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问鼎是什么意思 问鼎在线翻译 问鼎什么意思 问鼎的意思 问鼎的翻译 问鼎的解释 问鼎的发音 问鼎的同义词 问鼎的反义词 问鼎的例句
问鼎 基本解释问鼎词典entertain a high ambition to be first-rate or the champion:问鼎。问鼎 双语例句1. 饥不择食的我们点了综合火锅,作怀不乱的爸爸当头棒喝先发制人,请求为虎作伥拿着刀子班门弄斧的女服务生,快点将狡兔死走狗烹,因为尸位素餐的我们一家子早就添油加醋完毕,就等着火锅赶快沈鱼落雁好问鼎中原,可惜锅盖太小,有点欲盖弥汤料沸腾后,热得乐不思蜀的我们赶紧解衣推食好大义灭亲上下其手,一网打尽捞个水落石出。&&&&Hungry don't choose food of we point comprehensive chafing dish, make bosom not disorderly of father give sharp advice preemptive, claim help a villain do evil to take a knife foolish display of skill before expert waitress, hurry Jiao rabbit dead the henchman boil, because corpse vegetable meal of we a son early add oil to add vinegar to complete, wait for chafing dish hurry up Chen2 Yu2 La4's wild goose good contend for Central plains, regrettable the pot cover be too small, have a little desire cover Mi soup after anticipate seethe, hot get so happy as to forget home and duty of we hurriedly take off clothing to push food very big righteousness to put out close top and bottom its hand, round up all at one fell swoop to get a water rockslide.2. 千年古藤如蟠龙起舞,难分藤生树生;庙顶仙桃历经百年风雨,老而弥坚,2004年初夏,挂果三十多颗,为历年之最,百岁仙桃献寿星,其义无价,一颗仙桃义卖问鼎8万元天价,更是匪夷所思;上楼仙榕有如神来之物,生于20余米高的烟囱之上,一柱擎天,其根攀壁而下,扎根这片神奇的土地;何仙姑家庙后的仙槐古树,本是长江以北之物,居然成了参天巨树;增城迟菜心香甜爽滑,驰名省港澳。&&&&Panlong Guteng such as the Millennium dance, it is difficult to distinguish a tree vine H top Xiantao temple after the storm centuries old and solid, early in 2004 the summer Guaguan more than 30 stars, was the biggest this year, 100 Xiantao oldest Xian, no justice Price, won a Xiantao sale price of 80, 000 yuan, cents Yung allocation to the god of like, born in more than 20-metre-high chimney above Yizhuqingtian, climbing wall and its root, root T Hexiangujiamiao cents after the Huai old trees, this is the north of the Yangtze River, had become a towering J Zengcheng late choi sum sweet Shuang HUA, well-known in Hong Kong and Macao.3. 今番又是谁将问鼎冠军呢?&&&&Who will have the strength this year?4. 4. 二。合作:我们想和有订单有项目有实力的公司建立长期合作伙伴的关系,我们公司将是您进军华北问鼎中原的桥头堡。&&&&COOPERATION: We want to have the order form or the project with these and simultaneously have certain strength company to establish the long-term partner relations.5. 届时中国和印度就可以趁机挽回局势,我们中间至少有一个能最终能以霸主之姿问鼎中原并广受爱戴。&&&&Then China or India can take over the reins and atleast one of us will treat the rest of the world with respect.6. 6. 顺应大势问鼎中原—从事商业地产开发的一些体会。。。。53&&&&Keywords: commercial real estate, developing, location selecting, booming in Mid-China7. 7. 饥不择食的我们点了综合火锅,坐怀不乱的爸爸当头棒喝先发制人,请求为虎作伥拿着刀子班门弄斧的女服务生,快点将狡兔死走狗烹,因为尸位素餐的我们一家子早就添油加醋完毕,就等着火锅赶快沉鱼落雁好问鼎中原,可惜锅盖太小,有点欲盖弥彰。&&&&Jibuzeshi our point of the Comprehensive chafing dish, Zuohuaibuluan father's wake-up call to a pre-emptive, with knife Weihuzuochang the request of the Vegas waitress, quickly running dog will die Jiaotu cooking, as sinecures within our family Tianyoujiacu been completed long ago, Hot pot waiting to get better Chenyulayan Central Plains ahead, but too small pot, a bit motivated.8. 通过微观的内视与宏观的研究发现,这是一次由个人感情纠葛引起,进而转化为一场政治斗争的事件:唐高宗因私情而与武则天联结在一起;王皇后因与萧淑妃争宠而助高宗引武则天入宫;武则天因问鼎皇后宝座而使情感事件上升为政治事件;高宗的家事化处理因李义府之策而转化为国事化处理,又因李绩之言复回到家事化处理方式上来,最终确立了武则天的皇后地位。&&&&Through microcosmic inspect and macroscopic research, the author finds out that it is an incident which was caused by personal emotion entanglement and then turned into one of a political struggle: Emperor GaoZong combined with Wu Ze-tian because of p Queen Wang helped Emperor GaoZong to introduce Wu Ze-tian to enter the palace as a result of striving for the favour with imperial concubine X Wu Ze-tian made the emotional incident a political event because of snatching queen' Emperor Gaozong's treatment of the family matters of the incident turned into state matters with Li Yi-fu's proposal, and later came back to family matters again because of Li Ji's idea and thus led to the establishment of Wu Ze-tian's queen status finally.9. 问鼎的近义词9. 你想知道奥巴马是如何利用SNS问鼎美国总统宝座的吗?&&&&Obama you want to know how to use SNS aspirations to be elected President of the United States do?10. 第3,虽然一些公司是大型企业,有实力问鼎市场,但有一些却不是。&&&&Third, although some of the firms are large enterprises that can guarantee access to markets, some are11. 11. Lifting :太好了,完全可以进入问鼎语言的阶段了。&&&&&&Very good, can enter the stage of language.12. 而现在他在谈论着带领这支队伍第十五次问鼎NBA的总冠军。&&&&&&Now he's talking about taking them to a 15th National Basketball Association title.13. 13. 共5.3281万人受访者当中,金泰熙获得8682人的支持,问鼎榜首。&&&&&&A total of 5.3281 million respondents, Kim Tae-hee get 8682 people to support, aspirations to top.14. 逐鹿问鼎∶纳吉在加定沙里航空服务诈欺案中扮演什么角色?&&&&&&The Corridors Of Power∶What is Najib`s role in the Gading Sari Aviation Services scam?15. 911查询·英语单词15. 他晚年的《投笔集》以十三叠《秋兴八首》韵的形式问鼎于杜甫的诗歌,是集平生诗学大成的力作,不论恢弘而又严整的组织结构,还是镕锤百家、集众手所长的艺术手段,都极大地发挥了七律这一诗体的艺术表现力。&&&&&&The Toubiji of his old age, his top works, can compete with Du Fu`s. Not only the structure but also the techniques exhibited the expressive force of Qilv poems. During the series of changes above, he found the appropriate style suitable to his own personality.16. 这位点石成金的好莱坞宠儿由《西雅图夜未眠》到《玩具故事》和《阿波罗13号》,获得了一连串的票房成功,并因《费城的故事》和随后的《阿甘正传》连续两年问鼎奥斯卡奖。&&&&&&Hollywood's man with the golden touch hadhad a string of box-office success, from Sleepless in Seattle toToy Story and Apollo 13, and had won Oscars two years insuccession, for Philadelphia and then ForrestGump.17. 中国公司首次问鼎专利申请榜榜首。&&&&&&For the first time, a Chinese company tops the list of patent applicants.18. 在足球比赛中,科威特队如果要想问鼎冠军,就必须在今天与黑马巴勒斯坦队的比赛中获胜。&&&&&&In football competition, Kuwait has to win today's match against Palestine, a team long regarded as a " black horse ", before it has a chance to compete for the championship.19. 19. 他们队力量太弱,无力问鼎冠军。&&&&&&They have too weak a team to mount a realistic challenge for the championship.20. 你肯定毫不费力问鼎,你比他强多了。&&&&&&You would win like hands down, kick his ass.问鼎是什么意思,问鼎在线翻译,问鼎什么意思,问鼎的意思,问鼎的翻译,问鼎的解释,问鼎的发音,问鼎的同义词,问鼎的反义词,问鼎的例句,问鼎的相关词组,问鼎意思是什么,问鼎怎么翻译,单词问鼎是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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