the other kids around at school. 这个小子就爱欺负人,他在学校总是摆布别人. 2. I’m not gonna tell you my secret,so stop bullying me. 我不会告诉你我的秘密的,你欺负我我也不会告诉你.bull's eye 正中靶心,恰到好处。 正中靶心,恰到好处。 1. He scored a bull’s eye with his last assignment. 上次任务他完成得漂亮至极,太棒了。bug 小错误、小毛病 瑕疵 瑕疵。 小错误、小毛病,瑕疵。 1. There seems to be a bug in the new accounting system. 看来新的会计制度存在一些小问题。 2. There were a few bugs in the new computer program,but we’ve worked them out and it’s now ready to be sold. 新编的电脑程序有点瑕疵。但是我们已经完全的解决掉了。现在这 套程序可以上市了。 broken hearted 心碎的,极度伤心的 非常难过 非常难过。 心碎的,极度伤心的,非常难过。 1. After her boyfriend left,she was broken hearted. 她男朋友离她而去之后,她难过极了。 2. I do love you. I would be broken hearted if anything bad were to happen to you. 我很爱你,如果你要是遭到什么不测的话,我会心碎的。bring sb/sth down 某事的优势, 某事。 削弱某人/某事的优势,抑制住某人 某事。 弱某人 某事的优势 抑制住某人/某事 1. That newspaper is starting to have too much influence. We need to try to bring it down. 那份报纸太有影响力了,我们需要遏制一下它影响力。 2. How are we gonna bring down that team?They’re so good.they’ve won the championship 3 years in a row! 我们怎么样能够打败那支队伍呢?他们太棒了, 他们连续三年都是 冠军。bring it on 给自己打气,壮胆,鼓舞士气。 给自己打气,壮胆,鼓舞士气。 1. At the start of the boxing match, the boxer yelled at his opponent to bring it on. 拳击赛开始时,拳击选手对着对手大声吼叫,给自己鼓舞士气。 2. When the thief was arrested, he wasn’t nervous, he actually shouted at the policemen to bring it on. 小偷被逮捕的时候,他并不害怕,他甚至还冲着警察大声吼叫,给 自己壮胆。break it up 第一个意思是停下你手中的事情。第二个意思 第一个意思是停下你手中的事情。第二个意思“divide a task”把 把 一个事情分给不同的人去干。 一个事情分给不同的人去干。 1. Come on guys,Let’s break it up!We don’t want to get in trouble for fighting. 别再吵好吗?我们总不想打起来,停下来。 2. That’s a huge project.If we break it up.We’ll finish faster. 有个工作太大了,如果我们把它交给不同的人去干,可能我们的速 度会更加快。break it down to sb 给某人详细、透彻地介绍或解释。 给某人详细、透彻地介绍或解释。 1. I don’t understand this idea at all,you have to break it down to me. 这个主意我根本没有明白,你给我详细解释一下。 2. For his presentation,he first gave us an overview, then he broke down the ideas to help us understand. 他给我们做一个陈述,他做的第一步是介绍一个概况,然后为了使 我们更容易理解,他帮我们把里面的每一个细节都详细解释。brainstorm 集思广益。 集思广益。 1. We need to sit down and brainstorm ideas for a new marketing slogan for a new product. 我们需要坐下来一起集思广益,为新产品设计一个好的营销口号。 2. After a bit of brainstorming, Evelyn came up with several great titles for her book. 伊夫琳左思右想了一阵之后,终于为她的书想出了几个好名字。boogie 跳舞,this is another way of saying “dance”。 跳舞 。 1. Wow, that girl sure knows how to boogie! She’s got great moves. 那个女孩一定很会跳舞,你看她的动作多棒! 2. I love this song, let’s boogie. 我很喜欢这首歌,让我们跳舞吧。 bluff 撒谎,骗人,相当于&lie&。 撒谎,骗人,相当于 。 1. A: Don’t hit me!OK?I know KongFu,I’m not bluffing. B: You’re bluffing. 你可别打我,我会武功,我可没骗你。 你在骗人,我才不信你呢。 2. A: If you fire me,I’ll sue you. B: You’re bluffing,get out。 如果你炒我的话我就去告你。 我才不信你所说的,滚出去。blow sth away 彻底击垮,彻底解决或打败某物。 彻底击垮 彻底解决或打败某物。 彻底解决或打败某物 1. The invention of the telephone blew away all other methods of communication. 电话的发明超越了其他所有通信手段。 2. Our soccer team got blow away in the final. 我们的足球队在决赛中被击败了。blow someone away 把别人给震了,让人非常震惊。 把别人给震了,让人非常震惊。 1. Our dragon boat team this year is so good that we’re going to blow all of the other teams away in the upcoming race. 今年我们的队伍实力非常强, 接下来的比赛了我们绝对会让其他队 伍感到震惊的。 2. The young boy blew his teachers away with his intelligence. 这个少年太聪明了,令老师们很震惊。blow it 把某件事彻底搞砸了。 把某件事彻底搞砸了。 1. This is your chance to make the team,don’t blow it. 这可是你最后一个机会,要想进入那只队伍的话,你可千万别搞砸 了。 2. I blew my chances with Tina when I told her she looked fat. 我把和蒂娜交往的机会通通搞砸了, 因为我告诉她说我认为她有点 胖。blow a shot 因为说错话或办错事而丧失了机会,把事情搞砸了。 因为说错话或办错事而丧失了机会 把事情搞砸了。 把事情搞砸了 1. I blew my shot to be in the movie when I forgot my lines. 我在电影了忘了台词,彻底搞砸了。 2. Nancy blew her shot to go to Beijing University by arriving late to the exam. 南希没有考上北京大学,因为她考试迟到了。blow 挥霍浪费,It means to use sth carelessly,or just waste 挥霍浪费 , it.”To blow something on …:在某些方面上挥霍某物 在某些方面上挥霍某物 1. Don’t blow it all at once. 不要一次就浪费光。 2. You shouldn’t blow all your money on beer,rent is due next week. 你不应该把钱都挥霍买酒喝,房租下星期要到期了。blind luck 撞大运,非常好的运气。 撞大运,非常好的运气。 1. It was blind luck that I found 100RMB on the ground. 我在地上捡到 100 块人民币,真是撞大运了。 2. Success is not gained through blind luck, you have to work hard for it. 成功可不是撞大运撞来的,你必须去拼搏和奋斗。birthday suit It means “naked”,中文意思是“赤身裸体 ,中文意思是 赤身裸体 赤身裸体”. Well, it is the naked mile run, everyone else is in their birthday suits, except that guy. 这可是一英里裸奔.别人都是一丝不挂,除了那个家伙.Bingo! 猜对了,答对了。 猜对了,答对了。 1. A:Let me try to guess your age. Are you 27? B:Bingo! 你让我试试猜猜你的年纪吧,你是不是 27 呢? 答对了。 2. A:What’s your exciting news?Did you find a new job? B:Bingo! 你有什么令人惊喜的消息?你是不是找到了新的工作? 答对了。bimbo 花花公主,轻佻的时髦女子 在感情上不负责的女人 在感情上不负责的女人。 花花公主 轻佻的时髦女子,在感情上不负责的女人。 1. I don’t like that girl. She’s always hanging out at the bar in tight clothes, waiting for men to buy her drinks. She’s such a bimbo. 我不喜欢那个女孩, 她总是穿着紧身衣服呆在酒吧里等着男人们给 她买饮料。她真是个轻佻女人。 2. You can’t wear that dress. It’s so low cut. I don’t want you to look like a bimbo. 你不能穿那件裙子,领口太低了,我不喜欢你穿得像个花花公主。bet 我打赌某事是怎样,表示一种非常坚定的猜测。 我打赌某事是怎样,表示一种非常坚定的猜测。 1. A:Why isn’t Josh here yet? B:I bet he forgot about the meeting. 为什么乔希现在还没有到呢? 我打赌他已经忘记了这个会议。 2. I bet it will snow tonight. 我打赌今天晚上一定会下雪。below the belt 出言不逊。 出言不逊。 1. What he said about Tom’s mother was way below the belt. 他对汤姆的妈妈评论的话真的是出言不逊。 2. Even when you are angry, you should never say anything that hits below the belt. 就算你非常生气,你也不应该出言不逊。 behind sb's back 背着某人做某事或讲什么事。To do it without them 背着某人做某事或讲什么事。 knowing. 1. It’s not nice to talk about your friends’ secrets behind their backs. 背着你的朋友去讨论他们的秘密,是非常不道德的。behind 对某事负责, 支持某事。 Being responsible for something or 对某事负责, 支持某事。 supporting it. 1. At school I was behind starting a debating society. It was my idea and I developed it. 在学校是我支持创办了一个辩论社团,这是我的创意,也是我一手 创办的。 2. There are a few shareholders behind this new investment but all the rest are opposed. 只有一部分股东支持这个新的投资计划,其他所有人都反对。bean counter 管钱的人,如财务、会计。 管钱的人,如财务、会计。 1. Yes, that’s right, I am a bean counter for the government. Every department is always asking me for more money in their budgets. 你说对了,我是在政府里做财务工作,你知道吗?每个部门都想 我给他们多拨一些钱给他们。be thrown to the wolves 被彻底抛弃,背弃。 被彻底抛弃 背弃。 背弃 1. After the Beijing soccer team did really badly last season they all blamed the captain.He was really thrown to the wolves by his teamates. 北京足球队在上一个赛季里面表现非常差劲, 大家都在一起指责队 长。他真的完全被大家遗弃了。 2. When our chairman criticized the work of our company,my boss told him it was all my fault。He totally threw me to the wolves and I was very upset. 当我们公司董事长在批评我们业绩不好的时候, 我们老板说都是因 为我的过错造成的,我感觉到自己被老板出卖了,我非常很生气。be through with sth 受够了,再也忍受不了了。 受够了,再也忍受不了了。 1. After waiting for the doctor, who was two hours late for my appointment, I was through with being delayed and left. 医生的迟到使我等待了两个小时也没有得到诊断,我实在受够了, 转身离去。 2. I was glad that I had quit my job because I was through with getting up early every morning. 我很高兴我摆脱了这份工作,因为我实在无法忍受每天早起。be out cold 不灵了,不管用了。完全不工作,不动弹了。 不灵了,不管用了。完全不工作,不动弹了。 1. They could not go anywhere as the car engine was out cold. 因为汽车的发动机完全不工作了,所以他们什么地方都去不了。 2. The fight was ended when one of the two boxers was knocked out cold. 当两个拳击手其中一个被打晕了,这个时候失去了意识,比赛要停 止了。be on to 意识到,明白,了解,察觉。 明白某事的真相了。 意识到,明白,了解,察觉。 明白某事的真相了。 1. The police were on to the criminals’plan very quickly. 警察很快就明白了这帮罪犯的计划。 2. If anyone’s on to us we should call the whole thing off. 如果有任何人察觉到了我们的计划,我们就要全盘取消。be my guest 喜欢怎样就怎样,随便 尽管随意 尽管随意。 喜欢怎样就怎样,随便,尽管随意。 1. If you think you can do the job be my guest and give it a try. 如果你觉得这个工作你可以胜任的话,那么你就去试一试吧。 2. A:Can I try your new badminton racket? B:Sure,be my guest? 我能用一下你的新羽毛球拍吗? 没问题,用吧。be jinxed 被诅咒过的,不吉利的。 被诅咒过的,不吉利的。 1. After three divorces she started to believe the marriage was jinxed. 在离过三次婚之后,她开始相信婚姻根本就不是好东西,根本就不 会有好的归宿。 2. He felt that the summer was jinxed because there had even not been one hot day. 他觉得这个夏季好像是被别人下过咒语似的,没一天热的。bankroll 为某事出钱,投资金。 为某事出钱,投资金。To provide the money necessary to do something. 1. I found some foreign investors to bankroll our new nightclub. 我找到一些海外投资者,为我们的新的夜总会出资。 2. That company is bankrolling our office party this year. Everything’s free! 那家公司将负责我公司今年年会的费用。一切都是免费的。bang 重击一个物体的时候,动作叫 既可以作名词, 重击一个物体的时候,动作叫“bang”.既可以作名词,也可以作动 既可以作名词 词。 1. Don’t band the door. 不要这么重敲门 2. That suspense movie gave me a big bang at the end. 那个悬念片它的 结果让我大吃一惊. 3. I never would have expected such a freaky ending. 我怎么也没有想到它的结果是这么曲折,这么奇妙bail on 放弃,相当于 放弃,相当于&give up&。 。 1. We had to bail on ou golf game,it’s pouring rain outside. 我们只得放弃高尔夫比赛,外面正在下着倾盆大雨。 2. Whay don’t you bail on your girlfriend tonight,an come out with the boys instead? 你今天晚上不要跟女朋友出去了,咱们哥儿们一起出去玩吧!bad rap 负面评价,口碑很差,但这种评价是不公正的。 负面评价,口碑很差,但这种评价是不公正的。 1。He’s had a bad rap,but he’s actually very nice in person. 他的口碑很不好,但是他的为人其实是很好的。backtrack 走回头路,回到以前。 走回头路,回到以前。 1. Before the exam at the end of the year the teacher is going to backtrack over all the things we’ve learned. 在年末考试之前,老师将复习我们学过的所有知识。 2. We got lost driving to Shunyi so we have to backtrack quite a lot until we finally found the correct road. 我们迷路了,误开到了顺义县,所以我们不得不掉头开了很久,直 到最终找到回程路线。cute act 小计量,小计谋。 小计量 小计谋。A behavior that is very charming and 小计谋 sweet but it’s intended to deceive or manipulate. 1. I’ve heard all these excuses before. I’m not falling for your cute act this time. I know you were out last night till 4:00am. 这些借口我已经听得太多了,这次你的小伎俩骗不了我了.我知道 你昨晚出去到凌晨四点才回来. 2. Listen, if drop the cute act and ask me honestly, I’ll tell you the truth. 把你的小把戏放到一边,真心地请求我,我才会告诉你真相.cut someone some slack 放某人一马,放过某人一次。 放某人一马,放过某人一次。 1. The professor cut me some slack and didn’t reduce my score for being late. 教授放了我一马,没有因为我迟到而扣我的分。 2. Please cut me some slack in the rope so I can untie the boat. 请松开绳子,我好把船划走。cross sb 惹恼某人,激怒某人。 惹恼某人,激怒某人。 某人 1. The gangster Al Capone used to get rid of anyone that crossed him. 黑社会头目 Al Capone 曾经杀掉了所有惹怒他的人。 2. At our company if you cross him he’ll fire you right away. 在我公司里面如果你惹怒了他,他会立刻炒你鱿鱼。creepy 古怪而吓人的,strange or fearful。 古怪而吓人的 。 1. That girl is really creepy. She’s always staring at me funny. 那个女孩有点奇怪,她总是用一种古怪的眼神看着我。 2. I am afraid to go into that store. That guy who works there is really creepy. 我不敢走进那家商店,在那里工作的那个家伙确实很古怪而且吓 人。crazy 疯狂的,疯了。 疯狂的 疯了。 疯了 1. He shouldn’t his car so fast,he’s crazy. He’s gonna got into an accident some day. 他不该开车开得这么快,他一定是疯了。这样的话,他总有一天会 出事的。 2. Are you crazy?There’s no way I’m going out with her. She’s ugly and she smells. 你一定是疯了吧,我可不跟她出去约会,她不好看,而且她身上有 一股怪味。count on sb 指望,依靠 信赖某人 指望 依靠,信赖某人。 依靠 信赖某人。 1. I know I let you down last week, but you can count on me this time. 我知道他上周让你失望了,但是这次你能指望我。 2. I am counting on you to get the job done on time. 这次我可就指望你完成这个任务了。cool 非常好,酷 真棒。 如称赞别人的主意好, 也可以说&Sounds cool.& 非常好 酷, 真棒。 如称赞别人的主意好, 也可以说 1. Cool!Your new cell phone is so small! 酷,真棒,你的新手机这么小。 2. Have you seen Matrix2?So cool! 你看没看《骇客帝国 II》?真的很棒。con artist 骗人的老手。 骗人的老手。 1. I don’t trust car salesmen as they’re often con artists. 我一般通常不会相信卖车的人。因为他们经常都是骗人的老手。 2. I gave a con artist my credit card number because I thought he worked for my bank. 我把我的信用卡的卡号,告诉给一个骗子老手,因为我觉得他可能 为我的银行所工作的。come with 一道去,一起去。 一道去,一起去。Come along 1. We’re going to the movies, wanna come with? 我们要去看电影,一起去吗? 2. I’m going shopping, why don’t you come with? 我要去购物,一起去吧。come up with sth 想起什么、想到什么,想出一个主意 想起什么、想到什么, 1. Henry is always trying to come up with ways to get rich. 亨利总是不停地在想怎么才能够变得富有。 2. I can’t get a visa to the U.S. so now I need to come up with a new plan for studying abroad. 我拿不到去美国的签证, 所以现在我只能重新想一个到外国学习的 办法。come up 发生得非常突然。 发生得非常突然。 1. We were supposed to go on holiday last week but something came up with work and we had to stay. 我们原本上周就应该去度假,但是工作上出现了一些情况,我们不 得不留下来。 2. I am sorry I was late for the meeting, something came up at home. 对不起,我会议迟到了,因为家里出了点事情。come off as 带给别人什么样的印象或感觉。后面加一个形容词。 带给别人什么样的印象或感觉。后面加一个形容词。It means “giving the impression that...” 1. I hope I didn’t come off as rude to your mom.I really want her to like me. 我希望我没有让你你妈妈感觉我没有礼貌.我真的非常希望她喜欢 我. 2. What he said came off as very mean.But if you knew the bigger picture,you know the reasons he said it. 他说的那些话让人感觉很尖酸.但是如果你知道整个事情的原委的 话,就理解他为何那样说了.come for 特别为某人或某事而来。 特别为某人或某事而来。 1. The postman is going to come for the parcels around 3pm. 邮递员会在大概下午 3 点钟的时候来送包裹。 2. My mother can’t come for me because her car broke down. 我妈妈的汽车抛锚了,所以就不能来看我了。 clueless 脑子不够快,木讷 笨拙。Incompetent 脑子不够快 木讷,笨拙。 木讷 笨拙 1. That American tourist is so clueless. She thinks 100 kuai is a good price for a cup of coffee. 那个美国游客有点笨,她认为 100 元一杯咖啡很便宜。 2. I’m clueless when it comes to women. I have no idea what they want. 一谈到女人我就有些木讷,我不了解她们想要什么。clear out 撤离,通常指从危险地带撤离。 撤离,通常指从危险地带撤离。 1. We need to clear out of the room, so they can prepare for the next event. 我们得赶快从房间里面撤出去,以便他们准备下一个活动。 2. As soon as you hear the fire alarm you need to clear out of the building as soon as possible. 只要一听到火警的声音,你就应该尽快地撤离这幢大楼。clear 清除,清理。 后面搭配&back&或&out&都可以。 都可以。 清除,清理。&clear&后面搭配 后面搭配 或 都可以 1. I want you to clear out all the trash from your room before she comes over. 在她来之前,你要把你的垃圾全都给我清理干净。 2. The spectators had to be cleared back from the field because they were getting too close to the players. 观众必须退离比赛场地,因为他们离球员的距离太近了。civilian 指的是地方的、贫民的生活。或是平常人生活中用到的,民用的。 指的是地方的、贫民的生活。或是平常人生活中用到的,民用的。 1. Before joining the army he was an accountant in civilian life. 在他入伍之前他在地方做一个会计。 2. Civilians are always very vulnerable in conflict zones. 老百姓这些贫民在那些有矛盾冲突的地方总是容易受伤害。chilly 寒冷的,天气冷。也表示 红色辣椒 的意思。 红色辣椒”的意思 寒冷的 天气冷。也表示“红色辣椒 的意思。 天气冷 1. Can I close the windows?It’s getting a little chilly in here. 我把窗户关上怎么样,这里越来越冷。 2. It’ll be chilly tonight.You should bring a jacket when you go out. 今晚降温,所以你出门的时候要带件夹克。chill out It means calm down&,意思是冷静下来,别紧张,放松一下。 ,意思是冷静下来,别紧张,放松一下。 1. He’s been working very hard the past couple of months so I think he just needs to go on holiday and chill out for a bit. 过去两个月他一直非常努力地工作, 我觉得他应该出去度假放松一 下。 2. I’m sick of studying at weekends. I just want to chill out. 我非常讨厌在周末工作,我只是想放松一下。chill 放松点儿,别紧张。Relax 放松点儿,别紧张。 1. Chill!Don’t worry so much about your job. 别太紧张,工作压力别太大。chief 领袖或负责人,指某群体里级别最高的。The highest rank 领袖或负责人,指某群体里级别最高的。 person in a group”.If you can somebody “a chief”, that means you really respect him. 1. Hey chief, where do you think we should go dancing tonight? 老大,你觉得我们今晚应该去哪里跳舞? 2. I don’t know what to say the girls, you’re the chief, why don’t you go talk to them? 我不知道怎么跟这些女孩子们说话,你是头儿,你为什么不去跟她 们谈谈? cheer sb up 逗某人开心,让某人高兴,把情绪调动起来 逗某人开心,让某人高兴, 1. After I failed my driving test I needed some cheering up so my friends took me out to a nightclub. 我驾照考试失败了,为了让我高兴起来,朋友们拉我出去玩。 2. I wanted to cheer my mother up when she was feeling sick,so I bought her a large bunch of flowers. 我妈妈生病了,为了让她高兴起来,我买给妈妈一大束花。chasing the skirt 追求女孩子。 追求女孩子。 1. He never did well at university because he was always out drinking beer and chasing the skirt. 我的朋友大学学习不好,因为他只知道出去喝啤酒。chap my hide 让人非常讨厌,让人讨厌到无处躲、无处藏的地步。 让人非常讨厌 让人讨厌到无处躲、无处藏的地步。 让人讨厌到无处躲 1. I know he doesn’t do it on purpose, but he just chaps my hide. 我知道他不是故意要这么做,但是他真的让我非常厌恶。 2. The way she drives really chaps my hide. 她开车的方式真的是让我非常讨厌。 can't get over 无法忘记某件事,无法从某件事的阴影中走出来。 无法忘记某件事,无法从某件事的阴影中走出来。 1. The French soccer fans can’t get ove the World Cup2002。 法国的球迷很难从 2002 年世界杯当中失利的阴影中走出来 2. I just cannot get over Liz。 我真的是忘不了 Liz。Can I get a lift? 能让我搭你的车吗? 我搭你一段吧? 就可以这样说 就可以这样说: 能让我搭你的车吗?如果说 “我搭你一段吧?”就可以这样说:I 我搭你一段吧 can give you a lift.call the shots 发号施令的,操纵的,管事的。管理的人 负责人 负责人。 发号施令的,操纵的,管事的。管理的人,负责人。 1. You must do what I tell you because I’m calling the shots around here. 你必须听我的话,因为我是这里负责的人。 2. Who is calling the shots for your team? 你们队谁负责?call the shots 拿主意,做决定。 拿主意,做决定。Make the decisions。 。 1. What do you always get to call the shots? I want to make some decisions too. 为什么总是你在拿主意?我也想作决定. 2. Don’t ask me when we get off work. I don’t call the shots around here. 不要问我什么时候我们可以下班. 在这里我说话不算数.call off 取消、停止某件事。 取消、停止某件事。 1. They called off the football match because of a severe thunderstorm. 因为暴雨太大了,他们把橄榄球赛取消了。 2. Please
I will be late getting back into town. 把会议取消了吧,我可能回去晚一点。call dibs on sth 有权要求做某事。 有权要求做某事。 1. I paid for the beer so I call dibs on the last bottle. 是我买的这些啤酒,因此我有权喝完最后一瓶酒。 2. I get carsick in the back seat, so I call dibs on the front seat. 我坐在后座上晕车,我希望坐到前座去。dwell on dwell on 这个词组的本意表示 驻扎,停守 的意思, 但是在这里 这个词组的本意表示“驻扎 停守”的意思 驻扎, 的意思, 的意思是: 的意思是:“Stop thinking about…” 1. We shouldn’t dwell on someone’s past。 我们不该总抓住一个人的过去不放。2. Hey,kenny,it’s been five years since you lost the car。You shouldn’t dwell on this frever。 肯尼, 那部车你都丢了五年了,你总不能永远想着它。dump 甩掉,蹬掉。 甩掉,蹬掉。 1. He’s been very depressed the last few days as his girlfriend just dumped him. 这几天他非常郁闷,因为他的女友把他甩了。 2. He kept going out late to bars so finally his girlfriend got so fed up and dumped him. Now she’s with somebody else. 他总是很晚去酒吧,于是最终他的女友受够了,把他甩了.现在他 的女友已经跟别人在一起了。dumb blonde 外表美丽但是头脑简单的美女,花瓶。 外表美丽但是头脑简单的美女,花瓶。It refers to a certain type of woman who has blonde hair, it portraits a kind of stupid woman. 1. Stop giving the wrong answers in class. They will think you’re a dumb blonde. 不要在课堂上胡乱回答问题啦,大家会认为你是个金发傻妞. 2. There’s nothing I love more than a dumb blonde with daddy’s plastic. 我最喜欢的顾客就是这种没头脑的金发傻妞了dumb 愚蠢、 愚蠢、笨、傻 1. My brother is so dumb, he thinks New York is the capital of America. 我弟弟很傻,他认为纽约是美国的首都。 2. I’m not dumb, I know that bike is only worth 20 dollars. The front wheel is broken! 我不傻,我知道那辆自行车只值二十块钱.前轮都坏了。duke it out 用拳头打架。 用拳头打架。 1. We had to duke it out for the last piece of cake. 当只剩下一块蛋糕的时候,我们只能打架了。 2. There is only one shower in our apartment. My brother and I had to duke it out to see who uses it first. 公寓里面只有一个淋浴喷头,所以我跟我的兄弟们没办法,我们只 能够打一架来决定谁先洗澡了。 drunk 喝多了,喝醉了,烂醉如泥。 这个词也可以作为名词使用, 喝多了 喝醉了,烂醉如泥。Drunk 这个词也可以作为名词使用, 喝醉了 意思是“酒鬼 。 意思是 酒鬼”。 酒鬼 1. He was so drunk last night that he forgot where he lived. 他昨晚喝得太多了,他醉得都忘记自己住在哪里了。 2. After drinking 10 bottles of beer, she was very drunk. 在喝了 10 瓶啤酒之后,她醉得很厉害。 3. Her father is a drunk. 她的父亲是一个酒鬼。drop in 顺便拜访,通常是在没有受到邀请的情况下。 顺便拜访,通常是在没有受到邀请的情况下。 1. Drop in whenever you’re in Haidian.I’d love to see you. 到了海淀区,随时来我家坐吧,见到你我会很高兴的。 2. My best friend lives in this neighbourhood.Let’s drop in on her. 我的好友就住在这附近,我们就去她家玩吧。drill 排练、演习。 排练、演习。 1. We've gone through the drill a hundred times. 我们已经排演过这个演习有好几百遍了。 dreamy 有魅力,迷人的,一般是女性用来形容男性。 有魅力,迷人的,一般是女性用来形容男性。 1. The young Prince William is dreamy, but I think he is a bit of a troublemaker. 年轻的威廉王子在很多女生的心目中很迷人, 但是我觉得他总是闯 祸,很麻烦。 2. The girls in my school think that the new Chinese teacher is dreamy. Too bad he’s married. 我们学校的女孩子都觉得这个新来的教中文的老师太棒了, 太遗憾 了,他已经结婚了。draw Take out. 拔出 抽出。 拔出,抽出。 抽出 1. You’d better draw your gun before he shoots you. 在他射杀你以前,你最好先把枪拔出来. 2. He drew his sword to get ready for battle. 他拔出了宝剑,准备战斗. doze off 眯瞪,睡着了。它和我们平常最常用的 sleep 是有区别的,指你在 眯瞪,睡着了。 是有区别的, 不该睡着的时候,睡着了。 不该睡着的时候,睡着了。 1. I was so tired yesterday that I dozed off in class. 我昨天实在是太累了,所以今天上课的时候就睡着了。 2. My grandfather always dozes off rigt after lunch. 我的爷爷总是吃过午饭以后就要去睡一会儿。Don't be a baby! baby 在这个地方的引申含义不是指婴儿,而是指他们的特点就是 在这个地方的引申含义不是指婴儿, “complain”, 抱怨。don’t be a baby!这里的意思是 Don’t , 抱怨。 ! complain. 1. Don't be a baby!Go talk to your boss。 你别跟我抱怨,直接去找老板谈吧。done with 终于做完了,潜在意思是腻了,再也不想做了。 终于做完了,潜在意思是腻了,再也不想做了。 1. I’m done with parties. I end up spending too much money, so from now on I’ll be staying at home and reading. 那些舞会总算是结束了。我花了这么多钱,从现在开始我没钱了, 我只有呆在家读读书了。 2. We graduated last week, so now I’m done with school foreve r! 上周我们毕业了,以后再也不用去上学了!do the honors 不胜荣幸,担当重任。有幸去做某事。 不胜荣幸,担当重任。有幸去做某事。 1. Why don’t you do the honors and open the bottle of champagne for us all? 你何不担当一下重任,为所有人开启这瓶香槟! 2. I’ll do the honors and open the present. 我很荣幸地打开这个礼物。do sth while we are still young 趁还没老,希望某事赶快完成。这是一个很形象的说法,表示快点, 趁还没老,希望某事赶快完成。这是一个很形象的说法,表示快点, 快点干完吧。 快点干完吧。 1. I wish they’d finish chess game while we’re still young. They’ve been playing for three hours already. 我真希望他们那个棋赛赶快截结束。他们已经下了三个钟头。 2. They need to score while we’re still young. It’s been a boring game so far. 他们赶快得一分吧,这个比赛太没意思了。 dive 很便宜,不太体面,看起来破破烂烂的酒吧或饭馆。 很便宜,不太体面,看起来破破烂烂的酒吧或饭馆。 1. This restaurant looks like a dive,but it has great food. 虽然这家饭馆看上去是破破烂烂,但是它提供的饭真的非常好吃。 2. College students usually like to hang out in dive bars because the drinks are cheap there. 大学生喜欢去一些便宜的酒吧去玩,因为那里面饮料都会比较便 宜。ditch sb / sth 抛弃或甩掉某人或某事。 抛弃或甩掉某人或某事。 1. Your car is a worthless piece of junk.You should ditch it by the side of the road! 你的那部车简直就是一堆费铜烂铁,你应该把它扔到路旁不要了。dispose 把东西扔掉,处理掉。 把东西扔掉,处理掉。 1. I haven't disposed of the rubbish yet. 我还没有把垃圾扔掉。 2. Can you dispose of the old batteries carefully? 当你扔掉这些旧电池的时候能不能小心一点? direct 心直口快,不会委婉表达自己想法。 心直口快,不会委婉表达自己想法。 1. Sometimes if I am too direct people think I am rude. 有时,如果我说话太直接,人们会觉得我很粗鲁。 2. He should be more direct and not so shy. 他应该直截了当,不要太羞涩。dig 喜欢,中意。 喜欢,中意。 1. Paul,I dig you new harcut. 保罗,我非常喜欢你今天的发型。 2. John’s taking his girlfriend to a Korean restaurant for their anniversary,becaue his girlfriend really digs Korean food. 约翰的女朋友非常喜欢韩国食品, 所以在他们第一次见面纪念日的 时候,约翰就把他的女朋友带到韩国的餐馆去。 die down 渐渐平息下去,逐渐减弱。 渐渐平息下去 逐渐减弱。 逐渐减弱 1. The big fuss over Real Madrid playing in Bejing died down after the game. 皇家马德里队在北京比赛的热潮,随着比赛的结束而慢慢地平息。 2. We’re hoping for the storm to die down before we go out s ailing, otherwise it could be too dangerous. 我们希望在我们出发之前,风暴赶快停下来,否则太危险了。dead end 死胡同,没有出路 尽头 尽头。 死胡同,没有出路,尽头。 1. This route is a dead end. Let’s find another way to go. 这个路是是个死胡同,我们换一条路走吧。 2. She was stuck in a dead end job. There were no opportunities for advancement. 她已经陷入了一个死胡同,不会有什么前途的。date 约会或者约会的对象。 约会或者约会的对象。 1. I’m still trying to find a date for the prom next Saturday. 到现在我还在尝试去找一个为了我毕业舞会的舞伴。 2. Sally agreed to be my date tonight. 莎丽同意今晚跟我出去约会。 elite 精华。 精华。 1. Cambridge only admits elite students. 剑桥大学只招收最好的学生。 2. Beijing Hotel is one of Beijing elite hotels. 北京饭店是北京最好的饭店之一。easy on 也可以表达为&go easy on&,意思是做事悠着点儿,要节制一点 也可以表达为 ,意思是做事悠着点儿,要节制一点, 别太过了。 别太过了。 1. Easy on the beer.you don’t want to have a hangover tomorrow, do you? 少喝一点,你总不能想明天起不来床吧。 2. If you want to lose weight,you should go easy on the fried foods. 你想瘦吗,炸的食品你就悠着点吃吧。E.T.A 的缩略形式, 是&estimated time of arrival&的缩略形式, 的缩略形式 意思是预计到达时 间。 1. The plane’s E.T.A. is 8:45 this evening. 飞机预计到达时间是傍晚 8:45。 2. Just got a call from the office. I told them our E.T.A. was 12 noon. 我接到办公室电话,我告诉他们我们大概在中午 12 点到达。fresh “Fresh”一词在俚语里面它表示两个意思,一是不要脸,二是行为 一词在俚语里面它表示两个意思,一是不要脸, 一词在俚语里面它表示两个意思 举止不恰当。 举止不恰当。 1. If anyone acts fresh in class,then the teacher sends him straight out to the headmaster. 班上任何人要是敢捣乱,行为不恰当的话,老师就会把这个同学直 接送到校长那去。 2. He’s very fresh,he’s always asking girls he’s just met to go out with him. 他这个人脸皮非常厚, 他经常敢约那些才刚结识的姑娘跟他一起出 去。freeze 不许动,原意是 冻结,结冰。Stop what you are doing 不许动 原意是“冻结,结冰。 原意是 冻结 immediately. 1. Freeze right there! You can’t take my bicycle without asking. 不许动,你不能不问过我就把我的自行车拿走。 2. I understand your proposal, but can we just freeze for a minute and go over the last part again. 我理解你的建议,但是我们能不能先停一下,然后把最后一部分再 看一遍?freaky 奇怪的,蹊跷的,捉摸不定的。 奇怪的,蹊跷的,捉摸不定的。 1. Oscar and his wife look alike,isn’t that freaky? 奥斯卡和他的老婆长得这么像,难道不奇怪吗? 2. A:A strange woman wearing a hat and sunglasses was staring at me at the restaurant. B:That’s freaky. 在饭店里,一个戴着一顶帽子和墨镜的奇怪女人一直盯着我看。 真是莫名其妙。freak 怪物或有超能力的人。 怪物或有超能力的人。 1. My friends think I’m a freak,because I don’t like to sleep more than 3 hours a night. 我的朋友觉得我很奇怪,因为每晚我不愿睡过三个钟头。 2. This costume is so ugly.It makes me look like a freak! 这个衣服不好看,我觉得我穿上去好像让人觉得很奇怪。 fool 傻瓜。Someone of low intelligence. 傻瓜。 1. Look at that fool,he is Jenny’s brother. He never get things right. 你看那个傻瓜,他是詹妮的哥哥,他什么事情都做不对。 2. If you’d stop acting like such a fool, You’d realize he’s just tried to help you. 如果你要是能够不是总表现得这样愚蠢, 你会发觉他还是乐意帮助 你的。Floor it. 把油门踩到底,提速,以最快的速度走。 把油门踩到底,提速,以最快的速度走。 1. We’re gonna be late for the movie. If you floor it, we might make it in time. 看电影我们要晚了,如果你以最快速度开的话,恐怕还来得及。 2. Floor it, Mr. Taxi driver. I have a train to catch. 出租车大哥,能不能以最快的速度开? 我要去赶火车。fit in 与某些人或事调和、融合得很好。 与某些人或事调和、融合得很好。 1. Many foreigners ride bicycles in China to fit in to society better. 很多外国人在中国都骑自行车,他们已真正融入了中国社会。 2. Because of her strange clothing,she didn’t fit in well with the rest of the students. 因为她喜欢穿奇装异服,所以她跟其他同学合不来。finest Finest means the best, kind of elegant and , beautiful.”它的意思是 最好的 ,可以形容东西,也可以形容人 它的意思是“最好的 它的意思是 最好的”,可以形容东西,也可以形容人. 1. Hey Jane, We’re having guests. Bring out our finest china. 珍妮,把我们家最漂亮的餐具拿出来,我们有贵客来了. 2. The Mona Lisa is DaVinci’s finest work. 蒙娜丽莎是达芬奇最棒的作品. 3. Hey, you are, yes. you are the finest teacher we have ever seen. 你是我们见过的最好的老师.fill me in on 跟我讲讲。 To 跟我讲讲。 be told or be informed about the details on the matter. 1. I can’t understand the new computer system. Can you fill me in on how it works? 我不懂这个新的电脑程序是怎样运作的,你能给我讲解一下吗? 2. I’d like to get filled in on what kind of company this is before I invest. 在我进行投资之前,我希望了解一下这个公司的情况. fall on difficult times 经济上出现麻烦了,经济窘迫,手头没钱了。 经济上出现麻烦了,经济窘迫,手头没钱了。 1. After he lost his job he began to fall on difficult times. 他把工作丢掉之后,他就开始陷入经济困境了。 2. The country fell on difficult times during its civil war. 这个国家在内战期间没钱了,财政上越来越紧了freak of nature 某人具有超能力,也表示某人看起来很奇怪。 某人具有超能力,也表示某人看起来很奇怪。 1. He is so good at tennis, he’s a freak of nature! 这家伙网球打得这么棒,简直是超人。 2. She is so tall-she must be a freak of nature! 她怎么这么高,简直像个怪物。grow up 做事成熟一些,别太孩子气。 做事成熟一些,别太孩子气。 1. I think she should stop waiting her time with her make-up and men and grow up a little. 我想她应该不要在化妆品和男人身上浪费时间,变得成熟一些。Got it. 我懂了,我明白了。 我懂了,我明白了。 1. I can’t quite seem to get this math problem. 这道数学题,我好像不太懂。 2. I want you to come home right after school,got it? 我让你放学以后,哪儿也别去,赶快回家,懂了吗?Got a light? 借个火,好吗?句中 借个火,好吗 句中&light&是打火机。 是打火机。 句中 是打火机 1. Ok, the candles are in the cake. Do you have a light? 这个蜡烛在蛋糕上都摆好了,有打火机吗? 2. I have some cigarettes. you got a light? 我这有烟,你有火吗?go with it 附和某人或某事。 附和某人或某事。 1. I don’t like the way he runs the business, but I have to go with it because I’m not the boss. 我虽然不喜欢他经营商业的方式,但是我必须附和,因为我不是老 板。 2. If you want to be a good dancer, just listen to the music and go with it. 如果你想成为一个好的舞者,只要听着音乐跟着一起跳就好了。 go wherever the wind takes sb 思想开放,不受束缚,充满冒险精神。 思想开放,不受束缚,充满冒险精神。 1. I don’t know what I’ll do after I graduate from university.I guess I’ll just go wherever the wind takes me. 我并不知道我会要做些什么在我毕业以后, 我想想尝试一些新鲜事 物。 2. That girl has to get serious about her career soon. At the moment, she just goes wherever the wind takes her. 她应该认真对待她的工作。在目前,她还是无拘无束,放任自流。go way back 两个人早就认识,旧交,老朋友。If two persons are go way 两个人早就认识,旧交,老朋友。 back, that means they know each other for long time. 1. My friend Amy and I go way back. We’ve been friends since elementary school. 我和艾米是老朋友了,我们从小学就是朋友。 2. My grandfather and his friends go way back, they were in the Army together during WWII. 我的祖父和他的朋友们有多年交情了, 在二战的时候他们一起在部 队服役。 go for Like to do or be willing to do sth. 喜欢,愿意,感兴趣。 喜欢,愿意,感兴趣。 1. You can’t pawn your old car off on me. I didn’t go for it. 你别想把你的破车卖给我,我才不会要,我才不会有兴趣。go ballistic 愤怒,无比气愤,气疯了,气死了。 愤怒,无比气愤 气疯了,气死了。 气疯了 1. My boss went ballistic when I spilled wine on her new white dress. 我的老板非常生气,因为我把酒洒在她的新的白裙子上了。 2. If Linda finds out she failed this class, she’ll go ballistic. 如果琳达发现她没有通过这门功课的话,她一定会气疯的。give someone a hand 帮某人一个忙,help someone。 帮某人一个忙 。 1. Could you give me a hand and pass me the scissors?I can’t reach them myself. 能帮忙把那个剪刀递给我吗?我够不着。 2. Why don’t you give dad a hand with garbage?It looks heavy. 你应该帮爸爸那拎一下垃圾袋,那个东西看起来很重。give sb a little room 给某人留一些时间或余地,让他去思考或休息。 给某人留一些时间或余地,让他去思考或休息。 1. I haven’t had a break for weeks, all I’m asking for is a little room to think. 我已经有几个礼拜没有休息,现在我所要的就是一点空间,让我思 考。 2. Please just stop criticizing me and give me a little room! 求求你别再批评我了,给我一点空间好不好。give sb a hand 帮忙,帮助某人。 帮忙 帮助某人。 帮助某人 1. I my brother gave me a hand with my homework last night. 我很幸运,我哥哥昨天晚上帮助我完成了家庭作业。 2. My friend’s boat was broken, so I stopped to give him a hand. 我朋友的船坏了,所以我停下来给他帮忙修船。give sb / sth a shot 尝试,给某人或某物一次尝试的机会。 尝试,给某人或某物一次尝试的机会。To give somebody a try or to try by yourself。 。 1. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to help you with your homework, but I’ll give it a shot. 我不敢确定我是否能够帮助你完成家庭作业,但是我会试一试。 2. You’re not really qualified for this job, but I like you, so I’ll give you a shot. 你确实不胜任这个工作,但是我喜欢你,所以我会给你一次机会去 尝试一下。Give me a hand! Help me,中文意思:“帮帮我 当你需要帮助的时候,可以使用 ,中文意思: 帮帮我 当你需要帮助的时候, 帮帮我”.当你需要帮助的时候 这个短语. 这个短语 1. Wow,the table is so heavy.Can you give me a hand moving it? 这个桌子太重了,你帮我搬一下好吗? 2. Hey man,come on,give me a hand with this math problem. 过来帮帮我这道数学题.give it everything you've got Just try as much as possible.竭尽全力,达到自我的极限。 竭尽全力,达到自我的极限。 竭尽全力 1. If you give it everything you’ve got, the team will win the game. 如果你们能够竭尽全力去拼的话,这个队伍就能赢得比 赛. 2. Don’t worry about it. I’m sure if you give it everything you’ve got, you’ll pass it. 千万别担心,我确信如果你竭尽全力的话,你一定可以通过考试.get to the piont 直接说最重要的,直切主题,直接点题。 直接说最重要的,直切主题,直接点题。 1. It takes a long time for our professor to get to the point. 我们的教授花了这么长时间他才谈及主题。 2. I didn’t have enough time to get to the point of my speech. 我时间不够给大家来讲我今天演讲的主题了。get through 与&come throught&类似,意思是坚持到底,扛下去,度过难关。 类似,意思是坚持到底,扛下去,度过难关。 类似 1. A: I’m so nervous about the final exam. B: Don’t worry, you’ll get through this. 我很担心我的期末考试。 别担心,你会挺过去的。 2. Emily had a hard time adjusting to her new job, but she got through this. 艾米莉刚开始有一段调整时期非常难熬, 但是现在一切难关都过去 了。get the picture 全面了解,完全明白。 全面了解,完全明白。Understand the whole situation. 1. After meeting his parents, Julie got the picture about her boyfriend. 在见过他的父母之后,朱丽对自己的男朋友有了全面了解。 2. Once the managers explained all aspects of the project, I got the picture and understood my role much better. 在经理们解释了这个项目的所有方面之后, 我对此项目和我的工作 有了全面了解。get real 面对现实,现实一些,别老做梦。 面对现实,现实一些,别老做梦。 1. When I tell people that I want to be a billionalre,they just tell me to get real. 当我告诉大家我想成为一个亿万富翁的时候, 他们只是劝我要面对 现实。 2. I wish my parents would get real,they think that I will graduate with the best grades in the country. 我期望父母能够现实一点,因为他们认为我会以全国最高分毕业。get out of my face 滚开,在我眼前消失,别让我再看到。 滚开,在我眼前消失,别让我再看到。 1. Can you make your dog get out of my face?I’m trying to study and he’s bothering me. 你能不能让你的狗走开? 我在学习,他打搅我了。 2. If you don’t get out of my face, I’m going to call the police. 如果你还不从我的眼前消失的话,那么我就要叫警察了。 get out 泄露出去。 泄露出去。 1. It mustn’t get out that I’m missing school tomorrow otherwise I’ll really get in trouble. 你可千万别跟别人说我明天逃学了,要不然我就有麻烦了。 2. If we go to this party it mustn’t get out as I told my othe r friend that I was staying at home. 如果我们一起去舞会的话,可千万别告诉别人,因为我跟我其他朋 友说我是呆在家里不出去的。get off to a good start 开门红,打响头炮 好的开始 好的开始。 开门红,打响头炮,好的开始。 1. I really want to get off to a good start at my new job.I hope I don’t make any mistakes at my first week. 我非常希望新的工作能有一个好的开始。第一周一定不能犯错。 2. Annie’s date didn’t get off to a good start. Roger came to the restaurant 45 minutes late. 安妮的约会好像刚开始不太顺利,罗杰迟到了 45 分钟。 get off the hook 解围,摆脱困境,麻烦。 解围,摆脱困境 麻烦。 麻烦 1. If you get caught stealing, a smile won’t get you off the hook. 如果你在行窃的时候被当场抓住,一个笑容是不可能让你逃脱的。 2. My boss asked me to work on Sunday, how can I get off the hook? 我的老板要求我星期天加班,我怎么才能推脱掉呢?get nailed 被痛打了一顿,被扁了 或者是身体上某些部位受到了伤害。 或者是身体上某些部位受到了伤害 被痛打了一顿,被扁了,或者是身体上某些部位受到了伤害。 1. When I used to play rugby, I would get nailed almost every game. 我以前在玩橄榄球的时候,几乎每一次都会受伤。 2. Alex got nailed in a pub by a big guy because he was caught checking out the guy's girlfriend. 亚力克斯在一个酒吧里被一个大个子打了一顿, 因为他招惹那人的 女朋友。get creamed 遭到重挫。 遭到重挫。 重挫 1. Our team got creamed in the semi-finals so we din’t win a trophy. 我们队在几个半决赛中遭受重挫,没有赢到奖牌。 2. The economy got absolutely creamed after the financial crisis. 在金融危机过后,国家的经济遭受重挫。 get a head start on sb 走在别人前面,先别人而行。 走在别人前面,先别人而行。 1. Craig is a slow runner,but he got a head start on the others,so he might win the race。 Craig 这个家伙跑得很慢,可是他总是先比别人出发。所以赢得比赛 的总是他。gab 唠唠叨叨,絮叨。 唠唠叨叨 絮叨。 絮叨 1. Stop gabbing! I’m trying to study. 别唠叨了,我在学习。 2. I hate it when people gab in movie theaters. 我讨厌在电影院看电影总是说个没完的人。how come 为什么?怎么了?Why。这个句子不是一般疑问句,因此后面加陈 为什么?怎么了 。这个句子不是一般疑问句, 述句的句型。 述句的句型。 1. How come you are always late for wark? 你怎么工作总是迟到? 2. I wonder how come Beth scored better than Bob on the exam when Bob’s English is much better? 鲍勃的英语比贝丝好得多,可为什么考试的时候,总是贝丝考得更 好呢?hot stuff 宝贝儿,美人儿,有一点贬义。 宝贝儿,美人儿,有一点贬义。It means somebody or something that is really impressive,attractive or exciting. It’s often used to make fun of someone Who’s trying too hard to look good. 1. Come on hot stuff!don’t playing too hard on your hair,We’ll be late. 快点好吗?别弄你的头发了,我们要迟到。 2. Wow!That cell phone sure is hot stuff.It has so many new features. 那个手机可真够棒的,功能这么多。hot shot 自以为是的人,自大狂。 自以为是的人,自大狂。 1. Ok hot shot. if you’re so good at picking up women,why don’t you go talk to that group of models? 好的,你既然认为你对女人这么有一套,那么你干吗不去试试那些 模特? 2. I know you’re a good tennis player.Hot shot, you don’t have to remind me that you won the championship every time I see you. 我知道你网球不错,可你也不必要每次见到,都提醒我你得过冠军 吧。hospitable 好客的、友好的。 好客的、友好的。 1. Tourists often say that Canadians are very hospitable people. 游客们都知道加拿大人总是非常友好。 2. If you want to be hospitable,you should make sure your guests are always comfortable. 如果你想表现得好客的话,你需要保证客人们重视感觉很舒适。hoot 有趣的人或事物。 有趣的人或事物。 1. How did the party turn out?The party last night was a hoot. I had a great time. 昨晚的舞会怎么样?那个舞会很有意思,我玩得很尽兴。 2. What do you think of Dave?Dave sure is a hoot. He’s always got a funny story to tell. 你觉得 Dave 这个人怎么样?这个人很有意思,他经常会讲很有趣 的故事。 hold-up 耽搁,耽误 晚点。 耽搁 耽误,晚点。 耽误 晚点 1. My flight arrived very late because there was a hold-up at the airport. 我航班到达的时候非常晚,因为在机场晚点了。 2. I’ve been waiting for you for half an hour. What’s the hold-up? 我已经等了你半个小时,到底是什么让你来晚了?hold up 这个短语可以有两个意思,第一个是表示 慢一点 放慢速度”, 慢一点, 这个短语可以有两个意思,第一个是表示“慢一点,放慢速度 ,第 二个意思是“推迟一下 。 二个意思是 推迟一下”。 推迟一下 1. I asked my tennis partner to hold up so I could tie my shoelace. 我让对手等一下,以便于我可以系鞋带。 2. The plane was held up for one hour because of a snowstorm. 暴风雪使飞机推迟了一个钟头。hold sth 别放、别加什么东西。 别放、别加什么东西。 1. I’d like a big Mac,but hold the cheese. 我想要一个巨无霸,但是别放奶酪。hold out hope 在很糟的情况下,依然存有希望。 在很糟的情况下,依然存有希望。 1. The plane crashed four days ago,but they’re still holding out hope of finding more survivors. 这一架飞机四天前坠毁了, 可他们仍然抱一线希望能够找多更多的 幸存者。 2. We lost the game yesterday so we don’t hold out much hope of getting to the finals. 昨天那个比赛我们输掉了, 所以我们不再有什么希望还能够杀入决 赛。Hold on! 意思是 Wait!等一下,稍等一下的意思。 !等一下,稍等一下的意思。 1. A: May I speak wit Joe? B: Hold on please!Joe is on another line.hold on! 2. Hold on!Hold on!Could you move a little bit closer? 你稍等,能不能往前一点?hit the jackpot 赢了一大笔钱,发横财 或突然交了好运 获得惊人的成功。 或突然交了好运, 赢了一大笔钱,发横财,或突然交了好运,获得惊人的成功。 1. He hit the jackpot when the stocks he invested in tripled in value in one day. 他赢了一大笔钱,他的股票在一天之内就翻了三倍。 2. I felt like I hit the jackpot shopping today, because there were so many good sales. 今天的购物我感觉真是很核算,因为很多货物打了很大的折扣。hit somewhere 意思就是去什么地方。 意思就是去什么地方。Go somewhere. 1. I need to hit the bathroom before we leave the restaurant. 我需要在离开饭馆之前,去一趟卫生间。history 表示某人或某件事已经风光不再 成为过去 已经成为历史了。 表示某人或某件事已经风光不再,成为过去,已经成为历史了。If 事已经风光不再 成为过去, you say “sth or sb is history”, that means “they’ve lost their power, they are no long important”. 1. That girl’s history, I dumped her three months ago. 我已经跟那个女孩子分手三个月了,她已经是过去了. 2. That apartment’s history. I really hated that. So I moved here. 我过去那个公寓我不喜欢,所以我搬到这里来了.high stakes 某事风险很大,生死攸关。 某事风险很大,生死攸关。 1. The company is playing for high stakes,if the takeover bid goes well then they’ll make a huge amount of money,if not they might go bankrupt. 那家公司正处在紧要关头,如果的收购价格合适的话,他们就会挣 一大笔钱,否则的话就破产了。 2. It’s high stakes for the Beijing team in tonight’s game.If they win, they can make it to the finals. If they lose, it’ll be the end of their season. 今晚的比赛对北京队而言是生死攸关的一场比赛, 如果他们获胜就 能够闯入决赛。如果不成功的话,这个赛季他们就没有比赛了。heat 背负的责任,重担,压力。 背负的责任,重担,压力。 1. Andrew is getting a lot heat from his parents to get into a good university. 安德鲁的父母给他很大的压力,让他考入一个好大学。 2. I took a lot of heat for crashing Evelyns car. 伊夫琳总是责备我,给我施加很大压力,因为我撞坏了她的车。heartbreaker 打碎心的人,引申意义表示说 万人迷 万人迷”。 打碎心的人,引申意义表示说“万人迷 。 1. They have a very beartiful daughter who will be a heartbreaker one day. 这对夫妇有一个非常漂亮的女儿, 我相信有一天这个姑娘会成为一 个万人迷的。 2. He has a lot of girlfriends and is a bit of a heartbreaker. 他女朋友有一箩筐,有点算是万人迷了。 head 去某地。 去某地。 1. My family is heading for the beach this weekend.Want to come? 我们家这个周末要去海边玩,要不要一起去? 2. In three months,I’m heading off to university. 三个月以后,我就要去上大学了。have no idea 对某事毫无头绪,一点都不了解。 对某事毫无头绪,一点都不了解。To have no idea about something means to be totally uninformed and not to know anything about it. 1. I had no idea it was your birthday yesterday. 我根本不知道昨天是你的生日。 2. I wish I’d studied more mathematics because I’ve got no idea how to do my taxes. 我真希望我多学习一些数学知识, 因为我根本不知道如何核算我的 税费。have a soft spot for sb /sth 喜欢某物、某人,有特殊的好感。 喜欢某物、某人,有特殊的好感。 1. George has a soft spot for Annie。She is like a little sister to him。 乔治对安妮有一种特别好的感觉,她就像他的小妹妹。 2. I have soft spot for Chicago because my parents met there。 我对芝加哥这个地方非常有亲切感,因为我的父母在那里相遇。have a lot of nerve 竟然还有脸做某事。 的形式, 竟然还有脸做某事。后面都跟的 doing 的形式,这是一个固定的用 法。 1. You have a lot of nerve asking for more money when you nerve repaid your first loan. 你还有脸再来要钱,你上一次的贷款还没有偿还。 2. He had a lot of nerve returning to the restarant after he was asked to leave. 他被哄走了之后,还真的有脸再回到这个饭馆。have a crush on sb 迷恋上某人了,对某人有好感。 迷恋上某人了,对某人有好感。 1. I was embarrassed when she found out I had a crush on her. 她发现我喜欢她,我感到非常的不好意思。 2. He’s always had a crush on Cameron Diaz. 他一直喜欢那个凯蒙?迪亚茨。Hang on. 等一下,坚持一下。Wait a minute. 等一下,坚持一下。 1. A:Are you already at the train station? B:Hang on. 你已经到火车站,对吗? 请多等一会儿。 2. A:Hi!Is Alex home? B:Hang on.Let me go check. Alex 在家吗? 稍等,我去给你看一看。hang on 滞留,暂时停在某处不动。是指先不要挂电话,请等一下 滞留,暂时停在某处不动。是指先不要挂电话,请等一下. 1. I’m almost done cleaning my room, if you hang on, we can go to the mall together. 我马上就打扫完房间了,如果你等一下的话,我们可以一起去购物 中心. 2. Hang on, last week you said you were gonna pay me 10 dollars per hour, now you’re only paying me 8, That’s not fair. 等一下,上周你说你每小时会付我十美元,现在你只付我八美元, 这样不公平.hang in there 保持某种态度,坚持。 保持某种态度,坚持。 1. At first,I didn’t want to finsh the book because it was too long,but I hung in there and read it to the end. 一开始的时候,这个书我不想读完,因为它太厚了,但是后来我还 是一口气把它读完了。 2. The hours of training everyday made the athlete want to quit,but he hung in there and won the competition. 每天那么多小时的训练,使得这名运动员想放弃了,但是他坚持下 去,并且赢得了最终胜利。hang by a thread 千钧一发,危在旦夕。这件事悬了。 千钧一发,危在旦夕。这件事悬了。 1. Your job is hanging by a thread right now. I think your boss wants to fire you. 你的工作恐怕保不住了,我觉得你的老板要炒掉你。 2. Peace is hanging by a thread in Iraq. 伊拉克的和平局面随时都将被打破。handle sth 应付、处理谋事,搞得定。 应付、处理谋事,搞得定。 1. Karer is not very good at managing her time.I don’t think she can handle two jobs. 凯伦她并不擅长计划她的时间,我认为她根本没办法应付两份工 作。had it with 对某事受够了,无法再忍受了。 对某事受够了,无法再忍受了。 1. The trains are always running ate.I’ve absolutely had it with them! 火车总是晚点,我真的忍无可忍。 2. I’ve had it with all this traffic.It’s impossible to get across town these days. 如今的交通状况简直是令人无法容忍,连进城都办不到。hot idea 非常棒的主意或想法。 非常棒的主意或想法。It is another way of saying “a very good idea&。 。 1. I have a hot idea- why don’t we pack a lunch and go to the beach today? Won’t that be fun! 我有个绝妙的主意,我们把午餐打包到海滩上去吃吧,一定很有意 思! 2. That idea you came up with for the new campaign is really hot. I think the public will respond very well. 你那个关于竞选的主意真的非常好!我想公众的反响一定会不错。 homely feel 指某个地方让人觉得很舒服,有家的感觉。 指某个地方让人觉得很舒服 有家的感觉。 有家的感觉 1. His apartment is cold and bare and not very homely. 他的公寓房有三个特点,第一个是特别的冷,第二个是空荡荡的, 第三个是没有家的感觉。 2. I like that restaurant because it has a homely feel. 我喜欢那家餐馆,因为那有家的感觉。hard life 终日奔忙,艰苦努力的生活。 终日奔忙,艰苦努力的生活。 1. Being a farmer is a hard life. You have to work all day and all night. 农民的生活非常不容易,因为你必须夜以继日地工作。 2. She has a hard life. She supports her whole family and goes to school at night. 她的生活非常艰难,需要养活一家人,晚上还要上夜校读书。It's up to you. 由你来决定,你说了算。 由你来决定,你说了算。It’s your decision 1. You can study English or Spanish,it’s up to you. 你可以学英语,也可以去学西班牙语,你自己决定。 2. You can have any sweater you want. It’s up to you.The color’s up to you. 想穿什么样的毛衣自己定好了,颜色你来挑,由你自己决定。it'll cost … 花费很贵,代价很大 花费很贵,代价很大。 1. It’ll cost you to have your car fixed. 你这个车修好的话要花不少钱。 I don’t know how Duran is gonna afford a vacation in Europe.it’ll cost him. 我不知道为什么杜伦能花得起钱去欧洲度假,费用很高的。itching If you are itching to do something,it means that you , are eager or impatient to do it.非常急切,非常盼望,迫不 非常急切,非常盼望, 非常急切 急待做某事。 是形容词。 急待做某事。”itching”是形容词。 是形容词 1. Oh, man, I’m itching to get off work. I have a hot date tonight. 伙计,我可真是等不及要赶快下班了,因为今晚我有一个非常棒的 约会。It doesn't count. 无关紧要,不计算在内。 无关紧要 不计算在内。 不计算在内 1. The first two exams do not count toward your final score for the class. 最初的这两次考试与课程的最后成绩无关。 2. My opinion never counts because I’m the youngest in my family. 因为我是我们家最小的,所以我说的话从来都不被重视。ingenious 非常有天赋的,有创造力的,有独创性的。 名词是“genius”。 非常有天赋的,有创造力的,有独创性的。 名词是 。 1. The design of the new opera house is ingenious. 这个新的歌剧院的设计真的是很有创意。 2. She’s had some ingenious ideas for saving money. 她在存钱方面有非常多的好点子。in vogue 时尚的、时髦的。 时尚的、时髦的。It is fashionable 1. Long skirts are in vogue nowadays. 长裙现在很时尚. 2. Korean dramas are in vogue. 韩剧现在很流行.in good faith 做事讲信用,诚信。 做事讲信用,诚信。 1. That company didn’t act in good faith, they cheated us. 那家公司,他们做事情不讲信用, 他们骗了我们。improvise 即兴创作,现场发挥。 即兴创作 现场发挥。 现场发挥 1. I haven’t written a speech for tonight so I’ll just have to improvise. 今晚的讲演我没有准备讲稿,所以只有现场发挥了。 2. If you don’t know the answer just improvising. 如果你不知道这个答案是什么的话,你就即兴发挥一下吧。impossible 形容一种人,不可理喻、无法与之讲道理。 形容一种人 不可理喻、无法与之讲道理。 不可理喻 . Your cat is simply impossible. He always runs around scratching things and does not listen to me. 你的这只猫简直是不可理喻,它在我家总是乱跑,还乱抓乱挠,根 本不听我的话。 2. This science course is impossible!I will never get an A. 自然课真是不可理喻,我永远得不了 A。I.D. 的缩写, 是&identification&的缩写,意思是身份或身份证。 的缩写 意思是身份或身份证。 1. I couldn’t get into the club last night because I forgot my I.D.. The bouncer thought I was underage. 昨天晚上我没有进去酒吧,因为我忘记带身份证了,酒吧保安认为 我还没有成年。 2. You need to show your I.D. when you borrow a book from the library. 你需要出示证件才可以从图书馆里借书。I get it. 我明白了,我懂了。 我明白了,我懂了。 1. Ha!Ha!I get it.That’s a funny joke. 哈哈,我明白了,那肯定是个玩笑。 2. This math problem is so hard!I don’t get it. 这道数学题真难,我怎么也搞不懂。I didn't catch it. 我没听清楚,我没明白 不懂 不懂。 我没听清楚,我没明白,不懂。 1. A:What did the weather report? B:I didn’t catch it. 刚才天气预报是怎么报的? 我也没听到。 2. A:What was her name again? B:I didn’t catch it when she was introduced. 那个女孩叫什么名字? 别人介绍她的时候我也没注意。I blew it. 我把某事搞砸了。 我把某事搞砸了。 1. I really wanted to go to law school, but I blew the exams. I can’t get in right now. 我真的很想上法学院,但是我把考试搞砸了.现在没办法了。 2. I really blew the chances with Marilyn when I told her she looked fat in the dress she was wearing. 我真的把与玛罗琳的机会浪费了,刚才我告诉她她穿那条裙子显 胖。jump out of sb's skin 紧张得心惊肉跳,如坐针毡。 紧张得心惊肉跳,如坐针毡。 1. I was jumping out of my skin worrying about my exam results. 我很担心考试结果,感觉如坐针毡。 2. That ghost movie had me jumping out of my skin. 这部恐怖片吓得我心惊肉跳。 jinx 扫把星,可以泛指一切能够带来坏运气的东西。Something that 扫把星,可以泛指一切能够带来坏运气的东西。 brings bad luck. 1. I think this watch is a jinx to me. Every time I wear it,something bad happens. 这个表我觉得对我好像是不太吉利,每次一带它,就会发生坏事 情。 2. Some people think the Year of Goat is a jinx. 有人说羊年不吉利。jerk 形容一个人很笨,愚蠢,古怪或粗鲁。 形容一个人很笨,愚蠢 古怪或粗鲁。 古怪或粗鲁 1. That guy is such jerks. He told me I was fat. 那个家伙非常的坏,他竟然敢说我胖. 2. My boss is a jerks,he always make us work late every night and doesn’t pay us for it. 我的老板是一个坏蛋,因为他总让我加班,还不给加班费。knock sth together 草草完成,拼凑而成 对付 很快地完成。 对付, 草草完成,拼凑而成,对付,很快地完成。 1. This restaurant seems like it was just knocked together yesterday. The paint is still wet! 这个饭馆看起来从昨天刚刚完工,因为油漆还是湿的。 2. Tonight’s dinner was no trouble. I knocked it together in 30 minutes. 今天晚上这顿晚饭,一点都不麻烦,因为我只花了 30 分钟。Knock it off. 住手,停下。表示对别人做的事不满。 住手,停下。表示对别人做的事不满。 1. Your music is too loud. I can’t hear myself think. Knock it off. 你的音乐声音太大了,我无法思考。马上停下来。keep sth between us 天知地知,你知我知,指某件事就咱俩知道就可以了, 天知地知,你知我知,指某件事就咱俩知道就可以了,千万别跟别人 讲。保密,不要外传。 保密,不要外传。 1. I’ll tell you what happened,but you have to keep it between us,ok? 我告诉你事情的经过,不过你可别跟别人讲好吗? 2. What we learn in this room must be kept only between us. 我们今天在这件屋子里谈的事情要保密。keep someone in line 让某人老实点, 不要惹事,规规矩矩的。 规规矩矩的。 反义词是: get out of line. 让某人老实点, 不要惹事 规规矩矩的 反义词是: 1. Don’t get out of line at dinner or you will be punished. 在吃晚饭的时候你规矩一点,否则你就会受到惩罚。 2. It’s difficult to keep a group of young children in line. 如果想要一群小朋友都很守规矩,真的是一件很困难的事情。keep on top of sth 能驾驭某事,掌握、控制局面。 能驾驭某事,掌握、控制局面。 1. Studying isn’t hard if you keep on top of it. 如果你能够掌握正确的方法,学习并不是困难的事情。 2. I go to the bank twice a month to keep on top of my finances. 我每周去银行两次,从而掌握我的财务状况。keep at it 保持住,坚持努力不懈,不放弃。 保持住,坚持努力不懈,不放弃。 1. I know training is very hard, but you keep at it and you will be rewarded. 我知道训练是非常非常艰苦的, 别放弃, 一定会得到你应有的回报。 2. They were losing the game but they kept at it and came back to win in the end. 比赛刚开始他们的局面不利,但是由于坚持努力不懈,最后终于还 是取得了胜利。 keep an eye on sth 关注,注视,注意。盯着某人或某物,确保不出问题。 关注,注视,注意。盯着某人或某物,确保不出问题。 1. I’ll keep an eye on the stove while you answer the phone. 你去接电话吧,我来帮你盯着烤炉。 2. I like to keep an eye on the stock market. 我喜欢关注股市的行情。lose one's head 情绪失控,失去理智 歇斯底里 歇斯底里。 情绪失控,失去理智,歇斯底里。 1. After hours of barking I lost my head and put the dog out of the house. 狗叫了几个小时,搞得我心烦意乱,我把它轰了出去。lose one's appetite 没有胃口,没有食欲。 没有胃口,没有食欲。 1. I think drinking too much beer this evening has made me lose my appetite. 我想今晚喝得太多酒,我都没有胃口吃东西了。 2. Watching this horror movie on TV has made me lose my appetite. 看了这部恐怖片,让我大跌胃口,完全吃不下去饭。loosen up 在紧张的时候放松一下。 在紧张的时候放松一下。 1. Brian was really nervous at the beginning of his job interview but he loosened up when the boss started talking about basketball. 布赖恩在工作面试刚开始时非常紧张, 但是当老板开始跟他讨论篮 球的时候就放松下来了。 2. Loosen up! Monica really likes you so you have nothing to worry about. 放心吧,莫妮卡非常喜欢你,不要担心。loose wire 类似, 与&screw loose&类似,意思是脑筋有问题,神经兮兮,疯癫的, 类似 意思是脑筋有问题,神经兮兮,疯癫的, 不正常。 不正常。 1. I think my boss has a screw loose. He called me into his office but when I got there he sent me back to my desk! 我想我老板今天不知出了什么毛病。他把我叫到他办公室,但是我 过去了,他又说“你回到座位上去吧”。 2. A:Let’s call Professor Porters about this math problem. B:Do you have a screw loose?It’s after midnight! 让我们给鲍德斯教授求助这个数学问题吧。 你是不是有毛病?现在已经都后半夜了。loony tunes 彻底疯了,意识完全不清醒,精神崩溃。 彻底疯了,意识完全不清醒,精神崩溃。 1. After the death of his parents, he went totally loony tunes. 他的父母过世之后,他整个人都疯掉了。 2. The professor is so intelligent that many people think he is actually loony tunes. 教授如此聪明,以至于让很多人他有点疯癫。look sharp 机灵点儿,提高警惕。 机灵点儿,提高警惕。 1. Our boss told us to look sharp when the president comes for a visit. 我们的老板让我们机灵一点,因为总裁要来这里视察了。 2. It’s hard for the soccer theam to look sharp when it’s 40 degrees outside. 外面 40 度的高温,对于这个足球队而言,要想让大家反应敏捷, 生气勃勃,那可是太难了。live for sth 极度热衷或喜好某事。 极度热衷或喜好某事。 1. Our team has great fans,they live for soccer. 我们的队伍有最棒的球迷,因为非常的热衷足球。 2. Our program has great fans,you live for Action English. 我们的节目有很多的观众,有希望各位热衷于收看我们的栏目。 3. I love going to the art galleries,I live for paintings. 我非常的喜欢去美术馆,因为我非常的爱画。live 现场的,记实的,直播的 现场版 现场版。 现场的,记实的,直播的,现场版。 1. Joy Chou had a live online interview last night. 昨晚有一个乔伊?周的网上现场采访。 2. I’m nervous because this will be my first live show so I cannot make any mistak}


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